AST0R1AN, EDNKSDAY 1 THK DAILY " - i ' i ", i ii Immmmmimm , I ... , I '' ' " I 1 I I. , -II.. - ECIAL SALE... LADIES' UNDER MUSLINS Ittfgtnning today an J continuing until Saturday, .May 27th, ISO!). W rently prchd tag lot of thiw good; consisting of fawn,' drawer, shirt and corset covers, from on of the largest factories la th country, and Which daring Ui to Ml will b MM at from I to U per teat 1 than :hy hav vti Wn sold for la Alton. A glano at th display la our window will fully uts.ntlat our claims. 1 W have aot th pac to enumerate the different Items, but rtm.mWr "Price speak loader ahaa wordt," so com and se tor rourlt. Remember Sale lasts only till Sat unlay, May 27. THE FAIR, The Place To Save Money . 'W uiUr-by and dAn1U Both w ay yoa got tb. bmenV BO5-SO Street. Boys Will Be Boysl and yo oaa't prevaoi thm from Indulging ia natural aad baaittiy porta. Tb only ahlng t d at t bur their atotbirar at auab low a we sra sailing oar buik omi and stylish aallor tulia, Odd hue pact, abort watata, and dress cilta of chavtot. oasst. re. tic. at U K, tliw, C0 an Mil Hats, Caps and Shoes. Skylc will vlali Deep river and Gray' river In a day or two, and eipect to get th milk of number of cw In both lo. ealltte. )1 baa alrvady been to 8k. mokawa, whtr about 150 cow wer our,!, Th launch llanlhora has been engaged (o bring tb milk frwm th. Youngs rlwr ana Lewi and Clark dim rtou. Th creamery butldlug I rapidly being clonal ana will he ready to hv tb machinery put n by trie end of the A fishing boat containing Abraham Juntti nd Oscar Juntll, two brothers, capased on th br yesterday afternoon and both nien Wer drowend. The Port Steven. life saving crew went to their resou and succeeded In raving th boat and net, but fulled to reach th men la time-. Th boat belonged to th Columbia IUver packers, and bor license No, (sa Tb Increased run of salmon It tempting th tUhtrmen to tsk unusual risks, ud notwithstanding th thick weather and rough watr th extreme lower river tu crowded yesterday with )oaU, vni o( thorn a vantarln outside. Itoth lite aavlutt tvewa, trt Cauby and 8tcnt, wr on duty th ntlr dNiy, ttandltif by to render autttane In th nurraerou mhirMp which occurred. A boat kaown to have been ouUld failed to rprt In at lat hour last nfcht. and U iel:vd to hv iron down. Tb 'chaoiv tak.a by th rlhrmen U unjxMlnc a harlbp on th lit aavlux crw. a tb meu ntak unreaaonabl venture In their ltan upon help fruia th llf boat In a truiile oc'ur. THE BEE HIVE. LADIES' WHite tni Ecnse Qoraois Gloves AT Albert Dunbar P. J. Meany-tffQ Qsrcb&t Tailor and EiwrteF if furs. mchMt Caab n PaM for Fw btaa. Tentll acid Cornrnercidl t$t. Astoria, Or. 1,.! I -A L- !! Drflttd Snow Mark. flaw ILK a Um Pat nawu fo Rant Apptr apatAk-, oo- BaUdino Boat ILceat meal. Rlto Baa raataax aat. HI Commerolal atret Tresh supply Gturtar's ctiocolata and boa bona just laoelred at tb Partar. Tko who bav tried tb le aream arrad at tie Parlor say It Is th best fm tb olty. Best California win S cents per gal lon. Alex GUbent. sol scent for Astoria. TtpboD SI . Cream Pur Rye. America's finest whiskey. The only pure coeds. sTuaraa. teed alch and mellow. John L. Carlsoa. -sole acent For Sale. The sloop "Sparrow," SS faet lodf and 11 feet wide. Handy for flsh tender or for trapper. John Swing, Fort Sterens, Oregon. LOST. Silver match box, with name engraved. Finder will be suitably re warded by returning to the undersigned at the railroad office. T. H. CURTIS. Ramoler and Ideal Mcyaes far sal or rani. Repairs and sundries at lowest rate, call at cyclery. S3 Band street. Columbia Electric and Repair Company. Gold medals to HARPER whiskey at Kw Orleans and Wand's Fair. Chicago. Try It. you will endorse tbe Judge's rer. diet Sold by Foard ft Stokes Co., At. terla, Oregon. After May I the Atot Wood Tard Company will deliver Knappton Mills