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About The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899 | View Entire Issue (April 27, 1899)
THE DAILY AST0R1AN, THURSDAY MOKMMls APRIL im HOW ABOUT try a pair of our, and w guar ante you H1 Mm with ua that Brown Shoe Co. 'a (trade 5 mark) Shoes art unquestionably tha beat wad. (lane through our aiork and a comparison of our price irttn other will do mora to convince you that thta la tha plaoa to buy than all tha talking w cwld do. ALL RIPS REPAIRED FREE OF CHARGE. Let ua number you among our shoe cuatomer. THE FAIR, 506-508 Commercial Money back it goods ara not satisfactory. The BONBONNEIRE. P. J. Meany-wvtfsy merchant Tailor and Exporter o! Fws. Highest Cash Prfca Paid tor Fur Skins. Tamthand Commercial Sta. Astoria, Or. Ladies' Underwear andWrappers Hade to order and kept la stock. Price) Besaonshla. KUNGSANG&CO Comer Eighth and Commercial 5ts. Opaa next Thursday. AH Linen Embroidered ...Handkerchiefs 25 Cents Eacti. Albert Dunbar TODArB WEATHER. Occasional rain. AROUND TOWN. Strawberries at the Parlor, 10 cents a box. lit. most delldoua lot cream and lea areata soda at tb. Parlor. Beat lS-cent meal. Rising Sun restaur ant, CI Commercial street Letter in answer to "T." ar. at th Astorlan office. 'A" and "S" Choice ham at IS cent a piece and upwards at the Pat Market. Wanted, to Borrow. JlyuO on first-class property in Astoria. Addres L, care of Astorian. Beit California wine 30 cent per gal lon. Ales Gilbert, sole agent for Astoria. Talephon. SI Sweet cream received twice a day and ao charge mad far whipping or deliver. Intr cream at tb. Parlor. Gentlemen wishing pleasant furnished rooms can be accommodated by calling at 480 Commercial street Dr. Ball ha removed hi dental office Into the Man sell building, over the Eastern Tea Company', (tore. The W. C. T. U. will hold a regular meeting this afternoon at 2 o'clock at Rescue hall. Visitor, welcome. Tha British ship Marechal Suchet and Balmoral, bolh wheat laden, are lying In the lower harbor ready for sea. The very finest. The ne plus ultra. The rem. de la creme. That' Harper whisky In three languages. Sold by Foard eV Stokes, Astoria, Oregon. After May 6 the Astoria Wood Yatd Company will deliver Knappton Mills lab wood at your door, sawed, for S2.50 per cord. Leave orders with F. L. Parker or at the Astoria Wood Yard. New Neckwear Tccks, Tuffs, liows and Fancy Manufactured Ileal and Hobby Line of C. THOSE SHOES TOU WEAR? Do thr wear well, look wall. fel well? If you have been bavins trouble with ehoeei purchased elsewhere. The Place To Save Money Street, Astoria's Leading Confectionery Store. Finest in Oregon Lowney's Chocolates a Specialty. Page Block. ASTORIA Wanted y a strong, industrious young man, work ot any kind to do. Please address A. Astorlan office. Walla Walla wheat Is down to i cents a usne. in fortlana. Tha price at Ta. coma sun continues over a dollar a ton nigner tor me same graJe or wheat. (a ecore of fill pin, lte wanted t pins """ I In the last game to beat the hush .or Ramoltr and Ideal blcyclaa for salt orof Cooper s team and he didn't do a rant. Repairs and aundrlea at lowest, thing but pile up in, a follow-: Me. rate. CaB at eydary. ta Bond street ponnell, ; Crosby, l: Cooper. : llan. Columbia Electric and Repair Company. I ,,,,. u, wu, Blil0 .,,.,,, ' In the polk- court yesterday three sailors from th British ship Tarana were fined C5 each for disorderly condu. t. John Eagle and Alex Regier were fined 10 and 15 respectively for drunkenness. Kelly's transfer wagons deliver b x wood to any part ot the city on short