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About The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899 | View Entire Issue (April 25, 1899)
TllK DAILY A8T0UIAN, TUESDAY MOKMflU. APRIL 2-, 18M rti , a J JOHN T. UOHTJCR. Editor. TtlepBOO No, St. TERMS Or BUBBCmPTION. DAILT. Bent br saaU, pr year ..KM Bent br mall, par month M reed br carrier, par month M SEMI-WEEKLY. nt br matt, per year, in avaBeo,..tlot Portage frea to tuoaonbori. All communication wi.noM ror puolt eation ahould b directed to too editor. Bus'ne communication of nil kinds and remittance muat bo addrotMd to "Tbs Aslorlan." Ttia Aitonan guarantees to lti advsr Uaera th larsreat clrculauon of any newspaper published on tbo Columbia rlrar. Advertising ratea cat on appll aUon to the bualnen manager. TIDE TABLE April, 1899. I.1UH WATKR DATE a h. - f. a. h.inn. b.m ft. tow WAT a u. it r. a. But 8un Mon Tu. d Thu Kii , Sat Bun Mon Tuo Wed Thu Frl . Sat . Pun Mon ...1 Tue ...1SI n. ( h.mifl II 1 4-so I 5 iv 6 5: rid ?:-) i:M S?T"l . lj 4 41 8 4164J jUWi 1,(11 W, II 7 04,8 I:T 0: 8 22 S 0,! 9 Si 7 5 36 S 1110 34 S II 7.10 s si, n ids ...101 ...11 ..12 ...u ,.14 .1. .1 .13 ISM 0 30 $1,1 10681 ltWl 14691 J US 8 S02S4 S 41 i 4'7 IM4 1 tun Wed .. 19) 7 41 1 SOiT , Its 7 4 3 2174 4 104 7 04 t 4 tOO'6) 7 01 4 005; Sl$ S 7 1 10 1 7 Ci Thu ...Shi 8ii4 Frl ....211 4Vt Sat ....2M07O'ilOH8 0i Sun ....llJ4j7X,U8 4l Mon ...84 .. ,.. .1 iitan Tue ...SH Wed ,.K Thu ..., Frl ....2s; 1 M X, tsar ll Sun ...W J US, 4 018 7 1 14 X U517S. IK'S i mi 1 I'll J 1 2 ' 1 7 J Jf 1 1' . 13 S 0 0 0 T 061-0 SI 7 611-0 2 S5-0 5 IS -0 1 10 01 10 49 11 J IK I 041 4 4SI 02 0 4 11; . .1 2161 J 4 2 311 4 10 6 45, 10 T 08 1 2 7 4t 1 : t 31 2 I I 11 17 IY 01 C FOR SCROFULA. S. S. S. Is tha Oaly Remedy Equal to tills Obstliiata Disease. There aredoiens of remedies reoommiMuled for afford temporary relief, but 8. 8. S. it absolutely Scrofula, tome of thorn nvrioubt being able to the only remedy which complete-ly euros it 64, S2 09! tvi 0 2 T 231-4 4 t Vs.- 9 Jli'7 Jl 8 63-0 9 4' . X I ISS:D i 4 67.7 1.110 11.-0 4: 10 46! 2 6 11 W 12101 120 111 2 67, 44tM 519 21 Scrofula it one of the most obstmato. deep-seated blood disease, and is beyond the reach of the many no-called purifier and ionics beeauw some thing more than a mere tonio t miuirt'd. 8. 8. S. i equal to anr blood trouble, and never fails to cure Scrofula, iwnvwo it goes down to the seat of the dltcato, thus permanently elituinatinK every trace of the taint The serious contequenoes to which Scrofula surely loads should Impress upon thote afflicted with it the vital Im portance of wasting no time upon treatment which can not possibly effect a cure. In many canes where the wrong treatment nas been relied upon, complicated glandular swellings have resulted, for which the doctors insint that a dangerous surgical operation is necessary. Mr. II. E. Thompson, of MilledgevtUe. Oa., writes : "A bad case of Scrofula broke out on the glands of my neck, which hsd to be lanced and caused me much suffering. I was treated for a long while, but the physiciatu ere un able to cure me, and my condition was as bad as when I began their treatment Many blood remedies were used, but without effect. Some one reoommended S. S. S. , and I began to improve as soon as I had taken a few bottles. Continuing the remedy, I was soon cured permanently. and