4 THE DAILY A8T0BUN, TUESDAY MOUMNU. MAY 0, REMARKABLE VALUES.... ....In Ladies' Wrappers Vi otter to the ladles this week large and varied assortment of Ladlre Wrappers, all thoroughly well aiaJe, with extra width skirts. Some are trimmed with embroidery, others with lace, nd till other with braid. Hut th moat al. tractive feature I the remarkably low price we .K for hm. OUR LOT AT 85 CKNTir It equal to, If not superior, to any IMS wrapper ever offered In town. We hive other at all prlcet up to l M . It la to four advantage to buy of ut white they last, at such value will never be offered again. THE FAIR, 50G-508 Cointncrclnl Street. P. J. Meany-rsu merchant Tailor and Exporter of Fops. Blffceat Cash Price Paid (or Fur Bklna. Tsntr and Commercial Ste. Astoria, Or. Ladies' Underwear andWrappers Mad to order and kept la etock. Prtoea Reasonable. KUNQ SANG&CO Comer Eighth and Commercial 5ts. Opea Bxt Thoraday. $1.00 Will Buy $1.50 Kid Glove To Close Out the Line. Albert Dunbar TODAY'S WEATHER. Clearing weather. AROUND TOWN. Freeh strawberries today at the Parlor. Fresh smoked Columbia river smelt at the Pat Market The tug Samson crossed out yesterday for Gray'a harbor. The Columbia crossed out for San Fran. Cisco yesterday morning. Beat li-cent meal, Rlslnf Sun restaur ant, Ol Commercial street Tha ateazner Harrison arrived in yes terday morning from Tillamook. Those who have tried the ice it earn served at the Parlor say it Is the best In the city. Best California wine 30 cent per gal lon. Alex Gilbert, sole agent for Aatorta. Telephone S3. The British ship Tarana will l-ave In tow for Portland today. She is chartered to load wheat Three houses for rent. Apply to E. Z. Ferguson, Astoria Abstract Title and Trust Company. Contractor Palmberg will commrnce the erection of the Olsn building on Com. merclal street today. Or. Ball has removed his dental office Into the Mansell building, over the Eastern Tea Company' store. Ramoier and Ideal bicycles for sale or rent. Repair and sundrtea at lowest rates. Call at cyclery, 53 Bond street. Columbia Electric and Repair Company. The steamer BHrnal will finish discharg ing coal at the Pacific Coast Company's Coal bunkers today, and will proceed to the Knappton mills to load lumber for San Francisco. After May t the Astoria Wood Yard Company will deliver Knappton Mills lab wood at your door, sawed, for CM per cord. Leave orders with F. L. Parker or at the Astoria Wood Yard. The Mew Creamery Reetanram, Bond treat, near the alley between llth and Utfc streets, serve the beat B-cent meal ever set out In Astoria. Everything is new, neat and clean, and absolute satis faction la guaranteed all patrons. W. A. Gaines private stock wbisay, handled exclusively In Astoria by John I Cariaon, la one of the most popular beverage sold. It purity and quality axe guaranteed, and It I especially rec ommended for family use. It Is sold In any quantity at the corner of Twelfth and Bond streets. New Neckwear Techs, Puffs, l5ows ami Fancy Manufactured flem and lobby Line of c. The PJnce To Save Money Strawberrle and cream at the Parlor. Lightship No. 50 was docked at the Astoria Iron Work yesterday, where she will be overhauled. It you wish to hear the latest sonar. call at the Fashion, SM Astor Kopp's best always on tap. street. - If a doctor' builne to :udy health. Doctor confidently recommend Harper whisky, sold by Foard A Stoke Co., As - torla, Orefon. Frank U Parker and Duncan McLean were notined yesterday that they had passed the civil service examination for the customs service. Water consumers are reminded that to. morrow is the last day on which lutes can be paid to avoid the penalty of is cents additional charge. The second payment for the Kindred Park property has been duly made by Fensuson Brothers, trustees, who made the conditional purchase