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About The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899 | View Entire Issue (June 2, 1899)
1IIK DAILY AHTOMAN. KKIHAV MOKNLNO. JUNlS 2, UM. Wit STAND HACK OT BVERT PAW Of ftllOKJI. Horn 'ui am harder upun Ib'lr iboM than oilier. "nit ait apparently hardy upon Ihtm. hat' when tin hu ha something to d w.iti u. i ay in be hard on a pour ho hard is bt hard on a good out, I low much longer will on ho (good) last than an othtr bad)f Ju.t talc In mimt nm That parhtpc urprl.c you. KXI'KlllMBNT, THV OVM agint any other yuu ran (il In town Compare I" other rpeiall rpot too. Petersen k Brown. UNION ASSURANCE HEI'f OF LONDON. Ktabllt)e4 during th ralgn uf Quran Anna, A. P. 1TI VIM AND UVV. uU. rlbrd Capital I 1!M 0 Ou Aela t.VU O0 00 Hurplu. to policy hold'r 4.CKI.Z3 00 of paid up capllal Law Union and Crown Fire and Life Insur ance Co. ! Hutrrilfl ur gurnll rap. I nai t iM.m oo ! Capl'al paid lip I.UIMjuOO !. U i IN Catton, Hell & Co. llrnrral Agent. Ban FTanclae, Cel. Samuel iilmorc 5c Co, Itr.iilrnt Ag.nt. A.torla Oregon II Tw UXURI0U5 1 HAVEL rpilK 'Niu-th. Wt.trrn l.lmlted" train. al.t'irlc lighted thruughtiut, b .lh In altW and out. and airam baatnl, are. without i.vp'.iun, tha rtiie.t train, la tha wurld. They ambody th. laleat, naweat and bri klM f'T rqmfort. ronvanlenco and luxunr aver offered th traveling public, and atltalher ate the nto.t coin, plate and aplendld NMtuctlon of lh car bulldrr.' art, Theao Hplrndld Tralna Connect with The (irtnt Northern The Northern I'at iric itnd The Cnnailitin 1'aciflc AT ST. PAUL rOR IHIlAdl) nml the I'. AST. No extra cliarga for theaa aupcrlor ac romntolation and all rlna of ticket. r0 ralitbl for pa ort tha faraou. 'Nnrth-aexern Limited," All tralnl on th.. Unit are protected by th lirtarlocklng lllock .y.tem. W. II. MK '), T. C. SAVAOS. tkti'l Agent, T. A. rortland. Ora. FOIIT STEVENS nUILDINOB. lTi.v..: Wanted For Conatruotkin. tifllce of C. y. M Vancouver liar- k. W1.I1., May II. IBS. Healed pra. poaala. In irlpllnat. will tot racolved hr until 11 a. m., May . HOT, and tn'n op. enrd, (it the cunalruollon of th following building at Ft. Htevrn. Or.: I barrack, 1 d'ubl et. of ortl'-cra' quarter aflmln. lm ration building, q. M. .table, N. C. O. yuu, bake. homo, lioapltal, ho.pltal tewanl'a qtmriara, anvrk.liup, Q. M. and .ubalmeni ator. Iioune. Information Mr. iilahiMl at thla otlli-e. V. H rcnerve. trie right to rJct or aootpt ny or all pro ponal or any part thereof. Envelope comatnlng ahould b marked: "I'ropoaal for oonatruotlon of building at Fort Steven, Oregon," and addreeaed to undcr.lgned. J. T. Jacob, C. Q. M. Note-Th data of openinfc the abuv prtipu.ala I extended to Juu 15, 1K9. J. W. JACOBS, C. Q. M. rilF.PAIlATIONfl FOK EXAMINA. TI0N8. Special preparation for tho atata and county examination will be given at th ummnr term of the taia normal enoo at Monmouth. belnnln Tuci.dny, June t. RNtHlar work by th Normal fuouity. Grade credited towurd ifraduatlon. Kx. potuir from 136 to HO for ton wceka. Full ent on application to tlm v.ttnry of th fnculty. Normal Snhool, Monmouth. NOTICB FOR I'UIILICATION. Iind Ofllc at Or.-Biin City, Oregon. May 9. lfiW. Nolle la hereby K'vcn that tlm follow. 