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About The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899 | View Entire Issue (May 5, 1899)
THE DAILY A8T0RIAN, FRIDAY MOKMNU, MAY fc, m REMARKABLE VALUES.... ....In Ladies' Wrappers Wt offer to the ladles thlt week larg ami varied stsortmcnl of Ladle' Wrappers, all thoroughly well made, with extra width skirts. 8m are trlmmeit -with embroidery, others with lace, and till other with braid. Hut the rmvt at. tractive feature li the remarkably low price we auk fop hem. OUR LOT AT 85 CENTS to equal to. If not niperior, to any tl.S wrapper over offered In town. We hsvs other at all prices up to il.M . It ! to tout advantage to buy of us while they last, at mich value will Haver be offered again. THE FAIR, 506-508 Commercial Street. P. J. Meany-tra (Derchant Tailor and Exporter of Fore. Highest Cash Price Paid for rur Bkloa. Twtitti and Commercial Sta. Astoria, Or. Ladies' Underwear andWrappers Mad to order and kept to. stock. KUNQSANQ&CO Coraer Eighth and Commercial Sts. Opea aext Tharwday. USE N. P. CORSETS... They ore the Best Albert Dunbar TODAY'S WEATHER. Occasional rain. AROUND TOWN. Fresh buttermilk at th Parlor. Nice packag of tea cents at th Pat Market Ic cream and lea cream sods, at th Parlor. Th Harrison crossed out yesterday for Tillamook. The tur Roberts returned yesterday to Ke tart's bay. The Stale crossed out yesterday morn. Ing for Saa Francisco. Born Thursday. April 4. to the Anton Antoocleh, a son. rife of Beat 15-eent meal. Rising 8un restaur at. Ci Commercial street Beit California win JO cents per gal lon. Alex Gilbert sole agent for Astoria. Telephone B. A good girl want a position as clerk In store or general housework. Call at K7 Ninth street. The Samson arrived In yesterday with a barge tow from Gray's harbor and pro. ceeded up the river. Money to loan. Address K, care oi Astorian office, giving same, amount wanted, collateral, etc. Sweet cream received twice a aay and M charge mad for whipping or deliver, tasj cream at the Parlor. Dr. Ball hag removed hla dental office Into the ManaeU building, over the Eastern Tea Company's store Dr. J. H. Davis has opened his dental office In the Page Building. First-class work guaranteed; price reasonable. Th very finest The ne plus ultra. The ereme de la creme. That's Harper whisky In three language. Sold by Foard Ic Stokes, Astoria, Oregon. YOU MAT GET RESERVED SEATS FOR "HAWAII AND HAWAIIAN'S" AT GRIFFIN & REED'S WITHOUT EX. TRA CHARGE. ADMISSION 25 CENTS. Runnier and Ideal ticyaea for sale or rent Repairs and sundries at lowest rates. Call at cyclery. SS Bond street Columbia Electric and Repair Company. After May S the Astoria Wood Yard Company will deliver Knappton Mills slab 'wood at your door, sawed, for 12.50 per cord. Leave orders with F. L. Parker or at th Astoria Wood Yard. New Neckwear Techs, I'uffs, Bows and Fancy Manufactured fleoi and Hobby Line of C. H. COOPER, The Leading House of Astoria The Ploce To Save Money Three house for rent. Apply to K. Z. Frguon, Astoria Abstract Title and Truit Company. In the county clerk' office yesterday John H. Jarvl. a native of Russia, de dared hla Intention to become an Ameri can citlten. The funeral of Grace Wea:herford will take place today from IVhl's undertaking1 parlor. The Interment will be In Green, wood cemetery. The ateamer Signal arrived In yester day from Seattle with tons of coal for the P-iflo Coast Company. She U dla charging the cargo at th coal bunker. Contractor iVlmbvrtr iwtll commence the erection of a building for Olsen, the cigar man. on the present site of the store on Commercial street on Mondoy next. The tea given by the ladles of the Me;h fKllst church at the residence of Mr. D. K. Campbell last evening was well at. tended and