have never had a sign of the disease to return." Swift's Speolfio S. S. S. FOR THE BLOOD is the only remedy which can promptly reach and cure obstinate, deep-seated blood diseases. By relying upon it, and not experimenting with the various so-called tonics, etc., all sufferers from blood troubles can be promptly cured, instead if enduring years of suffering which gradually but surely undermines the constitution. S. S. 8. is guaranteed purely vegetable, and never fail to cure Scrofula, Eoiema, Cancer, Rheumatism, Contagious Blood Poison, lloilt, Tetter, 1'imnles. Sores, V leers, etc Insist upon S.S8.; nothing can take it place. Books on blood and skin diseases will be mailed tree to any address by the Swift Spf iiic Company, Atlanta, Georgia. ob Printing illio ilVlfl Of Any Description Done with Neatness and Dispatch. Prices Reasonable. Call at The Daily Astorian. Kopp's "Best" IK! 2 2 4 34 2 3 T16I 26 7 64 1 8 4l 2 8 9 351 3 0 10 Kl 2 9 BOMB SIO.NIFICANT iiOVEMEXTS AND MEETINGS. Cpon invitation. Editor Scott fnt s peclal palacf car with PresitU-v.t M 'hli-r and Diwtor Scott of the O. R. & X. Company to New York ?oine thtve -vks ago. It nw transjitres that the di?tln. fulshed party went to nert President Mellen of the Northern Pacific. About a week before hey went on thin trip President Mellen was in Portland and saw President Hammond of the A. & C. R. R., who within a few days thereafter filed articles for the extension of his road lo Kennewick. Now Just why Editor Scott. President Mobler and Director Scott didn't "meet" President MVllen while he was in Port land and thus save an 8.w0-mlle trip does not a wear. But, then, it ma bt remembered, these magnates seldom do like common people would under similar circumstances. Perhaps these two pres. Ments wished to lie near their chiefs Plerpont Morgan and Jacob Schleff when they "met." Sunday's dispatches announced that Jhe "meeting'" had tak. n place, t.u: no results wrre reported from the conference broupht alout at so mu, h trouble and expense. Was it a fruitless meetir.g? Did it relate to the N. P. ev tenslons In the Inland Empire? Did It concern the "common point" at As toria? Possibly the meetinc of the traffic Kents of all the five transcontinenial railroads today In Nevr Yoik may show some fruit of this meeting. A Chinese orator thinks the United Sta:es ousht to rvsou,. that ,nlr.' In the cause of hununliy. On account f prior eiiKSK'-tnents fully ocvupyitw his time I'nele Aim will ask to be excused. mm tnMm VtT A L ITY, LUST viun IAN3 MANHOOD Thomas Jefferson s trim Atrl 2. i:t.:. old style, or April 12. new style, or .my day In the y. tr. modem denitK-rutlr style. HSEBVS7& Cures ImpotcncrtXI.TbtEaiions and! n.ise: .i!v wastin? diseases, all ciTects c self-1 -sc, or excesa and !adI.j!r,,- k"-' ?n-rS it,viui 7m--t 'n p -; itj t.r V "1 II . ' ' X . V. . V. . . . . W , j,. ..... . J r ptnij L.okV to pa.c coccus ana ; restores tlie of vouth. ; If you have plies, ,-ure ;ln in. No us undergoing horrible oivratuxis ::ut sltn ily remove the results of the disease without dt-tiiitlnr the ,h.e.ise Itself. T'a.