'IhK-namcd aettlcr hna tiled notice of hi intention to mnko flinil proof In nupii rt of hla claim, and ihnt .aid proof w 11 b' mado before the county clerk of Clitlaop county, at A.torla Oregon, on June 24th isifl, vlx: Tlionui Himh; II. IS. 0003 or the N. K. A of Suction I. Township 7, N. R. I W. Ho name tha following wltne. to provo hla continuous r.l'lence upon and cultivation of euld land, vlx: Abram Cannon, of Sv'naon, Orcon: Jncob Sole, of Knnppa, Oregon; fleecher D. t3IO(p. of AHtorla, Oregon; and Grant Sloop, of Aatorln. Oregon. CHARLES R. MOORE8.' Regl.ter. Astoria ' READINO """M OpH rr 1 1 'i ; Cubf.irirvJ'Oe- Vrsl int fie' It' M.t "IIITi ".a: Pisa - v''"' ''A If An Excellent C'omblnnlJon. Tito pl. iiMiiil iiti'lliKil nml li'iK'li lul nfTWln of the well known remedy, Sviifl (if Hua. iiiiiiiiifiicliitvil I. y tln ( Al.iriillHU ll'f Nvtlt.'P t o., HllihlrllKt Hut value i.f obtaining- ""' "'jul'l lii mi live) irlmlilr of plunk, hm.Mii to he llimlitlnlill luxitlhu uii'l iin-nMililitf ilioiu lit th furm iitimt rrfi Muff t Urn t'li to uml ui'Vtttlli Id Hie iaMi-ih, It In tlm otic (tt'i fi-ct Mriiio-tlic'riliiy lnn tlvg, cl"an.lii: tlm v'j m I'lfciimll.v, llW"lllllf cudln, li.'llillli.'llli, liil'l f' Vi la jfi'iitly yd,:y un.l enabling une ui uvci'i'iiiiin 'mliitoitl 'iiiii;iiiitluii h r tnmiKtiilv, lu lii'rffol fri-rdiiiu from VITV oIljectll.lI'lllH. I1I(I lit V rtpl Mill- Uiitioc, ami Ita inline on the 1 Ulut vr., ilvrr nml Ihhv-Ih, v. II lit. tit w I'lilo'iiWic or Irrltntl'i" tlimii. innki- it I tin lih nl Utatlvd. lnlhrtr...T.4r.r Imilii.fiictu. nrn tt-.M, a tli.-v nr.. l-aannt u, tho ' ' g'""i'J 'Y a nati-nanai. Utf. liiitllt.iiM.i.ll.limltinliti..itli. ''' dlf'"'"- ' H'" railway tirniliiua. rnw-'ly rp (iliUlnril frnm m uiiu nml jwlu-r ho will arrive In l'.irl I'xlay, Im ollii-r nruiiiiitiu I,y n tni'tli'nl I i' rilliiMiy i ii liiW"'i"l 10 rxt..uil known lo tlm CAMrntiNiA I'm M'l;Ii'il in.r.uii. frra the atailon anJ only Co. only, lu nnli-r to if ft ill U'liclidul !u,iii,u r. nrrM-mailvr of tlm mlniatrra rlTncta ami M uroM liiiiUttiuna, ilrmm luiiirmiH-r mr run iiiwiiimh inr uunpHuy prlnU-J on tlm front of fvrry ii'ltiifo. CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. a AM riAHCURO, OAU LOUIaVIU.K nr. WltW YORK. H. Y. Fur aatr tiy all UrngElri. - I'rira BOc. i bllla Of i-.iur.t. I tin buay In I In mi liiii.r.iv.-. cu ll .tilnliitr nitrim f Mt" '.rrJl'.".'.'."".""-1""1 "MM "" ' -iv BAD COMPLEXIONS RED ROUGH HANDS FALLING HAIR PltMNUO at Tha moat ffoctlve akin purifying ami bnaulifvliK aoan In tlia wotld. aa Wnll purml ami iwn.tmt fur toilet, bath, and nursery. Il Wik al Ilia causa of I.kI compleiliMia, r-, rough handa, falling hair, ati J habr bleuilahaa, tlx., Uie clogged, lirilatnt. In (lamed, overworked, or alug. glah I'iiUM. a UiMakMi oi U ' rWt. D ccmr, rMfa.kwaw. U.WUanwurICMsMataa,IN ' " . ;-j Th n of a eoap combine la remind. that a trual n rlealine.a I new tuialnraa ha. about gun- lla limit. OR AN DMA had CONSUMPTION itid I am afraid I have in joritcd it. I do not feel well; I have a cough: my : iings are sore; am losing Josh. What shall I do? Your doctor says take ore cf ' .uiself sod take plain cod-liver .il, but you can't take it. Only h Ktrnnc. health v nerMn tan . ... it .