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About The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899 | View Entire Issue (June 6, 1899)
OTORHPOBUOUBRiRTASSOClATlOH. TIE ASTORIAN has tni lirreit clrculitloo of toy pipci oa tb Columbia River TIE DAILY ASTO P.IAN Is tM I Hues. nl test i?;tt oa tbe ColumfcU F.lvif FULL ASSOCIATED PRESS REPORT, VOL. XLLX. ASTOltIA, OH BOON. TUESDAY il'MCNlNG. JUNE 6. IW. IRS s n iMflii n il : Ent 1 mam. wr, jum xi' , a sr. 7. S ft w m- m OUR Stoves Aro not mado front tho scrap-pilo or in a Itimlcrgartcn neliool. Eclipse Hardware "Co. Wo Glvo Trncllittf HtninpM, ,hrrr1i 1 a I j V 9 II w GRIFFIN RALSTON... HEALTH CLUB Acme filulen Farina, Arme Wheat at' A. ioo Rolls of Matting Of All Kinds. Our ewn iini-orlntions. Quality nixl I'ntterns the list niul , IntrM Chas. Heilborn & Son. Here Is Ot some High Grade Goods at moderate prices KALSTOS HEALTH FOODS In great variety fresh from tic mills AKOMATIC Sl'ICES, nuarantctd tie finest. TILLMANX'S I'L'KR RXTKACTS. CHASE ft SAXHORN'S COI'PECS are un rivalled. TuQcthcr with a bust of other good things. ROSS, HIGGINS & CO Jem Zealand pre Insaranee Go Of New Zealand. W. P. Thomas, Mgr., San Francisco. UNLIMITED LIABILITY OF SHAREHOLDERS. Subscribed Capital - $5,000,000 Paid-Up Capital - 1,000,000 Assota - 2,545,114 Aisota in United States . 300,000 Surplus to Tolicy Holders 1,718,792 Has been Underwriting on tho Pacific Coast over Twenty-two yearp. SAHUEL ELMORE & CO., Resident Agents, Astoria, Oregon. Pacific Sheet Metal Works MANUFACTURERS OF Salmon Vegetable Fruit ...CAN Lithographing on San Francisco, Cal. Astoria, Ore. Writ Ua for Prteea Tinware BOOKS... Blank and Miscellaneous. PAPER... New Crape and Typc-wrltlng. Waterman Fountain Pens Mux Dccoriitcfl i'aper uml Kiiveli)cM--iuo. J & REED Breakfast Food Barley Food Select Bran Yeast Cocoa Flakes and Standard Rolled Gals V. ALLEN'S a List spice and Syrop Tin a Specialty. Fatrhaven, Wash. Improved Alikado and Empire Cream Separators. Th.r ar ih '.mplst anil most fficlnt Separator. md. Far l. cy Foard & Stokes Co. Astoria Your Wife will ilk It; to will th, cook. Star Ewtute Range tUtl.fy ll who uif thtm. & It your b(T half doei th cooklnc. (ht If an l.l;ilonl raon why thrr hould b 8tr Exalt Rang In your kKrhrn. Th ui of tbm prtvcnti worry and dirappolntmtnt. VV. J. 8CUIXT. Atnl. ill Bond fllrL J. A. Fastabend General Contractor and Builder House-moving Tools for Rent. Andrew Lake j COMMERCIAL BT. ...Merchant Tailor... Perfect fit Guaranteed. Low Trices. Repairing and ClMnlBg Naatty Don. THE PROOF oc th. pudding la ta tk. tatlag and th. proof of Uqnora IS IN SAMPLING That', an arramaot th4t. o1ui1t a draioaitraUOB. Our. wUI ataad U. tMC HUGHES & CO. OF LONDON. Established during th. reign of Ann., A. D. 1714. FIRE AND LIFE. Subscribed Capital $ IK0.000 00 Anet 16,401,4(0 00 Surplua to poller holder. 4,00,06 00 Ezclualv. of paid tip capital Law Union and Crown Fire and Life Insur ance Co. flubioribed or guaranteed cap. Hal $ 7,500,000 00 Capital paid up 1,886.800 00 Aeta ,UB,D36 00 Catton, Bell & Co. Central Agent, San FrancUc, Cal. Samuel Elmore & Co. Bealdent Agent. Aatorla Oregon, ., u. .1 ' : t IP - v XO LEAVE THIS WEEK Oregon Troops Will Return Direct to Portland and Encamp at Vancouver. MONONG IS CAPTURED Washington Boys land Under a Heavy Fire and Force tbe Enemy to Evacuate. GENERAL KING DISCHARGED OetalleJ Report of tie Casualties AmoDf the Washington Trpops ibJ Their Hiri Service. . i WAHIIIN'.SToN, J'J'if -it'iiral U.ii aJvU (lie Kur liartnirm llmt the rKun rclni-n! will kavj fr Iht l'nihl rtiui' (hi rrk. It will Ik- rent illrtct lo rottlaiul lor muMrr.oui ai Vancouvrr Ixrrurk'. i AI'Tl Ki: OK il"llX(l. MANILA June 5.-l:4' i. ni.-Two ba lallKii of VahlliCloii (ruopj tiiHli-r i'olitiH Wbollry. on board cano', wre (ownl fnjm l'uKlis to Moron on Suinlay and un.lfr cover o'. a wrll directed flr from tin- it unbuilt Naplilan nd Cav ad' ix. 