4 TUB DAILY ASTOKIAN. TIlUi::iDAV MOIlNIiNU MAY 11, 1S00. . W - 'MSB Mm An Kxn'llonl ('oinl)lnii(ioii. Tlin ili'n.iint iiii'tlnxl iiml liciifflrlal pfiiMiu df I lir Mt'il known rrtnnily, Krni'i iv I'ihh, iiiniiiifiii'liiicil dy lliw CAUrulirilA I'lo HvniH' to., llliii.lri.Ui Um viilui' uf ulitiiliilnif llin lliiulil lit.'.- live u liii'lplim of tilunl l(liiitviil Iw iiuniiclnuily limutlvn it ml iirtwntliiir tliniu In tlm form niiHil ri'fri'hlilnif In tlm til -.to Mint ai'i'i-litttlllo li Hit. kyiili'ill. It IhIIiu i.iii u'ifi'rt Mrt'liKtlii-iilnir In na tive, olcminiiiif tliK m'Momi i'ITitIiiuIIv, liM'lllHf I'uliU, lii'tiilurlii'a mid fivi-'ra If'intly jrt iri.niilly mnl riielillnir one t.iovrri'iiiiin liul'lttml (oiiktlwtliill ht nmiiriitW It Hirfii't frwiliun from fvrry object lunalili. nu llt.v ami miIi tanoe, ami It at-llutf on tin' klilury, JiTur mul liuivrla, wit limit ivmMriiiiiK or lrrltntlii(f tlirm, malm It tin Irioul litiattve. In tlm priM'ciw of innntifiirturliiif llir ra unoil, M tlii-y aro ili'Bant to tlio lxU, but tlic mi'illi'liml I'lialltlrauf tlm rmrly arc ulitnlni"l from m-iiiia ami olhrr niinatia plant, by a inHlio.1 known to tlm t't.iriiHHi Kin bviu r . only, In order U K't 1 1 Iwnerlolal effect and to avoid Imitation, Ibjw rtmomlwr the full natnr (if tlirl'mnpaiiy 1'flntod on tlm front of every ttuubaffa. CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. am raNciaco. cau uiotartLt.il kt. waw tobk. r. lt Hk by all lfuglU I'll. UK; i larflle An '"M.faahlon! Bo war larderi erne to lv taken up IU abode la mm of th lanimar bat. r 'i AT, ViSz EN ROUTE TO THEIR POSTS V I ll."- U.l do Ul CwiH-iiia Face Humors I'imjilci, Ru khrniln, iiinilc rashes, ml, muli lianiU, fallmft hair, ami Imliy lilrinishrii Jirrvc ntcd ly Cni i'ka Siiai1, i mire preventive ol in flatnmaiion am! flogging of the Tore. Spanish and American Mlnlstirs to Arrive at HcspvctlvcCapl tals Slmulteanoly. QUEEN KEGCMT'S DESIRE AnxlouiThit Arcost Should Be AP' pointed Out of Consideration for Hit American Wife. NIUV YOltK. May JU.-A (1liialili to ihu 'l'r I I'Uiie frMii I'arla y; lly a o"in. iiiuii uiiilnraiaiioing arrivta at uoiwfii ilio A in' in ii and Hiianluli mmlainii ao. ' ri'llleJ fonpi'i llvnly lu Mailrdl . ami W hlnluti, Iiiuii nt wliom ara now l I'mU, ll Ii ni.J lliai their arrival! In Ilia lo riIUI aliall lo aa nrarly an lic.mblo uliiiullaiiouudy. Mr. hiorrur, riiliiti HiaU-a iiiiiilli. arnvtd hr llila mumlng frmn lliuimi'la and bad a con tiiiu Kilti tlio Uuk of Arcua. wriu, ftllli Die Uu lion ut Ar.oi, futmnriy M;m I 'Wily, ut New Vulk. ha bii n)in lii I'arl uliiox rriday, nnd in mint lu remain hoi tinUI May II. when limy will gu lu 1undun 10 paa a rVw In) Id lui o lllng fur Nw York on i KaUnr Wllliclin Jr Uto mi M J. I'lun ihvlr airlval al Nr Vurk tb 1'uk ami luch uf A run will proofed illtiHily lo Waliingi"ii, (topplnv only oiuiln uf huurt In Now York, to a to rn li mningiuii on iuuy. May . llir day uuiii whli'li llir Unlt Hlaita mlnuur will airlva at Wa'hlnrioii. It haa iratilnl thai It w llir ar. Iiral .rl.olll d'lll 01 III qui-cn r-Illl tlil Him Huaiilah dllilulimtlai d. tnl f"r inliiinlir In Waalmigti.n alioulil br una h'i. lu un III qurvn n uid, ill- ") r tlio llllllirlln adlllagn III liaV'I'g ii Anirriran wife, whli h, li In r injr ii iiiilnli.il, wuuld r'iiiltiile an n'lili. iiiiiwil bund uf aympalb)' to urngtlirii lir fuiura dl(lonitlc irlatlmia "f Hi lu iMii'ina Tti Luk ami inirin- m Aioi