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About The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899 | View Entire Issue (June 2, 1899)
THE DAILY ASTOttlAN, KM i DAT MOKMNU, JIMB , 1M9 BARGAINS Like tbelollowingarethe secret of our success GRA.NITB WARl. No. I Tra Kettls '. 1 yiisrt t'onae or Ta Pot I Quart OofTe Pot 14 uuart Dish Pans s No. M fliw Pan or Kettle fo I laoa -lie Plate T Other rootl In proportion. All airtdly first olas aranlt ware, no woond or damajrM srooii. bought bfor tht trust advanced the price We throw out no balti to deeelvs the prop!, but tv yeu tt best value for your awoer oa ALU rood. ALL tie tlma. THE FAIR, 506-508 Commercial Street. - LADIES' White and Ecrue Chamois Gloves AT Albert Dunbar P. J. AIeany-sna merchant Tailor and Exporter of pars. Hlffhaat Caah Prta Paid for Tar Skin. Tenth and Commercial 6-tw. Astoria, Or. Drifted Snow flour OH at ti Pat Uarkat. Boom for Kent Apply upstairs. Good. Buiidimr. Beat ISccnt meal. Rising Sua r"Uar aat, OS Commerdal itreet W. J. Hckard' I. X. L. creamery butter 0c per roll at the Parlor. Those wo har tried the ice fteam erred at the Parlor say It Is the best In the city. Best California, win X cents per gal lon. Alex Gilbert, sole scent for Astoria. Telephone H. FtuH frappee to order at the Parlor; same price aa tee cream, except pln apple, which Is 19 cents higher. Cream Pura Rye. America's finest whiskey. Tie only pur good, guaran teed rich and mellow. John L. Carlson, sole agent Wanted To borrow 00 on central busi ness properly for three months. Address K., Astorlan cdlce. LOST In Gray's Ray. on the night of the Sth, abouf 100 fathoms of net, C and IS meshes deep. Name on buoy. George Marrinoovich, Brookfield, Wash. f 'The Astoria Wood Tard Company have opened a down town office at No. 13$ Commercial itreet, between the store of C. H. Cooper and Horman Wise. Ramuler and ideal bicycle ror tale or rni Repairs and sundries at lowest rates. Can at cyclery. ta Bona street. Columbia Electric and Repair Company. Kelly's transfer wagons deliver box wood to any part of the city on short notice. All orders left at Zapfs furni ture store, 830 Commercial street, will receive prompt attention. Telephone tut The new Creamery Restaurant, Bond street, near the alley between 11 rh and 12th street, Berve the best 25-cent meal ever set out In Astoria. Everything is new, neat and clean, and absolute satis, faction 1 guaranteed all patron. Fredericksburg Muc Hall, corner of Beventh and Alder streets, Portland. Or. High clais entertainment every evening. The only family resort In that city. Ail kind of refreshments. All delicacies In season. Admission free. Lout Dam. masch, proprietor. Notice Plano.owners can have tbelr Instruments thoroughly cleaned (preven. tlve of moth used) for 1L0O Other re. pairing and tuning at moderate charge. Call at Griffin St Reed's or at Spexarth's store, 509 Commercial street. T. Fred erickson. A pure whiskey agrees with any food, In fact aid digestion. It tones the stomach, Increases the flow of the gastric Juice and so promotes strength and flesh. A pure whiskey like HARPER Wnlekey. Sold by Foard & Stokes Co., AstorM, Oregon. When In Astsrla step Into Fisber Bros, and eej the new mower constructed on new principles to work among tne stumps. Tou can raise the cutter bar perpenllculnr without throwing the ma chine out of gear or stopping the team. Has roller bearings and very light draft. W. A. Gaines' private stock whiskey, handled exclusively In Astoria by John U Carlson, la one of the most popular be vera res sold. Its tarlrt and quality are guaranteed, aad tt la especially rec ommended for family use. tt sold in ar quanttty at tfce eoraar ef Twetftt na Beat strewta. r53S. Ohalknjre wood frems