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About The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899 | View Entire Issue (May 14, 1899)
THE DAILY AHTOHIAN. HDNOAY MOEthKO. MAY 14, 1899. An Kxccllciil Combination. Till' lclslll IIII'IIkhI IIImI lll'llcllollll O (Tec In of I lie well Itnmvtl rcincilv, hriil'l nr 1' Mm, iniiiiiifiuiiit'i'il liy Hi" Cai innim I'm suirrtu, lllimtriitp lie viiliinuf l l rt I ti i t ).' Ilii' lliiilil Intui tive: J II i I K' i -H of Jllill.t, .luil III In' tnt'iln-lliiilly Iniiitivn mill nrM'iillli; tlli'lll III tlin form line. I ri'fl'inlilii,. tullie trniln Mini lti'i'i'itnlii In lln KMili iii. It In tin mil' (ii'i fi'i l hi r. ni'lln iiin In mi tlvf, cleilli'.llli lint fcv.lilll clli-clinillv, llli-i'llliif nil. I ., hi'inlii' In Mini fi Vi ifi Ifmil I y Vi'l I'li'iniil lv mill i iiullin I. in to llVCIOilllin llllliltlllll enlist l'ttt lull n r tlllllli'llt ly lln MTl.i ft !. nil III. in rv.'i y uliji'i'l IuiiiiIiIk tiinltv mnl Mill ttnucn, ninl lla ll.'lllijr on I In- lil.llmvn, liver ami liuwi'ln, Willi. .ill Hcnlicliilio or Irrltilllntf tlicni, malic It I In' lilriil Intuitive In tln pro i'mi nf tiuiiiiifiirtiirliitf II rn uiimI, at linn' nr ilcii'.uil tn tlin tnnlr, lint tin' nirilli-liiul un 1 1 1 i if tlin ivinr ly nrn fnun nun mnl oilier uruiiuil lo plnul. by u iiu'IIhnI known in tln ('Ai.irnMNu Km Mini Co. only. In nrili'r to y t li l-inlli'iul rlTi-i t ninl tn nrolil liiillittii.nx, icii-a rotimmlMir tlir full muni- of the! innimiv JirliiUnl mi tlin frmit nf every m Uii(o. CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. AM rAK'l OA I. LOUUVILI.K RT KIW VnliK, N Y. fur mI liy til Uumms - pile, N . l.'ltla MORE TROUBLE IS IN SIGHT FALLING illl Open Rupture at Wardncr Prob able Between tbe Military and Union Men. SYMPATHY OF THE PEOPLE Population of Burk; ni Gene In Sympathy With the Miners Un lonlsts Acht for BlooJshed. WAI.I.Ai'E, Ma, May It! -Uovi-mor Htiiiieiil.crg. A I ' til li. Hili'ml liny', Mi n ii nf HUin I'mrin and Trurf llli i un Hi . I hi Viiiin r Imliiv TIi" niiiiimy K'inrni will remain iinill ih iiil nf Un. iiiiiin nf i In. rl'ilim The gnv 'iii'ir Hill )'"'" ''I V remain nlli.. time, l ' i.iIh i I 'l nin e lino i taliillii"! nearly i lii.." ml rl. li llnil the loves. tlKutlnh mil 1 1 -1 one ir ion wi'ika yet The union mm arn nil di.pu.i it l flKhl Icplti' rviiy effort of tlir tiiillinly n nl .lai.- nitli lain in mu-i h Hint "rgnninn. in.ii n. iim ii i m-i mi ! ii rupture Min ii tin- i.i r iiiinln.l employing mm llh. nil p. null, unfa Inln i ff. . I m il i cN N l iiln. clpii t Him III" Canyon Click mini la inn . ieplmi-1 with iihii.iiiiIkii llillli-l. fthllr Ihr fi arlil miiI1m I lull ft iniiliia ul llurhr ami lmi. na liny mull. I l- ul.).. I lo rntiilliiial lliaiill. .mHi u. Iitlll flnm Vl.illinh. Tin- ili.nall nrn i.f union )ni.allilE.T lllf-lr iI4i-Ii uliy Mhnlr p'llilltutlilll. la .!' uf I lie Ktmiral oroli li'liu r.ilifr..fil . If. K II. i alltll. ill! I a. mnl ! Mhlill na J- It..- p. t. Ilr k'l"a. no ,r ! nil. ii m i-1 Im i h 1 V 4-11 Hntll" ll'M ,ll-..i-ll lllllull- l-la mil a. Iin (nr l.liiilln .1 mnl .fn. I., t it mn -ii lln ) nr almi nut uf Un- Mill. I ri.irfnllon to th lilli"it innrl'r, Willi tli rraiilt that rveii at Ilia Ual nnimaiit th"r liv linen cliniim'a In III" Hal. In a Hlo uf Ihln, ntiinlifr itt well known luillra hmt Hiclr (.'I nlm lKnor!. Mr, Juarpli II. CIiiiaIk, wlfii nf 111 I'lillH Hitf iiilmaaiir hfiit, will irt. mil In l Im iinnn Mm. Alfr'il l'arlalt. In.r nlitlnr ; 11la J'iinliiK, f Ni'W.Vork, ami Mian Nnr Kiof, nf IIiIchro. The (inmli la In I'linm from Wlmlanr mi Vl'm Uy ami -will vlali Kiiiialnatnii 1'ala'', whi'rn Iit nlil purllifiila hnv In-an rmiovati-'l irnmratory lit owiiltiK I lid lialai't lo III iiilll''. Ht mal'aly'a Hall will lir of a amilliin-nliil iiatnrf. a III" rniinia wIiitb all" llvml wt a youtiK alrl tut v. Ihtii nainriil In tlinlr form"r ronilliliiii. Ili-r linlrooin rorilalna alum, i n a i a lllli 't Willi lii'T nlit loya, ninl In r I ilia' liniian aliiinU on u lulil" In Hi" iiiiii'.' Im riiln-r. Tin- r iiio'i v nf Inyliiit tin- i-riirr alum- .f iim Ali'-rl nml Vl'iorlit niu mum mi Winlmailiiy will In- un lnl"r"ai. liiK .un Tim i('i"-n will ilnv" IhrmiKli lln- mi it lliii-'l wMh ttonia from II. n k. II.KI..IIII Ill" r"l inri-K" li"lllt . .. li ih" llf. kMiut'l'. II. r mal'-i will I"' . i iiiiii.anli - I l.y a. vi ml iirlmtui ,in I pi im "ai a ami ntln-r r"ynl inr-inti- ,iC will III". I In l at III" lllll"lllll WlKT" n !,i!..! will I." r.'rn-. for Unrn A uriul .iivill"ii will Ii" IT" n il III wild h Hill I." I Hi" miilmaaa-'ora, mlnla. Ii.