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About The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899 | View Entire Issue (April 25, 1899)
I'll. DAILY A3TUIIUM. ItKslMV MOKNIXU. Al'ItIL 5, IM. mm mac mm An KxctiU-til Combination. The ilciiiii.l ini'liiixl w ml licnrflrUl t'lTt'dla n( I In- well known remedy, Nvin i ur l i'i", iiiiiiiiifiiriiii'iut ly the ( Ai.iroiiNU I'io myiiit (,, Ulimlriittt llin Vol m- uf I'lilniiiilti; Hit' liilli laxa tive l'llll'llll'H llf lllllllt lllllHMI til tin imimIIi inull.v luxutlvti nml ui''iitlii(f tlie-m In tin1 form niimt r'fii'liliir tii tli tite nml t u I l t' to llin Mnii'in. It I I hi- nnu 1'i'i fiM-t ktmik'ttii nlnir laxa tive, t'lnitnaiiiu t li aytcni itTi-rlmilly, tlUH'lllir culda, liriiiluilic mnl frvi'ia jfcntly yi'l iriuiiily mnl rimMIng our to overcome liithtliiitl t iuii.Uial lull per innni'iiliy It HTli-ct fiwiliim from vvrry uMiK'tliiiiMhln quality anil aub etatiuo, mnl lia actlntr mi tin1 klilnrya, liver ami btiwt-le, without Mcnkening or irritating' tlimii, make It the Ideal laxative. lo thi prutfe of manufacturing- flge are used, m they urn pleasant to tlio taste, but the medicinal iiiallllcai,f the) remedy are iibtaineti Trniii at'iuia ami other Id ,.U..U. I.y a known lo tlm ('Ai.ironNtA Kio hrnt'r Co. only. In onlrr to Ki't IU hvw ftVlal effneta ami to nvnlil InilUUuiia, i'iuwi rniiimiitHTthi full nnnif of tlmCotnpaiiy printed on tlm front of every arliiK, CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. AN riAMCIaOO, CAt LOUtlVtU.a. T W YORK. W T. I'm Ml liy all HiuaaiMa -l'rl Mi'. Urtlla, NoTica run uiim. Illdl wilt t ro4va by lh county ruuri tt (1atip oonniy until tl IrvJ day f Uay, law, fur Ilia twari) of trlmara ounnnad In tha pouruy jj. Tha foot intMt tw et ftcxi, whokawma quality, two maaUa Uy, jmI dallvorwd at Qi jail liiw tha huura t4 I and ( o'clmk In tha foraoooo in4 ( am) I vc'iork In tha attcrrwon. luddnrw ara to alala tn pn-a par mal. Ity order at lha runiy rovrt II. J. WIIICKITI. Oiunir (Urk. (iOVi;i(NMK.NT VWnmAlS WANTED Ilruix: fr rrnih Href a"d Mnl uo: ltln i hif rillim:liiry, Vaiuuuvrr luiru. ki, Waah . Apr l 4 IK. Hnald iruK.aia for fitn..hi and dn.lirn fih b ami itch n uiun for als mmha banning July I. in. will ba ra. t'Hcd et and al ulDm uf oonunla. jr.. at jrt hmvoi'i, Orngon, Ikilaa U.irik. anil Knn Hliamian, IJaho. Kona 'iil.), Hnkmi Walla Walla. Vancou ver 1'aMBi'ka and Now Furl BHaana. Wuh, an.i lyra and Kurt Vranl. Au.k.i. until 11 o'clock a. m., May I U". and hn oparied. Information fur. ni.hnl on appliratlon. Knvt'pa ron. la'n.ia roioMla at) .tilil oa enduraad "I'tupiiaala fif Krch Hf and l'"rh Million" a. nl adilrraird lo undoia gtird or lo commiaaary al puvt o b aup. pli'd. IIKNItr r. M CAIN. Klrai IJculennni A. V.. C. A ln-allli) . MM la tirvi-r HM nioia than I lie.' inlniiira al a Uiiii. THE IIEST IN TUB WOULD. Wm tmllfva ('haintMrlaln'a Cough l(i-m-ady , Ihr bail In tha world. A faw wrrha a g .j a aulTnrrd wMi a arvra cold and a Iroublraoma cough and having rrad tiirir a'lvi r l.nn. nia in our own and olhrr nn. Irra puri had a boMlr lo if I: would rffn-t ua. Ii turtd u hrrota buiile aa mora than half utn Ii tlm .ra indlilMi out for co'.da and ought -Th AndrraonvCla. lu.l. I"'ir ! by Charlaa llogrra. SKIN IRRITATIONS Instantly Rollover! by CUTICURA K or Irritation, InK.atnt Intlain luatlon of t akin, fur act erui'tloiiaof thn v-alp, dry,, thin, and falling hair, for red, rough lunula ml fiti'lal Mi lalu-a, untiling pure, ao h (Tim livo aa wa bit ha wllh CuTlcimA 8ir, follow od