-J v. ... a.i.. it. .,ie it, and they cant take it J., i:a 11 17 PV IlUa Aft Mf0VtV MiV jiomach. But you can take SOOTT'S EMULSION It is Tery palauble and easily I'.lrsted. If you will Uke plentr rt fresh air, and exercise, and ,!C0TT'S 2MULSI0K. steadily, (.rre is very little doubt about yuur rrfovrry. There toe hyKphospbites in It ; they giye sttcngth nrt tone op the nervous nystrm v-hile the cod-liver oil feeds and nourishes. .fir it 1 a cirn ir nnaMV w n ' v- i'l I . vu, ati giuHMa IT.On i Hiium- i'hMi.i.i. .. York. Hiinuiel Johnaun: Nature has given women so much power that the law has very wisely given th.vm but little. u . iwayy 1 4T . i ) Cough and lion Cure Thl is beymd rpiestlon tlm most successful I'mmli Medi cine ever known to ivience: n lew inv.inahly euro the worst CM'.e of t'miK-h, ( roup and Hiciii liitiit, wliilu lis won derful siiccea In the cure of t oiHiiminiioi l i without n p I -llllel l nthe Ir t"'V of lliei'icll.c. tiiuco lis lii'.l tliM'overvtl hi.s been noli oil t Kiiiniiiilee, it ttst which no other'ine ciin !;1:i!h1. If yon Joivn n Ct.nirli, we enrnesllv ! '" tolrvU. In t'niled SliMisiiiiil Ciiiunlii iv., Wc. nrul Jt il '. itnd III I'iiirliiml Is. I'd., IN. 8d. mid 4s. fid. ft SOLE PUOPRIETORS Al' S.C.WELLS&Ca LEROY. N.Y. (1 HAMILTON, CAN. J4 vDMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Nolle I hereby given that I have rt ed my final account In the estate of tiieii' Helden. dnceased. and the oountv court of Clatsop county haa et April 3rd 1SII9. at the hour ot 10 o'clock a. m. for tb" hearing of objection! If any t ih sam. i ALMIRA HEIDEN. AdmlnlatrmtrU. Own TS0AP- MARCHA.ND IS THE FRENCH HERO elaborate Preparations Made la Paris for the Arrival of tbe Hero of Fasboda. PLANS FOR HIS RECEPTION All 1'ar.s Will Turn Cut to Do Him Honor- Ids bensution I Speech at Toulon. l"i'flglil''. IVA, ly Auflatrd I'Kt. 1'AIIIM, Juno I Tlia Kreli' h propld lovo hwwa. 'vcral million of them '.nk fur a Inn ai tiw J'W lnok out fr a M.'Uluh, Tln-y r Inrllnad U M .M in-liaii'l m aui.'h a man, and h" Iw. nwny qualltlea lx-m ; tn clir ! r,", "vrrnmm I. uklmf rn not lo 1 ( n, ,imi,, f marln-. of th tnlt: tiiiy govi-rimr of I'arl., "f tho army aixl na.vy rlub. wliono gup.ta the MiiKhand will lf Owing ihi.;r lay in l'url, Maroluiiiil mad two .piwlwa al T"U Ion. liny -r abort and to tha (wlnt. Tliry hud IIih ring of alnrarity and will IcnliaiiKi lila pularliy. One will mak' lilm lh Idi-al of llm noiwommlaaloiM-d , i i.rtlrertd, hr having. In Juallrp to tnoac of , Ihla n.Ulun, jld lrlbutir of admiration ' 1 that tnuM grutlfly th whol.- cla. Mar. , hand la rgarib-d by mo lunal p.oiili-l !a th victim cf prlUiii.Miiary r put- im-aniam. Mitt ituubilt-.a h.- Il;lnk av I lilinwlf. Il la to mrrt with unutia: li.inor itxlay at !h minlatry of marlii'. wlK-rv la to riii..r by thr gumd do-T 1 ' nlng on Ilia Rue Ituyale, and 1o !) Hr.l ai ma ly the uilnlattr, M. U.'kro)'. Afti-r an hour', c.nveraatlon I he will be ihr . hl.'f gu.ait at a luncaienn j given III hi. honor. Tbe oilier gu'i will Iw vli o ailtnlral., gi in ral of, duininn i t murine, artillery, the m nl 1, r k' colonl. . M. .ulilalu, and aenator and di-pullo promlneiiily counted wl'.h marine njul cnUinlal arTalra The me.lal whtih Ml.r torn from (h. In the chjmtwr of uVi UIU v. Ill Ihj ire. lit'd at Ix saert. M. I'"l 'ae, Ihe fo. ten llillllater, uncv Mid to Hir K'tmumt Muiihoii, the llrltlah o Francr, "there I iu Marchand mUnkn." Rut un the me.lul la the low-rip. ion. "The Marthuiid Mir .on; from lh,. A'.laiillc to the Jted Sea. I WW to IW," The guvprnmeiit In prom .hug M.irchand frum captflln to ma lor refrain from .