TMK DAILY ASTORIA N, WKWlM.Ae MORMNQ, MAY Hi, 1HM JOHN T. UOHTTCR. Bdltor. Totephoo No. H TERM! Or BUBSCKIPTION. 4SMoaaa ' DAILY. , ant by Mil, par yes .... ant by snaiL par moota Jl arras by earrler, nar snosts KMl-ntKLT. sot mall, par pear, t as-vasos...B.4s pottage tres u Ail communications inrsassa far Ptt oatioa should be directed ta Ua edit, Em'MW communKieOons at all kiati and remittances nitl be addresses ta The Aatorlaa," ' f e" The Aatenaa gu&rajneos a tu aaTar than Ua largost clrcslauos, ef aar aewapaper published aa Ua Osraasee Advertietag rata eec a aaa aa aailoa to the boati TIDE TABLE May, 1899. DATE Bleu wares,h.mft WWWATSS a. a. ! f. a. li irt4 Wed ..YSi eat ....u! 6un Xloa Tua Wed ..17: Tha ...18 Pit ....W Bat ...-! Bub Mus !filiuj V4on II Tos ... tj H&1H !! Wed .. I 4 U l Fri .... E;T, Sat .... 14 IS 7 i ' l!uui7i OUH a ' Horn a Taa ... l 7W77 sell 141,11 10 JvS UUI1 fa Si '71 UH1 71 t4t4JS, 1W 1 1 li0ii mil liS, 01;7 1: I4tt It I lit 1 1 f i HI 1 I 7 1 1 16.7 4T! lftl'7 0 I it'll 44i U:7 OmU 164 411 1 Will IU41 ISS.7II mill lis.7 li niou4 4iiOdStti .SU4 7lll0 44 l6i Taa ...SUMl(llUli W(4 .Mi.. ..I. Taa ... OKI 1CT4: Frl ....K 4SJ t I M 7 f 1 fUl ....271 1DU SV.7 7I S4Y7Si )Ta .V.a il4 ; 47iU0UU;4f Twe ;;:S 4 K.S 0,1 S0,Tl01 f .11 h.mlfu lih.mlft I 10 1 1,1 e wt O 4 4s!4 Vi I li:- Si !Ji,4III MU !S It It SI lO lUUj 14 IUI S. iLi l AO 1)0 III 1M It in I4i i it Is) 111 1(4 17 410 1ft 147 II 414 tli 4 II i r in 114 II 7 00 11 TS 11 141 II l II Wit 4 It -I.. . a iiii 5i Th Kind You Hav Alvnjrs Bought, and which has boon iu wso for ovor 30 years, has born tho nlgnntur ot , and has bcou mad uudor his iMr onnl Miiorvlsioit slnoe 1(4 infanoy. Allow no tin to dcvclvo you In tills. All Counterfeits Imitations and Substitutes nre but lis pertinents that trill with and endanger th health f Infants and Chlldrcu-Esperlcuee nalnst UxiHiineut. What is CASTORIA Castoriu Is a substitute for Castor Oil, Tarogorie, Drops and. Soothing 8yn's, It Is Harm!o: s niul lMasiint. It t?oiitains neither Opium, Morphine nor other 'arvotio substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and alloys Feverlshness. It cures IKarilura and Wind Colic. It rtlieres Trethlnjr Trtmbles cures Coustiiatlon and Flatulency. It assimilates th Food, regulates th Stomach and Bovrels, giving healthy and natural sleep Th Children's rnuacea-T!ic Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS 1 Bears the Signature of I4S4 4 4 Hi -; IWiJIi TB4 1 t l-l ti At! fhou'.e h:p out the Porf.and T!tTm" rord fund for General Bum- atr. It ! HU endUB". "-7 aaatW. that Ator-a eta do to te:ify hr loyalty to the oaue f?r which Ore. sui t brave bor hv won ,uch renowa la the Phllpne. There are reason... taa, why As.cria rhould eepeclally re anher th offlaers and men of the 8ec aad Oreoa. For tie credit of the rtry It ia 4oped oenera: Summers will toe aate to rad at least a few Astoria names aMnr the Us't of contributors to this appropriate teatimonlal We ara satU fled the Telegram will be pleased to re. celve" and acknowledjfe any contribution aide froaa Astoria. The Kind You Me Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. bian bajln shall understand that rlTlnj ihem a common point on exports at As toria tneaiM millions of dollars !o them, she wll get that concession, which Is hr right by the plain laws of nature. U . tver. let