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About The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899 | View Entire Issue (April 25, 1899)
THE DAILY AST0R1AN, TIKSDAY MORMNU, APRIL 25, 18tU. row ABOUT try a. PJr of ours, and we guar that Brown Shoe Co.'s (trade 5 ffiark) Shoes art unquestionably the beet made. A glanco through our stock and a comparison of our prices with others wlU do wore to convince you that th Is the place to buy than all the talking we could do. ALL RIPS REPAIRED FRBK OP CHARGE. Let ut number you among our shoe customers. THE FAIR, S06-508 Street, Honey bade it goods are not satisfactory. The BONBONNEIRE. P. J. Meany vvru (Derchant Tailor and Exporter of pars. Prtoe Ttti tot rsr Tenth and Commercial St. Astoria, Or. Ladies' Underwear andWrappers Had to order and kept la stock. Price. Reaeooabia. KUNGSANO&CO . ..-IK wraw vv......v.v.-. w Open next Thursday. Brush Braid 5 Cents per Yard AT Albert Dunbar TODAY'S WEATHER. Occasional rain. AROUND TOWN. Sweet cream at The Sp caflsy factory. j Tha moat delicious Ice cream and tee, reavm soda at th Parlor. Beat 15-cent mewl. Rising; Sun restaur-! ant. 01 Commercial street. Beat CUforma win. cent, per g,.-! to"" i0,4feDt fr AMt0ni Sweet cream received twice a day and bo charge mad for whipping or deliver. log cream at the Parlor. Gemlemen wishing pleasant furnished rooms can be accommodated by calling t 480 Commercial street. Dr. Ball has removed his dental office Into the Mansell building, over the Eastern Tea Company's store. Two furnished rooms for rent, for light housekeeping. Apply at Mrs. Rappe yea's, next to Astortan building. Th very finest. The ne plus ultra. The ereme de la creme. That's Harper whisky In three languages. Sold by Foard Jk Stokes, Astoria, Oregon. RamDler and Ideal bicycles for sale or rwnu Repairs and sundries at lowest i rates. Call at cyclery, 533 Bond street, j Columbia Electric and Repair Company. 1 - Tho New Creamery Restaurant. Bond treet, near the alley between 11th and tth street, serves the best S-cent mea! ever get out In Antoria. Everytiins; Is Mir, neat and clean, and absolute satis. taction Is guaranteed all patrons. W. A. Gaines' private stock whisay. handled exclusively in Astoria bv John L. Carlson, la one of the most popular beverages sold. Its purity and quality are guaranteed, and It Is especially rec mmended for family use. It Is sold In any quantity at the corner of Twelfth and Bond straets. New Neckwear Ttcks, I'uFfs, liovs and Fancy Manufactured Jlem and tfobby Line of THOSE 8HOHS TOU WEAR? Do they tr well, look well, feci well? If you have been having trouble lth show purchased elsewhere, ante you will Mres with ui The Place To Save Money Astoria's leading Confectionery Store. Finest in Oregon Lowney's Chocolates a Specialty. Page Block. ASTORIA The State crossed out Sunday for San. Franolsco. The tug Roberts arrived In from Till, amook yesterday. Choice, hams at IS cent a piece and upwards at the Pat Market. imam uu ii is el line, i a rrnil The temhlp Lennox, with general ,,f A : - 'V will b proem, jf f,,. merchandise for the Orient, put to tea i l"'!"'"t plans are carried out a football Sunday. game will be played Friday afternoon - between art Itwaco and A. F. C team, The tchooner O. M. Kellogg, lumber 14ml In the ..veiling the p'ay wilt tie pre laden for San Francisco, put to s--iv set'.ud. Sunday. I No: b.l;is able to till Oriental order The Harrison arrlvfd In from Tllla-ifor flour by the present transportation moik Sunday wl:a a cargo of general i f:iciliti In v-'gue at Se itre. tbe n. m.nhandtse. ' Mill r.impany has lieen coin(el'.i-.l "7" , , !u charter th ig liritlsh ship lru:n. In the county clerk, ortlce yeaierly ,ninn, wlll, h u ft.,,.,, a, a :2.,,n l.t-o n.nKiH-ni. i.