-e yur .o'ltldeme In lieWilt s U'H.h It has never failed to eure it wl I M M l to e-ur you. M.ior Harrison on l'er th- :.! In does t,!. . . Ji 1V. . fs . , S " A DELICIOUS DRINK.... AND ABSOLUELY PURE. I TIMI! CHIII)UU!.4 UKI'AHT! Kn.m Portland Mull p. in. Hxaue river I ID p. in A Ml vl Mull il (i p in nil hiKp. Iieiiver, K .1 ..l.l.i i.inniii,. n m.i'i I'll)', Ht. I.IHI l, i liioMK., sud nt Walla Walls, HimkausJ M.,,,,r,,oi . m.i,,,,i, y; ,',,,,. I,, ,i ii n h.iv,',' ( lileuiiii tin,, I, Kin m A.inria k:iun siiummiii's. ! All Milling tles tub Jeel to I in llo. I rj "an r'nnii.iM'o Nill . 1 ill. I. , .1. IS. . s m a. Mi. ; lole-nlila Klwr AamrtMo mini i HiiniBr ndsy ' To IMrtland and , Way Ijindlnaa. I s. u. . 'v,w,?'r'i;,',l ' Tue. 1 bur w lllametts Hlff, ; ( ,,., hiir aiiil.Sst S ilein. Albany, I'oi v I ami Mat Us an. I vi y laii'Hiiii's I WlllamalU ad Vam a :l n n. t..." ' ...J h, '" Mo.,V.d, and Ml. lirg-iil ll.l.yiii1 , I May Uii.llnii.. I p ..SVi ami Krl. ee il!) J in a ui , 5nakt HUsr. Itlrlalu I.eml.tiiii. ; , Hf.Mii I'oillan.l W II I. M Kll K It i l,r Uwuin i I.' in. ! dally ASTORIA AND COLUMBIA RIVER RAILROAD. " Astoria (lslly I Arrive" a m p in I Portland and Aswrtam.nvifcisL T:4a t:IWlKarM HH'S. vaU!SWiaj Lort. t'lalakanla. fiM ""J'r'JT y" ..... ina " louudvolals. L M. . KW Al" r r" iraln. via Warrouloni ad mavi.1. , l I Hilti.tMV IliinUiV apec-l lal Aalona to ai'i"l j. C. MAYO, 1:30 a r. r. a WHITE COLLAR LINL Columns IUvsr snd Pust Bnund NsW atlon I'omuanr. Tsnhn lava Aalorla dlly. asosaw '-'1'oril.Sd dsllr ese-W uasWk) st J a. m. .lMk Whlla t'nllar Hi'" ll'S-l liilr.-naBi--w .a W.nhon.. T. J. IMr X homi-on tor A.iorl. and all ? 1P,,J11 n-.. h.avl.. U'UST Ha. Fl.rl, ll.aoo, h.avl. U'Mf 1 N.hctia. TATIW. Aatofta . V. f. 'OTT. IMldaat. TOUR FACE W .rr, v i y r.a.louc rr l ox; boxes for 8J.J(.; rlth a WTitt'n trttantn-, t , . ... V.. K Shows the nate your fee:ini hnd ths NERVITA MEDICAL CO. state of your health as well. Impure blood make Itself appan nt m a pale and .!',, ffimniHilnn. nkmnlea R.l skin eruo- u:n:on di jackscn cs cniCAt-u, ii. llont If y0ll tr, feeimc weak nd worn For Sal by Charles Rosen. DrusElst. out and do not have a healthy appear- ; nc you should try Acker Hlood Elixir. A Spanish naval writer criticises Ad. ! ' cure all blood disease, where cheap m ral D,-ey, method of conducting a : Mrsaparilla and .o-ca.-ed nurltler. fall; flcht A e.-ond anh le on rtle mis. : -""' takes of Otis would b itnatefully re ceived from AKulnnldo's camp, if It can be found. j onVlal reports of the military ora- tl'.ns aluut .Manila show that when the OABVOIlIAi (Twentieth Kansas hoys were ordered I msrcth. a T&l Kalt t(H HaVlAtsavS BCUJIf ladvanee on a .wn they .1.1 li with su. h The N'orth Pacific l.rewery, cif hich I Bottli-t tsw; for family use, or ketf r Inhn Kopp is proprietor, rrHkea lerr beer snp'icl at any time, delivsry to ! for duniea'iii atnl eiport trade Ihe rily frwi. jMorth Pacific Brewery t sT m M sT A V .5 2 The IIVli-'G,rei.AL, "otel ; poiitiv cuarsnte. ! Conn Dnti Co. For saia by E.'es- 8ifatr ef ' iiniw-tuousity as to land ha'f a mile the other side. Nothing Is more certain than that a larfje number of Filipinos want peace. but are terrorised and robbed by the Taaral horde. Luxon woulJ vote for sub. mission if It had the chance. . J. I). Itrklge. editor and proprietor of !the Democrat. I-at aster. N. H., says: "1 ' would not lie without One Minute Cough Cure for my hoy. when troubled with a leoush or eoM. l: ! !h best rnedy f t croup I ever used." Charles K,."r. It makes no difference how d the wound Is If you use DeWiits