an enjoyable tme was passed by all present. At the council meeting last night John Kopp was granted a retail liquor license. The applications of R U Jeffery and Swan Wilson were referred to the com mittee on health and police. The steam schooner Lakme arrived from Portland yesterday and crossed out for Seattle. The repairs to the Ijkme caused by the fireJ In her hoal la-si ' winter amounted to over $'.3aW. ! Kelly's transfer wagons deliver b.ix 1 wood to any part or the city on short notice. All order left at Zapfs fuml- J tur store. CO Commercial street, will : receive XM. prompt attention. Telrpho-e 1 Tfca Nw Creamery Restaurant. Bond as soon as the ordinance Is passed. Th- street, near the alley between Uth and work of extending the Horthwick Lumber Uth streets, serves the best Bent meal! Company do k will be commenced next ever set out In Astoria. Everything Is j week. Shipping ut the other docks. It is oew, neat sod clean, and abaoiut satis- thought, will he somewhat Inconveni. faction Is guaranteed all patrons. j em-vd by these extensions and dck own- j ers, therefore, will have to build out to Rev. J. J. Walter Is entertaining theti. harbor line In order 10 hold their Klondikers In Alaska with his famous 1 business. Brown A Corblu. of Port. lecture on bis "Joliet Penitentiary." The i land, who own the Ninth street dock. reverend gentleman is reported to b I are said to be preparing to extend that creating quite a sensation by the elo. 'dock. This will leave the docks between quent and Instructive lessons he draws ! that point and the O. R. & N. at a dls. from his lecture. J advantage and they will probably be ex- . . . I tended without delay. Fredericksburg Musi.- Hall, corner of i Seventh and Alder streets, Portland. Or. High class entertainments every evening. The family resort In that city. AH kinds of refreshments. All delicacies In season. Admission free. Louis Dam. ' masch. proprietor. County Judge Gray and Commissioners Peterson and Lewis win visit the Young' bay bridge this af.ernoon. The visit is i official and is made mainly for the pur. ! pose of viewing the extent of the Ira- ! provement necessary before the bridge: can be opened for travel. ' I Wanted-Man with little money In every county In Oregon and Washington, j to sell th "Best" Incandescent Lamps; , makes own gas; 100 candl. Cheapest I light known. The "Best" Incandescent ; Lamp Co.. US Third street. Portland. Or. ' Hugglns & Squler. Managers. 1 I W. A. Gaines private stock wbisay, handled exclusively In Astoria by John 1 L, Carlson. Is on of U most popular: jeverages sold. Ita purity and quality ; are gjaranteed, and It Is especially rec-; ommended for family use. It Is sold In any quantity at th corner of Twelfth and Bond streets. In the county court yesterday a peti tion was read from Olef Olson and other to lay out a county road along the Ne uickum. B. A. Condit and J. . Brail. Her were appointed viewer: fo mH at j Carl Johnson s place May 21 A. S. Tee was appointed surveyor to examine the read, in the afternoon ttie court was en. sraged in auditing bills. . j The Amme sister ladle- onhe-stra con- j tinues to draw large crowds nightly at the 1 Ixmvre. The entertainment Is first-class , In every respect and the best of order j Is observed. The program this week Is one of the best yet prevented, being taken i from the leading musical composers, and 1 la faultlessly rendered. Astorlans de. ; eirous of spending a pleasant evening . should not fall to visit the Louvre. I In the police cour( yesterday Pete CaS- ' par and John Kenny, arrested for drunk j enness. were fined each. Kenny Is a miner and was arrested early yesterday : morning on Bond street by Officer Phil. ! lips. When taken to the station he . showed signs of being Injured. It is said