-.u. 1., 1 ixu.-.a. oe. , ciareo nis intenuon to oevome an .niert- : can citiiea. The schooner Majd of Orleans was towed to sea Sunday, loaded wl Ji cannery supvHrs f . r the cannery of Hume tiros. & Hume. Karluk. Alaska. N rt ScaKhtro. a fiVnnan, was AtkmI jC fjr jrunknne.-; yesterday. sentence being auspt-ndeU on condition the prisoner resume fishing, which waa complied with The camor Pebhaw, having In tow a scow load of lumber for their local yard. arrived frm Gobi yesterday een!ng. The lumber will be used for building pur poses in the ell". Evol Edaon, aged li months, son of Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Kdson. of East Astoria, died yesterday morning. The funeral will , .... take plactt this afternoon with the In- terment at Greenwood. Thi. ordinance irrantinir to 4 lote- ine ormnaiKe granimg to a. cot-e- land the right to instruct a wharf and . .... v 1 warenouse on in property recently t).a by the Taylor estate was Mayor Bergman yesterday. signe.1 by j After May 0 the Astoria Wood Yard Company will deJiver Knappton MiiU. j slab w.ejd at your door, sawed, ffor &54 per cord. Leave orders wl?h F. L. Park-r i or at the Astoria Wocd Yard. County Judge Gray yesterday was notl. tied by the superintendent of the state I insane aevllim At Salem that John Han. I ison. who was committed from Clatsop county on April 10. !W. died April 15. l TS" t":, rIV.BUn j;or c ;omm.T,.M su-eet. will receive prompt attention. Telephone j 2144. 1 A lire a,:arm was turned in about 5 ' ' o'clock yesterday evening, caused by alchalleRKed to liithi a duei and refused j blaze in a chimney in a residence in; to accept the challenge. This r induct ! I'nlontown. The department respond- d made him odious among his assorta'e- 'promp'.lv, but the fire was extinguished and he left the urrny at the first oppor- fiefore Its arrival. The schooner Beulah cleared at the custjms house yesterday with 43C"C) f. t of Oregon pine lumber for San Francis 0 -hipped by the Northwestern Lumber I Company, of Portland. She w as towed I to sea In the afternoon. 'and Nehalem clll'-a In-fore coming her- Sallie Carlson was adjudged insane in jan,j p.iy, lht. pe0p t those towns are the probate c.-mrt yesterday. She Is S!!mu,.h Intertst'sl in the completion by ' y-ars of age. single, and a native of cuunty of tlie? unfinished portlrjn jGermuny. She was turned over to lhl. r0.d to ejiiumook city. Twelve .Sheriff Llnville. and was taken to the In. ;mM ,,f ,he r,,a,i rm g,.aside Is In fair ane asylum at Salem last night. Wanted Man with little money In ( ry county in Dregon ana vvasningion. 1 to sell the "Best" Incandescent Lamps; 'makes own gas; 100 candle. Cheapest known. The "Best" Incandescent ; Lamp Co., Third street, Portland, Or. : H ufmns & S'iuler, Managers. I The following teams played their week- !iy m.jt -hed srames at the A. F. C. alleys j '"t night: Cooper's Strauss' Goodells' land Flnlayson's. Cooper's team was high with SZi pins. Cooper had the high individual score, 48, also nign total, iw. The following teams play tonight: Law's, Woodfleld's. Bozorth's, Sacry's. Harden. jty's and Wises' teams play Wednesday j ! night. Boys' Fonr-in-Hands. Knicker Leggings, POK lilCYCLE USE. Ijv .1. and D. McGeorge, Dunfrees, Scotland. SUSPENDERS of, the Celebrated Wilson Bros, Make C. H. COOPER, The Leading House of Astoria rile ar lHlng received at Weat 8c atlle for the Drat raft to be built to te towed from there to (tan 'rni'lCA A consignment of over stick, represent lug more than M.lW fort, ha already been taken to the