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About The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899 | View Entire Issue (June 2, 1899)
NciTion! Books, Periodicals, Maul". &c, Are Not to be Taken From ilo Library without permission. Aty Onu ( ijmily ;-f ' '";' .H';nvi, will be liable to pmsccutlw ASTORIA PUBUC LIBRARY ASSOCIAT10H. "1 '' A- .l.....i TIE A3TORIAN bil tt Urfcit circulation of any paptf oa thi Columbia Klvi I TIE DAILY ASTORIA tl Is tS : Mfgest anj test paper on tbe Colnmila fitVo FULL ASSOCIATBD 'PRESS HEPORT. YOL. XLIX. ArfTOJtlA, OKKGON. FRIDAY Jl'IltNlKG. JUJHK 2. !. IW 1 rl 1 111 I ' 1 a. . a .j . A. A A. a OUR Stoves - Aro not mudo front tho crui-jiilo or in a kindergarUm nchool. Eclipse Hardware Co. Wo Give Trodlnu Hlnmpn, 6 'f I 1 w A.. I o. f, , GRIFFIN 1 RALSTON... HEALTH CLUB Acme (ilulen Farina, Arme Wheal AT A. ioo Rolls of Matting Of All Kinds. Our own iinjorlnticii)H. (futility niul Patterns the Wat niul latt-M. Chas. Heilbom & Son. Here Is a List Ot some High Grade Goods at moderate prices K ALSTON HEALTH POODS In great variety fresh from tke mills. AK0MATIC SNCCS, rjunrantccl the finest. TILLMANX'S ITKK R XT K ACTS. CHASE c SAMIOKX'S C0ITKES arc un rivalled. Together with a host of other good things. ROSS, HIGGINS & CO (ieui Zealand fire Insurance Go Of New Zealand. W. P. Thomas, Mgr., Son Frnncieco. UNLIMITED LIABILITY OF SHAREHOLDERS. Subscribe! Capital - $5,000,000 raid-Up Capital - - 1,000,000 Asset 2,545,114 Assets in United States 300,000 Surplus to Policy Holders - . , 1,718,792 Has boon Underwriting on tho Pacific Const over Twenty-two years. SAHUEL ELMORE & CO., ReBldent Agents, Astoria, Oregon. Pacific Sheet MANUFACTURERS OF Salmon Vegetable J - Fruit Lithographing on Tin a Specialty. San Francisco, Cal. Astoria, Ore. Fairhaven, Wasn, Write Us for Prleen Tinware BOOKS... Blank and Miscellaneous. PAPER... New Crape and Type-writing. Waterman Fountain Pens llox Mccornlcrl I'npcr mid Kf vclic--iic. J & REED Breakfast Pood Barley Food Select Bran Yeast Cocoa Flakes and Standard Kollrd (at V. ALLEN'S Metal Works spice l... and Syrup Improved Mikado and Empire Cream Separators. XT'' t 1 -; & II lf 1U lUlfllt HU g.'4 f Bep.ra.,r. made. Kr .al. uy Foard &StokeA Co. Astoria . . . Your Wife Will Ilk, It; to will the rook. Stor ICntftte Kane, natlify all bo u them. ..iiJJfcaltl a. r z ; . . : i If your better half doe the cooking. r Km f 1. .n ad.lltlnn.l MtlAn arhv (here t hnnM ha a Star V.tata Hams fn vour kUt hen. The us of them prevent worry and disappointment. W. J. SCl'LLT, Agent. Ui Bond Street. ...... - - J . JL-T Sal jt ..j :lniltFTlS?l . WICIC WtlTrU OPDniO'ClMriD!,n'"!'lol"'r ""w,r lnfiwned th. president easreTaT . Vl aaaa W W Victor Rost Chronometers (Hatches and Nautical Instraments;I!IMKTU, Promptly' fixed and repair. Alarm Clocks lroin $1 up. Warranted. 110 Eleventh St. Next to Postal Telagrapa. J. A. Fastabend General Contractor and Builder I Of the trusts the resolutions say: We IIoihe-!110Yin Tools for Rent.belleve 'that Ihe trust Is the result In 'n large measure of the methods that Andrew Lake 53a COMMERCIAL 8T. ...Merchant Tailor... Perfect Pit Guaranteed. Low Prices, i R.palrlng and Cleaning Neatly Don. THE PROOF of th. pudding la tm th. satlag and th. proof of Uanor. IS IN SAMPLING That', no argument that', oon clusltra a. demonstration. Our. wUl stand U. test. HUGHES & CO. H.F.Prael Transfer Co. Twlep&ao. H DRAYING AND EXPRESSING All Goods Bhlpped to Our Car. ' Will Special Attanttoo. No. M Duan. 8t, Astoria, Or. W. J. COOK. UgT. Rs. TsL UL OUTPOSTS ATTACKED Two Americans of the Fifty' first Iowa Regiment Are KIel ESCORT FOR DREYFUS Guard of Gendarmes Will Convey the Expatriated Jew to Paris. 