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About The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899 | View Entire Issue (June 6, 1899)
... v HIE DAILY A8T0RIAN. VtllNTUV uhikiv, umv iUt.n L J I s If i i - V i I BARGAINS Like the lollowing are the secret of our success GRAN1TU YTAJtB. No. I Tea Kettle I quart ViTi or Tra Pot vq 4 Quart Coffoo Pott no 14 guart lrntri Paha ? No. N 8tw rans or Kettle ..l7o I Inoo Pi Plat to Other food In proportion. All airkrt'r flrnt claso rrantu war, no tkonda or dajnaired axyoda, bo,irtn tyctM the truat advanced Ui pric. Ohallenir wood frame wrinrw No, S inivr Wxtom wash IhUii. ii yuan aivaniii itui buckets NutmHf raters , Mr, i'.xm' nuket plated sad Iron. jwt et of three with hand! and land ,i Steel carpenter hand saw Nickel plated hammer, wvlght 1 lb.. II 01 All the and a bargain betide. whole houa full ot W throw out ro bait to deoel-s th people, but aiv you th beet lu for twu money 0 ALL rood,, ALL th tlm. THE FAIR, The PI nee To Save Money BOG-SOS Commercial Street Boys Will Be Boys! and you can't prevent them from Indulfliur In natural and healthy sport. Th only thing to do I to buy their clothing at such low price a w are ltnf cur hand some and stylish sailor suits. Odd knee pant, start waists, and dres suits of cheviots, caasl. meres, etc,, at .1 , tl 50. and t5X Hits, Taps and Shoes. was not killed outrlirht Instead of telnt knocked unoonsoloiis. He was taken to at. Mary's hospUal, sther til wounds were attended to by Aotlng Assistant Marine 8iirKw Tuttle. after whloh he recovered suoViently to return aboard the Columbia. In Judite Gray's court yvaterday the petition of Julia Mrany of snn Krn clsoo and J. ,. Kulloii and Tho. tlraimo was (rented and Thos. K. Kr'tm was PlHltited administrator of the (( of 1 J. Mi-any. Jan. Flnlayson. A. Mont. K ornery and F. J. Carney wero iiplMIM- M appraisers. The ow IVfender. loaded with !M' cords of OHk wood and T5.ii r-ct of tun her from KorthwIrV mill at Oolite, was lowed down by the lite tletshaw. The lumN-r was dlsohitravd at the Horthwh-k company's yard In this -Hy and the wood t) takn dow nto rVrt Stevens to nil a government contract. Oeorse Noras and Nick Sunloh are the nijn.iKir of tho new restaurant now N'ttuc titled up on Commercial trevt op pc-stte Cooper' dry goods store. The establishment, will open for busln. next Sunday, and will b tlrt cl In every reiot, the tMe nervtoe belnu rxin-eted to e-)ii.l the bvt In the city. Charles Thor. who has the contract, will iHtaimence the work thin week of ir. In new timber snd rvplanklni Tenth street, between Uond ad Cominer. ial. The grade will b raided to the lriper level of the connectl'V treei. The timber snd plank have bwn iteliv tvl bv the Itorthwick Lumber Con- pany. sinner Mlulre, was laritely Interested. ha been purchased by th company and will much Improved and Its capacity Increased for th coining eon on th rlxer. Mr, illerrlck cam to Astoria In the lntrret of the oMiipany, being ext. ployed a manager of tho rannrry for the seaoon. The cannery will l equipped for a big pack. Mr. derrick purchased from the Atorla Iron Works yesterday a now soldering machine and two n'torts which will be shipped to the Vmixjua in a few day. The season tMinmences the flii week In Augiiet and Mr. derrick wilt leave for Hint Hace In a few doys. The Astoria I'rogresslvo t'ommerclal Association met lt evening, and a l're- blent llaniblet was abxent V. H. l,4lln a elected president pr tern. The moat prominent biislnen of the evening waa to diat'iiaa the circular letter Issued by the state boaM of lmmirallon reoiiestlns; the counties of this stato to