by Kent In auoliilliipi with Ct'Tin aA, pttrtMl of rmolltcnu and gmatiMl uf akin cunt. ,iM thmaafaal lha wntia rotria ti nC tvnr, on l'raia., Iloaloa. All About lb. atali ami tlali.m. aaaaw u ' St rrr -eafr .. , ' Jt mm W. F. SCHEIBE, A lull Una al Mlpaa, Tnbacca, nJ in.ikra' Arilclea, -a T Co.iiiiieei' Int aai. MiiiYiViVW.V i iHa i H HHIaiHaHHie B ivl I Astoria's I,,eading Hotel I MokIcp (S tVrlKlit Props. I C. J. TRENCH ARD, Commission. BrokcraCC. c..e,... Insurance and Shipping. Agent W. F. AOo.. nd 1'Rf lflo Kxprem Co'a. ToQalPoraas' Sauce BEWARE OF IMITATIONS " la adapted for every variety of dish from Turtle to Beef, from Salmon to Steaks, to all of which it gives a famous relish." JOHN DUNCAN'S SONS, Agents. N. Y. ENGLAND ASKS QUID PRO QUO Sbe Will Abrogate Clayton Dul wcr Treaty In Return for Alaskan Concessions. iSTANDS DY CANADA AJmlnlstntlon Wiltlnr Report of Canal Commlssloq Before Negotls tlflf with Central America SV.W V(Jlk; April U A apucUi i ho Herald from Washington aaya: 10 A I. lliougli willing o abrogate the Clayton. trely, Ureal Urltalh ha med- i plain ui urn I llltit Hlalea Dial lilt l.ia n n.ulyaliii in return for her t.f ln. Thla oqiilvalnul 1111 be eiacUd during lha imgotlalloii uf (ha Amiriwn-'aiia. lla cuinmlailon, which la 10 resume la in Wellington In Auguat ni. 1 1 bocaua uf a d'tnund for ootiaeaaluna i .,.,,. , ... " h1""' "' v " ' "h,,' in ... ' tia mill mm ami lull UI th. JaMii llulwor traaty. (ImU Ilia na H"l!atiuna liava imt (trogrraatd wlih tha I'MHiyilnca al Oral iolcJ. It la ntiarlil (o Ilia oltliUala n"w that (Irtat llrllulii runaa to uaa tha xopu. titloh lo abrugalo tha treaty lo further Ua awn abut In ronnnrtion with iho ti'iiloinctil uf His Alaakan boundary and io.ipro.Jtr g'lvaiiiitia. (irtigt linuun la dnUniiined to muko fvrty rfforl to aai-uta f.r bcr north. ' lurTll.iry (hruiigh Aluk ahai th jt'nllr.l Htait-a la ri t willing to glvq ( Itmr. Jt may lw. llii-rrfr, that atic will ..iKfti ihi In ixturii fir auih an oui- UA aha will auirrndir all hi-r rial It I w In tha Nicaragua niiial. rrr.iilmrt M- Klnl. y and Hm niar) IU hav ii-Ii riiilii. d mi! in rndr Into mi nrgi.ilatioiia rliln r i'iaia Iti ur Nlraragua rrai'i:liig the Nutaua ianal until tha nrw lailimlan niiml "iii. dilation tiaa antunlt fd lla n"n Tlir 'N a'ogua lonnl nuiiiii I" " ! mi a 111 r I r ( wliliin ahort Uw, mid i'l- i r i i . t i ' i 111 lhin antmuiitr llif rin-in,'ii. ni "h- ::liinlun i.iinitil"iiiin Tho n rini:iii-liiri ll III. n mi i nl In I'aiiaiua an.! Iu;. r I- N I. i iimi.i . .! It la Ilia ttueti.iU.iii uf i.'u .r. v-Uiil !..i It will ilbmll Hi i-- H In I'""- '"I i""- alilrrallim afii in i '- inl rtt.m of rongiraa I 'MJIII.AN M O in: iii:i.ii:vi:ii lC DM i i.M M AM' ii i.u liinr W'r: Ii.-. a Id .nil .if lll Al. Tiiat H' 1 1 im In. I., ha to the Oi lman ( M;VV lltK Aiult 11 -A aperlal io tin- ll. faHI (rum W .laluiigioii aaya. A a rra'ltl of tila mI1ii-Ii.ii In tt'i- rulMliirt of I tin iPH'i.hi lint at .Manila ilurg the. war Willi H;.aln I'atilalu J.i.-,i II. i og 'iia ii In nil irilialililt, he r, - 'li lid ,f Hie i ..inliiaii.l uf the lla li l; ll I Hi, uinl) IUig will t'i'l illat-iiaa dtp. aln ' I''a l-olllliat. till! he. l-iitlaem, i o ' a tna: tiii ni linn win lie iiiaen iinin In- In aid fnim thai nOP it ll I- pre. j niiieil (Imt 4'aplain 'oghlii n-nlinl i (In- I' llil aelit Hntrlat) l."ug f iiur. ,l,i ami II la ruiieil Hiul a nvl)' wl'l ' he In ihe Man, I- of Hie m ii litti Imnnr. i i ur Tueailay. I Mill a. Hun la taken III the lliul;.