wringer $1 6 N. k cwMvr bottom ah boUrr,... W 13 Quart iiJvni,l Iron buckets It N'utiw rraters , 01 Mr. Pot is' nickel plated Mil Iron, . It st of thrs with hnmtls ami land M Otrl oarwatrr hand saws Nirkcl pi ted hammer, wv'jht 1 Ih.. It All thtf and wool sous r.ill of barrens beslJe. The Place To Save Money Boys Will Be Boys I and you can't prevent tam front laduirtn In natural and healthy porta Tha only thing to do la to buy tbslr clothing at suctt low prise ae w ar sallinf our hand ottii and stylish aal.or suit. Odd kne pants, short waliti. and dreaa tulia of Cheviot, oaaal. aiervt. a:c.. at II U, fl ii. UH and tin IUt$, Caps and Shoes. THE BEE HIVE. TODAT'8 WEATHER. Showers. AROUND TOWN. The Elmore will leave out for Ttlia. mook thl morning. Lo?t A bunch of key. Finder will please return to Astorlan oraoe. See and hear Sam T. Shaw Uvr cornet band and military drill at 11 a. m. Monday. lr. J. H. Davis. untlst. Krrst class work and satisfaction guaramesHi. t,mce in new Page block. Tie laJy who got a red handled um breiia, by mistake a: the Episcopal church 1 last Sunday evening kindly return to this office and make exchange. WH'.lam Lane was brought before J'J"!fr3m there to California In the early 1 tk Hughe yesterday afternoon charged with assaulting John Steiner. He pleaded guilty and will be sentenced today. A sewer is being put In on Exchange street to connesrt the dwelling house of Carl Noeska with the main itwer at the corner of Ninth and Exchange street. Paul Warra yesterday changed the place of abode of his family from X", Nlmh street to corner of Fifth and Com.; merclal. occupying the Hobson house. The reserved sea: sale for the engage, ment of Sam T. Shaw's dramatic com pany which begins next Monday, opens at Griffin & Reed's tomorrow morning at o'clock. The following additional subscriptions have been received to the Lew; and Clark road fund by Secretary Dem-nt: Mrs". Ann Gadsby, 11; Master William GaiL-by, W cnts; August Harder, j. Don't fail to see Milton and Dollle ' Noble grear comedy "Love and Law .. ! by th Shaw company next Monday ev-n ing at Fisher's opra house. Se ure your seat Saturday morning at Gr.flin A Keed a Articles of Incorporation were filed with j the county clerk yesterday by in. 11 ur5W, .s. r. o.jreiijon anu . r. isar rett under the tlrm name uf The Necan. cum Spruce Lumber Co. Their box fa lory will be started n-xt week Work on the r.ew M. E. church at New Astoria is being pushed by J. W. trk-k, the contractor. The will be HxMj feel and will be a neat appear ing structure. New Astoria Is to b? congratulaied upon Its puolic spirit In making ui.h prjjreFs in building up Its town. Wath-r Observer JohiS'in gtves th fo.iuwing precipiiation since S-y-.trnfjcr la.-. Precipitation for May. li, a"i Knr"- -recip:Tauon irom P'.emosrr i to date, hl.H inches. Average pr-c.pita. j Hon for wme period, .2T Kx. cess precipitation, September to date,' IVX inches. At the regular m-eling of the Wood-1 men of the World lat night the 1 ofllcers were e.ected for tilt ensuing y-ar: ' Consul commander, B. 8. Worlsey; ad vteer lieutenant, Kdwin Drew; escort, Thomaa Foytl; watchman, G. W. Off. man; sentry, D. C. M'?rosky. Boanl oi managers, J. T. Uuliock and AIM. Tagg. The British bark P-ia.sus arnv-d In yesterday four days from Seattle, In ballast. She la chartered to load wheat, and will be towed up the river at once. The Pegjsus was thought to be the lint, lsh ship Macduff, with a cartto o' Jute bags from Calcutta, which i due to ar rive any day. Th- Amerban .ship Set son Ih also due from the Sound. Portland is again threatened wi'h a visitation of smallpox. A case waa re. ported there yesterday, but on Investiga. tion the report prov'd to be unfounded. It Is said that a number