raise fuuda in proimrtlon to their respective popula tion to promote the work of the stale vM in circulating literature showing off Oregon' go. point. The counties would N reimbursed at the nent scion of the legislature uihm recommendation of the state board. The sum to be raised by Clatsop county would he and the club decided to aiMHlllt a committee, to lpewr bocctra Judire lray and ak that the atprotrlatlon b made, as this county was amoivjj the flmt to agitate the mat. ter, and should be the first to rrspond. THIS WEEK'S SPECIALS 600 Pair lace Curtains in Nottingham Point do Spiret fish nots, a big lino of patterns to choso from. 40c pair to $3.00. 300 Pairs Tapestry and Chenille Por ters iu beautiful floral effects and colorings. The assortment is large and prices low; $1 05 pair to $3,50 - THE BBE HIVB. LADIES' White and Ecme Chamois Gloves., AT Albert Dunbar Drifted Market Saow Sour C at tb Pat Rooms for Kent Ary U:!rs, Good. Euildlcg. IT. J. HeckarCa L X L. eresuasry boUer o per nu at tb Parlor. Tom wtso bar tried tb lea rtun Til at tk Pari or cay It I th beat It tk CRT. Beat CsforJ win a cb:s ywr g Im. Atox GUbert. aot age at for Astoria. Fralt trfpm to order at tt Parlor; mm pnee m le craa. axeept pB , wtch t 2 caots bier. Craai Par Ryt- Ajeerlea' fiseat wlisiey- Tk aay pars gooda. gv-mB. toai rick a&4 m"3w. Jst L. Cartaos, . ao3 axct. T!i Ar.ora TTsod Tars Crapaxr bar proed a 4ws tava oSc) su No. S3 I OaesBcrcUl street, betweea tb stores of , C E. Cper aid Eerman Wise. RsBr ajsa aaJ tttraa roe au or KepsUr aad aadrto at low eat I Caa at ereUsr. Bt Boca street. CoineKa Eectric aad Repair Con: pany. KeCr transfer wagsc 4eUrer bcx wod u aay part of tb city oa abort otic. AB erfleri left at ZapT furcl tsrs ator. e ComDcrriai street. U ftcatr prompt attention. Telephone tM. Tb eew Creamery Bea'.aurast, Bond atreet. sear the aHey between nth aad da street, sorre tb best S-eeet meal rsr set tnK in Aatoria. Erery:h:z Is Bw, Beat aad clean, and absolute sails, faction Is guaranteed a2 patrons. When In As'.rta ate? Into Ftsher Bros, and e th new mower coaatracted on new principle to work amocr the tamps. Too can raise the cotter bar perpendicular without throwing the ma chine out of (ear or stopping- the team. Eas roller bearings and rtry light draft W. A. Gaines prtrat stock whiskey. handl.i sxduilTel tn Astoria by John L. Carlson. 1 on of th most popular here rare sold. Iu parity aad quality ara naraatMd, aad It 1 specially ree. ommended for family ase. It la oid la T quantity at th comer f Twaiftfi and Bead Dta TODAY'S WEATHER. Fair. AROUND TOWN. Pr. Parts, dent is:. Tare bulldlnr. Best l&xent meal. Rising Sua restaur a St. CI Commercial street. M!ty Ha'.l Capt. Lofin. wl:h wheat, enswes out this nurn:ni; Tor Great Pri:. Un. Temple Lole No. T, A. F. & A. M.. wlU hoJd a convocation tonight In M.t sonic haU. Lost -A bunch of keys, FlrJer will p!eae rtum .o Astonan otfli-e aJ ro ive resrsrj of f. S.tuation WantrJ ly a cmjvtent !. as nure or housekeeper. A ! Jr "C." Astorun ofTK-e. Mrs. R A. Rekrher was appvin:ej (tuar lian of Danial J . Jimes E. anj Msu.le B'.cer In Ju.lsre Griy s fourt ysterJay. J .Pearson fi:!ej to appear before Pew Ike JjJsre Nelson to answer to fhe chars of beinr drur.k and forfeited hl 6 bail "Pse T. S. F. were eaterta;nej In a rery en)oyabl manner : the residence of Sir. Frta Tounj In East Astoria la.! eTear. AltniAr Balo. a subject of the nar jterday In th county clerk's office, mak- fry t:m a citisen of the I'niteJ State. Winutn Barter is h4i!i the siJewalk r.