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About The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899 | View Entire Issue (June 6, 1899)
THJC DAILY AHTOJUAN. 'TCESOAV MOANING JUNK 0. IBM. WK BTAN1 HACK OK tJVEHY FAIR UK HIIOKM. Bom peupla at haidar upon Ih'lr shots than i. Hurt. Horn trt t'fu roii i ly hardy upon lhm, Thai's when tlx alma hi) something le do witii li. It aay to ta hard on a pour eho hard to b hard on good on. How much longer will out shot (r'wIJ lad than an othsr (bad)? Juil twc n moat oa. That pirhapl urptiars fall. EXPERIMENT. TUT ODItl agalnat any othets yuu can gal In town. Coin par in othrr rpcta-all rtapteli too. Petersen & Drown. rilKI'AltATIONN EOU MX AMINA. TIONaV Coaxial preparation (or th aiai and Ooumy examinations will Ix glvn at th auttiin-r inrin of th !' nrma aenool l Monmouth. twginnlng Tutaday. Junt H. Regular work ly tha Normal raeulty. UrwUa crdlld toward graduation. El. poimrt frvm tM to IM for ln weska. Cull Informal!.! ent -n appllcailon to lha viary of iha faculty. Normal feVhoul, M"nmouth. Ollvrr Won.lril iinlmra: I don't want a WMiian In weigh mo In tlx balanc. thrr t men ntxifli for that "rt of th-ng Will "1. 1 1 NOT Ml milt BO AilAIN YOU yim TIME ITU I'lll'K I awuka last ht with arvara palBe In Itiy iiijiich. I never f.ll an bdy In all tiiy life. When I ram down lo Work iHIa liturnl'i' 1 wa an weak I wmld hafit r eland. I Went lit Miller A McCurdy'a drug iur and limy rcutniiirn1il Cham, tierlain'a 'ult.-. cholera aM Diarrhoea llrfiu-dy ( worked Ilka magic and one Uoac ned nin all laxhl It riTatMly l tlx DiimI thing ever iia'd fir t f a--tt trouble, hull nt tx without K in my home hrrrnn.T. for I ,h(,ul, no car tj en.lur llia it rTrr Inc of Uat n ghl again fr nrty time iia in-tce - (I II. W U son,, l.lvr-t)iun, lin( liatnwn, Waahmg. ton Co. fa Tina remedy la for a.ile by Charlra Iti.gnra, NoTI'.'K Kolt t'l'HMOATluN, Itiil nfflra at tirrgim t'Hy, Oregon. Jay I. IU0 Niilli-a la hrrrhv (Ivan I Ma I thr fulluw. In tiH.iir.1 Mrtlflrp Iim. rtlnil a(.llr rif frila lii (an ! Son 10 maka flu. I rif In .upporl of hla claim, am) thai aaid proof will b' mad tx-fura tha ruunly dark of I'lataop county, at Aatorla Orrgnn, on Jnn :i'h. Wf, vta: Tneniaa Hu.h; II K. "1 for tha N. K. of Hrctlnn I. Tniililp 7, N. It. I W. II nam') (ha following wlinraa o pr iv hit mniimiuua rrldonr upon anit cultivation of aald land, via: Anram Carlaon, of Hvnaon, Orron! Jacob fMaa. of Knappa. Oragun; llraihrr I. fllonp. of Aatorla. Oregon; and Oram Sloop, of Aatorla, Oragnfi. ClIAni.ES II. MOO REM. Itaglitat. ItuxuRious Travel pilli North. Waalrrn Limited" train, elvclrlf llghlnd throughout, both In Ida and out, and atram haatnl, are, without anvpiioii. ih fineat tralna In tha world. They embody the laleat, newrii and beat klaaa fT comfort, convenience and luaury avar offrrad tht (raveling publk, nnd alingetiier ar the mi( corn plate and plemllil produi'tlun of the car bulldrra' an. Thrae Rplemlld Tralna Connect with The (ircnt Nurthcrn The Northern I'tirlflc nnd The Cnniiilliin 1'nclflf AT ST. rAUL KOH CHICAC.O nml the UAST. No extra charge fur thaae auprrtor ac commiMlailnna and all olaaaea of tlikria ar available for panage on the famoua "Norlh'Weaiern Limited." All tralna on Clila line are protected by lha Interlocking Illnrk ayatem. W. II. MKAD. F. C, BAVAOB, Qeti'l Agent, Tv A. Portland, Or, Ir la the Inli-llei-t, not (he pen, that la Very frriIIWItly lilllllted. TRT ALLKN ri FOOT EA9E, A powder to b ahakan Into the ahoea. At (hla aeaaon your feet fel awolleii, nor. voua and hot, and get tired eaatly. If you hava amartlng