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About The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899 | View Entire Issue (May 17, 1899)
infe ;vI: i ; , , , 1 " " nr.. ;sion ' ., THE ASTORIAN Mi the largest clrculitloi of my paper on the Columbia Rlvti TIE DAILY ASTORIAN Is to tlrrest tni, best piper on the Columbia ftlvir FULL ASSOCIATKI) PRICSS REPORT. VOL. XLIX. Arfl'OIUAi OKWiO.V VKINE.SDAY M'MMNG. MAY 17. UK ASTORIA PUBLIC UBRABY ASSOCIATION. -OUR Stoves Arc not miide from tlio Hera) j i l or in a kiiMlergiirtcii Melionl. Eclipse Hardware Co. WcC.lvo Trncllnu Htmtifm. '1 p.. A' 0" X v. GRIPPIN Pickles. OI.IVKM. SWKKT PP'K WKH MIXKI) I'lCKLXM Ilt.t. IMCKI.KM. I-IUM' KEKT (In Hulk ) AT A. ioo Rolls of Matting Of All Kinds. )ur ou n iiii'nriaiii'iis. luuli! y uml I'ulti i n llii It st utnl luttht. Chas. Heilborn & Son.isw,ssflTCHREpAsHop Have you Trouble Iu getting Nico. Tender. FreshMeats? Try Ours. Golden Pheasant and Corvallis Flour Are very popular brands. We sell thorn and guaranteo satistaction. Fresh Strawberries Every day by express. New (idtnis ' all kinds ctuislaiitly firming. ROSS, HIGGINS & CO Jleui Zealand pre Insaranee Go Of New Zealand. W. P. ThomiiH, Mgr., Snn Krnncisco. DNLIMITHI) LIABILITY OP SHARHMOLDEKS. Siiliscrilicl Capilnl - - - $.",(l(U),O0ll Puid-Up Cnpitiil - - 1,0(10.0(10 AmsoIh 2,5 1 5,1 I I Assets in I'niU'.l Slntfn - IIOO.OOO Surplus tn Policy Holders - - l,71S,7!i'2 llns liccii riidmvriliiijr on tln Piicilic Con-t over Twenty-two years. SAHUEL FLM0RE & CO., Henldent ARentH, Astorin, Oregon, Pacific Sheet Metal V0rk5 MANUFACTURERS OF CANS Salmon VegetaHe Fruit . Lithographing on Tin a Specialty. San Francisco. Cal. Astoria. Ore. Fairbaven, Wash. Write Uh for Prleea Tinware BOOKS... Blank and Miscellaneous. PAPER... fc A I icv vrapc ami Type-writing. j Waterman Fountain Pens j ! I c. ..mid I'npcr t.,.t kvc cm-ioo. j k REED Chec5e. KltOMAtiK II K IIR1K NKI'KCII ATKI.. tAI.lKOI'.MA. MWIHS I.IMIllHdEn Kt-, Etc. Ktc. V. ALLEiVS spice and Syrup Improved Mikado andlLAWTON AT Empire Cream j SAN ,s,DRq Separators. 11 'J '"111 i'Iiy ari the- anil tnos rmclent ' ' Foard A Stokes Co. Astoria ! Your Wife 1 nr.: :iu , !.: . .n the ok. si" i:Ht.u k.i.i 1 n "'f v ni. wb i thTll. l! i nr hctti r half di- thi- ruuk ns, hat an a t liilm al rrnn in why t ti r .hi.uM ho n Katate Hat'S'' In your hi Iimi Tht ti.o of them pn v. nta woriy and duafpolntinent. W J, Sifl.I.Y. Ak-ent. tl llond 8 reet. Victor Rost Chronometers (Hatches and Nautical Instruments Promptfy Died ana repaired. Alarm ("lock li-oni SI up. Warranted. 1 10 Klcveutli St. Ncit to Poatal T.lMTWph J. A. Fastabend General Cintmclor mid Huilder I loilse-lno inj; Totls for Kent. Dr. J. H. Davis, DENTIST t'uL'e HlocU AMtoritt Andrew Lake .SJjCOMMKKVIAL ht, ...Merchant Tailor... Perfect Pit (iiianintctil. Low Prices. Repairing nnd Cleaning Neatly Dime. Ladies' Underwear and Wrappers Had. to order and kept la itoek. Price. IteMoiubl. KUNGSANG&CO Corner Eighth and Commercial 5ts. Open next Tburaday. 