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About The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899 | View Entire Issue (April 11, 1899)
THE DAILY ASTORIAN, TUESDAY MOKMNU. Al'ltiL II, WM "G. D." Corsets. Thla celebrated ooret needs no Intreduotton, Mm recognised everywhere M tha acroa of perfection In fit, lyl and workmanship. We have just receive! a line of these famous Corcts, tad will also shortly have the "G. D." CHICAGO CORSET WAIST. CW1 and aee them, and let ut ihow you that this really 1 "Tha M to ava Monty." oa oorettg aa wttt aa avarythlng els. THE FAIR, S06-50S Money back If gooda The BONBONNEIRE. P. J. Meany-vta (Derchant Tailor and Exporter of fare. Cash Prloe PaM for rur turn. Tenth nd Commercial 8t. Astoria, Or. Ladies' Undenvear andWrappers Had to order and kept In atock. Prices Reasonable. KUNG SANG & CO Corner Eighth and Comma rclal Sts. Open next Thursday. New 5hapes In Ladies' Sailor Hats... AT fllBertDanbar's TODATB WEATHER. Occasional rain. AROUND TOWN. The most delicious ice cream and cream soda at the Parlor. I j (ce j Beat Jisetot meal Rising Sua restaur aat. (U Commercial atieat. Beat California win X cents per ga, ka. Alex. Gilbert, sole agent far Astoria. Telephone SL Sweet cream received twice a day and so charge made for whipping or deliver, tna; cream at the Parlor. Wanted A man for dairy work. Ex. tra good wages for a first class nJIker. Address S., Ajtorian office. Dr. Ball has removed his dental office Into the Mansell building, over the Eastern Taa Company's store. Harper whisky is liquid music, bottled poetry, ripe, mellow, refreshing and de licious. Sold by Foard & Stokes Co., As toria, Ore. Leave orders fur box kindling wood and general transfer business to any part of the city at Zapfs furniture store, tele phone 2124. Pacific Express Company. Kamoler and Ideal bicycles for sale or rant. Repair and sundries) at lowest ratea. Call at cyclery, S33 Bond street. Colambia Electric and Repair Company. The New Creamery Restaurant. Bond street, near the alley between 11th and Uth streets, aerve the best 2S-cent meal j ever set out In Aatoria. Everything Is new, neat and clean, and absolute satis faction is guaranteed all patrons. W. A. Galnea' private stock whisgy, handled exclusively in Astoria by John la, Carlson, la one of the moat popular baveragea sold. Its purity and quality are guaranteed, and It la especially rec ommended for family use. It Is sold in any quantity at the corner of Twelfth and Bond afreets. New Neckwear Tcehs, Tuffs, bows and Fancy Manufactured Hew and Hobby Itine of The Place To Save Money Commercial Street. are not satisfactory, Astoria's leading Confectionery Store. Finest in Oregon Lowney's Chocolates a Specialty. Page Block, ASTORIA The steamer Harrison arrived In from Tillamook Sunday. The State arrived in from San Francis co witli a Urge freight and passenger list. The British ehlp Martehal Suohet la on the way down the river. She left Port land yesterday. A widow without children would like position as rook at a logging camp cr on a fishing scow or seining; grounds, Ad dress 1!. this office. "The awell thinsrs of spring, " u the! ray of fine Men's and Boy's Clothing. Han and Furnishings are arriving dally at Herman Wise Reliable Clothing; Store. Ciiy Treasurer Carney has issued a ca;i for warrants issued on the general fund endorsed prior to October 4. 