-r It In lliajieil hv d.palNnielit nftlilata tll.l! i ' a 1 1 i a i ti fngh an wnl n I make any fur ther t-ntii ullnani'i-a of a rhn'-ter r. He. una m the .undu.-l nl 'l. tinain .lining Hie war Tin ili-i.irimeiii'a riin.niunli allun pull. I ali a lla .l-,ii-llllte that -.iilnin CiKll. Ii-. all, mill ni mil himaelf to makn a-;e. t in. lit. im -Jinlp liil In the friendly j for. Inn lnlwi .'ii Hie I'nlle.l Slab a ami ft k im i mill nt JAf IH.I.K'IATCS AHIIIVK. VirTnltlA l ' April 21 -Jaiuiii'a il 'b gali lo Hie pi-a. e cunfi lellie at Ml ' Hague iirru.-d h-ic t.ui'ghi on the Km. I- ... of ' Mil mt 'il Alil'IN'l I'.KSKIIAI. "VIS Sl'ifX l-'AI.I, at 1 1 , A pi H '.'I l. Iter 1. 1 elt ed tr in iiii-nili. I uf the Klial i aiiin. iii, S 'uih I'ak.'lii voluiileer. .lur ing the hi"! f' dill Ule UIIUMIllllj Pi. i. i. lug Aiming them I letter (rum ui:. It, .Pinion lit which In- give a" a 1 1. unl of hi i-xpei I'-ni c a a harplni"lei a , lejl uf III" PH'1 lllllliUI lo prevent the a.aanallllll of 'l.-neiiil H Ite gin.lltig ihe Inner, he a.iv 'i yii'd' frnui III., plme iiindH Hie puilc'l nil urntlinl ilnufncturar ol the Alwaya Kellnhl "U Belle Astoria" Clear Scheme's Opera Star Schelbe's Special Anil Otliwr llrnnrlw ex i The Original Worcestershire grounds fur fear t tin natives may at. tempt lo aMKtHMof riMtct O'lfinml Old and Hi ill (li soldier are always ready tut an wiifiK'TH y. KAN IIIH WAimilll INTO TltK 'MA aTOltOVK HWAMI'i Tint Vrm'aullon of tha (lovcrnnr of I'mi. a on lleailng t (ha urn of Mnllii- urin ui Kuxulit, HAN WtANCWO, Airtl il.-Tha hark. tnlliia IliUh. rr.ini Hi anulli it-hn, rirlnga tlm iiMMa thai on iKarlntr of I h ranturn of Manila tlm govrriior if 1'ona.iw, ona if tlm ('urii.liiia, run unit if hla two gunli'iiila Ini'i I Im iWuiKuvri awamp. and I In in II M ia X' 111 lylim Hlli II llmh aiillnl f ruin l'"iiu', 'I In. guvi rilor ln'h it priam i-r of J V, ililmnli'r, an Amur I. an tiu'ir of KuauK and dilalii'il In H' tan I luit'h.d with cargo, lli-nry ,Nwiwi,l, a native, waa alto "Ixi'd mid hi hi aa hoaiago ugulnnt harm from tha tiatlva trlhra. Ju.i 1, . fora Dm IliiUi aalltd Jli'li'inh r waa Inaard, 11m atuvnrnur (piling hliu lhi hla vai had in vi-r hwn lci'l. ll la aald (hat thn (Kriiiun (Inn wliMi haa niiilrol of thn Marahnl (Hliu ri t ru1 tin a advaiK'nl liinnpy and gmula In Ihr U'lrugnt-red Kiianlaii govcrnnr, Ituprrai'tilaiivra of tha Arm wn- work, lug hard to gut a niortgami on I In- Hian. lati landa. Thla diin, thrn. 'Would tip a ilerman liaih'r f alalillalnd at I'unup", another al link and a third at Kuaah'. Thi'ra waji a big al'irin In KiiuIk on January If., whlili nr ..IT alxtiit tu nilh a uf Ihu .jural r'f br'akwadr r tha liartmr. Ttia watrr roaa flgtn fri.'., ili-atroyrd oianoanut and tin-ad fruit u-'a and anii"d thn mlaalolinra' ijwi'llinga. Tha mlaalonary wiiounrr lllrittu lllng. ham, Caul ii In Wuikup. aalhd from Kuaala for Han Kranotwi) K-iruary in, and Captain Challiaton, of thr Ituili, iri-aaca much aurprlan thnl aln- had not arrlvnd liara long ag". 1 1 la fi-nn .l linn K V. O'Keafo, Iho wtiH.- king nf thn 'aa. baa ttin drownrd wllh all ha ml a In a boat he iKarli'.l In ft win Ituk for Itovld Uland. I'llK'A'io It'ilillKltlt HIIKAK l-It'M TIIKIIt CAlTortH iinr nf tlx- rrlamirra la Kaially Hhm by a IVIli mnan Whlla IVylng to Kai ape. (IIP Aip l A J.J . I 'Jl.-I.alr lt nlglit I f'.iir fi'lilii-tn tai-ri i- led by lhre if: liciiui-n Wlil,. till' i lln lllftl lr I taking Ihi lr prlni'tn-ia t it jmlrol fox to nil a patrol mak-nii, liny wrm aftinki-'l tv a iunitM.r "f frlitnla of Ihr irlnnir who wr l.vl by the lf.. in" l".ltn r An. ip rami ui f thi prlaonrra. A gim-tal ft e ri i riiaufl. Tin- i.lllirr, h tit.