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About The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899 | View Entire Issue (May 17, 1899)
THK DAILY ASTORIAN, WKDNKSDA. MOKMNU, MAY 17, IBM JOHN T. LIOHTAR. Editor. Telephone No. M. TERMS 0 8UBRCMIFTI0N. DAILY. Sent by mall por year ! Bent by mU. par month M torved by carrier, oor oath M 8 E VIV- WE KKTjT. i.t by mall, pr year, tb aavaaco. Pottage fr to tooaorlbora. All communication intonaecl for tTBd oation ahould b directed to tho edit. Bus'n communication of oil ktiMU and remittance moot b addrejeeed to "Toe Aitorlao." The Aitonan guarantee to na adTor Uacre tho largest clrculauoa ot any nr"apapr published on tbo Columbia river. - AdractUlnjr rate cat o a oa atspaV eaaon to tbo bualnoao ronaTr. TIDE TABLK-Msv, 1S99. Ultlll WATEK I; LOW WlTstB I . j P. M. DATE ih.mjn.j li.uiifl, jh.m.n.;i Mori 1, T. 8 4 ! IS,: I Tuo ... tj SS7I W J4, Wl .. 1. ili'ii,, ;s,I J Thu ... 4i tUiih S5U0 Kn .... t; ,;, I 41 5 Bat .... W IV T I, 10 Si S 9; Sun ... I.Ulo JS. 11 lil; lion ... S .. ..I. .i 12 06 7 8, hum 1 U2 IS a lot i a isi l i 111 SI iH ii 4 16! t 4 I 4 24 1 10! -41 1 SU tOl-Oiil 104; 14 Mon ... g... .. . . ,11 SSI1 1 I Tue ... :..... .liU S4 J lii I 48 J O'i t 4W Wed .101 a 4 1 1 1 ss I t Si .1 01 1 1I Thu ...111 llctvM 2 SI 7 41 I IS -OS I li t Frt ....12, 1 55 8 " I Ul 1 1 1 is - & I I Bat ....IS! 1 . lii I 44 7 Id I Ml it 4-i. 3 1 Sun . in i & : 4 SI TO 1.1 12 Hi 1U3SI JS Mon ...1S 4 0u'7lc! UvOiliiol! l;Uil; TUO ...16 4S0 69, ll P;.UW, !'.. ..'-- . Wed ..17 & to 1 1; W 7 M 0 Si: I i. IX li 1 1 Thu ...U T 0 : T 4 T 1 1 1 . 1 1! 1 04; 1 1 Frt ....ii mOj! k .i ixi i ' ! i ' Pat ....); 14 1; is ,7 ! I 1 . I jl J j Sun ...!1 lu 11 4 10 U3 5 i 4 Mi l v ; j I I Man ...2 11 US 7' 10 44 8 4K JI 4 ! IJ Tuo ...O UM.7 0iill2i0,i I Wed ..J4i.. ... .i;U:.7Jn ,- f 141 Thu ....! 0 06 Si 12H. TWiJl', I 00, 1 1 Frt ....2Si 0 4?Si I Kit I 5U.1 S.i Wll tiat ....! lJ;i 01:1111 1 Si-l Si 41 isua ...S Ji9m.Ji! Si J 0 t t 3l IS l,.r. . s I SC I 4 ad T .10 UJti 10 S6. I J Tuo ...All 4 l0il IZii Hull ? iU4Uj II Wrd ..3li & 24 15,1 i?l i'.Ui ti ! . FIX IP WITH THE OREUOMAN. MR. HAMMOND. Mr. Hammond mut huy up the Ore. jronian. In fact he should have done o long aj:o. Xo man of Hammond s reputed millions can vr erer h Jared lire In Oregon and lgnjre tin great institution, ' Fr-quent hint hare been ntend-d to him ta call and s.ule; he has no: done to, let him beware of the consequence. When he firs. "promo;eJ" the salmon trust." which the Oregonian. after the language of Mr. Weller. now pronounces a trust as Is not a trust. Mr. Hammond should hare taken the Oreg.'nian in. It Is true the Oregonian packs nj salmon. but that makes no difference. Does Mr.' f Hammond Imagine the Oregonian Is pub - lished for the health of lis edl:ors-l,I and little' Let the Astor' urge Mr. Hammond to beware. A little while ago during the persuasive stage of "ne. gotiatlon."the salmon combine wa, a "trust" with the Oregonian. and was treated accordingly In its columns. Now. let Mr. Hammond no.lce. It is an "Imper. feet trust." This is a characteriiatln pregnant with meaning. Prrfect trus:s. so for money. These