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About The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899 | View Entire Issue (May 14, 1899)
THE DAILY AST0K1AN, SUNDAY MORNING, MAY 14, m NOT BUT A This rainy spring has knocked the Clothing Business, people are still wearing winter suits. I have bought an un usually large stock of Mens Suits this spring, expecting a big business and I don't want to carry hundreds of suits over. So here thev iro: The n-gular prices oi" nil thcM Purses and Pocket Books .....10 Cents to $3.00 AT Albert Dunbar TODAY'S WEATHER. Probably showers. AROUND TOWN. The Harrison left out yesterday for Tillamook. Tbe pilot schooner San Jose arrived In from sia yesterday. A combination is about to be formed mong the fruit growers of Oregon. rh. t o.mnn lft nut vesterdav with AWV .UQ - a rock barge In tow for Gray's harbor. Wheat still remains at 57 cents a bushel In Portland, against 61 cents a bushel at Tucoma. The State crossed out yesterday morn ing for Ban Francisco. She had a fair freight and passenger list. A carload of fat cattle consigned to the Astoria Meat Company arrived last night over the A. & C. from Corvallls. Th Young's bay bridge will be opened today from 11 till t o'clock, and all those who Intend to pass over It must do to before or after those houra The steam echooner Signal cleared at the custom house yesterday, carry'ng 405,000 feet of lumber from the Knapp ton mills for San Francisco. The funeral of John E. Bellund, In fant son of J. O. Bellund. will take place today from the residence of the parents. The interment will be In 'the Lewis and Clarke cemetery. A blaie In the roof of a dwelling near the Aftorla Iron Works called out the fire department about 4:30 yesterday af ternoon. The fire was tnilriatilf hed with, out any serious damage. The steamer Fulton arriv-d from Port, land yesterday, carrying r.M,0"0 feet of lumber, In the afternoon she to -k on 20,000 feet more at ihe Clatsop mill. She Is bound for San Francisco. The side wheeler T. J. Potter is being overhauled for the beach travel. It Is Intended by the O. R. & K. Company to use her as an express boat betwe'n Port- nse her as an express land and Iiwaco, with r, uie at Astoria. The Astoria Club held an interesting We.;P.r.g last night. Four new rnfmbr were Inltlnted. and steps were taken (o Inquire Into the compensation paid H. W. Scott as director In the O. R. & N Company. The steamer George W. Elder Is under- going titensive repairs In Portland, and her stateroom accommodations will be much Improved. She If evidently being plaoed In readiness for an extensive trip, but where and In what Interest cannot be learned. Our handsome blur s re suit-;. Frfevtlj, rlu il;si Our brown chocked cainiere suits. VVenrabie, s.jhtly a;ij ue', Our all wool clay suit:. HUc' or &:;. .ic !k : or tour..! cim-;-, Our un mixtures, nohbv unnciit. tiiJUtilv . Weil lllil'vi a. the alio t' Oiis clear wool cheviots, blur or black, Koiitul or ; a r -. i.rti.n lie . u :u- . .'too .uit raiii. n $1' i.ini uit nriil hijihr ?)'.. I .'it thi The Reliable The excursion train of the Redmen will arrive today from Partland at 10:30. It ; will consist of II cars, drawn by one of the A. & C.'a b:g engines. The train . here will be divided into two sections, and after an hour's stop will pro- eed to ?ta ; side. Mrs. Narcissa White Kinney will de. !ir an address before th- Sunday school ! convention to be held at the First Bap. ' tist church of Portland today, on the 'subject of "Christian Citizenship." The well known reputation of Mr. Kinney ' will doubtless attract a large au-JIence. , The exposition in Portland this year will probably be the greatest m the his tory of those annual events. More money is being' subscribed than in any previous year, and It Is attracting the attention of more business men than a: any time since the movement was first started. Manager Kra-z will give a Sunday matinee this afternoon at the Louvre. A special program takn from the most t.imuLis compos-rs has b'-n arratif d for the occasion and an excellent grade of muii.; will be rend-r-l. The best of or. d-r will be observed, and everyone at tending the matinee is as.