f t" miiii! 'Hrmi""0"- Am, Tie DAILY ASTOKUN Is tUl felnest inj test wer oa tbt Columbia RSvi TIE ASTOKUN bu tb Urftit clrcttlitlos of toy pipci oo tb ColumtH Alvt! ...r f T 4 u'VaV J J.i . . . , - . . 37 . FULL ASSOCIATED PRESS REPORT. AriTOKIAi OJiEOON. SATURDAY M'JRNING. MAY . I8M. 141 VOL. XL1X. 4 0 V OUR Stoves Tinware Arc not made from the crup-jilo or in a kindergarten hcIiooI. Eclipse Hardweire Co. Wo CJIvo Trntllnu MtnttipM. .. I " BOOKS... Wank and Miscellaneous. Improved Alikado andLAWT0N ON Empire Cream j tuc SOUTH separators. PAPER... i if n New Crape and Type-writing. Waterman Fountain Pens Ttiry are th slmpltst and moi ffloiwt i..w it.. ii- Separator made. For sal by 1 ' i Holds Rebels in Check While MacArthur Gets fn His Work. SAN FERNANDO OCCUPIED Many Desperate Attempts to Break Tbroagb the American Lines, tot All Fepnlsed. INSURGENT SUPPLIES SHORT Laree Quantity of Provisions du turd ty Lawtonit Biluigu Peace Conference Continue! WASHINGTON. May J.-TIk- lontmued found by Thmr.sn Iaw.oh. a negro lab, j r whlie OlifrltiK In the wliar of aown town department sore on Sixth street. The ground formerly the property of of It. Ming lirui. FAVoKAW.E REPORT FROM PORTO IlICU. DLront.tit and Di-n.ion Only Among a Fw Native politicians ttusl ne,i Improving. THE MEN ARE UNDER GUARD timl Knvclopcsfioc. GRIFFIN & REED Pickles. OLIVE BWEKT PICKLE. MIXED PICKLE PILL PICKLES. PJOS' TEET. (in Hulk ) AT Cheese. rriOMAOE de nniE. NEl'rVHATEU CAI.1KOHNIA. 8WIBD. UMIU'ROER. Etc.. Etc, Elc. A. V. ALLEN'S Pr! A 5?tnkeCn. A.tnHa ' reUI lemuii.tr.tu.iu outh of Manila ar- ; mining- no a.i.r lin.lon to r (Mrparl- Qood Meals Well Cooked uii e ml lull ar Mld l0 41I)pk. ,ur With no trouble ar.d ltt!l ful art a- very meia nc. Tu-?thT ih.y bae urd tiy th U Of tf lalwut W men, b'ltlM tbe Moth. anl Ctnr Kwtnte Rliniie THMh rmui.r infawry. Wch h. jun tUr UHltlC ovcn.htnc. brtK.,!.- tuf.fi: of tlir Kourib ami Fourtcrtith ,infut'l. KH -t SM:ou, 10 baiuil. i lon. Kir.l Idaliu. one batialion, KiM .California auJ L'ir and Hawihorne'f I Utt.T!. Hall'" brigade cont,t of the tt. vcnicot'th infantry and ih; Firm I Wyomlnt. ! In vtrw of tin- aharp di-moniratloii to I ,.utli. the work don by lnn n ! bu rxiwditVm to L lua By ' r Crlvina irrdit not heretofore a. corded ioo Rolls of Matting Of All Kinds. Our twn importations. Quality hiu! TutUm the btst ml IfttcM. Chas. Heilbom & Son. ip .it. ! TI.e oik of Uwton hoU H rtM. ; oru.- !J tn iiuinbeT, l lw-wuth, leavt"t( j MacArthur fr.-e from danger of an at 1 1. k In forte from th rear. Th,- report lt.f century tn th, lead, and .till th.re. vf the rMlimu,. try.nf to nr,,a th Ann-ru-an u"t r.mr.i. W. J. SCULLY. Agent. 421 Bond Street. ' force la beconiliif ihort of upplle- It U Mid tie"-ral Otln bell. ve he can j 11 l .mil - SWISS WATCH REPAIR SHOP mrve this .ouihern army into ubml. Victor Rost !' i alon. Have yoa Trouble la getting Nice. Tender, Fresh MeatsP Try Ours. Golden Pheasant and Corvallis Flour Are very popular brands. We sell them and guarantee satistaction. Fresh Strawberries Every day by express. Nfw Goods of nil kinds constantly arriving. ROSS, HIGGINS 8c CO , SAN' FKUXANDO OCCVP1ED. MANILA. May 6.-1:56 p. m.-MaJor (ieneral MacArthur dlvlWuD advanced to San Fernando today and found that that place lmd been evacuated by the n-Uela. who left a detachnwnt to cover their trail by train. General JIcArthur ! r,. ..nl.d the '..umlos town wltHont loi. PrompUy Bxad ana MpalrO. J Th(, Tt,Mf ,(,mn 0f Manila attempted Alarm Clocks trom 1 up. j i ru,h mrounb onni Overhi.,e . u..e . ... r.. . - . . rv taA lull tht Wammtod. 110 Eleventh W. 'rZ . I .trv re.H'is inaiiMBuicu WAHHINfJTOX. May S.