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About The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899 | View Entire Issue (April 27, 1899)
h.i limn AOTUItlAM. TIIUIIsDAV MOIWIKU. AI'KIL 27. ISA I .-.VMfc4. fls wT ,4t. WARDNER AN ARMED CAMP 7f i . w k Ail Excellent ('onil)ln:i(loii. Tint ilniHiihl iiicIIiihI mill lii'licfli'lttl I'lTt'i'ld of flu wi'll known remedy, hnvi or I'M, tiuiniifiiitiireil by tlm faMNUlNU Kui hVlitT Co., HliiNlrMlo (In- valuuof olitiiliilni; I In- IIijiiIiI limn tlvi irllulii of liluuU known In lie HH'illilimll y nntWi mill iirrhctitltiif them In tln form imml reficliliif lullm IttAln Allll ttOt't'lllulllo to tint VI'III. It lathe oiiii nrfcvt dlrrliKtln lilliK In x M -tlve, l'leanlli;f Ihn VMtiti rfffrliiiill.v, IUH'lliiitf uoliU, licuilut'lie nml fever ifonlly yt jiruinplly mnl rtiittjlliitf one m overcount imiiiiuai oiihi i ut i n mt nmnrutlv, It Mrfn't frrriluiu from every ofJrrt lonithln iitmlltv mil aub- tarioe, mnl It noting on the kliliicy, Attempt Made by Strikers to Run Non-Union Men Out of t be Town. ARMED MEN ON GUARD liver mill Ihiwi'I, without wraUiiiln or IrrlU laxative. or Irritating them, make it tlm iiiiilf lo tlt prtM-cM of manufacturing Hire re uaod, aa thry are ilcautit to I lid . taale, but tlm metlli'lual tialilleatif tlm remedy mo ubtaliioil from M'liii mid othrr aromatic plauta, liy a itirtliixl known to tlm ('At.iroHNiA Kio hrum Co. only. In onlrr Ui trot 1U IxinchVlwl effect and to avoid linlUlloii, j'li iu remeralwrlhe full name of tlieCompany prlutcU on tlm front of every acknire. CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. AN rBAMOISOO, OAL. LOOIV!L!.B. II T. KBW YORK, IT T. I'm Hk by all I)iuflM -I'rkt toe. pciboill. bunch of Hunker Hill employ. Strikers Successfully Prevent Work Inr Mlnen From tnlerlnf Any of the Mlnei. WAIlinnat. Halm, April Jo.-Tb flrt hot ha been flrd ml Ihli ftr hat midilii'ily tcn turiinl jrtto an armrd i ii in p. Tli strikers were In tMlon all nlghl long at ibalr hall. At ID o'elm-k thl morning a compact b1y of nin, headed l.y President Hoylrs, tarld up tha ranynn. Thry halted ahorl distance from ilia Hunker 1I1II and Hulllvan mine H"o afiar, In llltl tiunoh, up cam tli nun.milun miners to go to work Thy war (topped by th trlkeri and President floylna urged thrnn rot In go to On( or two of th non-union titan tried to puh through tha crowd of inker but wr fnrrf.1 Vack with Ihn triiiurk that tha union did not Intrriil ItiMn to f to work. Thn T. . Murray. Hi mooth.fcd rdr ut lh tirlkcr. pullrd a blf rvlvr which h Iv'i1 at NOTIL1 rOH BID. Hid will b raMtv4 by lh com My court of CWlp ooiiniy utntl to) Ird da.y of May, lava, for e board of prtannara ooima4 ta tit ouuivty )j. Ttw food Matt b of 004, wbolaawno quality, two aaaoJ a day and d(lrl at D )&il btwi tb houia of I and o'olurk In ta for in aio4 I and I feUtck la tha afiamooa. Dlddar arw U atal tha Pv par maal. Hy ofJr of tha county lawft IL J. WIIKIilT. Couiny (Urk. "I'll tall you what th propiiltlmi I," Ii hotud. "You walk town that tiMI tain Inaid i f four mlnui or ' .luwn nom oihr way." II ilrtw hi watrh and ha rniliilnl lha ...rotiiU. Ih trorkln mlin-ra fallrrril n.1 iartd down th Mil. Half a it..i-n or I ham want Into III. k' mi tha main alrrrl of town Th-- kit 1'iirauad tmo lha houaa t.y Ihr atrlkara "What will r iln ilh lhaa .laninr.l -.' T" liolllr1 aiHIlathxty "Hun iham il i wr it i ho vanyun " a h With lliai ih-y aiarlr.l l'ip n..n. ml. Hi turn loaur.t lha f.M. ut tin, loan OOVKHNMENT I'lloroHAM WANTED ',r rVaiif. lha iu..ii.r ami pMaMan f n Hk- hiiaplial, ratii'itia rai'il ' V rl run tnu i. ui of nn. i.i.i ' auttiaotla ahoilta.l ami niu of (lie at'iki-r atrurk him in ih. l.i. . Tin- .l.i. i..r alrpjJ alit uinl i. m. f.irili.i 111... Iatad. Tha ilflkna it.. : i .i, t.. , Hn. Hi nOft'Utilnn in.