that th man was in the hands I night, whereas the O. R. & N. Com or drunken rowdies In a down. town a- pany's boat and Captain Kamm's boats Boys' Pour-in Hands Knicker Leggings. P0R BICYCLE USE. bv J. and D. McGeorge, Dunfrees, Scotland. SUSPENDERS of the Celebrated Wilson Bros, Make loo all night, who kicked and cuffed him until he was scarcely able to aland. HI Injurle are supposed to be of such a nature that If not properly attended to they may result fatally. Judge Nelson, on being Informed of Kenny' condition, suspended, eentence. City Attorney Allen thlnka that the man ahould receive medi cal attention at once, and arrangements will be mad to have Kenny sent to the hospital. The RrttUh ship Wallaceton was moved yesterday from the Clatsop Mill ivm. IHiny' dock to the can factory dock, wh.-r she will finish taking on the re. nuitnder of her lumber cargo, She li now down to 1& feet draught, which I the deepest she could U loaded at the Clat. sop mill dock. The lumber to complete her cargo will be hauled by the i'tatsop Mill Company to the dock where he now lie. There la yet some prepect of I'ortland securing a direct llni of steamers to Alaska. The transportation committee of the chamber of commerce, nay the Telegram. In ttl working on the matter, and hope to accomplish aomelhtng oon. The greatest obstacle In the way la the scarcity of steamers. Twice arrange. mem were thought to bo completed, but the plana failed on this acvount. While there Is not the trade on the Alaska route that there was during the Klondike boom, there Is still a large enough vol. urn to warrant a line of steamers direct I from the Columbia river. Portland job. ber will be badly handicapped as long as they ar compelled to rout their icood via Sound points. The effects of the recently formed to bacco trust I already beginning to be felt. Over 30 traveling men who nuke their headquarters In Portland, represent, i lng large eastern factories amalgamated !wl;h the trust, have been discharged. Throughout the tiil:xl States these tlrms ' had thousands of men on the road. Most of them will be laid off. Kven by this but a faint conception of lh,. mngnltude of the proposed operation of this gigantic trust Is gleaned. Its reductions along the retrenchment line are s.i sweeping as to startle the tobacco trade. Hereafter the manufacturer will deal directly with Jobbers, who will supply the retail trade. The competition In local circles among Jobbers will be the same, as each Jobber t '" ir ' bloek out as large a field as po."u;e to supply, runner than this however, competition will not extend. It Is probable thut the docks aloiii! the waterfront will be extended out to the h.irlvor line before the summer Is over. An ordinance was tmrodiio-d at the cou'tcll meeting last nigh: granting Permission to K. Parker to extend hi dock U feet, which will It up to the harbor line. Mr. I'arkr has received the piles and work will lie commenced I The Astorlan has received an Interest. I lng letter from C. Ilr.tdbury. of Seaside. on the cause of the death of the lle.kman I party. Space will not permit the publi cation of Mr. Hradbury'.s letter, but It Is a strong presentation of the opinion hl h ivems u be held by nearly every. on' ln Seaside that the death of the m-n 'a due to exposure, resulting from their I,k ' ouluble preparations for th- trip ,h"y undertook. Mr. Itradbury lnstan. es hi own experience and that of others equally well knuwn to show th entire probability that after the death of Clou. !rle c,n,'r mem!ers of the party lost tnlr bearings and gradually sue umhed to the inclemency ..t the weather 4n'1 Ine privations of their position. He "oe not think It at all remarkable If the stomachs of the men showed siun of intlammation. after their lonsr abstin- ence