ar In riifllanl li-alHi and aprlo. ami liMik f'rrd Willi krrn i.i-illlr 1,1 rcnrwltif tlirlr agrnuliir t r'Mil no. la! islallulia of tunia- )mi K lin i'ii- link of Arcoa a U'lml tn im ft'iili fitlon at AV'-liii'itioii ll will b reinoiiiti-i"l Unit Hk- Imki' "William J. Ilryan will b tha nut ili-liim-ratli' nomlnvw for 111 praatdancy. Aa lo Hi" plulfortn, I do not know what liritcr wi coulit do than to roafflrm that uf 4'hli'ugu. Nolhliitf can ha atalned by it -liMK. If Hi" allviT ilank I li'fl out, away go lh ioiullai ami allvpr ri'iuilillriiiia, who llm ki-il lo Ilryan, anil In tliHr alfitil would coiim Hin gold di-m-iirrala of Ih it, whoan iiuiiiIiit I llMolialili'laliln. AN AMCIIK'AN ItKhKAHIJU KIIOM A fiHiMIIIA I'UIHON. CONGRESS WILL SOON MEET Thrown Into J. ill for ll-lm a KUH'iKi'T, Mi Now J rlim il.U I 1-Vj,'0 iiiiuKi' I'liliT Hi'ii'IT Kjii,, Miiy lo .-Af it a ronfliMiiiiiiil of about alx yum In a io- llilrol nrlaon In lh M'publlo of C'olotn. Iila, Arililn M. Carlur, a civil englfiwr and ronlU'tor, irumlni'iil In tlila t'lly uiilll 11, whi'ii tin l'-ft for Yuiatun, ha Iiml hcmi lllw-ralnl unit relurnnd ti-r llv haa mud a demand uixm th t'oloin. i Ida govurnmwit fur tl'MMM and haa goiu- lo WaahliiKton lu willai llir aid uf llir j Knvpriimiiit In ruln-' llii; II. I Mr. C'artur had bi n abriil from ihla i lly about Ihrio yra lnf.irt any word had lMn ri'"lvd from him, and iliri ! . . . . i a Ir-ttar waa r"iv'i uy a irini. it . Imru III 'n''r mark of tlm cuiiiinmii!-r : uf Hi prlaon, who In a HilaiTlit oal I that no cuiniiiiiiilrallon would ! allnw"l to pM to or from tlm prlauni-r loin Jiltii; tlm imuo uf til l olillli' ill' 111, Huiialntf Cabinet Memter Says President Will Call It Together This Fall. WANTS POLICY FORMULATED Ike Prtsldtm Dcslicl That Congress Should Attend to the PhllipMi PoMcm After Peace. nv ahlp on th ra with J.W all told, and (hi- AmatrrrtiiriJ. whlr-h arrived to. day, haa iwvrral hundred, NVarly I'al niln arrived Tuwlay on tlio Turliir I'rtni a and M.nll, and mora, ar on Ih'ilr way hfr. I'OINT IX IMA KOKTlKICATIOXfl. HAN rillKM), 'al May R.-rnoral John 'Si. Wllnon, chlrf of the n1n.-r rorim of th army, haa Juai nimlc a vry thorough liiHwi-(lun of the HhIIiki point f'Ttlll' allona and of the rt of the hat. Ii-rln on I'olrit Imn. II hua alao fx. rriliinl lli work of disponing (he bar wMiri I bclnn diii'lui'tcd by t'oirtaln I'lilhimua. ItKMKMIIKKKD TIIK I'OOIt. IfANOVKIt. May l-Th will or thi? Iiitu K'lward V. 1'i-rry kavf th; gnairr ortlufi of hi eatato, varloualy -itlrnaid al from 3sp to l,Wnu, an u trust for ihf l'iu-llt of Hi poor of tli! and two ailJolnliiK towna. NUTICTi! rtOflCE: NOTICE! H..a:ed bidi will U received by th. un. JiKii"d, at No. l and No. 1 Fourth triet. pjriltnd. Oregon, up to and until May Mb, Vti, at ; o'clork p. m for the purcliaa of the entlr atock of drug M-.W YOltK. Mny A ! la: to th- 'I rliiuiM.' from VVanhliigtoii aay; Tho r. vlval of tin- lulk of tin mild nifilon of i.iiiurf-a Iiiik moiv bi'hlnd It than nli- Kiii. Tin- luiiiinK" in y of am h 'iori land medlclnca, gooda and merchandlae, liaa Ix-i-n llnru"'d at a rablni-t rnr' tlng. ,ail ahelvlng and trad flxturei, except. ,ind a iiii-iiiIkt uf that holy who ' In only two nlrkel pla'ed ahow caaei In liriai'iit at Ili- lime l authority for ihe ; :iia rear and therruf. con'.alni-d In that i4ii-m-nt Hint Hi" pr-ld' iit'a niiinl la ,:naln drug nor formerly Owned and him lo hav o(rninll th govi-rtimrnt , atrotigly liulnwil toward aucti a move, joccuinea oy in. Kutni-conn Drug Com. in Ih promotion of om init-r(irli. nu j'lwo naon lilnfly i-onirol the prt-ahbriu ;l'any, at Noa. M'OU Commercial atrret. (Tort wa madi' by hla frlmda to learn ! in Una nuiti-r. Jlu wlli-a tlir w,ii; ol Aiona. ur?on. rerma or iiale, cah on Ih fault In hla , and h uWrig a man Hi" govi-riimniu with rl',,,t t'i'- ah o.oa mum o accompanied of no rmllv. llicr -waa no on drmlv . PbiWii'lii-a 'J'-llii.