notice. All orders left at Zapfs furni ture store. SU Commercial street, will receive prompt attention. Trb phone 2U4. Tha New Creamery Reataurant. Bond i street, near the all.y between 11th and I2th strews, serves the beat K-cent meal 1 ever act out In Astoria. Everything la I ' new, seat and clean, and absolute satis- faction la guaranteed all patron. The Portland Telegram says: It Is shown that many fanners In Oregon who have turned their attention to dairying have made an average profit of Stf per year for each cow. One creamery paid fanners in the vicinity of J18000 in cash last year. Fredericksburg Musk' Hall, corner of I Seventh and Alitor itrMti Pnnian.i rvr I High class entertainments every evening. The only family resort In that city. All kinds of refreshments. All delicacies In season. Admission tree. Louis Dam. maeh. proprietor. Wanted-Man with little money in every county In Oregon and Washington. to sell th "Best" Incandescent Lamps; make, own gas; 100 candle. Cheapett light known. The "Best" Incandescent j Lamp Co.. 1SS Third street. Portland. Or. Kuggins 4 S'l'jier, Managers. Civil service eliminations for positions linder the. el..m n.t. ..e.l... will t,M at tViA .n.inm. hiu. l,m. St 11 .o, ,- ,.v : . .Klr....,.uu. ,i vr ...u w.m i'!0. tiUf ,U.a, aecreiary pnor 10 Jiay a. Application lil.nlrj .n.l In.rmtlin. , . n K UmA I.--. ha ex- 'n t r,.nl. ,k. cust rns hous-. W. A. Cine.' prlrat. .toe wblwy ' ;h.nrfleM In A.rnrl. K. Th- ! U Carlson, 1 on. of th. moat popular beverage sold. It parity and quality are gjaranteed. and It 1. especially rec ommended for family nse. It la sold In any quantity at tb. corner of Twelfth and Bond street. Captain Jones is said to be very much pleased with the steamer Game Cock, which he purchased from Hale & Kern, and says he ha the strongest towboat on ihe river. She is also very economical, and uses less fuel In proportion to the power developed than any other boat he has. He secured the boat In the first place at a low figure. W. S. (Joodfelinw, Sis JTriscloco mil lionaire, arrived In the city yesterday. He is negotiating for the purchase of the pilot schooner Jessie and made an examination of the craft yesterday at her berth inside the O. R. & N. dock. It Is Mr. Oo'dfellow's purpose to convert the Je-le into a pleasure yacht, If he decide on making the purchase. P.idfie coast lumber is seeking many foreign markets from this coast and there are at the present time 12 vessels loading lumber from the Port Blakely mills, their destination being Hueneme, San Pedro. San Francisco. Honolulu, Newport, Sydney, New fiouth Wales; Ielagr,a bay South Africa; Cajlao, Pern; and Port plrie. Australia. The total tonnage of these vessels 1 12,531 tons. Active work in raising the sunken ship Amielana from the bottom of Tacoma harbor will soon be begun. A 8V)-pound I grappling Iron to fish for the anchor and Boys' Pour-in Hands. Knicker Leggings. ICR BICYCLE USE. bv J. and D. MeGeorge, Dunfrces, Scotland. SUSPENDERS of the Celebrated Wilson Bros, JVIake H. COOPER, The Leading House of Astoria cable has btvrf completed. It hat been ascertained thitt th cable la stretched out for In whole length of 0Q feet, and It from two to three feet deep In tha mud, Th grapplcr l expected to link to that dopth by it own weight and to eatvh the chain with no difficulty. Th western Lumber Company, tt Portland, hut putvhaicd a site for a bin sawmill on the Sherlock property In the north end o( the city, compiling IS river. front lota and other lota. Th price paid tor thli property I $, Th tnlll to erected wl.l t of th woit modern lyiv and will