feet or tight ahoaa, try Alien'a Foot-Eaa. It coohi the feel and mnkea walking eiy. Cures awollin and awt-atlng feet, bllatera and ealloua apota. Rnllevea oorna and htinlona of all pain and glvea real and comfort. Try It today. Bold by all dmgglata and a hoe atorea for 28a. Trial package free. Ad. dreaa Allen B. Olmated, La Roy, N. T. X3 THE NEW North Western Limite5" (201 II ClNTUKY TKIN.) between Minneapolis, St. Paul aiul C1iIc;iki, Is entertainingly describe! in an illustrated booklet, which will be fur nished fkfe on application to . W. II. MEAD, Gen. Agt UlitWualilnuton Street, PORTLAND, ORE. F. W. PARKER, f Via. Agenl, OOfl Pint Aaenue, SEATTLE, WASH I u to III Ail Hxwllciij Coinlltmtloii. 'I'lin ii'nmiiil iiictliml mul iMiiifliiul rITi'iila of I In- well known remedy, hritl'l or I'lus. mil n n furl ii rt"l liy the (.'Al.irillINU I'm riYlil'l' ( o.. Illu-trnlo lie viilun of olitnluliitf tin' liiiiil luxti llvo principle, of iiluiil kliotvn to be iiiimIIi iimlly luxutivp mul nvM'ii(lii(f ilii'in In tho form inohl rrfrehliiiitf totlni tiuilo aii'l nu'riiiilil(! to tin' ayau-m. It lillin mul M'i (Via t rt-iij1 lit 'n io Inxn tlv, rlcuiiKin tin avi'ti-iii f (Ti'itnully, illnM-llii(f nililn. hi'liiliii'lii'K mul fi'vrr fffiilly yH promptly mul nnlillnir (Uir to (ivircoiii hulilliinl i' nt Ijiii t Imi per iimiiKiillv. It pcrfi'i't frrt'ilimi from wry oiijci'tioiittlilo ipinlitv atnl auli ilnnco, ninl Ita nvtlnir on Hit klilnt-va, llvor anil Imiwi-U, without wi nUi iitni or Irritmlnif llit-m, inaUn It Ilia Idrul laxntlvo. in tli" nrK M of nmniifucturliiir flirt tro unril, iu thrv Hie plrniniit to tlio laalo, lint tlio tiii'illi'lnnl iu!llic or ilia rttinttdy rn iiIiUIiumI from M-ium mul ollmr nrt'iiinllo pUnU. ly nu-tliiKl known to tlio CAl.irniiNU Kio hvnif Oi. only. In oHrr to ifi-t !U ln'iiWIriul cffoc-U mid Ui nirolil Imiutlona, pli'iua rninomlwrtli full nnmcof llietninpaiiy printed on tint front of every w'kara. CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. AM rKANCIaCO. CAL. For aalt by all IMuiftda -I'mt Sue. pat butlla Iloiiai work ami any oihrr vwailon hav n-vr brrn knuwn to . ITCHING HUMORS ItMhn.amt Irrttatlmia ln.ia.ntly reliaVnl aint amlily mrnl liv In4 Uiha wutt ( itli'l Ma Nur, In rlnanan tha .kin, gontl appllrailima of ri ni l a inniuitMii, w linil Ilia akin, and n.liil i.m t i rrn i aa UuoLtUT, lo ouul ami clmuw Km IhI. ta Oi-wv"ku l-.Tit. Ii.i..a(-aa Cr , l iv.. IMa. " !! la tan aaia Kuan,- tnt fuinfi.rt may not irnvin luxury, but lux. ui r rrrtalnty mean ramfori, a. Karl's Oovcr Root Tea IWaullfi th rmnnlrllim, urllie III flixiil. al ra a I'mli.i Irarham. I urrl'in atlpail.m, Mill(,illn. ami all Kmwl""" " th hkln. An axierahla l.a4lii Nerve lixile, Niitil oi, .hMtiuie anarnitv by all dniaaltta at 11V., 60. and 11,00. . C. WELLS 4 CO., LI ROY, N. V. aoit eaoeaicToa Kor aale Ivy CIIARMK IUK1ERB. FORT 8T1CVEN8 RUILDINtia. rrortnaala Wanted For Conetruotlon. Ollke of C. Q. M., Vancouver Bar titika, VYanh., May 18. 1KW. Bcaltd pro. pnaala, In triplicate, will be received hart until 11 a. m., May 31, 1MI9, and (hrn ep. I'lird, fi r lha (Minalruellon of tha following tniiMltiga at Ft. Btevena, Ore.: 1 barracka, 3 double acta of officers' quarters admin. bullilliiK, Q. M. stable, N. C. U. HimrUTa, b.ike.housr, hospital, hospital siewurd s qunrtcrs, workshop, Q. M. and .ulialalcnca atun houae. Information fur. nlshod at this olllce. U. 8. reserves tiie rldhi to reject or accept any or all pro. p.ifnls or any part thereor, Envelopes cniWiilnlng propoaala should be marked: "Proposals for construction of buildings at Fort