us ae thaikful for the iwl favors already granted and push os. Ijet us get out our lttwatur and press otir elaima upon the country. It is no time now to be discouraged. The Immediate fatur Is brighter than It has ever be. Some persons think they can to a salad, but Its appearanc after the oper. atkm suggests that the to.lng had b en dona by an ocean steamer or a mad bull. NERUiTA President Hammond of the A. C. R. R. and President Koehler of the 8. P. left last week for New Tork about the same time. Is ther any coincidence here of Interest to the great railway and fa port problem of this basin? Espe.ially ia connection with the reported move for a transcontinental railroad now lack ing only the coperation of the Southern PcJle to be completed? There Is one thing certain no permanent combination of ail the northwest roads can be made on a SEAPORT BASIS that Involves the loss of MILUONS Or D0U-aR3 AN. NVALXrY to tba Columbian producers, as would be the case If the present status or bsis shall be retained. Railroad magnates are business men. They are bound to POOL ON A NATURAL BASIS. And there Isn't a one of them bw un derstands that this la the SEAPORT OP ASTORIA for the Columbian basin. Moonlight on the i sea. There art pic tores and dreams aod castles ia the air for the woman who sits and gases ont over it Pic- home, dreams of a saaalr husband. orannrni casues to De built by the loving hands of mutual helpfulness and filled wua oeauny, nappy children. Almost without rxcention these dreams asslsns VITAUTY, LOST VIGOR ADO MANHOOD Cures Iropptenc-,Xight Eclions and aiBff dTwaBes, all erl;t3 f self- ahuse, or excani atML4nihd cretibn. Anervetoiiicand blood builder. Erin'es the pink glow to pale oietl and iOc per box : d boxes Br 92.30; with a wiltten aituniN. ten to euro or refund the money. NEW IT A MEDtOAL GO. CLnona Jackson 6t&, OHCACO, ILL, For Bala by Charles Robots. Druggist. ! ii It is perfectly hopeless to expect that I the meals will be bountlfal In a houe that has a motto In th dining room. "Man Wants But Llttl Here Below." Q3 V CUT-RATE OFFICE Can Save You Money On All Railway Rates. m8 Third St. Portlniul, Oren, Kopp's "Best 99 aaj.r WWAMW if.., , . , . A DELICIOUS DRINK.... AND ABS0LUELY PURE. The North Pacific Brewery, of which Bottled Uer for family , or leg Vfr.John Kopp ia proprietor, makes beer brr mppliej at any time, dollrtry Id for aomea'io and eiport trade. tha rity Ira fiorth Pacific Breuerq m IlTlJa-CrrCI-rA 1 Jl o t ol THOS. OI'INCAN, Proprietor Havcnthnnd r . Waalngtor, Hi.. 1010110, Uf. rwruruvruvuvruruvuvuunn 525' LOUVRE Seventh and Astor Street.. SHASTA rrSBRAL WXTCK. fCITEK. N0HI.C. HICKOfM AXD SHAW'S MALT KMSKlttS. ALL OTHEK LlfJrOKS. IXCS, liEEK AM) CIGAKS Served Dny nntl Ntsht. AUGUST KRATZ. - - Mnnoger J. V. Bridge, editor and proprietor of the Deaaocrat. Lancaster, N. II., ay: "1 wouK not ha without Oce m:bim Cough Cure for my boy. when troubled with a eaogh or cold. It Is fhe best remetfy for croup I ever used." Caariss Roger. "COMMON POINT" ON LUMBER. The comnvm paint in Astoria's favor on timber for Interior markets Is about to start Astoria on the up grade. All of our immense fir and spruce forests are being rapidly bought up by outside cap. Ital. A number of immense deals are understood to he almost maturing. These movements have been kpt ss qutet as possible, and there