works, and more "Mil be sent down from Hood canal In a few days. The bos factory of lh Royal City mill at Now Wemmlnsier, It, C. h re. celved an order from Australia for a ampl shipment of llUXW boxes, eult. abl,. for Mvnient of oatim-d g.i1a t Kurie. Thla the result of Ihe iK'ab. llshment of an aitenoy of the company In Auntrn'.la, and no doubt before long a considerable trade "will be worked ui with the Anttpode. A meeting of the chamber .rce was held hi At night but no tmsltioa wa transacted for want of a quorum. Seer. Wry llolden ha been III for some time and not attend the nicftlnsr l!t .night. The qui-mlnit of entertaining the 1 editorial aw.HSatlnn. and alao properly ladvertlnlna th cltv lit the onm of th jaseoclation were dl'iinned and a special meeting will prohaply be called to ar. range matters. In the polk- court yesterday John Doe. (whi was arrested early Sunday morning ion a charge of drunk and disorderly land using iusive language. forfeited h bail of fcl. i,r Llndross and Thomas j Howard, two vags, were tlneil $?) rach. I t.lndross eressnl a detre 10 go .j work and waa Informed by Judge Nel. son he would be given an uppoitumty ti ilo so thi morning. They are both known to the police as veteran grafter In the lower end of town. "A Summer's Kam-y." which was pre. sented In such a successful nunner ,u Hsher"s iiperu nous last week, will be repeated at llwa.o next Friday night. Th, company has received n invitation from the llwaco athelctlc club to visit I ii. v,.,s,. bl. ( oa,,i4!l! of carrvlug tors, llie .'entiin:nl Mill tVmpany will ship :'"i toi:s and the remaining capacity will be uttln.a by the Novelty mills. Th Onimlurton bus vrsit.M 1'uvet s.utK s.. . '.' times, but this was her first trip ,0 A'a,:k- I The' of the I'lKh .'lull last t,Uh: was largely oi-cuplcl wi'h .-onsldera lo'i ,,f advertising plan, am-tig which was that of Mr. IVastce. of the committee of the ass.icl.Hi m for the puKl of a souvenir, which was rt forre 1 to the advertising committee, with p wer to act. A resolution in reference to Mr IK ih'ii s torincsitiiing ikik on ( !ats iji wa also r. ferre.1 t.i the committee on adver. tising An encouraging communication from Mr. Townsend was read. Ir. flock, man. Mr. Harrn-t. and ntbrr gontle-men being present, bv invitation, spoke wl h itrwit Interest of the promised emigration ji from Finland, by rhe harsh :ures of the ixar. and the prolihllity "f t . . L , . . ,any thousand of their waplr comlnn ! ., . ..,..v k Mnmbers of the club were mu-'h interested in their statements, and con- isldrrallon of the matter was reft-rr-d t ; the committee on land and immigration. I P. K. Helkman. who List his life with ;the N'ehaiem timber surveying party, was well known In Astona. Ho was a .German, alnnit years at &. and i.itne to this city from Nebraska a.iout seven years ao. IfeiKman was ted to t"e oflie of city surveyor at the last June 1 tion. He was lat-r r'tnoved from of- ; rk by the city council, lb' was consid ered a com-tent surveyor aiel a k"' wooilsman and was often eniloe.l dur. !lng his residence lu re In making surveys ZZ the name he was known by on arriving In this country. According f - 1' "-ends, he belonged to a resju-i t- ahlp German family anil served for a time as onVer in the German army. While In th- army. It Is .