Stevens, Oregon," and addressed to unitcralKned. J. V, Jacobs, C. Q. M. Note The date of opening the above proposals Is extended to Jun 15, ISM. J. W. JACOHS, C. 0. M. I-nut fall I npralned my left hip while handling some heavy lxcs. The doctor 1 mill it on Ktthl at firm it was a alight Htrulii a nil would soon b.i well, but It Kivw noiso Htut the doctor then said I had rheuiimtlMn. It continued to grow tt-otae nnd I could hardly get nround to work. . I went lo a drug atom and the druggist recommended mo to try Cham licrlnlu'a I'aln Ilulm. I tried It nnd one. nnlf of a U-ocnt bottle cured me en tirely, I now recommend It to all my frlendn.-F. A. Ittibcook, Eric, Pa. It Is for sulo by Charles Rogers. A CARD OF THANKS. I wIkIi to say that I feel under lasting obligations for whnt Chamberlain's Cough Remedy has done for our family. Wa hnvo u led h In so many cases of coughs, lung troubles and whooping cough, and It lias always given ihe most perfect sat iHfuellon, wo foel greatly Indebted to the manufacturers of this remedy and wish them to plcaso accept our hearty thanks. Respectfully, Mrs. 8. Doty, Dea Moines, loiva. For snle by Charles Rogers. THE MODERN BEAUTY Thriven on Rood food and itinshlne, with plrnty of exercise tn the open atr. Her form glow with health and her raca blooms with Ita beauty. If her ayatem needs the cleansing action of a laxative remedy, she uses the gentle and pleasant Syrup of Figs, made by the California Fig Syrup Co. only. RUSSIAN FISH EX PERT IK ASTORIA Basil Bocscb, Biologist of Pus Stan Department of Agricul ture. Studying Fisberles. COMPLIMENTS FOH ASTOPIA Says the Canneries inj Coll Stonee Plants of Till. City Are tbe Best He Has Seen. Aatorla Is hoiiurm this week with a vlall by lTifeeur ifl IlorMi, a flh api c la.lai sunt out by Ihe Ituaalan govern, ini'tit lo Invest Igitte the flailing Industry at all tlio principal rouiilrlr of the world. Ihi. nilaalon of l'rof, llorstti Is to a certain all the details be can o.' all the meilioda of catching, curing and nia'lieu I il Hah sa practiced In the various iouii irl. a lie vll'i. Ills tovi-rinni nt Imia ntlier a'ilull!a abroad studying he varioua mrthwla of propagating flh. I'lof. lloeaili left Hi. IVlcraburg In March. IK'T. and elnce then h ha vialle Mweeden, Norway. Itenmark. Urrmany, Kraiie unit (irrt Jtritlan. The Mt yraf he has -nt In the I'nkled Mtates as he found lie cuuld get more pranlial, uk(o.ilate Ideas In this country than in all th Kuri'ixau counrrlea logi-tner thai he flatted. Hr said the Americana led i the wnrhl in the skill Willi which they I lii th,. manner In whkh niiichlnnry Is I ii.ed lo save labor and to give Ihe pri; a duct a more nnlahed and attractive a;. IMarance. 'Hie r.iiinerira of Ibis city lie'd mere Ihe tnoa ciimplete he ami cell. Their i b'ttnl lnes and speed of op efdtlon tielng e.pri Ully iiolli alile. Trie eloiagr ratalillahnirill of H. Hclimldt Co . of this dly he comptlni' nteil as Wing the moat perfectly arranged and eiiili-d plant be had ever acc-n for hau, I, lug frrali full. Of the nh.Tlc of Itliaa.a l'rof. to. sell liU'i they ijul.e npial thoae of tic l Htati'S III dlveratty of varieties ami a. I" catch, In fa I be thinks that while the governmnt returns lww the output of the fisheries lo be iihout ihe annie aa till, country, et the amount caught and coiiaumril by Ihe common leuplv of which no statl:lcs are kejit, I would qulin eual thnl amount cur-l and ahled to the markets of the couli try. The llusaians are Mir grcutrat flsh eater In the world for bring Greek ''athollca their fasting days emtirar fully baif of Ihe year and upon these 11.41 la Ihe only Heeh they are pi-rmitted lo eai. Thai Ih Russian nnherie are a anir v of great wiallh can be JulrJ by the output of the o"e dlstr.ct of the t'aapian sea which, each ytar averages over vm.!M).