of well defined cases. of the disease exist In the railroad camps along th. Snake river branch of the O. R. & N. Quarantine n-stuiations have ben adopted and U Is hoped It will prevent Us spread to Porland and other plao-e. The Wlllameitte was reported in last night's Telegram to be Etill the guatre on th- . Morriwjn stre.t bridgv, showing 17 feet. Buslnes-s at the doeks la rxdng transacted In the second stories of the buildings. With a warm spell In the early part of this month It Is feared that a repetition of the flood (it IS'i-l is Inevitable. The season during the nisa. trous year Is said to have been similar to the, present one. The closing exercises of the erammer Bcfhool will take plare this morning at 10 o'clock ln the assembly hall of the MoClure school. The program, which promise to be quite Interesting, will be In charge of the pupils of the eighth A grade who have passed their examina tions and will be promoted to the high school the coming year. The parents and other Interested m the work of the school are cordially Invited to attend the exerdsm . The corom?noMneiu exerolw of the Astoria high school will b hvld totiisiu at the opera home. The program to be rendered haa been carefully prprd, and will afford a very pu-aaut evening- er tertalnment. The almvlon ha txi-n placed at tha small prlv-e ot V oenta, the proceed to be used for the benellt ot the school library. All having the good of the Astoria schools at heart snoull attend the ex'rvl- and thereby help (he school ctuMren In their tffort o have a first ola. rvferono library lor their school. DeapKe the rainy weather more build mg ara under course of ,-oin.truetion I at the present tin than (or Wal year 1 n. . ... . .. ....I the work on hand U .u.tlclent to employ all !.. mklnl carpenter, of Aor.a Contractor ralnitwg a work in hi. line U 50 per cent U tter than It ha Iwen t"e pat ten year, and he haa fronx W to L men at work every vly. Air, ralmberf ha figured on evenil Import- am contract rewntly, the last one the gox-ernment barrack at Ken Steven. He failed to get tht contract, however. It being awarxlrd to Ohlcaiivi bidder. Mr. Palmterg ta now figuring on a num ber of contract In Aa.orla. and he think the building boom In the city it.t only jut commenced. The teamhlp Monmouthshire arrived In from the Hr;ent yeterd She ar.'n', ,,u,l "ntchery provided the !ate rived on fchedule time and wa taken up the river by Pilot Her cargo eonl:d of SiW tag of rlw. ten ce of nut oil and It packages of nut oil for ,!Kr:a. She had the uual numter ot passenger, among whom are S rhlne It being for Portland, and one being landed in thl cltr. She ha W faiMneie..1 for Portland and San Francisco, and two! Japanese stowaway who were discovered on N'rt a few day arter b-avlng Yoko. . ,, . ,, . , , ham.. The Monmouthshire had a tine Page up to the mouth of the folmn- hi rlv.r .h s ,11111 rd .1 1 1 M...I K.l.,- Smith lnt nton her arrival here, but 1 no css of slcknms were found on bvvar.l. A full cargo await her at Portland, and s!w will In Astorta 0:1 the ou ward iue about the middle of m xl week. P. J. Meany died ye"'.erlay a: his resilience at the corner o' llond and Tenth :re.ts. Mr. Meany had b-eti '. gradually falling the past year, but 1 was not until a few days ago that he j was stricken with the Illness that r Isutt.d fatally. Saturday last he was a' i tacked w th severe hemorrhages, which , --" ...... --u. ...... i.iR.n. .r. j. .s r m - 1 " "-ii"r '-'' '" that mtdlcal skill could do was done to relieve hi sufferings. He gradually sank tint! d. ath came to his r-',lef at HI o'clock yesterlay morning Patrick J.: seph Meany was born In Macroin. coun. ' tv Cork. Ireland, fi! years ago. He em grattd to csnaaa at an eariy age ami sixties. He