-aid, he was Munlty. coming direct to the United States. He no relatives so far a. known In this country. Mr. J. G. lliiU.omne. government en gineer In charge; of the Improvements at Ya'puna bay, arrived n .Vlorla yester day. Mr. Holomhe was at Tillamook condition, and the Tillamook road run. inln as far as Nehabm city Is all plnnkwj a,1(j (it fI)r travel the whole y-ar. Eight miles, running from Schovile's place to the north fork of the Nehalem remain to be opened. Tile people of Til lamook do their trading largely at F"rest Gr"Ve, a illstan' e of M miles, going th"re by wagon, but the farming districts of that county are tributary to Astoria The even grade of the Seaside road would give them much better Eervlce, and the farmers of Tillamook arc- anxious that Clatsop county nhall make the Improve- imt;nt as SQOn ag po3ble. county Judgi i(Jra, p,Urn,,t,.s the expense of building j(h(, ro;il a( j! )fl0 a sweet expression covers a multitude of facial defects. Clothing In Kttfcrs ami Vcstees. mi uwi oiiKiHTiK wh.i. UloMMK AUOHIllSIItU', Portland Telegram Saya tt la Stated on Hood Authority That the Appoint, nioiit Has Horn Made. Itlshop Christie, of Vancouver, U, C. is said lo have been awiclutcd arch, bishop of this archdiocese, to fill the vacancy caused by the death of Ari h. bishop t!rs. The iilutemeiit lut not yet been made public, but will perhaps b announced next Sunday, If not before. This appointment will no doubt give great satisfaction to the faiholle church on th i ctMst, and throughout the conn, try. It Is looked upon as an American ap. iMlntmenl. HWhop t'hrlstte being a thor. ough American, and hiMrilly In accord with tho vlows of Arclilil-hop Ireland, In fact, the newly appointed arvhblsluui Is a nephnw of Archbishup Ireland, and Is of the same schoii), Itlshop V'hrlstl,. lias been In the west a little more than a yew. and Is very p pulitr He is said to be a m.m of griat dlitiitty an,l learning, and of consider, able executive ability. PF.RSON Af MENTION. 1'. V. 'hrlstlanseii was a pasengi r on the train from Ponland last night. Mr. and ' Mrs. p. K. Warren have re. tuniitl frm a short trip to t'allfornla. Sheritt Thomas Mnvllle returned on the midnight train last night from ISirtland. I'uptnhi John Himwii. of the :eitiT llelshaw. was In toan yesterday vtsplna his friends. Mls Maud Warren, who has been via. Itlng Mis Klos at Oakland. Oil. f r ,t few months, h is returned to her home at Warrentoii. J. ! Holi'otnbe, asslsmiK govertuuent enwlneer at Yapi!na la. was in the cli) eslenl.iy utid left on the train for Port, '.ami last night. It. U Jeffrey, accompanied by his daughters. Nelll,. and May. left tor Sea side yesterday, where they will open up the Jeff cott.tge for the season. I'ongressmaii Ohnrles W. Stone, W.11. re 11. I'i . and K. K Krolger. of Portland, arrived in the city Sunday to take charge of S II. li.'ly's remain. Thrv b-ft with the tody on tile trim yiwierduy miming. Mrs, ,ddlo !U!iil!t"i ind d.nwhti r Xel'.le and Mr and M-s O.-.irc- I. ll.i'o. I, ton. of Princeton 111 . arrived cii the Hoof. :r.un 1V.1rl.11 T!ie will vlsi' f r the summer at the homes ,,r p K and I Watrei ,11 Warrentoii. ; ItKMA It K Altl.i: .iKi.U TIl iK j "' '"' VN Forty..,g,u War.: n,d.r . N V .'n. Invuux ItiK .1:1 ',- 'iditur.- , f i...i,,..i Tin. til L.:ri! u;ed. XKW Yt'ltK. Apr;! Jl A ,t.. 11 the Tribune from a!iiiig'.oii a.. T.o conipl. H..11 within a f. w moiitbs of i r.-a; tir.;.s!iii,. KearMarg and Keiituk s.Tve. -,i 1.1!! - l.-:.r r.i it,.- irnnarkable rate at which tin- American ... 1 navy is growing at ttie present tune. Kicopt among naial ..tlkcor who wa.c'i I this progresi. few; r. alli-' that warshlp.s ure now im b r . "iistrm tloii f r iii,-. I'ii.fI 1...... I.,...!.'.... .. w 1. .. , ., . ! utnler i'X;.sttnir con'.rai't.s ui:i:r'ifat lur JU1 &) for hulls and machinery alone. '1 his., u li, Tl . 