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About The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899 | View Entire Issue (May 14, 1899)
T1IK DAILY ASTOttlAN, SUNDAY MORMNU, MAY 14, IWU gaily otoriau. JOHN T. LIQHTOR. Editor. Tslephooa No. M TERMS Of SUBSCRIPTION. DA.ICT. Sent by nail, per r HO Scat by mall, par month M rve4 by curler, txr month M BEMl-WTEEBXT. feu by mall, per roar, ra atTo...B.o Poatag frM to suoaenbara. All communications intsnsaa for paU oatlon (should bo directed to tbo editor. Bus'ness communications of all kind ul remittance muil bo addraaaed to "Tbo Aatoriaa." Tbo Aatonaa guarantees to ita advas tiaera tbo larsteat circulation of any n. wspaper publlabed on tbo Columbia river. advertising rate can on atut eai.on to tba bualneaa raaaagar. TIDE TAIJLK Mav, 1 !!. Hllilt WATK ' low WATKR DATK. T.7r. ' i 1$ For Infants nnd Children. ifVV.itWifl I AVcpctiWcrrcparationrorAs ! simiiatiiig thcFixxlamllvcCuU luig the Slom;us oihI Howls of Promotes Dicostion.Clvcrf'.:!- ! ncssniviTVslCcntJins nn'.b. r j Opiin.Morphine nor Mi:v:l. i "Hot Xaucotu". M h.nun. h.m n. !, n- : h n Mod. ... II 4 T 8 4 i 5 5 7 1 ,11 0 0, 11 49: 1 Tue ... I! 5S5. W 7 i.. .... .i,U, 94 wi .. s, 62 ; t w ; J 1 1 2. tsini Hi Thu ... 41 8 K',7 St. SSI SO I 110. 11 t Sl 1 0 JTI .... 6 Zlt7; 141 St Slsi til IM Sal .... 10W? T 10 3u9il 4 11 0 4 Sun ... -,1115 7 8(111151; 4 l!-0! 4 !4 1 5 515; Moa ... SI.. Mob ... S .. Th ... SC. W ed ,.10j 4t)l, 139 J St! 7 H -1 tf i I Hi H Thu ...U 116 9 Oil 1U 4! 8 la -OS I S 15! JS Frl ...OS, lw86,, JOl.TJ! ss-.esj ; a: Sat ....IS i81! 3 44 :MSWi 00: 4tf J! Sun ...141 lH:6i 4 SI T 0 .10 11 0 5 10 SS I j Mon ...lai 4 0i'.; 0 , 5 So 9 10 51 1 0 11 Sit 1 5 Tue ...16) WSSii 11 0. 11 S3: 15 i.. ..I.. . Wed ..171 S 54 S 1 7 00 " 1 ! C Si! S i U IS 1 S Thu ...IS T59' 7 47.7 2 1 IS) !9, 1H, 11 Krl . ..1 811 SO, SSSTi! 1 171 14 I 1 & 15 Sat .... 14 S 1 I 8 17 ! 1 S)l 1 8 ! 1 54: 1 7 Sun ...II 101K4 lOtfSSJj 4 lv 10, 34.. 18 v.n 11 it, ft 71 10 44 S S I 4 &i OS 4 SSf 10 Tue ...13.UM.1 0.111 25 9 0-1 41i-0 4i 51.1 11 Wesl ..4i.. ..I. .1,12 42 7 In -JJHJ! Thu 0 OS 9 1 1 1 3 T 4 i 7 10 -1 ! ! ! 7 00! J 1 I Frt ....K 4S9SI 1 1SJSI 7 5J-1SI 7 Mi 11 I prostitute its k.; . 1 t. : : : s :-i i i 8 4ii 1 j I Sua ..".', So;iS4;s.Si4i; i J j y pr-.nt nnr.ataral .tvJ;lo- iio-wi; . il ApcrfYHiomf;!-1 llJIl, SOtlf SiO'H .c !i Wonr.s.OvS.:.--.-!i i - r.-.vS. 5iiJ;i..turc rt kew VonK. :i..l TiiG Kind You Have Always Bought Bears tbo Signature cf ma AW i CUT-RATE OFFICE Can Save Yoo Money On All Railway Rates. UvS Third St. Port In i ul. Oren. Kopp's "Best 1.1 tX.CT C0PYOF WR4.PFCR. The in., i You Have ,8 A Dtl ICI0US DRINK.... AND ABSUlUriY piRr. InfUtToc f.r ih.. n:a ti. Mon ".".i 1 19 j S I 4 So 7 9 10 U -0 S 10 X 2 5 ! Tue ...30, 4 IS 8 o,l a 2" SO 11 01 0 0 11 40 1 2 Th.ll is Vel . SI, 5 347 5 22 S 1 11 57 0 5- I T oboiTVe a picture ..f perfect h .'n.'. :noh a num ti.'ii ,rn.i;i :i.: h! w;f" .-'nim'n.