recently. The sale Is now complete. Kelly's transfer wagons deliver b.'X wood to any part of the city on short notice. All orders left at Zanfa furni ture store. Q) Commercial street, wit receive prompt attention. Telephone 2144. M. liaakins. of Seaside, died at St. Mary's hospital on Sundjy of general debility. The funeral will be held this afternoon from Pohl's undertaking par. lors. and the remains will be interred in Greenwood cemetery. The steamer W. H. Harrison will sail from Astoria for Tillamook. Garibaldi. Hay City and Hobsonville. weather per mitting, on Wednesday. May b. on the arrival of the steamer Thompson from Portland. Fredericksburg Music Hall, corner of Seventh and Alder streets. Portland. Or. I H'h clas entertainment every evening. , The only family resort In that city. Ail kinds of refreshments. All delicacies In ! season. Admission free. Louis Dam. masch. proprietor. I j Wanted Man with little money In : every county In Oregon and Waahlrigton. to sell the "Best" Incandescent Lamps; , make own gas; 100 candle. Cheapest lignt anown. ine uesi incanaescea; , Lamp Co., liS Third street, Portland. Or. i HugKins 4 Squler. Manager. ; In the county clerk's office esterday August H. Bohde. a native of Ormany. and Gregory Buckler, a native of Eng. land, declared their Intention to brcome American cltiiens. Ellas Henr.kson. a native of Russia, was admitted to citi shlp before County Judge Gray. The ordinance authorizing the street committee to contract with the West Shore Mills Company for lighting the city j for the ensuing year, and the ordinance authorizing the auditor to issue tjuit claim deeds to Messrs. Ferguson and Su prenunt to lots on Court street were signed by Mayor Bergman yest-rday. A tire alarm was turned in an-nit 4 o'clock yesterday afternoon for a Are in the residence of John Mcintosh, on the hill. The fire was caused from a de fective flue, and the roof was burned be. fore the department succeeded in extln. guishing it. The building was badly damaged, and the loss will be about WJ. In the police court yesterday two John Does forfeited their ball of W each on a charge of fighting. Peter Casper, charged with tx-ing drunk, was fined U. Peter Dowi was lined t' on a charge f beinu drunk and resisting an oftl er. A.i Chew- and Ah (Jul-, two Chinese, f.,r- Wted their ball of Jlu each on charges of discrderly conduct Much Interest i? being tak'-n by mu- c lovers in the concerts given nightly by the Amine sisters ladies' onh-stra at the Louvre. A very attracti program Is presented this w.-eg and is rendered in a manner that cannot be excelled, and should be heard to lie anon-i iat-d. The onceris are pronounced to be the best ever given In this city. Astorians should not fall to visit this popular resort where a most enjoyable evening can be spent. j habeas corpus proceedings were disposed The following were high at the A. K. C. ! of. When Judge Gray reconvened court alleys last nlpht for the w-ekly button: tho motion of Attorney Fulton was al. F. A. Fisher, 20; Jam's Taylor. ITS; M. lowed and the" four sailors, O'Urlen. ""dc-iy and W. A. Stlne, 174 each, i Uurke, Andrews and Wilson, were ills Messrs. Flsh-r. Taylor and Sine won the ' charged. The men were turned over to buttons last week also, and mut win ' th custody of the sheriff, to be held tln-m n-xt we. k again to have !h-m for as witnesses the kidnaping '. The keeps. Tonight conclude, this week's ! ease will be resumed this morning. A tournament, and it is likely that .m.. or 'he above scores may be beaten yet: i at any rate tin. re will be plenty trying it'. Boys' rour-in Hand Knicker Leggings. I'OK BICYCLE L'SE. Ijv J. and I). .MtCcorge, Dunfrees, Scotland. SUSPENDERS of the Celebrated Wilson Bros, Hake J H. COOPER, The Leading House of Astoria The oyater name between team of the Hwaco and A. F. O. Clxih lake pla.e today. 