from food an.1 the hardship of th. lr continuous tramp In clothing, at a high altitude, without sleep or rest of any character, but Mr. Itradbury scouts the idea that they were jsjlsoned. Me also denies most positively that he made such statements as were attributed to him in an afternoon paper com er:tng the brands or mark on the ham and ether food found In the camp of the m-n. He says there was nothing on any of these articles to Indicate where they had been purchased or by wixim they were pre pa re. Last night' Telegram ay: Xlu fare from Portland to Astoria having been re ,U(.ej 0 t,ra each way with no resile, t0n for return trip by rail, the White Collar line of steamers has gone this one better by charging 11.10 one way. or CVi for the round trip, and the O. R. A N. Company and Captain Kamm are still holding out with the 11.3) one way or 119 round trip fare. The O. R. & N. Company, it aprwars. has demanded that the railroad make a differential rat of W per cent with the steamboat companies in order to place the two on an even foot- Ing. To further enforce its demand, the O. R. & N. Company rut the far to the figure stated above, and Captain Kamm's boat followed. The White Collar line did not cut the one.way fare lower than that charged by the railroad, presumably by reason of the fact that Hs boat, the Telephone, leave Portland In the morn Ing and leaves up from Astoria the same Clothing In Kccfers and Vestecs. leave Portland at night and Astoria In th morning. Thl Icavea the Telephone without any direct opposition on th rlv. er, which give her a certain advantage over th evening boat. If, as rumor ha It. the O, H. A N. Company new steam, er Hassalo will be placed In commis sion on this route, she would undoubtedly he laid on as a morning boat, In direct competition with the Telephone, Should this rumor prove true, 11 la problem!!. cl where the rale.cuttlng would end. fourteen sailors will arrive from 8a n Pram-lsco on the Columbia thl motiving to complete the crew of the llrlllsh ship Howard l. Troop. The men am guarded by deputy marshal from San Krattcisco and they are also Mcconi4tiile. by two men. representing the sailors' hoarding houses of Sun Kran-isi'o, w ho are armed and on board for (he purpose of pr'veul tng (he men from being delivered on the ship. The hoarding houses demand MM aplec,. for Ihe delivery of the sailor and are determined to enforce Its payment. Hoth sides are determined ami trouble Is expected on ihe transferor thr men from the Columbia to the Troup. Th Coluui. bla will be met this morning at the mouth of the rlrr by the launch Klf with lHpuiy limed States Marshal llouser on board. M MltRIt UK CITY TKKKT LIUHTS PUU'Kt) AT Klr'TV. Council at Ita Meeting Last night An. ihortird the Street Committee to Contract for Thai Number. The regular meeting 0f the common council was held last night, all the mem. be 1 being present. Mayor Itergman pre. sided. A comnuini.atlon was read from the county court requesting that a commit tee of the be appointed to Join the county court today In viewing lh Young's bay brldg,. Tor the purpose of arriving at an understanding as ti whether the city or county, or both, should bear the expense of tiulldlng the approach. The mayor appointed a com. mitte,. consisting of Scherneckeau. I't linger and Clinton to meet at the court house at I ..' this afternoon A tnotiJti prevailed tiling lh,. committee full pow. er to act. A communication from the West thore Mills Companv s.ating that tfie company would light the cltv with 5o are light during th.