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About The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899 | View Entire Issue (June 6, 1899)
i I'HK DAILY'fcSOAa MOKMNG, JUNE 6, im JOHN T. LK3HTTC R. Editor. TelepbaM No. M, TERMS 0 SUBSCRIPTION. MWr. tot by man. per year... KM tat lr mall, par month..... Serve by earrler. nor nvntk.... M 8EM1-VYKEITXT. sent by -nau. pr raw. en umc,, Pottage freei U laoaorlbara. Aft Ail communications ummi For uB- mUod ahould b dirod to in adltae. Busfnea communication at all klada ad remittance mud b addressed to Too Aatortan." " " r Tba Alton ui hmwiii ta na advwr glaer tha large clrcwlauoa of uy Mwapapar published en ta Ooiamhia rivar. AdTartlelng rata cat maa aaV dllo.i to tba biwlrtts nmnacar. TIDE TABLEMay, 1899. hiih watib uiw nm . DATE a. m. j r.n. X afii Km. h.m;ftj h.mlft. jh.ift. !n.mft Mob ... li r l4.7T5';tUi IO,iUIl II II S1 UM Tua wed .. ii i ;n Thu ... 4' I l.'-iii til 10; Frt .... s i4iic Pat .... 1 10 ls:7 T:,10'8i Sun ... i;U li,; Mon ... ... , Mon ... :.. , UlSIl ttfcll nasi, UM7 7I l7i, 111 1 lj J 31 T 4 10 0 fcl 1 ...121 lUf ..-ll Ifcsl ..Milium , .ISJ 4 4 .1S 4 o Tua Wed Tbu KYI , Sat Bun Mon Tua Wed Thu m ....ii eat ....ft) Bub ...XI Mon ...nuitir Tua ...U,UW,I, SHU 75i is H tut li 10114 4 101,7 1 44 7 1, ii mi 4 ioit liii in oi i KM IIS 1 I Sit 1 111 l, 11 Alii 141 44 04! t lll-4) I lOij-OJ, t -10 T B-l tl 1 la -V S 1491 7 11 IKv ij oo i li : Mill SIM in1 HIS ANKLE. After Six Years of Intense Suffering:, Promptly Cured 4X17 0 w ii, it; 10 ss i Ju,f :;Mili 10, Ull; eu.TOi.uKii in. Wed ..H THu ...fc Frt tat ....r, fiun ...IS Mon ...( 1 1 It Tua Yed ..I 01 SI 11, IS0i 7 0D71 7 7 T 1 lUiii llSil 10 03 1 1 10 44 I (i UtM; U ii 1 ll l7 4i llili lUliil 11 11 1111 II i 14, Mi ii tii -i tlo 4M tUj k,-0 T Wi J I: 7 ,J i I 1 7CW. 11 IWi 11 I 41 II V I47III Ik JIil l II 104 IfcH 14 IH lil It .KtlilOllUtiilOM It i lAHiMI I .0, llOli 0 0 11401 11 111 tM7tii tCllilUt'l Oil-- ! . There 1 reason to believe the question of future eeaporl supremacy on the North Pacific coat Is now trembling In the balance botween Astoria an Stattle. Every sign points -to such a readjustment of the existing combination between the American transcontinental railroad sys. terns a shall suffice to turn the rich Or ental traffic Imported with American money and destined for American mar keta from a foreign port of entry and carriage across the country by a foreign railroad, to an American port of entry and for the benefit of American railroads. By a system of ocean and rail subvert tkm the dominion and mother countries have heretofore been able to checkmate very attempt of the American railroads to control this traffic While tbej have b'cn battling afalnst each other for an exwnre and maintaining operating ex penses to the limit of ruin, a foreign sea port and a foreign railway have divided a business which if shared among the American roads upon some equitable ba sis would have made them all paying In vestment. This fratricidal war Is to cease anil a united front is to be hence forth turned against a common enemy. It Is the part of wisdom for Portland to admit and rconclle herself to the in evitable coming seaport situation. The quenrton now confronting her is whether