(ajii. Amorican money, in other four great dlatrk-ls embracing tie Hlsi-k sea. the llalllc, the White si a and Artie ocan. and the Interior rlv.-rs equal If nol exceed th product of the Caspian dll Ici. Of salmon there are about V varules. many of them being equal In sue and Havor to the Chinook. There are tine varatles of sturgeon. One railed the Hrlrlrtt. Is the smallial and Is about the slxe of a salmon and lives entirely in freah water. Its flesh la extra flue quality and sella at a high price, the caviaa- mad,, from II selling for U."j per pound. The largest sturgeon Is called the Italuci and weighs about l.rtai. It lives In the sea only coming Into guilds to spawn. All Ihe varatles of cod. white and other salt and fresh watir llsh are found In Hum-la. The Russians were the first to under, take llsh culture and a Rusa nn named Vrassky Invented In lslrf the method of artllUiil propogratlon. This man was so ....lyi-m 1,1 H, -.i li ihsi he sn.'iit his persistant In his woik mat ne spin ni fortune of ITal.tmil before he attained sue ciss. He having demonstrated that fish culture was as easy to carry on as any oilier Industry, the Russian government bought his establishment which I located between St. Petersburg and Moscow and eiilargul ll until It now Is the greatest biological station and hatchery In the world. At this station, or flsh college, Is trained the men who are lo sutierlr.. tend the hatcheries now scattered all over ithe country. In addition to this head school I hero a re four biological sta tlon In different parts of the country where Ihe nun to operate the hatcheries are trained. Yer with all this great and apparently perfect system of currying on llsh culture, tho Russians are study lug Ihe Industry In every country whero It Is carried on In a scientific manner, with the evident Intention to make It, as they are doing In other lines, an In. dustrlnl and financial success. Prof. Hoesch 1 n very pleasant man to meet ami goea about his work In a very quiet and unobstruslve manner, lie Is a typical Yankee as to his keoness of observation and restless energy lo which h, unites the polish and suavity of a Frenchman. In addition to his own lan gtiago he speaks German, French and Enatllsh with case, lie Is a well rend man nnd has traveled much. When a young nuin he made a trip through cen tral Asia with a Russian scientific ex pedition and haa held several Important offices under the Cxar. ' LOWER CALIFORNIA MINES. 8A N PI BOO, Cal., June B.-A special to the Union from Ensenada, Lower Call, fornla, says several miners liave arrived at San Quentln from the Sierra Plntana placers. They had 80 ounces of gold, bought supplies and started back with I tior fumlllfa, Vtn ruah to tha new (old fli'Ida rontlnu'a from ljwi-r California. TUB IATKHT HIVKIt FLY E It. The New Hleaninr lliialnlo a Mod'il In J I r Appjlntmeirt and .'on VenlenreS. 'Iti a ii' w (. ft. k N. strainer ilaaaalo in ail ii tier iri;ild'-n trip t Aatorla Hatur day night. 