-n rti- ;nn.. iiu.i Irffliill) aalo. i ni'l I a : r nliiiin.1 in lli. lr ...arillti. ti iu-i- jlrr III lllt'll Ih Iki'i ii 1 1 . m l. r of ttlk ra ati.l ( - no n ri.mi Hi.- Iimk.-r Itilna. otia ! lh. mil.. n inlii.i llrnl Hi. 'nl'.al of Ho . ilk.' ill. (.. !.. I ,( itunr l.ili'.inl Klil.h aim III" lklli llllllri. .ri. Iifllrtad ti 1ruiiai f ir fra.h llrat od Mufoai '.rtii ih;rf tun m'aaury, Vanoouvar llarta.-ka. Waah . April . UC4, Saalad proi .a a tor lum.ah n anU d-ltvcr nt finh l.rf and fiaah Itiulloo fur aU mottiha tian nnliui July I, M. will t r. r:J ii. and m orrii of oonunlau HT m a I Kon Klavcli. Oraajoil. Iloia J.irrai-ka mid Kurt Hliarman, Idaho, rorta .'nly, HiHikana. Walla Walla, Vtnniu. vr liatiark and Now Kurt Dpokana. Waah, and lyr and Kurt Vranfl. Alaaka. until II o'clock a. m., May 4. In, and then opnd. tnfortnallon fur. nlahrd on application. Bnvalupaa own. aiiima; prooat atnulil o rndortrd "l'totMa for Kraah Uf and Kraih Mutton " aiid addraaaad lo imaara fiiad or to comnvary at poat to b aup. pli'd. IIKNIlT T. M CAIN. Ktrat IJrul.nant A. C. C. tl'iVKHNMi:. f I'ltol-OHMJt Hnnn triipoa!a will lia ra. alird at Hi 'HI, 'a of lh l,lhlholia Kmlin-ar. I'otl. Jaml. urr . until 1 o'clock p. m,. May I I vi ati. I limn miriicil, fur furnlalilng and .. i. rinK rivi.inii for llghihoiia tn. ilrr t'.'luiiililnn diitlng n.-at 'rar to an. I Jim 90. IJ0. In aiH'ordanr with ax-,m-i-aiiona. copla "t mrhli h, with blank priapc.mla and nthar Infuimallon. may l had upon apti'liatlon to W. I. Kak, major cnrpa of ctialnrai. t!. A., en. tfliiarr Uth l.lchthoua Ulatrld. davaliwi1, In II nallva rUhnaan, which I only walllnf fur an aniarprlr Ilk tlila to bulM up una of lha frmot iro. dmliiit cMfiniiinitlfa In all Ornajon. 'Hi iniliiriil outlet of thla valley I down th rlvr towaril Aalorla. No road ran tu iivr to lh K' rlvar, J nilln dla. laul, at laa than on Krad irf mora than fent t'"f fill. Tlm iiroilui't of thi turrltury, firat vllivil, la Ii wotidnrful rowth of (liiili r, rhli-rty of fir and radar, for lutn. tirr now ili.miitid.'d In many of tha mar. k.'lH ,,f tli. world, Wliar th road can flrat reach navlxalile water la lha rlyer and aeaport al Aatyrla, and tha dla. irliiiKHiK p.iln: ilil product, Jut aa t lil.iiKu w,u for fnriy yenr a point 'f ill.iiilHMli.n for hi a million of wralih out of (lie ,ni.ry at (li,.rn liny, I jioii the main rlur, am) on a few of II lar liraiichr like tha Klah llnwk, Nurlhrup, Dinp fraek, Crooked Crack, .h k Itlvrr, Kat Kork and Clear Creek there U MoltK THAN 1M MIMW OK WATKHWAV nH Mil VINO IAHIH To TIHH WATKIt, tuar the mouth of the river; iiKK-allti' that If mill of un. IlinlUil cupiiclly urn licatrd there, tficy will never wain for loa until th.y have alrlip.d M.tMi ai re 0f thla forial of lu limber. Titer la ahaoltiicly nn other pracllcajiln oui.. trj water navktallon than thla one, via, down t'ie NYlialeni river, ami n olher lunilierlna- diirl I of any tnaiilude, within my knn Ir.lai. aver had a lietier. A 1 hav alatiil, the lntiiiHlii nioiin- tain which ahut tlila outiiry off from lh (.'olumtila river, Juat a rfferiuatly cut It off from all aervlca Ji. "r acre lo your 'O.rtile Hoad" In Portland, which all Ih. way cn( to th bank 'if lha! rlvar. wher It Ii no mor up to tin lime than a blcy.'t or race ira k for faat horae. alihiiiiKh It coal your 'od city a uolly worih mllllona of mony. 1 think It la Mr. J. II. M who r'W-ntly In a I'urtland paper thlnka that Hut r" with It aubaldlf, I rrady to avt Ittlo a retrlrar' han.1i, Correct or not correct. any mbrraamrnt. or wm'ii of ImikIuc... to any arm of commerce atrctrlitiiK Out from tha mouth iaf ittily be a tenipuiary affair, If our tle II. popl. and lla caiiltallat are to hav.