- t. rt. Th .!.. t say. t?i Orfsonuin r c-'.v. J u-., :i..n h nu.l.' hv4ii. vvli 'n It l h! i(w In- st'n,.r.i!ly K".o w'uit I ' -rt t is ;o M .1.. a'i.1 9 l.i pfcun:ary t'oni,lir:i:!o:i fr mi-:. Consul." s;nr--f . uinvrt; Mm- ;a:ln A:orU and b-i:!t:in Ii.t . fTor'. merve of the rh:::;::'- f- r'"' " :. arouse paVio .it:tn:ln t- th. r.u ntumW'.ns WiKk in tv ;ia:h - f tnv a:i:i. -low inrl'i ;- l tv: nun-'.y o:i r. lur expatiflo.t:: o far as ihT i'..i.i-: ri.i;:. ichvi th- !.! ,f th? .m.r' n--'!iw. asi:aurs -or Ji's. i-n.l 'o u.' any arna- j ;.! r::ory. Wha:. th-uisrh. sha'.i W !h.v:pn: men Involvwl wltS material wlfire 'f a jncayunish h-.t. Lie "i i virtue thefC is ill end na-.lona'. va!ih. !Ur- is the C.vis.i: . or- from wli.vh the tt-m Is .-.i.: ! t.a- : . .Unlmxcc t Pears' soap does nothing but cleanse, it has no medi- Th Nurth Facirtc 15'rwery, of wliiel-1 llutt!.,' trr fur family tier, or k g Vr.Ji ltn Kopp i pnpritor. ninke v t btr attppliiHl at any tiit, ilolivry m for ilnmrio Hint export traili'. tile nty fre. e Horth Pacific Breuerg arm t .-. n.-uvvru u uvruvarmru utj u vmAAmuiAiAAnnAAAiUuuinAuiAriJfiAfl I The IMPERIAL. tc. I TMOS. (II'IM'AN, Proprlclftr Seventh tinil VnMHIrttorl Htn. Portland, Or. anjwvwn nriruvarvruvva rui n nruvvn aji an nnnvarcrvrt ru waiwi a trut THE LOUVRE Pears at Manila, for Instance, who say that , l- n.ithini: and is not capable of one.ten:h of the leland of I.uxon-all that I a-iyiMinu for tne advancement .. ! Seventh and Astor Street smsta M.iti!( . uukk. I'i'.rn'.K. xnm.r.. i HIlhUKY AM) SHAKS MALT UHlShll'.S. j ; ALL ()THr!K LIOIOKS. IKS, HKKK AND llliAKsi !;r;tl IJiiy unci lulit. j iAl'i;i!ST K'RATZ. - - Miinimerl Pacific Sheet Metal Works Salmon Vegetable Fruit .... MANUFACTURERS OF CANS spice and Syrup Lithographing on Tin a Specially. San Francisco. Cal. Astoria. Ore. Falrhaven, Wasn. Astoria. Ore. Writs Uta for Price W. F. SCHEIBE, it,Aii"Mvltirer of llic Alwnt' MeltHo A lull line el Plp. Teeacce, enj iHktr' Aitlclti. 7-' Cotnirvlnl a. "Ls Bell A.storld" Cigar ScheltesOpeu Star Schcltc's Special An. I Mlier H C. J. TRBNCHARD, Commission. Brokerage. cm..... """- u AST0HIA, UntuUN. Insurance and Shipping:. Aeiil W Y. At' en.) raclflo Ktirr.i Co ASTORIA MEAT COMPANY Telephone No. 9J Handles Only the Choicest Meats 41H CemercUI HI., ntit I'aleee U.aleaiai.l. "Russell" Automatic Engine L JMj-J. '.'jala"1 ...I. i. r,.ir j..liiivi.iniir.vlu,-e WV. . n cjmmur.ity. and which yet without mm a year, and that with better culti- P"V condemn a proposition It hasn't the j Cal properties; hilt it brings ration and proper care tlr may he In. l''a !0 understand, or toa lie, to tho-c the color of health, and creased to twenty time, a much The;1"' ""k mj,,e through u.