- U;i ,tia iiim, of '.littii and r'. .i:.. iii.iiihi,', . I lo k'-p Uf nml af luv M I'lip n A ri . l-r ai , Pink" nwny frnn l.l i .ii""i I'll!1' i (SiiiMly ami r.m iinrrt iIt. hla ivnnr anl lind. an.i Aii'li rn'ii (!! Al lhl J ii ii t ur- t tin gong f in- iivri'M. liing jiairo! aagon wna h-aid a'i. -lie nii.ti aaauen-d Anderai.n Haa lakeii to the h i' wit. re hla H.iiilel waa ,f. ti,uilM-i-d f. ital. H A CltKW 81' 'K lAN KUANi lltOl April :.-Nearl havlf the ' n-w on the tiattltuhi bma are n the ai.-k llai and Ihe nun are loudly lnoifaiiiiaT. All of I hem em lo have mute or P .a malaria and thi-y are ( lain iirluii for the n-ni'iul of the ahlp to bet. hT iiiarter. Tlu- bo a I now lying off the I'm. m lrii work and Ihe ale'uh Inun the -wet a wlib-h i mply In th t.ay III the luiigliliiirhiu'd are raid to l the raiiae ef the ali'ktieaa on the Veael. , t I'Si; UKRMAN lei iVKHNMKNT. j I aiSMN Apill :i -The t.-rlln i-vr -. j iii;'il.-ui of ihe Time giving (he text . I of Ihe in in'luinalliiii l-nn-,1 January by 1 Heir lloae, fur inn ll coumil al Apia. a): ' "Thla moM unju:itlabie diM-ument 'ahowa that llerr ltne and lr. Itaffel 'Mlerman .r.-.ent of ihe miinh lHillty of Aiilai hoi the rovaiiniil govet ntni-ni ala.i acre reap"iill'!e f 'r ihe lllngKl ex. i if Mr. Chamber fr-mi lie ot. the nf ihl'f lllatlie." TltAI.VMK.N HCHN Kl Til I'KATH I'i:N'l?lt, April SI. -n the S.iir'i.-in raciile. eat nf tllla lleiid, a wcat b .mid freight tia n cranhed Into a I'll "lug bridge AM I he car a. re piled 'he engine an. I caughl tire. Conductor I viy and Fireman Courtney w'te c.ui." Ii t ie i,'i-k and bnriieil In d.nlh. Kl'g'n-ar A.lania w i bully Injured and wa .'X.-n in In luinie at Tuc 'n "n a special i.alu. I HAYKH I'olt IIISIIol- WATTKHSoN. I " . , ! Co.r.MltrS. o. April 21-ltcv. V. W..l.l..gicn tlla.Men did an uni.Mial Ihlng luai iilttht when he preached u nu'. murlal a.-iMiion In hi church fur the late ltihii John A. Walter"!!, of the C I int. bu t'aiholb' dim e!'. Ill which he p' nve.l f.ifr "the great church which had ben ' beieri. mi. I for ll great head the poll , i i u in to follow." IM ATI' IN LAWS KXTKNPKD. WASHINGTON. April 21. Assistant S. i veiiii y . f W ir Melkleji'hn ha ued an order extending the Immigration taw Immlgratlun law i of the l ulled Slale to Cuba, l'or.o Hlcn and the I'hl Ipplnc Island. 1 SCOiTS 9 i milUNN uar ( J I Kl should be made miniature arsenals, at V 1$ a fOOd medicinC for the 2 l'-a.- to the extent of one good wlncros iv i , . ,.i 1. ii J -i C t,.r and eno good jilstol; that women be W DaDy IS UUII aiiu liui rj y TT VII tlVTVM U'OVW waawa 5 mother whose miik does not nourish the baby. .5 I It is eauaily good for the V i bov or flirl who is thin and s ale and not well nourished t i 4kolr fnnrl. ffkn for th ft w vv., u anamic or consumptive i adult that is losing flesh jj and strength. ; " In fact, for all conditions of wasting, it is the food 1 medicine that will nourish w and build up the body and 3 ; give new life and energy when all other means fail. J Should In taken In tummtrmt i well aa winter, t soe.andti.oo, all drugsku. .-. w & SCOTT 4 BOWNE, ChemiiM, Ntw York, y MORE FUN DOWN IN OLD GEORGIA WstlnjUlshed"ani"Bcst"CltI zens United In Another ISIjjier.KIIHnti. TROPKltS t'F THE OCCASION Victim'! Ears an i ringers Cut From Ills Quivcrlnf BoJy-Suspected of Murder. I'AI.MKTTO, (U., April J(.-Th- f,dy of l.lgn H!rl' kland. the n'gro lintpilrat'd by Ham p'c in (he killing of Aifr.