are srrlevous of to speak, cannot be broken; "imperfect" . ''"" S. in letil. and tht r- is no xtenu.i. ones may. Let Mr. Hammond go at ;iHn 'or 'ou- Reduce the price now once, and in the Interest of his innocent associates at l-ast. let him 'tlx" u: with the Oregonian. No specious plead. ing of tils rights as an American citizen. nr .nnhiiu l r.r thar nn ,n ..v Mr. Hammond: rje mus :f every man who i: pay the penalty -sumes to brins , money Into Or--jon he mu fix up with the Oregonian. Nor can Mr. Hammond shift any of the responsibility of his position on the h.nks of his aociates. They long ago. one way or another, fix- ! up their right to live and pay tax- s i i Oregon with the Oregonian. No; Mr. Hammond Is the man the Oregonian is after. It is true, of curse, in the gen era! wreck of his affair", which will be his bitter portion, if he dirsn't fix up with the Oregonian. his partners in th salmon trade must also go down with him. This Is a consequence the Ore. gonlan cannot help: it is the misfortune of their position; the Oregonian has nothing, K-r pe, against them; It is She company they keep which damns them. They are like the sen-ant girl . whom the younsr fellow misused. I: wasn't the girl he was af ' r it was the j preacher. No, there Is but one way out of the scrape: Mr. Hammond must fix up with the Ononlan. He made a very bad faux pas in the b-sinnlng but that an't be helped now; let him manfully fix up with th,- Ores nian. We shan't wofder If it costs him a pretty penny: but a stltth in time savs nine. Mr. Hammond. A p'nny invested now means a pound sometimes saved as well as a' cumulated hereafter. Don't be foolish, Mr. Hammond: go and tlx up at once with the Oregonian. that is the business man's burden In Oregon, It is what everybody else who is able has to do. The Astorian can give you some p ilrrters. If you will accept them, which may serve to get you out or some of the pc nat'.y Incurred through your lack of tllllfcnce. We can tell you what certain otVr p"ople have paid: which may be useful for you to know, not as a prece dent to exactly govern your case, but as a little matter of fact, the knowledge of which may serve to let you down easy, If mentioned at the right time and In a The Kiwi Yon Have Always tttuight, nml which lu hotm in s for over MO yours, hus borne- the hipuuttire of .t - rttl has Ihm'h nmli umlcr liU ur- . 4-(T, wiual MijHnlshn .since lit liiranoy. All Counterfeits Imitation- m:l Substilutcs are hut T.x crliiicnt that triile nith l enuaii;-. r the health of luf.iuts nml ChiUlren r.viritMiee X'vju rimetit. What is CASTORS A Castorla U tt s:il(;tu(e f'. nl Snothiajr jn-po. J. contains neiiiier nr.:, .Mvh';i-. 'ir o:tn-r Narcotio substance. Its ;; J !u "ttr.v.t-.v. U -.t-.-t i;(i-4 Vt:'tut a:ul uilays lVvorMiiw-s 11 a: IY. ivr'.i.x . ai1. Wind Colli. It reiieuN T t ii! ; T.ul.!'