1 1 It 1, .... I f. i.K' , . . . ) ',,r ca. wtK ha.' iust over $' I ... ,, , . .. , "f 1 " "rt '"ius ,.giiig baltlcshlps, as good as any, wl'li. "in taking Into a vim! th... superiority of the gunners, machinists and officers t man thetn. Sixteen ate turp-do boat destroyers, uveragmg knots sj d four are heavy harl'or 'lefeiuo monitors, one a sifter ' fuis. r to tlw N"W Orb at. s and li are or.e.. One of the most notaijie fact. ,i'i m'. this vat ciin-tiuctl n utiib'r-aking Is ps distribution, the gr.-.i: .dang' that has t.iki-n pl.n in the shlp'mtM. tng industry. Stji.v th.- ..rganisa'.iott of '.he now navy, four ships were, built by a siiinle Iirm, Today II Ameiiau concerns are lull. ding hij Tir the navy, and of these 1J are scattered along the Atlantic coast from Maine, to Virvit'la. and two are on th" Pacific, at Portland and Sin Francisco. The sheath, d 1 ruls.r alohe l.s of foreiKn biill'l. Stie was bought nil the Mto'-ks from liniz'l when th" war with Spain anie ho V.taMc, because Hialil could rir.t sell one ship which the United States desired without c'isp..tig of others at the s.irri.. utile. The navy department tie.sled ihe Amazon, if Pir nothing else than to pr.-vent Spain from ir.-t ; t u ir h.-r. The N'icth.roy. at a valua tion of .'.;;. was made a part of the and after .1 throiKh overhauling has become th" --fill Ittiffalo. The ! Amazon, as handy 'ornploti d, cost tl.. II-1"!.!, and was imni-di 1 ;e!y put to eood s-rvbe as th- N"W Hrl-atis, being the only American war.-hlp In the war pro vide, I wirii -mok-le-'s powd.-r for all h'-r batteries. H..r sister ship, the Aim!, rantn Abru. wa. then only a f-w ribs at the Klswb k yard on N-w castle. un.Tyne, but the navy deHirtnient cheerfully took th- lontia't off ihe Brazilians' hands at the rate of lljjl.WJ. and by adding to that amount, will soon huvt a line cruiser 111 the Albany, recently launched. ONE 'RIMI.VAL To EVERY ONE THoI.'rtANlJ J'P.ltHON.-l. Ir. Itrewvr A-lvocat'-s tin. Establishment of a Tiirjil-n to, k In Cblcugo L'n. less Now Laws Aru .Secured. .IIICA'Mj. A (.ril IM. -Iiuiil.-l E. Rr-wer. a prominent physician, In a lecture ad vocated the establishment of a tarpb-n rock in .'hlcago unless the city secures a new code of criminal law. lie said: '"rhe iercr-nl;ie of criminals haa In. creased so rapidly in Ihe L'nlted Htates that we have uk habitual, or hereditary i.rlminal in evi-ry I.Wj persons. Criminals Iiropaga.te, marry and multiply unre strained, and u;ile.K we cliange our laws, will continue, u Increase at ine sunn ratio they have In Ihe past, until Jt Is appalling to contemplate the rcmilt. If Chii ago does not soon have a new code of criminal laws, tt would be wiser to have a tarjilen rock, like the. Romans did, from whl h malefactors and de. generates might be thrown to d atli. We hiiould have laws controlling tnar riage, so ihat deg.-nerncy may bo cbecftd by preventing ih(. union of criminals, diseased or lunatic couples." RIVALRY AMON'l -M ISM JON A RJ ES. SAN ERANCIHCO, April 24-Accor.lliig to J. Extrom, a trader In the Caroline Islands, who has arrived lore, Intense rivalry cxlHts among the missionaries on the island of Ruk. About 10 years ugo Rev. Alfred Hroll. Ing wns sent from Huston by the Con. gregatlonnl hoard of mliHons. A few years later, Dr. Price was ordered to re lieve him. finelllng. It Is stated, refused to retire and continued to conduct an In. dependent mission. Price was recently succeeded by Rev. Luther Btlmson, rho In turn Is being opposed by Bnelllng. The latter Is said to be popular with the na tives, having most of the chiefs on tits side. Extrom' alleges that be does not discourage their fighting among them selves. Andrew Lake jJ-tCONlMKNCtAI. HT, ...Alercliant Tailor... IVrfcct Tit Giinrnntcctl. Low Prices. Kcpalrlng and Cleaning Neatly Ione, LOOK! IOOO 1MW1CUS going at 4 cents, S.VFMTV FINS at 1 rent. K.UUm HATS, rent. S.VTTKKN SKIltTS, 90 cent. UU'K. tl yar.1 for II cent. SII1KT WAISTS and WIUFFICILS at any price. THIS WKKK ONLY. RACKET STORE. J. A. Pastabcnd Gene ml Contrnctor and Builder lloiiM'-inovin Ttuil.s I'nr Htiiti r'Kl'KHAI. Jl lali". ANU tlOVHUNOK tl.