-d Cranford wa found awlnglng l the limb of a tiei. about a mile from town thla ( running, The ear and (Ingera had b-en (til nrf, and on the hody waa pirinrrl a pla'ard txurlng tliiee worda: "We triual proie i our outhrn women." j Hirl kluiiil waa a Ingro mlulater W yeara of a. lloe, Jut aa the torh waa ali'iut to In- un;i".l to the pl of wooij iiih), r him yeal'-rd.iy, admltti rl tha. he kllhd Cranrord. ,lui aatd KirPkland had given mm 1:.' to do tin- ipeij. Th" I'onfiei.l'ili of lloee (aiieed gre ex'ite. Illclll IliTe, 11 ml u rruWll of men left for )iir Thorni!"'. where fftrlekland 'rk. ii ml at duak look the mgrn from Hie plui " and It light him Into town. Major Th'Miiaa made a aieei h to the innii !ill thi-y were oil Mn farm. urg. Inar Hiifti tn to take the ii'k'ro and iaj. Ing he hell-veil the fi jlow Wa) Innoi'ent. An tuiiroiiii: u irlal waa held In the juili. IP- aniiHr,.. Kver'body who km w Htrp k- hllld Will Cit Mill IIKI1 to give tea'lmony ua io hi rh.ifii. l'-r. Keverstl iiiit oi. im. ployeil li MJnr 'lh"inaa aaid the negr waa a hiw.nliidiiig 1 1: lr- n and waa no ImplU uied In the Cranford aff,i:r. ( li-pi-nple living inur the T.'Minaa (,;.- gave Htrli klaiid a had nam". Tin le . ai viral :e,,i'.e In the until ah i favi r d b'ltlng file l.i lake Mr roiitae anil u. geaie.l ihut the court aOpium io an-.thi-r plaie a mile from town. v M . r - v,ia. e,ii:e llw-l who knew Crli'kland. Thi' mi' I a llh ijirov; ami Hie rutirt mmiil mil Ititn the timik u mil- amy, Hire Hirh'klaml waa eirung up !. or Ihne llin.a In an effort lo g,-r hU ron. f -inii, 1mt eai-li tlnie he ib i . ) that he h:i l paid lloie lo murder Cranfnrd. The i ruwd aeimed to hr evi-nly dlvhii d un l .he e ihmaklng ronilnued until ilay- livht. when It d'lldid to take the pn-aihi-r to Jail ! KalrlMim. Thle waa Ihe Inal lime Ihe nigru aa r.i-n alive. A "uitpV cf farmer inmlig into town thin morning ri-tmried find ng the b ely of Mtrhkland hanging fr.mi the II rig! t of a In-e, ami ahm-klngly niiititnti-d. The il:y liiar'hal aiimmotiej two d. ( ullm and il r u- to the Hcene. The body of S rirk waa m-eureil ard brought h'-rr fur an lniiieai. A lelnihone meiae ri-i-elved (od.ijr at l" o'rhK-k ay the m-b which lynched Strickland i-apliireil Albert flewll. a ne. gro who expreKne,! hlmelf to the effect (hat the death nf every. it, gro ahoulil be avenged, and ha put him to d-ath. Thr mob I ald (o he atl.l on a hunt far ne groe. and It I Klblc two more will be lynched. TUol'HIKS OK TIIK I.VNVIIINC. ' I'AI.MirTTO. ia.. April II -II. f 're 'lii.:h wa all'iwed to end the miffcrlng f the negro, hi ear were cut off. uiid 'the mall linger of the lef! hand wa in-ye rd at the econ. Joint. Thce tro phic were at f'almetto today On the cheat of thf negro waa a , rap uf PI o.l. atiitii'd paper faatetu'd wtth an ordinary pin. On one able of this paper w i will Ion: "New York J urnal. W'e imiel prfiiect our '..illef. SI-'.'!'." ! The other ide of the paper contained a Warning In m grne of the neighlmrhoo.l. It read a foKuwn: "llewai-c. all darkle. Y"ii will be treat, e.l the fKiue way." l!.-l.)ie being dually lyni hed ti.rl. Kl.iiul a given a chance t,i ivnfee to ml d. ed iif which the in. I) uppied him to be aulPv. bin he prul'ii'd hi limn. Vur iiiull the end. I'KOl'I.K Ol-" TIIK fl'ATK AliOl'SKlJ. I'rotiM'tlon fur While Women In the Pre:y S.'ltlcl Farming Dlstrlcta. ATLANTA. (i.. Aitil "l.