. v i.r s v'e'i- tlnalioit aiul Flalnlt'iiey. I? av,hMilais V'"'"- "ii!itles to Stomach and NomcN. ; The Chikireu's 2;.u.v GENUINE CASTORiA ALWAYS Scorn tho ' IK lllll i llll I IH Thfi 1? nrt Ym 1UU u In Use Fcr Over 30 Years. THtCTRTiUVCOkM., TT ITMIT, MCW VO C ITT. ataa ju.llol.nw ttjv. This knowl.Mse has 1 .helped others ur.dfr lik- c!rrumianoes; e heller It 'lll help you. i rnjVrstanJ. though. Mr. Hammond, tte do not underrate the of your ' off.ndiin;. In the particular case under f consideration and sayinu tivKSing of l o:h?r complaint! the Oron:an has I apainsl you of loniter stanvlit-.s-you have ; i Builty of three serarate oftenscfl. j First, you did not take the Orcg nian Into your enterprise; se--ond, you ' , brought upwards of one quarter million j dollars into-not Por:land. but-Atorl OT Investment, and. third, you have ut. ) ,'rl' trampled down a cherished .prin. J c'1'1 and contention of the Oregonian i ;tnal no "Sherman shou.d have live cents Pund 'or raw salmon and that the 001 ho PiJ sutl P"f wuld not mk " money. You have shown by ' ( lne energy of your iirganitation and , ow the community of Astoria j can b bnerl:td by the payment of more "w -almon than your com- ; . Pt"ors were waling o pay. and yet ytfu hftV 80 reduced the est of man. "-'acture and handling as to supply the conum-r with he same finished article laM !0 yt,"r fiihermn. In. rease the price sa;mon a: 'il'h you are now putting ' un tn- market, come to the Astorian , an'' CHt the litt.e talisman which we an.l get the little tallyman have previously recommenied to von ! you. 1 21 ; ln rreg-.nian and th-re make your V ''-v 1ina; up with that p.ipr on , the test terms you an oV.atn This is 1 whu. the (ir itutiian wants you to .10. i , an'' ;t "hat ycu must do if yw wish :o h- iinmub-sti-d in pr isrij'inn f ( your .g;::mav b'l jj' F x u;i wi Hammond: ' that mighty . I 1 ir-g-inian. Mr. i " Beauty and Power." The secret of a woman's r ';) rweri in b. rromnieta 1 lot rtc.'ii T i r ol iitt'.lit.e 1 tier np'.tianty 1 'if f'at'i-cs. It ! does nil mean j wit. nor tulents I nor a 1 Co in 1 pi'hmrnts It ' nn-atis that phy-icul at- j tractiviness 1 -JwC f lha conn ! I 1 perfect i I li' txMlily conut . tion and the bright, hrippy cheerfulness of disposition which only complete health can insure. A on.n r.ith a brtt-ht eve. clear ci.rr natural attractiveneis that no artil":uii svency can ccutiterfc it A woman who is afflicted with the morti fyir.p misfortune of a fiull. sallow, pimply compVxion or that ItMlt'-s movement end attitude which provokes oriv di'pttr and revul'ion in tile opunstte sex, ought to avail herself of the putitying. invigorating power of I)r. Pierce s Golden Metiual Di-covery, which makes a ftrong, healthy stomach and (liueitive organism ; purifies the blood and imparts a natural stimulus to the ex cretory functions ; insures healthy weight, clear skin, bright eyes and the animated manner and Uarittg of perfect health. A lady livuitr in Wot Virginia. Mis Ann Lallow, of Kjtr. Kontie Co.. writes: "It is witti pieaMire J write vou tiler using few ooiiien 01 ut. l ierce s ' l avarlte Preacription ' and 'Oolden Me,ical Discovery.' and I think th-m valuable mtdiciiies fur female troubles and wca . I could hardlv go aixut my work I had surh imvard wiakne.'