-h action j health itSelf. Give it time. UiiiWmViWVitiiintm 3 i Wi ll" fur ( 'iit.ilu'.ii s ul' Kiiinr 1 Ituli-r-. Saw Mills A ll AVKUll.l., l;i ssi;i.l. ,v en., Milliliter. I 'urt hilxl, l ej.'itl tola! average Import? of the Philippine hy s-fkinir to add l: w-ak ie Pn Islands for the ten years ending- in 1C j ,0 ,!"" hunderou clamor of th-s- in. T?17.CS.044. and the average exports-'-1 hireling? The readers of the for the eame period were over twenty ) frm whl' " thl- item is taken hav. million dollar a year. Of this the Tnitej States nver took more than 112 VV0f. a greater and more vital Interest in th" development of Astoria' st-apor: ad- but .11 of that was under Spanish rule, v.nta. than any e(llal number ! s time ' men '1J own property in the ci:y of As. ria. And. If they had no direct Inier. t In that question, what would they It may be assumed that from thl: forth the develoiiment will be rapid, and J In a decade or less under American entr. i . .. . ., .,, , , . stand to mak- or lose on the downfall prise the Bay of Manila will rival as a t Astoria's l-nitimate aim- and hop.s, mart the port of Hongkong. a jio matter how chimri;-al m-s- amhi. ; tlons mish il.'ie i not to b.- deem-.l ,'jlpanle V ".iii'f one is unfortunate. It makej nc difference how bud the wound Is If you use DeWlit't YV t-h Ha2-1 Salve; It will quickly heal and leave no scar. Charles Rogers. Kvryone tries to rell ve that no w 'tk on earth ls as hard as thir own THE OCCIDENT Astoria's Leading Hotel Mcglcr & WVrlgHt, Props. I ; Acker's Kni?llsh R-meJy wili top a couith at any time, an. will cure the l wor! ..ill In twelve hours or money re. funded. 2.'. and '" cents. For sal.- hy Kstes-i 'onn Irug Co. A rar. waist f.isn.oiie,! of niauw atin ril.i' .n. six in. he ..-. str;"-I A , ' h hia. k clv-t. MA. N I - I Columbia Electric and Repair Co. SucceMHor to COLUMBIA IRON WORKS Th rt'ki: A 'l,i IN UN K lAV Two of the sreatest ens'.neerins ' at of the century must he credited to France. They are the Suez anal and the Mont St. Gothard Tunnel. In the one case De Leseps. in' the face ,,f .) f. I flcultlen that appear-d w. U nish :-i.. mountable. Joined th- water of -h-Mediterranean with thos.- of t? R-d 8a and itave a new pathway to the world's commerce, and in the o'h-r. French engineers pierced ;he very ha k. bone of the Helnetian Alps and brought France and Italy practically tn -a h other's door. Great as these ens'.r.e.-rir.s; feats are. they were child' .i,iy in com parison with that np'-n the execution i em to be. . 1 I l'a-y may be a matter .' nt;m-nt hut s-n;iment is never a matter of duty Tax.- l.axaMV.- Ilrnnni 'Jiiiulu.' Ta'ii.-t . I'KMI'I.i: I.'imK N 7 V 1' A A M It.-k'nlai oiiimuiili a' on. held on I !h.- pri an I ii,ii. Tii..'.av t-v.-nmij of , ., h nioiiih i; v i.i 'i -in:ititv. w M . K Hi ! ,1 !: N . S.- t -ary r?ri e: j ,! .In u-k.-'s r-f in, fi. . 'ire 2.". . .-ul-. Th j It. y on . :i- h taW-t. ttion- If It fall n mi., has I, , r-:t:!4; til- nn'i.-iis m nk.- iin al. .i -i I w!;- i.n.Kd. .-iir f-.lon has t . have it -n, e. a i rntNi;ys .i ij iu'Wi.nv. 'l T'lltNI.'V N I ' i ul NSIil.l.ilIt AT LAW .'III... Hon. I St.. i, A-.irU ore til an ih - ' tu!i. hat. i i u!.h,ipi.h-r ''i .:i j.iii 'fie-i wi'h - oiil and ' it- Death 't Betrothal. A few years a?o a New York newspaper j conducted an open diciiinn upon the of which France will pr-.biMy ent r in topic: l .viirriHije a i-ai.,ir.