Witch Haxel Salve; it will quickly heal and leave no sa-ar. Charles Rogers. Now comes Hryan's turn In New York. He will try to convince the state that it needs the old platf rm and a rpitlilon of the o:d by IS.4. Tne rouith riders are to hold a reunlm In ChleaKo this summer. After an ex pertence In ChUaito th-y will he apt to think of El Cuney as a midsummer j picnic. I THOS. OI'INEAN, Proprietor Seventh and YVahlngton Hist. Portland, Or. THE LOUVRE .Seventh ami Astor Streets ill m vuju 3 Ui ' Thou'andsof sick and suffer ing people are like the pocr crinple in the Bible, who had no one to help him down to the liff-jjtvinif pool before some else slipped in alwarl e.f Tii.n P? So many suf. ferers feci that if thev cou'.d I only fret a little help to over come their ex trenie u-flr. j would then be Sble to regain their coveted health and Strenifth. It is just these people that Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery is designed to aid. It is the strong, helping hand fur those who are in the extreme of boOily weakness and nervous exhaustion. It promptly tones, nourishes and builds up the entire system. It gives keen appe tite, good digestion, pure blood, muscular .trength, nerve-force and renewed activity. " When I 6nrt wrote vou I was completely dis couraged," savi. Mrs. to. M. Sattrrly. liviiig at Richford, Tioga Co., N. V. (P. it. Box 401, in a letter to Dr. Pierce. " I was in pain all the tinnr. could not lie in bed on account ol severe, kiiarp cutting pains in my back and right hip. Had pain an inniugn ine lower part 01 mv ixxly ami IXn't think you can mre that s'luhi afa k of ilysi,,siH i,y dletlnu, or it will cure Itself. Kodol Dysfi-psia 1 jr. - will cure it: It ".liBesis what y u eat." Acker'. Dyspepsia TaWeta are sold on and restores diio-s'.iv e organs 't a positive guarantee. Cure heart bum. n. arCi. Charles Koiters. raising of food, distress ater eating, any form of dy.ptpi. One little tablet give Immediate relief. S and SO cent. For ale bv Esie-Conn Drua" Co. SHASTA MINERAL WATER, I'EITCK. XOIJLE. HICKORY AXU SHAW'S MALT WHISKIES. ALL OTHER LIQIOKS, WIXKS, liEER AXD CKiARS Served Dny nnd Night. AUGUST KliATZ. - - Mnnager Every American soldier In ;li. I'hl :p pine d.iiai inieiii Is a hero, w hen th- .1.. easion is iitesented: and ev-'ry Am 'ri. an .ifflicr a general, whenever K 1) riN .if tlemandsi. If Kiierrllla warfare is to be k-pt up In the Piiilttiiilnes a stronir cavalry fore.- should be organir.ej. At the end of the If you suffer from ttn.l.-rii.- or full, lainy season the bushwhackers can b ness on the rirhl aide, pains un l.-r s--r,lily exterminated. shoulder blade, constljutlon. t.riioiisness, 1 sick headach-. un.l fe dull, heavy and Sick headache absolutely ana perma- s.e,iy. your liver is torpid an.l con- nently cured by using Moki Tea. A plea- K,-ste.l. DeWiu's I.lnle Early His. rs ant herb drink. Cure constlitlon and rxlvr i iXI t,romptly, pleasantly and indigestion, make you eat, eep. work permanently by removing the eong'-silon and happy. Satisfaction guaranteed or aII, ,.;lu.,.nK ,he bile due s to op-ri and money refunded. 25 and 50 cents, sale bv Estes-Cnnr TV-n r. For 11 .w naturally. They ur.- gooil pills. 'barb's Rogers. ; aaasMBShaM Vjv..j m mm I iW!ur"!i i'ii.' T.-. .vr..'k arsv .r JTrxtniisWNM aanririun bii'.ai.l' l.ii it. is ss rl,w!i , . t l.i 1 .... 