'maybpick TO BE RELEASED ; Case Will Be Feopenel Tbroufbln I teroisslon of Aratissiior CLoate An fcxploiinf txpeJItlon. I , ,M,oS. jai, , A frjro 'Ma'"" "" ,n"nnt p...i,n.r t,nr ih,.i or nie Mriy.i-ir'i ioa reK1.j mrm ra i V criiamlo and tlwt lo American, were Wounded. ( KSCKItT Klt liitKVKl fl f(i,tN. Col.milii.i. Jun 1 The Kr.-nch iKt. aiu.-r Im Payette, fnptaln le -(iax-- , women r -any 10 incni i"r numanny. im lain, rrom a-. Nuaalre, Prance. May . '. loclal as they nlM today ar f .r Colon. n way of Port I Prance. nuking hy.-naa of men. There are men Mttil.niuf Pn-iich Wnl Iml'.ea. arrived 'ie.l with n thought but thoee of e:. Ih.-i-e KKiav. A conepnidrnt of the Aa- nh f.mtner-!a!lm. Th-re are certain aw-laiM l-re.j. Iia. a.--rialnej p .ultively , i-"mWnarlon controlling the utllltlea of ! mat lr tu In not n boar-l. A cording our country, known a monopollen, and .IU..iu h to Ihe A.K-Uiel pre !''' republican irty says 'let the few fr..m Purl on May 12. Petit Bleu thai ! Individual have the bem-nt o'. those.' Irtay innnimnl that 10 member of the but the mlsKlon of the d. mo-ra:lc party repukUmi guiii.l. and four gen.larme i ' to .e that the i-ommunlty operates h ut left Ht. Naalre on tb. prevlou receive the benefit of these Inatead .Tiienlai on lxrd the I paytte. to ot f,-w ftnrtnt-lal organtxa:loni. The form an eM-ort I.. bring Kreytu back to j l'ietlon of the present age I that of ' Prance and that hi return m'.ght be ex. municipal and govcrnm. ntal ownership tH cteil by the end of June. "' Ph"'- Thin question marks 1 ' the next forward tep of humanity." i M US M AYItnit'K TO riK-UHEHATEO I following Mr. Al!ge( the Hon. I'n-orge ' IXmN'. June I The lIJy Chront. Ule s'liiounos that Mr Mayhrtck Is likely to be shortly a result the presnre brought to bear by J" H Chile Pnlled Stat.- ambi s-'idor. , in of r-penlng the case. j I ..-.,. .iv. n.-rT.rv ' " ' W ASIIINrrN". Juno l.-Flsh Cim- ) t.lay that he was about to sena out the most sclenllflo expedition ,.vr arranred ;by the commission. The expedition will jsall on the Albatrov In charge of Pro. ! A. A. Agasslf to explore portions of the I'Hclfl.' oct ii n. Among the Islands (o be i visited being Marshall. Society, Friendly, j FIJI anj (iilbert Islands. The trip will I require eight momhs. It will leave San I Francisco In August. ISTS BNDORSE OH IOAOO PLATFORM William JetinliiKs Bryan the Nominee for the Presidency In AmUTrusts Rfolinlons Passied. IU ISVII.l.K. June I The Ohio valley iMinettiilic le.igue today unanimously I adopted ii r-.olu:Uti fuwrlng and n"" ... a . Ihe demo. ' omtiM iiilliig the adoption ! i ratio niitloiiiil convention In 1W9 of the Chicago platform of 1M" without change. ! Continued oonlliWiico la iai)ressed In i William Jt nnintis Hrvau and hla nomi nation for the presidency xf the Pnlted States In I'M' Is favored. have been usvd, anion: which Is the by which the ; itcmonctliuilon of silver, tvolumne of the currency has been kept below the demands of business. We favor the destruction of the result as well as the removal of Ihe causes. That estab. Ilahment vf tndscnilvnt bimetallism at 18 to 1 would do more to cripple . or to detnv Ihe organisation and the operas tlon of trusts than any other single act. We fnvor and recommend, therefore, the adoption by the democratic national con. v'!',n ? , ot an, wron" sravltlc declaration against the organisa tion nnd existence of the trust, and the legislative and executive action tending to their formation. STANFORD THE RtOTIRST r.VIVF.RSITt IN' THE WORLD. Mrs. Stanford Has Now Transferred Iter Entire Estate For Its Benefit. SAN' FRANCISCO. June V-Mrs. Jane I I.. Stanford, widow of the late Senator Stnnfonl. has formally transferred all of ...... , . her vast wealth to the unlverattv which . ..j t oenis me onnie in urr iienu sou. iw-eiin re.presenrtng pwperty valued at over j10.imo.000 have been given In trust to the trustees of Lelnnd Stanford Jr. university, and this, added to the previous endow ment of JlS.OOftnno, mnke ft one of the richest Institutions of learning In the world. The property Includes storks of the Southern Pacific Compsny. of the Southern Pacific Improvement Company, 'he Market Street Rallwnv Company: stocks In eastern railroads. In coal mines. In even-thing that might or might not pny a dividend: real estate In California I nnd elsewhere. nnd even her lewels Tt believed her lewels amounted In value to nearly $4.000 000, nirt this Is de. nled. They -will amount to a roodly mm. but not to that figure. There were f .ooo in war revenue stamps aKacherl to the deed of trust. In rnmtng over the property Mrs. Stan ford read an address to the trustees siis resting plans for the future and advising aa to th. present. She asked that there tiould be established course. In mt chanlual training. Hereafter tho only control .h. will exri over her former rast .stato will b that ut trustee ot th. univenlty. ISRYA.V SPEAKS AT DEMOCRATS' BN(Jl.'ET. la tb Champaign of "J lie Hay ih Party Will Hly on Nw Mm Many Tot$ rrmk. IfI8VIL!.K. Ky Jun. I.Tii Young M'n democratic club of Iul-rll! ten. drn-d a banqu at ih Gait noun lat cvrnlnfc to Judge Jamci P. Ta.-yln at which Mr. Ilryan and othtr dltlngulhl mri In attnlanc at tn. convention of the OIUo Ulmrtalllc Iragur wt prefmt and at which 3 platet were laid. Mr. Hryan rtponded to ihe toaet. The democratic Party," epnaking brirt ly, aayluer thtU the committer had ar. ranged for hl rHurn neitt Friday, at which time he would apeak more fu:y. In hla x-r'-h laat night he aald that In Ilia campaign of IhM the party wa fm. lulled to rly on nw nvn twrauae of th lB-rHon of the old one, and a a r-ult many new tar appeared In the of the party. He liked the d'-moi railo party an a bualnena organiza tion for the currying out of certain Axed belle,'. He touched on the Chicago pl' form In bin umial vtraln. taylnc It wa written f'-r a)l time and not for one can iwlgn. Following Mr. Bryan, Mr. Cha. K. Wheler, of Kentucky, reaponded to "The Amtrl.-4t Army and Navy." Afl-r Mr. Vheler Judge Toney Of Ixulville paid a magnificent trubuie to "The uniTownetl queena pf America and their powvr In polltlri." Mr. Iiavld K. Murray, of Kentuiky, f. l,n.l.Ml to the toaet "Shall we retain the Philippine an a pan of our perma- K.,low;iHC Mr uurray, Ex-Joveroor Jo,,n j, Ai1(frM rwponded to the toast. ";.jv. rnmeii; and munk-lpal ownenhlp of public franchl." He naid: "In all a th'-re hiive been men and j Fred Williams of Mansachuseti respond. il to "The money of the coii.llutlon.' THE AMKBK'AN PROJECT. Text .f the American Proposal 1-or a I'ermatK til international Tribunal. THB HAG-t'K. June 1. The American i orulec for an internirllonaJ arbitration ! tribunal was acvompanied by the mem. orandum etiiKked. "Memorandum from ttw cxmnilsioner of the United States, submitted with their project for a Per. niuneim International tribunal.." Th text of the memorandum follow: "The prujoal herewith submitted lakes Its form as a resolution looking to .union ..uiside of the conference from our Instructions. The proposal shows the lamest delr of thi president of the Pnlled State for a permanent Interna tional tribunal for the conduct of ar. bitration between nations, and the wIV lingness of the pregnant to aid In trie estitblishmeivi of sucih a tribunal upon the general lines Indicated. "The commissioners of the United Suites are ready without Insisting upon the form of their own resolutions to try