- any ahare In the eiiiidlrtf. world-wlile tram.- wlili h la now. aa never before, t- I... i.r. r.d to lha l'Mi-n alalaa Ki.i.l.hlr niuniifcturin In ftrejn:i liita l..ri, rrj i . ,ltv roalected We ir,. nia.ii... tii,.r,.,,. J.ifnilint on dla. lant atii . f .r H...o.riil. nf aril.-l. . Willi - r. ufiJiiT NuW TO IfAVK T'l MCI.I, T IHHTANT !H!.AMS OK TMK PAfll'li1 our flr-uun nillla for "Or .1 lull. aliovp Aalnrn !oe fully of i hdr ro tiro. crnla In pi) rii. nia f..r ilmli. r irrown on calilii. t ,li ar; ..f iti.ii'hi r iir I luii ihat thi-rr I ,..i x.i iii ,,,., m 1 1 lilri reach of tha wao-ra of il.e Nediil.-in Kkperlence : ii ii it r in e.tlinnle ..i.. to la,, him. lied ihiiii.aM.I f. ! li.mtil oi. ..-r acre from tlie.e of the fore.t. The I lm rl IMMIGRATION LAWS FOR CUBA Much Satisfaction Caused on the Islanlbytbe Application of tb: Law. CiINESE ARE EXCLUDED Shlftleis Nurroes From Contifuous Islands Will Also Be P.eventel Front Entering the CounK y. SKW VOHK. April Z-A diapatch to Hie Tribune from Havana aya: The n. atructlona received by Oovernor (Jeroral llronke from Waahliik-ton to d.'Ure ap. plliahle to 4'uha the ImmlKratlon law of the United Htali a. are certain to Klv Keiieral millafaotion here. Kor one thlii. the new law will prevent tne Inure. of any more t'lilnea Uion-ra, who, al. thoiiKh n.eful In certain employment, ii'iiulily truck Rardenlna. arc. from their hablla, a coualant menace to the public health. The aanllary liureaii h,i. turn forced ro burn out the lllthy ijuarlcra In wlili Ii the tnrluii ('lilni .e (olnnh here tiavr turn living, there heiiix no oilier way in purify' rhoae center of co'i liiKloii. Another undi alrti!e i1n of liiiinlKranla la likely (o hr prevented U'l. der Aiiier.n law from uverrunnliif the ea-li rn Imlf of the lalalt.l. Tlila : la conieiaed of alilfllcaa n.(rn a from Ja. in. 1 1.. t Haytl and Hun )nnilnio. who may t'nlteij flute note and th atlver er tlflcate ar rcatrlcted by the nnmher of atandard dollar held In th traaaury W ir now prlnllntt only tmt.ill illla and hav a hit aurt'ly on hand,, but cannnl lau thm bacaua of lha rctrlr. tl'iri I hav mentioned. Ho th only raeoura for bank that want amall bill la to aend In large hill In ex. rhan( for thum. in tha V) fuh.treaa. urlea ttiroiiKhout th country ther I now I2(?.').'1 In gold, but onl fll.OHA.tnt In piper. We ar.' aendlnc out paper money In 1llla of amall d''niimlrintlriria now at th r e of about V,WMfi a week. Cut a good Turt f thl I anl out In p;. e if old and mutilate.) h'll. A) thoiiKh llier I a horta In amall In circulation, the treaaury wa never richer In fun.f than It la at Ih pren time." A HTANf;K III4AI'I'KAIIA.VCR. I'AKAIiK.VA. Ca!., April .M.-lllllii ry H. Hiarr. auperlniendent (f tk Knoll ranch. haa alrittiKely ajlaatijieMred and Hie Indl. latlona ar .out he waa murdered. HI brother Charle waa aaalallnx him In fli. IriK a pump about baif a mile from th ranch houac. Charlr went to hi cabin to put on hla workliHK cl 'the and when he returned, 20 mlnu:ca later. Hillary wa nowhere lo 4.e found. A lantern carried by the rnlaalriK man a fourxl amaahed to piece and not far from the door of the pump-houae there u vldeiK-e if a fenrful alnmKle havlnif taken place. Th tall mar w iritmpbd down and cat. tere.1 about wer piece of watch chain, mint nickel and dime from the pocket of the mierlntendent. ami later on M revolver r found In the vicinity. 