-.keJ tor a feet in front of his protv. trty on thr north Ue of CMimerc!al s:rt. btaern Tweifth and Fourteenth. Itorthwu-k's lumber ow. Ann 11 hu h 4S iMtislilerabty (he lime she oame Into colilssion th the steamer Astorlatl his ,vk while Ivlns In Yomia's tuv. hss (wen fully, repalre.l 'il ass taken off Ctrker's ritlrvn Sat uMay. Nearly nil (he Umber forward aer replaceil by new one, ami new pUt'klnn w.u ,it on. and the -.w l once more for business J , t.M. well ami l.ew! M,,r:m (u.t th,. contract to ,!. th rrpalrlint. Nothliw hs Ix-en Tf taken to tjf-enwvx'.l .lone townr.l repalnti; ihe Astorlan, also ijernieirt on the stetmer I '".wire.l t the time of the collision, ik aptain rather lnten.1 t, have her placs'd on the sjri.ltron within a hort lime, when the fantail an.l cllul.r tm. twr will N flited In 4ii,l lh Iva! lven a Ketteral overhaiiln preparatory to g im; m:o commission. The funeral of lt.vlolf Itlaslch. the 1 yir.oM son of Mr. and Mrs. lll.t!. h. ws j held from the family resUen.-e at I p. m. Sunday, the funeral services N. in conditote.t by Father IVItman. pw tor of th Catholic church In this citv. The remains cemetery for I'nJine. Shanahan Bros. .Andrew Peterson, hoe 1. 1 w broken some time aco w'nl,. wcrkl".jt on the ,lrr.lcer V. S. L,M. Is not rs-Overlnc as raill!y s epe-te,l, n.l I: wl'l only be after a K-nir and tedious course of treatment th.M be will atraln have Ihe ue of his le. and II ! feared that even then .'he cu'i rot l" ucl si well as before. FISHER'S OPERA HOUSE I B. BSLIO. Itim aad Manasr. Week Commencing Honday, June 5th SATURDAY MATINEE. . Sam T. Shaw Company. rt, w a,. . -m i 'i 1 a4r.;W!it.r.iN.7aV j Th county court wi:i me-et tomorrow is usual and the usual nrlst of road mat I ttrs. etc. will com up for cnj;Jfra tion. coihir? of importance beir.p on the docket The manast-nvent of Jeff's restaurant has s-?:jrd as eief cook Jai-oi Sdj'. neiinr. one of the best cooks on the Pa cifW- coast, and the highest salaried cook in Astoria. Amoiir other curios Captain Richard son cf the Clutr.bine has the kuil an.l beak of an unusually larte a'baros, the b:rd when alive ro-a.urir.; over twelve .'et from tip :o tip. Captain Gunders.n. bar ;iilot on the Wallowa, com-s ash'-re tomorrow for his lay off and Captain Car.n remains on tiie tu? t remain until the !5ih. when an othr chance in pilots will be made. The followiry were the tiire highest ?entiemen for th" week'y bi;t:fn at the. A. F. C. last n'.itht: V. J. H. Davis, JC; B. F. Alien. 1T: Frjr.k Wood held. 171. Th contest will roncluJed tonight. Mrs. Carrie C. Van Or1a!e rf Pend'. ton. grand sruar lian of the Pacific Juris, diction. Women of Wood-raft, will hold a meetlntr in the hall of Engine House No. 1 this ven:ns. to which the public is invited to attend. Th American ship Oenrjre Stetson, from San Francico, Captain Patton, ar. rlv-.d in Sunday mornlm? and kft up the river la.n eveni.iir in tow of the Fannie, where she will load lumber at th North Pacific Mills for China. To tho? who drink whiskey for plea', tire; ITAP.PER Whiskey aids' vst to ex istence. To those who drink whiskey for health's fake; HARPER Whiskey makes life wonh livln?. SoM by Foard & Stokes Co., Astoria. Ore. A lunch counter and oyster cafe will be opened In the room adjoining the xa. ' tlonal ealoon tonvjrrow. Mr. Hrrlr.p, manaerr of tho place, has secured .the services of an experienced caterer ar.d none but the best will be served. T"-e A. F C. will itlve an ment to Its members and their , . 