1- . .y ..... . w ' t 11 frt lr th lel.r, ... (h4 fcl-a. -1 ,.1 1 ina , ..n r ... ft m si numi Lost Minhood. In. potriner. Lot C(if. Sllrbt-t.&e, nstmeirrrio Inoomnl, Pain tn back, E il t"i.r s. j.-riie-il frhLsloss, lamsi ,Mo, sroo. Om bilitj, Hen-Jncre Uv.i.inss to sifrr, Js of Irsl-1 Ssmon, Varicocaie. T oir 1,111 tnn'Kfi .iH. " A -.." Ai'tBW., A (Id 'oss, fshon .mvd crv,, Una franolsoo, Oak K r ala by Cbarla Roeri f cr t on loi' OOi 1 "irn rj.iicl'n' of Olr- Irtl vou T witch. nn ol ycL'ai, -is.., ... ..,.,...,.. S 4.. tun- '.. . I.,.r-t f ..I, ft lirf, ll .1 I .'.-I, i i'jiIm U. Ui.b ftnj p.e., .(-. v' I"'. ll .il S.. SflnaUtM Kepiiri nf ttie Condition of the MASONIC. The numerous Jeffersonlan banquets j j,r iji.oiier T. Washington Is susge.fH of Ii are a pre'.U'b? to the funeral baked (,)T g.vrnor of the I.adrone Islands, meats f .r the democratic nati"nal con- . j that Hook' r would make v. nttnn of next year. a very (Juam volume. i TKMPI.fE I.OlOE NO. 7, A V. AND A. I FIRST NATIONAL BANK1 M.-Regular communications h.ld on I j th. first and third T'lesday evnln; of ,,f AtsHirio ' 'ch iop(h. U. W l.i lUNSHEKH Y W j ' M.; E. C. HOLDEN. Hecrei.ry At Astoria. In the State f Or-gon, St ihe close of business April ith. 14(9. ' ATTORNBYI). a a. iu. . i) ., I,, i K Sil.i.lai re..n I llv, NwtM.r. r . balviii A ay-laiiid .. O. W. LOUNillKHRT, Asmi Astoria. ! W, 81. 81U1U01UKT, 0sv past. Ast ptmiaaA. or. NlWApoints EAST Through palaca and tourist ltpr. dining and library obMrvallon ear Er.EOANT VK8TIIUTI.H TRAINS No. 4 Llmllsd leave Portland at 1:10 a. m. No. I Limited srrlvtw Portland at 1:30 a. m. For ratiw, ic, rail or addr. O. 'AT. tAWNHHKRHY. Agent O. K. a N., Astoria. A B. C. DKMNHTOM. C P. T. A,. Poetla4. Or. Through Tickets Mm Bp. -TO TUB- EAST AND SOUTH IIAST -VIA- I The Alan Who Takes Any Other Line llieit tlie :uilng!n ll.'Ui. to U'rnlia Kama. 1'ttv, .r H I... ill. 1. icn I, Ulig-r on :li tlisn ho lic.4 Ik, Amrlii-r di n e a aitU ln:s..r '. '-'. twic a week, you " aHird a tourist cr t any po'.nt along ilm ma n I n -f 'be Northern Ti.-inc m aliln! "ii. I talio. or XI. i.inna. tlisl .HI !ko 0U !', .nif.i KnJ !') w:tliout . i.U'eo f an kind H. ntttt N Tib to )' 10 k, awiii "t 'l!, A. C. HIIKUDoN. iiri Aent. I'onl.nd Or mini i unum) ICTO PULLMAN PA LACS IIJEEPSRI. TOURIfT LKBPXM aaa PRCS RBCLtrfINO CHAIR CAR1 -Dally to Salt Lake. Denver, Omaha. Chicago. Kansas City and oth.r Eaatorn oiUaS . Bag gag fltvwk-vd through to dwtlnatlnn, lrnion Depots. faM tima, lowwst rataa, Ptntadi light tn ail ears.. Fur rale, sod othar InfonnaUott call " or addrwM. U. W. liOUNSBELRY. ffiV A4orla. OrtguB, ) If !X)TIIROP. Oetv Agssnt, Uk Third .. oor. Aldtw. ISjrUand. Or. Ixf iuwrr -fi O ooormsnAsw mw SOUTH ',.T'--'V' A FEW INTERESTING FACTS When piil. ar nuitrnipl.tlng a lfp, whher on busincsw or p4ur llvy naturally want th twt anrvMa vb. takabl. so far as ttst, emirort aoS wfety U cuncvnuvl. Kmployw. at th WIHi'liNHIN CENTRAL LINEt ar uaM lo Mrv th. pubHa and our traiM ar. okrlpd so a lo m.k oiuM Coa with d.vsvglng Kne st ail June n ion prnnt Pullman I'alar. Hlwplng and Chair Cr on through I tain. Dlnng twr servl.