-ured of spend, ing a very enj-yable afternoon. It has bren decided by the county court that the approach to the Young's bay bridge shall be completed by the time the road on the Lewis and Clarke side is open fur travel. This action was taken before the court adjourned Friday ev-ning, but at whose txpense the work will be done Judge Cray declines to stale at present. The cost of the work Is e-timat.-d at about J300. A large number of people, were In from the country yesterday and the steamers leaving the city In the evening w-'re load. ' t-1 with freight an 1 pa-senders. The fine I weather afforded the farmer an oppor tunity to trve to the landings and the merchants report a larger business than is usoally don- at this sea-on of the year. Rusiness men generally look for a prosperous summ-r's business, The American steamship Columbia wag releaei-d from quarantine yesterday by ; Quarantine Officer Hastings and State ' Health Officer Fulton. The vessel was :h.j'o;,.'h.y fumigated before being al-!w.-d to prorci 1 on her way to Port land. She left up at 11:4". Among the '(.'.'iit&l'-rs was a Japanese r-cw-sp oer r-port-r. He represents one of ill most Influential Japar,r--e newspa pers, and proposes to writ a series of arti'ie- on the Pacific coast .-'at'S for i- pap. r r'-'urnlttif home. No' giV'Ii thr from and after jlay 1',, '), the fixed while lantern light will b- (li-contlnued on beacon in the in ship channel from Tongue point to ''" ('r,J Point. Sand" beacon post short stop en .,'Khl'. a fix'd wblte ia-'if rn iifht, sus-ieil.-d .", feet above the W.'i'er from an arm on a single pile, will hi established hi May 16, Kft, on lh,- Taylor sands, abreast of and close to beacon 1, In the main snip channel from Tongue point to jJim Crow point. The Oregonlan contained another ar- tide yesterday abuslns; the Columbia River Packers' Association. It would iseem that this great Industrial establish- iment perhaps the most important In- Oregon-mlght be entitled to a little rest, even from the O. R. & N. organ, but the question of routing this year's salmon shipments perhaps decrees otherwise, j i I jgTJTT 58.50 S8.50 58.60 58.50 58.50 !;. .rt(i: p.r a t;i(. M - o ;iit niv tljo t . i i ; ! . v (The Oregonlan's complaint now hs that . the "combine'' is ait-mpting to d.mimsh ' the output of ot!.-r canneries whi.h ship T!i-r product over the oregonl-iti's rail, r-sid line, and that one of the devilish schemes concocted to attain object Is to increase the price paid fishermen for raw salmon anj to reduce that hared the consumers of canned salmon. A splen-lid a:tractlon Is announced for Wednesday evening next In that sterUng ome.llan. Roland Reed, who will pres.-nt his latest success, "The Wr 'tig Mr. Wright." which has proved one of the big rom.-dy hits of the year. Mr. R-e-J is seen In a capiat! role, and one that enables him to appear at his best. Ttie ' play is Interesting and is full ot laughable situations and complications. Mr. Red brings with him the same company that assisted him during his eniug.-ment In New York. The following apportionment -jf ro.i-1 taxes was completed y.-terday by Coun ty Judge i;ray ;ind Clerk Wlx-nty; Huad district No. 1. Vsi.Tti; road district No. 2 $12t.M; road district No. 3 ':" ; road district No. i, R'l.&l; roa-1 district No. 5 Jllt.V,; road district No. 6. J1H.C; road district No. 7. H21.0J, road district No. 8, pii.'K; road district No. 9. i2.97; ruad dl. :ro t No. lo. 21G .27, road district No. 11 ' IU).K; road district No. 12, $I3.Z; roa-1 district No. 13. l'.'3': road district No. 14. p3AZ: road district S-. 