'Fl of the stroniti'st bowler of he tfWtball Olub will reprewnt Astoria and unless all slitns fall the hoys wllll return victorious this afternoon. They hrtve the bent wishes of the club, who vx poet them (o outdo all previous effort. At any rale, llwaeo bowler will know they have had a same before It Is flu. Ished, ami llwaeo athlete are not slow In any same, either. Captain II. R. Robertson, of Ihe Hob. prison KaTt Company, ha Just let a con. tract to John Kastabi-ml to construct a pile raft i Stella. wn the Columbia river, the structure to be delivered at Astoria by AuKUst i:, the I'.. I. This raft will consist of MOoiw piles, mak. In a total of W.X to ll.HX) sticks, or nearly as Inr as the original design of the raft belnje built at West ttealtlo. j Stella was the headquarter of the com. pany until they were moved to the Sound. l'r. Jansen, accompanied by Mrs. Jan. sen, left yesterday on an exiendinl visit Jto Kurope, where 1'r. Jiuisen will study for a year In one of the medical col. lece. On lr. Jensen's return he Intend 1 10 locate at Seattle, should Astoria not ..fTrtl. tul I... ln.lii.ui.Mnt. ,.. fK.. H....ll....t jv,' ' ... .... ........ '.s i... itia uiv.iivm j profession than It does at present, Mrs. jJnen has Ion been noted as one of j Astoria' most accomplished and ac om. ! nuHlatlnn musician. Her absence will be fell In the future soolal gathrrlnk- of u he cl:y. Alex Malcolm, one of the best known j j pilots on the Columbia river bar died at ' 'St. Mary's hosl:al early Sunday morn, j I in of heart failure. IVeeased was about . 1 j years of atte. n native of Kdlntmif. Scotland, and h;is N'en connected with I the pilot service on the bar for nearly! : JO years. He was a member of the Inde. 'pendent Order of Hodmen, and will be i 1 buried under the auspices of tha: so- I j clcty. The funeral will be held tomorrow' j afternoon from IVhl's undi rtakliiif rooms ; and the remains Interred In Oreenwood i I cemetery The coming sea-on promises to be a j lively one In rowing and yachting The : Portland Rowing "uh Is adding many I I new members, and the old ones are show. : ling more thim usual Inter, st. .ays the I I Telegram. The regatta to bo held during ' I the session of the Natlon.il Kdltorlal I , convention in July ha had a stimulating '.effect Uion the rowers. Many of them arv already putting In much time at I practice, hoping to be In perfect con. ! ill: Ion by the July meet. Astoria's new i club will probably be in condition by tint j ( time and will be Invited to Join In the : contest. It Is also expected that on,, or j more clubs from llrltUh Columbia will ' be here to take part. l,u"n olul ut evening and a num. j ' r of ubjecls of much importance were discussed. Correspondence w received from Governor Oeer in r. gurd to the j immigration of Finns, direct correpon. ' dence with the state board of Immtgra- ! lion being advised. Mr. Dell's proposed book of Clatsop county was recommended ; af !er a fUu examination and endorsement by the secretary. A proposition for a full i Jescrlptlve and Illustrative article on A- torU , ,h. Pal.m.. MonIhy was also rommended. untm examlnati.in and an. pr,)VaI by .t.. i.yman. The subject of ,he rp(cat,, wa, ,aKen up m urni.t. a committee consisting of Messrs. Kern. Gosslln. Peterson. Neweil anil F. I Parker being appointed, who will name a, committee of citizens to act as regatta! committee and report at the nezt meet, j iiik. vu rsr. viiiiiitjii.id .lull u lie u .1 i i"i- . . sundry ouis were ordered paid, ine sum of i) a month was ordered set aside to meet the Interest on the creamery fund ami incidental expense. The following gentlemen were elected memli-rs: H. C. Thompson. Joseph T. wald IJeckman. Mr. I-e. and Dr. (is. wald IJeckman. Mr. Hnrpt. editor of the Lanniar. was Invited to attend the meetings