-.ltKK li.ivernor tttoiir, of lUllioin. lotermln.s to Kee. out Negroes urder. j to It riaci Striking Miners. I'HU'AieJi. April St A ShI to lh Trsbutin from Mansileld. Ark.. sai: There Is a s.rtous coniticl of aiKt oiii) lietn.,11 d nernor J -r. i s and Judae it-is, ,,f die f.d.tal i"urt at Knit Smith. JlKlttv Itoilgers Issiieil an n. .italiiini: ttie !tiklng miners ai ll inil' g. 1011 from lut . tfeilmc with the t-intl a of '.lie K4mi ,v Te.n Val t'ompan) The ioniMiiy has imported negroes from Ktntu ky to tike Hie (dac ,f strikers i: d a cari"ad wei,, sent from St I. mils !.ol lllKllt. The n nerii'r has 01 brej th- sheiitT f cnHHy li present Dm n gro, b- ;:ic ur.i.ui .cod to k "ihln! Iii the state aM Is .. t. rm. k, - t!elll HVlt ll.'itgei. lias lllatril. t.d t''e fnl . d S'at-s marsiial to sero tm Inju'u (Ion ! the sheriff, t'us riijolulng him frvini tit. 1 faring with Hie lilip.'r;atl''n i.f the 1" Kr""- I Tln gow-rnur fears a race war If they islci 'l le I. in.le, 1 lo re, as feeling again.'. th - m :s high. V I'UAli M AN Hlti it GUT To LIFE In l'ar:s recently a mm was revlv.d whose heart had actually stopped bcat ln; A daring surgeon cut through the bad man s ribs, grasped bis heart, set the blood In circulation, and the iran j lied, opened hla ryes and llv.d It,l pmb.ibie, however, that the r 1 lly -a III bo j of s,.,rt duration, although this detracts : not at all from the miraculous nature, of 1 th" deed If be had kept his towels regu. j lar d.Si'ase r.m.d not nave attaca -u rum. Ilostett.-r's Htoma.-h Itltt.r U nature stroiest ally. When her ttiws have b"n 1. p. a'e.lly ihsrrgarded, when a t r' 1 -t. niai b has be. n o.bunsl until Indlg' s. ri .-on.tlni-liin and b!tuunes are Hi-.--lit. then th.. Pltti-rs prove, ph e' tl. a. It csinicil be p.juall'd. Your do'-, tor would be the llrst to p'.'Otiimrnd I'. II in fi w iii' 11 can pa 11: looking into it. s a mirror with. NOTICE. A3. OKI A 11. & TION. U AS8X.'IA. ASTORIA. April 9. l.S.-To the stock- j holders Astoria IluUdtng and Loan Asv soclatb.n: Notice U heri-by given that the regular annual meeting of the stock-1 holders of the Astoria Ilulidlng ami Loan'.on wilt be held May I, IBS, berlng: the first Tuesday after the first Wdm-, day in May In aowdan. e with Article IV, Sttloni J, J, and 1 of the by-laws J for the election of oipsotors and the! transaction of such other business as! may come before said meeting. At I p. j m. on the day of said meeting rhe share.1 holders will consider the ratification or! rejection of the action of the bocrd nfl directors In accepting the proposition of' the Kqulrable Havings and Ixan Asaoola-I Hon of I'ortland-for a transfer id the' business and assets of this Association to the Equitable. WM. II. DARKER. Attent: W. L. ROUIi, president. 8ecrelary. CALL TOR WARRANTS. Notice Is hereby given to all parties holding Clatsop county warrants endorsed prior to May t. ItSH, to present th same to the county treasurer at his office, Id Tenth street, for payment. Interest ceases after this date. Dated Astoria, Ore., this aotJ) day of April, im. H. THOMPSON. County Treasurer. Every American scheme that has heeii tried on the Filipino has been success, fill, excepting the wur balloon. WHEN TRAVELING. Whether on pleasurs bent or business, take on every trip a bottle of Byrup of Figs, as It acts most