1... i. , . . . . .. . t ta'nment bulletins will be received civlns: j the progress an.l result of the Fl'i-lm n: n.J. fTrle s tljcht. Win Crosby and Ted i I'Wi will kIv an imihitlon of the cham. plonhm bartle. and other memtw will frtertain the stx-'Mators with an exhlbiMon of their i-klll. Suier.ii:endent J. T. is makms up his register of the teohi-r of Clatsop county, and he rinds that several teach, rrs who are holding diploma have failed to have them reentered In his office as provtd-d by !w. It will be well for these teachers to have their diploma regis tered at once, as any contract they may make will be Illegal, and no district will be compelled to pay them their wages so long as their diplomas are unregistered. The funernl of (.'.unci, the fi'. 1 1- mown boy ho ni t mi aoculental .loath i Kr l t v ! fraoiiini t- his v i:i ,,.. r...,.i' of a fall from troe, j, tu, trui tlie, eftertale. i''!m1 Im F'.more's cmnerv at 1 p. m Mi'uinv. ,v urge oon,-,uir-, of relatives and friend attend! the serc t,e oh.ltir twtttf rilled . ovcrtbiwlt'if Th oh.mlmaie of th- d o,.od. jnd mem. ber of the Hiuidiy schol of ht, h lie " is 4 member, aero, was also a larstrt d.-t.-Kvlon fenv tfeaskta l.o.U- No. I.V Mr I.ugne: tiring l-r of that ord'r. The eril. were c,tv. du. led by Itev. Pran Kackkonen. . tor of the Alios;!,. Lut'ioran church In I n. on-own. who delivered very syntpa th, t'c -rmon In lh- Finnish language, in I the choir render,-,! wvera! uppr -pr'. ate .elections. The remains, attend.-,! by a large number of friend, was then ! p'.-etl aboard the I'ndlne and uken to j ilr-enwood cemetery, where Interment t t.vk placv Many l-auilful floral offer. lnk-s te.tirled to ihe affectl -n in which the deceased was held by A large circle j of friends. A WAITER COMMITS Sl'ICIhE. Sunday night while the Telephone was lying' in IVrtland lotg! Marhal. one of the waiter, a big do.e uf o.irl'oMo acid with lulcldal Intern and at the time he .tctn,r left Portland cierd.iy morn, log ord was received frotn the hoapltal that ho w yet alle. but not m-tx-cted to live, as the . :,! burned tils iimuth. thr.wt and lungi in o hoirltle in. inner It apiH'ais thai the jmmg mnii went a .hole at b) p. in and at 3 a in came to the door of Talbot rcm ail kno. kliig loMnly, houied that ho I, ( I poi.oind him.olf. Mr Talbot liumedi atelv g..t mi and called the ollrnr nfllcers ot toe i".i ; to ill. a'siilance an.l an anttdot.. o.' olive oil and cream was ipilcklv pr'wre.. but before It cou'd be administered the man was in a frlgntful spistn, and but litile of the remedy cou'd b fone.1 ,twn hi throat. The marina dootor was at on.-e called, who tud Mar hl rmoed to the hospital. Marshall was !hiut ;l year old and was not known to drink or dissipate. It se, tut thai unrequited love was the rea son for hi rish act. a lie left a let! m a girt containing d.-vo'ed irotrtn. lion of hi love and bidding her good bye, as without her he could not live 8 99 sawgr'j .. t, , - i rERHO.NAf. MENTION. was At th um- cf P. J. Meany's death he had an application on file to prove up on a homestead which he had taken up on the Necanlcum river, and when his death was announced County Clerk II. J. Wherity notified the official of the Oregon City land oHW to withdraw his application until an administrator of h.s e:a;e could be appointed. The wish of the family Is that Mr. Meany's son. Ed monj. who Is now a soldier in the So, ond Oregon at Manila, be aliowd to prove up on the homestead. This will rt'iuir-.