-d and thr rurn-my t oy cerwufii cneux or oepoait or t.0 rtunigli Intert-atud lo apn-al lo th gov. iii'-tlon diKpoaiil of ln-f r the .rt en- or bd will nol be conald-nd. If bid I rntntnt for an explanation. I t-ra thr rampalKn or '.'. 'Mi pmldwu ;not accepted, d"polt will be. Immediately II olalma lo hav U-'-n Ihn.wn Into haa di rlarnl hla hi-ll.-r to hla a'lvU. r 'ruriini. me rgni io rj.cl any and LENGTHENS YOUR LIFE Jail upon iiiepldon of bflng a fl'.lliuatrr, for which auaplulon there waa no ground. an. d eclair, ha waa denied a tn-arlng. Th" govpiimn-nl la taking denoaltlona r to eatabllah hla cl'l-nMlp, pr.-ar. atory lo taking th matt.r up will br rvulilleh'd In the !l biU reaerved. TIIK I'AHI'KT MKN SOW TO CiiMllI.Vi: that pi a llliillil'l'in i.hi.,11 ir 1111 hum wi. mid thn own. ihlp and pom aloii of m ' 'me time and place, for the the,. l.iamU will no ..HK-r be ill.uied. P"fchfa of that certain lwo-:ory frame Thi. .i i .omnia to him ao oon. he 'building iltualed upon the wu SO feet ilu not mn to foiinulttte a p 'lli y with r.H.l io iii.ir aurrniii.-oi, ui 'i'ire , ot limn ru lo I" granted Ih' in. etc. wllhoiil h aid uf riixrre. In I lilils will a.o be ilkt-wlae received by ot .he north half of lot t. blick J3, in .that part or the city of A 1 tori aa laid lout and recorded by John Adair, In Clat- whus-.''0 ounty. Oregon, together with th National I'arpH Company (irk'nnle-d Whli Ii Will liny and operate On .M.iiiiifiutiii lug I'lant. ph., ..I llir wholr ,ubje,-l III hla "I PU.;i. uui.gun. ex,-.pi.nj nx- lo lhat iMjily. The pn-a.dint l NCW YUtK May that in gollatloiii f an rtciiriit prop'-. I 4 lll'l'r.tflll (-''IK'nal" ' hain.e h ' meat-ag.- 'unwililiiK lo do anytlilng lhat will l c lai'ii ih). pri-aent ahundaiit pfonpTtn for hla party In the ciinlnit campaign. He f, ar Uiul any thing l'"kliig Ilk' dlay tur'a. Terma. caah on d:liV'-ry. The wo.;ory frame building will b aold ii'-J : 1 1 a mortgage thereon. I.OUI8 rtl.t.'MAfEIt. r-ated April 2S, 15S. I I pany. .i.i ....... and ami ltii'hea of An madr Mall to Waahliiglon ami N about I month ago i..n li luiiiliig io Hpaln from lii pi! Aliu-rlra a II). nil . Y"ik Ii-. in H.'lllh i4 UmWi Um I4 C".. lr . k-ta. ii-" pTVII flltia ilhl'mii irMUaw..i'M liN OK KA t't'll I I ItlHTt IN m-:h VOIIK M 1 V ' mm n. in, m io I'r'M iil Ah) Mul.' t'lul nan H. !.-- H.-alrr l-'roin Tirat. tug lli-a-i KllK M.n In Th.. a). A ! ii miit. il int.- b 1. 11'. 41. t 10 ) t 't ton nilniti.i:Uina v WE STAND UACK OT KVERT PAIR Of HllOt. Mom pai.pl ar harder upoa their aboee tbao other. Home ar apparently hardy upoa tliem. That'a when the ehoe baa eomatbln; to do with 11. It'a eay 10 b hard ea a poor boo hard to be bard on a good one. How much lunger win one etioe (good) laat than another (bd)T Ju twice In moat caaea. That perhap aurprla) you. EXPKUIMKNT, TRY OURS agatnat any othere you caa get in lown. Compare In other rpoia all reaped too. Her ,1.1 111:4! lulia f Chria it .ill Hi I'll' r li.ai.la Mill III' longer (' I t.il.