- next year at IT. So a light a-id WMU..I furnish Incandescent Hunt to the i ity hall building free, was read an t pla.'vd on tile. The quarterly reports of the city treas urer, auditor ami water commis-Uui were r. ported on favorably by the suit ami means committee. A r jxirt was read from thr ways and means committee stating that the w-.uer commission and the commute., thought 5o arc lights of :"io candle iwer would he sufficient f-r the present ne.ds of the city. This Is a reduction of 1J lights the present number being C. The report was adopted. The committee on streets an.l public j ways reported favorably on the following claims, and they were ordered paid: West Shore Mills Company. T.i for street lights, less Itt.31 for lights out; Clatsop Mill Company. 112; city surveyor. IU. and superintendent of streets, $.Vi. An ordinance was Introduced au hor. xlng the auditor and police Ju.lge in Issue quit claim ded to J. K. Ferguson and J. W. ttuprenant for lots S and t. bio. k to. M.-Clure's and lots "t an.l 4. block TI. Onley's Astoria. The ordinance was re.i.l the third tune and pa !. under a suspension of the rules. An ordinance was Introduced author. Ixlng the ways and means committee to enter Into contract with the West Shore Mills Company for furnishing the city with ii lights at V.'m a light and any additional luteins required at the same rate for the next year, commencing May IT. K'J. After some discussion It was decided to empower the street committee to make the contract Instead of in way and m.-ans committee, and the ordinance was changed accordingly. The ordinance was then read the e.-ond time a thl Welch moved that the number of city lights be reduced to Jl. lioddurd moved that the lights be kept up to the present number Neither motion received a ssrond. so Mayor Itergman tailed for a vote on ihe suspension of the rules, on whl.-nj Welch voted "no." Since the rules run be susieiidcd only by unanimous vote and as the pres-nt contract for ligbt ex pires on May 17 this action would have necessitated the calling of a special meet, lng. A general discussion on the final passage of the ordinance took place In which the Push Club anil Taxpayers league cam In for some criticism. Aftr some persuasion, Welch was Induced to change his vote and allow tin- ordln. ance to come up for third reading, after which it was passed with but one dissent lng vote-that of Welch. An ordinance was Introduced to accept the Improvement on Aslor street and read the second time. A motion to susped the rules and pass the ordinance was lost Parker Voting "no." An ordinance was Introduced permitting the Oregon Telephone A Telegraph Com. pany to erect poles In a southwesterly direction between Taylor's Astoria and the harbor line, for the extension of Its line to seaside and was read the second time. A motion to suspend the rules and pass the ordlmince was lost, Hhern keau, Welch. Ooddard and Parker voting "no." An ordinance permitting K. P. Parker to extend his wharf out to Ihe harbor line was read th first and second times. An ordinance appropriating J10 for April and tli) for May for office rent for the city surveyor was read the first and second times. An ordinance to enforce the collec. tlon of assessments remaining delinquent on the Young's bay Improvement passed the third reading. City Attorney Allen stated that he was Informed by the county court that about l-'Wi was due the "!ty on account of the road and poll taxes collected before the city limits were cut down. It Is clnlmed that about J.7KK) ln all Is otic the city from this source, but Mr. Allen thought It best to accept the I'M rather than take the matter Into the courts. Councilman OoddnrVl jiug'gested that this amount be presented to the county with the uiiderMandlnsf that the money be used In building the approach to the Young's bay bridge. The county assessor has not yet completed the assessment roll and Mr. Ooddard's suggestion wan not acted upon. The council then ad. Journed. SI'MMKH TKHM OP NORMAL