'Hi,. ri'lx-K who wtre rntrrnctird In the onlklrt of the town, rrnrvnl thrlr fire until tin- troo) wrre a.hor n. In the on- n. The Amrrlran artillery ojk-!v! flrr on tho InMirff'-nts and drove them from tlnlr Kfltlon. kllllr.K nine of them and wounding five. Thw Wajhlnrton troop thin tiKik the (own, the retell flcf line to tho hllln. WlilU- (ho Amcrk-ana wrre on their way to Morong. thn Hinirgftits opentd fire from a hore battrry at Ancona. their first nhot tnklnK the ('ovadonR.i's nviu Ing aft at a ratiK,- of .ViO yard. The Napldan al-o wan II red at. WAWIIXOTO.V. June 5-Il.v direction oC the president, Brigadier General Chan. Kluic. who hat JtiKt arrived at San Kran cliwo from cervlce In th Philippines, has been honorably discharged from the volunteer army, to take effect August 1 OI.VMPIA, Wash., June S. Governor Roifers has received a tetter from Lie, tenant Colonel Fife, giving a detailed account of the career ot the Washington troop from their arrival at Manila to ih presi M time. The- letter slate tht all the causualtle to dale are I killed and 110 wounded. Colonel Fife says the Washington regiment lias seen as hard service If not harder than any other regiment In the F.lghth army corps. nrt.I. WEF.K ON THE IINnON STtX'K EXCHANGE. Hiislness of Speculation Spreading Rapid ly Down Among the People Russian and Japanese Loans Negotiated. NEW YORK, June S.-The Times Lon. don financial cablegram says: A dull week with a lot doing Is a fair deserip tlon of the current markets. The tock exchange settlement passed with ease and money Is plentiful at moderate rates. except on kafflrs and kangaroos, an'd there 10 to 10 per cent doe not seem to count for much. The average rate else where are from four to five per cent. The speculative account carried was heavy In most departments, and rt the least no In American railroad shares. At the same time the number of small rans actions steadily Increases and those are generally arranged for the outside stock exchange. The habit of speculation Is spreading downward among the people to an unprecedented extent, and as each petty dabbler for the most part risks his own money only, this makes business tin. sensational and remarkably pood. On Thursday last quite a flurry oroke out In Farls, whose bourse throw about 5,0t1 RIo Tlnto shares on the London market. "Hullo, copper has gone and the smash has come already." eaccr hoars exclaimed. It Is not so, but merely an other Incident In tho eternal Spanish gamble. One Important Incident has been the Issup of tho Japanese loan. Orlglr ally lO.fMn.Oi'O pound was asked for, but the Japanese themselves thought It prti dent to take one.fl.fth for homo consump tion. So S.OOn.000 was offered here and the market was angry on several grounds. The price, 90, for four per cent fw.year bonds, redeemable at par. was too high, the amount too large and the security not first clhss, etc. There Is much discussion and dlltcrenc. of opinion tlfrd up by th participation of I'arlN bank In relation lo the loan Tbl la one of tli morl pushing of our new big tank formed by the abnorp lion of smaller one. The bank hai no business here and l' action are Im proiMT and unheard of. the Critic tu claimed. Th Russian loan of iftfi.Vft pound l coming neit week. Thin 1 also a part of VifMfM pounds wanted, but ertn thut reduced It will not be a popular on. be cau4 of England' dlallfctlon with't action In Tekln. It will b a four fr cent, yar loan at W. The fact la we hav no money to (par. for tale loana of any ouallty at prent. All out meana ar otherwise engaged, and we are busy dissipating the million paid by you for your railroad securities In Joint iok companies of alt typts, but which are well supplied with water. It I good fun while It lasts, but It 1 like. ly to prov epnlv by and by. Borne of our banker tin to fee) ua. easy over the stupendous credit commit. ments of this country and the sttady prenre on the part of other countries, to cajry their burdens for them. There are s heme for strengthening iht gold reserve, therefore. In the air, but they will C'me to nothing. Xo banker la go It. If io loe the chance of making a big profit for the sake of filling hi treasury with gold. As for the Rank of England, the bullion broker have declared a kind of boycott aalnt It because It refused to buy gold at anything over the stat utory mint price of Sd per ounce, ex. -t Olrough one house a It agent. The consequence Is that large amounts of g 'Id are lying In the custody of the Itoihwhlids and other merchants. Knowledge of this case helps to make discounts flaly and now with metal coming to us from New Vork. as In all probability -there Is, the market will not lie able to prevent the foreign bill rate from falling below two n-r cent. EARLY MORNING FIRE. At o'clock this morning a China wash hUfe on Exchange, one door south of Sv, nthieiilb treet burned to the ground, in n v. ry nuort time after the alarm was turned In all three companies were at the lire and Chief Stockton soon had a rum- Oer of Mr urns going, but the lire was under such headway, as the old shack wu like a tinder box that it could not be saved. The adjoining buildings had a clo.