-iat.-il In ami alu.nl N.-W Y 'lk Th. fr. mi Maotranl ! wlil' h bavr l.irll lollownl by I'"" or III'' iiml itltl'" Imv r.aittii-d in a union of r.gularly II. " ii-il phtob laiia and the illntrli t al. loin. ) a uf ihr.- nnintl. a, for th. air. Pot . ( puiilaliing aa a. v. rrl) na llir U M-inilt. ail H-ruiia who prai-ilrr or rutin- l.-iiaiii .' 1 liar uinr) In i"e aula.- or an. ' "ih.-r j lnir. 1 All. tin y li. i.riii- '. Andrrw. I of .ati It. t. r rniinlv, annoiilir. a thai j In Kill .ck the grand )u' on May S to 1 In, ll, 1 lor tiianalaiight.-r In the a'-.'"inl j iligtrr Mra Clan-mv Kowler and l.latnn ! Itimmi. lr.. In e-onii' cllon with thr ilrih 1 of Mr- t'hailuttr M llaigii-t. who ill. afirr Mra Kw I. r'a ireatmi'iil. Tli' ' of Mla Klhrl I.. llargiH't. who l i haigrd with lu-liig 1111 arrraaory. will aiao In rnhaldin.l. Mr. Andr.wa Hiri thr, tallrf Hint he Inia a good ii' In th,. .- uf J.UIIr Kraiir, of Wll. llaili-l'iHK who.- Irg waa ailiputat.il III Ihe ralerii .lllrlrl hoepllal iifl.r hr hail l.n li.Blr.1 l) Mra .Maria Miller, il llipa. hi'llr Inalrr. ll Waa ilrrhlrd aflrr a i-unf. 1 erne li.iw.-en itllnala of In pn;rraa of aiHHi r.iirhlng 1 for a loinl'tna- 1 1 " 11 of niaiiufartiir.-ia uf nil grad.a of laria-t' of it rirM.railoii whii'h will r It now 11 aa llir National t'.irprt t"iu. ami wl.l I i rapltalll"! at u-iwr. n )'.ii.ii.i.i Thr fuliauilila. j!; .ii la bring proinui'il by N.-w York I ami Hi. !. 11 rapllallal ll la aald tin Naii"iial l'art.t '"tii.any will buy n j inn.', ufai luirra' plant and biialnrr T.r ',ik "'illi iigri.il upon, paying unr hair In 1 nail to rrptrarnl hi 111 t ra t nir lit III r.-al I I .in .' ami maihlmiy, ami on.- hair in . 'Hum 11 01 k of thr new lumpaiiy. It 'tli. aio pay .aalt fur itiati-rtal 011 hand. inaniifaiiiiri 'l and uuittaiiufartut'-d. lu pa'tiiiiiar i a a.-a . thr I. o.ik an-ounta will a o Iw pnri ha-r.l, if guarniil. '-d The ,..). 10 make thr-,- imri-tiaai a will b-ii.ii'..-. h) thr aalr ur a ei-v.-n t4-r ifllt ' jinn all),, prrfi-rird aim k wlili h will j to 1 fTi-r.il to thr iiitii-rrtta going Into thr . ii ov riiiri,, Tina rarrltTi a iKiniia of our 'hit. of roiiiiiioii atc'k for rarh li ialiana of pr.-fi rrnl. ao lhat thr ruiii em j . an lin omr an underwriter. Th.r ar. I h i ruiuml'ali'iia In be paid tu the undrr wrl.lug aytiiltrate. The maid In the kitchen make up In vlalilng rrtajlve ror what Mir larku In other line. In ..li I. r,.fi ,rli1 with ' imirciaiuii win nar a uau . iin 1. rvi Ihla reaaoti hr watiia tile whole country to know Irrjir li exactly what th- policy or the R.ni iniiiriii whl I..- witti t n-pei t tu our in w poaa. aaiuna In tin- j I 1 onrilr It not only a pleasure but a far Kaat. duly I owe 10 my neighbor to ted about Au.ii.hrr iow.rful controlling motive ;the wonderful cure effected In my case mat la ai .uailng the preenl. nt la hla by ih timely ue or Chambrrlain' Colic, atmi'g drairr to havr . arty ami punitive j Cholera, and IMarrhoea Remedy. I waa 1 a i)n tak'-n with ie-. t to the currency j uken very badly with flux and procured ipn -iloti. lie la a.inl to lr not thoroughly ;a bottle of thle remedy. A few doaea of aaiirtinl . with Hie d' UU ratlona of the ! .t effected a permanent cure. I tak. ri'imhll' an houM' caunia cunimltn which ! pleasure In recommendlne; It lo other imiitly furmuiot.d a Mil for Ituroduc. aufTerlng from that dreadful dia.aae. J. W. LYNCH. lorr. W. Va. Thli remeijy !a aold by Charlea Rogen. The wrapier halilt makea aome women look aa bad a thr liquor habit m.ikr unit mrn. M API-: IIKIIt Tt M1I.I.IONH HAN KlliAN "Irti 1. May Irt.