-Flrl Aailat 1,1 IVullIUi.ler Oeii'Tal i'trrjr t). Heath r-a returned trocn a motitn triorouifh tr.u of Itt.jKttiun lu all parta of tn i.Und of il'ono Jtlco. Mr, lieaib a tb ofilclal report mail Jut aa lie alll. aiiuwed that ttte uo.tal rvlc on tb .i.ajid -a!iy elf.utaintiiK. ana tliat each pvawfllie a getting nail at ka.t uiu a He .aid If in.m U auy Oirtlon or oircumeoi vu ... i..ahJ It all only among ver ytw l.lltkiau.. Hu aulu: -ine ujtivca of 1'orto Klco who are nut ritMimania have no property. About lou,'. of the total estimated p-jpuUtlon f between au l l.,wn. i'' l'r i.roeri and read a'd wriir; (lit ret re cavilled a peon., i rooaoi .a,"' to tifW "f the total ponuiaiu.n r poll IKlan. and olllie boi.Jr. The great ma. uf the pcoplv laV wek'omed tlilllUjl. titallj tbe chatigeu coudltlona. mey ar very tractlble people, not readily iuaptalde. uevr, to .he American uia1 of living, but are pciwrv-ritig and grailually Improving. The pal year Ja tin moKl prorprrwu. for augar lu lb history of the whole Ulaud. "CofTee, on the tonirary, 1 iu a moat di-pred condition, ranging ftom I to 13 cents per pound, the iowi-al ever oU . . ..... , . . .1 -..i.-.i,- tvn and prntll.es.. ine wianu I. a fi-rtllea pot a there U oo t"e ULureflVe taJtatiou and Bian:ii linpo.itiuu huve run thliiga in the ground. ana while the poor prop.e are not yet very much better off than a year ago. tiling are Improving low.y ana too an- dpo,J --o tak u,lantagc of Ihetr new opp-Ttutiill'. Already from X to !. tw.lvea ba-.e enlisted a part Of tb army of 1'orto Klco. All the iueular poiu'e are native. What irmy may be ii.-cw.Miry to ufruard the lland Inter. li will he made entirely of Porto Rhan. All kindi. of bul"eM! I ln.ieai.ing ana the po.Ul bun- s may be doubled this y.ar. There l tiswver, no great oPl'or- t unity f'r i.pculation ana iarg oir. i,rh-e. though thre li a ci.ange ror amni tradei.. The Hac Inda owtiv-ra, employing four-lift hi. of the tK.pulatioti. oompialn tlia,l they are already annexed to the ftiited Slate.. o that tiiey can Import v,u.n i., ih.. fiiiied Stales their nrclucl without duties. All report of j Insurrection or g.nral discontent are fain-. The dim are thoroughly (ati-tk-d to iJme under our rule and contrary reports are lanrrty due to a deire for relaxation of military discipline, par. llcularly on the part of the maraudera. 1 do not believe there Is anything like a waicun load' of lire arms arnon; the en. tire population." Foil 1I TY IX CENTRAL AMERICAN WATERS. Converted Yacht Vikir to He Fitted Out for the Protection of American Merchants. Three Hundred and Fifty Rioters Now Confined at Wardner. PEOPIE NOW FEEl SAFE Over Five HoaJredTroopsGnard- ing Property and All Avenues of Escape Are Cot Off. DOCK LABORERS GO OUT Fifteen Hunlrcd Men Stfike oa the Docks at Buffalo- Forty-Flvi Vessels Tic! Up. Chronometers (Hatches and Nautical Instruments Nast to Poalal Twlacrapb, J. A. Fastabend General Contractor and Builder v louse-moving Tools for Kent. n the Fourth Infantry regiment for sev- cral hours. The demonstration w is i- effectual beyond scaring the inhabitant! of MaUv.tf, Th. outposts of the Idaho and Call- forma regiments beyond San Pedro Ma rat! wsr !" attacked dutl"g ilic night. tk-n. ral Law ton Is UH quartered at Hall, j nag. . AFFAIRS ARK SATISFACTORY. BOYS' CLOTHING The Assortment ot Neat Clothing, for Boys, which we have gathered this spring is the most complete this town has ever seen. Our rapidly growing BOYS' CLOTHING BUSINESS aided us on to greater efforts, and we never showed a more comprehensive line of Stylish Clothing, that will stand roughusage, before. VI 7 ' k t Boy's 1-pleew double breasted Reafer Suit, tailor mado, Mwed not to rip. oolora n.vr blue: area 4 to I. pr suit ....it T Ooy'i all wool Suit, largo sailor collar. braid trlmmad, nlca dark mlied color; ages 4 to 8; par suit Boy's All Wool BulU. black oly worat- ed, doubla seat and knoa, warranted not to rip; a very dreasy suit; ago 9 to 14; per suit 5M Boy's All Wool Suit, Invlsablo gray mixed plnhl; we recommend this suit to wear wall; nges 6 to 14 years; per ...It m Boy's Knee- Pants, 200 !Bc, lie, 40c and 60c each. Boy's