has been a resident ot As tona for the past 3) years. belr ,r. f ut,4Warp 0, (h rlrM u Mih gaged In the mervhant tal.orlng business ,)f (,,umlM ,Iuy (. ri, lm, during that time. Mr. M-.ny was a man My Mng ,,,.,. , , , ,., of peculiar characterlstl, and was n... , of alum , , iwtr1 hie for hi., onerous dlsptvitton atvl Alum hl.,.vr , ur) ,lirr strong friendship. He leave a family ouMy () fom .x.m () of nine ch.l.lren. one of whom Is a menu v,.r). ,w n m c u ber of the California volunteer serving j uf bMng powJi.r ,n Umiin wn,.re In the Philippine. The remalmler or the ; , k , r,.n,.TAllv .. 0:lr- family are re1(..nt ef San i family have been notified of his death and the arrange-men: for the funeral will not be made known until they ar heard from. CITY COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS. I Th regular monthly meeting of the The llrl:l-h ship Wall. town, lying a: city council was held last nlgnt. Tnetn.. glM ,.mMn)-, ,0,.k, ,,,, h,.r (.arir council wa called to order and nil call 0( iumlr murly all alkianl. She will showed the entire burau of the city uke 1 Jsj.mi f.,.t, nn.l is under charter to officials to be In attendance. The minute v. It. e & Co.. of N'e York, ainl of the last meeting were read and ap- j u bound for Caliao. Peru. Thr lumU-r Proved. u from the mills, and It Is their Alex. Grant wa.s granted a retail Honor license. I The foiluwing claim against the I were r-ad and ordered paid: Astoria Evening News t F. W. Ferguson Astor.a Transfer Co Foard & Stoke Co IS it) I r j 10 V) tt""! vi i Siiji. rmt-ndent of streets Clatsop Mill Co 1 Borthwlck uumber Lo ui,0, ti!' fa Charles Ijirsen Astoria Supply Co Le Herring wa granted a retail IKpjor j lleeniM'- . A communication from the school hoard .tl,.l,.t VA t .Lrin ..... th. KttlM. ' ... -o. . .'t - - Ing of lire uvpartm-nt No. 1 f. r school j purixs exelte.1 considerable romment. The sohool board were present In a body and r. W. Fulton spoke In behalf of the petition. He said the schools, esperlal'y In Fnlonrown, were handlr-appe, by want of room, and that as the building of fire department No. 1 would very nlrely ar.jwlw m.,N u ,. T n,, ,h(.f ()f sw-.r th" purp-ise of a school, he strongly j trj,.s advised that It ba put to trm purpose. Counrllmr.r. Parker inr.!ieJ Wmelf a. ,aIflM, wl(h ,B)lpos,tlon of )ne bu(!lllf. A m,)llon w m(,,,p ,hat a nmmlM nf whlrh rMv A,trnf.v Allen should be a m-mb-r, be apiKiinted ! confer with the director In regard to tlx? matter. The motion passed, and City Attorney Allen and Councilman Parker. Schvrn-'.'kau and rtzlnger were appointed as such committee. An ordinance was read th- first and second time directing the polb'e Judge to can't-l a lien against lot 7, block 45, MeClure's Astoria, the property of J. A. Devlin, the lien having been placed on the property for non-payment of street assessment.. An ordinance was passed appropriating WA tor the Improvement of Astor streeet, rom the west side of Sixth to the west side of Ninth street. A petition presented by L. E. Seilg to have an electric light placed on the corner of Commercial street, opposite the ' per house, was referred to str-et committee. Chairman Thompson of the school board then Invited the council to ac-om pany them to a reception then In session at ths Mi-Clure school, given by the junior 'lass to the seniors of the city seh'Kils. This invitation was accepted and the council adjourned. NEWS FROM THE HATCH BKIKH. Stale Fish Commissioner F. C. Reed has b n busy the last two days collecting tho license from the canneries and fisher, men who had not yet paid. Mr. Reed spent last week on the upper Clackamas river to look over the ortlon for tho new hatchery bulldinst to be erected on that stream. Governor Oeer and Secretary