-ltev Kd. waul llorKin. Ia1r aaalalanl rn'ior of (he Churih of Ihe Uoti.1 Hamarltan. In i!ii cliy. la reported lo haw been made inillluitalrr by the death 'f an aunt in New York. He la a native or Ireland. 14 yrara old. and ha dmc Rood inl- alniiary work among the imor. AN KI'IliKMIC OK HOKl'INll COCUII la.-t wlnt.r during an epidemic of ; whooping cmigli my children contracted j.nr dlaeaae, havltojc aever coughing tp-li. We had uaed ChambiTlaln'a l'ough Hi tnedy very atn cea.fuliy fiJr 1 croup and naturally turned to It at mat i tlm.. and found It relieved the rough and IrfTrciml a complete cure-John E. Clif ford, rroprlrtor Norwood lloue. Nor I wood. N. Y. Thla remedy la for aale by U'harlra Ilogert. Hun In thr ll .Uar w'hrn It convene again. Although the iiirmlM-ra of that committee rr uaually reticent, It la uml.-ratood that thr collimllli r haa not in all reaecla tollowrd the augge.tl. iia uf llir prealdi nt. Koui etroiag (Hiinia were brought out b Hie piial'l'ii: and thr committee waa thoroughly acquainted with hla jHiMtion. 'I'll. ni uinmrii'lallona were: Klrat-A protlalon lhat wlli mak' the 1 a, -1 ailed ell'l.eai. 1 hall) ciureil by thr r'deinptloii of pre 11I..11 k with gold and coiiMiiinn. runa upon the ttea.-ury re. -rv lniaaalhlr. I H.i oinl-T hai national lianka be permit, j P ift to laaili rlrrnlaltlin un to thr uar i )alur of Ihe bond deoal(id lo a'cure that circulation. n..-ii.l of only '. ler ci-11: aa at preaint. Third A reduction of the tax on na. 1 1 1 1 : .1 1 bank circulation, the preaenl tax being one per cent. Kourlh-Ttiat national Lank, wlih a aiital or i.niy U'i.kIi be author. led 10 b 1 eatabliahrd In amall towna. the minimum , how In lug li.oa. Not being aatlalUd with the m aure , ma n it 1. forniuiat.d i- u.e i.0u,e commiti-e to j FIRST Because, If any member m.rt the aiiuation. ihr preaiiient wisbe I of the family has z hard cold. It oWlvl' y a irnniuB arahi II III WW VI Ja a aa aaaag -a M v A OF COD-UVER OIL WITH HYPOPHOSPHITES i should always be kept In the house for the fol lowing reasons: Ih,. whole quotum taken up and din. hcallll to lll.- alll'l'iicllaa ror thr purrllt of tin- gill. Tiny will Ih' airaignrd to day In a UtiMikiyn po'.lci. court. While billi llir VYltllnmaliiirg and Hie Moll'il IMtOl'OSAI.S FOR I ' Olllce c.r C. U. M.. Vancouver narracka. j Waah.. May 2, 18W. Sealed proffa:a. In irlpllcate. will be received here until 11 o clock a. ni.. June I. is. an.i men Petersen 4 Brown. Oil ASSURANCE nnn SOCIETY OK LONDON. of Queen li-l.ilillt luil .luring the Anne. A. I rrlgn 171. lir foiinwrii aerni) (l,H,n,.,), for furnlalilng- fuel t th ev- Velimn caai-a Hilt bv Ii the i'-l auiiioriih' ami mc , , mliary ,, ., n thla department mi'.llial ...ci.-iiea. Jr. 8 l Vmb rprl, j f()r ytar ronml0n, ng July 11. 1SW. pnal.b nt of the New York county tiled. I ,. fornilk)n furnlahed h.re or by quur. ha. a . it), nnd Itula-rt M Taylor, thr j .,rmaetrri al p,,i:. V. 8. reaerv.a right aoiicty'a ciiunail, will go to Albany to , ...u,.. or orcriit any or all proposal ilny un, I c. infer with tlovrrnor Knoaevell (,r ny ptrt ,h,,r(.0f., Ktivclope contain. lug proporala ahnuld be marked: "I'ro pua! f r Ku.'l at ." and addrea.