-e call but through the hard work of the firemen they saved them with but a slight scorching. Total loss will prob. ably not exceed fctt). CHAPTER OF ACCIDENTS ATTENDING A FfXERAU One Boy Drowned, a Little Girl Fatally Injured and Others Almost Dead From the Shocks of Accidents. CHICAGO, June 5. -A upe-clal to the Chronicle from Arthur, III., says: One boy drowned, a little boy fatally Injured beneath the hoofs of horses, two women and a man brought to dui.'s Uw by the shocks of the accidents, all Incidents accompanying the funeral of a man who met with sudden death, made Sunday a remarkable one In this city. Tlie strange chain of disaster began when the local G. A. R. post burled G, P. Wells, who was asphyxiated by gas at a hotel In Chicago last Wednesday night. While the ceremony was In prog ress at the cemetery, news reached Gus Baker that his 13-yearold son bad Just been drowned while swimming. The shook prostrated Mr. Baker and he had to be taken home in a carriage. When the news was broken to his wife, she went frantic and became unconscious. Both are In a precarious condition. While the funerat procession, was re turning from the cemetery one of the carriages ran over Mrs. William Sulli. van's little twoyear-old daughter, man gllng her In a horrible manner. Miss Ola Clark, a witness to the latter accident, fainted and was carried to the nearest house, where she lay for four hours before recovering sufficiently to be removed to her home. ANOTHER WAR BREWING. NEW YORK, June 5.-A dispatch from Hongkong to the Journal and Advertiser says: The sultan ot Sulu, who it was supposed was favorably disposed toward tho Vnlted States, now, It turns out, has Imported a large quantity of arms from Singapore via Sandaken, With a view of resisting the Americans. These arms he stored on the Island of S'.asl and he Is raising a force ot sepoys at Singapore. It Is believed that the decision of the sultan to fight the United States Is the result ot Bray's mission to Singapore in April. PRESIDENT THOMPSON DEAD. PHILADELPHIA, Jur B.-Frank Thompson, president of tho Pennsylvania Railway Company, died at his home at Merlon, near here this evening. ALLISON ON FINANCES He Thinks the House Will Pass a Currency Measure Next Session. WILL NOT CE RADICAL Coll Standard Will e Main tained, tut a Safe Flexible System Will Be Adopted. HOT WAVE IN THE EAST From New York to St- Louis ine Mercury Nearly One Hanlrel and Many Sunstrokes Reported. WASHINGTON. June ..-Senator All!. ton, of th senato finance committee, in an interview this afteroon, tald: "In my Judgment the next congre; will pass a traanclal measure. Jiy Juogmern U also that th financial committee will take up the financial question anew." "Have you any Idea along what lines currency legislation will be framed?" I do not anticipate any very radical measures. We want to maintain our standard and at the same time give the country a safe and yet flexible currency. It U said that we ought to declare for the gold standard, but we are on a gold standard now. "There may be some new suggestions, t, for instance, some legislation regard Ing our silver certificates which will re move them from the least degree of un certainty. There are now about fcSw.WJ.- ouOof silver notes In circulation and wMie they are as good as gold and while there Is not the slightest doubt of the ability of he country to sustain them. whether we legislate or not, there have been some suggestions that we ought to make their values certain." CORBIN AT THE WHITE HOISE. WASHINGTON. June 5.-General Cor. bin was at the White House tonight go inr over with the president the dispatches from Manila and other places and cor sldering matters In connection with the campaign In Luxon. For prudential rea sons, the authorities are keeping from the public important telegrams passing be tween here and Manila regarding the question of policy nd contemplated mil Itary movements. AT NEW VORK. NEW YORK. June S.-This was the hottest day of the season In New York. There were many cases 'of prostration. At four o'clock this afternoon the ther mometer registered 97 In the shade. At 8 o'clock In the morning the raercary stood at SO. AT INDIANAPOLIS. INDIAPAPOLI3. June 5.-Sevcn of In dlanas nine republican congressmen met here today to support Colonel D. B. Hen derson of Iowa for Speakership AT TOLEDO. TOLEDO. June 5. This Is the hottest June day In Toledo's history of weather bureau. High record is 93 degrees In 186. but the thermometer today reached one sunstroke was reported. AT CINCINNATI. CINCINNATI. June 5.