'Advance Made Through Se j vere Balnstorms-AH ! Quiet at Mngayan. ADMIRAL KAUTZ HUISED Has TreateJ German officers an . .. . wu residents oi bamoa vnn ., , . !. MarkejConsWirailoir. SPAMARDS WILL EVACUATE! Agrtcmi-nt Belwetn Ceiitril hiosnl Otis lor the Lvauationof Zamtoinso mi Jolo. M 1,1 11 I. ' .1 "' " :' "r'"' ,. n i- .! i I...V :' ii.. t, :. I iv I. i i I i.r . a: l ie J 'I : A; a ' "' ' a!Io .i n.. 0 '.11. . i ! fus.i.. r a. imi'. a V!,. i'm:j i,ii ni' : v .'..!.(.' at l..'i.'1'an. AI. i i. .lv.i... r.i ! 'V . ; ,,i iiiuv-tu i i t an l-.d-.f A ram -tor:ii ,t -k .--9 ..I the ii... .pi. and .. of . oiiniiiii.l. a ion h' t: ii ,i a I , i- w.tvn .".en mi;. - of it. : a si".xinc.NT iisr.'iva i'-:i i.i ..VI m i i! -Tin. arr.-t at , J .it .nm-.nrrif i- pi .il.ahl c,d .'! .U.Ni KM. VI'TZ l'KISK. .... .,.. r,.A .1 at Jonan. i.i:is-i r.. Ma K -V.ii.u. ,u-"U , ... r, ,,. , 'i t ,ii .a M . ii. ta.n,, M :l, p.ii.'i- ati.'ii "f Admiral Kauti a ( f,j. p;...i ii. r ar.t!. c. i.: . . - i. a '"' i'"'l "tn . ; ... mi - ,n 1 a ii 1 .'i :. :ii api'ari u- A,' i. ii "( ! tm.itt. pt':' ''' .t- .',...1 'i i. a I. at the cap i"i of h, Ai 'i. a 'ii. A-'- a: .1 ' ' A n..-r .m . . ;; , ,, . v ; Ti;.- . iii.'nt was tn.-n ,. , ;., , ,i !'.! .1 ! I Wlttl ina.'k'.l '!. !,., Jj:,,l ;,, 1... w ::!:.,.! v.m.k ..." . I',' . iii" .- .1 " ' t .'. I- t ll,r" ; . ihrint ni"i.' S'll'Us i.sln M..H.' .: svi m ia . !.. m . in. a' ,r . I i: is o r;a'!i wl'i A.lti.tttt. I, ,i ill .f-iied an old. r to ! t ' A i. a'. cii.-ati n iti l..ind. r. ". :: 'he . i !! Iti, .,n 1 in. n in uniform ' at any time :ii .i: in".- . I hate !' of 'In A"" 1 1 an .,(...., i-iit of w li.itn er. .rma;i ...- n: -t fr.uew i:;. M)' tin- 5- rman .,'. .'i..!i a" iv'e that Admiral K,;i:i , . i ,1 a ivi-trainlne intl'.i. nee ! ;. tii-!h Captalii Sturd SI'AMAIM'S Tn KV U I ATK. MAIiKIP Mi) li. (i.n.tai Ht" m .'iiiina: ,1 ttie .Si'.niiMi tr.n.p. reiiiatu. I'litiipi'lti' has raided the niK" in t war otti. . ntrl. d i ,1. aiinouiuMic t''11'' an ai;i.m,nt .;h i'..tier,ii i:i-, i he in. rl, all i uinni.iiider. ihe , nini,, I'.iv'ifh I'V.i, iu'l'ii of Zam. Ii.'.l' i: l and Join. 'I.!' MKN 'AN I'.K mam: Yin vii .m:ix 1. 1.. . ,'.. u !'' -'ik Ii 'ov. ry to i r.nil'i in the Ait" d With Youth ful Fluid. rltli'Aiii' M ii l'i -The Trlhune .yj: i. Jiacwviy wlnci. U t I'lnimed colv-n Ii,. ,i,,l.:, in ..f I'lt' imiventlnc old aco. h, i Jn-t hi n tn. lie ptil'U.- l'V Prof. Ji). .h U. Ilawi an. I A !x t Wl.-n r of il.,- rh., a,jo e'.tm, ill sell. ml. The return i, , y.mih, it Is .is-.rt.'d. U prodiieed hy 1 1: ;,i,l. i mle In '.'ivioiis of lymphatic fluid 'of aniina s. parth ul.iily MUtig coats. The dlsiMxtry was made a year nijo. and Mlhs. iplenllV' seeret (U'llionstliltlon of It eltU'len.-y Is asserted. The tteii, tal theory of me disoiwry la itlnit. If the minora! deposits which ho. 