SCHOOL A hummer term of ten weeks will bo held at the State Normal School at Mon. mouth, beginning Tuesdty, June 2lth. The regular work of the school, Including the preparation for all state and county examinations, will be given by the nor mal faculty, drade made will t oredlted toward graduation. Tuition W.25. Board and lodging from $2.60 to 13 per week. Total expense from $36 to 40. Tor an. nouneemrots, address Secretary of the Faculty, Normal School, Monmouth. Andrew Lake 5J4COMM1CHCIAU MT, ...Merchant Tailor... Perfect Pit (iu 11 rim teed. Low Prices. Repairing; and t leaning Neatly Don. Dr. J. H. Davis, DENTIST l'nue liluck Ant or In PKftSONAt. MKNTIUN. Frank Heott of Seaside, spent yesterday In the city. II. S. rttchhlns. of Seattle, north Pacific coast agent of the Krle llputch. I In fh cltv. P. C. Savage, traveling agent of the "jsorthwest limited, was in tne cuy yesterday. i llev. Mr IMItncshcad has gotm to i IVnver In resMinn to a telegram Mr. Ward. Mrs. Holllngsb. ads toother. who Is critically III In that city Mrs. Kilgore, wife of Captain Kllgore . of the teveltu.- cutter I'rrry. has gon 10 i Portland to remain during the northern ' cruise of Captain Kllgore'. vrel i .Mrs. J t". Mayo returned from Call. ', fornla )eterday. where she has be.n for several months for the b n.M' of her' health Mrs Mao w.i. acc.im4"icd by her son. norm. uiti ..i.s. IH'11KNT. W. 1 Martin. Portland John It I'ope. rortland ' N lligglns. I'ortlaMd C. NoMrrn, Portland P. C. Savage. Portland. V W. Holier. I'ortiaud James S It- Id. I' Tllan.l II I". MHeller. I'ottlall.t J P Hetts Portland II S M.vioKan. Cniioxik John Annett. San Pi an. Is -.' K M lreen. Abenleei, J ! Megb r and wir... Hro. kflrld II S St. bblns. S.-a lie J i) Sampson. Tacotti.i J T. Ier. Svenseti PA It K Kit llol SH W It Wilson. liiMton. J II Hurler. Portland Captain II Anderson. Portland. W. l llo.kafellow Portland. .Mrs. It J Smlthson, Taom. Os. ar Krlckson. Melvilie tleorge W. Kaslerbro ig Ocenslde J. y Williams. lN.rt Orchard James Hughes. Ilwaco ItKAI. KSTATK Tit A NSPKHS. Henry W. Illrchard lo Vesta llichard, west half of northwest tj'iarter. sec. tlon if? niwnshit i north rung 7 West. St acre I Henry W. llichard to I.. Ulreiiard. west half of north wit ipiortrr, sec. tlon ;T. township '. north, range 7 Sis John P l.arson to Cba-les ' Han. sen. southeast quarter of souihrast ipiarter. section and ...utbwest piarter of southwest . ( i ,i r ' . r .i tlon 2. and tior'hwese ipinrter ..f north, west ipiarter, section township t north, rang,, .t. ;n a res TIIK A.MKHIi'ANS AS Pp;ilTi:rtS That Americans know how to fight they have already proved s-veral timss C They have always fought rstht and right, that's (the reas n Amcrlr like lo r famous household remedy - tetter's Stomach Hitters Kor half a cen. tury this great remedy hn been restor. Ing strength to alt stomachs, vigor to tired nerves, and health and strength lit::;, 'Surrr-iS: of Iml'atlons. Ho I ng ns ilie-e v in the world so long will ltstet:r'i Stomach Hitters live cure It. If you are trouble. with constipation, lndlgs. tlon. billlousness. or If your kidney have been overworked, try Hosteller's Hrom aeh flitters. It wi.i cure -ui. If you are well, take It occasionally lo keep you so. PHflpOSAIJI POK SVKU fifflce of C. y. M . Vancouver Ilarrai k. Wash., May t, KQ H'-aled proposals. In triplicate, will be received her until II o'clock a. rn., June . lhw, an.) then op-ned, for furnishing fuel at th s. eral military p.. sis ln this department for flHcal year commem ing July 1st, IS99. Information furnished here or by quar. termasters at posts. U. 8. rew-rve right to reject or accept any ,r all proposals or any part thereof. Envelope contain. Ing proposals should bo marked: "Pro. posals for Fuel at ," and addressed