. and constant misery in the womlj. it worried me bo that I would give out iu walking a ahort di.Unce. I had a bad coiih and mv lungs hurt me all the time. I go! very thin, my complexion wss bd, and my eyes would get so heavy in the evening they wciiiid siiif iu the lids 1 could hardly move th-tn Many persons were alarmed about me. 1 look-d so bad ud had such ugh ; tbty were a 'raid 1 would go into co ..motion. I fell badly every day thai I had no lift about me M I used only five U,tir in all I -hall ever speak iu proieof vocr grand medicines. They are blessings to suReriug female. " Another good thing to have in the bouse is a vial of Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets. Tbey cure biliousness and constipo'ioo and never gripe. It makes nc difference how tad the wound la If you use DeWItt' Witch nazei eaive; u will quickly heal and to leave no scar. Charles Roger. Ib. .or. i m;T. It i- : o.i:!-y . it ';:! s'.erp. SuTnntue c.f IT7 11 II It W A woman doesn't have to turn around to take In the details of a parsing co. tume; she can t out of her side eyes how It Is made from collar to hm. Only they who use it know the luxury of it. ; ' If you have piles, cure them. Na n undergoing horrible operations that slm. Dl' rvmov the results of the disease ;a:ifhntif it 1T urhinv fh (uir P!a your cor.fl(jence In DeWltfi Witch ei 3've. It has never fall. to cur.. fotheri; tt will not fail to cure you. j Cnarles Roger, j no Uy nvlnfe womanlt a perfectly useless task unless what you l"y,r'1,hl'''"?nir W"h her ,'"n I" - J" Bsars ta y4 'i 1 Hail Aia.ii! I ! Baatar jffy- 7? ' lW7 '-CUtitU I A man never likes to hear a girl ta k i against another girl, anil a girl nev-r , lUvs. to hear a man praise r g.r! ! pj there you are. j ! j a vi l ie resi.lia oi Ileg ei ieq U)'S. I i p. p ic io:dltljns of the sromach are.! cancer, consumption, heart diseae and lp. tpsy. K.oa il lyspei!a Cure pre. vents all this by effecting a quick curr In a I cas-s of dysreps.a. Charl-a Rg' r The woman Is im ky who nev-r g-t a 1 new e.jok who don't at once want a: I least a dozen n-w r.v.k ng utensils that ! ar- not in the housr. j ,. .., , Don t think you can cure tnat s l,"hi attack of dyspepsia by dieting, or that It i win cure use;:. Ko.ioi uysp p-ia c ure wl ! cure it; li "digests what you eat," a:.d restores the digestive organs t) h-ai;h. Charles Rogers. I'-pular songs soon becume rlwh - n they are picked out unsk.lful i your neighbor's piano. r D. Bridge, editor and proprietor of Ij-ni"cat. I.amas'ei. N. II., says: "I ! would not be without One Minute Cugh Cure for my boy. when troubled a cough or cold. I'. !s the best remedy for cnnip I ever used." Charles liogers. I u liy is it one never r. afraid when aloti in a house in the daytime? There are a dozen chancs for burglars to get in !ii-n when ih-Te is but one at night. 1 tx rts Eoiil'fi ; of UCaft ZAcfa zyS Lots of times a man Hatters himself 01 a woman wnen ne nasn t . ven put a ; gauze, veil between her and clear vision Pneumonia, lu grippe, coughs, colds. 1 croup and wnooping cough readllv vleld to One Minute Ougii Cure. Use the : remedy In time and save a doctor's bill ' or the undertaker's. Charles j To get up a really ravenous appetite j a visit t the market these spring days jls all that Is necessary. J If you suffer from tenderness or full. 1 ne. on the rht side, pains und-r aluitititee hlcrle cnnil Irw, tl. i.i'ii....