have a capacity of over W.M feet per day. Lumber will be nianu. fav.ured for the export and rail business. falmon hove been tunning fairly well up to the present, and fishermen ara do. Ing as well as could be expected season of the year. Compared with other year, It It said the catch Is fully up to. It not ahead, of previous season. The tlsh so far In the river are email and cannot be taken In large mesh nets. The fishermen, owing to these net, are dolus: but little, and many of them have ar. ranged to knit small mesh nets aj toon as "osslhl, The salmon now being tak- jen weigh between 15 and M pound,. The leaving hours for the A. F. C. ex. cursion and football game 10 llwovo for tomorrow are as follows: On boat leaves at I o'clock and the second one a: 4 p. nv. ttesldes the players and other mem bera of the club there will be a large number of cltlseos who are not membera Joining the crowd on both boats. One of the boats will leave Ilwaoo soon after the performance of the "Summer's Fancy" and cake walk. The last bal will, leave after th dance. The dock from which the beat will leave will he mentioned tomorrow morning. Captain p. H. McDonnell picked tiam won the four.mcn'a team medals, with 'which started out like a house atlre with 1 pin... but hit a.-r.uil,.n Ml down afTer the first game, though Wise himself pulled nut high man for the evening. j making 42. 40. 41. Si. or a toul f Kl, The monthly tournament for the men's medal takes place thl eVenliiK. A man giving the tunic of I-oii D.tii. lei walked into the shcrft's office yes. lei. lay and renu.wted tha: he be locked up. Sheriff Unvllle. after talk ng wi:h the man. saw that he nst Ins.ine. Dan. iels stated that he came to Astoria u few days aito from Naa. Cal. At one time, he said, he had fallen Into a well i'j feet deep, and lain :here for five lay. He w.ts examined before the pro- I bate court and adjudged Insane. Daniel 1 is a young man aoout si years or age ,nJ marrl'd- He I Insane or religious subjects. He was taken M the asylum I1"' nl,tht by Sheriff Unvllle, Kopp's new- lieer will tw. placed on sale by the various customer, of his brewery throughout the city for the first lime to. day. It is a brew which originated In Munich. Uermany. and ha never tiefore been made or sold on the Pacific const before. Mr. Joe Sohamlvrger. the new head brewer at Kopp's, I one of the most skilful brewers on the roast. Ite has had a long old world experience and hi product Is guaranteed to equal that of any other craf:sman in America. Speclul pains have ben taken with the Munich brew by Mr. Schamberger. and It Is pronounced by competent crtt'r f-ihy up to the standard of th- continental or iginal. Harry Hamblen last nl.h: from Shoalwater bay, where he hid he-n '"' transplanting of a quantity of east. I' oyj-tt-r broutcht out for that purpose company, of which he h""1" haa ur"1 n ''l-"' location for lits bed one of the best on th Pacltlc 1 coast. Fully I'M) bushels ..f OVSters were '"2 ih' "'P"'"' ' ""r '" -l""""'" conumiin. an.l tne percentage of loss, Mr. Hamh'tt says, was really trilling. It Is expected by Mr. Hambletf company to engage In the business of transplanting and growing .astern oyster on a large seal. Other shipments will be made from the east from time to time until the large beds controlled by the company on Shoalwater bay are fully planted. While there Is some delay in the matter of beginning work on the quarantine (a. tlon authorized by congress on the Wash, ing'.on side of the Columbia r!vr near Its mouth, this delay, the Telegram says is not due to any causes that may defeat the early completion of the quarantine station. 