she shall aee Astoria or Seattle made the leading Pacific seaport With her help and the influence of her business mm -the problem would be soon settled In Astoria's favor. A continuation of her policy of opposition to the development of Astoria may mean not only the frus tration o.' Astoria's hopes but her own ruin, for nothing is more certain than the fact that Portland is not reckoned as a factor in the seaiort situation. The Ore. gonlan has admitted that 2S-foot liners are necessary for -the Oriental traffic. This admission necessarily excludes Portland from any hope or expectation of partici pation In that traffic. At bevt the chan nel betmeen the sea and Portland is but 22 feet As a matter of fact, under nor. mal conditions in the river, the channel is limited to vessels nof exceeding IS feet draft, since that is the depth at at least 4wo points between Astoria and the mouth of the Willamette river. That the American roads can never unite on Port land for the Asiatic commerce Is Inex orably settled by this condition, Inde pendent of her extreme Inland situation. That the tendency of modern commerce ia In the direction of muc)i larger ves. aels than even the 2-foot liners sug gested by the Oregonlan is illustrated by an article on the Improvement begun In New Tork harbor, published in the last nuu-ber of the Scientific American. The experience at New Tork settles be yond all question not only the hopeless, ness of Portland's situation as a port for the Asiatic commerce, but the utter futility of her attempt to bold any con siderable portion of the seaport trade of the Pacific. In the article referred to the ScJentlflo American aays: Obstinnto sores and nlcera which refuso to honl under ordinary troat mont soon become phronic and diop soiitad. and are a sure sitm that the P-j 0 C C entire circulation is m a depraved condition, lhoy DJ 0i Oi Oi are a severe drain upon tho system, and are con Btantly sapping away the vitality. In every caso the poison must be eliminated from the blood, and no amount of external treatment can have any effect There is no unwrtainty about the merits of S. S. S. j every chum made for it is oacrea up sirongiy oy convincing testimony of those who have boon cured by it and know of its virtues by experience. Mr. L. J. Clark, of Orange Courthouse, Va., writes: " For six re&ri I had no obstinate, running nloer on my ankle, which tit times caused mo intent uttering. I waa to disabled foe a Ion while that I waa wholly unfit for buaiseea. One of the nest doctor treated me conaUntly bvt did ma no good. I then tried various blood remedies, without the let benefit. S. 8. S. wti to highly recora Bonded that I concluded to try It, and the enact waa vwderfuL It teemed to get right at the Met of the jhean and force the poison out, and I wu eooa com pletely cured. Swift 1 bpecino - e. O. 8. FOR THE BLOOD drives out every trace of impurity in the blood, and in this way cures permanently the most obstinate, deep-seated sore or ulcer. It is the only blood remedy guaranteed purely vegetable, and con tains not a particle of potash, mercury, or other mineral. 8. 