-. unn.dir.l Meaia aorvad a I carle. In order to l.tmn tins nrsi i-Ism Trie., ask lh ticket agm.l to ".'l you a ll. k ovar TheWlsconsin Central Lines. and y u .ill n.skn ilir.s-i rmn-ctlota at Kl I 'ii ii I f,r i'lil,-,i... Xt lauks sru) .11 Hnl nasi For any fuitl.rr lnf,,tnmll,.n call on Say tlckiH saenl. ..f r"mapind with JAH I . ro.N'li. Urn. I'.... Ant. or JAH A'K.". Wis Ueneml Agniit :w Hiark Ht., IN.nland Ora. LEAVE PORTI.AND ARRIVI Pneumonia, l.i griir,. coughs, 'roup and w'nonins: cough readily yield to One XlinuHe C'oufh Cure. I'se the TO CURE A COLD IN O.sE DAY. Tuke Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablet. r-me.iy in time and nave a dor-tor's bill A;. rjugtg refund the money If It falU .r the undertaker's. Charles r.-.ts. ,0 cure, 25 cents. 'I he genuine has L. B. Q. on each tablet It will take 4.".i men next year to han- lie the I'nited Slates census.. How many After all the J. ffers"iilan dinners have will be icqulred In 1!W Is a good subject leeii held It may ax.ilii beom- nw-essary for a guessing match In these expansive for Jr. Cleveland to point ..'it t"e path times. 1 to party salvation. Acker' English remedy will .top s cough at any time, and will cure tne. worst cold In twelve hours, or money re- funded. S cent and 50 cent. For aei by Estes-Conn Drug Co. j my elbows hurt me tur much X cuuid sciirc-ly lilt my baby. My skin was dry, harli and scaiv ana nung nice sacks on my arms. My husband called Ihe doctor, and he said it was sacks on my arms. My weakness, and mv aee. His medicine did me no good. I kept getting worse and weaker. It seemed I should go craiy. One day I wrote you and received advice. I have taken I)r. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery, his ' Fa vorite Prescription' and ' Pleasant Pellets.' and Bow I can lie in bed with some comfort and can do a good day's work." The most valuable book for both men and women is Dr. Pierce's Com mon Sense Medical Adviser. A splendid 1008 paife volume. with engravings and colored telfl .,A.C0Py' Paper-eov. ereu, win oc seni to anyone sending twenty-one cents in one-cent stamps, to pay the cost of mailing only, to Dr. K. V. Fierce, B 11 Halo. N. Y. Cloth-bound, 31 stamps. The Cubans will vote for annexation because It is the open door to prosperity and stability. All other roads lead to renewed dissension and a dash of ra. es. CASTOR I A Por Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of OABTOXIXA. Bean tte ) 1,18 ": V-'j fr.; l3r8 Bougtlt Big tutor 0' The o.'KHiiiz.tioii of ihe "Edible Nut Company." to control tlie trade In pea iifts. cannot be 1 a!l-, a (,-rarld.f (and play. RESOCRfEfl. Iintis and discounts $MI ST.', d; Overdrafts, secured and unse. cur.-l 2 l!"'" C4 I". H. bonds to s.-eiire clrciilnil.iii VI M ii I'rernluins on 1'. rt. bonds ftnO 00 .Stocks, s -'-urlties. (.ic M S'jI 2 Oth'-r real esta'e and rnortgaijes owned D 228 S Due from national banks mot res-rve aKi-nts 23 I!'4 27 Itio fiom siale banks and bank ers 13 MO y, Due from approved re-erie KK'-ntH 137 23 74 Revenue stamps 'in (fi Notes of other national banks.... IT?. K Nickel and cents 18 75 Lawful mini"' fserve In bunk, viz: Spe. ihti.M 11O Legal tender notes OA -. 110.2;.:. 00 f'.ed'-innMon fund with I'. H. treasurer 'f. ' t circulation).. W2 DO 1 Q. A. HOW LB Y, ATTORNEY AND !' .L'NaULLoH AT LAW. Ufflc. Bond Sireet, Astoria, ur. 1 W OVKRLAND EX. I I'llKHH. for flsiem. I Itosebiirg. Ashland. I ! "i I M. ftacrain. nto, (m. Icn, 8;00 A. XI. nan r ranciscor mo. i Kl Paso New Or. leans and th East I S A Mi Roseburg passenger Via VToodhura. for Pally Mount Angel. HII- except I verton. West flclo. Hun, lay llrownvllle. Hprlng- I nel l and Nation.... 