1SSS This Include all warrants bearing t per cs-m interest. Jefferson's Pirihilay a ill be observed by: th democrats f Po-tlinJ who lu . Iv a banouet. Many invitation have bn'nl r-. ..iv.i in t..r: an.t f hi. . iti 1..,' ell reprcse.-.ted. ' In the committee on program. e -ur- ti 'and souvenir, is now In ne city m the,' In the county clerk office yesterday; Interest of the details of the enter aln-j Sivert Thorson, Jacob M. Braadv.k, na-. ment to be given th? visitors. I Uvea of Norway; John Shn, a native o' i Silica, and Mae.-o idvioh. a native oj l,ty,rtd .1.-1. r.,I Ihdip littantlnn l.j ) ... v u i. cooie American ci-.aena. . " Inspectors Edward and rulkr ywr- day tiupected a sumber of eamtrs in. the city. They were unable to finish their work yesterday, and today will inact , the steamer .te.rtan and other crafts, , They will leave up f .r Portland tot lht. A fish-tugboat thai was moored at ihe Co-operative cannery broke adrift Sun day night. Th boat is painted Usht blu;, but has no number. Kinder will plea; leave the boat at the Co-operative can-, eery aua r.ce suuao.e re.aru. . j v "" ""'' '"' Bi'-aiier n---u.i piiKisa up a usning cxiat aunii ueiuw Port eva yesserday. The boat was peared to have broken loose from in moorings. The Ilwaco towed it to the Fiavel dix-k. j yesterday. The Columbine arrived la morning from a cruise down the Oregon coast. She vlsft.-d a'l the light stations and returned with several buoys need ng repairs. New buoys were put in position at the entrance to Some cf the harbors during the trip. If you want "tin pan clothing," trimmed i with fancy housellning, and stuffed with cheap millinery feat-hers, go to tlie ra1 k- eters; but If you want tailor-made gar ments, pr 'p-rly lined and superbly fin-j Ished. Herman Wise's reliable tore is' the place for you to go. I Beuliih Wlnnlfred Laurln, the Infant I daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ted Laurln.j died Sunday of convulsion. The little one was three months oid. The funeral i will take place at 2 this afternoon, the Miler ltitving Fisher's dork for Green- j wood c.-inetery at that hour. The quarterly r-port of City Treasurer! Carney was filed in the auditor's offl- yesterday. It hcws th..- amount of cash. on hand at the end of '.a;t quarter to bej J15,3S.H; receipts during quarter, jw,-: tt'.Jl; disbursements. 1 K4.W; leaving a! fcalunce. on hand of $iS.Utl,83. I A very pretty com-dy drama, "A Sum-j mer s Fancy," will soon be given In this j city under the direction of Mr. Percy il. ievlri, who Is an actor of ability. The perform-m will be Riven for the benefit; of the new grounds of the A. F. C. The caJt la to be made up of the very beat local talent. Herman Wise don't care which of thej tin pan and feather stores sells the most. trash; they ar a necessary evil, an out- he had h'tld the office of flsri commission growth of the hard times. Herman Wise1 cr Mr. McfJuIre worked earnestly and un has the best of feelings for all of them;j tlringly for the upbuilding of the flshlni; all he is trying to do 13 to solicit the Industry, and everyone agrees that his trade of the better class of customersj who want better good. Boys' rour-in-rian(li. Knicker Leggings. FOK BICYCte USE. In J. and I). McGconjc, Dunfrees, Scotland. SUSPEflDERS of the Celebrated Wilson Bros. JVIake C. H. COOPER, The Leading House of Astoria Notice I given that, on or about May. 1. light vessel No. 50 