to develop Ihe prvosa!s herea:'.er sub. milted to the conference, so that they ! shall embody what is essential In this . . plan. It seems to th I'nlted 6:a;es com missioners that H ought not to be dim. cult to associate with the several pre posals. as they may eventually be d. volopcd for mediation in various forms of international Inquiry and arbitration by special arrangement, a plan for a perma nent tribunal of arbitration which will embody what is es-ntlal In th. American resolution." DISCHAKOKT FOR DISABILITY Governor Roger's Attemm to Settle the Boundary Dispute. OLYMTIA. June l.-Flrst Lieutenant K. K. Irvin of company A. First Washington volunteers, has been discharged for phy. slcan disability. Governor Roger orders that promotion proceed In the customary order to fill the vacancy- Governor Rogers has appointed Fred L. Ryce. of South iBend. and John D. Nice, of CaJthlamet, to represent Washington on the boundary commission. This is in accordance ivlth the senate resolution of last winter, which provides that a commission be appointed to act with a like commission from Oregon to settle the boundary line between the two states. BACK TO CIVILIZATION. TACOMA. June 1. Advices from Daws son alutetthar .Tnhn PUh . V-r William. i .k ..,. ,,,K , , I reached there on April 15th on foot from i,. . . ..... . . rvoiaeoue suuu. i ney are me uuvance guard of 100 prospectors who swarmed over the tributaries of the Kotxcbue last fall, but are now anxious to reach civil, lxatlon. Fish says the opening of Bering Sea will see the exodus of the last white man and only a scattering of cabins will murk the scene. Fish reports that Kotxebua sound Is thickly peopled wKh an Intelligent race of Indians closely resembling the Japan, ese In habits and physique. Their prin cipal .Hot heretofore has been dried sa mon. but the aminiliinee or while man s (oo)1 inst summ,r was the cause of laying away less than half a crop of salmon. The result this winter was that the Illy nourished natives have been dying off like sheep. EARTHQUAKE AT SAN FRANCISCO. SAN FRANCISCO, June l.-At 11:15 to. night a .harp shook of earthquake was felt In this city. So far as known no damage was done. Al'KINLEY IS THE CHOICE Pre&Uect's Name Cheered at the Columtus State. Re publican Convention. HANNA'S VIGOROUS TALK Peputlluns Appealed to to Har monize for the next Feput licao Campaign. DAL'GHERTY FOR SPEAKER Littli Doott tut What Be Will Re ceive tbe Support of the Convention. COLCMBl'U, Ohio. June t-Thla has been a Daugherty day In tb. repubilcart etate convention a much as yesterday wa Nash day. Conference continue, however, and the field may yet turn on Daugherty. There 1 as yet no winning slate, and there are. those who believe no winning combination can be formed until after (est of balloting. The commltte on organ!- xatlon decided to report In favor of make Ing temporary organisation permanent, j As th temporary organization wa 'lecied by the old state central committee 'and was favorable to Daugherty. thl I action wa cUtmed as one of the series I of Daugherty victories of tbe day. I Among the feature of the day were speeche. at the hotel tm Mlier wd defiant and those at the convention tnat ; were al. lor narmony. Jtany leauer I w ho joined fn chorus at the Auditorium I that was held from fjur to six p. m.. a , ; sort of peace Jubilee, however, spent the . night In contests and conference thai ' would not be called very harmonious . i n'kil If T Ta 1 1 o.h . e. ha. dnrurors 1 v' t . . ..' ... .. . L . had the best of It all day, Nash will a cloe second choice and Lieutenant Governor A. W. Jones, a much closer! third than anticipated. The new state committee tonight elect, ed Vivian J- Fegin. chairman