of the club, and thanks were re- J turned to the Columbia Itlver Pi kers Association for its liberal contributions for furthering fish legislation. The hearing on the writ of h'-tihu" corpus in the case of the 12 sailors brought from San Francisco for the Tint, ish ship Howard D. Troop was resumed before Judge Gray at the court house yesterday. After argument by counsel on both sides. Attorney Fulton mov-'d that ther four men. who were admitted to be American citizens In th" answer of defendent's counsel, be dis-harger. At torney Smith asked for a continuance, b fore the motion was decided, which was granted by Judge Gray. The con. tinuance was for the purpose of calling the kidnaping case again', t'aptaln looming in the justice .ourt ' John H- Smith and Deuuty I' Corning in the Jnstl ourt. Attorney i nlted States Marshal Koberts appeared bcioro Justice i Hughes with a warrant Issued out of ! the L'nlted Slates Commissioners ofth e for tho arrest of the sailors. Attorney Smith claimed the Justice court had no i Jurisdiction, the warrant having been : Issued before the men were ordered held ; as witnesses. This was shown to be In. correct, however, and Justice Hughes bound the men over in t'Si bonds each to appear in court as witnesses against Captain Corning. Counsel for both sides agreed to try the case as soon as the .Mti.mpm ., taiw.-d ,.r ,,..i.rHn. ... tween Captain Corning and th- sailors' boarding hous. men, and an amicable? Clothing- In Kccfcrs and Vcstecs. n ' ' - agreement will probably be reached be. tween them today. The owners of the Troop are very indignant over the de. tcnilon of their vessel and have prepared papers for a claim of M.OW damages against the I'nlted Slates siovernmcnt. In due course of time (he pai-rs will be forwarded id the lirltWi ambassador at Washington for prcoatatbu to this gov. .rnmetil. Frank Trueo, an Italian tlsbetmati, was found dead In his room In the building on the southeast corner of Ninth and A. tor street yesterday afternoon, One of the occupants, not seeing Truco around during the day, looked over the transom of his room and saw the body laying on the lied, upi'iirentty dead. Chief of To 11. v llnllock was tiotliled and broke open the d. or of the room and saw Dial life was extinct. He lay uncovered on the bed. the bed clothes being thrown to one side with hi head resting on the pillow. The plllow.sllp whs covered With what appeared to he claret wine which Trueo evidently had drank and vomited be(or expiring. Signs of wine were also on the mouth and chin, l'eputy Coroner Max 1'ohl was notified and removed the body to the morgue. Trueo had been despon. dent lately and It I believed that he committed suicide. He was seen on Sun. day evening and appeared to be In his usual health. He wa unable to work, being suffering from rheumatism and one of his arms was entirely useless. A few days ago he stated to John Jorgensen. of the Mug abon, that he would never become a ward of the county and would commit suicide first. He always had money and cooked his meals In trie room where he slept. IVpury Coroiied Poht. upon examining his effects, found IW In gold and a 10-cetit puce In his clothing. True was a charter member of Laurel vlrove. .No, 17. I'nlted Ancient Order of i'rulds. of San Francisco, a eertitlcale of membership being .nclosed In a frame hanging in his room. He bad been a resident of Astoria for about IT years. An lniiest will be held over the body on Coroner Pohl's return from Portland to. day. PKISSO.S.V. MF.XTIOV. A M. Smith returned 'n the train ia. n it'it fr-'tn a brief visit In Portland. l.-ny S ill.v iti, of Portland was a p.fsmgfr limn on ln night's . xpre ltcv. Fath-r lUim.in a paenger on the train down from Portland lat night. F.. J Schlegel returned from Portland .