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About The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899 | View Entire Issue (June 2, 1899)
1'HIC DAILY ASTORIA N, FRIDAY MOKMNO, JINK S, 18M JOHN T. LIGHTER. Editor. Telephone) No. M. TERMS Of SUBSCMFTTON. DAILT. Snt by malL pr yomr Bent bjr mall, par moot , M Served br carrier, mt snoate..... t) 8EM1-WEEKLT. eiit br mail, por raar. tm esrvaace....e Postage fro u suosortbers. Ill oomfBunlcsittoria mTweoa tor e carton should be dtrertad to th adUe. Business communications of oil W-wi and remittances) moot bo addrsiud to Tbo Astoria." Tho Astenen guarantee to ru Mtw Utcro tbo largeot circulation of any newspaper published oa Um CoHnabta - idvottJotatf rata ou vo m o ave aatloa to the) buotnOM manacor. TIDE TABLE May, 1899. BIOH WATSB LOW VATII A.'iii) pVm. DATE A M. h.mlfu; h.mR. h-nufl. lih.tuia Mod Tue Wed ... II 4 27 8 .. If ,ui o!:ii if WI4i .. SI &M .Mil 1114 4 I ti l I tw nliiil i Tau ... 4 I 10,1 Jj Frt .... ixvrii 411 4 4 Ml 11 ,.i 4Ut; ..u t m. l .lj I Ob 6 0, .! I IS 0 inn J3 7S 130 II 14! Ill 1ST 114 ill i is ; J, It 41'JI I Mi IT 3 471 18 4 SSI 14 ...U.10U 4 1U3 s f 10 OS ,.2,11 Ou OiUltf" l, .c.uhi; ii ujii 4K S4H 41 4 ii! II 141 1 1 lOOj 11 f Wt II .. ... 1 I 0 06 1,1 IS 7 1' ,-. 7 ioi4 i 7 63,4 3 flttll 11TI lJi lOillil I :-l J, 41 10 l0! 1417 111 ISiJO: in: ii "a I S S ' 4 S6 7 , 10 U-0ill0 K 1 5 . .Ill 1 14,7 Sit m It'll in l.. DEWET ON THE PHILIPPINES. The cne asn 'hoe final juagment as o h final destiny of the PMlippIn Islands will carrj- more 'ght with lh American people than the opinions of any o!hr hundred men in ihe country. however tight In official position, is Ad miral George Dewey. He is a stranjer to all the arts of the demagogue; he la not aetklnax political preferment; on the contrary, he Is averse to all political movements In any way affecting himself, and he has had the ripest experience of any American citixen or as :o what should be the policy of our govern, meet In treating our new Spanish posse siona hi he Pacific Admiral Dewey has several times Inc. dentally referred to the destiny of the Phlllppinea In public or private utter. ances, but when he arrived at Hongkong on bis homeward journey, he expressed hi views, on the subject of handling the Philippines as follow?: We must never sell them. Such an attlon would bring on another great war. We will nevr part with the Philippines, t am sure, and in future years the Id a that anybody should have seriously sug gested it will be one o.' the curiosities or hlf yr'. The is no misunderstanding Admiral Dewey's convictions, and 1: is obvious that they have not been hastily formed. It la more than a year since he conquered Manila by destroying the Spanish fleet that practically ndd the pjwer of Spain Id the Pacific. He ha seen many months of war wkh the Filipino Insurgents: he understands the people of the Island; their capacity; their Interests and the vast resources of tfte archlpellgo, and no man in. this country better apprec ates the Importance of the Philippines as a stratfclc ba;e in the conflicts which are Inevitable at an early day for the possession of China. He Is not only the first naval officer of the country, but he Is one of the first diplomats of the world, and when he says that we must never sell or part with the Philippine Islands, bis