-. ui. ilOUBIH;.B, iik headache, and feel dull, heavy and epy. your liver is torpid and cor. geted. DeWltt'g Little Early Risers will cure you promptly, pbaiiantly and permanently by removing the congestion and causing the blie ducts to open and flow naturally. They are good phis. Charles Rogers. Mr. Wharton Darker declares that the campaign of lWiO will not be fought on the financial Issue. TIiIb In an adroit move on the part of the populist candidate, and will bring many supporters to his standard, no matter what It may be. TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY. Taxe Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. All druggists refund the money If It falls cure. 25 cents. The genuine has 1 O. on each tablet. C:;-(r U l.'.i-u, aj as unuu CUT-RATE OFFICE Can Save Yon Money On All Railway Rates. i.S Third St. Kopp's Tf nV ft Tb Nrth Paoiflo rWw.ry. (if h'cr 'r.J lui Kupp i proprietor, nmltr 'ts r 'or dumWie ami rjjmrt trn.lo. li city (rr Horth Pacific Breuerg riarvvnAAimrAnjinnyuviAArutr nic IlYlt-'OrciL, Hotel 5 THOS. (3MM!N, Proprietor ? Sovcnlhnnil tT a.i Wanliington Htn. HOrtlOtlCl, O T . T HI Seventh and SHASTA MIXUKAL KATl'.If. I'CITCK. X0BI.C. Hll'KOKY AM) SHAW S .MALT 'HIhlP.S. Al L DTHEK I.K.)l OKS. XCS, IJEKK AXI) CUiAKS Served ly itntl NIIit. AUGUST KRATZ. - - Mtmner "VnVnmn.innniVnVim THE OCCIDENT Astoria's Leading Hotel Meglcr 5c Wright, Props. .IrrrWWA'rrrrWW.WMW m(m MA WD RESTORED ST i,aJ. "'"i SyPIt' I'impli-s, 1 V ; v i BEFORE aao AFTER !",;" h"rr',r""' ''"i ""r. I ri in i . . . .i, u.u..r, u JmVM . - 1 :.mVM mini (TPIDKttK .trenffthen.AiiiJ .b ..,.-iri. To rrsuon fttsvrers sre r.t mrei he rmwiiiia, i Ln nr.. r. i. ii." ufii wniiown fmny inrtire Vlil.oul uu i.f r: un ik A wtlln-n tii r"i sieeo si I mi.nt r rrinmnt If Iti.t-t il nut riii-il it ik ii. ;,. 1. 1 cms. t i)bof..u(..rVU).l m.ilL h-nu tut rKsariniil .r iel riiiii..,di:. xMna DA VOL. l ADICIMl: to., P. (J. lt.i ir.n. Hn VnriT,.tl r i 7 "IIARLE4 ROOKR8. 1'4 Commercial St. These tiny Cipsulet ire tuponor to balsam or lopjioa. . L.I . I 1 uueus or injections anuf imv CURE IN 48 HOURSPUT the same disease! with out inconvenience. h alt virTr. ! OAHTOillAi ) ''6 Mf.J ICJ Hj. llrm Boi'gM I I'hiuniey Iiepew's birthday iinnlv rnry ... illr. Ill fh. .un.., m.intli u . Tit, .... 'J - ftVrsun's. He has th.-,. ,,n Ji-ffer. son. however, in t?ie fan that h did no: vb ld to the temptations of pub - lire iutilll he was C years old. j Ity allowing the oc.-umu:a: n In the .bowls to reniuln, th entlie system l poisoned. iJeWltt's Llt'le Karly R ser regit. ate tl,e bowe.s. Try thvm Hnd y iu will always use thtm C'has. linger.. . The woman who looks really well In a shirt waist ran be pretly certain that her llk-nre is all right. CASTOR I A Por Ififanti and Children. The Kind You Havs Always Bought Bears the Signature of As we make our bed. so must we Hi but we certainly cannot help defects In the mattress. UKWAUK OF OINTMENTS FOR CA. TARUII THAT CONTAIN MERCUIty. as mercury will surely destroy the Sense of snn-ll and completely derange te whole system when entering It through the mucous surface. Buch articles should never be used except on prescriptions from reputable physicians, as the dam- age they will do Is ten fold to Ihe good you can possibly derive from them. : Hall's Catarrh Cure, manufactured by V. MOUSE RAISING AND J. Cheney & Co., Toldo, O., contains no i HOVINO A SPECIALTY mercury, and Is taken Internally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous stir, i - - - - faces of the system. In buying Hall's Catarrh Cure be sure you get the genuine. 