9. S. cures Contagious Blood Poison, Scrofula, Cancer, Catarrh, Eczema, Rheumatism . Sores. Ulcers, Boils, or any other blood trouble. Insist HTvn S. S. S. : nothinir can take its place. Valuable books mailed free by Swift Specific Company, Atlanta, Ga. 1Mb CUT-RATE OFFICE Can Save You Money On All Railway Rates. w8 Third St. Portlntul, Orcn. Kopp's "Best 9) ' -' "Wl'.V A DELICIOUS DRINK.... AND A6S0LUELY PURE. The North Taciflo Drewery, of wtiloh IVittlini beer for family us or keg Mr.Jobn Kopp ia proprietor, make twi beer inplitd al any tiutA, dolinry in for domea'ic and export tnule. (lie city frt. ftorth Pacific Brewerg lKi'Aiir Ml 1 1. in. Mvvr 1 10 i. m Tint! 5CM 111)1 1.111 Knmi I'orttuml alt Uki, inii.r, rt Wurlh. Oiimlis, Kau am t'lty, mi. I.ouli. t'hlrasu snd t Wnlla Walh. Hihism MIiiiiphihiIU, inilulli, Mllxmikw riiinma ami Kt, fium Anuria OCUAN ITIlAM.Mtll'A All Mailing lutra tub JiH1! t4 4'llMUKft. rr fu KtmioiK-o -li Aaaiva 4 4.1 1 III. NiMiktna s :io a. m. tulajr Colrmma Itlvar StMintara To iMrtUnd aa4 Asm it Mo iinUy Way Idindinia, a tn ,',,,',1,,d. Tues Thur Wlllaawlta HI nr. ; and 81 flalrni. Alk.tujr. l'orvl tlx ami y laiiuliiK, I - S'lManwlls aoi VaaJ mil Hir. 'u TUes,llitllt,, . ""' I',.: yir,'u i iir, iiiiui a, wu ru: Uutllnii. 4 . hi. iui'i. 1 hur aud !l 1 Wu n. nii,,wd. ud Hal. I illy y so a. at entitiw to rana as nrst ciass. it must The fa.e of a nuin she loves a woman be capable of receiving the largest ve. puts on her bureau; the tc of her els at any state of the tide, and New ; friend, they go In the drawing room York has always seen to It that the en. j . . , time to time to meet the Increaslmt j PJFI1U1TA TolrvfooV' draught of he lanresl CKfn steamer. I llalVj fi g f IAN0 MANHOOD in ll, when the maximum draught was .... 2 feet the main channel was maintained ! CurCStortcncy,M-ut Emissions and at 24 feet: In 18J1. when the driught had ; astln(r diseases, Cii CUeCti Cf Sell' atuso, or cxccm and indis cretion. Ancrvetoutcamt Iduod builder. Prides the r!r!r f'-iw t.iiirlchrcksar.J rrstorcs t:-e Lrt ci cuth. lor a-SO: v-::h n writieti iriuiran- tlrely new channel, and Increase the depth tco (0 ccro c- rc;-yncl tbo lHOIiev. to 40 feet. At first sight this looks like ' Increased to between 2S and T feet, the channel was deepened to 3u feet; and last year, when the maximum draft of vessels actually tn-e-lr-r the h.irNr hnd risen to a feet, and even larger ships were either building or planned. It Wiis de- elded by congress to dredge out an er an extravagant depth, especially as It is to be maintained for a clear width of 3.vv ieet; out ne Is a tol.1 man wno. tn view of th. rapidity with whiih the di mensions of ocean steamships are in. creasing, will venture to predict that It will prove to b in excess of the require ments of the near future. NZHViTA HCSfCAL CO. Cffrtsn ft Mekscn eta., iCMICACO, ILL For Salt by Charles Roaera. Drugrlst. A dog may be a fool, but the man who trea's him as such will won-l. r at th cooiness of his mistress. Is By allowing the accumulation in the bowels to remain, the enUr system is poisoned. DeWitt's Utile Early Risers j regulate the bowels. Try them and you ; will always use them. Charles Rogers. of the'sett'loient'of Some women have their hulr done up In the Dakotas, the cur' Papers so much that hey do not newspapers fre- recognise themselves In the mirror when quently