judgment will Influence the convic tion of a very large majority of the American people. Admiral Dewey evidently understand how every advancement of tthls country since the acquisition of Louisiana to the present thne has been vehemently op posed iy very able and sincere men, whose teachings have in turn become what he justly calls "the curiosities of history." He knows that this republic, with Its new and greatly enlarged duties j and destiny thrust upon us without hav ing been planned by our most astute statesmanship, will be heartily accepted by the patriotic people of the counrry; and party leaders of every faith will do well to take pause and study carefully the pointed expressions of Admiral Dewey on the (Philippines. The public men who resist continued possession of the Philippines will be charitably forgiven when then efforts end in failure, but the , t.m tare 7) 'id nil ::5l:::::::?!!idao!-dn ...11 ISM til lOUIil Sl-sl f " ...1J I lif II ll I'll SSI J :i4 It ...14 i ,? j 4 si,: o. u u J Si:? fe 1 1 ..15 4 00,7 0 iWii l wmi jy.mau e U70IIUI "I;. lull In till IS II IS! II : 104 It i 1DXII pollilcal party that throws Itself across the great highway of the advancement of the republic will oe ground to powder. Tt fcURJl A TOLD IN ONE DAT. , Tax Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. All druggtses refund the money tf It falls to cure, A oenks.' The geouln hast L. B. Q. on each tablet. ejh',fl.ii.ini m.tmmi , mm m iit-Mvm timmi i'T -n eareeTMuTTTIeTaTMeaMlTiri PgrslMCTllBlfl Ac( tabic Preparation for As similating tlrooaandRcSuld tmg tte S tetadts and Dowels cf Promolcs'Digcsticn.CliccTful ikss and Itest.Contaln s ncitixr Opnirn.Morphinc nor Jtscrd. Not Nahcotic. 1 Uim SmJ-.waifc- Att-rfiYtRcmc-.!' : tioh. Sour Stonc :.o-.a Vfar.? -.CcT.-.a ;.;;.;. I"-:: :cii ncrociJIos'icr S'JLZV. raeSt.r.V feature tf lxact copy cr wrapper. Some women are so industrious that when they have absolutely nothing else to do they worry. Dosta Lsm o '5hlning ."lark. daughter and only ( seventeen," write Mrs. II H. Conk'.ir, t?. I'l .Ul'llfil A.ruuc, W.'Vr' ii v i.. ' ''iJ J im.' i.. tii a .fi r,ut 1 , . . t it . .f a UV 7- Kurgical Institute, Buffaio.'N. V. "We began vour medicine in Jla ithe ' Favorite Pre Nrrirticn'l. Mvdaugh- then was very a.vttd, in we did not' think she could live lor.g. She had pro- tow menstruation wiiicn was of long standing; also a bad cough. We had i-pent a great deal of money and worried a deal. When she began taking your medicine her wcigbt was only eighty-seven pounds. She now weighs from N ninety - eieht to one VZT hundred all the time and is well I cured entirely of her diffi culty, has no cough at all. and all for eight or ten dollars. It had gotten to be a serious question with us. Wc had done all we could for her. We ire truly grate frt I to you for all your kind advice and sympathy in the matter. We. feel that you are a personal friend." No living physician ba a wider practical experience ct enjoys a higher reputation in the treatment of dilates peculiar to wom en than Dr. Pierce. In cases of this nature be will send by mail careful professional advice without charge, and instructions whereby the most obstinate ailments may be entirely overcome. His " Favorite Pre scription ' is the only proprietary remedy ever designed by an educated, authorized physician