can be no room for doubt that so soon as they shall fully develop Astoria will take a great stride forward Numerous sawmills will be quickly established on the Astoria harbor and Cathlamet hay, and logging In Clat sod's forests wIU he very brisk. Even Portland views these moves with sails. factkn; with pleasure. Indeed. She con. sldera they will aid her ai a port In fur. alshing cargoes for foreign ships when wheat 1 short, and her value as a sa oort will be thus greatly Increased. No doubt the logging and lumbering Industry ia Clatsop county will at once assume very large proportions. By estimate there are some two billion feet of spruce tim her within the 12-mlle limit from the ocean. In Clatsop county there are some 4ei or twelve billion feet of "Oregon pine," or best yellow fir. Where a half Billion feet of this lumber is now cu! annually, there will soon he ten times that quantity. Railroads will be pushed at once vp the Lewis and Clark to the Nehalem. country, and up the Necanlcora to Tillamook, in the interest of the lum. heritig Uvduetry and incidentally in the dairying interest also. Astoria will get a breathlnr spell by thH grudging eon. cession. When the people of the Colunl OAS TOniA. Beantas y'1" MHTMI Han Ahrars BCU4 Kfaatsrs of TlKialYixi Haw Alwan A man never sees a woman pin on her hat without feeling Jurt a little bit In might become realities if mothers would I10 to whether she can p ssibly ( only teach their daughters the most com- cape piercing her brain. mon sense tacts about thetr own phvsical make-up. and advise tbem how to protect themselves from the perils of the three critical periods of their lives puberty or maturity, motherhood and the "turn of life. Women at these times suffer from irregularities and weaknesses which, if neglected, will develop into dangerous dis eases and make their whole lives wretched The delicate organs that make wifehood and motherhood possible, cannot be neg lected with imDumtV. If thv .r nlnt. ed the result is unhappy wifehood and lJ-re. motherhood will be a menace of death I ut. nerce s t-avonie Prescription is an on- fon t tninK you can cure that alight railing specific lor all diseases of rhre I attark of dvuvn.t& hj riurinr m.i i. 1?: Kodol Dyppetwu Cur. ti iHto " rot, Pat hood. ItlooM. inviffoTirtM anrf hniM lnJ rttor tb dltlve orant ai uw( nidi uaTc dccb snaucrra Dy I "r'l vnr iwrrv Tttt and anMuna. THE OCCIDENT i Astoria's L,ead!tii? Hotel ,f Megler 5tf Wright, Props. It is said that our desires Increase w::h our Income. There is nothing remarked about our Incomes Increasing with our nr. MANHOOD RESTORED r. ft Vous or dim ol ' lttHiaiiila, l-al-itlBl T 403t fioiplr.. VliBlnM Off. "CUPIOENf ThUf miVaulil, r -I r J m ..v.u mm ma. Will quir!? C1U TOO Of Oil I v C.JV . l J r.uTT. '.J", '""'" "fl"a wt . U Miih.i, V - Cnmiieatloa. It itniMsll Iww. br do. r ni(ht P cvmii. niiVk. A Dim of d'VhOT.. Or UKt II IHif rhM-.MI Im.). I.. NnMilnlL.M . .l BCFORC oob AmR aJlltioborrtipullmil.irr. 4 I'riDt'.NKrlruiNO IImUik. lut T ' w klli.T.ondthurinorror(i(olallUiiMiaua Tho rniM iutt. rr ore not eufi br Iwrinri i. inn ninety per font ars tmntilnl wlih Ff aolallllo. CUflDKNK 10 lbotiiwnown r.mtlr tirurwliliouioiior.riiun. fcivimim'inl ol A wrl!leojraxrmntrfiTB oixt rhun.y reiurnwl If ,u btian ikiro out idwi a perutou.bloufe. I' 00 o bos, oil (or fi. b umU. Hnil for roociirulir on milaionlo. tdaroos DATwL BKOICISB COP. O. Bus aa, Kan Pnuwioro, X tor Mi 6 CHlBUM ROfima. aa Coremercial St. The prn who actuaily rn.!i ono Sviu 'lay paper hasn't time Ar anything le. For rears mv wifr nnVrr .v. doctaro callrd proUpou, of the oterus.