-The hcH a of crime which begun with the burning at I'lilmcttu by Ineondrle. the lynching H month later of four ncgr.ic by the whin of Hint little town. In retaliation, 'to be f.illuwe.l il few day ago by the 'imirder of Alfred Criinsford and the r,ivlhlng of hi wife, for which a negro, :,, ,,,, wa nrmMl , ,hf yfs. lerday. ha stirred the people of Geor gia, uiid the south Into frenaied ills tisslon of the aeriuua nrirtilem revealed. .... ..,,,,.. l)f ..rotection for white women l:i the sparsely sell led farmiiiK illstrlcw Is the Pl'lo of the day. The AtlanrSi Coiistltutbin today devoted a page tn Ihe collivtlnn of opinions on how the proper protection can he offered to ihe women of the country. ll.ivernor Chandler suys; "1 think Ihe ivlscst plan for protection wlK he f ir the legislature to take up the mutter and provide siilllileut stale mill. In and fund to lie expended f"r a patrol In country districts." , i-,ii.i...r Kiivi.r ,ir 11 lmni a. .M.rnierii. expressed himself as follows: "My first suggestion I that nil homes lllu,wrt, l0 rnrry w-pona nnd taught the use and liunilllng of tlnwrms, so that they may tnvome their own protiftorn In the absence of their husbands or master of the house. An occmslonal negro da.ul In the backyard shot by a brave woman In defense of her honor will do mure to ftl till awful crime than all the lynching that nmy occur In a year. ANTl-TItl'ST I'll-di 'PASSrin. AbHANY. N. Y.. April 2b-The assem bly tunlght passed tbe anti-trust bill by a vote eft 103 to 2. The ipurpose of the bill Is lo prevent monopolies In articles or commodities of common use, and to prohibit Ihe restraints of trade and commerce In almost every neighborhood (here I ome one whose life has been taved by Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera end Diar. rhoea Htmedy, or who hat been cured of chronle dlarrobea by the use of tha medicine. Such persons make a point of telling nf whenever opportunity of fers, hoping that it may be the mean of wing other Uvea. For sale by Charles Rogers. ' HAMI-WrN AT 8T. VIMlHK. K'KW yoHK. April M.-A dlpatch lo lha 1lrald fr'rrn t. 1'larra. Wt Indloa, ay: Tha Cnlt;d Blat-a flt. undr Ad miral HnmiMon. grrlrrd hern Krlday. All on board ar wi-ll. Moat of (ha fll lav hra (omnrruw for Han Juan, but th Marilrhad win aall fr D'lulh America and tha MonlKomi-r will aall for Tort da Vranca fir rialr. Th flffft la lo r"a'h Nw York on May 3 or 4. HAH ANN'M'NCKI) IIM I'ANMDACY. :iUi'AU, April Jl.-Krlcnda nf Dr. Nkttolaa H'Min, urgon K,-n,-rl "f th llllnola NmiIoiihI ftuard and head pr. jfior of aiirgi-ory In I'.uah inrdlcal ro. Pit", hav annotini'd hla nam aa a i ndl'Lit for a th ri-pii'dh an ti'milna. th,n fr govrrriKr if llllnola nKl vr. Dr. Hi ii n, durtug tha war, waa th'af iIm mac aurgwn on th! ftclil bfforr Hnilaii'i. l!i:i:ii H NirTlvlUHiK 1'OL'ND. liriHKDt'llO. nr.. April it-Yelrday nntetMMik w hl h Mi-nator K'-eil t arried at Crow rapid, ghoul aeven ml Minn In hla p'K ket waa found t Criw rapid, about aeven rnlpa le-low where he waa dr nel. two wreka ago. and hud lodged In the brurh. The falling o-f the water had I tt-f'it T')ltK.S"A mfwyp mfwyp rd had lift I' aeveral fe't frfom the edge of Hie atream. UAI.DWI.N'8 NKW HflTKf HAN FllANfhV.:o. AprU 21 -The Call aava: K. J. Haidwln la trying to form a rompany lo erei t a hole-! lo roat II.'iHO ' on the alte of the old Daldwtn. If h fall, be Intenda to put Up t'-m. porary to-tory atruoture. he ei'iEoiiN of mm. Ulnar rlrrllng oTeii oiitifretH-d wiif The lirrcr. r.iiaciou tnffI ol prey fdi'lea m-jt tint nir.ill am-c, trnd'r thing Thiae cruel i. I.i ara w,u!il anilch lw?jr. O. h'HT thit mothefa h'urt mil it leap To drive thla peril of the air Away front that aott neat of aleen With all hc-r love and longing there. But e the attuned defender rle With liiivlling rs-nic and head erect. No rrrr ran nat'-h th;il prei-iia, prizar, While he alandi rrady to protect. Sleep on awert lalie. ynor mother'a b-ciai (mtr more h.ill preiia you cloae and atarni, No evil bird Miall e rr ftlolcat While tin brave guanlua acrnta the harm. To jroeot her little one i among the I'rotufr .