specifically to cure women's dis eases. It is the only medicine which makes motherhood perfectly safe and com paratively easy and painlesa. Say "No" and stick to it when urged to accent a substitute. The criminal who Is always sent to the Jail appears to have the courage of his convictions. Pears' What a luxury Pears' soap is! The cheapest soap in all the world be sides. A woman wlio thinks herself pretty can generally succeed In convincing others that she Is, too. If you suffer from tenderness or full ness on the right side, pains onoer the shoulder blade, constipation, biliousness sick headache and feel dull, heavy and sleepy, your liver Ii torptd and con. geated. DeWltt'i Little Barly Risers will cure you promptly, pleasantly and permanently by removing the congestion and causing the bile ducts to open and flow naturally They are good pl;is. Charles Rogers. . . A backwardf spring may be all right for the exhibition work of an athlete, but it Is not desirable in nature. OABTOniA, Bean tfc f K'd Yw Haw Always BagM The names we receive at baptism may nat be very pretty, but they are much nicer than some we are called later In 'S3 1 td to lv.vtor K. '.. f t 'J Pierce, chief con-ult- TiJ ing phrici!in of the 't?C'!iN InTuid' Hotel and ' 81 P S&fld ter itirm. life. J. D. Bridge, editor and proprietor of I the Democrat, Lancaster, N. H., says: "j j would not be without One Minute Cough Cure for my boy, when troubled wtth a ocugh or cold. It Is the beet remedy for croup I ever used." Charles Roger. Persons look at their watches . fifty times a day and perhaps could not tell ,' theometers, which, on a sudden applL what time they saw once marked out of !ctlon of heat glnk at nrst tew degrees, the fifty. M 1 It Is perfectly hopeless to expect that ! the meals will te bountiful ln a house that has a motto in the dining room, I "Man Wants But Little Here Below." j ror Infante and Children. iTha Kind You Have Always Bought Bears tlio Signature ti The Kind You Have Always Bought. A woman U always so relieved wh. n a man aitumet the Initiative In a broaktip. provided, of course, she Is just a bit tlrvd herself. labSSWa I ah ANO MANHOOD j Cures Iai potency, J.'iyit EzaiiUcri? und casting causes, sul electa c: ie;l iHt, d!use, or exce- ar. l JaJIs tiLj cretion. Ar.ervetoiilcnml ' -ifj blood IvalMcr. Kt-Jn-s the pink fj'.ow pale cheeks ar.:! jtW restores ttc fr of jcuth .Np Dy-cciirOc per Imjx; C love ? cr $i-10; with a rrritten ptiuni:i 1 30 to euro cr roftyi'l tuo moucy. NSRVITA WCDICAL CO. C' dt Jcc'.scn ttc, CHtCACO, IU Por Sale by Charles Rosters. Druggist. Some persons grumble at the ctof.l cars and also at the open ones. In fact, they would grumble if there wrfn't any cars at all. Bearttr. let a Hi KWi tnft When a man goes shopping with you a quarrel is Imminent unless - u buy every, thing he admires and nothing that y u really waot. By allowing the accumulation tn the bowels to remain, the entire system is poisoned. DeWitt's Little Early R sr regulate the bowels. Try- them and you will always use them. Charles Rogers. 3:me yourxg couple would appreclatv rmre the rice that is thrown after them when they are married If ft were donated when 'hey go to Pneumon'.a. ia grappe, ooudhs, cols. croup and whooping coup: readily yield to On Minute Coiarh Cure, use this remedy In time and save a dxtors bli! or the undertaker's. Charles Rogers. "The be.A foot rule I know f." said th- jK?ntai jiecnanic, "is -u n t wear your shots too small.' " Some of the rerults of neglected dys. peptic conditions of the stomach are can 'tr. cor.fumption. bear: disease and ep. i;;piT. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure prevents all this by effecting a quick cure In an '- of dyspepsia. Charles Rogers. Few men appreciate '.he fact that It i.t a light bill when the llrht compiny collector calls. OABTOniA, Beuitbt yj I" lot ran ton Hlwrs Boagftt Bigaator. , JJJt?. M ' Men who cannot o moved ar not way gentlemen. This Is especially ob. s-rvable In a crowded cable car. uon ; tninn you can cure tnat silgb attack of dyspepsia by dieting, or that It will cure Itself. Kodol Dyspepsia cure will cure It; It "d treats what you eat ana restores, tne aigegtjve organs to health. Charles Rogers. One reason, perhaps, why It takes the women s long to bid earh other gwl Dye is that every woman likes to have fhe last word. HOW'S THIS We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward for any cajie of Catarrh that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. K. J. CHENEY & CO.. Props.. Toledo, O. nv, tne undersigned, have known F. J. Cheney for the last 15 years, and be lieve him perfectly honorable In all bus inew! transactions, and financially able to carry out any obligation made by their WEST & TRUAX, Wholesale DruggisUi, Toledo, O. WAX,DINO, KJNNAJ1 & MARVIN, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O. lHaJ1 ctarrh Cure Is takes internally. acting directly upon the blood and muc. ous surfaces of the system. Price 76c. per bottle. Sold by all Druggists. Testi monials free. Hall's Family Pills are the (best. Jean Paul Rlchter: Women are like preliminary to rising a good many. It makes) no difference how bad the wound Jf you nse DeWibt's wiich paael Salve; II will quickly heal And leave no scar. Charles Rogers. f Mk II t II m .vy M ft' CUT-RATE OFFICE Can Save You Money N On All Railway Rates. 128 Third St. Kopp's The North Paeifte Prwry, of wblch Mr.John Kopp is proprietor, ninae Wr for JoroHiMe and export trsJo. the city free. Horth Pacific Brewerg ruTJVVUuuVlAAAAAAAjlAiriAn lAAOAfl Iryirr-M--I A .5 i ..ilojlTllDtvlJU.,rOto1 5 TH08. GI'INEAN. Proprietor I vvhVAJton!Hti. Portlatidj) Or XArunnAnutxvrrvrtnAAnAnrinAAAr THE 5t?venth and SHASTA MIXEKAL WATCH. IT.ITEK. X0HLC. HiCKOKY AXI) SHAK'S MALT HISKlKS. Hervccl Dny AUGUST KRATZ. THE OCCIDENT Astoria's Leading Hotel Mcglcr & Wright, Props. ssssaassssssBsSm MfinHnuii flF.TflRFn CP "uo oou BCrORC aa ArTCR fiiiisaorrj.r...Mmpoiiir.r., 114 7 . kti!Tyui, It. nrln.rr off .f.cj all iniMiHu.l, Tae reMoo sulTerrn mn nul rami br lH-iora i htr.ii. ninety per rrnx sr tsjtM wittl PreatslHt. CttH tK5 K Is b oni fUnimn nmrit to cure without tn uiihmi. lWir.Mnx.n? i A wrltlmr(HrnirflreDaii1 oxinrr mumi-d II u lim lm nut .Unci m wruiuuLiLiii. P,00boi,Usfol4a),brinU. tfnUlgrrHEacircul.rand iwimouUH ium ivt. Adams OA VOL KOICINK CO., P. O. Uu tt. 8a Prutoco,fL " hi CHillUW ROOICRB. V Commercial It. Eating alone l the rnue f ha'f the indig-Ktlon In the world. CASTOR I A For Infanta and Children. The Kind You Hare Always Bought Bears the Signature of THE NEW "North-Western Limited" f2()TH Ct."ITl.KT TfAIN ) I brtwren Minneapolis, St. fjul ana (..nicsco, is rnteriainmriy . . . ...... , , . I,. . .1 ucwnrel in an illustrated l. 11, . ,1. -1 l 1 I 1-v'i.iht, mum in ix iur-1 nished mi on applicaiion lo V. II V.EAL-, Gin. Atf., U IH Wuiilti;tiiii Street, i-oktlaMj, on. I. W. PAJfKER, , iJ y. O'in.AgeDt, 11 r n a .enue. MiiHHilliM These tiny Ciptulei arc superior to uaitam ot topiDa,-s Cubebt or Injections trfumu CURE IN 48 HOURS th tame diseaeei witfwe' out inconvenience L. LEBECK Carpenter and Builder General Contractor ! t i.'lr 10 It , fif HOUSe RAI5INQ AMD nOVlNfJ A SPECIALTY Portlmul, OreK. "Best A DELICIOUS DRIPiK.... AND ABS0LUELY PURE. I Ro!i-l or lor family ww, or kg I bwr supplieJ at auy tiuits tMifiry lu LOUVRE Astor Streets AIL OTHER LIOl'ONS. KIXES, HEEK AND CIGARS nntl JNIttlit. - - Mnnor vCUPIOENK" Viuuivr.Utopiv ri. rnwo imyurtnii. will qul.: if ran yon nf all Brr. -www mi wr- ,,i .,. imriuutf lirKHJ.A .lira M LAMA Maiihwul In.n1-,l. l'1u,,.uu,.llfka,mln.l Lil toiiHlnallim. ltiKi-.ll Ioh, brilsy nr 'ilfht t .-wmi. out, k. licbiirr. wltM-lilt notrh-W,t f.. kMMtnn, ..i MASONIC, TEMPLE LODOE NO. 7. A. T. A A. M-Itegular ommunlcatlons held on the first and third Tuesday evening of each month. G. W. LOt.'NBIIKIUt V, W. M.; E. C. 1IOLDEN, Secretary. ATTORNEYS. J. y. A. Bowi.ur. ATTORNEY AND CfCN8KLI.OR AT LAW. Ofllo lloiid Stree!, Astoria. Ore. TUB MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY or NEW YORK FilCHARO A McCUfiDY Pf!5iDUT STATI.fU.NT Pur the jrr.r rr.dlng brccmhr .11 1S08 Actorlliix tt. ihr hRti-iarl of the Jiiaiiraiwu!il.i in -, t. M.,t ,, ,stw yi U. J'.'t OHK Belirit for Prnhluim from al! oikrr Sbui.. 5- !!H,TIH .1 H.iiiJ,s l: ou,IUI,.l'l JJ 1 Tn Pnllr.-li.l,... r,. f'l.l.i. i.L ' . ,a,,. uw I'euih . . . .,nn Qt -n-iiM-r mi union. . iimurad., tr, - . ii.m,-.;,i i I or ll utfcer aersuats . Hi.t.;l,s;i tl apnr.i , ' FalM aini.a Donda sod olhrr sersrllle . . . IIM.tfid.Wl C5 JlortiMffi! Bk,tOI,f.',0 DO o. mi lunula and oilier )- , "'rWtes 10fl,tl4 00 urai niprai.eii nj la.or anre riirfiiittniUnla lit rJS..in4.iv'c,SH h.Kit Value 80,flO4,04'J 01 lafik la liaiili and Trn.t om- . V.V.- r ti,02i,ar7 no v""'n luirrrai, ,iri VtlrTrttl LUBII.ims ' r'nllr Rnertra. ele. MH.Or,H.(1',o (IH 4'J,'.':ih.i:s4 (is L'.'.'i'l.tlOO l) I ouilinrMit l.uurantee land Dlilttliile hurplaa 2",SI7,.T-'f. no lu.sranes and Aannlllrs la fori' 971,71 1,007 " I hivc rareftilly examined Ihe foregsing Rttt tneut nnd rind the smne to I correct ; liabilities uinuaucu uy me inaiiratKC i'epartment. Chamlus A. PakLLka Auditor Pmm the Divisible Surplus a dividend will be nwtwiiRi as usual. ROBERT A, ORANNI64 Vitl-Painstirr Waltrb R. Ctitarra Isaac k. Lloyd PaKDKklC Cbomwill Knoar McClistovk General Man ear ad Vice-Pnatdcul Treasurer Actuary If you have pUeis, cure mem. No use undergoing horrible operations that aim. pry renvYe, the resiiltfi of the disease without disturbing the disease Itself. Place your confidence ln DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve. It has never failed to cure athra-. it will twit fail ia Ours TOli. Charles Roger r m Tr? e TTT IXMe 1IMH 5CIII1I)ULI!S Krom Portland DKI'ATt'H Aamri Fttat Nlrtll I u. m. Nit Uku, iH'IIVrr. r Won It, (IiiikIi. Kail n.0ll,y, ht. hulls, ( hiv, stiil l .. Mall i III Hixikiino flyer Walla Walla. HiMikane. I'ulullt, MHivntlkm' Hali Klvr :io a. ni, up. hij j-hiand-Kast. 1 rffli Asiuria' I0CIIAN THAM.'