(Hiking of the march on the Nile. Thin ,mllo to avoid liifllcilng a "pin !l'fK"h" "" yu,,'n Victoria. "From the k-,'. . . ..., ... , ' I .. . ... I iMuivnet'ii.uert ja niaoe 10 vvm a aiap 1.1 th,. fair for the president. l Roulede la popular Ik-chu.- lie la the author of ' Hmiga "t a S..ld.. r." and is thought to Ik- a dlslnt' rested patriot. Ills counsel, Mailrr Fulateuf. with great art. Is con. mantly dragKlng in M. lubit us a I'anamlst. Hla drift waa to find In the prealdentlal clrc-th n an rxcue for De Itouieilc call uiKin Rougct to inarch on the Klysr. A deeer reason waa to tntllt t a blow on -the republic, and e.p.tially upon the presloin,, who In. alsis that the government must not med. d with the Dreyfus case, but must leave It to ah court of cassation. MARUIfAND'S SPEKCII SEDITIOUS. CHICAfH). June l.-A sjMVlai cable t ! ti Chlcjuo Tribune frotn I'ar'a s iy!: X.tJor Man-hand s speech al'Toulon ha." falLvi like a bomb. Marchand's previous altitude end hi frequent rcsrotesttlonit j llf l(iy,h t0 lh ,owrBMPni ,ve nJ loyalty to the gov Indication to lash ihe government for :he evacuation of Fashoda. The speech la regarded as seditious. Here Is the Incriminating phrase, spoken In refer- j ciico to the evacuation of Fashoda: 1 "Seeing what a stale of t'.lv.slon our country 1 in over an affair cf which 1 need not apeak, we comprehend that France could Jiot make the supreme if. fort. We flt that our country cou'd not make a proud, energetic reply. Ten cei' of history have taught h'r that IM'ace was the Instant question. Hap. plly peace waa maintained, but 1 believe I can say that of that sort or peace there hud) rxlter not be too milch In France In the same century." As a reeuH of Marchand a speech a group of city councllmen today asked that plun for the grand reception to Marchiuid at the 11 u.-l Devlllo be coun termandtd. Tho prefect of police has forbidden any one Inside the stutlon to meet ihe hero save government officials, who muit be provided with special per. mIN. FREKMIT RATES DISCUSSED. WICHITA, Kan.. June l.-Thc trend o development In the spirit and purpose of tlie tranF.MlsslsstppI congress In tne discussion of economic problems to the outlining nnd advocating of commercial proJ.Mis was notable In a marked de crec In toiluv's proceetlltiR's. when trnns. ..i...i,.n .n.i r..u,)w -nm.. to the fi'oint almost exclusively. UuiMT were rtttd on equitable freight j rates, the Improvement of the mouth of the Mississippi and the subsldlxlng or ; the, merchant murine, the latter with e pedal reference to South American com. merce. WAoica oo up. MILWAUKEK. Wis., Jupne l.-Tn .Milwaukee beer dealers association today voluntarily reduced the working hours of ! the brewery employes to nine hours per day. Wages will be paid for ten hours' I work, nn lncreivse of ten per cent. About t.tNNi men ari affected. MONUMENT FOR DEWEY. riUCAtiO, Jimp l.-Tho Lincoln Pnrk board has decided to erect a JlOO.OiH) mor. nnicnt to Admiral Dewey, the amount tn he ra'scd by subs rlptlon. i KIDNAPED CHILD RECOVERED. OARNERVILLE, N. T., June l.