-' The answer is eay and upon the urt'ace U'iiere the closing day, of the century. ThiJ there is mutual iove and rc-p-ct. if tin re i- iso neaith. m..rri;tfe i a .m u-. When project Is a railway r the sreat Sahara Desert, and a more formidable one It Is hard to Imagine. The T'nior, Pacific railroad was a great nnd'ak. inff and a great work, and when f"in pleted th" l.n- will other great triumph for modern .-n-'in ,-. ing science. Hut th- iv... great works combined cannot in magniiude the project of spanning th- Sahara with lines of steel. As Its name implies, 'h Sahara Is a vast s-a of sand. It i .vt restless, ever shifting, and how a solid roadway can be c--mtru ted on it un stable surface Is more than the ordinary lay mind can iind.-rs'.-ind The Fren-h. however, are an Inventive and enterpris ing people, and If the t.-.'i'e heart of the Dark "ontinent ran he tnpped wrn rails and tires Franc., may he trusted to do the work. A Portland man pays that Astoria is coming to her senses by developing the country around h r instead of . 'la-in;: the delusion of a big s'aport. The above Item, from an Inland paper illustrate the utter Ignorance .iH'1 Irdif. feience of the average country oiuor to those living questions which concern th welfare of the peopl- who r-ad and aiipport his paper. Th.- Oregonian may ridicule Astoria's claims as a seaport without arousing among those who un derstand the situation other emoiions than withering contempt for n great paper which, knowing the force of the Astoria contention, can yet be bribed with a share of the ill-gotten gains to nr,ui I- let", out. eu-ii in-- I..,-', ani-nt love die not count, and tiurriage is invariably a failure. Modern s.-i -nc- has cri-d the warning ioi.ften that ai! should realize tile dangers of wedlock to - o;,:- in ili-h.-.iith. In a case of this kind death lurks ,,n everv side in the ki-s of betrothal and the caress of the honeymoon. The man who is sutTering from iil-health is a physical bankrupt, and has nc right to condemn a woman to be ins nurse for life and lii- mother of babes that inherit his physical weakness. Ir. Pierce's Golden Medical Ii-covi ry acts directly on the digestive orgotiisra. It makes it strong and its action p -rf- ct Wnen a man's di gestion is all right his blood will be pure, when his blood is p..,..- his nervous system will be strong and in- luaith vigorous. A woman who surfers from weakness and disease of the delicate organism of her sex is certain to -urTcr from general ill health, and to be an unhappy, helpless invalid and a disappointment as a wife. Her children will be werik. puny and peevish A hapoy home is at. impossibility for her until u.-r health r- t-.wr.-d. Dr. Pierce s J-'avorite Prescription :i.r s all tr.. of the tiuctiv f iii-ri in- or-r-it,: -n. It cures tli-rn speedily, cotii'iletelv and permanently. It fits for wifehood and motherhood. Both medicines are sold oy all good dealers. I Some of the results of m-g e.