contained at tast their locks do escape, stories of the hard , t h i and sufferings ana sometimes the death of the new settlers who were loM in the blUtards. The man or woman who is frozen to death in a winter's storm undergoes Pneumonia, la grappe, ccuaas. coils, croup and whooping court readily yield to One Minute Cough Cure, t'ae this remedy in time and sav a doctor's bill or the undertaker's. Charles Rogers. w m. m -a at v w 5 ..JlTlataClVtIAalHOtOl THOH. GI'INGAN. Proprietor I W.T7natonHt. POTtlatld, O T . vrul THE LOUVRE Seventh and Astor Streets SHASTA MINERAL WATER, .'BITCH. N0HLE. HICKORY AND SHAW'S MALT WHISKIES. ALL OTHER I.IOIOKS. WINES, I1EEK AND CIGARS Hervcd Dny oncl INIufit. AUGUST KRATZ. - - Mnnncr And now we behold the annual spc-a. great sufferings, but they are mild com- cle of a woman working herself to death in preparing for two weeks' rst In th country. pared with those daily borne by thousands of victims of that dicid disease con .snmpiion. For centuries this relentless disease was consideT'd incurable. It is now known to be distinctly curable. Ir Pierce's ('.olden Discovery cures oH per cent of all cases of consn.nption, broncliitis, asthma, laryngitis and diseases of the air-passages. It has tood the test for thirty years. It arts directly on the blood, nourishing it with the life-giving qualities of the food. It tears down old, half dead tissues and builds up new ones in all parts of the body. Through the blood it acts directly on the lungs, driving out all impurities and dis ease germs. It soothes the cough, but facilitates expectoration. It deepens the breathing, supplying the system with life giving oxytren. It stimulates the appetite, facilitates the Bow of digestive juices, in vigorates the liver and tones and builds up the nerves. It is the great blood-maker and flesh-builder. It dues not make flabby flesh like cod liver oil, but firm, muscular, ' healthy tissues. OASTOniA. Baantha f M ?3 tint ihrm Bcigtt Bigaatan a JtW5S When women are kind to ea h other nothing can exceed thi-lr goodness, but when they wlfh to be the reverse well, " 'nuff said." THE OCCIDENT Astoria's Leading Hotel Mcglcr 6c Wright, Props. -4 IOIC31 niswainnnsBiiwiial rs-'vujr; . .tai ;wjaRsr;ttBW4nntw raf jaioatMtvJMi. at. Mormon lehODo' f lila " v in r. uw w.,iu m w. , .. . -t. w .... r.,m LOST Mlsnl Some of the results of neglected drt. peptic conditions of the stomach are can cer, consumption, heart d!sase and p. iiepsy. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure prevenis all this by effecting a quick cure in an cases of dyspepsia. Charles fingers. The first check that a woman cash's alvirl mnke her fnel like a rrlmlnal "I had been troubled with bronchitis (be ., ., sereral rears." write. Mrs Orlin ( Hara. Bos 3he u,ed to lr ft'rward. 114. HrTRtts Falls, (ntertail Co., Minn "In the first place I had sore throat. I doctored with dinerent doctors and took varioiu medicines, but got no relief I raised from mv throat a sticky mtntance like the white of anetrg. Could J. D. Bridge, editor and proprietor of the Democrat, Lancaster, N. H , says; would not be without On Minuu Couch noi sleep, and had made up my mind that I Cure ... v wh(, .ronKi,,,! wi.h . wouM n'jt r.