1", $2ii 5": road district No. 16. Jl61; road district No. 17. $l.'iti.7l; road district No, IS, fl.TSOO; City of Astoria. KXA.'A. The lighthouse tender Marnanita ar rived In from Puget sound yestierday ! She will prepare for a cruise In Alaskan j waters, which will last about a month, and will leave out tomorrow The ,m fcers and crew of the Manzanlta are un able to account for the disappearance I of First Officer Hamilton Ho went ahore one evening while lylnjr at the dock at Seattle arid was m!ed the next morning. After his disappearance 'be police and detectives of Seattle were no. tided of his disappearance, but they i failed to find any trace of him. If Is the general belief that he f.-ll overboard while going on board the Manzanlta and Is undoubtedly drawned. The run of salmon has scadily In creased during the pnt week and better i-at.'hes are reported from the gilln'-tt- M and seiner", Small mesh nets especially are said to he doing very well all along tin- river although th,. run of big fish has considerably Increased from what It was at. the opening of the season. Trap, p-r- are also doing fairly well. The rlv. r i-- falling and the stage of water lt now about normal for this season of the year. Trie seines are thus able to do go"d work and nearly all of them have now com- m' need operations. The catch of sal mon up to (he present has be-n all that could be reasonably expected and the prediction of a prosperous i-snn Is so far fully Justified. A report was current ye-.-(erday that N. .1. Iilagen a prominent millman of Port, iatid. had purchased the interests In th Clatsop Mill Company owned by Lyman Kinney and the estate of the late W. 8. 1 Kinney. Th'se Interests represent one. half of the entire mill property. It is also said that Mr. Elagen would at once assume the active management of the plant and engage extensively In the ex- port lumber trade. The Clatsop mill is one of the best on the Pacific coast. It has a capacity of 75,000 feet a day, but its present average dally output does 1 L lL m ImmJH aJL a-J V J - mjSmm JL l (;:!' '!!)' Our I. -tir !.; I li. u:n .u ii i ii.-u . w-li t.i Clothier n- t .-x- e'd So -A) frt. M J. Kinney w as S.ep OH the Kllbj'Vt hl'tl ubollt (() tftk"! l.i-l night's train f-T I'ortlan.l mid pro. tiouiioil the rumo. of Mr Uliig.-n'j pur. chase as ato1titel false. appears that Mr Hlagen hn l-en n.-g-.tiatltiir f-T an Interest In the mill for time, but Mr. M. J. Kinney .j.-nb that aoy s.ile has b.on made to h'm or Is likely : In th- near future. A rum-.r als.i pr.-v.nN that Mr Hathaway, x f-rm'r P inner of Mr A IV Hammond. In M-m-'.mi soiigS-.t to a-riiilre an I n t r t In th- C'at 'opmlll. bu: could n-it make -.I'Nf.u-torv t.-rm. Mr Hath iw.iv Is i.-.r.-. r, i.-d ,i being vry denlroiis of en. t. ring 'lie 1'irnh.T trade at tin mouth ..f the '-.jnnbia an-l that after Ills failure t . tin v into i'ie Clam.iT mill h- m.i'le a prpi)sl'l-.n ! thi. West Hbor.- Mills Cump.iny f-r !' r--rtv, nblch lia !.- n Ivlcg i.l!- a long time. Mr. iw.iy w.m inf.rm. that tb W- Hbor. Mllls w-i n.' a!c 11.- h., hnwev.-r ffr.-l a le,-i-. ,,n i- prp-rty ;i v. ry r.-a-e.nabi,. t. rtn-- but h- off'-r wis d '1 1 ri.-.I Mr II I'li.-mav It Is imd r -(.! . w: h- to taiv a plant nn.l -lie miirlghi ai.d will n-it ngiife In th- bnlri.-- .lln-r. l-e. He warns lo do a business "f n-f b -s than l(fi ri fei-t a dav and will prob ably have to locate eiewh-r-- thin In A-torla If bis wanls are to he gratified. An etlort was made tu qii-sron him con. i-'-rning the matter, bill lie declined t b.. Int-rvl.