slab wood at your door, sawed, for C-53 per cord. Leave orders with P. L. Parker or at tb Astoria Wood Tard. Kelly's transfer wagons deliver box wood to any part of tbe city on sbort notice. AH order left at Zapfa furni ture store, 830 Commercial street, will rcelv prmpt attention. Telephone TODAT8 WEATHER, Fair weather. AROUND TOWN. Th Samson arrived la yesterday from Grsy's harbor. W. J. Heckard' I. X. L. remry butter X: per roll at th Iw.rlor. Th Dri:lh hlp versa was towed to sea yesterday, wheat :de for Queen. town for orders. FruK trapses to ord-r at tb Parlor; aam pric as Ice cam. except pia pple, which la 10 ceats higher. The opposition line steamship Heuncn arrived down from Partland yest.'rday and after taking on a quantity uf freiKht crose4 out for Saa FrascisM. F1TT1XU CUK TO MKMOUIA1 OAT. r'ln. rttrlotl Kntrr;altmnt at Kl'her't illw lluuo. As fitting dose to M.nuirUI d.iy s PtkU'lutlc entertiilnmvnt, abov the aver, age In the make up of program aad ren dition of Wect!on by those taking pdtf, was given at Klyher'a oiwra houe lat evening. The affair under the " lUces of Cushtr.g Hellef Corp No. 1 and it was a compliment In every way to th ladles of the Corp. So great was the attendance that every .eat was oc cupied. a also (very bit of vtandlnx room, while many were utmble to sccesi to the building. The s age .v K SAILOR ntY'S I.NTKRKSTINO .NAIUnVK, llun Captain OIe Tell of the Hatlle of MiinliNlnipud'Ut' of th ' Ovrmant, Chaa, A 01a who t horn enjoying a merited rest after a fur years' cut tlnuoua servtc In the I'ultcd Hlatea navy, itlvc th AatMilan a brls' acHunt of hi xiHrlcnc In the fitmou naval Itattl In th hurtHir of Manila, where Admiral Ihwcy sunk the fpanUli Iteet and do tro the furl Mipprllttff the enemy's ship. He la a very" Wiring young man ami not Inclined lo exploit hi part in th grvat light. Hiving to his admiral th credit for th victory that will known a long a hretory !(. Mr, Clas left A. terla In July, lsiti, and on the th of that month shlpiied fnm San Francisco on the cruiser wympliv He raaiied with that veet tn her t-ruUv to all part of the U and o Ulthfully did h dl.charg hi duties that ii was promoted to the iw.ltlon of firt gun captain of No. 4. I luch stai boasd gun. and during all th (lore fight on that tm'morauU '''V l.v be tralixsk j1 flrvtl hit guo wluh that coolnem and pre Imlon that has mad tlw Amnrtcan gunner the wonder and ad. miration of tse world. Mr. Clase j that at the time the American flex atramt Innj Manila tarlKir to make th attack on th tfpanlsti harbor to aiake the attack va the Hpan i lih fleet, a vlnttor aboard Vtet warhla would hav uptoied that they were prv. uui. t and calm wero rhe I'lU.ers aad men. Thore was no excitement or uadu ha:e, every atan going aboi) his duty with that entoine and deleraunatt'a that ' h Been th charaoirtjtU of Hi Ain,-r- , t.wn Miior and e'KUv sine Hie fHindln of thia ioverument. When the action rk on, h atiite. that every man ot the iM'aw kad an Amrricajt Mug about him, moat uf ihm having it tied about the watat. a. ha had hi It tin y were t dk) tr the Dag tli. T the fold of Old tunry to be their I ehroud Uiirmg the battle he h there was not the least hi'dUlio) on Ibe V'i'l of a single aian, r th mH hid conlldince in their hl. In each other, In ttulr otllcvr nud ejv,'ully In iheir admiral, (or thy all fvit that under ht nutci mirely ou.a ..sSPECIAL TIPS... To Prudent Buyers, as you will find every item a Bargain. Men's Fedora h, of good qaallty felt, never sold a than 119, our sivecaal prlc. auk , ,71 il I MM1 rvul ck " tJkr i mad, n,e brown chevkw, worth IWW, psicw pir ault Mn'a heavy all wool sweater, mad ot y yam worth II W, special prlo Mnn'a prtal fanoy lauadrtA draaa shirts, allghtly aoMed, rrgUtwr prlo Wv', iwlal prlc 1 .U n's heavy fleeced antVrebtsU or dnwrs, spota9 art a ', A targe lot