3enator Simon slate thai as far as he Is aware th. arrangements for the early completion and equipment of the necessary buildings are progressing most satisfactorily. Tin-re has been a little delay In the matter of acquiring title to the land, but all details in connection with this are being arranged so that work upon the buildings and docks will be possible very soon. Senator Simon looks upon this quarantine Mation as an Institution of great value and importance to Oregon, and will rejoice with the rest of the state when It shall have been es. tabllshed. G. M. Antrim, the promoter of the new steamship line between this city and San Francisco, visited the merchant In town yesterday with a view to securing their support for the new line of oppo sition steamers. Mr. Antrim said he was well satisfied with the sentiment of the business men of the town and received every assurance that local freight now Clothing In Keefers and Vestecs being bundled by the O, It. A N. steam, era would be khlpped over the rw line as far as possible. Asked what ronnec. lion the lln had with the proposed oppo. Itlon line f Mr, Hammond's, Mr. An trim evaded a direct anewer, merely ob. serving that he was not aware any one else was Interested. It Is believed, how. ever, that Mr, Hammond Is at the head ot (he undertaking, tt has not been decided, .Mr. Antrim said, whether the new line will run to Portland or receive Its fnighl from (hat point over (lie A. A C. road. If the volume of hualnces t Astoria Is larne enough the steamer will certainly stop here, Many Portland tner. chants are said to favor the tie Hue and It Is probable I lie amount of frvliihl shipped by them will be large. Mr. An trim stated that the rtrwt steamer, the tlrace IMIar. would leave fan 'ranclsco M iv 3. and will he followed be I lie Co. quill lllwr. A third steamer 1 under construction for the new line nd will be completed in about a month. The steamers will call at tlray's harbor un the run bolh way. Should the new line not go to Portland, two daa ran be aved In the run between IhU city and San Kranclm-kt, and a much better er. vhe obtained than that given by (he O. II. i N. steamer.. The new I'n could thu lecuro almost exilusUTly the freight to Astoria and the merchant are all heartily In favor of It. Mr. An trim left overland for San Kramlsco last night, I'r.ATH VA'AIHm HY ITtXM AIN'K POISONINU Antoiy on the llodlrt of lleilrmati ant Kadlr Iteveal the Caue of Their . IVath. One of the partie engaged In the search for the remain of ,. J. (ioutrle returned to Seaside lust night, having I'cen driven out by the .term now raging on the coast. They report no s gn of Cloutrle's body, hut say they diicovered two camps which been o.-upU-d by the surveyors on thrir ba.ktrai and thei,, wa no Indie Ion at either of the parly having partakm of any food. The search will be renewed this morning. The remains of K ll.ikman and W. II. Kadlr were brought from Seaside e. terday morning and ubmltte, 1,1 cure, fill autopsy l lr J A t'utton and Dr J.y Tuttle. In the uilernoon Coroner I'ohl summon ,-. 4 jure, ;i the same that held the itupi. s: , n the body ol Doty, and composed of (tie following: T. S. Ileudrrsoii. K. S l'ninaiii. W. N Smith. Thomas Itvrte. o Alop.os and V L llelxk. The tr; (:,.. call-. I was 11 A. Smith, of Portland, who ideuiitlml one or the Indies a s that of V. I.. Kadlr. of Portland. 21 years ,.J a-.- jn, ,, ,, ;,r In t mier lands The oih.-r h t was Id.-n illed hv A I.e!erman as that of I' K IJi'lkinan. of tins cl:. Dr. J A. K11P01, was ih.