will be temporarily) withdrawn from nor station oft the month of the Columbia river for repairs. Her etatton will e marked by a first-class can buoy marked "light vessel moorings.' In while. No. M will tie taken lo Tort land for repair and will be returned to her station tvlMUt June t Captain Robertson, of the UrMh ehlp Varans, entertained a party of friend on board hi ehlp aviiuUy. About 10 couple wore present and th day wa niMl agreeably Hnt on board the !IP Captain Robertson had made elaborate preparation for the event and the Ya. mna wa turned ovt In charge of his guest during the day. The party OKI tvt return to shore until evening. The Prttlsh ship Wallecolon, now In Portland, has been chartered to load lum ber at the Clatsop mill for Peru. She will carry about f.-et of lumber I and the charter price l said to be e?. VP ro a few year ago there were vessels In the lumber carrying trade frmi Astoria, but the Wallaceton is the first vessel to load a full cargo at the mills In this city for some time. It ( probabi that the present demand f'r Uiniler wIM cause a revival In lumber shipments from Astoria, as It has elsew-lwre. Postmaster McDonaM eon.aieoeed U'l' g ihe new stamp cancelling machine '. the postotTloe yesierday. The maehlne la run by an electric motor with a 509 volt current and is capable of making revolutions a minute.' Mml Clerk Cran djtl started the ma.hine going on yeatcr day's mail and handled It wkh great dex terlty. It is about four times speedier' than hand work and cancel at the rate of ?A lenter a minute. Almost any siiej envelope or paper that are not too' bulky can b run trough I;. A patent! self-feeding attachment will shortly ciine out. which will d away with hand-feed-Ing. It is of Invaluable assistance to the postoftlce force and Is regardid as being bonti ornamental and useful. Orepon and the northwest I, to be visited next July by the brainy asd push ing men of the entire Vnited Slates. This association Is formed of delegates from every state In the Pnlon, and each ;ate association is entitled to one delegate for every 10 members. Tnere being about 1J national deletraU's. they r present j 1J' newspapers. It can harvlly be con-, cived the amount of advertising that (h ; northwest will reeelve at their hands I Money could nt buy the express, on of the thoughts at these men who will spc-tot' !!"'' summer out'.ng with us t"ls y - r I P Is understood that Atoria will be tbe, " Principal attraction en the excursion ;,r.v gram. Sir. C.eorvo I.. P ,is!ee. reiT- setit. A, . mfrUng of t!)r Columbia . . U.ver r,..rniens rniou last night, t ;e prl-e f talm,,n for ,he ..rpmlr.R . ason i- set at S cents a pound. A menilwr of tlv unon ,alJ nU.hl ,,, the ,. nR (he prk.e ,( s C6m, ,B a fjr. u, u w Kfn,ralI. wS,rlo-. 4m,)n(f nshrnwn that thls prll.e wouM ,d or (V,n mor(. ((J , cannery ,.on,0,,Utlon, h, ,aMi co,)lf,, i with th fact that Ihe salmon market was In better condition than t'ir sunt years, the fishermen confidently lig-oj fnr an advance In the raw material he.; for, ,he ci, of ,he s.ann. T!lc ,.,..( ng wa arRi.b. :l..n,,,.,, ,. uwlMttoo, that B larK(. niimt),r uf tbher. men were not in fav..r of demand nt; a ,:at, pr1ce from th, .annervmen. This is he last meeting of th union b-ior-the season opens at II Yb k Fr-d i night. At th meeting- of the Chamber of Cm- meree last nlitht. the correspor.d-nre which passed between Secretary Holden . .. ,.,,r,Bwll ..tli.