-tet,la. h,Te be .pent Suni.iv with his friends. Dr Jili-.n ;ir.il Mrs Jaiis.n left for Knroiv yv.terilay. liere ti y ll! r-'. nu;n for Aer.il m nth. ;."rg.' H. Hume, the AU'ka caitn ry. man. of Oakland. Cal., Is In tin- H. registered at the tKvldent. Henry S. M. ',... in and Mrs M tlowan, of 'li;iook. spent Sunday in the city. They returned home yest.-rl.iy. City Treasurer Carney, who has been ill with la grippe- the past few days, was able to be In hi offKv yesterday. WEST SIDK NOT US. Mt. V. A. Fisher, of Aslurla spent j Sunday visiting at Seaside. ! Postmaster Craln. of Warrenton, spent Sunday afternoon In Astoria. ! School Teacher Stuhbs. of Hammond, j spent Sunday visiting Astoria. Dr. Skinner left Hammond on the train for a sh-rt oltlcidl visit to Portland nr. j. ;. TeH, he U It. A S. attorney, WH, visiting on the W est Side Sunday. ... ., . . , i 1 . I Preparations are being made to have exercises ut Hammond on Memorial day. Mr C. II. I'ooper. of A:.ria. was a , pass. tig. r on the train to Seaside Sa'.ur- ; 'Veiling. During the week the lumber for the new i 11. h. church Is . zin-i-ted to arriv- and work will b. gin Immediately. Albert Kinney and H. I nchton. of As. j t .rla. made a fast trlti lo Seaside Sat. j i,r,,,y ,.- nlng on their bikes. M,.rv.luK ..nl,.r;all,.nt Wil, , ghen by the sch "Ol children last Friday .(-.ri, ,.- ll .,,.. .l l, i " " ' ' i"""" appr-i luted ty those whi were f irtu'iate enough to be present. lie i, v.. i.uiiii ... rvmii'p pieaiiieu Inierestirg sermons Sunday. In the morn, TV... !.... U..I..U I L- , 1 ...... Ing lie preached at Warrenton, and In the evening at New v.-ning at New Astoria. The Itev, ji'-iio rson Is absent at Astoria. Mr. K. II. K-ddaway. who has l.c-n working on the f-priirb utlons at Fort j Tt"' r"r'' '"r this mmmnn ami i.b.ii Stev. ns the past six months, went to ' al" dts.-ase Is found In a t r,-ai in.-n: hb h Astoria Sunday to accept his old po-l. r-l""'' th food to be readily und th ,r. Hon on the steamer lumblne. A niovi-m.-nt Is on foot at oiig the ' -iisis or the -ni side to have a lil- cyc,. path built from the county roud to the Young's bay bridge, provided the Intended path can not b renrhed at n tnorH convenient point. Two Astoria wheelmen, Magnus Cros. by and It. L. W'aidmen, madi very quick trip from Wurrenion to Seaside Sunday. The run was made from tae ocean ba-h roud to Ma-aslde In i mln. utes. which is considered very good time. A party of hunters, composed of Mr. W'hi rlty. lialn, Fox and Hall, of Astoria, were passengers (in the Saturday night train for the West Side. As Is invariably the case, the geese miss the sand hills on Sundays, as the appearance of the hunters on returning Indicated. HOTKI. aHKIVaLS. OCCIDENT. M. 8. Mcijowan. ('hin-iok. Julius Ixiw. I'ortlanil. W. W. Whltmer. rortluiid. Mr. and Mrs. J, K. Hibby, Hobsonville J. H. McFarlane, Vuncouver, H. (J, .1. F. It. Weber. H.in Francisco, W. W. Slaii-r and wife, Han Francisco, Joseph 'I'. I.iiwsui!, Han Frunclsco. F. I'. Kenlelon, L"s Angeles, ieorge II Hume, Oakland. F. I'.. Ib-ahan, Fort 'anby. J'siu;.- J). Hlon-y. Fort Cunby. I'AliKKIt IIOt'HK. ('. J. Thompson. Kan Francisco, A. Mollzen, Portland. Wa.lt. r ''astro. Ilwnco. H. Williams, Tillamook. .'. O. Taylor, V rnonla, f'liarli-H Davis, Vancouver. Oscar Ktickson, Melville. John M'-iJIilw'r.iy, Kkamokawa. J"hn Murphy, Htella. 