- a special order from -the land tIB.'e. which will probably be granted. Captain Moetley wem U, lo Portland last evening to complete arrangements for shipping hi cr-w for the Wallace, town now lying In lh stream at this place. He exists to sail within the next jfew days for ,.il!ao, Peru, where he will discharge his cargo of lumber, when Jhe will pro.e.,1 to on of the Chilean port and loud lumber for the Cnlted ' kill l.I.ITTI ('(If., . n VI ..... I U . " .,,'if'ii.y n.if vi.ueii thi: A story of the early days during the rush for gold In California, is always intertstirig, and play d-aling subject i an assured success. Noble's me!c-!rama, "From Sire to Son.' Is without exce ption the best of this cla of plays. It is full of strong situation and thrilling Interest, without descending to the level of blood and thunder. This will be the offering of the Shaw Company at Fisher' opra house tonight and from appearance at the reserved sea: sale the "standing room ign" will be in demand agam tonight. A word to ihe wise: If you want a seat secure It early. lood lumber fr Captain Mietby port sevr:, time, t.m f. Mates that this Is the longest stay he has yet made In the Columbia river. In addition i to le ing anxious to g.-t to his home In MverifMl, he wishes to bring his stay here to an end a quickly a possible f r he find that wed are, tMinnlng to ' it El the I grow Utween his to. am the mu to .M.tton ;;arf nis t.acit like a true w.-h'n, He fear that If this abnormal growth continue with him that when he reaches old England the over zealous scientist of that country will seix.. upon him as the long sought for "missing link" In the evolution of man. and that from sailing , the rolling deep he will be compelled to i do duty In some lentlflc: museum as a ' rare and wonderful animal of a new g'.nus. In an Entire New Repetoire. MONDAT-Lov and Law. TTTJSDAT From Sir to Son. WEDNESDAY Pink Domino, TITURSDAT The Last Stroke, FTTOAT Jim th Penman. SATURDAY, Matliee Vaudeville. BATTJRDAT. KTealnf-Tn Phoenix Prtcea- 10, to, aad It cents. Reasrre gt, i Orlffln ft ftad's Saturday morMna. " The Columbine was up to the buoy nation Saturday taking on supplies for :he Tillamook light s'atlcn, and has been waiting- for the weather to moderate o tlm the suppers can he land-d. Car tain Richardson expects to cet away to day. Notice Plano.owners can nave the'r Instruments thoroughly cleaned rpreven. t:ve or moth used) for 11.00 Other re. pairing1 anil tuning- at moderate charge. Call at Griffin & Reed's or at Spexarth's store, 609 Commercial street. T. Fred erlckson. The launch El Ilurd was fitted up yes. terday with drain pipes to the fish tank, by which process the boat, after being washed down, can be quickly pumped out instead of being emptied by the slow process of balling, which has prevailed heretofore. While the steamer Columbia was lyn at the O. R. N. Company's dock Bunday a heavy bar of Iron dropped Into the are room, striking Thomas Gilder, a fire, man, on the head, and h owes it to sheer good luck and strong skua that he James Muckle, of Mu'kle Rros , St. H-ens. was In Astoria yesterday. Mr. Mikle is oper;ing a big loggimr camp upon the Coweeman, and has been very u c s-fijl In getting his logs out Into the Coiumnia. Mr. Muckie Is one of the many loggers who does not regret that he voted for Mr. M''Kinley for president. During the preceding administration he oul 1 hire all ihe men he wonted at 11 per day. but now he has to pay from 4o to let per month, yt the difference In price of logs Is such that he Is making more money now than when he had cheap i hands. In fact it was all he could do to keep his camp running durlnst the Cleveland administration, so low was the, price of logs. F. L. Goodnough, of Portland, after looking about Astoria for a few days has decided to locate here, and has sent for his wife, who will be down Wedne day. Mr. Goodnough has been a commer. cial traveler, but has decided to give up the road and will go Into buslnens for himself. T.'ntll recently he has resided