8iindiy a'ternonn she was thrown open to Ihe public, and hr ofll. ci y were kepi buy r'c lvliig and ahow. lug vIhIUhb aJioul the tma4. Tim lliotaa.o has a P-ngih of M - and l fci-t In am, with an ilgh'fiot hold and grora loiin.ige of O folia. With c'ul ub'oard retaily for a trip, and without taign, she draws live fiel. Ht b'll'-r Is exua large for (he s 'if the boat and bear it steam preanurc of M pounds, ithe baa i-ompuundi engine, high and low M-reaure, her main cyl.nd. r leng Z'!,-',i Inches. wHh ilght-root atroKe. The enafllie are models for compactness nnd strength. A Urge dynamo furnlis current fur a multitude of light that i make all parts of the bout as bright as ! . . i day. The furnacs Is for c'-al burning, and the bunker In th fore hold haa a capacity of CO tons, though but forty tons will be taken on for a rtund trip.. gleam 1ieat Is supplied lo all pans of l)m boal. The pilot' houne Is a model In j Its furnishing. The wh-el Is handled by j a Turner steam atewrlng g'-ar and c'.ec. j i irlo bells and speaking mix's give com munication with all parta of the boat. A very large electric S'arch light la mounted on 4011 of the pilot house, and with the li vr Just above the wheel the nllut can turn the lUfht to a complete circle, j,nj at the ame time give It any angle of elevation so aa :o light up the fct,ftaa:l. or afl of the boat, .,r a dock aa on-ialon requlna. Afl of tha pilot ' houae d.oua quarters for all of the officers ex 'cipl 'Ihe purser and steward, who have rojm on the main deck. The captain's parlor la as ? y a d'-n aa the moat fas tidious river man could The cabin dek Is per.ecllon as lo Its convenient- and comfort for pasacrmers. The men's cabin Is large and airy, while the .silica cabin bears more of the et-inbU'icr IJ a well furnlrhed parlor than a steamboat cabin. Amldehip l Iocs-ted lhv d.nlng room., which extends from a. de to side of Ihe boal. th-rc being no slate rooms on Ihe sides. The side win. dows to the dining room, a also thoae of both cabins, arc very large and low, so that paswigrr can have an Vasy view of the scenery as the boat moves The celling to the dining room Is fitted oft with a large dome set with colored glass, giving It a very handsome apiH-aram-e. The tables are all small, rhu allowing group of friends to cat by themselves. An Innovation new to the Columbia river steamers Is that the upper deck Is fitted tip for a grand promenade, having ample railing 10 prevent anyene from falling overlioard. A broad stairway leads from the cabin deck 10 the prom enade d-k. Thla permitting passengers to go on the hurricane deck will be great ly appreciated) by the traveling public. a from this deck th best view can be had. as well as space for a stroll. The llassalo Is in command o. Captain VY, C. Snow, onu of the most popular captains on the river. Captain J. L. Turner Is the pllol. and no more compe tent pilot thun he runs on the river, t'aptaln John Anderson Is first officer. Jacob Multhauf Is chief engineer, wllh W. II. Hoflman as assistant. Harry lllnnchard Is purser, of -whom It I said thai the ladies along the river have voted iim the r ght man In Ihe right place, j tieorge Shay Is steward, which Is auffl c en: proof that the table service will be up to the' mark. George vies with the ; pursir In his thoughtful attention to the; :,i.l ics, and Is an adi'pt at carrying babies , nnd bundles I The llassalo left up yesterday morning and will be down this morning, and will hereaf er be on the Astoria route. Her m m,.e,nB ,,, expectatlon of her ' ma' traced to this source. But great . . t ,,. , .. . , , Us Is the Influence of the press. It cannot ,,ullA.r anj wm mi,Ke the trip to' , Portland each day ly S o'clock In the afternoon. , "LOVE AND ItAW." if a crowded house counts for anything. Ihen Mr. Sum T. Shaw can be congratu. - latncd on the audience that greeted him at Klsher'a theater lust evening. The house iwas packed, standing room being at a pre-mlum. He opened hla second engagement in Milton NoMe'a "Love anil Law." a very Interesting play In four acts. Mr. Shaw has (hanged little since his former visit. As Felix O'PofT. at. torney at law, he had a congenial role ami played It well. Al. H. 