- writes I i in i Attain we Inquire why are coramim-e. menfs no called when they enm at the Mr. H.rrw rha.i r ... ti ..... ... . .. .. Texas. ''.She w wrrou.. hod coU' hnd- r,,nT than th beginning of the ... p.tu. nnoatne. Dockacbe conUiM- lcnaoi yearr lion, a duoereeoble drain. brnn.. .JZ. ond no appetite. She sot oo mk .h, iui get around I in only o laborer, ond tru olwon Pneumonia, la grappe, Courtis, cols, in debt to the doctor, and ail fn. ,j Z. I croun and whooninr couch rudiTv i-inid to work like a charm. She ho. ii,,.C!! remedy in time and ave a doctor's bill thirteen bottles and io to-day o .toot ond or the undertaker's. Charles Rogers. -"'"j wuiuu id me Laura States.1 Judging by the size of the fashionable The modern method of denying the en. 'emlnlne hat, there is a big load off a gagement up almost to the day of mar. 'man mind every t!m- he r-mov- riagp seems to indicate that nether party lt- ls 1innr to have It thv ih. ... Jilted. I Bom or ins re.u:ts or nfff.ectec dys. ptptlc conditions of the stomach are can If you suffer from tenderness or ful'- ""r' consumption, heart disease and ep. ness on the right side, pawis undr the Hepsy. Kodol Dyspepsia Core prevents hon!der blade, constipation, biliousness 1 a" Inis bv effecting a quick eure in all sick headache and feel dull, heavy ana caM of dyspepsia. Charles Rogers sleepy, your liver Is torpid and bob gestea. Dewitt's Utile Earlv H:oer. tn gToupa photographs in some will cure you promptly, pleasantly and Persons' homes should suddenly come to permanently by removing the congestion I1" what a dreadful feud would ensue. ana causing the bile ducts to open sod now natnrally They are good nllls. OABTOTITA. v-oirm zvogers. It makrs ro differenre bow lad the wound If you use TJeTTItt's Wlleb Haiel 3alw, It will quickly heal and Itavt no seas. Charles Rogers. The electric light Is about th only on thing that can be brilliant to order. Beantbs Lots of persona who talk a great d-al B54" never say ahrthlnr. I a The KiDd IntimNmrii Bugtt Bears too ;J 1 1 K SW) KM HJ !rWB In't it possible, we wol-r. for a h"l. day to be crwlcd In Jun som'whr- ? MASONIC. TKirVLE LODCE NO. 7. A. T. A A M Regular romoiunlratloni held on the first and third Tuesday evening of earn month. O. W. LOt NHHKRHY. W. .; E. C. IIOLDEN, Secreiary. ATTORNKYS. J. Q. A. BOW MIT. ATTORNEY AND ('Ol'NHKU.OR AT UW. Omt Ilond Hiree:, A.'orla. Ore. CA. D. ears No triumph of after life compares with the sense of importance a girl experiences I in her first long gown. Pretty boxes and odors are used to sell such soaps as no one would touch if he saw them un disguised. Beware of a soap that depends on something outside of it. Pears', the finest soap in the world is scented or not, as you wish; and the money is in the meschan dise, not in the box. All sort of stores sell it, especially druggists; all sorts of people an ssringh. By allowing the accumulation id the bowels to remain, the entire system It poisoned. DeWitt's LHtle Early Rlsrs regulate the bowels. Try them and you will always use them. Charles Rogers. One rather expects