-i. nt Hi""! ami l.ii.lliiK aial" .(ll. I lia Tin- plHn., of SVali a Will r nlir lln ....'li Til" li. 1 1 .mill alillii'lll jmiil I.i- mutt I' 1'ijplla nf ill" royal i. ! !!(. .r ii. n-l. Af'.-i m.l a nni'lrlKal". . -i.i . i.nt i nii..o.-. liy Mr. Alfr"l Ana. ' l.ii ' In ., t Uiirnl". will li" allUK In ' .-lul wrlio-n l.v Hlr Aluamli-r i M.i. ki'i.ln . il III. I.ili of III" In) ul ir .ill Iim) .f iniMI. Ill" ai l' ". Hi" ii .p '..r i .mtii Iiiid . I'IIiimIi- uf nil KuKlaii'l. wni n n l Hi" pnoira Tlir nml la T1IE JEWS MUST QUIT RUSSIA Antl-Jewlsb Measure Prohibit Uij; All Jews From Staying hi St. Petersburg:. THE FEELING IS INTENSE Jews Killed inJ Ciptured tni Housis Wrecked Ourlne Hlots of taster Fe&tlvltlis. .i. hi i..-.i .iiui.iii.' i. T. : i rn. i I 'ilk, I hi. i I Mil.. 1 .1. . "I! I In- I II" l.llloll.tri It- lla. n -i k ri In tl -nf Voik wiiu i.ilna with .i If m.i.l" ! I if i . t of Kr"i ik fit w It It a .. of II... ,". ill) I mtlii ni'i iialnli II" II. i nil. nl. Im!.." amli'ly In Ih" li"!lll of llli lia. I.r.n ,i r i ll- i i.l.l Tin ik" .f lln niuil'r. ami i.tinl l"'ul llm ."ll.'i .li hl In-haif .ail. ii tmoxt In- a l ii Ihir lfN lafi.V. May P. --Til" H'laa n Kov- rriininit liua ill'l"'l upon rpiinriai im un a UKalliat III J"W. ,ouliii iiwIiik to III" HilMiii f"llhK aini ihem pri'VallliiK In many parta of lluaula at III" pna'-lil Hill". Tin (Hal nll.J"Wlli imaaure wa rt-liiiilwu"-l yali-lilay, win n III" alay uf all ""ii fur'-lan J' wa. aa prnnllillKl In Ht. I'l-tiTalnira. No "ii'mplloii Hill Ih- mail" In cvn Ih" . aae f tin; rri-ni h J'-wa. TIiito In a hull rioua uUllirmika auulnai the Jnwa in Itu.ila. In luMni'ilun Willi the Kat"r fi.iUlilia uf lln- iri"k "liuri h. Itiulera, Hh iiuiiil-r.-.l i.n.i wr' k".l liuniln-'la of hutiai a a'ul ho.a, il'ioraip.! Jew. ' urava ami kill'.l ami laplurnl a i-UlK" ri UfllVe'T. 1 Ahout uf Ih" rlul'-ia wei" iirralu I i i RESTORED by waiiiiiham with Ci rt. i at Bnr, fu. l...l by Hthi.lin..nik-a villi i tin a, pur. wl uf iiiullniii.taaii.l ri"-l.l of tkluruiaa. TtlU tIMlllialil n Ihadali. , ,4r of i niaia, a.-alea, ami, nuilm ,rt, Ulol, It. ihiik aurfam, atiuiulaio tha tulr 'Ulrica, anpply lua Hllb ii"i( y am bmiii.huirnt, anil pLxlu.-a luiuiliut lualfuul hair with "lean, wlinlraottia ,p. t1""'"" r.iiiiii ii.r rHi.karNM. aar - IU a. rnalMa ltailaal liaa.- reaT GOf.S OVEH HIGH BNK.; ll'ontlnuad from Brat pf.) li" r ,r .'r uf iln flr.1 trit.ii ai.' i. . I in im .pal Pi p. np.i- n -I linn nil-: i i.i.K'iit ui Ki-.initTKit JIISivl'iiTKIi U 11.1,1AM HKM I -. N-.i 'llilnk A.P'iu I. rini.liiif a I'.l.l..n In II. r H.'.ipoti i ailni - II .. V h ip in llnu'l r. h tt'KHT Hll'K NTKH. Mr. I, l l.a.l. of ll,inim..ii.l fp-lit Humlay iifti-rmi'in In A'torla l(. v K it. Mil. lu ll pnii KrPlay ami ,l.lllU n-KliiK In Aaiurm. Ir. li"urn' A Mklnm-r nrriv.1 lionn: fiuiii I'urilaml la. I Wiilin-.Ouy. ili. K" uf Aaloria. p-ni W'-iln. .In aft'-rtniun at KM lOi'tii, K V i r r . li ii 11. 1 ImiKhM nl". Hi ii' I'i.ini! in A'tur a Ml a eat i r- .iii.. ' N ii i h'l ' I ami I til. In. t .i.i utlll.rt ft'.m that r IIM nf kill"! .inula PM. ' n M- STANI HACK iK CVKItV l-Allt OK HllilKH. .in, p.-ipl" me lim.lrr Ui"ti Ih'lr ahuea llMIl ulhi'la rl.'iin- air apparriilly hanly upun ilirm, Tlal'a whin ihr ali"r liaa aoinel hlUK lu tin Willi II lla raay la ta liarj un p ..,r .Inn In Im haul un a u.i. vi." I In nun h luiiurr will utir ahoe i-".i In. I Ilia ti an other liali? J.I.I tHli" III lllual c.iaea Thai prlhnpa uiprl.ii y ni. KM'KUI.VKNT. THY ol llH annlnat nil) ulhi-la you inn r In town Vinpiir" In other na"rln all reiei- t .in Petersen & Brown. iitifori i.u rm ; ut.u nitl.e ..f f. g. M . Va'ii'oiui r luiuik", Wanh . May 1. IMfJ riealnl irupna., In iilplliatn, will be rti.