'nimtihto I" the hones In th,. process of 'life can he replaced with the life colls 'contained In 'lie lymphatic elands of coats, deteriorntlen of the bones will he prevented and clnstielty of youth will be remitted In the system much lonuer. In one of bis xperitnents at me clin ical school. Pr Hawley administered hypodermic"tons of the liquid from' the lymphatic elands of a Roat to : dog known to bo II yeirs old. A diagnosis of a portion of the femur before the In. .lection before the Injection showed the bone contained larce deposits of phos. ph.ite carbonate n"d soda. The doc wns watched carefully for two months, dttr Inc which frequent Injections of the lymph compound were made. At the end of thnt time nnother rtlncnosls showed th.. Inrcer pnrt of the mineral doo'lts htnl hen removed and the nnlrnnl was ns lively !s n puppy. A number of human lHntrs It Is a!d. have been experimented on In Chlc.ico pi the smiic wny nnd with the sumo re. suits. The npot!es of the discovery do not, claim that n man or woman thus chnrirod with uoafs "life cells" will live forevr. but thev :iy Pfe will he prolonged, per. bins d ,'ubled. M 1 : V . ' T, V. X V. I TAIKO. - .-iirTH 1" C . Mac 1 Form, .s in elv'i" it'ce 'he det.ilV of a tor. r;i,l ,,, ,,.ro :u the vvln'ty o T.'lUo. a town In t! e octfral district Thirty ue.irnie.l vP'ttcers were rtmhti j. aded hy sixty nv.ici. who killed of fi-m. Th. (aiKo of the massacre la said to have been it d:spu!e between the stivac? tribes .ver the paternity nf an llllglmate child. XFW STRAMSIIir T.TXR. T.rOM May 1 -The Kmplrc Ttnns. poilalioii Company, which was organized In Si w York lit year to enter th Klon dike trad. In preparing to start another tirii. Pacific steamship line pinning from PugM sound to Oriental por'. I is said I hut (In- line hm the bk!rig fjf the 1ril-rii:ifl'iiinl Navigation Company f Philadelphia. Gen.ral Manager III. Ih of me Empire Company has chat-(-red m-v-ihI v-4in l'i handle the Yukon IiijxIim" t tiln canon. ANOTHER ItlliDER FOR AltM'iN PLATE C'i.X'TRACTH. Mid vale Company Will Enter ,;' Willi U'-thl-h:in and Carnegie Co ni pan!" i. NEW VOHK. Hay K.-A pclal to ih Herald fr"rn Walilifion iai: Na val ofll' lalu have ev ry rr.nun to t-l v 'liat th? ''arriTglu Btfil Company and tli llrttili-h' m Iron Company will not m the only bldikri for the contiav tn jj, ofntiuctli.ii and au'.h r;t'.-l. Th: JI.U ''"Uany o'1 f It" s ,.rTS, iai , K,1((iund to .o.,k mm fn i-ui. ' ) ut ara.or plate manufa'-'ture. an-) wit! ,,.,,.,,. .uttl,. prwi. c.pum A. Itark'T. M .H ( m; rarllj com:!, a1. ltd- A.lutK: itatloii, will, whi-n f'M''Vi"l ! by A'liniia! Watniii. r'-Uni home t,! 'tfaiiK-r Thr iloton '.!! coiik- ' ii -! r th' coiiiman l of Captain V. H ! Wliitinv j 'I';,, (.. l--ii j ! K-ararK'- Is ' I-r c-nt I . on, (.;- and tn- K-titu'ky W p-r rtnt. I-. , u-f;wi i . w;ii b- 'turn 'I .n-r t' th "v' rnrr.-nt aiju: iJit. .ii. 1. The luttl'-.hip A;a:an,a i p. r r.t, th- lilmoii ' jxt ci-r.-.. ani :!.. w.-i-'i..i:i " J" r tr. tomptd. .'HAKi.KiJ WITH lli'ill I I'.KASM.V, i III iti.h ulllciH At rent-l at J .! c. t.j:g (.,r Trjltin to HIT- t j;:,rrak f Ki-b-llloii. i it!.'! l;l.. Tral.-T.l il, il.i) l'..-T v ai r- t a J -lunnt .-lnj'g : f.'.'i ai .i 1 ,-r I'.rl'.nii . IIU. rs on a inarg.. of ii k'.'i '.Mai-o.'i hah i : 1 1 f . s ex Ite- ii.-i,t hen. Tn.- pr: -ii rs w r. i.r iug;.'