In Butte, Montana, but found the place 'juite unhealthy for his wife. He ex pec-ts that Mrs. Goodnough will fully re gain her health In the pure, freith air of this city. He pays A;orla' the compll merit of being one of the most pronperous towns in the Northwest, and the faert that he has decided to locate here after being In all the towns of Oregon, Wash ington and Montana Is proof that his statement Is true. MM.IIiHItATK SCICII.R. H-nry l'airu. a Fisherman, Mortal fitrlfe. Knd This George H. Stlllwei, first assistant keep, er at Tillamook light, will go out today on the Columbine, to renew IiIb vigil on that lon'ly rook, which will last for tho n-xt four months, or longer If the man who comes ashore Is as lonK getting back a he has been. There are four men In charge of the Tillamook light, and they take turnx about In coming ashore. Mr. fitiilwll came ashore the first of April ar.d should have gone back at the end of the month, but each time the Columbine was here the weather was so rough that It, was Impossible to make a landing at the r-;k. It Is the most difficult landing place on this coast, and Is counted one of the most dawrerotis. to approach of all the lighthouses In the world. On Mr. Htiliweir return, Alex. Runstad, the principal keeper, will come ashore for his month's vacation. M. Herrlck, the well known cannery man, arrived in tne city from Portland yesterday. Mr. Herrlck says that tho Gardiner Mill Company's cannery on the Umpqua, of which A. I Reed, who was lost on the wtlh Flab Commls- At 8 o'clock last evening Henry Patru, a tliherman living In l.'nlontown, com. mitte, puicide by shooting- himself In ihe right temple with a 38 calibre revoU 1 1'u''n,'r TheO iloyle, the Wetport logcrr In Ihe city eterday. . C. ilarrett. the Seaside mlllman. ( wa In town yesterday. I Mrs. H W. How i at Hald for this week, lh guel of Mr. J. M. Ulllet tr. ii. n tine, or hlnook, an extensive Uapman of Haker bay, canm up last night. J It. I'.. Ilourne. attorney and inurnr man of Hauler, wa In the city ye!erdy on business. MU Sophia liiirl'.gen, f the ll.ilden nome, i .tilling a two week- vacation with her i,r, Mrs. Sofus Jin.ri, at Ald.rlrook. .Mrs J M. C.lll.tie. ,,f Seaside, was In the city yesterday shopping and calling upon friends. I J A. Johnson, first as!tant keeper of ihe Point Adam life aving atallon, wa In tho city yesterday on a brief vllt lo his family. Mr. I). Campbell, the canneryrnan, left last evenlnsr for Falrhav. n. Wash., where he will look after the Interesi of the cannery at p!.i.-e. and will probably remain there all summer. Captain Iolg, a former well known bar p. lot, hut who now Is engage,) In th peful art of agriculture on the port sl.b- of the N"hnlem, was In the city gr-rtltig old friends yesterday. .Mis Mlrglna Dunham, the efficient and popular tnchr who has been In charge of the fifth grade at the MeClure school, during tho past year, left Sunday evening for Ashland, where h will sjiend her vu cation with her parents. Miss Nora Nlckerson, th efficient left by tho last California ver. The only r-a.ion for the act that can be assigned Is that be had been drinking nulto freely for some time pat and had deliberated suicide, as was evl dent from h's conversation with his boat puller and others at different times and more especially so when Just recovering from his sprees. I-sist evening ha came Into the Last Chance miloon and gave the key of his trunk to John Lungvlst, his partner and boatpuller, telling him to kep It as he was going to Iiuropc and would not see him for a long time. Lungvlst thought nothlntr about It at the time, as Patru was very evidently under