-n called H- siate.l that he and Dr. Tuttle had mad an exanuniitl'Oi ,t the and found severe Inflammation of the stomach In both case. The stomach were xcep: a small quanttt) of what an. prared o lie onion und;rstr.l lr. Ful ton n:l, that no tllldigrstnl fU"d till found In the Intestines, which were pr. tlally tilled. The) oodles were well pre. served, and there was no Indlratlon of injury or violence on rlth'-r. The cause of death was, In hit opinion, the result of an Irritant poison that had b-'rn In. tro,,e. Into the stmiach. Dr Kult-oi said he wa.s positive the poison was not arsenic , r strychnine, a. the symptom that accompany these poison were not pres. nt In the stomachs. How lung the bodies hail been dead, Dr Pulton S i d h was unable to s'ate positively. John llurke was the lu-xt witness Hj told of th- search for the bodies in c'tn p.iny wih "Indian I.011I-." and how they had found th-rni about three tulles from where Doty' body was found. In s.,!ion Is, township I north, t.inge Th 1i.mIl lay 1 lose together and were col. erej with boiigli and mo. sum,- ..f whlrh was under the bodies. hing ev! 1 1 v Milled there In their death strug gle. He said h,. found no trace of a fire or camp, and returned with the bodli the next day after Cloutrle's trail ha been found. The inquest then adjoiirm until the body of 1 ioutrle can be found. Dr. Fulton say the death of the men was undoubtedly due to ptomanle poison Ing. originating In the putrlrlc.itlon of canned meats or vegetables. The result of this) kilou can be easily distinguished from that of min.-ral poison. Dr. Full auy that death may haw been caused by eating some vegetable poison, hot thinks It very Improbable that four men should -11: enoisjih of H to kill all them. The Isidy of W. T. K.idir was taken In charge by W. N. Smith and ronvrjed to Portland on the train last night. MK camphkm.'s tim ' UEIt AHTICLU commeni-kd. IHUTLAND. April 3).-Kdltor Astorlan W'e understand that you, not long since, puhltxhrd an artkin written by Surveyor John Campbell, 0f Vernonlu, Columbia county, descriptive of the great fores's of the Nehnlem country lying to th- south and east of the city of Astoria. and especially of It advantage for lum. berlng establishments; and that the ar ticle has created considerable Interest among eastern lumbermen who are look Ing for business openings on the PaclNc. Ve havo known Mr. Campbell for many years, and it affords us pleasure to say that In the wide cIiyId of his ac. qualntances his statements and judg ment are always taken with Implicit confidence In chelr correctness; and from hi thorough knowledge and ability uny effort of his referring to tha resources of our stall- carries with it no little weight and Influence. We want some copies of the article for the Information of eastern pople, and it occurs to u that a republication by your paper may d j much good to your immediate neighbors, nnd through us, and others, reach the eyes of deslrahlo business men. BUOHTEI, & KKRNfl. (The article from Mr. Campbell Is re. published In today's Astorlan ) HOTEL ARRIVALS. OCCIDENT. J. M. fierry, St. Louis. Oi.rge Tourney Han Francisco. W. 8. Ooodfejlluw. San Francisco. Frank King. J'ortliind. Frank Myers, Portland. li. Mr-Fadden. Portland. J. Jf. Flslier, Portland. J. If. ilurgard, Portland. Wlln FNher, Portland, ' T. ir. Marshall. Portland. J. J. Keating, Portland. J. M. Casey, portlnnd. (:irv- li.Kalser.portland. T, l. Iliithitway, Missoula. Victor Htimdecher, fit. Paul. H. H. M'Oowan. Chinook. T. Jf. Krleger, Oregon City, r-ARKER HOUHB. I. '. K. rionkell, Portland. ' tt. VVIbrrg, Tacoma. .'