Blouse, mado of best quality per. calo, the well made brand, 20c 25c, and firh. Youth's All Wool Brown Mixed Cnssl. mere Suit; loK pants; tailor made; per i. -W Youth's All Wool Scotch Tweed Suit; nice mixtures, the most perfect ruling suit; we recommend the wearing of this ...ii. .nit r.to Youth's Long runts ot all wool; nice , mioit cnlnr.L ner pair We have a litrge assortment of caps of all descriptions for boys and youth, from 35 cents up. Boy's Suspenders; good elastlo webbing; nice pet-tern!", P ,vr P IMcsUl.nt Scluirman Think!. There Will He an Karly Settlement of Troubl.s. WASlllNt-lToN, May 5. The state de partment today received a ulspatcn from President Svhurmau. of the Philippine commission, giving the substance of the conferences with representatives of Ag ulnaldo and asklt for further instruc tions. While the text of the dispatch I showed a satisfactory condMon of affairs not made public. Secretary Hay stated It In the Philippines and pointed to a set. tloment of tha dlflloulUe. there. The reply ot the president to Professor Schmman's cablegram, It Is und.rstood stated be was very anxious to have peaoe negotiations concluded at the earliest mo ment, and to this end desired that no unnecessary or humiliating conditions be lim.oscd upon the Insurgents. It Is believed In administration circles that as soon as Agulnaldo is convinced ot the sincerity of the American govern. ' nient. he will surrender. He will be re ! aulred, however, to lay down his arms. This will be the principal condition. and. until an agreement on this point Is .hl. the iieaiotlations will not make any proBres? toward conclusion. XF.W YORK. May S.-A special to the Herald from Washington says: Measures have been Initiated by the navy depart, mmt which contemplaie providing con. slant protection for American interests jtt Central America. As a result of a consultation between Assistant Secretary Allen and Rear Ad miral Crownlnshiel.i. Instructions have have been given to Rr Admiral Hich l.om. chief constructor, to fit out the converted yacht VikitiR for duty in Cen ral American water?, as expeditiously Hs possible. The Vikings small draft ' 'ilt n..rm!l to fnUT the shallow wati irs on the eastern coast of Central Amer ica, so that the American ft:.j will be Hying constantly i.t Honduras and Moar agtian ivirts. The determination to send ,i. v,Li,. to remr.il America is tne re sult of ttk' communications received at Uo state department from Am-rl.-ins iu Honduras and Klcaragna. Acting Secretary Allen Mid that no word hnd yet been receive.! from tne li.tmti. but It Is supposed that Com mander Dayton and Minister Merry are continuing their Investigation, obtaining nttidavits from Americans, etc.. bearing noon their refusal to pay double duties on goods Immediately paid by them Into Nicaragua. VVAKI.'Kit, ldano. May i-Tn com panies of L'n!ul .aies tro-ps. number ing Uiwn isM and tt men ate now sutloned In Stiotbon, county, guarding mining and other property. Three com panies are held at Wardner to guard the prisoners arrealed for a-lcged Bar. tlcipatlou la Saturdays riot, and seven totupaims are stationed a; iloilan, O-m and Bulk for the purport of guaid.ng ull the paa.es out of the uaurtcl and preulit'g Ibe escape of tho.e suspected ot rioting. Slate Auditor Sinclair baa be. a en gaged tnia al.ciuuuu ui luKialu4i ftom the guards tbo known to be Innocent in the arresU at Burke ki.t n:got It waa Impossible to make nice di:un Hons, and they took practically all the m.u found. About 16 were thus ttueraiea. They aie now In a barn, used as a pr.aon for aoout SiU men. At the coroner's inquest this jfter noou Jamea K. Sovereign was on the iaud 'd requested to Identify wruun articles printed In bl paper. The tt- yuest is conducted privately. The train today brought In compaii ii. Twenty-fourth regiment from Vancouver. Contrary to expectation. It was found that but few escaped from Burke and It Is believed not many left Gem. The leaders, however, and the officers of everal of the union are mostly out ot the country. The body ot Cheyne. the nun murdered, will be Interred tomorrow by the Knights of Pythias. In the nature of a grand Jury Investiga tion. 1 have been authorised by Attorney Oeneral Hayes, ot Idaho, lo make th in vestigation as searching aa possible. W desire to punish the guilty and release th Innocent as soon as possible." TUB LEADERS HAVE ESCAPED. Everything u Quiet, and There Art No Signs of Resistance. WA3HIXGTOJJ, May 5.