899 r i KNOX SAILOR HATS For Ladies. In Mack, Navy liluc, Hlilto nnJ llrown. Every Stylish Woman VVvar a Knox Hat. BUFFUM & PENDLETON ilatterH and Kurnlshero. 94 Third Strert, Corner Stark, PORTLAND, OREGON. Pacific Navigation Com pany STEAM KRH It. P. Elmor W. H. HarrlMOti ONLY IMRECT LINE ASTORIA to TILLAMOOK i KH.NMr.NT rROfOHAIAJ -WANTED. Cuatwn llouae, Aatorla. Or.. Collector" Ofllce. April 21. !. Hupplle for revenue veea-eied pp-poaali for upplylnst ahlp'llery. ration, and coal to vea. ael of the fnlted State Revenue Cutter Hervle In thla collection dlatrlct durlr the flacl year ent n June Si. Vf. will wlah to better (heir fortune ut KHtitlaKo , ))(, re, clved at thl fiffW' until 1 o'clock tho Columbia can and elaimlier In the eaal. ! m of Thuraday. May II. W. at which (leru ral Wom fore.w mtarr.aameiit ,,me thy will be publicly Ofiencd. Th nine lline ao and uulctly put In fone In ',-04 furnMn-.l to lie anthracite or bl hi. province an older rcturnlric the ; Umnotia of bet quality; uniform In woiild-li!. Inmi.Ktmna who could not ..huracter: to wellih 2.2W pound to the ! OARIBALDI BAY CITY nOBSONVILLB Conoectinff at Aitoria with tlm Ort tfoq Railroad t Navigation Co. for Sao Francisco Portland and all points cut. For freight and paaen (fer rate apply to Samuel Elmore ft Co. General Agenta, ASTORIA, ORE. COHX CO., Agent. Oregon Railroad k Naviiration Co., TILLAMOOK, Ore. PORTLAND, Ore, Bead leant ataaip to par poaao aaal gat a Tida Tabta tor IMl iFISHER BROS. I I General Supply House for Family Groceries. how IH h In ready money, lien.ral , .; h delivered on board th vecU . Ilri.oke a ilecn-e w ill i-atalill.h rcairl' tiona Bt .(, nme and in uch qualltlea a of l)il. aurt ut nil 'uli. in norla on ar. ...... ir.l .i lmnllilea readllr ac. olI'X :::.,!h ,!:!:;:::; j;1 .-iJrS''.:,,d..!; "."S ! Bailders' Heavy and Shelf Hardoaare, Ship Chandlery.Etc. cniiitlotia nf aKricuiiural protratii.n j welKht. Hldder will name the .price Ut there will 1m- utile i.r no rotn here iK1n jr rii.ttrnlnr and tov coal, and f ir additi.nal laJmr f ihe H.0 their faclllil'a for furnlrhlng tha cla.a. I 1lt e,...iicll itf .cri'lurli.. oe InyillHT ! aKluiill le to lo I.. nil llronke l.xl.n Hie draft of .i ile. r-e plov'illnaT In Ihla for. for the r.-latratlon of olieiia under the t.rm. ..f article IX. nf the treaty of I'arla ATlt r the rvKllrH"n bureau la 'im.;ii. Hiiiliinla who il.aire to remain In fitlia will have a year lo ile-lie whither or not they will aurremler their I. Hi-n ctiip here a r dy for!lty. Tula postponement of a linn i he narm rliiK of w hiih mill choh e on the part of an muny of Can Save Ton Money oa Xatlmataa of Material of Xrary DoaartptloaV viaiu-la with frrah water, and their charier therefor. The right I reaerved to relict any or all blda. Ulank forma of propoanl for hlp chandlery and ra- . Hunt, with achedule attached, may b had upon application to thl offli . Sep. arate I'lda will be received at the ame j time and place fr lunricating ana u lumitutlnK oil. JOHN KOX. Collector. rrr.'AWr'iWrWVi'WrVrV-rrVi' ASTORIA MEAT COMPANY i.l-l . f mull. iii. nf dlliir to the the ,i inal rnkleiiia of t'utia may com. wealth of i it.. m in ih, neiir I ii i or - r plicate lo aonir extent the problem of an. I beat i f all there will be creaieil an m liiititiit a ripteenlaihe iMilii.'i) l i Hie irr .uhiirlia of vour for lh.. Iland lieforc a native coi'i'tllii- I In lil.lin;. cliv . I.l iijj liim.treila nf Ion. of frelhi mi aaaentldy call lie le. te,l. Some ailt- T.