a woman to be unr llabfii, but an unreliable man cannot lie tolerated. CASTORIA For Infants and CblUseiL Tba Kted Yoa Hare Always Bought Bears tba t$g&&turof i It is always the practical Joker who falls to see any fun when the Joke Is on himself. TO CURB A COLO IS ONE DAT. Taxe Laxative Bromo Quinine Tahlsta. All druggists refund tha money If It falls so cure. 2E cents. The genuine baa L. IB. Q. on each tablet. BEWARE OF OINTMENTS rXjf! TAIIRH THAT CONTAIN MERCURY. as mercury will surely destroy the snse of smn and completely derange the whole system when entering I! through the mucous surfaces. Such article should never be used except on prescriptions from reputable physicians,, as the dam age they will do Is ten fold to the good ycu can possibly derive from tbem. Hall's Catarrh Cure, manufactured by F. J. Cheney St Co.. Toldo. 0., contains no mercury, and Is taken Internally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous sur. faces of the system. In buying Hall's Catarrh Cure be sure you get the genuine, It Is taken Internally, and made In Tnle. do, Ohio, by F. J. Cheney & Co. Testl monlals tree. Bcld by druggists, price 75 cents per battle. Hall's Family Pills are the best. THE MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY OF NtW YORK RICHARD A. McCURDY Pnr.siDf.rtT STATtntvr For the yoor ending Dtcombr Jl 1890, Accunllng lo the htandunl yf'tlie In.urance lxMtfirtmi lit .f Hit Mule of New Vo'k It.MIH.JIS !, I -.MM?, Hsu ri Rwltfil fr I'rmil.m. . Fruoi oil oihrr Soarrto To PnUri.bolilero for ( lolwi by To I'ullrr'.knidfr. fr rattan. iu,H0l,(i:u 43 M.Ol. lllllH.ada. .If . For oil other orruooio ll.(Nl,;,', us ltl.;l,:i;i) 4i fril jo) opn l)KIAHN Ko.l klnll I p. u. Hixikaii river I Itl p. m TIMIl ACIIIIDULI1.4 Kroin I'lirtluuil tail lake. Iicnror, Kt. Worth. Uiiiolio, Kani i .city, hi. Unit. ( Incom, ond s'sol. Witiia Wsila. HiMiksuo MlnnraHill. Rl.l'nul lulutli, MUwaiikre rtlll'Ua-uOlnl Kasl, Fruin A.turla OCCAM STIIAMMIIPA All ttalllua- Uoteo sub Wt tlll'ImilSK. rr Hoy Krniwu.i.-MaUli atoy a. , u, is, jj, yo Aaaivi K.t Moll 4 4a i in. HiHikona I io a. ni. ta iusi mi uiuy 4 a. m Tiir. Thurl and thil Ta. m. Tueo.TtillS sud Hat, i sji. at Culrmbla UWar Hloo)iiirs To Portland aa4 Way lasndinga, Kniia hirtUiid. WlllaaMlls Rlvor. Kolniri. Alkoliy, t'urval II. ami wojr lomllnso sad Vom kill KUsrs. Ors!"U I'lly, IMiytnii, A way latiiuiuso, 5noko River. IUiarlalo AometMo nil.jr 4 it) a. in. Tui'o. Thur ail Mot I Si P in, I Mon.,Wod. oud rn. kr luiu lion. uiiy ASTORIA AND COLUMBIA RIVER RAILROAD. Lairs" ' Aaiorla (PsIlK) IA'Mvs loilland and Astortsla.isjMsL Ii l:WlKipros irains. . viaU:Nllilt Knapiva, Clifton, Was! Wound poiata SHirt, Clfctakanis, uouia; wnntlo al tloWa tr the' Kast Ms I'Ugoi a.m n m I 11;II.W Aaiarla, sVaotds aa.1 New Aoiorta rfPf"r warromwni tralm tVx.V.1 :M J slundajr lluaUrs spo-) Ifisl , (kU AaiuOa ta aolde I C. MAYO, a. r. a r. a WHITE COLLAR LINE Columufa River and Pufel Hound Nart gallon Coapaay. Talanbona loaves AoHwIa dally, aaeas l?eForflaI!d daily sicopt luavta) I I a. am. Vhlta tiollor Una tlckola lnlar.hanJ ioria and all woy P-Vaj mvIow, Long lloh, sad oa TolanhuiM. T, 1 hiMiiMon for Aoto rUv.1, Uwson, Heavlew naboolla. c. b. sxrrr. m PraataaaL A. J. TATIeOIt aoiorla Agsj. Talonsosa No. U MO.t.MM.IIMH.MMtltlM.MOtMI.OSeee. I a. ni. Ki SuiiviaM ttnm 1'iirll.iiH ' HaIvib A noy.Uud a ' B' O. W. LOUKOBKRRT. .. Agout Astoria. Ostv Paa. AaX Paruaad. Or. XljprllVtti mil IftVlLWAVpoiMTS riCKBTS EAST Throuch A I toal now sa wA "tofi-oj mm mwisi aoowoa-oja ss i CdHfAliT 'VKBTIBULB THAINB. No. 4 Limited Imvs Portland at 1:10 Ho. united arrives fort land at l:W So for rates. ja?si a.. rsrasM. w. Ml44 and tourist sloepars. library uAoorvallon.eera. Aut'a k M.T Asiorfa. TIi rough Tickets Miii li You Are on the 'Right Road' If ).ur lli k.t road via lIUNngs and tho Uurlrugtoa Houio. It is the slmrtoot lias to Iba Austhoaot-lhs ttaly lltto oh at os foes through car sorvla froon floatll.. Bpokaae, a4 ta Uoioln. Bl. Jvvk, asd Koiooas Cliy. Through tourlol oioepars iwloa a wrok. A.k any rtrlkrra I's 1flo UwU'i agonl okjul th.m. ar write la A. C. (loft'l Agvni. ntLoS. Pufllaaat. rtro TO THsV EAST AND SOUTHEAST Y1A mooooooooMnotiototosioiMosioooossoI A FEW INTERESTING FACTS PLUJ4AN PALACB 81-KEPBfU. TOUItT8 Hl.KEPEJllI SBd fREB RECUNINU CHAIll CARs -Dally to-. Salt Lake. Denver. Omaha, Chicago, Kansas City. and other Eastern cities. assage checked through to destination. t'nion LHtpots. root tlmo, lowest rotes. ltntooh light In ait cars. or roiro and other Information call on or address U. W., Ag-nt. O. It. at N. Co. Astoria. Or. son. or J. H. IXrTlirtOP, Oen. Agent, US Third '.. cor. Aider, Portland. Or giEAST,,, O0CnH8rtASTJ I m i ii LEAVB PORTLAND OVERLAND BX PRKUH. for Raiem, ItriOffhulv :0 P.M.!8acramento, Ogden.' Han Francisco Java, l Angslos, Kl Psoo. New Or. 1 A. M Dally asoeot Sunday K A. M K r. at leans and tbs East Roseburg passsngsr Via Woodhura, for Mount Angel, HII vorton, West Brio, Brownvllls, Bpring. Ool-l sod Nation..". corvallls paassngor ftt;M A. M Independence paas' tl:X A M ARRIV1 1:00 A.M. Whan pwoplo ui ciiitlrmplatlng s trip, whether un kusimovi or ploontro (hoy ruttumlly want iho best sorvirw ob. taanoihlo so far as ssood. oomfort oo4 aoUaty la voncmrmi. Kroployos of Ike WIMCONJIIN CENTRAL 1.1 NHL are uahl io owrva tho pubfto and our IralDa ars opwaiod so as lo siahs elose cos nootkons whh divovglng .ns at all Junrvtksi piSnts. Pullman I'oloco Hlon4ng and Chair Cars on through tralna Itning (Vr sorvkie unoioorird. MnoUa served a kt rarts. la nrdnr lo obtain this first rlaao OTvlno, ask Iho ticket ogmil lo ell you s tlcttot over TheWIsconsIn Central Lines. and you will make dorort cumwtlons at Bt. Paul fur fhloagii. Mllwoukoo and all pomis east. For any furrhor lniil rail on aa tlckot agonl. or comspond wtth JAB. C. POND. Oen. Pasa. Agoot, or JAB A CMCK. MIIaukM. Wis. Oorroral Ant M4 Btark Bt.. Portland Ore. i 4:M P. M Dally esrepi Sunday Dally. fDally oicept Bunday. connect!ngat Ban Kmnolono with Occd- If i I the same disease wiuV-" r A out inconvenience, Sold r a'l nrvrgiitt. These tiny CD4ulei are superior to Baitm ot wpaiDao.. i Cubebt or Injections andraAl CURE IN 48 HOURSl'Tl L. LEBECK Carpenter and Dtolfder General (Contractor MOUSE RAI51NQ AND 3u,S4u,OU0 08 annnjn tslted Ktalni Bosdo ssd olorr kerarllles . - - $I(IO,066,HI 8J Bortnuit. .... Cti0.1,uHO SO Loon, oo llosdo aod other Sr. eorltlo O.SDe.flls 00 nroi K..IHI. opproiMS oy isisr on re KueriolrMlrsl. ot Jil.ill.xiB.HH I Hrnih Valua t t.f.l Bin 01 Caoh io Houko and Tro.t torn- , MolM 11,(121,';; 88 iccrufd lolere.t, .Itt !'rjlum.,et(. . . . 0.434.0A7 16 .'