-elvrd Iht until 11 oil. nk a. in., June 3, IXM, an.) turn "p"li'.l, fir flirilHIllllg fll.'l lit tli v- uil inllliary p ain In thla d. parlmmu for llaial J.ur cuiiinii'ii. luu July lat, , liifoiitiallnii furnliiliej or ly quar. t.-i inuat.'i ui pnaia. t,'. 8. retervra rliiht i.i reject ur ui'ivpt any ..r all propoaaln or any part tliervnf. lCnvelnpen cuntain. Inn pmpuiuiie nliuiil.l be marked; "l'rn im.nia Kui'l at ." anil ail'lreaacd to uml. l aluiird. J. W. JACOIIH, ('. Q. M I I Kill III 1 ' V 1(1 H'l I..VII.H I .III VI.I.I.I'III.V Miy j The ilir." uf 111" III full . I i . I i.i. H II.. i la.hi'l IIHl III,. 111. I ...".I'll uf III." .nun. .ii l.a'i ' i-ipri-. iruln train t K. rill lul II. Kill milt... I In ir at 11.. till iiiurnli'i; 1'he .. .-"ml t r ia In ana . uiti-pu.i-.l . f n ft il.i) rua. hr.. Inn Ihrrr uf III. Ill Hilr I' .1.11) Htr. kr.l III tile 111). I .1 ni Wh.-ii lln thire . ui. which ai. lUt.l lul" lift the a. i lie uf tne wtrrk ;'ir) ..ii in. I a i a i at . liullil.. r uf llir In-jiiii-l .iii.l oihria wiiu tainpnl iiijury h.uiii' uf tin- uijtitnl Hri. takin off at I'. iim. an ami j ntiiuM.I tn lln lu.p.ta. at Nn .a;. iw ii Win;. II... p.l.i A.i. .Ian. Una ill Iho iitltt-r p. a. e, Un uf ill. Illjlllnl illr.l l..'. lln imlill In' I.-I1IH..I l ln ir li.iliu . arir tint haim-.I W lu ii ihr lulu auivr.l In-ti- Hurt) nr. I'll, lln i. nil I in. r of lln. .nun. I naln, an. I im lit ill., h I I Itn.A.M'. Mn) I.' lvlll 'r A.: . ihni. .rill ka-r '." r-maik. in lo-U)'. ..nil fk- ii l i k m"if you .1" inr un t... In .. .Ill.i.i! un- with iriliiln illii al.'K' .l In lull' I" ' II IIH.l" h Ii, tin' ;i i.i: k 1 rlrrmn, Hl'huiit lul Id n appoinp . liutrll. a k 1 1, j. til" r ). r H'l Hi I'll"!. ' L.i-ii i; h I ! 1 1 uf a Hunt i not .lul I .liiluit h"p" I.i I l. l ill. I Ii ' 'A:..r.a S I o liilla . upul 1 in all I ' li e,iy I n ,' o II 1 1 1 rutllprtr Willi Ilia III. 'Illall, VA . Hhulll Hit" hull, a "re al.u un ihu I., Kvrrell, Uulli of I Wel" nil luuril I here (lain half a il-'ii n uf HI' MM Kit NnllMAI,, T".i' lii'l'a nol enipliiyi'il ilurliiK the num. hut iii n Mini iipp.irtiinlty in iiink.i mill I il iiuil pn piinillona fur their work, or tn review for elllnr ntnte or county r- X It III 1 1)11 1 1.111 H. lit 111" J 11 111 HUT t'Tlll uf tile Stulu N ..I li.i in Hi liniil nl M.'llllliiillll. l''i'im tn.1 in I0 will cover nil i xpetines fur Hie ten weeks. Term lint'inilim Tip a. 'I. iv, Juii). y, Kull liifiiriimllnii nenl on .ipplliiillnii t.i th" aeiTi'tnry nf (lie file, nit). N ' H.'lioul, M iniumilii. ihr niiiiijim j pa.Tini r, all r. .I'lrhia uf lllla ill) I Mi Haa Jual biraklna wlieii the train ..line lu a aiaiulaiill ami many taliruail I l ii.-u weie awallllia Ha airlval. 'Ilia rail. iuu.1 fiiiplu)ea .'ie warmly ruiinraiu- Ulr.l oil Hull l.r.lpe fr.'lll .l.ulll At ihu ui..l'i i;iliiiiiii il men aliouk hmula, leara i ami- to the eyea of many uf lli'-ni. 1 0 1. II ha. I been r.-iiurinl .l.a.l. Inn Ih" un!) Iiijuly be rereivej w.ia a bid a. alp wuiiml. Ilia ln-a.l waa hali.l.ik'e.l ami 1. 1. 1 i uvere.l bin faer, hainla anil fa. e The Unman waa allaihlly Injured nl. mil the Pa.k. In an Interview Willi a reporter uf the A.a..eliiird I'reaa. Krrell aald he could luil tin. mm fur the accident He mild. We I.f; It-mlliiK a little lair. We were li.iiiiK ni the rate of Ini ween X. and tn ilnl.-a an Ii. hi r and ever) thli.t appeared in Im' all riK lit Juat before rriirhlnif Kiet'r. there la a curve After We bad luuii.le.l It mid bud tralitblened out, I Hn h.ut 111.-, I in aee luuui up a bunOred ah. ml the III" I aei It. ill. I lllatnlllly leveraed I he level', bill before I ci'llld amp th" eiiKlne we Weill Into Hie train with n terrible The llnpi liia f tin- ...lli-luti aim the parlor car ball .i) tlnuiiiih tin day couch In (runt uf It I did imt kiiuw when- I m.i fur a I line, but llllllll) dl-MiVcred llllaelf 111). PI Nulled illlinuu the Iwlatcd II 'II, apllll leiid lu.l uml broken itlnaa How 1 i'-i ul" .1 with. ml mnl" ai noun Inlury, 1 .iiiiii l I'll. I tin mil know Imw ninny ate ileinl mnl Injiiieil, bin they tell lin- Ihe iiiimh.'i- p. liii'ne." tntell mi. I i:eri-U were tuken In ii Ih'lr Injiirlea were ille.aeil Kvcletl e-'l'lipe, Hltlinlll aiTI. mis Injury l) .liimpliiK fruni the renr of III" tender. ur 'i,i.l I" ..I I,: I kn.n . I'.al Aalur: 10 illaii. I I . ...ui" Yaipiin.i ami TI I.i. m"k ha l iii.l. 