-Tb war de partment has received th following dW. patch from Oeneral Merrlam; "Wardner, Idaho, May (-AJjutant Oeneral, Washington: The Inquest Is still in progress with closed doors. On bund. red and twenty-eight arrest have been had by stat officers under military support. No signs of resistance are vis ible, but Indications an that most ot th leaders of th mob have escaped by going east and west Into Montana and Washington. Others are hiding In th mountains. The sheriff at Thompson Falls, M'nt.. reports many arriving on foot over tbe mountain trails. The gov. ernors of Idaho and Montana are corr. .ponding to effect arrests In Montana. The troops are In a position to do all that la possible. There Is now no ap pearance of organised resistance. "MERRLAM." CLEARIXO OUT OF WALLACE. WALLACE. Idaho, May J.-NotbHif but the pumps worked on Canyon crek to day. After Burke's experience last night, tbe miners further down prepared for similar treatment today, not going on tbe shift this morning but getting their clothes and blankets ready to move. A few more took to th hills. Th heglrn via Thompson Falls still continues. Thirty or more have already passed Mor. ray. Some prisoners, seven from Mul lan. the balance taken here today, were placed on the train for Wardner. I iGEX. Lt'XA REPORTED WOUNDED. NEW YORK. May 5.-A Manila dls- patch to the Journal says General Luna ! was wounded In the fighting near 8an I Tomas yesterday. The dispatch also says Young Men's Bulls, all wool; black chev- tho monitor is today shelling Faranuu .. ,, . - i south of Manna. JS ..-UlU'la- ' sriClDE UNIDENTIFIED. if)HTr,AXD. Mar R-A special to the Oregonlan from Starbtick. Wash., says: Positive Information has been received hot i.ihn M,itwtlt. who was blentine.t as the man who suicided at Walla Walla rior to April 17 Is wllve and well, me t.nm.lAl secretary of the frder or for esters of this place, received a letter from Montpenit today In his own nanawrmng h-.rin it May 1. Montiwtlt Is said to be working on "the Snake River Valley railroad. FIRST ATLANTIC MESSAGES. T-ONDON. Mav S-Accordlnc to a state ment by 'the secretary of the Wireless Telegraph Company, the first attempt to transmit Atlantic messages by tne Marconi system will be made during tne lontcsts for Alerlca s cup. F.IL1XO ON HOMESTEADS. ni'Bivfin Col.,.. Mav 5. Building on several new towinsltes on the t'te land lnir forward. Filings at the land office up to noon todny numbered SO. RIOTS WILL BE QUELLED. WARDNER. Idaho. May i-Tonight at a conference with a number of Wardner business men. General Merriam declared asainsl the establishment of a new mili tary post in the four d'Aleties for the purpose of keeping down dynamiters. Xlie formation of a strong state militia. he suggested, would be the best means cf malnw'.nlng order after 'the presv&l riots are effectually qUelicti. "1 have only abhorrence for such conditions as exist here," said General Merriam. "I should rather live, uudcr the tyranny ot a R.us. sian monarchy than to live in terror ot the mob such as rules In the Cour d'Alenes." FURTHER DANGER PASSED. WARDNER. Idaho, May 5,-Three hundred and titty miners accused ot par. tlcipatlng in Saturday's riot are now con titled here under guard of United States troops. With today's arrivals otW United Slates troops are now in the Coeur d'Alene district, and all fear of