. iMKJraham. Tacoma. A. F. Jtennett, Vancouver. Btephen Butts. Ilwaco. H. Hanson, Ilwaco. Willlwm Olsen. Tillamook. Lee Drlscoll, The Dalle. No one 'becomes unhappy by doing good deeds. Andrew Lake flJaCOMMlCUCIU HT, Merchant Tailor. ta Perfect Tit (imimntccil. Luw I'rltcs. Repairing and Cleaning Neatly Done. LOOK! I 01 TilWRlJI going at 4 cant a. SAKKTV Pl.VH at 1 cent. SAlUilt HATS. 10 cent. ttATTKKN UK HITS, W cent. ItACK. II yarxl for It cents, 8IIIUT WAlS'ra and WttAPPEIW at any price. THIS WKKK ONLY. RACKET STORE. J. A. Fastabend Gene ret I Contractor and -Bulkier IliuiH'-moviiij' Ttiols fur Kent' PKliSO.NAU MKNTION. ; Mayor ll.rgtnaii ulurned fiom Ton. i land last night. ! Mr Haymond, specUl agent irf the Nl. 1 agara Inmirante Company. U In the city. ; Superintendent ll'llrlni, of the O. It 1 at .. Ciiiiiiy. arrived In ih. eiiv i.rda. Mrs J. a Fulton, wlni has be. n visit, lug In Portland for a f-w dan. returned h line e!erlay. Frank It Stoke, j ir, (ttokes w.-i,-passenger on the down train from Port, land l.i-t n'wli:. Harry llatublrtt. who haa been at Slu-alwairr 1-av on busine., ai we.k, re.uriied h.inie last night. Fr. d Slianahan. a buslm-sn man ,,f Portland, passed throigth the ,-ny y, ter. du oil 111 l.l llwaeu on bllslliein J I '. Farrell, ,.f brattle, jirrsld. nt of the I'aculc 'oat Company, li expecied to arrive hi ihe ,-ity m nbcul a we.- Mra. J It. Wilson, of Portland. Is In the .: on a visit with her son, Mr, J It Ui:on. of the Astoria National hank 1 Mr .H:, and Mr. Martin, of the Pa trl- Cca: Cootiipany. the former the 1 manager ,.f thc mining lnteret of th company and th.. latter superintendent 1 of bridge and building, arrived In the . city yesterday from Brattle. MllS Ml. JANHUN'M FAKKWF.t.l. C.NCEHT PltUUKAM PART I. 1-Male quintette. Kormt Worship . Abt M'nn lle,-her Thompson, Ross Crr an.l Thornton. !-a Still I the Night Itohm tt. My Peace Is liotir. from iloet ties' Faut ilrat'.ii HutTman Mr Janson. --Contralto solo. Madrigal. Victor Harris Miss t.rac.1 Hhort. "When the rtlleni Wor d I Hlcping"., Miss Iteba llton . .. luidlry liek I t 'The Ilir.U That H4iig In Mav ... rvral-skl Mrs. Jansoti and Miss Short PART It. 1-Uidle' nuartet, "liegin the Chase 1 ippuiiharh Mis. Iloleion. .Mrs V, nn 1 line 11, Mr. Ito, Ml. 1 Fox. i-Aria from lb"lN-rt II liavolo... Meyerbeer Mr Janson, 3 l otitralto Solo "Hunsei' lu.ey lltick Mrs J. T. ltos 4 "A Rose 111 Heaven" Trollre Mrs. Janson. i- lllrd trl. larg, tlin h ari l sparrow . Tauiiert Mis liotison, Mr. Ross Mlos Hliorl AoompaiiUt Mrs. Th. Ulsen REAL EST ATM TRANSFERS John A. Campbell to .uric K. Camp. hell, west half of southeast quarter and lots 7 and to. section !. township 6 north, range 7 west; also lot J, bio. k X and lots 2 and 9. block 4. .M.itl. r's a. billion to Warrcnlon, and lW i: and 11, block 2. West War. renton .fcoo Jame C. Farrell In John C Farrell, lot , block 115. Hhively's I Lydla Austin to P. C Warren and t F. Lester, tract of land In lowutnip 8 north, range 10 west 1 Mary E. MUUt to C. A, Oearhart, lot 9. block 113. Shlvely'. 400 A MTA1J MAN imoUOIIT TO LIFE. In Paris recently a man waa revived whom heart had actually stopped heat. Ing. A dating surgeon cut through the dead man's riles, grasped hla heart, set the blood In circulation, and the man breathed, opened hla eyes nnd llvrd. It ,la probable, however, that the rally will bo ot short duration, although this detracts not at all from the miraculous nuluro of the deed. If he had kept his bowels regu, lar disease could not have attacked him Hoitett'-r's Stomach Bitter Is nature's strongest ally. When her lows have been ropeatedly disregarded, when