of Slate Dunbar, the other members of the state board, wero to have accompanied him, but the heavy rains and the terrors of a 10 mile ride over a rom;h mountain trail from the .settlement to the hatchery was too much for them and their trip was post, pontd until next week, when lt Is hoped that the weather will be more propitious. Mr. Reed says that two locations ara be ing considered for the hatchery. One 1 where the hatchery built by the Columbia River Packer's Association was located, and the other on the opposite side of the river about a mile above th cold site. At the new location plenty of water could j be had, but It would have to be brought In Mum for over a mile, and tu It would ba through the timber Air. Head doen not favor the loom Ion, a a railing tree mlghl out oft the water supply, nd before repair ovmld ho tmtde all the ll.h would be dead. At the old location the only drawback Is a lack of water, but Air, Iteed think that the deficiency could be supplied with a pump. The paclty ,f ih new hatchery will be lit.. eitg. Mr. Itivd "talc that there will probably not be any tlh handled at the government hatchery on the lower Clackamas, but that the fit to supply tt will h I" "J", T"" w !trt",," rlvrr 1ille lvard hrt not vol n wl! b. taken In dandy I ? ' M h'y mr y " M" ,h !"' up on that I J?!"' ' ,,,"""1' ,h,u no "' f''-'e win ie mint (Ma Kinon on any of ih iat treama. the revenue from the biiine would n. be large riioturn to operate a hatchery In any one of the coart dltrloti. A the law doe. not pet nilt lloen money ntled In one dltrici to Ih expended In another. Mr. Ueed think that the mall ( diet riot will have to wait until next ywr. when trie receipt frm the two )-er would keep hatchery In operation. To overcome thl. difficulty n. IV Hume, the Kogoe river c-iiniieryman. ha offered to bmld im iHrate i. sir. Hume' proposition will be (Vniderel, and If fund can tw ha.l the hatchery will be started. Mr. Ke.d that he ha at last got tho taw-le. n-lormen on th t'luekama under control, and that no lUhlng i uow being carried on lt that stream. WHY WOMKX AUK NKHVOrS. ,irltN!t Medical New, -ry. (,.,,,,, .,. ,.. ' rr.iient ,. of nervous prostra. , or (if , 1 ,,., ,,,.,. hli,h I ' 1 . P-eces as the saxlng l. have caused much thought an! Invrstlgatlon on the I part of physician i tVr.aln Inorganic substance are well known to cause crrt.iln f.irni .if ..n ' , whl,h rtlv -,.,,, tlil. , ., I poloti producing them Kurth. t.- seatch b to ih- belief that n tun a a prevailing caus.. ,.f ,i.,al'ed iirrv-us r sir.itl is. f,ir symptoms ,t prodiii-r on t.'i- n.rcus s.rin df!T Its aborpi lion Into the II.k. arc very; Indeed. HMs-rUn.-nts phvsloiogl-ally mad,. u;kii animals by Orti;a, professor Ha:: Mayer. Paul S-im and others, show . ,i,i t ... . 1 - ,.,.., tlr ,,,, ))ily after Its ri'r .in. iloti mtn ih- 1.. "iv 1 her. f I o tot of l!'tif.' .111,1 other .l'!l. ri(jir .lis nrti.i-. ,.,,,, fil. ... . .,. .,P,.,.r , ,h., whole mnwK tem The mo.t j.r- nvi. ner.t ttlivlr'atis now i.- il-v .. rhi; r. ..,.i,- .. . - ,, jr s ra, Ion un.l uuiny anectlo' f ,. , ,,,,. 1 01 in,, nerves from a a.rh ith men and w men suffer are cau-d ,y ih- eon tin , ueu 4t'tui ini' n 01 aium in.o ttic s-iem. II IS t nintlv rti..l.-M rt.rt.i ,houM rri.,v.,, (J fMufr ony .nH(, (,ran,lH m4,u, rom (. ream of tartar The alum powders may generally Ih- distin guished t.y the lower pnee at which they are sold. COMPI.IMBNTS R I V K Ft 1.1'MHEIt f(r,.Kn ,.arv rr ,ni, j,.ar. Mr y I- Grarrt, who Is lnsk.rtiri the lumber for Gr,u At Co . states that the cargo Is ' J of egtni tine (jiiiili-ty , un.l that If he can I 1 secure more of such rnrg'M-s his com.' pany will enter the Columbia river tnid- and handl,. all the lumber lo be ha.l along ih,. river. The shipment r,r 1,1, cm pany to th.