'AStOrlS PllfcliC LifclMrV It Is taken Internally, and made In Tole. J ' do, Ohio, by F. J. Cheney & Co. Testl-'i READING ROOM FREE TO ALL. monlalB free, field by druggists, price 75 cent per bottle. Hall's Family Pill are the best. Portloiul, Orc. "Best )9 1 '- s A Druciuus DRINK.... AMD ABSULIT1Y PURF. Ilotl' tee: fur ftn'ily m, or krg beer mpplii Hi any time, ilolivtry li LOUVRE Astor Streets ''CUPIOEKf n. ..... ti.mol lmou. r..i,rb pm.u Un, wt.l iimircui, imii i,. ,. jou or il. ..ii i. Ibe "ii. r..m ..rx.,.,. , h M,,,,,, I'linuw mi'..iuii.i Miiimii .N. i,mir nnrnes. .. !.irry. I.xlm i.l 1i.-,ii,. V.rk-..i. I 1:il..ll.m. II l.. all l.-jir, ( Cir . r . jl.t ! nil. ojl k. r t m id d.'liiirri. Mi I..L W t..i ..!...... . ...... . Ih. Ii'lu.r nn-.n. ..f .ill... Hir. t. Iw nuw plnty fr rem an tfnhtl rttb .MA.'sdNIi' TK.MI'I.K I.olK'.K No 7 A K A. M - It' 'gulnr 1111m111nl. il 1 'una held on til- f i r -1 mid thlnl Tiilnc ivnng of . h iniitilli. il W. I.i it'NSHKHHY, W. M ; H. '. llildKN. M, -r-tury. A'ITil(NKV.-t J g. A. lioU I.MV, ATTKlt.MlV AM" fnl'NHMI.I.OIt AT LAW. urtlc Itnli.l S t. A -t iri.i. Ore. II T, UXUrIOUS I RAVEL mvii: '.v..i i.w I.i: l" trains, " ii th In "a, are, r t ns in (he '!. i.ew -8! onctilencf " lr.n--I n-4 111 "t cum. of ihe car ' Ill- ll-iit..! 1 ,1. Sill- J'.. nut, i,;, I -t Itliojl e, ,.p .,,1, !!. 11 si ll'ld They I I,i, y I),.. ,,. H id lies. !il.-a f r Mjinfi.r: . tttid luxury .ir offered i;,, liii'iii . mid altog-tlier ,i:v. r-i lile e and -pleti.l.d pr.nhirii ,n biillilers" aie. I These Hp! ..'.! d Traill , Connect win. i The (irciit Xiiiliiin The Nor the ni I Vitic iiml The Ciuiiiiliiin I.h:I ic AT ST. PAUL FOR CHICAdO .ml Hie I'! AST.. No extra charge for tins., su, nr!or a-, 'omiriodatlons and oil classes of tl'kiis are available for passage on the famous "North-western Limited." Ail trains on this line are protected ly ,hp Interlocking Rlock system. W. H. MEAD, F, C. HAVAOE, ; 0-n'l Agent, j. I'ortland Ore. 1 L. LEUECK Cnrpctilcr mul IlulUJer Ocncrol Conlrnclor OtMk avary -ay from I o clock to l-t and i:M to t M p. m. Subscription rata H Mr annum. Wt Cor. Eleventh and Duan treat TlVtU 5CIIIII)UI.I5 Kniui Con laud Nail Uke. Tteiiver. Kt, Wnrtli, Onisli, Kan PKI'AKTI Ali Kt Mull H p. m. K.t M.tll II 4t p III. m Clly, t. Uinta, I iMi'nn sua Wslh KjhiI.sik Mliineiiill . hl.l'.iwl I'ululli, MllwaiikVe, ( liiiymi ud h.l, rim A.tutia Hpialiii fli I It p. in Hpoksli Klwr .10 a. III. OCI1AN HUAM.MIU' All Hulltii Hales sull J ' ti. r lMiitt. I fcr snn 14,01' April iL S, s, 'JJ, Jii j Ml VI M 1 t'olrnlila Itlv.r .ftumesMu NlMmers tulsv To tMriiand a4 Way IjtnUlnia. liilu files lluir. WHIamsHo Kim. iuei, ibtir nmlS.I S.ilem. v I iin.lxt . jr Uiiiitim. I 14 III. ... ...I v ! .. .. hill Ul..r. . .V V,.'"'