( institirt of a m.ith- t's heart, and tlirnu.:li all the CiotiMit'Scnre am! wi;rte of a busy woman' life there arises ever and anon the thotiirht "O. if I cor Id rt'i more for my babv ! But mother are too often weiulitd down and weakened with their own daily burden to do .my more than struggle almot hope les!v again! the phyict and mental evil that bert (hemelve. with no strength left tocarr fur other,. Women with large fam ilies find that the very nrdcal of bringing children into the world, and nursing and rearing litem tn boyhood and girlhood, is so great a drift ttnon the mother' Mremjth that he herielf hrrwiirs the natural object of care anil protection. It i a glorioiii Ixmr, to the women of this generation that the wonderful suptmrtiva. tonic, iirigtnttcd by Dr. Pierce, of nnffilo, N. Y . is capable of m .Mining i:-?n throiiTri Ihe ordeal of frequent motrteCiood and bringing them out of it with unimpaired womanly strrntrth and enenrv. Motherhood i not only the grandest of woman's pomibi'.itic. but i the natural fulfillment of her physical lx inc md when prepared for with pmper o!rrvaiice of nature's law and attended by reasonable care hould be free from the mental dc prevsion, cxcesMve pain and subsequent prostration mi commonly experienced. Thousand of women h ive found that the use of Dr. l'ierce's Favorite 1'revription during the expectant time and over the nursing petiud impart precisely the local Strength and constitutional reinforcement needed to carry tlicm over this cr"i junct ure chcerfullv, safely, almot m:n!esly. It ail'ords direct organic endumnce and tonstitutional nerve-force. Ii glvea recu perative power; it promote the secretion of abundant healthy nourishment for the child during the nursing period. It the bct sense the guardian of childhood for it not only enables (he mother to take up the work of. life again with vigor and enjoyment but through her it imbues the little one with the rttyged natural strength which is a constant protection against the physical evil with which childhood is constantly assailed. What lir. l'ierce's Favorite Prrcrintton does for mothers and their children is well exemplified in the experience of Mrs. J H. M. Hansrte. of Magnolia, Morgan Co., W. a. in a recent letter to Dr. Pierce she writes: " I commenced to take Ur. Pierce's favorite Prescription something over tiro venr ago. and am kind to testify t lint it is a tLsl si-nd to woman kind. The three children who wt re bom before 1 began to take your medicine did ilea live long; they were vety'delicate. but those born since (Ihree in all! are very hearty, and that convince me that your medicine is just what it is said to be and a great deal more. 1 could tell enough to fill a iKiok alut the wav I sutVerv I and the way your medicine acted. Indeed, everv woman oh the glo!e otntlit to know lnii vour medicine." Another lailv, Mr. Klixahetli'Hull. of 37 Mrr. rick St.. Pswtiickel. R, I., writes: "1 have had filireu babies, and always had a tsul time. Some times I have had lo have two doctors. I began taking your ' Favorite Prescription ' last Julv aud in Scptemlier