a t'red stomach has been abused until Indiges tion, constipation and Tlllousnesi art lha result, then the Hitters prove III ef- Ibaey. It cannot be equalled. Tour doc. tor would be the first to recommend It. Men drift because the engines of iho Hill lie mie. WHEN TRAVELING. Whether on pleasure bent or business, take on every trip a bottle ot Byrup of Figs, as It act most pleasantly and ef fectually on the kldneya, liver, and bowl. els, preventing fever, headache and other form of slcknes. For sale In W cent bottle by all leading druggists. Man ufactured by the California Fig Byrup Company only. Hom men in doing right lead others to lo wrong. Cup and Saucer Day, Great r)uantltlrg of cupi and sau cers, plain and decorated china, A. D. CtipH, & o'clock cup, tea cups, coffee cups. Cup of every size, hape and description. Our price are attracting shrewd buyer. Borne article cut 60 per cent. Borne article cut CO per cent. ODDS AND ENDS, HALF PKICE. Great Amsricin importing Tea Co. Thi Lightest Stort In Astoria. Wiso's Ccstomii's Set What They Bay. dim r5c i' 11 We linve received nn ImmeiiHe Invoice of Gentlemen' Slilrtw, Htlff mid noft boHoni. The nnitcridln ore: PERCALES CHEVIOTS MADRAS... Tin- Vi'I'V lllti-t rMoi Nut J'littv'rn. So liirti ii ittli'iiiiiit tr lllllin-t. ('till HERMAN WISE, The Old Reliable Clothier. Hatter and I'urnlslier. iColuinbia Electric j and Repair Co. I SueccHHor to COLUMBIA IRON WORKS Blacksmiths BoilerMakers Machinists Foundrymen UoKUlnu HnKlnos Heavy Forging Under Power Hammer a Specially Sole Manufacturers of the I'nMirpnwcd ... " Harrison Sectionar Propellor Wheel ... Contractors for Kk trio Lights niul I'owor Plants. 100 Rolls of Matting Of All Kind-. Our own importations. (Quality Ami I'atlvriis tlia Im ,m,l Intent. Chas. Heilborn & Son. SSI PTDTHmSON as BROWN, Boot and Bboesv (No stsmps on rubber' good.) HERMAN Will, Clothing a ad Oeota rurniihings. ECLIPSE JIARDWARC CO. tor, Tinware, and Plnsabtag. XRaJ. It. McKBNZia, lUbaarjr. ORirriN A RXED, Book aad Stationary, Tou recognize the above Merchant a th moat Enterprising In their Una la Astoria. They always acoord you the best treatment and courtesy a customer can possibly get. They are anxious for your patronage; and by selling to you oa a Cash Dosis can sell their good oheaper than their competitor. All these lead. Ing Merchant give Trading Stamp to build up their Cash Trad and do away with the Credit System, One stamp Is given with every 10 cent cash purchase: 10 stamp with a II purchase; 100 stamps with a $10 purchase, and on on. Do not forget to ask for Trading Stamp with EVERY PURCHASE; and when your book I full It will ba cheerfully ex-changed for any ot tb eelegant hlgtuclsia article constantly carried In stock by th Portland Trading Stamp Co 345 Washington St.. Portland, Or. , A few (peclmen of tha article given n exchange for TRADING STAMPS a re sbowa at B. F. ALLEN & CO., 365 Commercial St Golf and Stiff-bosom ...SHIRTS... iiiiiv 111 niir or two n tltf sumo iimv liave 1111 cm lusivi' if tlllll I'M .k u( I In 111. s. f. Loggers Supplies Kept In Stock lUslll niul McpnlrcU. IIOMIC OKK1CIC Central Dank Buiidingr. Uroadwny, N'w York., 11,(100,0(10. FOHEKIN MBAIK)UAkTER5. AUSTRALIA. tO deorg. Street, Sydney, OERMANT. Rohnenstrassa t Hamburg. ENOLAND. 123 Southampton Street, Londosv CANADA. J20 Yonga Street, Toronto, Mc allbn McDonnell. Dry Oooda, Ste., Dta. IL BCKBTROM. JawaUr. TUB nONDONNUR, Confectionery and lot Craaaa. WILL MADISON, Cigar and Tokaeao. & f. ALLEN A CO., Wall Patter, Palais aal Otic THX WONDER BAZA, raaor Notlaasi, Tar. jflJ?QTiuiieijtal trt, Astoria.