of atvw's jea pants, bul I ixWI slsea. n.ver ul4 far ieaw ttavtk I tl 00, noal prlo tO CM) tbW I aut. per hs In 1.10 UUI liaary ilUn blank.!, rd quality, gray or whit., regular price lie special prlo ,,,,,,, ,,, ,10 M noha wld blewohed mlln, Very good muslin, pclal prlna, lar yard , 01 aj Indies wide Nottingham lao cur tain, new pat t am, worth Wo, special rto, per yard Full alt ewifurter, filled with pur whit oottoa, oratvn aovrd, worth It 00, special prlo t.M Oocal quality maltreat Kakmg, sew ryl patiarua, worth 10 a yard pofal prl. pr yard,., Ilomt llaavy Rlltbed l?ndrwma, also I to II year, worth Ho, apo. Ia4 mSo),,,,., ,, ,,,,,,,,, ..tiii,i Hoy dtruig Kim Pants, wk nwida and alMttg aawvd, worth Be, apo lal prlca ,., Hoys all wil raff suits, iargt sail r oullar, braid trlnvmed, srurith H 1oUt prlo , Toting Man's suit, gd rMbnr, tailor mad, o- awy blu,ag II o It ywasw, tvguUr prl M..M Alapaoa re Dklrta, full boll skirt all taffna Mned, n.w rabbr bind big. wjrth H. apulal prle tch M. arll prlo , s,,n i His Outing Flanaal Ovaraiilrts. gtxM elra renular prt M , i atMhial prlii , 'rVo- ra.t nis.-k llry MbtMd ; IbiMNi, dixibl knaa, waag Ilk laa, wiah mo. apal pclo im Shanahan Bros. lXST-n Grays Bay. on the night of the th. ahuut ISO fathoms of net. ii and to meshes deep. Name on buoy. George Marinoovich. Ilrookrleid. Wash. -in oiate or caiuoraia arrived yester. day morning from San Franoisco. Her passenger list was light but she bought several consignment of fauitt and veg. etabl for local merchants. The launch Elt will leav Fisher's dock today to oonvey all who desire to attend the funeral of the Andretoo brothers. which will beheW from the'family reel, dene on Young's river at 1:9 this after noon. The interment will he in Greene, wood cemetery. Memorial day was generally observed In tn city yesterday, the public office, business house and banks brsng closed, during the day. Hags were displayed at half miat, and, although the weather was unfavorable, a number of people visited the cemetery and decorated the graves oC the dead. A bark was reported off the river from the cape yesterday. She was suppoeed to be the MacDuff, from Calcutta, loaded with jute bag. The tug was at the mouth of the river during the. day. but the bark stood too far off to sa. the tide bein unfavorable to come In. She will probably be brought in today. Mr. W. J. Inxalls. chairman nt Lewis and Clark road fund committees, desires all the friends of that entrpnfe who were overlooked in the recent can. vass for subscriptions.' to call at the store of W. E. Dement, the secretary and treasurer, where their contribution, will be received, or to forward the amnun't to w. J. Ingalls, Astoria will hg duly credited. draped with flag, and m.mber of the fuj gulJame that victory was Grand Arm occupied the rear of It as t,eir. The lie tlaiei guests of honor. With them was Charles JMH at,a Mit hn, llKi nT,k(!l A. Claso. the hero of Manila. A detach no( , at ,mKh; t the strut. ay v uui Mc uui- ijautenant t ereaus, iiSftKaling uttlcer mand of Hnslgn Abcrv-ombi.-. oocup.rd f tilt, inpla and ho ibiu du-edrd front seats In the parutiet. Th.- ushe.. ) XUt. miveinems of the rWt. The (Let were members of the naval reaerv. ! formed In slnnU. coluain utkl moved In The assemblage was aalle.l to order ia , fr1ii of the 8Minlh tleel and promptly at the hour of opening by , t0Jrl!,. A: ww ,. tvmlIlg ai,n Uel Klmorv. chairman, and after a on th. Inside tack, the navigating otllcer lec;lon had been rendered by the ot. j,,, ,h,. U llf ttrtl.. a diffrreni at g.e chestrw. an Invocation very suitable to ; , ,,, ,lb.v.ii.ri ;he aim of the 8p.m. th oc-aslon was deliver. d by Kev. Wm. uh gunnors who wou.d Jut begin to get Seymour Short. Hon. C. W. Fulton was , tnef .,. ,h meri.a stii.. would t,us to the outside tact, to return and the amount Tb