'Hallct was ex c client in the charaoter part of the Italian organ grinder. Mr. Ross and Mr. llooley were also very good. Miss Jennie Kelton as Ritta had a good part and was equal to It. Miss Nellie Shaw as old Rosa proved that sh was a character actress of abality. It was Mis Yaeger's llrst appearance with the company; she had a small part hut played It well. Mr. Shaw carries a flrsuciass orchestra with him this season and their playing Is no small feature of the performance. To night the company will appear In Noble's "From Sire to Son." EX-PRESIDENT EZET.V ILL. OAKLAND, Cal , June 5. General Car los Exeta, ex-president of Salvador, lies dangerously 111 at his home here, and grave doubt are entertained as to his re covery. He Is sutttVlng from congestion of the luiiKS. CALLED ON MRS. M'KINLEY. WASHINGTON', June l-Dus d'Arcos, the new 8panlsh minister and his wife called upon Mrs. MoKlnley this afternoon. CONSUL BEDLO TURNS TRAITOR lie Aided afnd Abetted tte Filipl ncsto Ottato Arms and Amuriitlcn. ' BETPAYLD BY ACCOMPLICE BerJlo Give Aueii;tfl Fcflstry to a ShrpLoaJcd With Supplies for AfulmlJo. NEW YORK, June, J.-A apnlal to th Journal and Advertiser from Washington says: CptaJn Joseph Henry Grime has made a complete confession of the part he took Ki aiding the Filipinos, and the document Is In tha (M.ssesslon of the government. He la a Brltlrh subject, born In Hongkong year ago. He was ofD'-e manager at flharghal for T. 8. E'.xel at j Company, and there became acquainted wl:h the agent of the Filipino rvbelllon. On Jun 7 Grimes' firm contracted with Agiiiclllo 10 supply Sot) Mau-r rifles. I two Maxim guns, one million cartridges. the steamer I'aslg and provisions, tc, at a cost of iVA.V). The outnt was selxcd by the British authorise at the reques: of the Spanish consul. Then, says Grimes, Ii. V. Sy!veter, a member of the nrm. arranged with Ed ward Ileil.o, American consul at Canton, lo send the arms to rhat point. The Chlneae vei-eroy was to rej'ct tie arms, but aa it turned out. he aelied 4J) and kipt them to suppress a rbell!cn In his own territory. ; The local authorities r-quited pTrnl alon for the F'alK to sail, she was tranr. ferrei) from Hrlth to American register by Conaul Iledlo. her name changed -to the Abbey and Iledlo cleared her and the auppllcs for the Philippines from Singa pore. On August T the Abbey, flying the 'American flag and commanded by Cap. , tain G. Willis, an American cltlgrn. left jwhampoa. IS miles from Canton. On board was Lewis Le'Tard E x-1, the American citlxen whse mission It was to teach the Filipinos how to ue the Maxim guns. , 1 Sylvester. Grimes asserts, falsely told him the facts about the x;cill:lon were known to Admiral Dewey and Consul General Wlldman. The cargo was taken to Santanxas, x) mile south of Manila, and turned over to the Insurgent governor of that town. It convls.ed of Vfi rifles, SoO.OCO cartridges, two Mtaxlm guns and I.Ota rounds of Max. lm ammunition. After discharging their cargo. Grimes went to Baccor. where be met Aguinaldo. who said he wanted more ammunition. Grimes returned to Hong korg. but was not successful In hla fur. thcr plans. j Sylvesur visited Aguinaldo. but failed to rnrrclude a contract with hi mio pro. (cure arms In Germany. ! "It will be seen by the above state. ment." Grimes said, "that both Sylvester and Etxel platted on American ' soil against the American government." 