-ted ds. p p ic conditions of :be stomach are 'cancer. . onsump' ion. heart disea-e an J. D. Bridge, editor and proprietor of ,"l""'P-- Kodol Dysp.-j.-la Cute pr the Democrat. Lancaster. N. II. savai "I 'v""! a;; :! l'' !,y "" 1 ''"r would not be without one Minute C mth 'in a I -.,.. "t -lvt.eps.. Charl- s !( K r Cure for my buy, when troubled with a I . " .(iiin or col.l ( ' -he pmi.,l fori Do-- .' tnak- 'hinn- croup I ever used." Charles Rogers. d-n'.-' .!. -n , harg- . a-tv 'pulling the wrong too'Ii'1 lltuxuRious Travel r. M1III-: Not I..U-si.-iti Mriilte.l" trains. el.cttl, !!ght,., 1 'ii oilKlioir. t).,lh . it Wfietl -,.. and out. mi I lo-a'-d, are, Aithou: e -. i.,r,, tbr Uto si trains In thti world. Tliey Die ia!et, new, st rf. m- wom.-n nasi- . iciugh word- Iti j ,,,,,) .,l j r cmfoit. convenience foolish .-..nver-a-ion to mak- .. ood. ! TOUB TACB. .and Pnurv .-ur ..ffer-eu fie trav-l ng siz--I dictionary. 'shows the state ot your feelings and the !'-"'":''H" -':v " ""' i stale ol your health aa well. Impure t -t pi..,lu 'I .u f the car Don't think you can cur- that s igh- ! Mma make. Itself annar tit In a nal anrl . '"illdei .' ar. Blacksmiths BoilerMakers Machinists ! Foundrymen Loggers Supplies Kept In Stock L.ou,lii Heilticss llnllt mill Hcpnlrcil. Heavy Forging Under Power Hammer a Specialty Sulc Manufacturers of the l"osnrjnscl ... " Harrison Sectional" Propellor Wheel ... Conlnu'torH for Klirtric I.ij;lit.H and Tower Hunts. LOOIv! a. a k o. i -p-p:a o u.- ing, or r ,ai;w complexion, pimples and skin amp will cure Hlf. Kodd Dysp-p-la ' ur- tonn u yo are feeling weak and worn will cure. ,t; it "digests what yu eat." I out anj j0 not have a heajlhy appear-j and restore the digesrlve organs t j an,e yu should try Acker s Wood Elixir h-alth. Charles Rogers. I t, r r, ap t,ood diseases where cheap j sarsapanllas and ko-eaned purifiers full; S .rn- m-:i appear t- t.-i.i.k "i.i- the know.nR this we sell every bottle oh a only 'ay t. make t.h- r homes a"ta, t. j guarantee F"r ale by F.s'es-iv- .- to k-.;. .may fi..m ti.-m. .Conn Drug Co i I i- ii- I'r.eimi nia. ,a grippe, coughs, cold .roup and whoop. rig c-ougn readily yield to One Mi'.ute Couth Cur-. I'se the j """ remedy in time and stiv- a do- tor's bill : it the undertaker's. Charles Rog-r. i OJiufvi Burt tie yl'",: It is to et.'iiu-- .iv.- ! , ! Bignatore f:..-k when your f-.-t ar. -o , 'd th.V j f tto-y mak- your te-th cli.i-t-r. i . a , o- t. ' ti a . - Pi : '. mi i ! tri, th- ti- -.l A II t,.- f...i sve ni Bcufct OAHVOIIIA.. Ii-tti--"h'l'l jifTul: i 'n'nii;i!ly. ijn. iii-t n f 'i I tik - i i. .i - HI 1 '( i f din Beantb. IttSaUWlBCilJI j , ,. ,,,,. ,,,,, Itil'A 'A III-; OF Ol NT.M KNTS4 Fol! CA. TAItl'.H TI(T CONTAIN I MKIP.'CRV. as in- i' :i;-y A i siiry d-stroy the j.f -riii I arid -iinpie'ely .p-tang- the jure.!" -yM.-rn wli-ti enter... g - throuL-h ti,.