-lnlu retrarillnir j -the quarantine station was r- ad. and the '. secretary was instruct. l to eommunb ale i with the United State district, attorney ; inquiring; a to the title to the site e. i 1.1-t.d. A letter was r-ad from D. C. M. lault. of the Hlllsboro Independent, wh'i is chairman cf the fire-.-on Pres Ass.icia tion's committee of arrangements for the entertainment of the National Editorial Association. Mr. Cault assursl th,. chamber tho the asso- intlon would visit Astoria, although a strong effort was be ing made by the people of Newport 1 1 hav the visiting editors go th -re. M-. Onult says but one coast point will le Vl.;t-d. and Astoria will, by virtu- of the volume of I's rommerc and Its his-1 torlral asso. latlon. be that rHnt. A ommlrtee was nrtolnt-d to nftare ad- vertlslnif matter for distribution to incoming- homesf ekers. showing; the re- sourrsia and opportunity that Astoria and Clatsop county afford. The sad news of the drowning of Fish Commissioner McOulre In the Umpquu Kag received In Astoria with the mos- i,r.found unresslons of rfitret. Only a ew days previous Mr. MCJuIre was at his local ollice. busily engaged Issuing licenses to fishermen, and his host of friends in Astoria could not brlnsr them selves to really that he had been lost.j Mr. M'-Gulre did not have an enemy In the city, and, with the single exception of the death of Sheriff Williams, there has not been such general mourning for years. Of handsome appearance, cour. teous and pleasant always, If. "4 t n"' II teA commanded he respect and esteem of a.l, whom ho came In contact, and his un timely end Is universally deplored. Since place cannot be as well filled. His death, coming at this time, was a most unfortu- Clothing: In Kctfcrs ami Vcstecs. nate blow lo Astoria end th great salmon Industry; but the work b atartedj will be carried on In after year along the line laid down by him. to the benefit ofl the thousand who toll nightly on the Columbia. The office of Mr. Mclulr( . . . vivei-ii mm up licenses nviv IsSIICvl. TIUPITR TO TIIU MKMOKY op t.MM itwioNp.u .M'tinnu. Keavdutlons of Itegrei ( HI, Piulm.iy Pcalh Pased by h l'uh Club Last livening, At ih meellng of (he PiHi Club !a( evening resolutions of rgrt at the tad death of Fish Commissioner Meduif were presented by Mr. iloslln and unani mously adopted. The resolutl.n a to, low; "Whereas. The cim.-n ivf Or. gon have hearvl wllh profound ori'w of tlie un timely death of Mr. lioJIUler l. .Kn)ulie their tlh eommlMl.'ner. and "Whereas. The city f Astoria, in hu dtath. mourns the o of a di J 'guHbed oiii n and of a warm friend; id,. tUhlng tnteri'Sls a rapatde, energetic and ffli'b nt worker, and Ihe state of Oregon an h'n or:itle and fearless ollker. ilur.fure be It "lit solved. ty I li, Astoria Progressive Ctunniertial AssHiallon, of Ast-'Ha. Ore . that the siHiatbn hereby ex rmls l.i the twreaved wife aiul family ..f Hoi ter P. Mcllulre our he.irifelt syntpa hv in their altllotlon. and that . eondole alth them in their great irul. f T this nss.v. elation feels that III Ills death our com. munlty losr one of Its own esteemed itl lens. lt'olvrd. I lilt the pr sldent :llld S'C retary of this ashia:lon are herebv in structed to send a copy of resoln. tlon to the wife of the lamented and faithful citig.-n who o recently d.