1 , The Abbey was selxed about September i'i last by the American revenue cutter McCulloch. which was attached to Ad. mlral Dewey's fleet. Grimes was arrested at Manila on November Sth. ; Joseph Henry Grimes has a suit In the supreme court against Aguinaldo. through h i attorneys. Agonelllj and Le Chance, for C3.000. which he alleges Is one fourth of the profits of the Abbey expedition to which he is entitled. THE POWER OF THE PRESS. I "Tht nnwpr nf th nrvaj." la a common pWMon but few , actual ,,0tr. iep thinkers do not hesitate to 'assert that half the crime of our country Stomach Bitters over disease. Most dis- eases originate in a weak stomach. The Hitters strengthens the stomach, purifies the blood and cures constipation. It will tone up the nervous system and stimulate inactive kidneys. As an appetlxer It is unequalled. It cures sick people, and an occasional dose regulates the bowels and prevents well people from becoming alok. If you want to get well .and keep well, use Hoetctter'a Stomach Bitters. The company and promises that a woman keeps are her credentials. Small Annoyances -a fret cr.J worry 1 ono. Courtnl.k ' -.(eOS'lL over nlht ; no ' miiEran In lha 1 rr.crnir.,-: ; r.o , cream f.r t':o coffee; r.or.llk for t'.-.c b-j. -s.i-rrvr.'vi ED VM'X b always ava'labls. I :'.ood f;mt for forty yz"z. raslforrSca'T-aiii:." Q BORSW'S C3'OCr.X3 K K C, 1. Y. Astoria Public Library READING ROOM FREE TO ALL. Opcu vary cay from t o clock to I X and 1:11 to !: r. m. Bubacrlptlon ratM $3 oar annum. Wast Cor. Eleven th and Duaaa Straatm. Beware of Connmera should bewmra of the cheap and Inferior wuhing powder said to be Just aa food aa Dim Washing Powder They are not-there i nothing; to food aa the genuine COID DUST tor all cleaning ebout the hous. Ask for OOLO DUST odlnriat on getting it. Made only by THE N. I. FjIIRBANI CC.HPAT, C-kgfe .ULetlg N.wVark Bto "Russell" Automatic Engine 1 JJ, J W - -1 I (lf .' !,".,. we lit Write for Catalogues of A. If. AVERILL, Manager. Columbia Electric and Repair Co. Successor to COLUMBIA IRON WORKS Blacksmiths BoIlerMakers Machinists Logging Engine! I Foundrymen Heavy Forging Under Power Hammer a Specialty Sole Manufacturers of the Unsurpassed ... " Harrison Sectional" Propeller Wheel ... Contractors for Electric Lights and Power Plants. SAINT ii ST. PAUL, MINN Capital . . FIRE MD HE 1MCE COM! Reserve for Unearned Premium Reserve for all Other Liabilities Net Surplus over all .Liabilities Total Assets . PACIFIC DEPARTHENT. CHARLES CHRISTEXSEN. Manager. B. GOODWIN. Assistant Manager. 317 California St., S. F., Cat. ob Printing fl Any Description Done with Neatness and Dispatch. Prices Reasonable. Call at I j : ' The Daily. Astorian. Pacific Navigation Company STEAMERS R. P. Elmore W. H. Harrison GARIBALDI BAY Connecting storia ith tho Oregon Railroad 4 Navigation Co. for San Fiancis Portland and all points east. For freight and passen ger rotes apply t. Samuel Elmore & Co. General Agents, ASTORIA, OkI- COHN ACO., Agecta, '" Oregon Railroad 4 Navigation Co., TILLAMOOK Cre. " VORTLAND, Ore. C. J. TRENCH ARD, rrtttifnlcclnn RrnVprfltfA Custom House Broker1, vvuiuiidriiuii uivnio'i Insurance and Shipping:. Agent Imitations! i ''la. 14 Engine Iioilers, Saw Mills. RUSSELL & CO., Portland, Oregon. Loggers' Supplies Kept In Stock Built nnd Repaired. PAUL JAN. 1st, 1899. . . $ 500,000.00 1,016,407.87 222,691.07 ' 784,888.78 $2,523,987.72 Astoria, Oreg: ONLY DIRECT LINK ASTORIA to TILLAMOOK CITY HOBSONV1LL K ASTORIA, .OREO W. t. Co, and Poc'.fla Expreaa Co s. .1 xewi , .' . 1 - I","- X I S. I I I e"-X mmi n mmc p. rn jw OrtlllULL LLIIIUilL Ut UUl rUlild