- n,;i. .us ..irf.iccff. Such arti -Ii-h shoij d Th. .. Sp'-i d d Tr il'i-i'ot;ti- t i h The (irtiif onli-ni Tlif Vii I !i in i' i i(i. .in! Th- liiu.i'iiiii I'.ntli, I AT ST. I'ACf, FOR CH!l.-M.( iind I lu- i:ST. N i ex. i i . I a i g. f..r t u-.-rlur ' otl'lno.l.i i u; an l al, . :,!. ... of thki-ts ,ar.. av.ii.nbl- for ..iiik- on I tie famous j "Not I li--A.-. .-tri I.iinl'e.l " All train, ..n I this tin- in- protected by the I ti . i locking lilock system. , V. II. MKAD, F ('. HAV AUK, O.-ti'l Agent, Portland Ore. T. A. Ikt rKlicrmt n's (iowls on the Murkrt. Car IhihI of (irunite iire iiiini lit tust. Hd-incli. first -i'Iiiss Culurcil Siitttns, nnU II) cental per fiird. Other tlilnijs iriiiui tiunattli clunp. Come ami sec them. THE RACKET STORE. Stop and Think! Are Vim ietllnu The Hewt MchIh, The HeHt LhitiorH. Or The Rent Merit That can be had In the city? If not, It I' II can He you have nut visited Jeff's Restaurant. What . niid ever -xp-ri- n--d any pl' in the p'j-se..i,,n of a toy whi-Ii I was told must he baullid .-ar-fully. A. k-t's Dys p-;a Tablets ar, od on a positive guarani-e. 'ui-,-- h-art burn. m-vr he u.-.-d x'ep' on prescriptions i iTINIUtirV:A4lNIIM M tit "V BLANCARDS 'Ji.rd.-n wrk l.s a n-w ( m-'ly for so. i- y trcti ivh' are broken pi health. By allowing the accumulations in the boweds. to remain, the enihe system Is poisoned. DeWltt's Little Karly R.ser.s regula-e the bo-.v-i.-:. Try th m and y,.j will always use them. Cha. Rogers. A woman with a sore voat bound In tiie r-d ilaiir,.-l would look re. ally derolk-tte in comparison to the woman of fashion in onie of the lat-st neck fixings. 1,,-iok o, ,ooo, o. a.i.-r eaiing, any ,um r .. p , , , fl 1. 1 .. hven.. as the darn fotm i,f dyspepsia. One 1.11- tablet gives ,,,y ,, j(1 . ,,., , of, I irnme.iiate reli.-r. 2., and vi . enls I--ale hy Kstes.i 'onn Drug 'o. from them. Some men become famous by constant) practicing the fraud of ati-end-niiiide. ne-s. IODIDE OV IRON If you suffer from ier,d-rp-' or full ness on the right side, pains und-r shoulder blade, constipation, biliiousness, ck headache, and feel dull, heavy and iepr. your liver Is ton-id and con gested. DeWitt's Little Early Risers will cuie you promptly, pleasantly and permanently by removing the congestion and causing the bile ducts to open and flow naturally. They are good pills. Charles Rogers. Sck headache absolut-ly and n -inly cured hy usinK Mokl T-a. A pl.-asaiit herb drink. Cures constipailon and Indigestion, rnak-s you eai, sleep, work and happy, riatlsfa-tlori guaran teed or money refund-d. 2i and it cents. For sale by Ksf-s-fonn Drug 'o. '"' ,votl r:,n r.ovioii'e rii-rlv I Hail's I'a'arrh Cur-, tnatititactured by F. ' .1. ''hcn.y Xc Cm., Toldo, O,, contains no mercury, and is taken Internally, acting directly iip .n th- blood and mucous ,ur- fa-cK of the ysem. In buying Hall's i pfnnyrdyii phi; lorANfiMIA.POOKNIl.S.Sol Hi. Iil.ooi), ; tursM in i iiinai. WI AkMiSS flcudia a a it... (I None genuine miles signed Hi.a.m aku ' I A l.l, IIKt'l.l'.ISTS R. POlKllik A 