-e thrrih thr vintrr I inr,k ih- ur or my ooy, wnen iroaoiea wt.n a Pierce's Ooldrn MMical Discovery and ' Favor- WUgh or cold. It Is the best remedy for ite Prescription ' alternat-ty. and in a few days croup I ever Ued." Cbarlea Roger, potoncr, Lost Power, urgnt-lcvms, Bo-matorrnoaa inaon in lack, t ll Oasirea. Seminal amlasio-a, -lao, N Diiity, Me,aaacn,unrtnaas to "rry, oas or . aamaei, v or 1.0ns Ipailoo, etnas Oulckna.a or Ola- Irf 1 1 Charaa. rout. Twitching c (ullfli, u i-,"'-."r. i-fj im,.,-v,,,. ttr mum. ir o-u..4.T.i. a cm- b i !!. f r ". : 1 a--tf..rM m.i ihOooV Ira "'a, ralne rvpua Dw artcoeaJe, one f n-i p--Mr at II. M-.W-4.MMa aar-aav SrtsMlaftM is. tnia tmd ten, imm. mdm. llffirl't mmmii4 A mn-a f.fM-., a. aaea a umtm. UKdM . Mdraaa, iao fatnaa? Co., Ban rranolaeo. Oat, Vur aala hy Chaxlaa Rogers. What do you care rvho Uvea next do'r If the proi'-t acros the way Is plrus. ant. began to see that I was Mtrr ties. J Uave not felt as well in years. The quick constipation - cure Doctor Pierce's Pleasant Pellets. Never gripe. Accept no substitutes or imitations. Inanimate objects are a Joy. We de. light In them, and they never quarrel with us like the animate. There may be other Joya awaiting the houewlfe. but we know of none com. mensurate with the one she feels when she goes Into the kitchen on her maid's day out and discovers that th-re was no occasion for ordering an extra pound of butter on Saturday. Don't think you can cure that alight attack of dyspepsia by dieting, or that It will cure Itself. Kodol D)pp3!a Cure will cure It; It "digests what you eat," and restores the digestive organs to health. Charles Rogers. j OASTOniA. Bears tba 11:8 Xicd Ya. Haw Atari BotijH The servant who Is agreeable on wash. day is not apt to be grumpy whn unex pected company arrives. It malies no difference bow bad the wound If you use DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve; It will quickly heal and leave no scar. Charles Rogers. - A woman who falls down stairs not only dewroys her dignity, but breaks a bone, If you are to believe her when you pick her up. t I A woman never realizes that she is old until she hears a young woman talking about her. HOW'S THIS DWtb 7 ' ;a "a "MA BOIiglt for any case of Catarrh that cannot be Bignaturt V , Jli) . y cured by Hall's Catarrh .Cure. of We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward F. J. CHENEY & CO., Props., Toledo, O. If we only Jotted down every bris-ht We, the undersigned, have known F. tnougnt we had, our reputation for briU Cheney for the last 15 years, and be. liancy would be established without ef- "eve hlm perfectly honorable In all bus- Iort- .Iness transactions, and financially able ... , ., . to carry out any obligation made by their 1. ijairrajr nieiesa to expect that firm, the meala will te bountiful in a house WEST k TR.UAX, mwiwi ln tne amtng room, I Wholesale -nan wants But llttl Here Below.' CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. The Kind You Hare Always Bought Signature of ffcdUe MAi0MC. TKM I'M: I.DIXJE NO. 7. A. F. A M Itegular 1 jnitnunlcatlons held on th llrt and third Tuesday evening of Inch month. J. N. (IIUKTIN, W. M.; K. C. II"MKN. Secretary. A sore throat affects only Its possessor, but a stiff neck has an Influence on all who are within I s huushty radius. wwwwtrwwwirwwwwww -a a a . 