-niitlil ii.. ,i.l.-Oi.t j. um.'ir to lut for ill. lain markcia. while aolld l.factory .lellnltlon of fiil'an Itllen. NOTICE. ASTORIA B. TION. & L. A380CIA. Telephone No. aa Handles Only the Choicest Meats ' hatnla ha ill chiefly created. Very reajiHM-tfully. JOHN I'AMI'IIKI.I. f.t.. with the woik '. iitf force an, I , "''eriH of ; mi ..piur,. mile. IvUm hli miiat lie evolved. Sot a few of i in. n w.iii on iliily when ih.- .hif:. j Aator'u an. I fur: land will grad. the leader here who are now atruiriHitifi i.ii,a..l "' bu- .ofly aa I have alated. be fr p,,nri,l power are technically Hh. HIT Voiiii armed from a ll e j iMnaforiiicI into i.i f the Kaiib-n iota Bn,.-.. Ocncral tl.ajtie a Santo I.Nt- i.n Tm imn men are mi guard ' '"'"" awiitmltiB theae lHantlfiil mlnl.'an aeneral: Julio ttaninillly la. or wa. a naturalltetl citiam of the I'nlted Slalea. and doien nf ri'Volutlonary bad. m mill axltatora took out almtlar pa. Iter before enKKln; In the revolt auaintt Hialn. only a duy or two ito a fnlan lawyer preaented hlniarlf aa a camlldute f.r a place on the aitpremc le rich. He ad mitted that he waa a mi tu rallied Amer ican c I: lien and when aiked wnether he would abandon hi acquired cltlxen. ahlp to liecome a Justiie. proteated Mr A ape. I I to orlwiv acainat the nrcltv for unv I( atich reniilH'tiitton. He had an eaiate In the Interior of the Ma ml and could I..', I l .he llniiH.-f Hill mm.- ami the v''"' " taipul.illnri or .!. people. n.1,1 lh. I hall all coiner, an. I .lein.ii.l enjojlnit the we.illh which their own i , .iiu .i. un The .nlkei. have laM-.l I he Irlepholl. Mile IwtWI-ltl the mill Jlld lh.. mine . ti.l are Iniert .plliiit all mc. ia lllll M1IHI.KM llXTKNHHiX il' Tilt: AHTolllA HAIUHIAIi Wllh It A.iiola Wnulil llecom. a ttla H ll.nilii I'. .mi for Sun ijo A. re. of Klne TlmlH-r Ijiiid. KverybiMly would lie p. r feci If every, b.nly rlao thntihl an. TIIK llfCSr IN TltK WOULD. W believe Chamberlain' Cough Ittm ) it the beat In Ilia world. A few week ago we Buffered wliii a aever rold and a troub e.otn cough and having ra l ilieir ailvrrtlarnirni in our own and other p.i. per w pur, hated a bo. tie lo tea If I. would rfftcl U. It rured u belor the lAaiotliiii. January IWi N'llKVti.VIA. I'liiiiintiU '.iuniy, Ore.. Jan II N K.llli.t A-lmUn In a late I Ii i.iltlalt atilH-ili a a llllle .li..r,nii u.ul an article ilealuitaHug abort rouie from I """a lill.VHIfAl, Wlli:i:i.Hlt NrT rNHl TIIK I'llll.ll'I'INHH II,. V III lie A..uiii. .l to Sew Itepart in. in (triiiililae.l at Home. ASTORIA. April I, 1839 -To the atock. holder Astoria Building and Loan Aa-i toclatlon: Notice U hereby given that' i the regular annual meeting of the atock! holder of the Anuria Building and Loan, Aaaoclation will be held May . 1S. being. the flrat Tueaday af'.er the nret eanee- day In May In accordance with Article IV. Sicllon-i 1. t and 1 of the by-law for the election of wreetora and the transaction of ucn other butineae aa may come before sild meeting. At I p. an n , V. A AmW e.f . . 1.4 HiMtlna 111 . V. . Tm holder will conilder the ratification orj NAIQIOQ rejection of th action of th board of j Vaffateljla director In accepting the proposition of. Ttitlau,c the Equitable Saringi and Loan Aoc!a-j Fruit tl.m of PorHand-for a transfer of tne, budneni and aaaeu or Ihla Association! to th Equitable. WM. H. BARKER. Attest: W. L. ROBB, preaident. 8ecreury. 