4 CO.. N. V. Agls. lor II. S. Observe the sane- courn-sy In asking a service of another as you would expeet yours-lf. If you have piles, cure them. No use undergoing horrible operations that sini Dly remove the results of the disease without disturbing the disease itself. Place your confidence in DeWitt's Wlti-h Hazel Salve. Il has never failed to cur others; It will not fail to cure you. Charles Rogers. do, Ohio, by F. J. f'heriey & Co. Testl- triotilals free. Sep) by ddigglsis, price 75 cents per bottle. Hall's Family Pills are the b'-st. What a glotiou day was yesterday. CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Signature of T " 'HI illlin"l'ilic,l(li ('l'UC !;.( 4inl hiini-ii "iiiijiin or iim ii-iniw ftion" il.. v ran "jfr Miitp' n trlrlH ut Udiii miiuoii, ii-iun ii.. Vt-t., idii, nt fif o. l,,n- uiiii t,.,,ii Nil Vu rmf'v for voin'ri i-'iunln ttlt III. I Bull ,t f'i h ii M f(. ' ('.JIM' " , ,,. f, II.- m I l.n SUr. Wlllliimn'inrlMi,..!' ' )intfn!Jit wil! iT'it H.hc. rl.cH, U atwiiriih the tntum a. Fur those who roiUlr a gmiulna fed, May gel there with tconumy all that lhy need. Thousands who know 0 hav. freely confessed That of sil the icreai caterers "JKKK Is il... IIIOMT. I.nok fur tl.e -il'ii d iiii.I lake no other. I MaMiel,.-,! I cnly yenm. Hct.d 2 cent stamp to psy posiags and get a Tlds Table for lM. FISHER BROS. Ocncral Supply Mouse for Family (iroccrlcs. Builders' Heavy and Shelf Hardware, Ship Chandlery, Etc. Can Save Tou Money on Estimates nf Material of Every Descrlptloa. . tJ a... i. amiii 1 1 m e ti B (9 ilhtt tsiliitlce. ciw-m 1 . . t - . t f lief. Dr. Williams' Indian iMeOir,1.. in cut Isnreiiaicil for I'l,... i,. Ing of Dm prlvab! parts. Mvery ho n -uriHiiteii. fy orurgot. (y jfe.o -a, rr i. Lit of price. .VI cj-nts and I.IH(. iUii . iiyi j;lfACIUBIND CO.. Props.."''. For Ml by E43TE8-CONN DRTJCI OO, i-fra MPOOD RESTOREDSS Wr," fcrtf 2v f ti.xiol a liiiiiousl ri iicli iii)'M-mii. will (iiiirklrisirsyinin all in r- ti IU l V ' M "" or dlM-es 1,1 ll.e generuliv ,,,., m,e, M (. Mll, , IS 'if. l IiiHi,nii,la, iii,,e1,,,m KmiIhhI Nervous IMillllv, bl 1 Irt i WaV I'lmplis, ttnllnicss lo Marry, (.!, muiiim v,.n..,..iu ..1. V f V - C'ointliiiitlori. It skips nil lusse, hvilur or nliilil Pi.-nms nnlek. sz sj ni ss of iliacliargn, w Men 1 rherkeii Inula to himI BCrORr a a irTCB all tho horrorsnl lniniency. I'l'IKUfsHclemnaiaUioliver, Hit DlfUfif. i,j sriin ili-iirinaryorgiinsol sil luijiunilcs. f'ITBffnKSIK .trenfftliensnnil lesloressinsll weak .irirnlin. 1 l.n rensof. sufferers are not cureii by Ins-tors Is lii cuiise ninety per cent srs troubled wllh Proslsilltls,. tTI'lliKNKIstlieniilwkiiuwii renie tocurHWIihi.iiiiiM iiu rtloii. Mmotesilmunl. Is. A written ruiirntiice given and money relumed If sis Ikisi does not eUeci a imrumii, iilcure. 1 1 IX) u bus, six fur f.l.Wi, by mull. Hind (or nik circular and n-iluioi,i4u. tddiits I4 VOIs JllIUCIXIl ., 1. O. Hoi 370, Hsu Pra.utlst o, fid. FirfMrl CIURUE ROOEnS. 4f. Commercial Bt.