new Creamery Restaurant, Bond street, near tbe alley between 11 th and 12th streets, esrves tb best C-cent meal ever set out in Astoria. Everything u new, neat and clean, and absolute satis faction Is guaranteed all patr.ns. Fredericksburg Music Hall, corner of Seventh and Alder streets, Portland, Or. High class entertainments every evening. Tbe ouy ramus' resort In that city. All kinds of refreshments. All delicacies In season. Admission free. Louis Dam. mtech, proprietor. Notloe Plano-owners can have their Instruments thoroughly cleaned (preven. tlv of moth used) for ILOO Other re. pairing and tuning at moderate charges. Call at Griffin ft Reed's r at Spexarth's tore, Mi Commercial street. 1 Fred eotckson. A pure whiskey agrees with any food, la fact aids digestion. It tone the stomach, increases the flow of the gestaeo Julae and so promote strength and flesh. A pure whiskey Ilk HARPER Whiskey. Boid by VoaBt & Stokes Co., Astorja, Oregon. WHen In Astaria step Into Fisher Bros, and eei th new mower constructed on w principle to woric among th susrnpg. Tou can reJse the cutter bar perpendicular without throwing the ma chin out of gar or stopping the team. Has roller beaxbigs and veog light draft. Lee Herring has ten awmlnt-d local agent f. the Bann whley. and r-ieived a consignmeat f that famous yes. terday. The whisk- i sl, oi- in a . . aim guaniBe labeled bottles never in c-askn. It is warranted 14 years old and Its flavor and quality are posj. Uvely exquisite. There is absolutely no whiskey sold In Astoria equal to It. Tnote who appreciate a tine liquor and are wlu. ling to pay 13 ,-ents for it will be exactly suited in the Bann whiskey. Sheriff Linvllle left for Salem last niht. having in charge Leon Debeau, who was sentenced by Judxe McBride to 18 month. in the penitentiary for kt.aiin from the O. R. & .V. d,Kk. Lebeau ma1 no defense, pleading guilty to the charge against him, which probably saved him irom a much longer sememe. Htewart Debeau's accomplice, was found guilty "i jury jiunaay night. Judge McBride -A.k the case under advisement and will pnonounoe sentencs today. Hon. J. G. slegler. of Brookfleld, was yes.eraay to attend the Mem. onai exercises. Mr. .h o- i i-ei veil through the entire period of the r-lvil war. being In the naval s.-rvice with the mi1 slsslppl squadron. He rose from the ranks to the gr?le 0f sdiirn. At the bat. tie of Shlloh he was on the Twer nn. der Captain Erwln, when that gunboat and the Lexinuton h'i th. -,k..i. i ehe-k at the dose of th Irst dav' ht. tie until General I. w 1V :!lar e'r d,viinn arrived and tig tide of battle Wast turned , ,j, ,.M. ,Jr,.on forces. Mr. Mger took part with his gunhonr in the r.utr. of Island No. in. and th- sle and rap ture of Vlrlrhi,r.r . . .- . . OT) altJ many or the minor enirairempnts which resuitfvi in ,. opening ot the Ml.lsylppi. W. A. GalBas private stock whiskey, handled exclusively m Astoria- by John L. Carlson, la on of tb most popular Beverages told. Its parity and qaallty rs guansateed, and H Is aapaelally ree. mmended for family ns. It is sold tn ay Quantity at th soner H Twelfth aad 0o4 sUasla. Mr. Skyles. w-ho Is 1n the. rgty prompt. uui uneresifc fcl ii!e Is very favorably Impressed ouiiooK. ar.a belbves that hampee Its prnsinent creamery, with the nothing will suts as ,,,. -w w operanon is Cmmenod. From his experience in othr communities u. itkvlps mttvm hj I. . At. ' - '-npnsi-a mat a cream. ery nas not been starjed In Clatsop coun. ,i mmcuit lo Unit iu.i. ii y wnere so many fa-mer live that have not a creamery already In their midtit Of course there Is a drawback here from the fact that the farming districts are so far apart, and their product In mnnv cases must be shipped by water trans- Trianon, cut mis can easily be over come, a in the present lnstase. Mr then introduced, and In a Ch ar