'r i r any otb r nad" What I did .l). In the aillpilae of Ih" ri puller, wa. '.hat nature li.nt k t ' n A., i.'i.a Willi A HAH. WAY. lb. fu'.l "uii ir.n ,.f KVT.ItY At'K K K U.M In th. ceiitial an ! iip" r Nrhalt-Mi cuiii.trl. a. wbl. ti had 2'iti'Mi a. rea uf f- reata "f t ml., r of pirn , n' ami fir. wheriof p.. .in ueri a alniie were In lb.- baam uf the N. ll.llelll rllrr IlKrif. W lloae ttrra are rr ?' fe. l biuli ami aVeraK" ' tn :ti of i hope tlee. to the in re three lu arvi II I." r 111 dianieti r I further mid that Hie l iiii..r belt iillniiai) tu Aaturia In lb" N'eltaleiti cmilalii. I'M-: lU'M'HKI" Hlld.H'N KI;I:T iK l.rMHKK ntamllnis III the trie aiiur llllK In l Itltcil Malea . .lim it", i v ry foot uf w nlch I aaul would u J to A.turl.i direct, ami not a paMeniiiT tiur a p"und uf f ri-kKhi to or ll'Uii the Nehalein cnuulry wou.d ever go SKASi'N IS l''lx!l ; i.i k i ' i Imp buy Kdlt 8 A UK. Iiicnllon for a.ile, U in I ir from While Nn. 21)1 n rolnt. .ppiy i" Knitn, HlKKltm Co. lu nppu.' lin: th.- policy of a prnleclor. ,,le fur III" I'Mllplinw. ITufeannr IllVld St. in- .Im. Ion I'l'inlinW Un- i 1 1 1 1 1 1 y tlml 'K"od K"i "iiim.'til Ii xpcii-lv.'." II niuy ..nil" blith. Ii.ivl.l, Inn we niiii-l biiV" II. l.i'.l't!N NnW IN l't'1.1. SW INil Mm II II', .. lul luilety In tbe World ills Ann'rlciliiK In He Pre. H.' In llie yilecn. PI V'!I. M.iy tt.'.iiln r In Ibiiiliv A "' In t il I 'rt-p-it. Willi In m it 1 1 r 1 1 1 . I bli week. 1 lii be In full SWlllR. Water and Lemonade Set Day Ilillnlli . 1 -: nl' ,..i iu:it"'l filiil funcy lliilii'iiilnii ninl cry.-lul kIiihm wiiter ami -ul-. limiiciiHc VUl'll-l)'. I'l ! Itl'M'l' no chi-iii. Hum iiiiicl'-H nil 'in per ccni. Si. 111.- lllllcI'M ctil l"T ,,nt. OIHIH ANIfI'.NIi . MI.F I'llIClC. Great karlcsa linporling Tea Co. 571 'ommcrclul Street, Astoria. fopyrlKhicil. 1. 1 IN I mi. .lllllllli'r like 'tll.nll ni'lll Tile bmela phtuii- exhibitions nml 11. 1 I. II How III" ci.iw.ImI dilly. Willie ituiuer. un-. pni'll s kIvii by hnsii'iwcM pi'.niil. in-n I In III" S"i'l:il wuil. I till every ii'ht. Til.' I'uin .'II.- Inn opened III 1 1 11 tl ii K -! .i 'it nml l!iitnl:i-,li. mull llie cnuulry ilnlis me aim iillriiclliiK liii'Bi- nilinhers .if i'.i-.IiI.iiuiIm' people. .Miiiiy Am. I'lcniis :ii,- iilreiidy here, and thn lioleln nml linpkeepi'i's ui'e .luliilnni nt Hie prospei-l nf il lurKc Invasion from nVi-r the ne.i. The irreiili'il Intel'. st ccnti'i-' In tbe 1 1 -1 . 'en's lsli iii l.nii. Inn n i-x ; week to hul.l a ili'.iwinr. rno'ii an 1 lay Ih.' fonn. .(: 1 1 it slime uf llie Albert un. I Vi. turia iiin. inn nl K. ii-IiikIiiii. Tiicsilay's driiw. ' r. in, un, natural!), will be lln nmsl brilliant "f Hie n'asnii. There ha-, been i ni- It rn' ureal la. lies in intend lhl na I'l I' Mint- I'llllcll.'ll. bill il m'cill il.'ll! nf I. .H'l lull tiiiiK lia-i bi-i-a i.'cns:nn .1 by II. - svslelll nf which the new lord Il "rl.ei lain lias I'la iiiiii'a tc.l n'lil tinder ivj; b many piniiilneiii people are ex eli.d.'.l. Ily lliiH iV.vel mud.' of selection fi- nam s uf well known picresses unit i. f people unknown lo faini- lire mixed ii, ",.. :hcr In it milliner thai Is very ills, tasteful lo l ho former. Bevernl title I la. lies, when they fnun. I that I hey Iim! imt been aiiiceHsfnl In the ballot, miule t-. I'oillati.l. WITH AN ASTiiltIA ANI NK1IAI.KM ItAII.WAY IN OIKItA- I'l'liiN In replylna tn the r.p rtrrn .piiil"ii wluibir a railroad Hue car. I Tying aaw log from Nehalem to TII. U m. .ok to In- niuniifji lured ul Aalorla I direct w . u lit h. nellt Aalorl.i. I r. p.le.l It wuiil.l not. for Hie reason I lint as , Tr.lmuui'k and Nehalem buy a were both un.l.r t'tilt'.l Htatea harbor Improvr llletlla, Veaaela cnrtying IuiiiIm-t made by , lumbermen nl lialotii and Tlllnmnuk lu)a rlp.irle.l therefrom arawurds. would do ao nt il p r I '' fee l chenper ihmi AHortn, fur the reiia'n that Astoria would Iiuve to pny an iXIra rail hnul ur iratiapnnatlnn of loita koiiik to thai cliy. whcreim Alorla' iHialilon wl!h Hie Inner Nilialein country was alto. KeHier illfTerrnt. There, ;lay from the competltl iti of the Columbia rlvrr and aen const porta, no possible opposition I" Astoria could aiicceed with :i( mbes of 'rail iv l i Younit n bay from the NV. hiiletn country, nnd therefore Astoria w..tll.l have nn exclusive monopoly In the transportation to. nml In the nitiiufac. Inn- and export of one bun. Ire. 1 billion feel cf lumber nt Astoria from llie N'e. ban in nml I'pp'T N'-hiilcm bnsln and tiihiit.irles, l'lii ibertnoie. a I lumber grown AlmVK Ml'liawukii. Ilnnteil down Hie river from points so nilbs ab. ve llie Nehab ni railroad lerillliuis, wi III. I be stopped by dams placed tin re, i and he Nehalem liny, la mllcn below same, would he shut off from say logs ! texcept tbo.s.- grown 'around and nlmve I the Ncbab rn bay llsi Ifl thus rendering 11. 1 said. Hcarcely possible for any rail, load from Astoria terminating at Ne. ; lial. in bay, lo receive any t-rcat volume i . f lumber lu cumpt'tlth'ti with that linn, j Inr icc'lMd from the central and upper Nclinlein country going to Astoria via S a hl'e Mountain railway, especially as It would be curried In compel It'oti with t that lumber which nilllnicn on Tillamook ! an. I Ncliali-m buys were exporting In ' i arums .seawards from Ihese ports. I I regret s . mellow thai every lime I I . ml. avor to do something for Aslnrla. j I'.u tint). I n up!e or newvpupcrs hivome , I ai. us, nn. I as a result my acMutts .'ire in I .ii. 1 1 ii.'.l. Il is. hiiWi'Ver, a grcnii r r, gii l I.i me thai Astoria newspapers do so readily i relit these allcg' .! ncs- - I.ll.'lllellts. Iiiwll, lllllt lHllld"" Uei.l la-- tl ei'roii"ou-.' call me) Is uppa.-c.l in ih-- pr cress of Asl.ul.i as a ftiiur' sblnpliig seapori, when the facis arc o'liet wls.-. W 1 1.1,1 A M Hill 1 1. M.i da) Mi" I'uiitiie I'l.iytoii. ..f S'a-.ile, i-p-ni Tin-day night l-iuii- in A' Mr 'lia. K Koid ha' b. i i a" of thr New Astor.a Mi.. t.-siM Hi. no r ha- a.-' epl'd a io.. Hun in Mt. IjiII) s aiur.- ul llaminonl. ' Hup. rlni. tuleiii H-gardt. nf Kurt Hie M ils, arrive.) ihiwn fr .m I'ortiand t 'day. Mr I'h.irPa Kavenp'.n of 1'i.rt (.'an by, ap. ul rVeiitni; M-Illng at New A. P.I l.i A baby buy Has bom lo the all of Mn. lul Wl.llam I'.O, of Hk:panj:i, .a-1 wi"k I'apiain M'-Vn k'-r ami .ev. rai oth.-r no t pilots wi ll! to .Seaside e-trrdiiy on a llsllltlg rXpedlllnll. 'oiiira.'t..r l.'bck of Annua, trans f.rrid Ihr Inrge logging engine al NYar. r.ntuii tn Seaside Krlday. MaJ r Wlioher arrived down from A. I. ru Wrilneaday and Ntld off the truups at Korta Hi' vena am) ('anby. Mr. J W. ln-trak. of Warrrntun. haa be. n awnrded the cuiiiract for erecting the Hew church at New Astoria. Tin- men employed at Scarhom Iliad wld In- empluyed at Kurt Steven, unii. maierlal la uhtalned for the furrmr p'.ace. Mr Hood, of Portland, repr aentlng a w hob sale houae of that city, w aa veil ing friends un the West Side last week. ' A boum-lnt! baby giri of eight injund bright, ned the home of Mr. and Mm.' Kaakie, nt New Astoria Thursday morn. Inf. i ' Mr. t. M. Little, of (ireely. Cnlo., ent part or last wccK pu king out a aunaoie place In Warrenlon for bis futhre rest, di nee. Work on the fortification at Scarboro I Head la temporarily tuspeiuled. due to :h nun. arrival of the regular nupply of rocka. M-ss Caner, a national lecturer uf the W. t'. T. I'., will deliver a lecture at the W. C. T. V. hall In Warnnton on May m. 1W Mls-ra (Hg.i Noe and l.ina Kantian, of Aslnrla. are 8end,nK a few days visit ing relative!