I gave birth lo two little girl's and I never had nch an eav time. 1 had no doctor r.nd did not sutler hnlf as long as before. My twin when born weighed ten pounds each. They are line girls, now four mouths old." Dr. l'ierce's Common Sense Medical Ad viser tells you how to treat almost everv known tonn of disease at home and iust what to lo in case of emergency. There is no trouble in understaiuiir.j it! It con tain iuS paces and more than in illustra tions. A paper-covered copv will b - sent free for 31 oite-ccnt stamps, by tiu WorKi s Dtspeusiirv Medical AsMiciat-ion.'. iio. N. Y. If a French cloth hiiidiu? is ed, send ten cent, more, thirty-one stamps iu an. Th, republican party of Porto Rico Is a chip of tho old block. It has Inaugur. ateil its first campaign by endorsing the able ami patriotic adtnlnistratloa of William McKlnley. REMARKABLE CUKE OP RHEUMA TISM. Kenna. Jackson Co.. W. Va. About three yeare ago my wife had an attack of rheumatism which confined her to her bed for over a month and rendered her unable to walk a etcp without as. slstance, her limbs being swollen to double their normal slie. Mr. 8. Maddnx Insisted on my using Chamberlain's Pain Balm. I purchased a M-cent bottle and used It according to the directions, and he next morning she walked to break fast without assistance in any manner, and ihe has not had a similar attack dnce. A. B. Parsons. For aale by Charles Rogera. The season of open window was augurated yesterday. In. 1899 KNOX SAILOR HATS I For LodieH. In (Slack, Navy IUu, Whitaj nJ Wc-tir a BUFFUM & HatterH and 9 1 Tl.irrI .Stm t, Corner .Stark, PacificNavigationCompany HTEAMEHS ll. F. Elmore W. H. HarrlHon GARIBALDI HAY (VQOctinT at A'toria with the Oreitoo Railroad t Navigation Co. for Han Franciao Fortlarjil and all jiolnta eaal. For freight and paaaen ger raten apply tu SaniMcl Elmore & Co. General A-enti, ASTORIA, ORE. COII.V 4 CO., AgruU. Oregon Railroad k Navigation Co., TILLAMOOK, Ore. PORTLAND, Ore. Bend leant stamp to pay poaa asd gwt Ttd Table tor IM. FISHER BROS. 'Builders' Heavy and Shelf Can Save Toe Money on EsUmatea I ASTORIA MEAT COMPANY Telephone No. 33 1 Handles Only the Choicest Meats 4x3 Caaaaaarctal St., Pacific Sheet MANUFACTURERS OF CANS Salmon Vcetatlc Fmit Lithographing on San Francisco. Cal. Astoria. Ore. Write Vm for Prlees "Russell" Automatic Engine I. a nfr - , . s. --raw. --. I f ' m. -V' ' r , 1 zr-1 t 1 r- Write for Catalogues of A. H. AVERILL, Manager. Stop and Think! Are You Getting The Best Meals, The Best Liquors, Or The Best That can be had la the city? If not, It I Because you have not visited For those who require a genuine feed, May get there with economy all that they need. Thousands who know It have freely confessed That of ail the treat caterers "JEFF la the BEST. Look for the sign of "JEFF'S" and take no other. Established twenty years. R. L. Boyle & Co Leo dins Real Estate Dealer of ASTORIA, OREGON Write for Information and Pamphlets. The Palace Gafe W. W. Whipple, Prop. Finest Healfe in the City Special Attention Given to the Preparation of Banquets. r 1 r-3 llrown. Knox Hat. Every Stylish Woman PENDLETON Furnishero. PORTLAND, OREGON. ONLY TDIItECT LINE AHTOIilA to TILLAMOOK CITY HOBHONVILLE5 General Supply House for Family Qrocerles. Hardware, Ship Chandlery, Etc. of Material of Brery DeecrtptSom. axt Palaoa Rstaaraa.t. Metal Works spice anl Syrup Tin a Specialty. Falrbaven. WisH X J:Ciav, .. 1..; Engine Boilers, Saw Mills. RUSSELL & CO., Portland, Oregon, Beds Jeff's Restaurant. 535 CoPime;eial Street If