.HIP All felling l1 "itli I ' Jii'l to I'lmlttir", ! Fur xau frniicLen Mn.ll; Maya., II. I. 1 7 a ii'i 1 Sii ntUj ColsnMa Rlvsr Asm pi Mo HtMinisrs JU'lay j ' t . a. 111. ! I lira. 1hlir uinlfial I To Portland aa4 Wsy lnillnga. 1 rum I'orllnllil. Wlllamells HWtr. - - ! a. m. j Till'. IttUH .l i.l I Jalim. AIMty.Curvsl Ha ami wsy laiHiiuga ana Vam- nil n m, 7 a. si. kill KUsrs. Tui,'lhuri Miii,,WiI. and not. Orngoii I'lly. iyt,m, 4 Warloudliisa, i and rn, r T ill) I 30 a ui .aak tllr. Hlarltii l.ewi.luii. jl.vl'WI.tll 13 m. iiny Krm I'orllaiol i r, II.UaUMTK HiVKH ll HI. ! ' " " a tafl j ftuUniJk Mar-Uiiila. O. W. LOUKlUEItRT, kMrnat Astoria. w. n. nuiuaiURT. Oeav paa, Vgl rsartiausd. Or. TICKKTS to nil PAIIVPOINTS EAST Through palaca and tourist alsspera, dining and library observation ears. TSLEOANT VCSTIIIl'l.K TRAIN. No. 4 Limited leaves Portland at 1:19 P SB. No. I Urultad arrives Portland at I D a. sa. Kor rates, eie ie., rail or sdilr H. W. iXHJNmifcltRt, isat U K. N.; Aatoria Agsat k. B. C. DBNNIsTPpN. M C'TfttT. A..ruad. Or. Through Tickets -TO THsV EAST AND SOUTHEASTi -YIA I i 'U.MAN PALACE Bl.EEPER. TOatlSrTo SLEEPERS and Vnr.t ItECLININU CHAIR CARS -Dally to Salt Lake, Denver. Omaha, Chicago. Kansas City and oth.r Kaatrrn cities. Paggags checked throtisti to dtlntloo. unmn uepots, fal time, lowest r(a. Plntaoh light In all cars. Kor ratr and other Information call an or adtlreaa U. W. LOI.'NHHERRY, Ag-nt. o It. N Co. Astoria, oreaon. or J II. IxyrHROP, Gen. Agent, IB Third H... cor. Alder, Portland, Or. E.IST m 0 lUklT'Illl m 1 11 7 LEAVE PORTLAND ARRIVI OVERLAND EX PHKHH. for Salem, ltr,eliiirir AakiaM 1' M.'Hacramento, Ogilrn. ;00 A.M., o- jf, ios Angeles, 151 Paso. New Or leans and the East I lk A. M Roeeburg passenger Via Woodbur), for Mount Angel, on varton. West Brio, Brpwnvljle, Spring, del and Nation..,, Corvallla passenger Independence pass' 4 M P. M Dally etoerit Sunday Dally. Cep Bsndiy t7: A. M M;W p. M tl:8 A M Dally, tDally except Sunday. tonneeUng at San Franolaoo with Ooo. denUl A Oriental, Pacinc Mall and Oca anlo steamship lines for JAPAN, CHINA, AUSTRALIA HAWAII A.NOTHK PIHLIl'PINES Iteoats ilckeis on sale dnily onmwn Portland, Sacra men to, nnd Han Krancls co. Net rate. 117 first-class, and 111 sso- vii'iiie, iiii'iiaiuig Sliwpfftr, ; Rateaj and Ockels to Eastern points ano Eurona. Also Japan, China. Honolulu. and Australia. On be obtained from KIRKIAND. Ticket Aa-i-nt l.t Th VrX .Y oomineo rrom j. B g'-nt 1,14 Third st. C. . MARKHAM .v., EHLER, aasnsasr. H. F. A P A. Through tickets East for lowest rata. Csll on C, J. Trenehsrrt. local awnt Wells Fargo Compn" ofllc. Astoria BALTIMORE and OHIO RAILROAD Reyal Blue Trains BETWEEN THE EAST AND WEST Only 1 operating tu own through trauia balwwsj Bt LoeUa. Loulavltle, BprtnrteaC via Wserfflriejton, UaUtlaiora and PbJkKMphU. Shertivet-over te B. A O, -pertrdtUd ta eateb gBmpsna of the greatsM awenery (a Amartoa. , -. PET2B H Ait VET. . Paoino Coast Agent. Baa TYsaofsso. oil Uo" lf suNser i D QCDIH4IA4tJ Jl tnU'iSii-J Room It lllllf BuHdlog. ASTORIA AND COLUMBIA RIVER RAILROAD. lava Aatorla (Dally) I Arrlvs)" a Portland and AstoHala.m p.ra. 1M l:WIEi-rMi Irains 1aU:NMtlf Knavtia. Cllfloo. anrt i'latakanls. IninnSHloa at Uobl ltouof5o!ata. .I in. I pma II H ,wf Astoria, toastd aavl (it I nsw