to undersigned. J. W. JAC'OIIH, C. Q. M. NOTICE. ASIOIUA B. 4 L. ASSOCIA TION. ASTORIA, AprllT"im-To th (lock, holders Astoria Building and Loan As sociation : Notice is hereby given that lh regular annual meeting of th stock, holder of th Astoria Building and Loan Association will be neid May 9, ISO), helnf th first Tuesday after th first Wdn day In May in accordance with Article IV, Sections 1, 2, and S of th by.hvws- for the election of o.n-otor and the transaction of such other business as may come before said meeting. At I p, in. on the day of said meeting; th share- holders will consider the ratification or rejection of the action of the board of directors In accepting th proposition of the Kgultable Savings and Ioan Associa tion of Portland for a transfer of the business and assets of this Association to the Equitable. WM, H. BARKER, Attest: W. L. ROUB, President, Secretary. Articles may be put away so carefully that you forget their hiding places. Vase and Ornament Day. Various designs, shapes and slzt In Royal Hanover, Royal Tepllt vases and ornaments. Also fancy glass vase In endless variety. Compare prices with us. Borne articles cut 60 pr cent Borne articles cut 60 par cent. ODD AND F.NDM, HALF PRICK, Great Americas Importing Tea Co. m Oonissarrlal Vtr, Astoria. Item Zealand Fire Insurance Go Of New Zealand. f W. P. ThomiiH, Mgr., San Kninolncoi 'NLIMITCD LIABILITY OP 5MAREM0LDBR5. f bulwribo.1 Capital . Paid-Up Capital AcU Asti.i in I'nitctl States Surplus to Policy IIoKlrrt i Has boon Underwriting on tin SAHUEL ELMORE & CO., ! I f u I r 1 r Atrexiru H KCnW. 1 8 99 KNOX SAILOR HATS Iror In llliuk, Niivv Itluc While Vr an a BUFFUM & I Inttcrn and !M Third Strct t, Cornor Stark, Pacific Navigation Com pany ', NTKAMKHH I. F. Blitinro ' W. II. llnrrlMott , GARIBALDI IIAY CiiiiiHTlinir "t Astoria with tli On-tfi.ti lUllmaJ i Naifallot Co. fur San Francisco rorllaml and all ihiIiiIs t asl. For freiglii and taaeti Sfr rat. apply to NnrtHiel I'Jrtioro Co. (itiiieral Airenl. AHTOIUA. OUK. , COIIN' & CO., AjtBiita, Oregon Itallruu.l k Navigation Co., TII,I,AMOtK, Ort. IDUTI.AM). (rs. Bend t-ot stanp to pay poatag FISHER BROS. I I !Bui,ders' Heavy and Shelf ! Caa Bav Tea Money on Estimates YrWiViVerVe i ASTORIA MEAT COMPANY Telsphon Handles Only the 8 CaaisMrclal II. , Stop and Think! Are You Oettlnif The Beet Menln, The Bent Liquore, Or The Bet BedB That can be had la tho city? rr It la Because you have For those who require a gsnuln fd, May get there with snoeome all that ha mtA Thousands who know It have freely oopfessad That of all th great oatarers "JEFF Is th BEST. IxKk for the sign ( ".JEFF'H" and tako no otlior. JituhllHliod twenty years. Columbia Electric and Repair Co. SucceHHor to COLUMBIA IRON WORKS Blacksmiths BoilerMakers Machinists Foundrymen L.ogglng Engines Unlit and Repnlred. Heavy Forging Under Power Hammer a Specialty Sole Manufacturers of the Unsurpassed ... "Harrison Sectional" ' Propellor Wheel ... Contractors for Electric Lights and Tower Plants. ROCHESTER SHOES IIICHT MA KM Ladles' Lnfc, Vcstlnu Hint ur Tin $2.00, $:.), ,j.70. $;i,oo. Nlsscs, same its nlmve, $1.10. irlc-o, $1.50. Mens' Vlcl and Cnlf. $1.50 ,$2.00, $:U)0 quality and Hlyle lh best for lh. prices. 1 TUB BEIC HIVE. . . $.1,000,000 . 1,000,000 HA 1.1,1 H 3(10.000 1.71H.71I2 Pacific Coat over Twentv-tw voiim. Astoria, Oregon. I I ,',','W"ft' - tit l.ndieH. J llrowii, Knox Hut, I very M)lli Woiiieiii PENDLETON I'liriilwhcrH. P0UTLN1, OKKtiON'. ONLY tJIHKCT LINK AHTOI1IA to TILLAMOOK CITY IIOIIMONVILLK aasl g a TV Tabl tor UH. General Supply House for Family Groceries. Hardware, Ship Chandlery, Etc. of Material of arret? Xetsosipthsa. INo. HJt Choicest Meats I at it Pslso RsifaaraM. Jeffs Restaurant. Loggers Supplies Kept In Stock r