. (o I't.-turia. At:, r i : i y - r,- iuJk-U i Jaii they .r.- vi.. ted b (. Ur tifti dip:..mat..- ,,;,. . ti.,. :,cr. - wr. .ft a ,, ., , ':, h , :h 'n -. ..,( Wi, , lt , a.-.-et;..l wan for the ,.ur,. ui .i;o;i!i,- men l:i onter t" , , ,i-. '. .,ur,r.-,ik of X'.ir t tcliiutl. Ui. ', ; mi;,, inj J ,, Jin. n:s re la:iu "ti ' ,; .,. .,... . .; . , ;,t 4 ..a; ;, ! tna.i.- . -. n- a id tl arre: bourn' s fcd.era ; known. MiW SA"UK1 "WICK v'l: lCATKIi IN Cllli-Aii'l. Iti-v. lr. ly.-.u-h "tmialns' Xl Marshall Shetitr "Maid ef Chkafc'o." K a Cllli'Ai.o. May Pi The IP v. 1 'r W. , t. laa. h. of U lekir Park M .".hod.ct iKpi-copal Church, ordained Eva M.irsha l iSliinti as the "Maid of Chicaco" at IWlllard bar. last nlcht. T.'ie o"'tas'on 'was a fan weil i.mpvrancf rai'.y for Miss i St, i ntz w ho at the cu,;,.. of the meetliic d"part. .1 for a trip to l'e M.;n-. IVti. '.r. Omaha. Lincoln. i'"loi.t.!o Spriucs. I'll. 'bio and l.'s AnceVs t. ot'K.i'ilze : branch- of the Voting Pop:. Teu-.pcr-'aik'i, 1'nion and fuiuls for saving .hi. s leiiip;e. I 1 r. leach prais.d the m s-iti Mts-i.-i!i' i,:z ain! compared it with that of the ' of Orleans." The we. cm trip of Miss Shcim Is pii paiatory to a naii oial . r:.oi.xa:ion o.' the Young People's Clitistion Tenipe: at:, c I'nion on S' pt. nibir L'v Frances W,l. laiU's birthday. ililNKIIAL PII.LAIi PKSKKTFl't MOW Vt'KK, May hi A .lispatch to tiie Herald from S.tu Mtcuel. v. a Manila, says: 'I'lic Instirm-ut cneral C.regoris del Pillar believes he has been deserted by ill.. Filipino gov. nitneiii ttnd desius to surrender if he can secure what lie re gards as honorable terms from the Americans. The insurgent hospital near San lsidro is reported to be overwhelmed with wounded. General Pillar's main subsist ence depot Is live mils in front of Law. ton. j The indignation of the natives has c mi ipellcd the Insurgent generals to counter mand tluir orders to burn the towns as they n treated. The American policy of not destroying property is creating a re. vuislon of f.vlitu; In our favor. Natives are returning through the lines to ihelr own homes. WATSON TO RELIEVE DEWEY". V AI.I.KJO. Cal.. May lit. iiear Admiral John C. Watson, who will relieve Ad. Dewey in command of tlio Asiatic station, has retired from the eotnmanii of the Mare Island navy yard, which he has formally turned over to Hear A.lm ra! ' kcuipff. the new coinmanJ.ini. whose jpiiinant now floats from the receiving iship Independence. Admiral YVaison will sai! today for the Orient on the City of Pi king. He will be accompanied to the Orient by his personal staff. Lieutenants Snowden and Marble, and will take five mechanics from Mare Island, who will b. employed at the n.ival station at Cav- kte. 4 THE M MX LINE SOLD. tilli'Af.i' Mat K. -Th. Chicago C.reat Western his purchased the main lino of the Wisconsin. Minnesota and Pa cific, and will begin t" operate it on June 1. The main lino of this system runs from Red Wing to Mankato. Minn., through N rthfl, Id and Falribault, a dls. tance of about 93 miles. President Stlck n.y. of the Great Western, when seen, refused to state the price paid for the road. THE CUBANS ARE ANGRY About to Make Armed Mani festations Againsl the United States. CAUSE OF THE TROUBLE Gomez Denounced as a Traitor for His Intimacy With General Brooke. iPiO ALARM AT WASHINGTON Lnitd States Will PemaJa for the i Present In Absolute Control ! of the IslanJs. NEW Y'iP.K. .May 10 -The lle-aM'' ' Havana correspondent tKraph as f !. low.