and F. W. Purr, secretary. The session of convention today was brief. The convention assembled shortly after 4 p. m. and before six p. m. ad journed until 10 a. m. tomorrow so as to allow the committees to meet tonwht. This factional Aghtt has attracted the largest attendance ever brought out by an Ohio convention. Hon. Cyrus Hullng. chairman of the state central committee, called the convention to order. There were great demonstrations when Senators Hanna and Foraker and others enterert the hall. Hullng. In his speech, was cheered at every mention of the name McKlnley. He announced that the state comm Wee had selected Hon. W. S. Kerr, of Mansfield, for chairman of the conver. tlon. On being Introduced Congressman Kerr was heartily cheered. During the j delivery of his speech, there were dem. EDUCATIONAL WORK REVIEWED. onstratlons whenever the nam of Pres. I Mem McKlnley wa mentioned. j g.N FRANCISCO. June l.-The Amer. A feature of the convention was a Kve,oan Baptist Home Miss-Ion Society held feast tha,t was not down on the program. jh fifth session of Its slxty-eventh n Mr. Kerr closed Ws speech by saylni: Iwrsary today. The educational work "Let us shake hands and follow the leadjof the society was reviewed In nn ahle of McKlnley and Foraker and Hanna ImMress by Rev. 'Alexander Blackburn, of and Orosvenor and Bushnell and the rest f J Oregon. H. B. Orose. of M issachueMs. let us go forth from this convention sp,.k on -the "Evangel-'xatlon of Our united and to victory." (Foreign Populations." and "Work among Many delfgnres took up this key note he Chinese." was explained and lllus. and proceeded to call on the leaders fortrated In an entertaining manner by Rev. speeches, all responding except General ;C. H. Hobart of California. Orosvenor, who had left the hall. Sena tor Foraker joined In a plea for peace. The great duty of Ohio republicans wa? to get together. United they were evlnc. Ihle but they were beaten In advance If divided. Ohio Is ehe home of President McKlnley and should head the column for next year. I Senator Hanna made a most vigorous , appeal for harmony. Governor Bushnelt j create.! quite an amusing stir In following, Senator Hanna and saying: "There ap pears to be every evidence of harmony I here. That what we need; that's wha: wa all want AGREE WITH MAJORITY. vi -unc. O..IU. June publican members of congress from Ohio held a conference tonight to consider , the attitude' of the Ohio delegation on the speakership. There were 1J of the 16 Qhlo republican members present, but three absentees had previously agreed to abide by the decision of the majority. A forrm ballot was taken and the vote stood 11 for Henderson, of Iowa, and one for Slierman, of New York. .. . ARRESTED FOR LYNCHING. " CHICAGO. June l.-A special to the Chronicle from Dallas, Texas, says: The excitement over !n Henderson county be. cause of the lynching of the three Hum phreys on May 23 Is still Intense. Eight prominent farmers and cattle raisers In Mv-v u-v V & Makes the food more HOVU SAKMA the vicinity of Aley, where- the lynching Cook plaoe, hav. been placed In jail at Athena, charged with participating In the crime. Tb tt and Henderson county hav. offered reward approxU mating V,ff). The preliminary bearing hav been postponed until next week. ' AMERICAN PLAX PRACTICABLE. I.ONDO.V. June t-Th. apwtal din patches to The Hagu. to the London morning paper agree that the American scheme meet with much favor, aa betrur eminently neaMlrhlA Ale Jnll.n P.iwik rote, the head of the British delegation, ha modified the Brltlah oroonaal. ami- now luggMt that the admlnlatratlve council ahould not be International, but hould be appointed by th government of tho country where the permanent court assemble. According to the correep-wdent Of the. Dally New the arbl; ration committee ha unanimously recommended the Amer ican scheme to tho conference. A long debate occurred today between the English and American delegate. In order to arrive at a compromise upon the AnglcAmerlcan scheme a again! that of RuBla. As a reiutt. Sir Julian f'auncefo:e' plan will be laid on the table tomorrow. The profewor of r ternatlonal law at the conference regard the American chern. aa practical. THE DEWET HOME. NEW YORK, June l.