-rarte-i llf' as a mark of our esteem and sorrow. Imm.sllately afier the r-adlng of P'e resolutions, adjournment was taken as a further m:irk if ri-M..t ., rtie iiiemrv! of the late llsh oommsoner. Several matters came up b'fore Mr llos.slln read the r'oHit.ons. It nas or dered that the Ins-ailment of 2W due on the park le paid to Mr. SMv ly. K. M. Paker was adtnl!t"d to niemlerhlp. V' tlst Swote was etigig.d to reat-Jange tb exhibit In the .iso" n!"n p'.'nx It t, -iKt Intention of the a"0!si'. 'n ' exhibit In order, a there H be many visitors In lh dtv coming summer. A representative ..' be .n' i put pr a' h r a nment , A- -e;. ii;(.,rl - uv nl X: O'l a'ier w s omnill ! e. committee of the or-g-'n l';-"-tlon was t.resenr and I th, of the as.viaton Iti l'ii"g a f the tate during- the Ms t of t' Kdl'orlal A --.i. i-n T'te rn ref. ers to tie 4,iv Tt-- , . whl -h will report Hi ree.ininien th.. next meeting A fr tn V J ! a-klng' the a-sovla :., ;.i tie fa m. J ers of the Ittls an.) ('lark- If. i-lr ila l'w i a sui'-crlpilon lit t ra -e m ti. y , v. ug'i j t. permit of 'the planking te read re cently built In that !iu!t, u,n r f'tn-1 to the roads comml't.e. Ati iut t ,X) s reijlllrtsl to se nr.' the ;c c- .i y . Inr for the road. Jt'lx'tK TAYt.olt HlKI'.Nl'S Till: TAXPAYKItfP I.KAiil r; Says ft Has the I'.Uht i 1'otrion tru ' fnr Hetreti.-htneiit in Muni c'.pal Affairs. ASTi.KlA. Apr-.! . tot-Ian: in .s.u... r. port .if the pr.x-e,,.:. i-ourx II. uf Thuri!ay sub-.tnnti.illy. that the Were. .11-;, ! t tl'-a ii--. .oiie.rt-i t a 'est of It;, l.ght-.i g "9-F.dllor As. f Pnda. jour i.f the coiniiiou lenity. Milt-"!. .tuition c mm I, Ic Taxpawrs 'eetl n "f fie '': g r.-U icing -!i g"r . as i.ffen u , , a-ol 'hh 1,-n r. dililr thh- a y. lik-. our i"i:itii"U ::.-e!-r s'i-g s-from ine.hllt -.ij n .-. ,,f iiat mini-" r , It y m. .M'.e..m. it h. r"pre.enta:ive ! CviUllv ll, .should I,:' their collJ-tltuetlts they wii!, treat 'heir I'.ton In s serious a matter with lei:y. The members of the Taxpuy.r rniri-s.ent a large prtM,rt.,n p.-nons wtio pay the county, school taxes, p this portion . agii.. if those Ity ati'l ,.f th- county, anil if ilo-y hav, to iwtlti- n th" eominon resires or their gro-vain f then tan It be said rhat the common coi.n. Is rh-lr mast-r. Ins'eaj of the r r As U wll known ..... onto .-..,. but nil ov.-r Ihe I'aojM, coast, i.m rate In A-r!a .V, '.'-hi mills. I think very one, not excptitig the member uf the common '-ouii'il, will admit l at su. !i ;i tax Is r. f oiiiy Injurious nut is .ilmo-t prohibitory upon bus;!!.-... The city' buinl. l ludi lueilhc ., ius.Ve ! Water holl'ly. whc f.VMl, IS IJ'Si lsi It bus Leslie, some llou'lt.g d bt, rp-.ti whl. ii It pays inl'-res;; i),t. si;hoo ill--trlct lias a debt of about P'Umj, and the county has an Indebtedn'.si of upwards of IX'S'. This year the city levied a g n eral tax of l'i mills, ithat b-lng the mnx Innini allowed ,y e charter) a'.d p will take th.. full amount of thn' P vy to pay the Interest on the city's Ini.-bt. edness. other than lis! water bonds. This school district levied a tax of 10 rn lis fur school purpo-es, and It will require neailv half of that amount lo pay tho Interest on the school ip-bt. A large portion of th county debt draws eight per cent Interest, and the balance six per c-nt. Tn ...l.llll... .1,... .1.- 1 -I.....,' " " '. '' ' ' " toi'.t.iri., tu.iirt ..w.