-: Th- fi'.uatton has ho ni, most t alarming. To all apparan. e- th- Cub ans an a!, .u; to make armed m inif-sti-tl-n again..; th- United ritatei and Its in ,.! of k iV'-rni: '.he Island, although the c.jti!.' eim-nt .till hopes for p. ae.-fu! arrangenitints. This B'at- o' iifr.ilrs. which was brought abruptly t a load last Saturday by a partial quarrel h-twen Onral Gom-x and Genera: Pf iii-. ha- been farming for the last 'w . month'. Th-- firs: move ha b-en male by the winy. It will probably be supported by :i..o y " Th army w hich is really r. ;,r. sent, ii lalthough many dl-pute his u'!i .rltyi. uy Gom-z, .s in.c:is. .i jga n lirook. and his policy. The soldiers de. i 'ar- ih-y have be.-n mis- rably fooled and 'rapp'il !' the Americans. Ttiey 1, k uton th- tX' narge of a gun for 175 a an icti'.m,n'.'iiis transaction for th-m as th-.t h.iv. n-t bfn d.feate.l by Amrl. . afs and t o':s-quen'.l th-y r.-f ise to . hang-. Some p. r-" .ns sac th" d --errrtioa-tion of the army n.: to surreti l r arms Is an outcome "f Genera! Hnvke's rt'. fu-al to sanction om-i' plan for a Cuban militia. At the Cuban headquar ters tilts is Indignantly .1 nt.d. t" partt'-uiar hy Gomez, who. how.ver. r. fuses t , il,., .14 be present sitiiaf'n 1 1';,' of i.iomi i . m .si prominent otti. ers s.i'.l: "G.-n. ral Gomel was brought to this tty through the influence of Mr. Port-r. H- was t'ld he was wanted in Havana to help Brooke establish a government f t Cubans w hich would have no oth-r basis h.tu frte.l 'in and Itiib pen.l-ttee. 11 was miserably f-xd.-d. He has b-en rldl , for the maimer in w hich he was treated by Itnoke. He has. on account of h.s Intimacy with the American general, lost popularity with the Cubans, who say he has b-cti a traitor to their cause. This was part of Hrook.'s sthenic. He wished to render Gomez useless in order that he might ith further ae foil out his or ders from Washington. Com. z and tr.s t'oii are disliked and unpopular today. He has ti. influence. A recommendation from h:m does more harm, than good. Cubans imagine he has been working for annexation. He w.ll prove the contrary this week whm he publish, s letters which have been xchanged between him. G-n-tia! lire ke and 1'rosilcnt MeKittby. After he n:o done this the general will ptobably leave the Island. Gomel was forc.d to dismiss his staff, as he d d not i'v, ii have food for them. One colonel i'.is be, u made a policeman at a salary of $'! a month. Alt Gomez's enemies have .