-Mar-ion Clark, the 21monthiw)ld child wh'ch waa kidnapped from her parent Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Clark, of New York City on May il. was discovered two ml'es outh of Sloataburg. vtllaire about eight mile from here, thla afternoon. wan found at th farm hou of Cliarlea Voimiulu, and w In tlm cu:oJy of Mra. Ji-nnio Vmh, who took th t;liy i ttui plii durlfiK Hha tarly part of wk. Mra, Wllaun wa cevne punlvl liy h"T huaband, and tatl 10 Mra, Youtriaria that h wanted tard for Hit tillln girl during tli aumincr ItAINrt Alf) IN CA ll KOflN I A. HS KJIANCWO, Jun l,-ftjort ra. r.lvni by ihn A'lad l'ri' from all purta of t'ttllfornia ahow thut rain haa f.'l-ii In marly all ao;loria. Ttw norxht rn c ,111111 a ri-wivd ins havl"at pre. rlpltailun, but Dm dowiifur xtrmT! ows lh" Kr'a'T porll'n of rh Han Juu iiln valicy and aa fur wmih 1m At gw c, Thi amoiiM of Mln wlili'h h'i fit.lin la varlou.iy r'port'd at from a ti' " t 1 utm ard on hnif tni'h'a. A lurjfir trop of aiiKar to-Ha In Moniwy nil Hints frug untii-a In iwiird, nnj :tii" ffliHTl'a th'r- will l) lo llM'lr full calHK'lly. INIHAS TMOl'BhKH IN MONTANA. MI;I,i:NA. Mont., Jun I. Tti oid'r. Imr out of IS with earbln and alii. arm. at Mlla City. U Mid to lrn tud by aome of Hie Indian, r. ltfi arrrat by tb Indian (olL:ir. A 1 diatim"iit of Vt cavalryman hna I'tt rort Kfogo lor im -.r ... r-, V, flu. rr-iur.t of A-nt Clifford. Aa lb agri: la t rn.M-rvativ man who d. not act pr:lptat-ly. thor ar gool ground to brin-v 1hat matu- r al th. ug'-n y arP dully g ttlng mor lnua. HAND ("All COU.MOS. HI'OKANi:. Jun l.-A Hp-A. uman-R.. vlw pMiil frm Coif a aay. th U, K & N. train collldwl whh a hand car con. lalnlf'K a'.mr Jarnr "'lion han'ia. A crowbar on I hi- handcar waa drtvan through thf abdomen and hip of one of th Japanrav, protruding from hla back. ditf of tha men hd him whlli- two oih.-ra lh? r out II wa tuk'-n lo t'olfax f-r tr-atmnt and may r covi-r. I.K.IITKD UY EI.ECTKICITV. 1 WA BUI. Nr. TON. Jun 1-tu: ooaru 01 ni-al bunau chief haa tl. cidrd to rtjulp tl.f alx n. w rruiwrr to Im built with full 'cln - trtca! plan: fo.r all th- -ond ma. chlniTy. Including th' wlncha nl Iwnl wli:dln.ea. The mait'r ban Iweii und-T onniil'-railt.n for many month, involving 'a It did the iilianil rmr of pre.cnt '.ik- a to the cxlenl t'i which rl'-o'.riclty may be feiy and u. empl)vd ! aboard hlp. TO TAK" DREYFUS HOME. NEW YORK. June I.-A d'aputch t tha Journal and from Pt. 1'l.rr.v Martlnlnue. aeyn: It la itatitl on the bet auihority lht the ateamtr li Fayet e. which haa jut arrived here toly bring, officer und m-n who will take Captain Dteyfu h-jra from hl prls.-n on the Isle du Dlable, off tluann. l a new tru: In I'arla. AT THE CITY HY THE SEA. Keitald' A.torla popular oean side resort, haa taken on new life s.nce the iplcca was Incorporated last winter ana I now la aaplrlng to all tne airs of a ' full fledged city. The city council ha be- sue. the work of having the gun tne wora 01 naving toe nn co red with a heacy'coating of sawdust lo do away with the sand that has here. toore been so annoying to those spend, l:.g she summer months at that resort, The sawml'l, now owned by Wm. Mi lir. gur. N. P. Soren. n and W. F. Bar. relt. under the firm name o.' The Necanl- cum Spruce Lumber Company, nas start ed up after a long Idleness. Conslderah e building '. iw under way as the mill ( will soon be started. C. V. Fulton. Is having h tine cottage erected and several i other partle will have cottages built befor the opening of the