-w.l It Is reported hy his frl-riiN that he went away much dUci.ur aged iv... the Indlffi'renl reception m"t with at the hands of the Atorl i millnien and other owners of eligible property. PERSON A U MENTION. j Ifon John Fox returned from Portland lat night. Mr'. ".rv Plavel a a pasenger on the down train Inst night. Ii'-njamlti Young returned on last night's tialn from Portland. ! Miiy.; TPngninn returneil from Port, land on la'l night's express. Fred ONon, of Olney, wn In the ciy ye-i.rdav. returning In the evening. Tbcodori. Christians, of the Walluskl. ;.-iit the day In the city yesterday. Rev. W. H. Ilollrighe,id's mother dl d a' h-r hom- iri cihlo Hund.-iy. May 0. R. V WINon left eti ihe ei-i nlng train for Seaside yc"'erday. lo upend Hundny. Mr-. I.-.-ihv. of Olney, was among the .-l-Por in from the country yesterday. Thud Trulllr.-r. r came down last night fri:n 1 1 r ;. f a in i i y. 10 if .1 II iloidi.t'-hcad ? spend Sunday with his Ward, hnilur of Mrs. lied at Innver, Colo,, on 'I'i or-dav. William And'rson, the flray's river in-r'liani, was-: doing business In the ii v ; . sb-iday. If p. And -ron, the well known farmer and bul'i-r maker of Oray's river, was a vMior In the city yesterday. ''. W. Pinker, at Portland, spent the day in th. city yesterday. He returned to I'or-land on the evening train. A. c. F.mrrions and L. R Cox. proml. nent attorney? 'if Portland, are In the 'Itv, r gls'ered at the Occident. Vic President Klmore, of the Colum bia River Packers' Association, returned last night from a business trip to Port land. Mr. and Mrs. V. P. Kendall were pas- engers on the evenlngtraln yesterday tnT Seaside, where they will remain over Sunday. Miss Lizzie McCann, who Is In charge jirpn'i .md -..ill mirl ii;i-i"ts, V--i n lu..r. ,tu-,l, r i 1 . I.'h l!l C i't !i l Cil I' 'I Ml!'-.. 1 1 ' ,l ' e i ,, u ! (LuL .nnl lilu '.;i.i whm sut, .. I . .. . .. . r I. .. , l.nii v i f . I Mills. iolii-, l.iiic, si I ' ii r.i-.'.iin'i Miic s i.rf.i. h.i' 1 1:1. iit i , and Hatter. of the M'h'io! at Kngle 1 itT Wl' . ! In the city on .i with her patents ov.r Sunday. Mr. M i 'hi ini- k. of Victoria II C., nirli.-il mi mcbt train on a Visit with her parent Mr and Mrs Thomas lualev. T '1 Hathaway, the M:iu'i lumber man, who has been In Hi" city the past f-- Ui. return. , home by tall yos. t.nlay. K V li.-Yo N in r.-.-.op' of a i.-leraiii st.iiitig Uiat Miss I'-Yo, ai'.-onipankit by Mii Tlnmas. l-ft San l-'r.m- N.-. y.-tr. -lav on the nteutio-r Ciliimlla "TIIK WRiN; MR WRIHHT" Tbe ino-t popular of actors, Roland Ite.l will pre. nit at FNIh r's opera boo-.- r,ex- . .pi' d,i li-i lat s.i. e ss ttlil-b h.n l-en pronoun, .-, 'be best oiin. lt b has vr bad "The Wi-mg Mr W'r.ght." wbbh lia ptvn one of the big bits of h- .eaion The pl.iv Is the w-.ik f i.eorg,. II III -oailliurst. and It bis .it mice placed thN young wrltr In tli- front rarik f dramutNts. The -tory N lnteney Inter--ling nnd highly .itii'iiiiig The principal players in. ei first at a hotel In Old Point Com fort Sites, who liul.s fr "in Han Fran. clsi a. is In pursuit of a clerk who has rubbed him by forg.-ry of IWl.OiS) and for who.e arrest he has offered a reward of I', ouo In nn economical effort lo save this reward, he has traveled to Virginia To hide hl Identity he aume Ihe name of Mr. Wright and the first complication arises upon his meeifng a nephew and niece, who are spending a few weeeks at th,. same place. He lakes them Into his confide i. e. A far morn serious compll. cation arises upon Ihe arrival of Hen rietta Oliver, who has beep employed by the dete. live agency to try and cap. lure (be defaulter, She has burned that Ii- has aisiitn.'d the name of Mr, WrUtht, and she Immediately picks Sites out as the nun for whom she Is In search; but Sites be-ornei enamored of Henrletla; hl whole manner changes. From being and close, he becomes liberal al. most to extravagance, sends her flowers In abundance, bill ho never for gets tint he Is a thief. Out of this grow New Neckwear Tti hs, ruffs, Hows Fancy Miiniilmhircil Neoi and Nobby Line of WON U K 58.50 58.50 58.50 58.50 $8.60 i it-- -1 un-i hi' M l lr. -la--! I;i i M'-i- M.l - 1 : 1 1 " i r . mid .Itu.i'l'.nn She finally ran..