svsivna nr (rains, via WarreuliM ' )mmA riav.T. I IN Humtay liuntars tpao-l t!4 (lal Astoria to Halde J. C MAToT ' o. r, r. a WHITE COLLAR LINE Oolum.)ia Ittvsr and Pug! tsuad NaV gallea Uoapaay, TjMhona laavea Astoria dally. aaeaaaS 'I'illviiPoiTiand dally aaeept tuad) at t a. as. While Collar Una tickets lulen hnal TsJsphoiw. T. J. roJIr and R. K. o i hiutinatin lor A latnna ana an war way potnis, liMon, aa Nahcolt flaval, Uw, avww, uon A. J. TATLOIt. AsiuetagMt TsikM Me. U. SHIIMnlimillHIIMHIIUUIMHIIimiUM You Are on the 'Right Road' If your lU ket ra,1. via Hillings and tit Uurll'tgton Rout. It la th line ) Ihs Hoiithca.t-lh utily tin that of far through rar service from Keatll. Mpukati. aut leta to Utrnoln, Hi. and Kansas City. Through lourui :eprs twiee a k. A.k any Northern I'siMe ti' kt agent about Di.m, or ri! to A. C. SIICLDON. tirti i Agnl, I'uriland, or. iiniisitsi(SMiSMM(t(ssittiiiast. A FEW INTERESTING FACTS j Whrn wpla ar isinirmtl)ng a trtsx wnsiner on liusmms or pttvumrt. tasy natumliy want ih best ervk 00. Ulnabla ao far as pod. comfort and safety I cmermed. Employes of ties Wlrh'dNSIN CENTRAL LINK, are unM 10 ivrrw ihe publln and our train are operated so as lo niak cte cos nnnluns wtth diretglng I um at all Juiuvtluri puinia. j 'TZSKJE"" mUVUWCU DlnWig Car arvlie unaicellrd. Mrals sorved a la ran. In onler lo obtain Ihi rtrwi rlaaa servtre, ask Ih ttefcet agent lo r you a ticket ova The Wisconsin Central Lines. and you will make direct connections at St. Paul for ChltiMfo, Mllsauke and all puuita east. For any further Infotiuatlon mil on sat ticket agent, or rtirrspwtd wtth JAB. C, I'OND. Oen. Paaa. Agnt, or JAH A CLOCK, Milwaukee, Wis. Oeftnrnl Agent 34 Stark St.. Portlaad Ore. dyspepsia Cure. Digests What you eat. ItartlflclallydlifPHtNthcfoodaofald Naturo In ilreiiKthenlnir and recoo trucUtiK the extiHtiiiml dl(vtt!va or gmofl. ItlNthelMtPHtdlscorercddlireaiV ant Btia tonic. No other jrrtaratloo cao approach It In cniclmicy. It lo stantly relieve ond pernianontly cure Drupcpsla, iDditffHtlori, Heartburn, FlaiUJence, Bour Ktotnach, Names, Klclr.IIeaoiclif,Gfttitrali;lii1OrBrrii,arjd all otbor tiHulUof ImporfHctdlifrit loo. Prepared by I C, OsWitt Co., Cblcoflo For Sals by CHARLES ROGERS, i i. a noniiih -. t .r i.i.i,,. ... i, Df rmaiiiriiio , tin t. ii ii ii a I ii i al .1. rlmiii. , r aur liiltlmn.v Hell. II rllktliiu ,.r l. . . "' ".'Klo. II, II i f uilirnn. .'HCEvtaaCritUtpAl Co. lr"'i. Nun .irliinii. kOIMldWao ,r Jl S"H ay Ilrostlala, or arm In .Uin r.rir Jiy upriM, erepaiil, (a ,'iii,mar Mill uu reun4 BLANCARD'S mi OK- IODIDE OF IPOIM l..lkin.... . r. - - , Nonegeniilnemilriij(ni4l''ni.ANCARU'' .FOU(lliACO.,N.V.Agi..lorU.8j 3t- T - isiSBBasalfassfw' Wimam'a'KldnevPiii.' rios no canal ln f1luiLuu n .i... Kidneys six! Urlnarv Orirnmc , jyJum(fiuci'ayour K.lUlloy? llnve' L you overworlicd vour !Mrmi. j gm and catiHod trouble with your kKidni'ya and lilwlclcr? H,., pains in tno lolnH, nillo, btiplt, ktuIdjiJ Lad Muddor? Ilavoyoi'.aflnbfiy Z H 1 ., " umior mo even? Too rrcqnoitdo.a Pa?.",lno? William's Kldncv' . 1 nis wuumimi't.riHw Mr.. .i..u.. -awd oifans, tono up b)ia system , . ,.... u w ninn 01 you. Jlv mnU 60 cenU per box, , WimaiwMhi, Co.. rruii. Cl.e.....i noble! If mast " " " i 1 ' tali lilO) t1'.Jrlaii.lJri.a 0..ra.i. TatJ For sale by laTTEsVOONW DRTJO Ou, 7