season. John Hanemai Is rtfncdelltur. the building formerly occupied by Mr. Fmiey as a butcher shop, and I having It fUted up , for a saloon which he will open. j The Methodist pe. pie are preparing to txt:l a church 37x57 feet. It will be Qul! a handsome .diflce and will have a scat-j capacity tcr anout v. IT CAN'T RE DONE. No One Can Remain Wei:. No Chronic Disea-v Can Be Cured Unless tne Stomach Is First Made Strong a i ....,.. This Is plain because every organ In the body depend on the trtomach for l:s nourishment. Nerve, bone, sinew, blood made from the food which the atom, .ich converts to our use. 1 How useless to treat disease witn ms. and the o:h.T remedy and neglect . the most Important' of all. the stomach. ' The earliest sympums o.' Indigestion are sour risings, bad taste In the mouth, Kas lu stomach and bowels, palpitation, aUtone feeling, faintness, headaches, constipation; later comes loss of tlesn, consumption, liver and heart troubles, kidney diseases, nervous prostration, all of which are the Indirect result ot poor nutrition. Any person suffering from indigestion should make it a practice to take after each meal one of Stewart's Dyspepsia Tablets, allow It to dissolve In rne mouth and thus mingle with the saliva and enter the stomach In the mostjlh natural way. These tablets are highly recommended by Dr. Jennison because they are composed of the natural diges tive adds and fruit essences which as sist the stomach In digesting all wnoli some food before it hus time to ferment and sour. Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets are gold by ileriirt-ls :s. full slxed packages at 50 eiMa. They are also excellent for lnva. lids and children. A book on stomach diseases and thousands of testimonials or g. nulne cures sent free by addressing F. A. Stewart Co., Marshall. Mich. I SHAKE INTO YOUR SHOES Allen's Foot-Ease, a powder for the I feet, it cure painful, swollen, smarting nervous feet, nnd Instantly tak-s the jstltig cut of corn and burton If. I the greatest comfort discovery of the 9K6i Allen's Foit.Ense make tifiht or new shoes feel ensy. It Is a certain cirf for sweating, callous and hot, tired, ach. ing feet. Try U toduy. Sld oy ull drug gists and shoe store. By mall 25c. In .tamps. Trial package free. Audiet All. n S. Olmsted Le Roy. N. Y. l-ar't .'all I sprained my left hip while hitn irti? soire heavy boxes. The doe.'or I called on said at tlrst It was a slight strain nnd would soon be well, but U grew worse and th. doctor then said I had rheumath-'m. It continued to grow worse and I cou'.d hardly get around to work.: I wnt to a drug store and the druigKlst recommended me to try Cham. berlttln's Pain Balm. I tried it and on. naif of a 60-eent bottle cured me en. tlrely. I now Teoommend It to wll my friends, F. A. Baboock, Erie, Pa. It Is for sale by Charles Roger. THE STATE IS SUSTAINED ShoGt ,iie County Commiicnr Must Answer to Charge of Blowing Up M'ne. &ECISI0N IS SATISFACTORY Case May Be T.en t) the Supreme Ciurt - Brf Jsh Columtb MlflcS In Troutle. )0JHK I(Jaho JIM , The upremi. , ,h), morniI1Jf .jetiPd tha application , f(jf ft wHt toatMiM wrpu, , trt CM of William Uoyb. rommlwlont-r cf Bho- ' h'n county, who la held for comp'.lclty (n he Mot,m up of the Bunk Hill anc , gulvun mm- The court y,e fct ( )0t(t, ,fflrmlnjf lne Kovtt. .,horlt 1. ....n4 h. wrkt of Imlx aa f,r o Ignore It If ood b. Tim opinion la very vlgoroua, and flvt jgrmt aall.factlon. j The attorney for th dynamiter, aay ! tlw-y will take the mati r to tbe uprm ''' "t ih Unlld Stain, , tf MINERS SCALE KBFt8EI. j HI"OKANE. June I.