-, at the Point Adams, life, -avlnif station. Private (leorye Hlckards, of Korl Ste veiw, has li-en detallnl on recruiting service at Seattle, Wash. Ho left for ilmt ilnce yesterday. W. i Hardy, nf Warrenton, haa pur cbased and la titling up the old Judson luuMing with the Inlenilon of moving his shne shop and residence Into It. Privates Albert N. Hoyce and John K. lievamy, both of battery M. Tort Ste. vena, are detailed on recruiting nervier I at Portland. The boys left on Saturday murnlng's train. Iti-v. J. McCormae, of - Astoria, will pr.ach In the M. K. church at warren lon at lla. m. this morning. In the ab. seme of llcv. Mr. Pherson. who will hold services at Astoria. Charlen Flat man, of Warrenton, haa Just put (he hull of the Kambon In O. I'. Orahnm'a boat houae, and will pro. reed to repair the boat and put It on tha Aalnrln Warrenlon run. Malaolm Ourier haa inld hla Cigar nd candy atora lo Kdwarrt Harmon, who tixik ponanimlon Thilrnday. Mr, Jlarmon will replenlah tha more, put In a nw and full al'i'k of (coda and prepara In en. eral fur lively umm"r trada, Mra, Hieward, wife of fartaln Btew. ard. of the Kort fanby life aavlng crew, met with apulnful ac-ld'-rit Thurnda avnlng, by icd"iilally ualug diluted carbolic add ui a gargle, far mouth and throat wre aeverely burned and for a time ah" waa In a very critical condi tion. Ur. Hirono-'n prompt arrival and attndnr naved the lady from a proba. bio nlupor and rollapae. Hrg-iirit Hrnlley Wa.ham, of Kort Curihy, wna dlaehargrd from tho rvle nf llie I'nlted rllalea Inal Krlday and will I'-ave today fur bin home in Waah. Iiiginn. il. . Mr. Waahum la a pbo t'avrnph'.r by pruf-aalnii, and he Intvnda U alurt a busliu-s. In Ih" lulter city. I'urlng hia may on the wrat aide In- haa made many friends, who will wish him .Heresy in bin (i'-w bualh'-ai. Th" Kpwortti ly-ugiiH a.e lal at H"alM .-ii laai Krlday evening of the U.h waa W"ll altended. and all aeein'd lo enjoy the occasion very hiu h, After the tiaiitlful program waa reiirerej the Hev. M' Hln non de:iV"Te'l a pr.i.-tl. al lecture ri "What to read, and how lo read." Cake and lemonade waa nerved at the . lii'inii of the prografn. The commit tee, Mi.s'K Kiecta Caae and lilllan fat. rl-lan, had work"') with much energy to prepare th" program. The Ha-aaido people are mm h Inten-ated In the conm ruction of ll. new church, liana arc being rap Idly pushed in b-gin III erection. Mr. Hrnlley Waaham n farewell dance, which look place In the gymnasium at Kort Can by, will long !erem"mber"d by a) tbo.e who had the g.iod fortune to be present. The meanier Kl" trli: wan char- i.-rd to carry (M-upli. from Aaiorla, Ham. rn nd, Chinook and llwaco. The hall waa gaily decorated with flag., bunting and evergreens. At 1') o'clock the grand march look place, which Inclmjed couple. Whi n 1 o'clock came the merry maker were escorted to a mot bounti ful sapper aii'-b as . seldom set liefore a gathering In thin country. The menu ' onuiiiir.l almost In ihe line of ea I able culd be obtained, well and served After supper supp-r dancing ontniiid until after daylight, when the parry broke up and repaired to the steamer thoroughl ysatisfled with OUR SPRING STOCK OF CLOTHING Is now complete and we can soft almost any taste. $14.43 Tha new nwall double-breaata.J BLL'K 8 KHOB SUITS, with tllk fa Ingi, er,ual to any $M farment, our prlca All wool fry Scotch twetil 62'1 hair-line caaalmara, fuarantaed pura wool, round or tqtiara Dark gray , cot 9.63 8.9S EnglUh black clay worated, U or, In round or (quart cut lack Your conluma li not completa without ona of thoaa nobby TAN COVBRT TOP COAT8 which wa ar. telling at 7.K, mad, of an all wool Emtliah covtrt lined with a h"avy Italian lining, and In every reapact a IIO.OO garment ' Tha nurprlnlngly low prlcea at which wa tell our clothlnf art only In aooorcl with our repmatlon- that of being tha l,OWK8T PRICED and BE8T VAJt'F 01 VINO houaa In Antorla. W'e earnently tollclt a ihart of your patronage. THE FAIR, 506-508 The Place To Save Money Commercial Street. th" vi-nliig's fun and with the .1 hoys In blue who gave il. who'.e. nk II. It. HOTK I. AKHIVAI-S IH'CIHICNT. Wools,.)