pleasantly and ef fectually on the kidneys, liver, and bowl, els, preventing fevers, headaches an1 other forms of sickness. For sale In lu cent bottles by all leading druggists. Man ufactured by the California Fig Byrup Company only. The Idlest maps of China made In Eu rope excite much curiosity In Canton and I'ekln. TO CURB A COLD IN ONE DAT Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablots. All druggists refund the money If It falls to cure, 26 0. The genuine hag L. B. Q. on each tablet. For sal by Charles Rogers. lietotnl awton'H llrsi blow was so stunning that Ills later proceedings have been viewed fcy the Tugals from afar. Artistic designs In folniu smoke -seiH, vuscs, figures, can lolubru, flower holdors and hundreds of other fancy articles at prices that will open your eyes. Some articles cut 00 per cent. Home articles cut CO per cent. ODDS ANT) KM DA, HALF PRICK. Great American Importing Tea Co. 171 oomiDtreUl ftrsot, Astoria. Thi Lightest Store Wisu'i Costomers .V'b 1 1 ,r w 1 We Imvc received im ImmetiHe Invoice of Gentleinen'H Shlrtn, Htiff imd noft boHom. The mnteridn tire: percalies chf:viots MADRAS... Tlir M IT lalisl 1I1 vigils. Nut 111. ilc ill. Ill nlif HI tun ul llirlllill pattern, So pm It ji n t U-nta 1 1 limy luivt' an fxclthivf tl p sin iilniiit Call 11 iii I Ini'lv at tlti in. HERMAN WISE, The Old Rellahle Clothier, Hatter and Purnlsher. ' '. " """ ' sssss-sssssssja-si I Coltimbia Electric and Repair Co. Sticcc'HHor to COLUMBIA i Blacksmiths iBoilcrMakers ! Machinists Foundrymen I-ouiilnn luiiulncM 1 1 a a II t nmt Hcpnlrcd. Heavy Forging Under Power Hammer a Specially Sole .Mnniifiuturcrs of the l'nsurnscd ... " Harrison Sectional" Propcllor Wheel ... Contractors for Kltvtric l.itfiU niwl Power Plant. 100 Rolls of Matting Of All Kinds. Our own iiiiort:itioiis. Quality ami I'uttt ni tli? lnnt ant! hUnt. Chas. Heilborn & Son. (steins.! AtKSr p:i.'(,R'yF lMiU:Ajm I' PETERSON nnowN, Boots and Shoe. (No stamps on ruhber goods.) HERMAN WIBB, Clothing ad Oetits" FvrnlsMngs. ECLIPSE HARDWARE CO. UTM, Tinware, and Plassbtiig. WUL If. McKENZIE. Mnhaerr. ORirrTN REED, Book aad Stationery. I if M U You recognize the above Merchants as the most Enterprising In their lines In Aslorla. They always accord you the best treatment and courtesy a customer r an possibly get. They nre anxious for your patronage; and by selling to you oa a Cash Basis can sell their goods oheaper than their competitors. All these lead. Ing Merchants Klve Trading Stamps to build up their Cash Trade and do away with the Credit System, One stamp Is given with every 10 cents cash purohase; 10 stamps with a. $1 purchase; 100 stamps with a 110 purchase, and son on. Do not forget to ask for Trading Stamps with EVERY PURCHASE; and when your book Is full It will be cheerfully ex-changed for any of th eelegant hlgh-claa articles constantly carried In stock by th Portland Trading Stamp Co 345 Washington St., Portland, Or. A few specimens of the articles given In exchange for TRADING STAMPS an shown at B. F. AULEN & CO., 365 Commercial St In Astoria. See What They Bay. Golf and Stiff-bosom ...SHIRTS... IRON WORKS Loggers' Supplies Kept In Stock IIOMIC OKKICIC Central Bank Buiidin?. Itriimlwiiy, New York. Onplliil, f l.rWKl.OtHI. I-'OKLIKIN HKADOUART0R5. AUSTRALIA. 123 George Street, Bydney, ORIIMANT. Ilohnenstrassa 1 Hamburg, ENQLAND. 123 Southampton Street, Londm. CANADA. 220 Yonge Street, Toronto. Mo ALLEN A McDONNBLL. Dry Ooods, Bta., Bt. R. ECK STROM, Jowstor. THE BONBONNIERJB, Confectionery and Ioe Oroasa. WILL MADISON. Cigar an4 Tosmmm, B. F. ALLEN CO., WaU Paar, Palnsa ask! MUi THE WONDER BASAJt. ran or NotlM, Toy.