. Tut. -Iltui4 .. llilll..)Wl. .iul'l. i'N'0).I,.VIhII. A I May l.nmlliiK.. ai.d in. I eae ill)' . i i a. in. : 5nskt Ulver. IllpatUln l.em.luu. ,r Uwlitti ! l.-in. I iUiy Kmm l'..rllaMi4 ' .... l'laMKIiKI.,KH Ki Silu.l resuii tile. NelM.fg, rJ " 0. W. LOlWailEHKY, w. a iiuruiukt. -'AMort- Uoa. I1. Aft rorttaad. Or. RflEAT , TICKKTS rfiiLHn ... 1 1 l" ..V POINTS EAST Throuah nalaro and tourist alMixra dlulna and library uboarvatlon tan. Kt.KOANT VE8TIItt'!,B TKAINH no. Lamiteq leaves roruand at 1:10 No. umltd arrives fortlana at I a. m. Kor ratoa. etc., rail or addrooa d -M. IXJI NHUKKHr, Ageol O. R. N.. Aaiurta. ! B. C. DENNirros. C P. 4k T. A.. rortlaasL Or. Hi rough Tickets -TO THB- UAST AM) sSOUTHUAST -TIA- '.r.r. Ii I.I, MAN 'AU'K rn.Hra'FU.1. Tol llISIH HI.Hn'KltH and FltKK KKi'l.lNINU 4'IIAIU CAUH -Dally to Salt Lake. Denver, Omitia. Chicago. Kansas City and other Kaatrrn cities. llaSKagn checked through 10 destination. I iiion It".ls fast tune, lowest rates, lliitarh light In all cars. For rate, ami uthrr Inforuiatluii call on r addivaa U. V. lAM'NHUKItlt V. Ag"-nt, O. It. tt N. Co Ast'iria. Oregon. or J II, OiTIIIUM'. Cm Agrnl, IK Third Hi., cor. Alder, I'ortland. Or LEAVE I'OKTLAND ARKIV OVKItLAND EX ; I'llI.Hrl, for Halern, ' tlllMIIIP Aslklami 7:00 P.M.IHacfamento, Ogden,' :0U A.M. i It: in FroncUco uu- sve, Lob Angele I Pa New Or- lean and th East. f A M' Roseburg panger 4 10 P. M Via Woodburn, for Mount Angel, Hll verton, Wl Hclo, (irownvllle, Hnrlng fisll and Nation.... Dally except Hundar Dally lc(il Hnnilar f7:H) A. M Corvalll pessenger iii.Ui A at I4:M I'. U; Independence pus' 'tstft A M Dally. tDally except Hunday. Connecting m Han Fntnriaeo with tVcl- dwital A Oriental, puclfl.; Mail and Oc snlr uteamshlp llnea for JAPAN, CHINA, AUSTRALIA HAWAII AND THE I'llll.ll'I'INMfl Iteieue. iieki-la oirnle iliuly omweun Portland, Hacramenlo, mid riati Franrl. co Net rale 7 nr!-ti, and ill sen-ond-clnns, iniiikllng lcper. I Rate and ticket to Eiisiern polnl ana I .EuroiMt. Also Jiipmi. Chins, Honolulu 1 nd Ausirniia. Can b obtained from J, n I KII'.KIANI) Ticket AKi-iit, 134 Third si., !. Manager f F A Through llckel East for lowest rat. Call on C. J Trenchrd locl agent Well Farxo Company's ulllee, Atori ' BALTIMORE and OHIO RAILROAD Royal Blue Trains ISETWEKN THE EAST AND WEST Only lln opeiaunc lu own through train between St Loul. Louisville, Hprlngfleld, Cincinnati and New York. via Waahlnirton, BaJUmoro and Phlladolphla. Th. traveler over the B. V O. la permitted to oatob gllir,pe of the greatest oenery In Amarloa. PETER HARVBT, I'mKi Coaat Accnt, Ban rraoadaoo. Room tt Mills Buildm. Q'ccrjN,5nA5w WW south ASTORIA AND COLUMBIA RIVER RAILROAD. Loavo I Attorla (Pally) ' Arrlro" a ni d m I I'ortland and AaWrlala.itt o.i Knaw'a. r iflon. V'f4 .lii.k.nlt. dob oi Ur Kaal ai i'mol liouni Mat L UJ W A.lrla. fca-Mo MdTl; t.4t Nor Aaf'rla I' rains. ! W arroolonl d nai. l:M y.m.i.e llunlsrs' iMV !: UU Aatona 10 HaaaldoL ( I O. MA TO, a. r. r, a WHITE COLLAR LINL Colutnola lltrar and fua iouod KatV allot) I'ompany, T.lHn. lavoo Aatotia dally, lea i'ai.Jia-l'ri. dally M0.M Buada, t 1 sa. Whlia 4'olUr lino lirk.U luiof. "Mf'blj oa Tolophniw. T. J- l'-!