and force fl manner gave a splendid sketch of the growth of the I'nltrd State Each war that this nation had waged had brought to the people broader idea and nobler purposes, and a stronger sense of J a tlc and right, both among ourselves and with our dealings with other nation Our late war with Spain had be-u far reaching la Its effects. In addition t i giving liberty to a peopt long oppressed by a foreign power, tbe war had brought about the complete reunion of our coun try, and now there was no Mason and Wxon's tine to sepurale rhe American p-ople. He felt, as with all other Amer. lean, thai now when Memorial day is being observed that he could with equal respect strew flowers on the grave of 1ee, Jackson and other confederate dead as upon the graves of Grant and the dead of the uniun armies. While th,- slK-uker was paying a glowing tribute to Admiral Dewey and his brave men the audience recognized young. Clase. 5K persistent was their calls that the young man had to come forward and bow his acknowledgments. Mr. Fulton closed his address with a fine tribute to the mem ory of Elward C. Young, the young sou dltr whose funenl took place on Sunday. A solo entitled "Keep a Place In Your Heart For Me" was sung by Mrs. W. 8. Stone, In a voice that was very pleaslmr. "The Ind Bell" was recited by Dororhy Thompson In a manner that brought from the audience hearty a p. plause for the little miss. One of the most effective pieces of :he evening was a tribute to the unknwn dead riven by the members of the Relief Corp. A gu'. tar so!o was ttie next on the program, and was finely rendered by Etta Strauss. Eighteen little slrls from fh Shlvely school then mar-od on the stage In the most perfect order and after singing "The Red Vhle and Blu," gave a bunting drill that was sheeted with hrarty applause from the audience. The girls had ben drilled by Mrs. Busey. anil the perfect evolutions made bv thorn was a compliment to their tearticr. A quartette was sung by Samuel Elmore Henry Thompson. J. T. Ross and Prof. Thornton, and was finely given. Then fol lowed a pleasing recitation by Mvrtl Oreen. A song entitled "Our Soldiers was ung by eight little boys and trirl from Mis Miss (Rimer's room or th flhively school. It wa one of the pret, tiest pieces of the evening. Iq respond- to repeated mils for On Captain Clase. Chairman Elmore brough the hTO of Manila to the front of tb stage, where he thanked tils friend, f the honor they had shown him, but I was evident the young man was a better fighter than a talker and was more a home behind the Uncn guns he handled on the Olympla than on a stage. Prof. J. McCue. principal of the Alder ortok school, followed wit, an address of a patriotic natare, that was a finished effort and a compliment to the young man. "America Forever" was the title of a song given by Miss Kato Rousseo, Miss Kathryn Slrively recited "The Ride f Jennie McNiel" In a style that greatly Pleased the audience. Recitations by ay Rail and Mabel Lorsen were well given, as was also recitations by Lena Fannon. Martha Paldamino and Minnie Doneka. A recitation and sonir bv five llttie girls of Mis OarB'C's ruom In the Shlvely school was given with spins and ffect.. Eleven little boys of Miss Nick. eison s room, niveiy -jiool, gave a i :-1 ration on "Our Flag" that was nicely executwl. The Grand Army mn now concluded they would take a hand In the program and they rose up and sang "Marching Through Georgia," It was evident that the song brought back fond recollections of sweet potatoes and fried chicken had on that memorable marsh, for the old soldiers sang like a band of college boys on a lark. A chorus by 20 little girls from the McCIure school closed the program. Their slnglua was In perfect trhn and their voices sliowed the careful traininir of their teacher, Miss Frankle Holden. given by th