-, purtlani. Moser. Portland. Kmmuns. Portland. x. I'or'land. Livingston, p.rtlaiid A M' Kenx'.e. Portland. K. We"). Portland. Saalren. I'liriiaml. U Ituthschlld San Francisco. K. It. ld. San Kran. Isco. Warhiirton, Tacoma. I, (Sams, N'-w York. I'ARKKK H rt'SK. Hruce polworth. Cathliimi-t. It K Hradhiiry. S,-aai.e. (ieurge Williams. Seaside. A. I Higb'W. tieaaide. Hov Wherrv. Arlington. A. It, Kent. ray' Kiver. . Frni'-r and wife. Sixikane. Kr, W. A 1.1 K W w. H II. K. S II. the the THK UCVRE CONCERT. K.lloHlng In the pr.axramme of Amine Orchestra at the Louvre for week beginning today: PART 1. I M.rch, "The Chautauqua'- Oaring 2 -Wain. "I live Thee" WVdteufel it S.-lecilon. "Poor Jonathan". Mllloecker 4 I'oika, Trav'tnr' Wohanka 1 Oanse den Sultanes Polak Daniels .Miilb-y, ' M.-morle of Tara"..D:Vitt 7 Walti, "Kroll'n Hall Kiuenge".... Lumbie X S.'.elon. Ernani" Verdi Polka. "Libre- Alure" Kahrbach TART II. In March. "The Handicap'1 Rosy 11 iverture. "Spanish Comedy" Kfler.Bela Walta, "Southern Rosen" Strauss 11 Medley. "American College Songs" Moses II Selection, "Per Vogelhaendler" .Zeller WWW "fSl lB ROCHESTER SHOES HEHT MAKE La lies' Lace, Vesting lilaek or Tan $2.00, $2.50, $2.70. $3,00, Misses, same as above, $1.10. $1,35, $1.50. Mens' Vitl and Calf, $1.50 ,$2.00, $3.00 Quality and Stylat tha bait for tha prion, THE BEE HIVE. R. L. Boyle & Co Leading Real Estate Dealer of ASTORIA, OREGON Write for Information and Famphleti. 535 Commercial Street 1 8 99 KNOX SAILOR HATS For Ladies. In Black, Navy Blue, White and Brown. Every- Stylish Woman Wears a Knox Hat. BUFFUM & Hatters and 94 Third Street, Corner Stark, PENDLETON Furnishers. PORTLAND, OREGON.' FISHER'S OPERA HOUSE L. E. EELIO. Lennea and Manirar. lfe-Polka. 16 "Meln l-Kliiale " rlandlsea'' Wohanka 1.1c bee. Melmathland" Jungmann "Jollv Kellowu" Vollstedt TO CCRE A COLD IN A DAY. Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. All druggist refund the money if it falls to cure. Sc. The genuine has L. B. Q. on each tablet. For sale by Charles Rogers, NOTICE I WOT1CE! NOTICE! Wednesday, May 17 ONE NIGHT ONLY. The- martagrmant begt to announce that he has perfected an arrangement for the appearance of the eminent comed ian Roland Reed Till-: IIKUITAUK OK I V. W V. V Si'l'.NIi.VNTH. 1'K- T!i" do. urn. nt wbich Hi,, pio-'l.hni uf lae I'lllii.l Stales iceelll'.y fraill.'d. i.ii, r,.mii!ii,,'i'.' Ii.-wcy nn n.lir.lia . will lie highly piU'd by his ilesecinlani 11 lie il wii from cell, latiua t i' . i 1 e ra ' ' t . tl . It will li.-. niu,' as fun. mn and us valuable as Ihe ureal sininach r ' I losiei tei 's Sl.itua. li IMltois. ttlllcll gll.ll'll'll'es II Illlll Ul :lll lln'!-. which may be passed on from g -ncratl mi t . i-etiera t inn. As il lb sh-bulldcr a nenc i .nlc a blond purilb-r and nppellji.'r I: Is -dii'lry wuii. lei'ftil. If you feel tired In lln- mniiiirii;. If there's a bad taste In your moil III, try I lostel Icr'n Stomach, ritlei .. He you man nr woman, be your alltn. nt ciiMtlp iilon. Indii-c.-tliin. inactive rvr .ir kiiliicys. the Itiltcres will cure y.ui. All ilrugglsls sell It. JRANDMA HAD CONSUMPTION !id I am afraid I have in exited it. I do not feel ell; I have a cough ; my :ngs are sore; am losing sh. What shall I do? Your doctor says take care cf , irself and take plain cod-liver but you can't take it. Only strong, healthy person ca.i ..c it, and they can't take i; 'ij. It is so rich it upsets the ji.uich. But you can take SCOTT'S EtlSULSWH t is very puhtutif: and easii it-sted. If ycu M ill take pier' : fresh sir, and fxrrnse, a: i'OTT'S EMULSH'N' steadil in'te is vrv iinlr doubt aboi 'our recovery. lhcr!iiie hvj't'ptiuspbites in i they give strength nnd tone op tl nervous t-Ysieiit v hilr thecod-livr; oil feeds and nourishes. soc. ati.1 o... s il'iiegtstik. SCOTT S HOWNl- a.