1-1. H. .Small, Orand Itaplds, JiKAL K.ST ATK TUAN.SFKK.S. ''oliimbla Harbor Land Company to Walla-,. It. Copeland, lots 4 und 6, block 'Si, Warrenton $400 David W. Hiirnslde to Laura R. liurnslde, 1M acres In riurnslde do. nation land dulm l iry A. Murray to James A. Blng. bam. lols from 7 to 18 Inclusive. block 42, I'aclflc Addition to As toria 200 WHEN NATURE Needs assistance It may be best to render It promptly, but one should remember to use even the most perfect remedies only when needed. The best and most simple and gentle remedy n the Byrup of Ftge, manufactured by tha California 1f Syrup Company. Andrew Lake ...Merchant Tailor... Perfect I'll (iiiiiiiinltnl. Low rlcvs. Repairing and Cloning Neatly pone. Dr. J. II. Davis, DENTIST MK I'ND UOTT! Who va It Mays some Yankee drlcks On My great Admiral lielnch? Chorgo Dewev. lie who licked old ripalilT Let heem linik oud. hast nUht geseimr M u'ul Holt' Who as It slighted Consul Hose" He'd best take care. I told you dose! You say hi. nam" vas Admit al KautS" He'll too nnd out. If matins III, til ana' i M und Ooll! Who va dot f.'onv Herman Wise Vat nlioud me dells dose ll' If be Oon t all too, til buy tnv clothes At other sbtotes. I ilell toil il.ise. That's Me, by oti. Do: Herman Wise va born her-. Hut now hi. puns me, alnt d i queer H.-'s iwiv Atiu-Mean tin -ngli a".l tiiroiigh Vas iinikes idem i lo nnan Yarkee. to' l tt--no( Me May ls It vus tjiat Yankee as ntttkes i.e t 'ti.-r ma tu tiiil cans.- ttle peoples ale l-'or tnankini loe. ,.lr 111" That's It tu dot i nir! get there i fr rt) ' T.i he e .'or bind ill s a i I I o in.L h that i unplc.i.au W IK) IS TO 1 1 LA M K News from Mi Martini 'iiiti llphlllUIelll i ( , .It l. .ts lha . II i ha i:.-tt.,l up i i irii nil s -. ; . ,ti 1.. I: rat ihc l!l c-stt gat., the 1'itt'IU' t --f t'u war ai:. l.i p a . the ri.poiiaM.lt. 'ar U--.ri.-is an. I e g.ict ai Ihroiigli the war gave r -e t the must ib.M-.triMis , uiiiitums tun no ui-'i'e -lang-'i o.is than r ine trem n-le'-t "f tit- health. I; Is .-i.-ii one .lu'v i- gnaril his hi-aiin It is ,j.kr h k p I Hian regain It lb-:i '.'.' r St.'inai h lilt. ters taken Imiu si!) w ill nut mi create Ih-alth but will ir.-..rv,. r U Is the me, lb nie whii h f r ' years has made weak stomai-hs atrioig. an. has .ivenaiitie that t.rrlhie elragon. d-.Hp.la. and a'i lheells such as eousllpatloii biliousness. 1 kldney-H and liver troulile. malaria and f.-ver and ague, which f ilow in in train Ft'NKHAL XoTK'l-: To the offli-ers and memliers of 'u:um. bla Harbor No S3. A. A. of M P : You are revjue.te.1 to meet at Carnahan's hall at VS m. May b. to attend the funeral of our late brother pilot, Alex Malcolm. All masters and pilots ae reillestej to uttelld. J K. CAMI-llKI.L aptaln. John w. wki.ch. c. iv (llrls make bay while the . Af.-r A. D Jt'" iher- ii b leap years. shines more CATAUMI Ol' Till-: STuMA'il Pli asant. Slmile. Safe lni-. Cure For It. I :rr tnai '.itarrh i,f the sti.iiia-h has long b oriBli..r..d the next thing -n I ii.ura.t.1-- n ine tiMial siiiiptuma are a fall -r a "in. wa'ery causing oiouted senaation after iiting iPanb-d sunietlffii.M wiii. .- . ' or .risings frmatlon of k,i-... ( pressure on (he lungs and h.-,,ri ttd ,if. ;ieii i nreiurilng: hen, ii. wi appe. ,.. uir, nervousness n(I a general ji'ay nut and languid feeling. Tin-re In of..-n a foul taste in th- mouth, mated tonitur n,i t -of st-.min h could be seen I slimy. IntlnriHd condition. would show Ollghly digested befor,. It has time to de. ire imiiMus ermeril and irritate the nut-fa- es of the stomach To secure a pMinpt and heiphy dl- i gestion is the one necessary thing to do, and when normal digestion Is senirM tha atarrhal . oiidltlon will have disappeared. According to Dr. Harlnnson the safest aim nest treatment Is to usn ufter ,a,.h I - meal a tablet, composed t bb...... I As.-pllc I'-psln. a ll.i.e Nux. 'iold.-,, H-ai I And fruit acids. These tablets .an now tw f-.und al all drug stores under tho name of Htnart's ' Dyspepsia Tablets, and, not being a I au-nt medicine, can be used with perfect ' safety and nssuranc thai healthy upim-. lite and thorough dlir-atlon uiu r,.n i their r.-stular use after meals Mr. N. J. llooher, of 2710 Dearborn Ht., Chicago. III., wrlti-s: Catarrh is lo. al condition resulting from a n.