-ed to uiiili-nlgiird. J. W. J.M'Olta. C. Q. M l-lkli AND LIFE. .Huh, rib r,l 1'npllnl $ i!.'e.oiVal hi Aaarta ID. till .fail tai Xill plua o policy hulil'T t (il.iij.'i lJ Kxcluilve or paid up capltul Law Union and Crown Fire and Life Insur ance Co. Suliaerlht'il ur Kunrnntrnl cap ital f "...ki.ikki no Cilillnl paid up l.ssti.MHi INI Aaai'l ;M,l'Ji,li;t."i IKI Catton, Bell & Co. iinirriil AgrntH, Hun KriinclHi', ml, Samuel lilmore Co. Ilralilrlil Audita, ABtiirla Oregon. THE PROOF ..f the pudding la la th eating and the proof of liquors IS IN SAMPLING ihati an argument that' eon. cJualve4 deraonetratlon. our wUI aUnd th taet. HUGHES & CO. relative tu I he L'glMall'in HfTri-tliig err :ni ii cl, !-,'. nt prai'lilliinei-a, who have aoiight llir il'ulrctoi or the law here. Mirtln r or nut Mr. Vanderiiel will urge ai lh li in the cae or l'hrl-.lau Si lentlna uiul 'ay mpiii li.-ili h'alrra .lui wua not preparril to any. An .it tempt in learn from the lli-ooklyn luallllltr of I'llll-llilll Science (ho ninil- lur In which the healer amh na Mia. Kiih In wnr prepared fur their work In treating, hiininn Ilia developed a tendency of a -rrri'V un tin part of thr ii iauna In I'liutgr of (he liiHlltulloti, ri'uiii which Mra. Cow Id' leatllled ahe had n. cllli'il A degree. lilt Y A N TIIK NOMINKK. NKW YoltK, May 10.-Kiinner t lover n"r William J. Hlone, of Mlaauurl, who Ii at the HolTiiiiin lion.-ic, aald In an In- trrvlrw laat night: Sl MMUIt TI'.HM OP NOKMAIa SCHOOL j A aununer term or ten weka will b- I'r.d at the Suite Normal School nt Mon. illicitly beglnnliiK Tucadiy, June it.th. Thr ivgular work ut the achool, Including the prcpartitlon for all atato and county cxiimlnatlmi. will be Riven by the nor mal raculty. nrnil' made will he preillted inward graduation. Tulilon t6i. Hoard nnd lodging rrom $2.N to S3 p-r week. Totnl expense from J.15 to 0. For an. nounoementa, addreaa Secretnry of the Ki ulty. Normnl School. Monmouth. ixiaeil vt aa early a poaalhlc ao that It may not ) a factor in the coming cam. palgn. Thla alao appears to be the view of the trader. Mr. AUIrlch. chairman of thr Hiviate commilti-e on litiancr, who aa luat returned from Europe. In an intervl. w in New York, In the aia!'iinr. ;i-vntl aald he wouid call hi com. inlltrr togrther m I'Kiil aa o.aib:r and. .it he rxprcaaed ii, "g.'t right down to j .u-lnraa." Thla committer waa auihorixvd u lt during thr recess, but It waa believed : ial not lintel the cool months or the fill Ma -on would It really do any work . n the auhject. The declaration or Chair man AUIrlch eviilrntiy Indicates a change if pre i a in nir. In his talks with sena. ti.ra ami rrprrscntntlvea. partlctilariy . tiiurr w ho Intended spending the summer Hlir. ad, (he president has Intimated that ill,, possibility of a legislative eraer. MMicy that would require their presence irller than was thought Ilk' ly w hen the Klfty.tirth congress adjourned. The struggle over thr speakership will con sume time that was not anticipated. I Although the president Is exlreniriy emulous how he discusses oven the possi. 