-pleinlid position, while his officer? and nun starve." XO ALARM IX WASHINGTON. The 1'nlt.d States Will in Any Even; ltet.iln Control In Cuba. WASHINGTON. May PI. - Gem rat P.rooke has net reported to the war de partment any serious situation In i and it is not believed In the department that any alarm ne.d be felt ngarding the condition of affairs. Communications General P.rooke has made to the war department regarding the situation arr not given to the pufi'.lo. but th,- i tibials understand the sources of the present trouble is that generals of the Cuban army are disappointed because they are not likely to rta'ize as much out of the money appropriated for the army as ih. y think they should. One thing is assured beyond all other considerations; the liiited Suites will remain for the piesent In absolute con trol of the Island, and the orders of the otlieers in command will be sustained hy the government at Washington. NOT OF MIVH IMPORTANCE. HAVANA. May bl-Ani'tlcans resid It.g in Havana, especially those who have bct'n here since the beginning of the military occupation. 1. ok upon the pres ent anti-American outburst as s.m.lar to th. Garc :i ftl'ietai Incident and th" excit. no n; which followed the prohibi tion of the demonstrations on January 1 It is really a very simple matter. V jicSClUIEIY Makes the food more Ovl .V-VPWA PI PMliBrao fif-nrai nmoke I. cnnaliWIng the pub. Ilratlon of an ordT drlKniil tn rh.rk th.; uniru'hful and violent rrltlclsma of th military govrnm''nt. Hhuuld th of. d-r l4 lasufd It would merely call at. tentlon. by reproducing thiim. to th I. ting lllxfl laws under the t)punlb coda, which provide abundant nr'thcx!. for dlf. 'harglng limoderaia utterancei. BI3IIOP CLARK ANNOYED OVER THE niCKJOa CASE, i ; II..- Say Uiihop Potter Had no Cholc. but to Ordain the Doctor. NEW YORK. May W. Right R.v. Thoma Clark. tb vnerable presiding llihop of the American House of lil'hop., 1 has been much annoyed over th. con. jlroversy over the lirlggs matter, which ) ha consider, most unfortunate, il has ! brought him a vast amount of corr.t 'li .teJence and many telegram. In regard 'to the rna tur, over which he think, he jtiai no control. The bishop said that he Mid riot seo what action be could tak, t! he was desirous of taking any. Th. 'ordination of a prle.t wa. entirely a i, matter of control. There was a set ! method of procedure, and If It wa. car-ri-d out and th. candidate for ordination re commended by the standing commit. tee, the bishop of the d.oceie had no 'r-'-jiirse but to ordain the candidate. ;lle thought lilshop Potter In this case had tx'-rtised wise discretion and udg. V.ent. and that his letters explaining u. curse were very clear and con jvincir.g. j In th.-,-. views lilshop McVlckar, whj aa pr-sent, concurred. In answer to an iroj iiry whether resolutions might be 'pissed m regard to the matter. Bishop i .VI Vkkir said: i "T.-.ey can howl If they desire, but that all it tan amount to." ' ii.slr p Clark has also ben much d.s. i ;r 0.-..1 over the Funston matter. Th. K v. J. IS Funston. of Portsmouth, Va., ta -o have b"-n consecrated bishop of th.