-gieried cold In th head, wlu-reby the lining mem. bran- of tho nose becomes Inflamed and ho poisonous dim.hargo therefrom, pass. tig back Into the throat, reuehes the toinach, thus producing cu'arrh of the rt-imach. Medical authorities prescribed or mi) three years for catarrh of the stomach without cure, but today I am he happiest of men after using only oin- uu oi nuiart s I'yspi-pslu Tablets. J an not llnd appropriate words to express rny good feeling. I have found flesh nppetltu and sound rest from llo-i,- Uis. jr Htuarts DyHpepsItt Tnbleis Is tin- safest preparation as well as the slmpo-st ami most convenient remedy for any form of n.llgestlou, eiiliirrh of the Momnch, bll. ousness, sour stoma-h, heartburn and bloating after meals. Hend for book, mailed free, on stomach troubles, by addressing the F. A. Hi uni t Co., Marahall, Mich. The tablets can bo found at all drug stores Does n mun ever marry I he girl whom he met through u lllriatlon In the street or at a mallticc? Salad Set Day. Large assortment of pretty deo oraXlons and fancy tin a In plain and fancy chinawuro, glassware and porcelain ware. We are right In It as to prices and quuJIty. Some articles cut 60 per cent. Borne articles cut (0 per cent. ODDS AND ENIM, HALF flUCi;. threat Imsrioao Importing Tea Co. HI OonaaaNUl tat, Aatswto. . fleui Zealand fife Insurance Go Of New Zealand. W. P. ThomiiH, Mjjr., Son KrnnclHoo. UNLIMITED LIABILITY OP SHAREHOLDERS. Sulworiliptl Cnjiilul I'iiuI-I'i t'niitiil Awot Atsi-t.H in I'liiu-il Slnton Siirj'liiH t Policy IIoMriN llns lu't'ii Uiuloi'writiiijj mi tlic I'licilic ('iil I'V- r Twonty (wo yrari. SAHUEL ELMORI: & CO., UchUJciU AKentM, AMtorin, Oreutm. 1 99 KNOX SAILOR HATS For White ii ml viir-. a lii Ol.icU. Nmv lllm BUFFUM & I liittcm Mini '.'I Thir., Slr.-. t, tWnor SUrk, Pacific NavigationCompany HTKAMKHH It. I. Blnioro W. II. llurrlMon (.AKIHALD! HAY ('oiniiTimif at Astoria with t tie Sail Fraticiao Portliilnl anj all Kor rt.-a a.dy In COIIN A CO., Ajfoui-, III.I.AMOi'K, Ore. Bend lent stamp lo pay poetag. aa4 gsx a TVU Table for IM. FISHER BROS. Builders' Heavy and Shelf Hardware, Ship Chandlery, Etc. Can Save Too Money on Estimate of Material of Rvstr DeoortpUofa, I ASTORIA MEAT COMPANY $ Telephone No. .IJ I Handles Only the Choicest Meats J 4 JJ Ceasmsrclal It., nsst Palare ttsslaarant. Stop and Think! Are You (iettlnu The Bet Mealn, Tlie I3cHt LltjiiorH, Or The Hent Hed That can bo had In the city? K not, i . ItUBecauaeyouhavenotvWted Jg KCSlHlirSIlL For those who renulra May get there with 1V. ....... ,.S , U . U n A i u-'unneua w..i rkww inai oi an ine grri F.iKik for llio sign if ".lEFF'H" mill Columbia Electric and Repair Co. SucceHHor to COLUMBIA IRON WORKS Blacksmiths . Boiler Makers Machinists Foundrymen Logging Instincts litillt nnd Wcpalrocl. Heavy Forging Under Power Hammer a Specially Sole Manufacturers of the Unsurpassed ... " Harrison Sectional" Propellor Wheel ... Contractors for Electric Lights and Power Plants. ROCHESTER SHOES 1 1 KMT MA Krt bilk's' hoc, Ycstlnii IHiiek or Tun .'.MX), I'.'.flO, .t:70, $;i,00. MIhscs. mimic n nlmc, $1.10. .tl.M, Ai). Mens' VM inn! Calf. I.S0 .f.MIO, $:.,o gunlliy and Hiyl III best fur the price. TUB BI31C HIVE. fi.OOO.OOO 1,0(10.000 .'.filft.lH .'100,0110 l.7.H,7l2 -swwHir '' 1 l.ntlieH. Itinwii, Kini ll.il. I - M lisli Woiitaii PENDLETON I'lirninhcrH. I'olCll.AMt. OKDJON. ONLY lUKKCr LINK AHTOIIIA to TILLAMOOK CITY IIOHMONVILLIC Oro.nn ltailrua.1 ,V Navigation Co. (or Imluls i aal. I or (teijflil slid aaaei. Mrtmticl Hlittorc eV Co. linieral A.viits, AMTOHIA. I KK. Oreguii liailmail A Nnviifaliiui Co., IIU.ri.ANH, lira. General Supply House for Family Groceries. a genuine feed. economy all that they bimsI , I.-... J I .. "ewsi, I , ,1 . . r, nwijr UVI1 rSSsH caterers Jit IT IT s i he I1K8T. lukc notdlicr. KaliililiHlmd twunty yonra. Loggers' Supplies Kept In Stock