men who had worn trie gray, a hearty and warmer r-pttott, If pos sible, than Us had before twlirl. Th freKm of th city was their, aad not a cesl of pay would he taken for ay thing the miliar Us wished. Mr. Ch was a do ob.rvr at th parade ) rarer, lay .nd Hsmlaj of the v. Imion and -roiinol vt lb Astoria dk vlton of the n rcurrv. and ft. pay laii'Utenatil tthrrsian lae compliment f having a command ttitl will comiar moa. favorably with the naval rarve organisations uf Kaat Krancl.oo aJ Uu eastern ftt law where he visited. Mr. Clsse sys mm of hi UU oia rades will r-niUt but that moat f them will settle down and engaV In oi lll p.rsult. as ko will da Mr. '! brouaht horn a number o '.ntrrestltig souvenir from the "-panMb ship sunk in Manila bay. a also a UK of valuable curios that be puked up In the various prt lie ha visited At th resjiient of a number of frtrud. h will place them upon exhibition si s pt whers hi lady and gnatlraua fnmds can Uwpei t tkera. 1899 KNOX SAILOR HATS Kor l.IUllCrH. Ill WHEN NATURE Needs assistance It may be best to render It promptly, but on should remember to use even tbe most perfect remedies only when needed Tbe best and most simple and gentl remedy is tbe Syrup of Figs, manufactured by tb California Fig Syrup Cmpaay. In a dsTforvnt position. The Spaniards had no regular order of formation and wre unable to esoap the uuge tinders of the Americans and w.Te soon sh t to piece. The night following the rngagement, he says, was one of the most awful ever witnessed in modern warfare. There was not a breath of wind and heavy cloud put an Inky darkness over eVerylhUig. Against this dark sky was cast the lund light of the burning Spanish ships and forts. From time ro time a Spanish ship wld blow up. scattering the wreckage all ovir the bay. As the ire spread on shore among the buildings of the arsenal at Cavil e. a whole maxmlne would be blown hlirh In the air. when the shells and other explosive would burst with , a deaf-nlng report, making a pyrotechnic ' dlp!ay bwth grand and weird. Mr Clss- , says that the frightful sights r that ; awful night made a deeper Impression upon him than did the shock of the bat-tie. Of the Impudence and Inlerferance of . th German ship wlrh the American : fleet. Mr. Clase .ays Is not fully known I to the American people, and had It not been for the coolness and determined forbearanc, or Admiral Dewey a conflict i would have surely been perclpltated be tween the Wo fleets, for the men of the I American ships wee wild with rage at the conduct of the Germans and It wa: all they could do to control themselve Of th many Incidents In which the Ct. ! man ships showed their contempt ami disregard of Admiral Dwey'. blockade regulations, he tells of one In which a German ship narrowly escaped renin blown out ot the water. It was on a J very cinra nigni, atmiil the time when Admiral Camara's fleet was expected whB suddenly there loomed up In lh darkness the well known outlines of man.or.wnr. Instantly all hands r. i neat to quarters and the gnrs loa.L-d and trained ready to fire on the instant. The search lights were turned on th intruder, w-rirn It ran up the German flag and slowly steamed away. It was nly under th strictest order, from the officers that the men were prevented from giving the treacherous friend a br.iad.ld-. as a reminder that Americans could not he run over a though they wera s me weak European nntlon at the mercy of Gorman tyranny. For some time after the appearance of tn Oer. man fleet, signals would be flashed out at night by both the German ships and the Spaniards In Manila, until a quietus was put upon the Germans by the vig orous protect of Admiral Dewey. Mr. Clase paid a glowing tribute to Admiral Dewey, saying he was the Idol of his men. He said that while the ad. mlral wis a strict disciplinarian and si. lowed