1 , SAUCE THE ORIOINAL WORCESTERSHIRE ATTORNEYS. Q. A. IIOWUiY, ATTOKNMY AND fOL'NHHI.t.Ofl AT DAW. Ollliv Ilii-i J ST-et. Afirl. Or- THE LIOTDAL LIFE IKSORAHCE COMPANY Of NCW YOflK RICHAHO A MoCUfiOY Pnutot.iT STA;n.yr For the yjr rnJing Iktmbr Jl According 1.. f,e !st.-.i..!r,l ,.f t!ie Inmirtiiice le.ail.ti-it ; r ,. ,,c 0( Volk 5nakt RUtr. Hliwrlalu lwllou. ! ""t'rmn I'urilaml IMIXtilMTk KiUH l,s UwUlo I IJ IH, dally ASTORIA AND COLUMBIA RIVER RAILROAD. tav .m. 1:tt t;Wir: I Aalorla (Pally) ' "! Arriv I'oHland ami CO OIK umprnT" ipreM iraing viaU;l t iirton, yaai ilakania. 0bai (action al tiobla rr Kaal ana J'Ufei Wound polata, II M t.Wl' Asliirla, Saaatda aau' trains, via VYarrauiiMi nd naval. MunOay llunlsrV apeo-l IH fa .m tv til il lal Asiona 10 0aald( I. O. MAYO, a. r. a r. a WHITE COLLAR LINE. Columbia Ittvar and rugat lM HaW gallon Compear. Telpiiona lava Aalorla dally, aganji dally aioept limd) al t a. sa. White ivllsr Una tickets Inlan kangabl Ta-aphnna. T. 1. ffT an4 K. tV 1huiin for Aalorla and all waf polnta. riaviil. llaaco. avlew. Lone Uab, aad N.boolta. A y TATIK. lYaaldaat T '& Mi. U. ttlSStSSSSSISIIIISSSSIMSSSStaiSStlSitSMMSaMI a, III. - J t) n in O. W. WUKiBEKHT. . ... Mwai Astoria. W. H. HURLflURT, Qe. ru, AgL Prtl4ua4. Or. TICKKTS 1 BAIYA points to nil EAST Through p-ilace and tourist alaeparn, dining and library observation eara. EDBOANT VKbTIHUI K TRAINS No, 4 Umlted ave rortlan4 nl t:l an. No. I Limited arrlvea tniand at ID 4. sn. Fur rata, etc, roll or addrsssa AATvot IX R. N., Aalorla, Through Tickets t TO THaV EAST AND SOUTMHAST -YXA Mm You Are on the 'Right Road' tr ur tli kci reads via Hilling and ih. llurllngton Itoul. It is ih shortest Una l Ih tlouihcait-ih only Una Ibal of f.ra ihrough car arvlo fross) fU-allU. Mpokan. and IUInn to IJnraln, fit. Joseph, and Kaaaaa City. Through tourt.l :pt Iwioa a xock. A.k any Northern I'arlnn tt'kat anl about Hum. or writ lo A. C. MEL-DON, Clvn'l Ag-nl, I'ortland. ore. isssssstittisisssiss.MsisssnMssissssissaaal a I't'DDllAN PAt-ACE BLEKI'BUS. TOI-RI8T8 nDFETKRa and Fit KB RECUSING CHAIR CARD -Dally to- Salt Lake. Denver, Omaha. Chicago. Kansas City and other Eastern cities. tiaggsga checked tnrougn 10 destination. union lpola. fast time, lowest ralsa, I'liitsch light In all cara. For raira and other Information call on or addroas . U. W. IX)t'.V8HKflRY, Ag'nl. O. R- N. Co. Aatorla, Oregon, or J II. I.OTHHOP, Qen. Ag-nt. I3i Third Hi., cor. Alder, I'orlland. Or. BAST in SOUTH LEAVE PORTLAND OVER LAND EX I'KEMH, for fUlem, "ur., itaniann. :w, Ogden. I:M A M ARRIVI !' in:: r-eelicH for lr,. 11 1 11 ui Iroin all v.hrr Viu.'.s l-: Tt la a cause of genuine gratification that the contract baa now been let for dredging the great 40-foot entrance chan nel to New Tork harbor. The position of New Tork as the leading port In the New World, and the point of arrival and de. parture of the great trans-Atlantic steam. ah1p companies, renders It Imperative hat Its facilities ahall not only be equal o the growing demands of shipping, but that they shall anticipate them. It goes without taylog that, (or a harbor to be It Is wonderful what healing powers some physicians have. Pain will cease the moment they enter the patient's room so also doe a tooth let up aching on the dentist's steps. Drug-gists, Toledo, O. WALDINO, KINNAN & MARVIN. Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O. Hall's Catarrh Cure it taken internally, acting directly upon the blood and muc ous surfaces of the system. Price 75c. per bottle. Bold by all Drugglsta. Testi monial free. Hall's Family Pills ar the best. If you auffer from tenderness or rull ness on the right elde, pain nnaw th. shoulder blade, constipation. hiHmi.n.. lck headache and feel dull, heavr nd ,1)t,,' de'lffbt. sleepy, your liver Is torwd sjid W (change. geavted. DeWIU'a Little Early Risers will cure yen promptly, pleasantly and uimienuy oy removing the eonreatlon T.,. T,.n- tmmA oi,. -v,.. la- - lm m . I v - auavsaww iiimiJ aBUiVll, ' "aT. oucn xo open vad All druggists refund tha monar if it fail. now naturally They are good mils. r, m , t. -,- 1..- t Charlea Roger. in a -hu The woman in trouble Is Die messenger She never counts the TO CURE COLD IN ONE DAT. c "V I i' onwAKK Or 5 J I IMITATIONS J I I ThJsslfiisttirala ll I 1 " btti- j 1 a -r DIslinisMIVVTi T Pnllrt-liiiM-rs for Inlw, ) llealll --.. iv uii' j-n in'rs r. r l i.ilnn. mi nis. In m ,r. For all oihi r n uaj . . ,im.:is .ii ,l.s!,-,HO Wi ,nii.'.'ir43 I.SC,i,!)0 00 M.IS.-..7.-.I SS I". iii. Hill : taltfil Nlat-a PU'l. b. i.ihrr jN-fiiril.r, - . . SffO.U.'.fl.ltl S9 ' , ,r' an, na iMtai anil Hiirlvuar . . . is ipm Im.iiiL and oih-r s. n.rllle. . Rtal K.iuii- S ura:-nl h) In.ur- anre s.emil"ii'lii t i:i,WI.-i.N: Iili Vli,e Cash In Hu-I.s ami 'i.u.l fijnle. - - . . Aecrapil Inlermt, Vt tlrf.rrnl I'raiulmus, eie, . 1 a a. m Dally SCpt Sunday 7:M A. t4:tO H. Java Ij Angeles. r.i rmmi, caw Or leans and tba East Roseburg paaaangtr fr HI I Sa Woodhur-i ount Anaal. yrton. West Ado. Hrownvlll. Rprlng Del) and Nation... . Pftrv a Ml- 1 ( Independence paa' A FEW INTERESTING FACTS When pepl ar ront-mplallng a trip, whothvr on businm nr piawur, iney AaturaUly want tha bat nne- c-b. tainabl so far a sviwd. cornfon and aafoty la mnrn-st. Kmployaa of tk WUK'ONHIN CENTRAL LINK, am uald to w-rva th publlo and our trains) are operated so as lo make etoav eon nncllntia whh diverging ln-j al nil Juncrtlon point. Pullman 1'alao. Hlerplng and Chair Cart on thro ugh tralna. Dining Cwr twrvlr unaicallrd. kl-aOa aarvod a la cart. In order to obtain thi first claa t-rvtc. aak 111 tickat sgMii lo aril you a Ilckt over The Wisconsin Central Lines. and yon will man direct connection at St. Paul for Chicago, Milwaukee and nil puinta aaat. For any furclwr Inrormatlun call on an? ticket agent, or correapotid with 3KB. C. POND. 0n. I'aaa At&i. or JAB A CLOCK. Mllwauk, Wia. Oannral Agesnt 144 Buuk St.. Portland Or. 4:10 P. y Dally eicapt Band; ftltO A. V lt:B A.M lls,.0.1,."is 00 fumi.iitD 00 LIlUIUTIKS Pollrt flrserrM, nr. . . 4 ol limn. I (Jmiraulr- Fanil 11 vial l.le Hurploa 0,C0,(l!l S ii,bl'I,:i;j 30 i.tat.or,7 in re and tsnalllfs la fa s 4'.',t.MS.IsJ SS g.i.'Vll.lliil) 00 l71,;il,OU7 70 X ... ?' t have rnrrftilly eirimlned the foregaiiiE State. c vancan s bom, Agents, New York J mrm and lind llie same lo In-oirrect ; lialiilitita Prom tlif DivlftiMe Surplus) a dividend will b L. LEBECK Carpenter and Builder General Contractor MOUSE RA151N0 AND ROBERT A. ORANNISS Vic.