further outbreaks Is passed. There will be thtve charges against the prisoners, name. . rloling. destroylm? property and stopping the United States mulls. It Is unlikely that all of the pris oners will be tried, but they wlU be held ...u ,..i.i....., i. fotlccted against the Ml,.!, v,"" . leaders. General Merriam has his headquarters here, but a special train Is held In rea.il ness to carry him to any part of the dls. trlct whenever he Is needed. A majority of the troops are held In the vicinity of Wnllafe. Burke, Gem and Mullan. owing to the fact that most of the alleged riot ers are In that district. The Inquest over the bodies of Smith and Chevne will rrobably last for at least a week, as about W witnesses are to be examined. Coroner France, speaking of th innuest today said: "The Inquest Is DOCK LABORERS STRIKE. BUFFALO. May S.-About l.J mem-.. bers of the new k al No. 51 voted unanl. moiisly this afternoon not to confer with the state board of arbitration and Con. tractor Connors. The situation on th docks Is prac'loaHv unchanged. Two large freighter arrived at the Central d cks. hut jhere are no men to unload th-m. About 45 vessel are rld on her waiting to be unloaded, contractors claim to have ten elevators working this. morning. ... UNION MEN IN CONFERENCE. ' FtUFFAIl. N. Y.. May S.-Metnbers of the sitate board of arbitration worked hard today In an endeavor to settle the exiting trouble on the docks and at midnight a conference Is going on at wWch representatives of sll the Interests Involved are present. i The strike of sll the union men ent. ployed on the docks, which was proph. sled fr today, did not occur. President McMahon. of the S cooper's union, said at the request of the board. It was de. ferred !4 hours. SEVENTY DAYS IX DARKNESS. Int.-resllng Voyage of the Belglc Antart. tic Exploring Party.. t v ' NEW YORK, May 5.-The steamship . . . v.- Cova. from South American - brought some news about Captain Oer. lacher's Relgica Antarctic exploring ex pedition. March . at Punta Arenas. her skipper met Dr. Cok. one of those In harge of the Belgica. Captatn Cook said that he had a most interesting .voyage. For to aays n- partv was In total darkness, ine gica was stuck In the Ice twelve month white exploring Alexander land. CONCERNS ONLY THEMSELVES. TO FURNISH NON-UXION MEN. .i.vbi,aM). ().. May r..-The Lake Carriers Association this afternoon ap pointed a committee fo go to unna.u represent the association In Us trouble with the dock strmers. ine will, If possible, replace the strikers with non-union labor. MURDERER ADJUDGED SANE. SEATTLE. Wash.. May 6.-Char:ea W. Xordstromm. who was declared gumy oi ..... mr.w ct William Mason eight years ago. was adjudged sane today by the medical commission. The date tor m execution will be named tomorrow. This will make the fourth time the day has been set. SUICIDE NEAR WASHOUOAL. VANCOUVER. Wash., May 5-The man found dead In the vicinity of Washougal yesterday was Alexander Mcintosh. The coroner's Jury rendered a verdict of sui cide. Both barrels of a shotgun, which was found beside the body, was emptied In the man's head. ' lot suit, lonar nants. well lined and sewed; -well worth WM: per suit... 1480 Shanalian Bros. i NEGRO LABORER'S FIND. i CINCINNATI. O., May 6. Burled treas i tire In the shape of 11 J1.000 bonds, bear ' Ing undipped coupons which add several ! thousand dollars to their vatue, were WASHINGTON. May 5. Official assur ance has been given our government that the apreement between Great Britain and Russia as to the spheres of influence In r-h!,,o nrerna only thoe parties and In no manner affects the Interests ot me United State. BENNETT KNOCKED OUT. NEW YORK, May 5.-Kld McPartland. of this city, knocked out Jack Bennett, of McKeesport. Pa.. In the fifth round tonight. f TV jfv1 1 itvW Baewj I IV n w u VTf i'iv f s&iUTHY Puke Makes the food more delicious and wholesome IOVM Sl SOW CO . M VOW.