5 4'S Caatairdal SC. Best Palae Kava.t. SKW YiltK, April X ;he H.rald from Ua-IHniHon aaya: la underatoo.1 Hint the catilnet lla de elded not to acini tl. Whe.ler lo the , arTor.l to nv ii the riiihl Involved rnil'l'P The general nlltcer wno will Ul ,urrenderlnc u. h 11 aafrcuard. Some w h..Ikii..I to duly iin.lcr Hen. tula will ,i:nvlty ha Wen In tll.lng be llrlga.llcr tl.-iteiala Voun. (Iran, and i.h, ,,. ,,,.,. iM.nch Tao the pr.aelil lilllllllll. of tin- A.lorlil ft Heaaide Itn llr.nt.l. Hirouiili u newly ete,l an.) .hurt route. .i th,. N'.nui, m tUer fl inn rte..le. The latter place, liy U.K. iniiii lit niitp. I .hunted In aci'lliin 2i. T S . It In VV hImiiii f, mile, pouth ..f A, I, u la The .uiti:. .Hon la that ;he buttl waa mor than half uaed. It a ' "' m river can le th br.t medicine out for colda ami c.t. bed ami follow ul .i.ulh to Ha June. cough. - The Hera.d Anderaonvlll. In, I. Kr tnl by ("harla Rogara. Hin I linlnif the only cloud without a alhcr "It la pr. t'o-cil. bow. v. r. to place fien- r.t I r on .n live iliily. and to thl. ell. I the . iKiiiiltalion of a new ilciart. itteiit to to known aa the department of Tea. la cotilenipliite.l. lien. rut Wilder will he a.alisnril to command until No. cmlM-r. when he will be relieved and com., in Waaltluiitoii to aaautne hla con Kii'.,inal ilutle.." Makefile Hair Grow With warm sliauiHait of Ct rn i ma HuAraud ll!hl ilrraalni; of t'l'Tici lu, piitealof eniob Unit akin cure. This treatment at nnr topa fulling hiilr, mintivea criitta, acalea, and daiiilrtilT, niHithe Irrllalnd, Itching surface, atltniilutii tlm hair follicle, auppllea tha riaiia wllh energy and noiirialiinniit, and iiinke tli: hair grow when all else fail. Solit throuahoiil lit. wmld. Purr. D iliitVOiir, git t'raia., Uaalua. " lla I llan W.tullful lUlt," ma. Hon wlih the main rl.r In T. X N . It PI W , I it In ill l i Illlli'M .until of N.'il-lilel ii ml a I. h- mile, noi ihea.t ,,f S'ehalein Unv. Thla point on the Nelialetn la near Hie line atirvey,.,! ifi(r ih,. Aaioila nnd S uth t'nii.t Itnlli a few yeara aline anil ileal the only pita, and Inlet Inlo the Tillamook coiinlry. The liiill.lln of ii'ioiit l.'i mile, iiinie of road, It a.ema, l i n't Him m neie.aniy In complete niiliuit,! c.iniiecilnii ilietween Aatorla and the Se ll. Hern valley. The llrt iiielHi priacnllng II. elf la. will the rattlla of ainh an unili'i'takinit ico.llng tiinil or ta.l iami Ju-llfy nilch u:i miliar of cipllal? In my itnlKiiii'iit there i no part of the I'iicIIIc ciia. I where ao amall an outlay for tiillroail littllilliiM will bring more aat. Infui'toiy rcaitlla tluili thla one. In the tit at place. tTatai im hua been exni'liibil to build tit Mciialilr. wlilcll. up to Ihla time, la utterly protllleaa for right month lit every year, and will continue an until cxleiiiliil to reach amite flelulu prmltlcliiK vicinity. I W It any reference to any cxtciiMluti further aiiiilh llcin the rich Tillamook country, nml to TI'.liiiiiok Hay-twelve lllllea MlUtll of the Nebllleill- lllhlll rcilch. Inn i he N'. h.iliin river there la the we:, tn i-Ikc of Hie valley of 1 1 1 it i river ami lla 11 lluiinrlea, with an ami i f mmi aiimire lllllea. lylw llliaollHcly Mil. . . . i... KII.I.HIt 11 V AN KNOIXE W. F. SCHEIBE, Klanulacturtr of tlie Alwaya Mnllaihlo K lull Una ut Pin, Tobacco, nil Smnktr' Article, .? Coinnivrclal Ht, "La Belle Astoria" CUar Schclbe's Opera Sur Scheme's Special Anil Other Hrnnitai a 1 Aa--ai 3 McRlcr Sr Wiilit, Props. Ca J. TRENCHARD, Citatom Houne lirokcr. ASTORIA, OREGON, Agent VI. r.t Cti., and I'aclfle Kxprees Cos. Ccnimlsslon, Brokerage, Insurance and Shipping. TIM Vk KK. Cal.. Apill X-Casper no. a private of company A. Thin nth Infiintiv. en rotile to Maitlbi. wat k.llrd here today by an engine. Ititno had tucii iletiillml aa ainird to prevent the .olillct. from l.