-A Spoknaman. RcvlfW aprclal from Sandon, B. C. aaya: All the allvir l-ad proprtla In thla cKy, , th Slocan Star, hav ahut down. re'ualng o pay tVt.V) for eight Mtei4 "f tn houra' work. The Slooan Star mine. It U rx-lleved will pay he cal de mamled. while other aiwert that the mine- will cloe on the Urh. Te union are strongly organlcd In m'et of lh camp. The miner In large number are coming to Sandon. wh re Imiwrtant union meeting are belnaj held tonight. Score of miner nt In tne un(0ft(p will drift to th Coeur d'Alene nil nen. At Nelson th Hall mines and Royal Canad'.an are still working, but the other properties are clo.ed. SPEAKER RERD'S SUC.'ESSOR. ST. PAUL. June 1.-8IX of the seven M.nneaota ongr.-imn met In tni city 10 conalder the apcakernhlp of the hou"' In auitcession to Speaker Red. Cong-res, man Eddy, of the aeventh district was d layed by waahouta. Ills view, how. ever, were known and the action of the lb i gallon ununimous In the support of fl 'neral D. II. Henderson, o.' Iowa. TRUST 'FORMATION OFF. t BATTLE. June I.-The Po.Inr:iig-n. vr ay ihat necotfattlons for the forma tion of The Pacific Coat Cracker trust are off. The syndicate back of the deal tuts not made final payment. AMERICAN RULE A FIASCO. Bpain btlleves that American rule In tne rn.uppincs wia prove a nwco. srpa:n ;aj believed It utterly Impossible for Antcrlca to whip her. After a vig-orou argument Spa.n changed her mln -d on one point, and she may yet on another. The'e Is no mor chance of America- falling to do what she ha made up her mnj t0 ,j0 than tliere I of Hoaiethrs stomach Bitters falling to cure any i(l mach trouble, or any disease arising fr0.0 t weak atomacb. The Bitters Is an American remedy which never has faXtd-whlch cannot fall. It baa cured .more case of constipation, indigestion. malaria, fever and ague, liver and kid. nty trouble th any ether remedy. All drusgist keep It. It will cure you. Th- h . r.intnii .k pronoun "I" sometime, fall, tn f hn b. fittingly It Is the smallest one possible. WOULD NOT SUFFER SO AGAIN FOR FIFTY TIMES ITS PRICE. I I awoke hist n!rht with severe pain In i my sienna ch. I never felt eo badly In all my life. When I came down to work this morning I waa so weak I could hardly , stand. I went to Miller & MeCufdy'a drug siore and they recommended Cham. ber:aln - Colic. Cholera and Diarrhoea jv;medy. jt workl Ilk mag lo and one dose fixed me all rkjht It certainly Is the finest thing I ever usrd for stomach trouble. I shall not be without It In my .., hereafter, for I should not care lo endure th sufferings of last night again for fifty times its price. U. H. Wil BOn UverytnaiJ, Burgettstown, Washing. lon Vo Pn ms remedy te for B(Ue by pharjeg Rogers. . TIMBER LAND ACT. JVNE S. 1S78 NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. United State Land Office, Oregon City. Oregon. April 1st, 1899. Node Is hereby given that In com. pllance with the provisions of the act j of congress of Juns S. 1878. entitled "An 'Act For the Sale of Timber Lands In States of California. Oregon. vaiia ana Washington Territory," a ex-1 tended to