-In order that It may be clearly understood whether It was Admiral Upshur's Intention when he suggested a gift of a residence In Wash ington to Admiral Dewey that the prop erty purchased should become his per sonal property and pass to his heir or whether It waa his intention that It should remain the permanent home ot the ranking officer of the navy, to be occu. pled by Admiral Dewey as long as he remains at tb bead of the navy and thereafter to pas to his successors as ;tlm goes on. fti, department of history of the United Stares wrote to Admiral j Upchur asking for hi Idea on the ma ter under date of May 29. The admiral replied as follows: "Your Inference that It is my prefcra 'ence, that a home be purchased by th free will uttering of American for the j admiral of the navy, should be occupied . by Admiral Dewey a long as he remains at the head ot the navy and then to jpa successors Is entirely eor- rect" ' MAIL CO.'S EARNINGS. NEW YORK. June L The annual re port of the Pacific Mail Steamship Com. 'pany shows gross earnings of l4.14b.TU. againat last year; operating ex pense. J3.0C1X7. against $3.4U.0TT. and re.t earnings fl.lKJSa. against f3D-S4X . kl.Tbe balance for the current year, $813,. be' ..... .. tn. having been deducted for the loss of the steamship Starbuck. The company has ordered two steel ships of a gross tonnage of 10,ffl tons, with IS knots speed, with accommodation for 113 first class and 1.J30 steerage pas sengers. The company Is free from all debt except current expenses and has cash on hand tl.14I.SU6. GRAfX RECEIPTS DECREASED. BUFFALO. June l.-The receipts of flour and grain at this port for the month of May show a big decrease aa compared with last year, owing chiefly to the lata opening of navigation and the strike on the docks. Flour receipts for the month were 812331 barrels, as against 1.5S.431. and wheat 13 HI. 935 bushels, compared with S.toT.SW bushels. The east bound shipments by rail show a still greater decrease. In May this year 15,15,000 BUIhe's of grain went by rail, against - hnhi. i. . EX-COLLECTOR PHELPS ILL. SAN FRANCTSCO. June l.-Hon. Tim. i 0,hv G,,v Phelps, chairman of the board ' regents of th. University of Caltfor. " "" ex-collerttor of the port of San Francisco. Is b'lnT seriously 111 at his home In San Carlos, as a result or iP. Juries received last Sunday, when two cyclists on a tandem ran Into him. Con. msslon of the brain Is feared, 1 BANK PATS AGUTNALDO., junc ine nongxon Dally Press reports that the claim made upon the Hongkong and Shanghai toanlc ' hv 4lnaHn fnr toOA 00ft rtenostted wltn . v . . Wn m0vw t. ... ...,, j... nas ueen laiu uirr 10 jiiiuii r- r(.sentatve I ' j PATT DU CLAM ARRESTED. PARIS, June i. 1 a. m. Lieutenant Du : paty du Clam, who was seriously Impll- oated by the recent proceedings before , the court of cassation and probably the i Instigator of some of the forgeries that have figured In the Dreyfus affair, wa I placed under arrest at 7:30 last evenln ' (Thursday) and taken to Cherche Midi military prison TOD SLOAN WINS. LONDON. June 1. The royal stakes . wer won at Epsom Downs today by the Wyvern, with Tod Sloan up. iypo delicious and wholesome SOWOf CO SfW tODK.