-n.i-f. .w York. I Sead blda will ba received by the un. Jers.gned. at No. Ill and No. US Fourtb trtel, Portland, Oregon, up to and until May 25th. ISA at t o'clock p. rn., for the purchase of She entire ttock of drugs and medicines, goods and merchandise, all shelving and trade fixtures, except ing only i wo nickel plated show cases in the rear end thereof, contained in that certain drug store formerly owned and occupied by the Estes-Conn Drug Com. pany, at Nos. 610-512 Commercial street. I Astoria. Oregon. Terms of sale, cash on delivery. All bida must be accompanied I by certified check or deposit of I5O0.0" , or b.d will not be considered. If bid is : not accepted, deposit w ill be immediately 'returned. The right lo reject any and all bids reserved. i Hlds will a:so be likewise received by I me at the same time and place, for the I i . .v.. . I piirciiase OI llini ceiinili iwo-aiuijr name building situated upon the west 50 feet j of :he north h.i'.f of lot 3. bbek 39. In part of the city of Astoria as laid' lout und recorded by John Adair, in Cla;. j ;"P county, Ore-iron, together with th-. i ' ....i t ...... .h loilt.llm- eve.Mif ne- Hv. I ! tan s. Terms, cash on doliv-ry The ' wo-story frame luilidinj; wili b." sold i ubjee: to a mortence ihcicm. j LOCIS m.r.MAi-KK. j Piitcd April 2S. ISI'9. STATU TKKA-U'KKU'S K1HST NOTICE ' SALKM. May 10, K'J. Notice is hn-tby nlvcn that there are f.mds on hand with w hich to redeem ail oiHst.indiiiit s'.n.c i w.irrama i-ndorscd "1'i'c-ctHcil und na; ' paid for want of funds" prior i . :!i!.- 0.a; ', with the i-xccpiUn of those drawn 0:1 I the swamp '.and fund, the state sculp (bounty fund nnd th-s- drawn o'l the (reiieral fund for conveying insane to lln- iiiylum .since l-'cb: nary IV. li.i, ami that all such warrants;, prop-rly en dorsed, will be paid upon preseniatio'i at this utlUv, Interest thereon ccasinc fivin and after this date. C11AS. 3. MOOKE. State Ti ea.-n: cr. ! Dr. J. H. Davis, DENTIST Page Block r Aeitoria Andrew Lake 5aa COMMERCIAL ST. 1 consider It not only a pteasure hut ,i duly I one to my neiclili.ii-.s to te'.I abnut the wonderful cure effected In my cae by the timely use of Chamb -riain's Co le. Cholera and Diarrhoea ltemedy. 1 wa taken very badly with flux and procured a bottle ef this remedy. A few doses o ,t c(Y cted a permanent cure. 1 tak pleasure In recommending It to other suffering from that drtadful disease. J. V. LYNCH. Dorr, W. Va. This remedy la eold by Charlea Roger. Accompanied by Isaadore Rush AND A SUPERB COMPANY. Under the direction of E. B. JACK In the brilliant comedy The Wrong Mr. Wright By Geo. II. Broadhurst Presented In the same manner as at The Columbian Theatre.San Kraneis. o Marqn irn Orand. Portland and Bijou Theatre, New York. ...Merchant Tailor. Perfect Tit Guaranteed. Low Prices Repairing and Cleaning Neatly Dona. P. J. Aleanyvct3 merchant Tailor and Exporter of pars. Highest Cash Prlca Paid for Fur Skin. Tenth and Commercial ta, Astoria, Or, PRICES. Reserved seats. Gallery .$1 51 . .75 Seat sale ep-ns Tuesday at 9 a. m. at C.titlin .Si Reed's. AX EPIDEMIC OF WHOOPING OOCOH Last winter during- . an epidemic of whooping enugh my children contracted the disease, havlii; severe coughing spells. We had used Cliambiriain's Coush Remedy very su.-cessfully for coup and naturally aimed to It at that iim.. a".l found it relieved ihe cough and effected a complete cure. J.ihn E. Clif ford, Proprietor Norwood House. Nor wood, N. ". This remedy is for sale by Charles Rogers. Ladies' Underwear andWrappers Made to order and kept la ttock. Pr'ees Reasonable. KUNGSANG&CO Corner Llghth and Coir.mei del Sis. Open next Thursday. The day In w hich a big disappointment tomes is a character builder, but yuu seldom hail It with joy on that account. WHEN NATURE Needs assistance It may bs best to render It promptly, but one should remember to use even the most perfect remedies only j when needed. The best and most simple and gentle remedy it the Byrup of Flgt, manufactured by the California Syrup Company. Thi ancients believed that rheumatism was the work of a demon within a man. Any one who has had an atlack of nclatb or Inilamuiatory rheumatism will agrei that the infliction ia demoniac i. nough to warrant tho belief. It has never been claimed that 'hamb:-rlaln's Pain palm would cast out d"mir!s, Mil It w'M enr rheumatism, and hundreds bear ' tettU . mony to the truth of this statement. One application relieves tho pain, and th quick relief which it affords it alona wor.h many times its com. For t ilt by Charles Rogers. A woman never realises that aha H Fig growing older until her children can n longer ride free on the ttrect cart. i ,4 hi 7- '' V ..-; f... i If