-avlng i lie train, and i .urn. linn mi the aide track, leaning on hi. rltle when .he engine bacVed upon . h"m" Ha"rderly In the atreela and hni knocking h!m down and .Ira wing '' The .polke fone contlnuea torn, in... .iii.l. r Hie Urchin. He had to it 111 K'Ke 111 aliooilng affray. Two detective i he army about 1'. yeura. m..r declination to aerve have been re U'..l. one from Matanaan and one frm Puerto Principe. Rcnor FMuardo Tamayo. nf Santiago, a prominent law. yer. lelegra(ilicd today, however. Hint he would lake one of the vacant pot. A very aenllil.. exiiertment la rlng tried dy the Havana police authorities Thi conalam of the enllatment of a Kclal aipiail . f American ex.aoldler. which la to be iied in p.ilrolllng the purta of I lie city npnl frequented by Anicrl. ait". The new patrolmen are ex. peeled lo Introduce an element of cool. Ilea into the ael vice and lo minimise Hie friction now existing; between the aolillcr and police. They will be ee-pc-lally va. liable In handling Mich Ameri can, aoldlcr. teamster and other who Pacific Sheet Metal Works MANUFACTURERS OF CANS stlce tnl Syrup thk eooniiAS iwsk si:T"ci,i:i). In plain clothe allot a saloon keeper yesterday, apparently without siilllclent Justification, and one roundsman was himself mortally wounded last Salur- WASIIIStJTON. April Jii.-T'ie rase of ',ty hy an antagonist who escaped. Captain CokIiIbii may to considered a j Th,. Citban telegraph operator are the llnnlly closed. The (Icrmnii amiinssaiior ja,.i native body to complain oT Amer. ailed al the while house this afternoon (,.nism. They say that they are being ami lutd a conference on the subject with displaced by operator from the I'nlttd the president of such a atlsfetory na- ' Stalfx uml have written to Hcneral tTv). tine i lit t the mailer whs regarded as , , nvc his Intluence to restore them CALL FOR WARRANTS. Notice If hereby given to all partle holding Clatsop county warrant! endorsed prior to Mar t UST. to present tne same to the county treasurer at hit office. 1G4 Tenth street, for payment. Interest crates after this date. Dated Aatorla, Ore., thla Wth day of April. VS. H. THOStPSON. County Treasurer. Truth I the goal of human aspiration. TO CVRS A COLD IN ONE DAT Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablet. All druggist refund tb money If It fa ila to cure. X c The genuine has L. B. Q. on each tablet. For sa! by Charlea Roger. Manhood I the greatest profession. settled. 1M0 USE TRYING I can't take plain cod-liver J 9 :i nAclnr cunt trv it. Ht. z might as well tell me to melt ) lard or butter and t-y to take J hhem. It is too rich andf ' ... . ,i i l D..ii will upset tne siomacn. dui r you can take milk or cream, v so you can take . Scott's Emulsioiif It is like cream? but will ( feed and nourish when cream will not. Babies and chil- 5dren will thrive and grow fat on it when their ordinary food does not nourish them. ) Persons have been Known to gain b a pound a day when taking an V ' ounce (H Scott i tmuuion. it gcu ) the digestive machinery in working ? order 10 that the ordinary food Is l properly digested and assimilated. P an.1 rl .in. l I driiuimlt. J SC0Tf& BOA Nil, v.liemitfc New York. ! to favor. Aimer Ivan operators ace. In f ict, In good demand In Cuba owing to their greater e.vcrlence and skill. CAl'SK UK THK SCAKCITY OK PAPIMt Cl'PiRKXCY. Treasurer Kobcrls Says Hankers Thrmt:hiiilt the Country Kail to Kx change Uirg,. Bill. NBW YORK. April W-Cnltcd Slates Treasurer Kills H. Roberta, who is on n huslncss