- ,.ne port of Callao wu .. J7S To I over lust year, and promise to .. 1. vijbe larg-r this year. From Callao mneh 1 ' of thl lumlier is reshlnixil Into the ir.. ,rlr ,B Il lin. ,0 ln. (,i)m pany are also heavy shippers of luml-r ,., ( tn..r American port- as a so . . l( Africa and Asiatic ports. S ports. .So soon as ,hH (.arK u ofr Mr o!h,.r m,u .i;oI)f 1hl Grant will Inspect river, an.l if i!i..y ean give him the nihility and quantity I ne win remain n-rt. and ,rrop much of I the shipment h- now makes from tint s,lni .,,, ,jrltNl (.,jhjml,ltt T()..rt ttr , . . ,.,,. rlv CREAMERY SOON TO START. Work on the cr'amery building Is pushed, and will bo fully compl-ted with. In another week, when the machinery which Is now at the o. It. &N. do( k w!l be Installed. So within two weeks As. lorlan will b- able to eat butter from meir own creamery. .Mr. Hkyles. an exp-rl butter maker from the east, will be In charge. Milk Is to be shipped from Lewis and ('lark river, Young's river, Deep river, Gray's river and Skamok awa. Mr. Skyles states that In all his experience h has never been ln a locality where conditions were so favorable to the success of a creamery as here, and he sees no reason why this locllity should not become one of the greatest dairying sections of the I'nltcd State. The owner of this creamery Is T. 8. Townsend. who also owns lang.., creameries at Whlto Salmon. .Whalem and Tillamook. PERSONAL MENTION. II. F. L. Iogan the Seaside sawmill man was In Astoria yesterday. W. ('.. Fiarrcit. manager of the S-aside mill was In the city yesterday. T. 8. Townsend, the creamery man, nr. rived In the city yesterday. William W. Ault, a prominent farmer of Skamokawa, Is In the city. APx. Gilbert Is confined to his room, suffering from an attack of the grip. John Whallcy, the prominent Portland attorney, was dolnr business In town yesterday. E. M. Coe, postmaster, station agent, merchant and mayor of Svensen, was In Astoria yesterday. Miss Francis E. K. Smith, of San Fran. flco, Is visiting with her unci- v.. W. Tallent In this city. R. Cameron, a prominent logper of Clntskanle, wa In th- city yesterday, looking after business Interests. Judge John D. Slater, of Spokane, ae. eompanled by Mrs. Slater, Is In th city on a visit to the family of his brother-in-law. Prof, R. N. Wright. Judge McRrlde left yesterday morning for St. Helens, where he will hold an equity term of court Saturday. He will convene the next term of court here on the 19th, when equity case only will be heard. ...SPECIAL TIPS... To Prudent Buyers, as you will find every item a Bargain. Men' kVlorw had, of good quality Mt. nevwr old lea than U W, our ll price, each , ,Tl Ion's alt wool sack suit, all tailor made, nmt brown ohrck, worth HOW, (M-lc. fist suit .M Mn'a heavy all wool sweater, mad of tlirsly yarn, wvrth 1100, HKOlal price ,a Wn' pereaJ. fancy Uundrled drwa shirts, slightly soiled, regular price 5. ixs.-lal rlee Men's hstavy fleoeJ uoderslilrts or drawers. rolal rto A large lot of nxm's Ja pool, but otd 1M. never Svtld for lew than II 00. apeolal prliM to eloa. tbew out. per pair Shanahan A OA UP t.F THANK" I wish to ay that 1 feel under lasting ob'.!ga:l.m for what Chamberlain's Cough ju-medy has don. for our family. W. , have usl H In o many en,, of cough. , lung tnmhles and whuuplntf oough, nd It has always given the ni.wl erfe.-t at iufa.