-'-v- U11VS3 w-.i , ' , ' ,,1M,n. 111 U'.'Ji i IOII l' ll': lAOOY'T , l,-.t O B ... Ihe city has outstanding liabilities fr street Imprcvemint. amounting to near. I I j i " n"' 'J'"1 ' """"' ""- '" '"- coinlnsr week. The proRram for the week ter-st at the rat., of eight p"r cent perj , a, foow. atiniim. Our Indebodm ss, In round PAHT I number-, is IT'si m and interest th-reon 'jM,lr, h ,..,.,.,.; un will aver.iKH six p r cent, making a to al!2 Walts, "Ui :.,rceunf," ....Wnldtenfel annual Interest charge of 4i.W), '1' "is of tjffeiitia.-h's Operas 1.. J S I . a-A UJt iU,.k .1 - m. In. a,,e.h . ..iiinn.r, t .,, v, Wlior " liavotte. "cin-im It,-n' oiiirlit to hi siilTJi lent to warrant the'CA MuvPal Melnngo .... rlcht of peti'lun, ev-n to one's masters, 1 for, unl'-ss sum thing Is done to stop th.. Increase In our Indebtedness, It Will not be long before wo will be compelled to pay out our entire Inemio for Inter est. FRANK J. TAYLOR. II. rj VAN DPSMN INbORSriD FOR Kirill i fiMMIS.-lKiMKR. Recommended by tin- r,-KMtlv pebua tlon to Hueeieii the I,(i te Mr. Mcluire The Other Candidates, Hollistir d. Van Dutsen, el'-rk of the. A-torln w!it.-r commission, has received the Indorsement of tho Clatsop c''unty legislative delegation to rucceod Holllater . M'.'iulre us state Ash cornmlssiloner. The need of Uu, immediate apnolmmeat of a nucccsnor to Mr. M,-Oulre was ap parent, and the delegation met yester day to discuss the "Kuallon, There 1 little doubt that Mr, Van Dusen will re ceive the appointment, as Governor Oeei has stated that the poHltlon should be filled by a man Identified with the inter ests of Astoria. Mr. McOuIre, becausa of his familiarity with the, fishing interosts of tho state, would have been retained indefinitely In office, It ia thought, but It Is believed that hi successor will be a resident of this city. There were several candidates In the' field, the foremost Mug Mr. Van Puen, leputy 1l t'oiimilssionsr Pailir-art, ami p, o, need, superlittv-ndeni of street. Mr, rallicart had rfrotig friend at wxirk In his Iwhalf. lilt aiioliHinent waa tinted on tho ground (hat he waa better able to take up (h work of Mr. Mctlulro than any other person, as he had been with Die late commissioner for aonie time and was perfectly esinvei-snut wilh the llshlng laws. Mr. Iteed, who wa a can dldale fr His oltlo when Mr. Mcdulre as Inst appointed, was also recommend ed by his friends, but Mr, Van Pusen has seemed the Indorsement of the legis alive delation and stands an excellent chance for appointment. ItopieMMiiailvo Curtis waa seen last night by a reiMrler and asked the re sult of (he meellng itf 4he legislative dele gallon. la said: 'Personally. I was In favor of the up. polimiient of Mr, Cathoart. purely on the ground of friendship. Mr. Young, an other member of the delegation, also favored the candidacy of Mr, Cathcart. Senator Pulton advocate.! the gpuolut. meiit of V, It, Parker, who was men. tlon.M for the place, but who withdrew In fax or of II. O. Van Pusen. "ltof.rn going to Halem to attend the .ilsl.ttlve session, the nictnb.