all the rubllc land state by act of August 4, 1S92. Robert M. Cobban of Missoula, of Montana, i I i has this day filed In this ciuce his sworn statement, ;no. a.t, ror . the purcRse of the S. W. H of section No. 12. In township S north, range 9 west, and will offer procf to show that J the land sought 1 more valuable for Its timber or stone than for agricultural purposes, and to establish his c'.alm to said land before the register and re- elver of this office at Oregon City, Ore gon, on Friday, the SOth day of June, 1S99 He names the following witnesses: 'hn Flnley, of Olney, Clatsop county Oregon: George McFarland, of Olney. atsop county, Oregon; Elmer F. Thayer, of Portland, Multnomah county. Oregon; Christ Peterson, of Olney. Clat. sop county, Oregon. Any and nil persons claiming adverse. ly the above described lands are re quested to file their claims In this office :n or before said 30th day of June, 1S99. CHARLES B. MOORES, Reglslcr. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Notice 1 herihy given that the under signed haa been appointed administrator of the estate of Alexander Malcolm, de. ceased, by the county court of the etat.- of Oregon, for the county of Clatsop and all paeons having claims agalns1 sent the aame, verlflid as required b law. to me at my residence In the city o Aatoria. Oregcn, within six months fron tle date of the Bret publication ot th!' notice. Dated at Astoria, Oregon, May 11 18St' ROBERT CARRUTHERS,. . Administrator. Beware of CotutttnCTi ghcmld bewara of tha cixeap and laerior washing powder laid to t jrut u good u ft Dili Washing Powder They are col-there is nothlnj M good u the genuine COLO DUST for till cleaning bont the houae. Aak for COLO DUST nd Insist on getting It. Made only by THE N. t FAKSAKI CGSIPAJfT, Cnkijo .ULeeU HtmUmk Uttn "Russell" Automatic Engine r w ' 1 p ;'S J rVaL: t?jLr:-- -'iii-4;-1" vA I-" . .-i-vril . s J 7 - Write for Catalogues of A. II. AVERILL, Manager. ' 1 - 1 - v ... . - - - 1 1 . .It I V Columbia Electric and Repair Co. Successor to COLUMBIA IRON WORKS Blacksmiths BoilerMakers Machinists Foundrymen eaaaaks"f Logging Engines Built and Repaired. Heavy Forging Under Power Hammer a Specially Sole Manufacturers of the Unsurpassed ... "Harrison Sectional" Propellor Wheel... Contractors for Electric Lights and Power Plants. SAINT PAUL FIRE AND MARINE INSURANCE COMPANY ST. PAUL. MINN., JAN. it, 1899. Capital . . . . I 500,000.00 Reserve for Unearned Premium 1,016,407.87 Reserve for all Other Liabilities 222,691.07 Net Surplus over all Liabilities 784,888.78 Total Assets . . f2,523,9M7.72 PACIFIC DEPARTHENT. CHARLES CHRI3TENSEN. Manager. B. GOODWIN, Aalttant Manager, 317 California St.. S. F Cal. Ot Any Descrip ion Done with Neatness ' and Dispatch. Prices Reasonable. Call at The Daily Pacific NavigationCon ny STEAMERS R. P. Elmore V. H. HnrrlHon GARIBALDI BAY Oonnectinp ' - Ptoria v !fji tho Oregon lutilrott'l A N " San Francisiu. Portland nd all jroints eat. For Irei i Ifer rates aply tj Samui I nim; OOHN ACO Agerte, TILLAMOOK Ore. C. J. TRENCJ 1 Commission, Brokerage. C"H,' ..'.. . Agent : Imitations! . I. 'iSi S Engine Boilers, Saw Mills. RUSSELL & CO., Portland, Oregon. Loggers SurpHes Kept in Stock :m w Km u a n?::s f rllUElEWiCOiP, Astoria, Oregon Astorhn. ONLY DIHEC'1 ASTO! CITY I.I.H tit'i't-r A Ornt"" lti " 'I! s i ki