111I I - or ii special session or congress. Ills advisers who are closest to him re. gnrd a swvlal session as almost an as. stir. d fact. The men on whose authority Ihe above expression are based are or th,. opinion that when the president re turns rrom Hot Springs, he will permit It lo become scml.ottU'lally known thai o ingress Is to bo convened some two or iline niiMitliri earlier than the date Tor the regular mooting.. will cure It SECOND Because. If the chil dren are delicate and sickly. It will make) them strong and well. THIRD Because, if the father or mother Is losing flesh and becom ing thin and emaciated, it will build them up and give them flesh and strength. . FOURTH Because It Is the standard remedy in all throat and lung affections. No household should be without It. i: can be taken in summer as well as tn winter. V. and $i oo, ill drucgMtft. SCOTT & BOWNE, Chtrnwa, New York. H F.Prael Transfer Co. Telephone B. DRAYING AND EXPRESSING All Ooodi Shipped to Our Care Will Receive Bpeclal At'entloa. No. 53S Duane 8L. Anuria. Ore. W. J. COOK. Mgr. Ra. Tel. Ul KH'TY TIIOCS.VNU CA1.1C1AN3 1IOCNP l-'OK AMEItlC.Y. lioV KHNM KNT I'ltOlDSAUS WANT !".! Siuriige Quartets on Hamburg Crowded With This Class of Immigrants. I.inc ........lr.''-' (.kiiaai-JrO V---J4V . i!&;CA.'SKl 3, Inbuyln-Con. v i -zv-::.r ceiUica r..in;. CSv--,':." Take no aub- ,(1 ! - SHl-.aa' Ea i.!itu!o for the gidBnind Olllce of t". ij. M.. Vnnconvrr lturrm ka. Wash.. Mm' ll. y.9. Soiled proposals In duplicate, will be received .here until 11 i ..clock a. in.. May IS. 1W. nnd then ; NEW YORK. May I0.-.Y dispatch from opciitM for tiatisp.iiiall.in of troops and Mambur; has be.n received here nii supplles. from Seattle. Wash., lo Wrangc! noiiuclng that MMK' Oallclans are on ami 1ven, Alaska, mul from Wrung.-! their way, or preparing to come to th s and liven to Sciittli', Wnsli. I nformatlon 'country. furnished hero . r by Quartermaster. S - , The stcriagr qiiarteis n the C rnian. .in,, Wmi, I s i'..si'rv.'i the i-luht to American lines, it Is s.il.l. nr. crowded reject or ncceU nny or all proposals ur nny part thereof. Envoi, pea conttttnlnj; proposnla Wioul.l be mnrk.'d: "Trop'siiis for traiisiioitatloti of troos and iipple" ami addressed to undersigned. J. W. , which sans iii'm .-...ho..... o. ....... ,. i)i ni!i r ii Df many more. The llnnibiirg-Aniertcan ' wl.li liiimlKiiitiis w ho nro Waving home 'in iMiiscutieiiiv of opprtsslon. The I'a. trlclii, which sails from Hamburg Sun. ..lay, has 2..V0. mul the C.i ufwaidersc-. which sails next Sunday, will have ,is steamship 1'1'Ugilta, u II a years 0 mw y:t. comiinsid mi'k CO , N. Y, fsVeteVVi cor.ocis:.D milk There arc cheaper and In ferior brands to the .Eagle, but nona th't equal It. It has stood first for forty Scn for Book on "Babi." 1 1 really doesn't matter whether a woman Is really pretty or not, ns lung as she thinks she la. which arrived at Halifax yesterday morning, had l.dv liallrtait bound for places In Canada. Commissioner Kltshlo thinks that tin llniues mentioned In the dispatch must Th: nne'ents believed that rheitnia'lsm I be wrong, ns he does not believe that tin was Ihe work of n demon within a man. : Atis'.ro.lluiigarlnn government would Any one who tins had an nttnek of se'ii:! ' permit so large a number to emigrate a or Inllnmnmtory rheumatism will agree that the Infliction Is demoniac enough to warrant the bollof. It has never been claimed that Chamberlnln'i Tain Halm would cast out demona, but It will euro rheumatism, and hundreds bear test . j niony to the truth of thla statement. One j application relievo the pain, and this j quick relief which It affords Is '.n:.f I wor;h many times lis cost. For sale by Charlei Roger. one lime. It was pointed out that this emigration of people would moan about one-tenth of the population of Oallcla going away, and would go a long way toward depopulating the province. Chief