-rs of the delegation agre to arrive at a uuautin. ous conclusion on every pt-opoMtlon that mkiht i"onie up. When the names were' pies n tod at yesterday's nicing tlie ohiince of the several candidates were carefully conldired. ami, frT some dlsiusslon. it was decided that .Mr. Van Pusen shouM have the support of the delegation. If any man from Clatsop counry Is named by llovernor ile.r, I think Mr. Van Pusen n! 1, thai man I am of ihe opinion that Mr. Cathcart: will lv r. ialned as deputy commission! r "The t'lvoiniueudiitlon of Iho delegation has pe n forwarded lo Haleni. and Oov ernnor Heer will protmbly make tho aP pomtinent linimsllaiely." is ou t.iink, Mr. Curtis that th. plac,, will go to a resident of Pits Cl! ' T' as asked. "Yc. i think tlovertmr tb'er r-alises that tin is the center of tho Industry and that an Ai"iln should te ap'lnted. if he I -n't. he should be " PPIiSn.V.Vf. MKNTIoN. I'.M. nil. to I t'roshy -1 1 a il-l. Iwks r'lu'iisl ft J.itn.-v M.i, kl lunitH-nna i of Jtt lb I. i: J la r U 111 the S l;l,g.l I irt'l'H 1 spent ?u,la 'ii Por:.; !a-t night. ; returned la't nig' t fr'in 1 trip lo por. land. i Mini. tent tls.'ia h,'. ... i er a III I tie , I y est r T a'l.T II .il d.iv. Tr 'v u a ill wa a pa-st from I'oi' Uti.l . Iu:r.. an I i 'ur' I" ho hv. t-.g the roa-l f.-firnesi Lot Ki l.leu'e Sunday citu r Pnglm n.itit for em.iy. of the I'.rrr. attle to J 'In ihe r. v left 1 line , Iran: .- Id n, of San Krercl-c i. will ; relieve Kiigin.rr M mro--. of Ihe l'rry. In a few day. , .Mr. an I Mrs S I'amiger. who have! teen l-ltlng frl lids In 1'ortlatid. r turned h.cit,. last r-.ight. Men:,! TTiomps n Is i xp-ied dally .'r un San I'r in -tsco t , . Join "he r-v '' cut-.-r I'errv as hrst lieutenant, vh e J I.. S.I! w ho I- ( nt lat w-eg. i lb v II Man-'ttx and K'd.-r K '' j H.,' ! will hu.- on this morning's train) f.-r !': ' a nl 1 ) attend the spring in. o'lr.g j ..f th- l"t.',itery of I'ortland. Tliey wl l; l U s. nt tw ,.r three days. A x.i i-r illl'-rt !-ft last nl.:'!' for. I' t I -at 1 to a.:!' : .1 t-e tlle-lll.g , xp.stoii ci.ininission. will f the i will I ' "lay. The cminlsslun a v organ! - and lay nut Its work form. i I-oS-iilS A'.P liAINH i'N TUB TPItF V !se-'i:in is! that as mil. h as lie' wren p.,.,..., ..i jji ii,,.) i ,Mt yarly on th.. turf. Ausiralia Is the loser. No than ls)0iis olinnges I V.. ......1.. t. .1... .tt.'ll n- the tight """"" " " '"" " uc:, rr ,(,..:' tmiute.1 which miserable peop.e hl , , j s n l In a vain end-savor to gt health, It inigtit prov us appalling us me aoove amount" II nt.-'ter'a Hlomach Hitters I has cur -d hundreds of people who had f "'" 0'i to regain I health. The it'.ttt-r strengthens weak siiiinachs, and thus cure as we'd a pre. 1 veins cons .pillion. Indigestion, bilious. ness. liver ai l k dn. y at ment. whl h :n I ilkate an oVT';.'l(ed or abusiil stoma, h it Is th only in'dlclnc to take In the j spring, iin.l Is r ommendid by a'l honest , physician.. N'ri'.K uf meetin;. A regular convocation of S s. John Chapter No. 1 it. A. M . will bo held this ''ling at Masonic Ma'l a' p. m. All sojourning I aii, anions are reitpcct fully unitrd 10 atleml. K. I'. HdUUUS. Sec. II il. P. TilK MiPVItK CONCEIlT. The Ammo Ladles' Orchestra la draw ing crowded hull..- nightly at the Iou. lVr"' l, w "''o'-as have ever played In u ttllh gnator degreo of suc- I "-, and tho rendition of tii program during the last week ha been i.e., ,.v,..ti,,. Mii,ii i,..,...u ,.t A-1...1- -u.. u I,,. fa,. , hw tUu .... ... ,,, i.y.-in ABl'l . I UU U ' ." ".'.'. r r,eiisure".... wohitnka .FlPga ...Hoetlger Blahl Morse ' - " nnid I'ashu" g-Helis-iion. "Wang' '. I'oikii, ' iTorn Vienna to lierlln".. F.llonbcrg PART II. 10- Mareh, "Washington Post" BoUsa 11- Overture, "poet and Peasant".... BiiPP 12- V.