17 10 A. Ml Corvalll passenger 4 50 I'. Ml Independence pas.' M V) P. M Dally xcepl Honday f:S0 A. M lt: Total .r.1'1 214 53 LIABILITIEH. I "Vl -1 Jl BV 1 The Filipino board of strategy ought to contrive some way to have Agulnaldo wounded. CABTOIIIA. Bntii -i 1lM I niw Alsvars Bought Eigtuttu sf A new- irty in Cui.a favors home rule State of Ohio, v-ity 01 Toltdo, Luca. ur.d,-r the protection of the 1'nped Staf-s. County, si. Annexation Is a Mter plan, and would ; Frank J. Cheney makes oath that le Is not interfere with proper home rule. the senior partner of the firm of K. J. - Cheney & Co., doing business In the city Hy allowing the accumulations In the f Toledo, county and state aforesaid, bowels to remain, the entire system Is and that sa.d firm wi.l pay the .urn of poisoned. DeWltt's Little Early R s.-rs ON K li i..NLui-,ij LOJ.LARS for eacft regulate the bowels. Try them and you ,nd every case of Caturrah thai cannot will aiways ue them. Chas. Rogers. , b cured by the uKe of Hall' Catarrh Cure. FRANK J. CIIKNEY. This has been a year of commissions Sworn to before me and subscribed In In the I'nited Staites, and the fashion has my presence, this C'h (lay of D.-ccrnb -r, extended to Samoa. Investigation ' a A. U. liVJ. A. W. (..J.AHON g.jod tblng when wisely conducted. Seal. Notary I'ubli" ' Hall's Catlarh Cure ,s taken iniernaliy . Some of Ihe results of negle.ted dys- and acts directly on the b.ood and mu peptlc conditions of the stomach are ; cous surfaces of the system. Bend lor cancer, consumption, heart disease .and testimonials, free. epilepsy. Kodol 1yspepia Cure pre- ,' F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O. vents all this by effecting a quick cure Sold by druggist, 75 cent. in all case of dyspepsia. Charles Rogers, j Hall's Family pills are the beat. Capital stock paid in irii'ioo Surplus fund JO 000 00 I'ndivld.-d prod's, e expenses nnd taxes paid 38 428 I18 National bank note outstanding 5.4WI 00 I)ii to slate banks and bankers I 41 Individual deposits sub ject to check UIC 173 .12 Lemand c.rtlllcates of deposit 00,471 f2 Certified checks li W " IV) 04 Spain' last golden nugget from Amer- Onerai Aguinoldo has no Morro Cas- ica Is S20.0O0.OOO, and so ends the long tie. If he possessed one the chances are quest of treasure In the new world that that It would fee In the aid most of the was once tiers. - time. Total H912H.13 STATE OF OREWS, I ss. COUNTY OF CLATHOP.j I, S. H. Cordon, cashier of the above named bank, do solemnly swear that t'ie above statement Is true to the best Of my knowledge and heller. fi. 8. OOIWON. fa-hpT. S'lbs'-nb.-d and sworn lo before me this 61 li day of Aim II, IW.O. ;. R THOMSON. Notary Public, .'.rn-t-Attest: JACOB KAMM, J. O. HANTHORN, W. F. M'ORIXfR, Directors. THE NEW 'North -Western Lc.iited" (2n CtMTI KY TkAlM ) Iv.wccii Mliiiiejp .iis. St Paul :'.:i.! Cliicai, Mtifrtiininifly ilc.cril'c.l in jii i'luMraicJ b'.'