-r. H K I hompeoit -r A.irl and all wJ Hals. nr II a 90. MavWw. ls.nj Umv and Nahcolia. A. J TATtn. Astoria Afat. TuMM Mo. U, u. ii. pHXTrr. I'rMldooi. iMIISIIIIIIIISMII4SSIS4IIISilllSSIsniMISM Are You Going To St. Louis? or Kansas ii)'" nr OnmhA? Vt.T Ttiti nearosl Northern I'a.irtc lickol ant to poai you atxiul lh iwli".. k lnutl.t car arli Via 1111:11. and Hit li'Jiiina'iua teU . II inratis a big saving In 111 nry. lima anil trlniwr rl.iMii.t cla.s Ibkms r a-'-,r. ,J nd tli b Ir 1 ft t'e, H. 1 ' a II Kl4. I'll). IS uOtr !' From Hp"kn- lo" Ml lltltlB ! I. StlU lOO.f, A. f. llllBIJOM, tloti I Acnt. ronlaml. ir. E issssiisKststMsssttsssatsMistuMssatsal A FEW INTERESTING FACTS When pesipi nr. rnttrnipltlnT fa, whclirr un business or ptusur. Utoy naturally want th best ervl ob lalnabla so far a ter. oimfnrt aad aafxty la rniiom.!. Kmploye of th WlH.iisHiN CKNTHAI. I.INtM are tin Id to scrv tho ptibilo arxl our tralna ar operaled so u ta mak oIm ova nmtliHi with diverging Itleo at ail Jumrtlim (winia I'Ullman l'alc Hlsmng and Chair Cr on through train. IHning r ervlca uncscelM MJa servoil kt cart. In order 10 ol.tnin Ill's nrt rla onrlc, k th t.rkei iit ta "l you a llck4 ovnf The Wisconsin Central Lines. and you will mak dinvt mnnrcttona al 81. I'aul fur Chl.-og.i MUaauk aad all po.nts t. For any further Information l on ? lick agrnl. or corrpMtd with JA. C. POND. Uen. l aa. A4Tnl, or JAH A CMK'K. Mlluke. Wla. Uenmil AgHil I4 Biark Ht.. IVnland Or. Dyspepsia Cure. Digests what you eat. ItartlflrlallydlupstN the food tor aldl Naturo In 8lrenKthi'riliif and rticoo (trucilriittlio exIiiuisti.Ml dliestlre or .'(Tani. jtlntholiiti'st(IUcovrc(ldl(fMt ant ana tonic ot hor preparation lean approach It In cDlclonrr. It la Rtantly relieves nnd ptirmaiicntly curotl DMpcpsiu, IndiKcHtlon. Heartburn, Klatu, Nour Stomnch, Naiuea. Sick lleri()iu:tir,(inst rAlKlii.CrAmpil.anc all other rcsiiltsdf lnix rfii'f illRcntloo. Prpord by 1. C. OaWitt Co., Chicago. For Hal by CHARLES ItOOKIia. ,'jt. .Ii, '-, . ' 1. rum r-ii i,e. .(Ijll .III'. i 1 ' s r mi .,1 1 1, '"i 1 ''''' i " "HHH'iral ilia- . .... m ,,, iiiiiHiiini. rt e. tani.i.. lion, liriuii,,,) , U,,a s-I'mwlmiMlit I ..11 ,1 m a run a piTltHiEua'Cillu'ritfii. Io'i'h. bun Hiilnient V...i,fv n . . j. t'riif ai,t In t.1.11. ....Ml r nir-nsa. Ir.nilil. In4 11. in. or .1 IHIIIIMN, t:ti tin iilar aenl uu hMiiw LBLANCARDS; OK IODIDE OF IRON nir ANEMIA, PtOWNi; the ItUHM), kursriiii vi lorsAU SCkOI I LA, lite. None genuine un Ir.s sinned "IU.ancamd" ALL IIKIHtCIHTM. II. roiKllik A A CO., N. V. Agts. for II. S. , Mott's Nervcrine Pills The rea remedy for nervous pro. (ration and all ncrvoui ', diseases of the gentroive or. of tfitliM MUOItb AND AH I. II linlMI. . . Q (IS t .; -. . i 'N sr' V,.. .j. WxJLtl'Za.iaai 1"t S'ieh a Netvout Prostration, Failing- ov iwt Manhood, ImpoUncy, Nightly Tinil. sloni, Youthful Errors, Mental Worry, eg. crulve uu of Tobacco or Opium, which kad to Conuimption and Insanity. $J.OO Cfi.'UPS..... mail ' 6 boxt for $5.00. HOTT 8 CHEMICAL CO.. Pfoi'i. Cleteland. nhif for aal by EflTEaVCONN DRUG 0A