- due -se of lioise, Idaho, but owing t th- im t.ft of -lven bishops the order ,' r ins, -. ration has own cancelled. GETTING UII OF ITS STRONGEST MEN. , i'rcsb t-rian Chur.i About to Try Dr. M.Gifferi fvr Heterodoxy. NEW YORK. May M. It II almo.t Cer. tain that the allege, heterodoxy of Dr. Arthur C. M.-Giffert professor In Union Th-o'.ugteal Seminary, will be brought up in th- meting of ;he Presbyter. an gen-.-ra! assembly, which begins at M.nne apuli on Thursday. At the last meeting of the assembly a mlnut- was adopted requesting Dr. M !iff. rt to explain a nnmlw r o.' (assages In a work of bis vDl.l'ted "Hist'.ry of Chrtstian.ty In the a;. .-: )!ic Age." passages which many of his fellow minis ers . riictsed strongly as subver-ive not only of the standards nf the church, but of essential Chrls iianity. I'r. M -tiifT. rt's reply or petitions from various Presbyter:-, s may bring the. matter up. It. McC. fieri, i: Is said will maintain, that his book Is purely hlstorbal, that history 1.- not the '!, gy, and therefore he i.-. or ought to be. beyond censure for .heterodoxy. , I MISSING RECORDS FOUND. SAN FRANCISCO. May 10. A number of valuable records which were taken from th,. office of Major 'Matthews, ur. , g on In charge of the United States dl-t';-:on hospital at the Presidio last Feb ruary, have b-en recovered. They were found in the room of Ouy C. Reed, on Mission street. We'd was formerly a copyist in the hospital detachment at the Presidio. He was arrested and charged with grand larceny. iis room mate. C. Parker, jr.. says that the record, show that each of tli- Ion soldiers in the hos pital had been charged th- limit of 60 c uts a day for extra food, when In fa i tlit: amount was not expended. It Is charged that the men have attempted to bl.irkm.ii! Major Matthews. SHINGLE MILLS COMBINE. SEATTLE. May It. Representatives nearly all the shingle mills In the state met her- today and organized the Washington R. d Cedar Matiufac'urers Association. The most important action taken was the passage of a resolution to dose all the mills or two weeks bcKln ntng May :ti. The officers fleeted ate as follows: President. E. J. McN'eeley. Taeoma.; Yle-.-presitlertt. Michael Earles, What., com: Secr-tary. Frances Rotch. Mason euinty: treasurer, David McVey, Ball ard. T'RANPOX'S LICENSE REVOKED. SEATTLE.. May Pl.-The local board nf Inquiry has made a rep-art on the col Psion of the steamers Glenogle nnd the City of Kingston. April 23. The board exonerates the officers of the Glepoal". Th- Ituense of Pilot Rrnndon. of the City of Kingston was revoked. LOYAL TO THE EMPEROR. ItREXIIAM. Tex.. May lfl. Incident to the pr-sentntl'in of medals to th G-r. man soldi' r at this place, the following cablegram was sent: "His Majesty. Emperor William II. Iterlin. Eighty-seven veterans assembled at public distribution of medals send your malesty their slnccrest thanks and th.- assurance of truest loyalty. In which the German population here Joins." ST.iREV ELECTRO MAYOR. PORTLAND. May 111. W. A. Sor'y it. is i night elected mayor of Portland by the city council, to nil the unexpired term of the late W. S. Masin. tURE delicious and wholesome WWoFR CO HfW VOC. hi 1 1 wlw sv ujt Lim