-The mercury this afternoon reached 93 by the govern ment instrument. Three sunstrokes were reported. AT CHICAGO. CHICAGO, June 5,-Thls was the third day ot excessive heat, the government thermometer registering a maximum of 90 degrees. A number of horses were killed by heat. ' AT ST. LOUIS. ST. LOUIS, June B.-At three o'clock this afternoon the thermometer stood 96 In the shaite. ALASKA NAVIGATION OPENED. SEATTLE. June 5. -Navigation to St. Michael, Alaska, and adjacent points will be fully resumed! In a few days. The re ported discovery of a rich placer at Cape Makes the food more ot tutma N'me la attracting: considerable attention and many booking of fares and freight are being made for that point. The baric Hunter salted tonight for Cap. Nome with E passengers, and several hundred tons of relght. Including 50,000 feet of lumber. The schooner Abbl. F, Morrl and the steamer Discovery ar. scheduled to sail on Wednesday. The barg. Bkoc kum. which lailed tonight for Pyramid harbor In ow of th tug Pioneer, had 400 head of cattl. on board. They will h. driven across th. Dalton trail to th. Tukon and shipped to Dawson on scows. KITCHNER AT LONDON. He Is voted a Handsome Grant by the Commons on Motion of Balfour. LONDON, June S.-Lord Kitchener 8f Khartoum, Sirdar of the Egyptian forces. arrived here today. Ma Balfour, the government leader of th. house of com mons. In introducing a' vote of thirty thousand pound (fUO.OOO) for Lord Kitch ener In th hous of commons today said tbe fact that the power of Mahdlsm wa crushed was due to genius of man they desired to honor and reward. Thai house, lattr, voted General Kitchener a grant of 3.XL TO SEARCH FOR THE PELICAN. TACOMA, June ..-Secretary Geg has detailed the revenus cutter Grant to search among the Aleutian Islands front the Island of Attu eastward for the crew of the musing steamship Pelican which left here twenty months ago with a cargo of. railroad ties for China. The chlro graphy of a bottle message from th chief officer Patterson stating the Pelican was abandoned in a sinking condition near Aim Island, the most westerly ot the Aleutians, having been authenticated. It Is believed tbe crew may still be alive on on ot the Islands. THE SACHEM'S EVENTFUL VOYAGE. TACOMA. June 4. The American ship Sachem, which sailed from Philadelphia last fall loaded -with kerosene oil. has arrived at Shanghai after an eventful voyage. Before she reached Hongkong her master died and was burled at sea. In Formosa channel she was struck by lightning. Her foremost was reduced to splinters and over halt of the crew was knecked insensible. The mate, wh. wa one of the victims, remained unconscious for six hours, , ' HENDER30N XON COMMITTAL. MILWAUKEE, June 6.-The Journal, today published an interview with Gen eral Henderson, of Iowa, In which he expressed his gratitude for the efforts of th) Wisconsin congressmen In bis behalf, as a candidate for the Speakership. In regard to the reports that he Is an antl Imperialist. General Henderson said this is not the time for Individuals to Ox policies. "What we all should do at thl. time Is to steadfastly support President MoKlnley." ANNA WASN'T THERE. PARIS, June a. Count de Castellane has written a letvr to the Echo de Paris denying the statements of newspaper that thi countess (formerly Anna Gould) placed herself at the head of the Jeun nesse royalists at the Auteil demonstra tlon yesterday. The count declares that his wife does not belong to the club and that she did not leave her seat from which she could not even see what was occurlng. JUDGE STEWART AT WALLACE. WARDXER, June 5.-Judge Stewart arrived at Wallace today ready to try the cases growing out of the Wardner riots. It Is not known yet when the case against the commissioners and the aher iff will come up tor hearing, but prob ably not before the last of the week. DREYFUS SAILS THURSDAY. PARIS, June 5. A dispatch from Ca yenne, the capltol of French Guiana, says that Dreyfus was today (Monday) trans. ferred to the military authorities. He will stay oa the Isle Royale until Thurs. day, when he will embark on the French cruiser Sfax In the roads ot Use. SKAGWAY BANK FAILURE. SKAGWAY, June 1. (Via Seattle, Wo., JuneS.) The first bank of Skagway ha. closed its doors and J. G. Pierce has been appointed receiver. The liabilities of th. bank are stlmated at 116,000; assets $18,. 000. aaaawawwawkaaaa READY FOR BATTLE. NEW YORK, June 5. Fltislmmon. and Jeffries have finished all the hard work In preparation for their big fight at the Coney Island Sporting Club Friday night. Their work from now to Wednesday will be of the lightest kind. delicious and wholesome sowot eo tw vowo