-tlon. Wo feel greatly Indebted to the manufacturer, of tlii remedy and wish , them to plc a.vept our hearty thanks - KpecfiiUy, Mr S lo!y. le M 'llle. Iowa For ala by Charles Iteg-r THE Mut'KIlN UEAL'TY Tlinves on good fovd and susshlne, with plenty of exercise ln tho .pen air. Her form glows with h-olth and ber face l.l.NiinH with It beauty. If her system needs the c'.eansl'ig action of a laxative remedy, she use tho gentle aud pl-nsan: Hyrup of Pigs. mad by the California Fig Syrup Co. only. If doctors wrr to present their bll b fore pAttetita : well th'T., would b ry few chanoe vf recovery. Odd5 and Hnd5 Day. Everything that's beautiful la ehlnawure. crockery, gins ware, lamps, vases, ornaments and fig ures, lemonade and water sets. Newest an. I best thing made. Dishes for the million. He our cut prices. Some article cut to per cent. Some article rut DO per cent. I I ODDS) AND lrX lift. 111.1' HICK, t i Greit American Imptin, In Co. 571 Commercial Btre.t, Astoria. FISHER'S OPERA HOUSE Lt K. BEUO. L.ssm and Manager. Week Commencing Honday, June 5th STl RDAY MATIXKK. Sam T. Shaw Company. In an Enllre New Repptiiire. MONDAY-Lov and Law. TI'RSDAT From Blr to Son. WKUS'ESDAY-PInk Domino. THUUHDAY The Last Stroks. I'TIIDAY Jim ths Peuman. SATURDAY, Mattnee-Vaudtvllle. SATURDAY, Evnlnf-The Pheenl. Prices 10, 20, and 30 cnt. R' srved Beats at orinin a Rd' Httturday morning. New Neckwear TetKs, Tuffs, Hows Fancy Manufactured Hem and Nobby Line of (Oil heavy notion blank.!, good quallly, gray or whit., regular prlca Tto apeoiej prloe o K hiohe. wld. biwaohed muslin, a very god muslin, sp'lal prloe, por yard , M 10 Inches wld Nottingham lac. cur talus, sew pattern, worth Ko, spvolal jw1. per yard H Full sis. oomfort.ra, filled with pure white ootton, araton OOT red, worth WOO, special prlos U Good quality mattress ll.kln?, new atl patterns, worth loo a y.rd toial iwlo. pr yard ri AIiaoa Dreaa Skirts, full bell skirts all lat.ta lined, n.w rubber bind lug. warlh U. ieolal prlc. ca M M 1 8 99 KNOX SAILOR HATS For LndleH. In Hlnck. Navy Hltic. While aiul I wi MIUh Noiium Went a Knox lldt. BUFFUM & PENDLETON IIuttcrH mid FurnlnhcrM. H I Third Street, lorner Stark, I'OU i l.ANI). OUiKJON. TrWiWV iVsYiWAVrVim ASTORIA MEAT COMPANY Tslsphons No. J Handles Only the Choicest Meats ail Cairll !.. TTrWrW.VrrWrVVrVvW W. F. SCHEIBE, iSrsssrsA. A full Him of PIms. Teeaws. sa4 fmmktn' Artkte. 474 CommsrcUl HI. Stop and Think! Are You dotting The Bent Meols, The BeHt That can b had la the city? K not, It Is Because you hava not visited For those who require a feaalaa fead. May gat there wila eeoaooif all that (key ased. Thousands who It bars freely eaafMseel That of all th greet ealerera U th DBST. I.sik for the sign of "JEFF'H" ami Send t-en stamp to pay poatac Builders' Heavy and Shelf Can Save Tea Moaay oa Xatlmataa FISHER BROS. R. L. Boyle & Co Leading Real Ewtotc Dealer off ASTORIA, OREGON I VVrito fop Infonriiitioii and I'umphlnU. I Boys' and I'oiir-in Hamls. Knicker Leggings. I'OK KICYCLK L'SE. tiv J. and D. McGconjc, Dunfrccs. Scotland. SllSPEH&EljS of the Celebrated Wilson Bros, Make C. H. COOPER, The Leading House of Astoria Hoys Heavy nibbed Underwear, slses I to IB y.ars, worth Ho, spec W prloa 9 Hoys Strong Knee Paula, well mad and strong sewed, worth Do, spec lal prloa , sj Hoys all woll reffer suit, lars-a sail. or oullar, braid trimniod, worth O special prlo. j,,n Young Man' stilt, good caMlm.r, tailor mad., ooSor navy Ulue.aaaa 1) fa It years, regular prtos M..N special price IVtys Outing Flannel Ovsrshlris, giMtt oolors, regular prioe a cents, special price each Hog Fast Hlack llary Ribbed llot.. double knee, wsssr Ilka Iro a, worth loc. spenUI prloa , 04 Bros. sett Pslar ttsstaaisvl. "Li Belle Astorli" Clgir Sthelbe'sOtera Stir Sciielte's Special Ami txiter llrnfida Llquore. Or The Bent Bed Jeff's Restaurant. tske no other. KsUliIlslicl twenty yean. aad ft a Tide Table for UN. General Supply Mouse for Family Groceries. Hardware, Ship Chandlery, Etc. of Material of Bvsry Deaerlattoa, 535 Commercial Street Clothing In Kccfcrs and Vcstccs,