-';?, J.82S 86 i,io nii.i 1 19 j) Pnllry Rrortro. elf. - . tHI.O'it.dlO (ID i oiiiiii.t'M iiiioroniee r ooH 4i!.2:iH.IIS4 US lllil.iliie Surpluo . . . ;;. (WO (H) laosrooro soil Asoslllro la force .... 071,711,007 JO I hove rnrr flilly run mined the foregoing Btnte tnt nt ond find the sume to Iw correct ; liubilihro cnlcul.ud ly Die hioiirunce tK-twrtmroit. Chaklks a. fnkLi.kk Auditor Prom the DiviiHite Burptus s dividend will be spportioatd oo usual. ROBERT A. ORANNI66 Viu-fWoiuoT R. Cillstts Isaac V. I.urvo Fbkdkoic CbomwKll EMoar McClimtocs; Crneral Monaget jd Tice-Preoidfnt Tm.orrr Actuary dontkl 4V Oriental, pacific Mafl and Oca anio steamship lines for JAfAJM. I'll IN A. AlJHTRALIA HAWAII AND THK 1'IIIMl'Pl KV.a Tteliaia tit.-keto on oolo riaiiv s.t. Portland, Bacmmecitn. and Ban Pranclo. Co. Net ratcoi 117 flrot.nlooo out u ond-class, Incliifllng sleeper, Ratea and'tlcketa to Kootorn points and r. u I u ib, jlimu jauui. ..nmo. Miinnini,, KIRK R. KOK Manasex. ui r. a p a Througb tickets Bast for lowest rates Psll on C. J. Trenchsrd, local agent Wells Fargo Comosng's office. Astoria ' J . .7 K .n, f(lUIUl. ustrlla.pan be obtained from J. H riAND. Tlckot Agent. 134 Third si. agtiLEii. C. ir markham! BALTIMORE and OHIO RAILROAD Reyal Bkie Trains BETWEEN THE EAST AND WEST Dyspepsia Cure. Digests what you cat. ItarUflrlallTdllfPHtsthP food anf aids Uature In fUreiiKthenlnn and nooa tructliiR tho rihuustiMl dluentlve o irsna. 1 1 Is t he lot ent n iHcowrs (I dlResV aot ana tonic. No other prcparaUoo can anproacn it, in enicit'ney. u jr atantly rufiem and permanently caret rRH'pitl, Indigestion, Heartburn, Flatulence, Sour NUmiach, Naurwa, SIckHeadurlifl.GantralKln.Cramim.ana all other rosultaof Imperfect dlReatloa Prsparsd by I. C. DsWItt A Co., Crjicogo. For Bale by CHARLES ROOERB, aVlo 1u.Oti.VI M mm. m mm w Miain. 17? omcmiuri.o r ""l . X 1 t ni o it o 0n .ri sii, "ii ,t f..r (ii,i.riu..4, !;.';"' spTrnoiorrh., , " Mil... u li natural .1.: rharm.. or ai.f liiltanmio- lion, irrlia.ii Ipnm.1. Mwaua. tl.m ..I u, i, r,,.. . .',. l;HtEtotONiHiniif)o. lroiM. Kmi uirinoi-m Meld by UrassUlo, or oaiit In plain orotpar ly aiprtw. oraoaM. fio II.IS. I Utllm, i lt Circul.r Mtni uu rmiuaaV nOVINQ A SPECIALTY Charles Rogers. If you have piles, curs thess. No use undergoing horrible operations that slm. ply remove the results of the disease without disturbing fca disease Itself. Place your oamfMnoe In DeWitt's Wltoh Hazl Salve. It has never failed to owe others) it will not tail to curs you. oniy Bne orwrarmy tro wn ratt. T, Baldmors urosinsjoui owio mow via vyoflKifiMon, ; and Phlladelpbofc Tn traveler U txwnltWM 00 arllmrises) of tho fsaalest over the Eld t oatsti sosnsrjr ta Amerioa, PB1ZR HAHVBT, Paetos Coast Asrecrt, Baa rraasiseo. Room tt. Mills Bulldloc IODIDE OF IRON for AMIMI A .POORNR.M .if t hr l.O0l vvnoniuinwAi. 1 KN SJ ICHOI1ILA. lite NoaegenulneiinlrualKiii-fr'm.ANCAHU" Al.f. rm rri'.r. iutu , E. FOWlliKA CO.. N. V. Agio, lor V. S. i . "5-i lott's Nerverine l'ills The (fstar "medy for Ptrvous pros. If 1 IU n .-J i f ii nervous - - -. ..kii.M gene ruve or. uch u Nervoui Prottratien, Failins f Manhood, Impotency, Nightly EnW tens, Youthful Errori. Menisl i'r!L, ... asrive uu of Tobacco or Opium, which lead to Connirnption and Imanlty. Ji.nO per box by malli 6 boxes for S500 Hons CHEMlGAi CO.. Proc'i cSeBi,. Fa- sals by BBTBt-CONN DRUO Ou J