trip to litis city, in talking last night of the scarcity of bills of small ile. nomination lliroiiKhoui the country, said: "This lack . f small bills Is due In some par s of th.' country to the fact 'Hint the hunker don't take the trouble to send III their Hillts' of large denomination nml get small ones In exchange. This Is the enso nearly everywhere except In the linger cities of the cust and In tli north western stales. "In the northwest there has been such a wave of prosperity during the last two years that the ilmnkers and merchant have no occasion to aend their money east, as they did In previous years. They are rich enough to Keep their money at home. "There was a luck of small bill. In this city up to a few months ago, hut now the bankers, merchant and business men of every kind have all the mnull bill they want. They have gotten thcjti by sending on their larger bills. Th revenue stamp on checks have probably had giimethliu: to do with bringing Into more general use their smaller bill. The reason we cannot Issue the smaller bills as fast aa the bankers want them I because we are restricted by law. The law allow us to Issue only I31C.000.000 in REMARKABLE CURE OF RHEUMA TISM. Kenna, Jackson Co., W. Va. About three years ago my wife had an attack of rheumatism1 which confined her to her bed for over a month and rendered her unable to walk a atcp without as. slstance, her limbs being swollen to double tbelr norma! else. Mr. S. Maddox Insisted on my using Chamberlain's Pain Balm. I purchased a 60-cent bottle and used It according to the directions, and the next morning she walked to break fast wlthont assistance in any manner, and she has not had a similar attack since. A. B. Parsons. For sale by Charles Roger, Mayor Harrison stands on silver the same a lie tod In 1S9S. So does Illi nois. In almost every neighborhood there Is rome one whose life has been saved by Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Dlar. rhoea Remedy, or who has been cured of chroni dlarrohea by the use of that medicine. Such persons make a point of telling of It whenever opportunity of fers, hoping that It may be the means of riving other lives. For sale by Charles Rogers. Th Samoan trouble will disappear the moment all the powers concerned are disposed to tie reasonable and consider ate. It Is pleasant to know that the I'nlted States la In this frame of mind. Lithographing on Tin a Specialty. San Francisco. Cal. Astoria, Ore. Write Urn for Prlee FairbaYen, Wash. "Russell" Automatic Engine T . P aw j ill, ,i,am,;, , r J r r Write for Catalogues of Engine Boilers, Saw Mills. A. II. AVEKILL, RUSSELL & CO., Manager. Portland, Oregon. Stop and Think! Are You Getting The Best Meals, The Best Liquors, Or The Best Beds L. LEBECK Cnrpcnlcr and Builder General Contractor HOUSE RAISING AND flOY'lNd A SPECIALTY H.F.PraelTransferCo. Taiepherat s. DRAYING AND EXPRESSING AU Good Shipped to Our Car Will Receive Special Attention. No. Qt Duana SL, Astoria, Ore, W. J. COOK. Mgr. Rea. Tat. Ut That can be had In the city? It not, It la Because you have not visited Jeff's Restaurant. For those who require a genuine feed, May get there with economy all that they need. Thousands who know It have freely confessed That of all the treat caterer "JEFF la the BEST. Lisik for the siifii of "JEFF'S" ami take no other. Eetablished twenty years. R. L. Boyle & Co Leading Real LBstate Dealer of ASTORIA, OREGON Write for Information and PumjihleU. 535 Conimeicial Street The Palace Cafe W. W. Whipple, Prop. Finest Heals in the City Special Attention Given to the Preparation of Banquets.