-iltj!. "Kd In burgh" ItonnlKseau B-Oavotte. "Htephnnle" C'zlbulkl 11 Beleetlon. "II Travatore" V'Tdl I'l-Pulka, "Tuxedo" Fiienkenst'in 1 Medh-y, "Hons I'Yom the Old Polks Itennett 17-Wal'z, "Kaufman's Canlso-Tan- Oungel K Finale Dinner Set Day. Dinner h.Ih of every descrip tion. Newest HhapeH, richest dec oration In porccluin unci chiiiu. Wutch our window; read prices. $3.?5, U.S.-,, t:,,36, M.25, $7.8S per set. Homo articles cut 60 par cent. Home articles cut Co per cent. ODDH AND IvNIW, HAW PKICIU Great American Importing Tea Co. (71 Commercial Street, Astoria. ! ISy order M. Thi tightest Store In Astoria. .Visa'i Cgstomers See What They Boy, Avurtiut'iit of ilain tllul t'llIU')' JllVt'llili' I'lotliiii'i at IIKUMAN WISKS. New .iiii iiuiiii'iiso stock of tailor iiinilo uiul properly I'mUlic'l Mph'h Clotliiujj; at HICKMAN WIS ICS. Loads Of imMiy Ktvlos tif liifii's ami hoys' Hats at IIICUMAN WISKS. Puniisliiniis New Ni l kwi'tir, now Sliiits, nt vv Snx, ni'W rinli iwntr at HICKMAN WIS ICS HERMAN WISE, The Old Reliable Clothier, Matter and Purnlsher. Columbia Electric and Repair Co. SucceHsor to COLUMBIA IRON WORKS Blacksmiths U 1 Foundrymen I DntlA.Ulinrr IjUlltU'ldAVIO Machinists I.OIill',U l'Hill"CM I aa II t rxtul lscpnlrcil. Heavy Forging Under Power Hammer a Specially Sole . liiniifiK turcrs of the l'nMirpiPscil ... " Harrison Sectional" Propellor Wheel ... Coiitractors for IClectrir I.i'lits ami Power I'lnnts. R. L. Boyle & Co lcndiiiK Ren! RHtntc Dculcr of ASTORIA, OREGON Write for In fi rimitifi mid mui Portland Trad ing Stamp Co. Store 345 Washington St. Was visiter during the last few days by a large number of Astoria paopla wfca Inspected tha elegant foods which ara given away for Fraa Trading Itaaapa. The publlo seem to appraelata tha advantage offered to thata by tks TraaUaa fltamp Company, aa tha merchants In Astoria which glv (ham U tketr patros report an Increase In their trad. Ask your merchanta for Or Trading ttamaa when purchasing gooda. Rampla dlpuy at B. F. Allen & Co., 365 Commercial St. MerchnntB of Antoiia who will ytve Green Trodlng Stamps. PETERBON sV BROWN, Boots and Bheea. No a.arapa on Rubber Oooda. HERMAN WISH. Clothing asd Oanta' rurnWihJngs. ECLIPBTD HARDWARB CO. tovea, Tlowara, and Plumbing. MRS. IL McKENZIB, Ml Hoary. ORIITTN h RBD, Books and Stationery. Portland Trading Stamp Co ISAAC STERN, Mgr., 345 Washington St., Portland You need not takeyour book Aak for Orecn Trading Hlnrnpa, ,r?"' STYLE. Tn lr stylish I th niissll 1 1 (i in lirlni slmculv, fiat Kid nul aece aiatilv si(il niaih la lit sttlisk. la lotmrr yrat ao smart cnuU hy ivtlsk, imlv lo ktsr iloth Ibi; It w micssary in pay loir laid l the lallat'l; hat aniaf dt'tnai Buy bay pi tint tisiy tafl ionJ t very lillla abut the coeimua lla- atyle ot clothlsi) Is audi f ear aalada lu bsy aid nil anas btat lat beat mit ul ibis misus ptodavllna khltl at ollcf al ticrplloaally l pticta. (oatldctlaij iHt. Oar ionds kt ainll. Oar pile tie ilqht W( I feat cas. Insjeis hnamsblv II tea pictcr uat hav nl dnli liisiacxs. kt skstl be pleased la luant n aitniai) nsr Meads, L0crs Supplies Kept In Stock lUtls .ri.'. ('iiiiiincrt'iiil Strpplj McALLEN A MoOONALD, Dry Oooda, Etc, Bta. H. ECK8TROM, ' Jaw alar. TnH BONHONNIBRB. Confectionery and Ioa Oraaaa. WILL MADI8ON, Cigars and Tofcasaa. B. I". ALLBN ft CO.. WaU Paawr, Paista aasd OUa TUB WONDER I1MI, Fancy Nottoaa, Tera. with you when (sHopplngi ))