no negligence of duty, yet n tils Intercourse wit hthe men of his fleet he was more free than mo.t naval com. manders and always treated hlx men with the utmost consideration, and their health and comfort was ever uppermost In his mind. The admiral took the hon. ors that have lately been conferred upon him like a true American sailor and did not let It turn his head, big was as fr with both offleexs nnd men a he was before Fame had written his name upon her soroll. As to the retention of the Islands by the Vnlted States the nun of the fleet were fn favor to a man. Mr. Clase's enlistment expired last July, but he with 130 other men or the Olympla strryed by their ship until all anger was pass'-d, when they were ransferred to the Raleigh and came ome with Captain Cmighlan. Their first landing place was New York where monstor roception was glvn them. This ship then w'-nt to Philadelphia. hore they took part In the unvHIIng 0f monument to General Grant. The crew of the Raleigh were given she post of honor In the parade, brlng at the head of th procession, taking precedence of the soldier, th first Instance In the history of the country. From there thy went to Wlllmlngton. where Instead of Fort Fbrher to give them a welcome of shot and shell, they were given a recep. tlon such as could not be excelled by the most loyal town In the North. From there they proceeded to Charleston, the oldt1me hot bed of secession, where at th time ths reunion of Hie confederate i veterans were la teasloa. They Odd and End Day. Rverythlutf that beautiful In chlnaware, i-rovkery, flit" wee, lamp. vae. ornaments 'and fig ure, lemnnnde aad4 water aets. Newest and best things mad. Irishes for tbe milWoti. fV our cut price. Bixne article, cut M per rest Some article cut 10 per cnt. t ODDN AND riMUI., 11A1.P PRICK. firtit Americas Imp.rtiif Tea Cc. 71 Commercial Street. Astoria. FISHER'S OPERA HOUSE U at IEUQ. Le and Mansgar. Week Commencing rionday, June 5th SATURDAY MATIXEK. .: Sam T. Shaw Company. 1 i 1 s i '4 ta mix 1 I I Ithrck, Nitvy lilac, Hliilo uuJ llruuii. Vvura ksiuk Ihit. I'vcrv MvlUti Wiimmm BUFFUM & PENDLETON fJuttcrw unal KuriiltavkicrM. 91 Third Utrcit, Corut- SUrk, MftTLAXl. OliJWON. ABTOFIA MEAT COMPANY Tvtspkjonw No. .1 M Handles Only the Choicest Mwts 4 'I dMBSsertlal It., st Ple Beat ass at.1. WAWrrrWrrrr W. F. SCHEIBE, xrxxzw:!.. hU hiss at PI ISM, TBKC. ad 5iaWr' ttti!. 47 Comm.rcl.l ((. "La Bene Alorj" ct(r StheObe's Open Star Scaelttt'S Sptck Anet tMh.rtllrsnSs Stop and Think! Are You (Jvttlntf The Heat Meate, The Het Liqura, Or The Heat Heda That can bo had la th clly? If not, tJLCl. t A.- a .euBcuMyouh.vo.,vu.ted jeiT s RcstsurHiit for tboa who raoulra a gaaulaa fd. May f.l thr wita seosMcny ail lht U.y ad. Thousand who know M bavs frasJy ooafassM Thai of all th great catstwrs tilT I th REST. Look for the sign of "JEFF'S" and take no other. KatMltlel twenty year. ed 1-e.rrt ttamp to pay postage ul gt a Tlds TabJ for UM. In an Kitire New Repetoire. MONDAY-Uv and Law, Tt'ESDAY From 8lre to Son. W'EaJ.K81)AY-I'lnk Domino. THUaSDAY-The Last Stroke. FRIDAY Jim tbe Peuman. SATURDAY, MatLnee Vaudevlll.. 8ATUR4OAY, Evenlng-The Phoeali. Prices 10, 20, and! N cents. Reserved Seats at Griffin Reed's Saturday morning. FISHER BROS. General Supply House for Family Groceries Builders' Heat y and Shelf Hardware, Ship Chandlery, Etc. Can av Tos Koeay on stimatss of bfatarlal f Bvsry Dewirlssoa. R. L. Boyle & Co Lend! nc Root Estate Dealer of ASTORIA, OREGON 63S Cenimcrcial Street Write for Infocmation and PamphleU New Neckwear Boys Clothing Techs, I'uFfii, fovm aid I'our-ln-Hands. In Reefers and Vcstccs, Faney Knicker Leggings. P0R HICYCLB lE. Manufactured by J. and D. MtGconic. Danfrsca. Netti and Hobby Line of SUSPENDERS of the Celebrated Wilson Bros, JJakt C. H. COOPER, The Leading House of Aatoria