tho Inlluence of liquor. He then went out near the Chi nese. gardens, where he climbed a small hill and sitting down placed tho pistol to his head and after snapping three car. tridges which would not go off, he shot twice, the first shot missing him alto gether, the second taking effect In his right temple, and lodging above tho left ear, evidently killing him Inwtantlv. The deceased left a note saying that he died from his own free will, and another saying that he owned a t.cit and net worth JiV.'K), and that he wished all but $150.10 to go to John Hendrbkson, tho keeper of the Last Chance saloon, who was a great friend of his. The remain. der he wished to go to Mr. Krlekson. Iio;h of these documents arc written In ine rinnixn language. Patru was a single man, about 41 years of age, having no known relatives In this country, and was a natlvo of Finland. steamer for Han Francisco, where he will visit friends for some time, after which she will go to F.urcka and spend the summer with her parents. Dinner Set Day. Dlnotr stts of vry dsaerlp. lle-a. Newest snap, richest Jo. rations in porcelain and china. Watch our windows; read prlosa H.7B, $U5., .ZS, $7.86 p.r ML Bom artlcl out (0 pr cnt. Bom articles cut (0 per cant ODD AND ENDi, HALF FHICB, Great America, Importiof Tea Co. 571 Commercial Street, Astoria. KNOX SAILOR HATS For LiuUcm. lit lildck. . IIIhc. WW, Mj H,OM, lsery s,)u Uoman 'clt s (i kho BUFFUM & PENDLETON Hnttern mul KitrnlHherM. Thinl Mm., i, C, ,i..r Murk, I' UTI.A NI. OHIXiOK. VMVtr,VrtVA'rtV.'rnVrt'rt A5I0RIA MEAT COMPANY Telephone! Mo. dj Handles Only the Choicest Meats ia CcasssertUI II.. Mil r.e ttvt. W. F. SCHEIBE, stsnulaelHrse of IHa Always Mllhl A lull Him 4 Pipe. TekMC. a 5r' ArlisJta, Tes Commtrclsl HI. "La Belle Astoria" Clfir Scbcite'a Opera Star Stheltfs Special An, I Utlor llronda Stop and Think! The HeHt Are You Oettlnu McuIh, The HeHt Llquora, Or The HeHt Bedo That can b had la the city? If not, IaCXf W - A. j UIBcaUMyouh.v.BotvUlteJ iPTt'C WPQ -1 llMflt WW's a Kf iU IUUI Ullil for tboasj who laqulra a waaln feed. May ct tbr wila twasjotn all that ky a4. Thousand who know It bar frwslr oafsi That of all th grwal oatersw Jfr I lhVnrT. I..v.k for tho i.n ,.f "JRFP'B" ,Ul take c,o other. KatahllahaJ twenty v.ars : tt aWud $-osn stamp to par pota aa4 tXa Tld Tabt for tM. FISHER BROS. General Supply House for Family Groceries. Builders' Heavy and Shelf Hardware, Ship Chandlery, Etc, Can tar Too Moaer oa retimat) of Material of Ererr DweattlrsB. R. L. Boyle & Go Leading Real Batato Dealer of ASTORIA, OREGON 635 Commercial Street Writo for Information nnd rumphlabi. New Neckwear Boys' Clothing REAL ESTATE TKAK8FER8. Tho followlntr real eiwato trunsfer were recorded yestf-rday: Sidney Dell lo J. K. IIlKKlns, W. D Juno 2, im Korth 100 feet lot ti, and north CO f-t of lots 7 and 8, block Ml, fihlvely's Astoria. Con slderatlon t4'0. J. E. Edmlston and wlfo to Ilyron Morris, Q. C, June .2, 1S!i9, lots C and 6 hloek IB, fcirrcn1on Park. Consideration J2V). Columbia Harbor Land Co., to J. E. Edmlston, W. D. June 1, lots 6 and 6, block 33, Wftrrenton Park. ConHldtra Hon 5 and other valuable considerations. John Klosterman and wife, Sophia Klosterman, to John Erlckson ond wife, Josephine Erlckson, Q. C, June 3, 1899, lots 11 and 12, John Klosterman' addl tloo to Astoria. Consideration $t00. Techs, Tuffs, liows and PouHn Hands. In Kecfcrs and Vcstccs. Fancy Knicker Leggings. P0K IJICYCLB USE. Manufactured liv J. and D. McGcorgc, Danfrccs, Scotland. N and Hobby Line of SUSPE.DEtS of the Celebrated Wilson Bros, Make C. H. COOPER. ' 7 The Leading House of Astoria . r T