Clerk Iaderhlldor. an expert on Immigration, said It was enough to make olio faint, If true, and no matter how small the number might be thai were c nilng, it was to be regretted, as they were a most deslrab'.e clasa. There are L. LEBECK Carpenter and Uullclcr General Contractor HOUSE RAISING" AND nOVI.NQ A SPECIALTY The scrubbing brvah U th Implement of torture with which thoaiaad of women art wearing out their Uvea. Il l the true cause of half of their wrinkle, iWffUL 'TjF. ,-ai half their backache, Washing Powder come to f heir relief. U ted with this great cleanser, th atrubbing bruih lose it terror at onra. All clean. "-ai Ing is eaa with Gold half their weak net. -.irv or v i mi t-m,AJ a .w rWl I'uat. It does th work Inlalf the time, with half the effort and at half the cot of loxponnyother cleanser. For greatest economy buy our Urge package. THE N. K. FAIRBANK COMPANY CJNU0 ST. LOCH WW YORK MSTM Pacific Sheet Metal Works mon Vegetable Fruit MANUFACTURERS OF CANS spice and Syrcp Lithographing on Tin a Specialty. San Francisco. Cal. Astoria, Ore. Write Um for Price. Fairbaven, Wash. W. F. SCHEIBE, atanulacturee of the Always (tollable) A fatl Mae 4 Pip. Tbc. aa Smoktrl' Artlck. Commercial tit. "La Belle Astoria" Clear Schelte's Opera Star Scbeifee's Special And Othar Brand PacificNavigationCompany STEAMERS R. F, Elmore W. H. Harrison ONLY IJIRECT LINE ASTORIA to TILLAMOOK GARIBALDI BAY CITY HOBSONVILLB Connecting at Astoria with the Oregon Railroad 4 Navigation Co. for San Francisco Portland and all point, east. For freight and passen ger rates apply (o Samuel Elmore Si Co. General Agents, ASTORIA, ORE. COHN k CO., Agents, Oregon Railroad ft Navigation Co., TILLAMOOK, Ore. PORTLAND, Ore, "Russell" Automatic Engine 1 r Y jr- "-" .1 '-; 'I l-r':-: ' 4. a .1,. i'r,'aly. - . at..' :.:.-Lvr.vvK7i,'- -i ,. f fr,,y,.. iL. -. I i,..).. ,..(. Jefeiai 7 i i Write for Catalogues of Engine Boilers, Saw Mills. A. H. AYERILL, Manager. RUSSELL ci CO., Portland, Oregon. THE ogc dent h Astoria's Leading Hotel I Megler & Wright. Props. SAINT PAUL MARINE II FIRE 11 MARINE INSURANCE COMPANY ST. PAUL, MINN Capital . ... Reserve for Unearned Premium Reserve for all Other Liabilities Net Surjilus over all Liabilities JAN. ist, i8i 500,000.00 1,016,407.87 222,691.07 784,888.78 ff5 v . A r" --- ajii .fa. aai . a,.v 1 Oy THE NEW "North-Western Limited" (2inK Centi'rv Train.) bclwcen iMiniteapoIis, St. Paul attJ Chicly, is entertainingly described" in an illustrated booklet, whic.i will be tur nislied fkfe on application to W. II. MEAD, Gen. Agt., 1 13 Vah!iitoo Street, PORTLAND, ORE. F. W PARKER, r Com. Afrent, no& Flrtt At enue, SEATTLE. WASH Total Assets PACIFIC DEPARTHENT. CHARLES CHRISTEXSEX. Manager, B. GOODWIN, Assistant Manager. 312 California St., S. F., Cal. $2,523,987.72 SAMUEL ELMORE & CO. Agents I Astoria, Oregon R. L. Boyle & Co aLeadltig Real Bstate Dealer of ASTORIA, OREGON Write for Information and Pamphlets. 535 Conimeicial Street iiaaaiiii i ii i in i i i i i r ' ir i r i irn n i iiniiil Cbufr'l Vii u..' i uwa- i'.iitu-J; -.tt in 4 rl '.'.unr ri.nf trots Tatmn Loot Mnnhood- lm m'rr,vt-B IrittOinnln, TBir i rt n irk. t ll TjMHrm. . V z l r:-Vii..l r ors ipH-lon. nor Ciil-ckn- cr li. tTi J3 !iop Hit '.; I. t-.r-f ., "1 !l it II i, aaT .ill v 'n .HHlt, M'V"tna welter. lfy iM, (i rli,' F'.3 A wtittxm guifftnte), to cw4 e ii nun u-u. i4ur.'. Stimuli trj tr-a brtin anil t-f- r For ! br Oiftnet Bocm.