-. bu arris:, but he prows that he la Si'rs, Tb.n In- . -lionet tbo fin d slrci d. t.-ctivo f-r a wife Anoth.f loV tuiti f ills for the last time In front of a I mirtliful. reorganised stage full of play, -r-. Mr It.-i'l ha a apitndid role in Sites, and tbn balsnre of the company, iiii'liiding Isidor.. 11 nil. all lisvo merry . haructi-rs. S-t sale opens Tuesday morning SU A K i: INTO Yol'R Hllil-:S Allen's Foot Ha. c powder for lh-1 f.-i-t. It cures painful, wollrn, marling, tu-rvoiis feet, and Ina'antly takes the .lit g nut of corns and bunions It's iho gn-alisl cotnfort discovery of Hie age Alb-ii's l-'u-I.Kusr makes tight or new .hoes feel i as)'. It U a certain turn (or sweating, callous and hot, llrrd. ach. lug feel. Try I', tuday. Hold by all drus gists and shoe tor Hy mall 2uc. In sumps. Trial linkage free. AdUitis All. n H. Oltnstnl. I.e Roy, N. Y. Drifted M.irkM. Sno flour XZ'Ji al ihe Pal Rooms for Rent-Apply ups'alrs, flood, man llulldlng. Rest U-cnt meal, Rising Bun rastaur aat, (II Commercial street Freud supply Hunter's chocolates and bori bona Just received at (he Parlor. Those who have tried the Ice c'team served at the Parlor say It Is the beat In the city. Reat California wine 30 cent! per gl - Ion. Alea ailberl, sole agent for Aetorla. Talephona It. Cream Pure Ry. America's flneal whiskey. The only pure ood, guaran. ied rich and mellow. John L. Carlson, sole agent. fkild mednls lo HARPER whiskey al New Orleans and World's Fair, Chicago Try ll, you will endorse (ho Judge's ver. diet. Hold by Foard H(nke Co., As toria, Oregon. Boys' iiml I'onr-in Hunds. Knicker Leggings. I'OK I5ILVLI.K ISK. liv J. iiml I). Mi (iconic, Dun frees, Scotland. SUSPENDERS of the Celebrated Wilson Bros, JVIake sr C. H. COOPER, The Leading House of Astoria -ill - ;iK- li:n !-' 'i amulr and Ideal bicycles r if Ml or rant. Rvpalrt and aunilrtn at lowtit raua. Can al ryclery. W Rond itrt. I ( olumbla Klfrlrlc and Repair Company. After Mar I th A:eit Wood Yard Company will deliver Knapttn Mills lab wood at your door, tawed, for DH per cord. I.eav ordera with T I. I'arkr or at Ihe Astoria Wo,) Yard. Kelly's transfer wagon deliver bog wood (o any part of (he illy on short; notice. All ordrra left at 7.aifs fum. lure store. Sid Cummer, la! street, wl.l ro elvo prompi attention T'lrphena 1144. The new Creamery Itritaurant. Ron 1 ulrcel. pear (In- alley between nth n,j 12th atreet. rsrvrj (h h-' Ji ,vut meal evir art out In Astoria ICv r hltiat 1 new. licit and cl.-an. and absolut aits, faction la guaranteed all Frodencksbuig Musi Hall, .onu-r of Seventh and Alder eireeta, Portland Or. IHuh class rnti'italiuiiriila rvety rvenlng Tbe only family resort In thai city. All kinds of refreshment!, All delicacies In eiisoti. Admission free, I,nu'. Iam. masrh. proprietor For Hie annlv.-raary mealing Ilapllel o be held In flan Franclaro May 24-31 the o It. k N. Co. will make a rate of 3).00 for th round (rip. Tick, ets on sain May 17th and JJnd For fur. ther parllculara Inquire al ticket nffleo on O R. A N. dock. I Wantrd-Man with little money In I every county In Oregon and Washington. .t0 ,e" th "I1"'" Incande(!ent Umps; I "n "n l W. eandle. Cheapest !"h kn"n' Th "Real" Incandescent Lamp Co., 188 Third streel, Portland, Or. Hoggins A fli'titcr, Manager. W. A. (lalnrs1 private slock whiskey, handled exclusively In Astoria by John I.. Carlson, Is one of Ihe moat popular beverages sold. Its purity and quality are guaranteed, and It Is especially reo. ommendrd for family use. It la sold In any tiuaniliy at the corner of Twelflh and Hond strode. Clothing' In Kccfcrs iiml Vcstccs.