-PaenotfiT WAlTna R. ClLtKTTS Isaac F. I.lovd Faanraic CaoMWF.1.1, Huoav McCliktock CenernI Manager ta vicc-rreaiucnt Treasurer Actuary If you have pi leu, cure them. No use undergoing horrible operations that aim. piy remove the results of the dlsesuse without disturbing the dlaeasa Itself. Place your oomfldonce in DeWltt'a Witch Haael Salve. It has never failed to cure oth-r! tt will e-it am win nOVINQ A SPECIALTVlcharle. Rogera. Dally. tDailjf except Hunday. t.onnectlng at Ban Franolaco with Oeot- J?"". "JL'f'.f'- l',cmo M'l nd Oci anlo Weam-lp lines for JAPAN, CHINA, AtTflTRALIA HAWAII AND THE PHILIPPINES Rebate tlikm on sale Unliy otlw Portland, Bacramento, nd Han Francla. co. Net ratoa 117 flra l.ri... JiA iT."V ond-claaa. mclmllng' Rateat and Hckala n ir-ai-n. HAi.. Europe. Also Japan, China. 'Honolulu and Au-tr-.Ha. fun Im, nhm mZi frJ t'il KIRKIAND. Ticket Agent, Th Mat R. KOEHLBR, 5. it. MA UK HAM Manager O. F A P a Thrjugh ticket Fast for loweet rata. Call on O. J. Trenchard, local arrnt Wer.a Fanro Company office. Aatorla, BALTIIVIORE and OHIO RAILROAD Royal Blue Trains BETWEKN THE EAST AND WEST Dyspepsia Cure. Digests what you eat. ItftrtlflclallvdltroHtstliffv1analAa Nature in gtreiiifthnnliiir and rrwo- tructlnn the exhnusiit dlitMtlve or Rani. His the lat est discovered digest Dt Bfifl u mlc. No (it(ur rrcnaraLlofj can approach It In rniclcncy. It In stantly rileriiaand ixrniaucutly cures pTupcpsU, iDdlKCHtlon, Htiartbum, Ilatulenoe, Bonr Ktomach, Nausea, SIcklleadachfi.GastralKla.Crampa.and all other rcHultn of I inpi rfi'ct dlifratloa Prepared by E. C. 0Witt A Co.. Chicago. For Sal by CHARLES ROOERS, S 'lal 'tmiir.s ilalini.1 Qusruft Mi w saitisrs. lenrsai. Nuaalaa. I'O ia a nnn.rimih, r-i.i,,i (,.r 11111,1,1,1,,,.. !';"", "f'f niaiiirilii.a, liH, uiinaiural thara..., i,r anr Ihllsiuma. I I'll, Iriiuilmi nr ai.n. "11 r in urn a a m-. ,rHitsOIS"liiPo. branna. Niiii-Mirlii.MiL -mClSri,0.a""I !' l lragglaia. irr "4 . a. a. y i or ai-nl In plain wrVfr, jfU tl.Oi, i,r 1 lilil, ti.A. a Circular anul ua r-uii-al BLANCARDS or IODIDE OF WON 1 . . .. . . i"risr,:miA,l'IHIHN 3.-nf Iheltl tWItl CONSTITUTIONAL WI AKNli'si 1 SCKOI UI.A. Il!c. L" .lut-KrQiiineillllrsa.lKiiril "lll-ANCAHIl" "l.l. I'NtH.CllKTH .fOUOLHA4CO.,N.V.Agts.forU.S. gs , through traine between Bt UmSm. IxilllavllU Knrir.a.U aawaa-. Only lltve operating Its own Cincinnati sand New Vnrlr via Washljiifton. Haiti mora and Philadelphia. Th traveler over the B. A O. la permitted to oaten glimpses of th greatest scenery in America. PETER HARVBTT, PadSS Coast Agent, ' San rrnaatteo. Room n, Mlllf Building. William's Kidnev Pill. TThh no cnnil in (11m tfltinSI rt 4l.aa KidnovM tiul Ilrl you M'tftocted your Kiducvh? Hnvf you oTisrworkud your norvoim v-3 Aim mid cuuwm! troublo with vourl iituinen and Hladilur' Have you f m madder? HavoyoualiabViy nn- nnthir tlio eyes ? T)0 (raqntrat do- A f p.m pam 1ri")? W'am's Kidney f - . ...n , iiujmri, new Jiro to tl O (HH- W "aw-(l oramH, tone up rt.a nyatcral Zand muko a new man of you. ItvT mull 80 cents pt'r box. y i VViluam, Mro. Co., Prop,., aevcund, O. k, ' H a ta'ns tiJ b qt sal y BtrTKavOONN DRUO Oft,