.kli-t, wiiicli vill be lur nislieJ F pee 011 applicaliiir. to W II MIlAiJ, C,en. At . itlH XVa.titiiKt"ii Sliest, I'Usll.AMD, OCE. Ijaily, tOally except Hunday. Connes-tlng at Ban Francisco with Ocol dntal A Oriental, Paclltc Mall and (X'te anlc steamship line, for JAPAN. CHINA. AI'HTKALIA, HAWAII ANKTHI', PIIILII'I'INKH. HeiiHtn ticket on sale dally b.lwmn Portland, HacrnmMilo, and Hun Francis co. Net rate 17 first-class, and 111 mo-nnd-class. Incligllng sleeper. Ratea and ticket lo Eastern points and Europe. Also Japan. China. Honolulu snd Australia. Can be obtained from J. B KIRKIANI), Ticket Agent 1.14 Third at, l. 11. MAKK1IAM J II f 1 n 1. 1 , R, KOKHLER, Manaser Dyspepsia Cure. Digests what you eat. ItartlflrlallydiKi'sNtlipfiHMlanr aid Nainro in Htrcnwt tn'iiifir and recon Btriirllnit thn fxliiiustcil dlifiwtlvo or If Mis. Hist tut liii est iliscovered dlfet ant ami tonic No other pri tianitloo cod nppruiKii It In t'lili-ii'iicy. It In Htnnt ly relic vi-s mid iMtriiiuiicntl j cure! JVHiciHlii, IndiwcKtlon. Hcarthuro, Hatulcnce, Sour Ntniiuieh, Nuusea, Sli;kHfii(liicn',(iii'itriilljiii,t.,ramps,auil allotlii'rri'Hiilini.f iiiM.rfi'ct dlifcsiloa. Prspor.d by I C DeWut A Co . Cblcago. I For Hal by CHARLES HOUER8. ' i. a ttm r-a..'he. ' .. I,,r i... . I 4, S.. i it. a 1.. r 1 a,. , w 1. i.e., h .. ii a lu r I .It. ehri:r,. .,r tof Hun. ..flt....H ... Ml.,. i'i....u uia. 11..11 r ..,1.,.,.,.. .... I'lillrmCHIs1"!! To. I.iii,. hi.ii-ulrli.uoL Wild by UmaiUU, nr seni in Uia vtnpvr 11,111, ,,r L,Ule., ClrcuUr Mint uu imiih4. (. V at P A lowest rati I rw I - - Well Farfto Company' office. Astoria 1 ftf'M lt,t...u4 B ioi8cimiri,o.E "1 V X ess. 2 t Throuch tickets Fast for lowest rat.a Call on C. J. Trenchard, local agent. Aaent, UVI MrlAenue, XFATTLE, WASH In die absence of an olive branch, Gen eral Agulnaldo Is trying to propliate the Americans with a plucked banana limb. When a man I In rove he believes nothing against the object of bis af. fecilon. When he get over it he be. ileves everything. itlott's Nerverine Fills vTN Sp&i The gra Ptrvous pros tration snd .1. .- , 1 ,. ,,ii, Fcntrauve of. tl''OKK SND AH til, (lm 0f ,;(,,, iuch as Nervous Prostration, Failing ov lost Manhood, Impottncy, Nighti Emue aionu Youthful Errors. Mental Worrv. ex. ctwive use of . Tobacco or Cpium, which lead lo Consumption snd Insanity. $1.00 per box by rfuilj 6 boxes for 45a10. mm CHEMICAL CO., Pros'. Clereland. Ohl BALTIMORE and OHIO RAILROAD Royal Blue Trains JJKTVVEKN THE EAST AND WEST Kus.riiivnni9 w J IODIDE OF IPOrV ... . ., ... - - w . , w :AaPil:h9 8CIVOHU.A,lic,,r.ii,r.1lKllrt..,I,AWCA,I,.. Af f Itliio 1 R'')U(llilA4cO..N.V.Ajt..lorU.8. jn- Only llnfl operating It own through train between 8t Loul Ixulsvllle, Bprlngrield, Clnolnnatf and New York, via Washington. Balttmor snd Philadelphia. Tha traveler over th B. k O. la permitted to catch rHmpaes of the greatest scenery In America, 1 .f ! 1 1 1 . . b . . . M m "iniam-8 aianey Pills T . n no 'Jiml in tlincnHos of thai Kidneys 111.1l L'rlniuy Orjfitns. Hnvoi iii.jflctu-.l your Klilncvs? lliiref TyouovcrworUi'd your nervous svs- si'm uml cmim roiil.lo with your PETER HARVBT. PmIAS Coast Asient, Ban Franelsso Room IX Mills Building. kKiiincya uml illitilili r? Ilnvo vou PUlllS ill till) loll.M. hiil... .....b rn" '-l.ttlilor? Iluvo vm a ilubV.y np- ............ ui UM I,!,.,,, CKptiUIUlIV uiiu. r tuo ryes ? Too frequent do- intra imikm urin.. v Vllit...:, , I 'ills Will ilnniirt. 111. iv llf.. tn II....U..I "used oriuiH, toim up t;a system, inrnt iniilio a new timn of yon. Jlv' mi. .1 r.n - 1 e . , '""7"' "i rtj. t o j-rop., Cleveland, O. Vssjwia..., Tr sal by BflTEa-CONN DRUO Oft