ASluunlS, TM'i SIA UOKMMU, APRIL 6 KM UUUiiU JOHN T LIGHT'SR. Edilot telephone No e .HP" TERMS OP fSUIiai RlPTloN DA1LT Bent by mall, par year law nt by mall. per month to Serve by carrier, per month SEMWWEEKLT lent br mall, per roar, to sevanc. Postage free to luoecrtbers. St.lW All communications tntenaetl ror ponll anon should b directed to tha editor. Bus'nese communlcatlona of all kinds and remlttancea mutt b addressed to "Tha Asrorlaa," ' Tha Astenaa guarantee to its dvsr tlser tha largest circulation of any trfspaptr publlihed on tha Columbia liver - advertising rate cat waa oa atptt aauoa to tha business manag-vr. TIDE TABLEApril, 1S9. DATE a, .1 f. m. j air jVM7 ! n. J' i n. ju.m n Hun Mua Tu Wed Thu m . Rat . Pun Mon Tu Wed Thu m . 8st . Sun i lt iu.i w a o 1U .- ... t! 4 41 S 1 1 1 16 ( till Su I 'll 4t( 1 1 ... Si 4nSJti T '(.. .. .. . UMi tt ... 4 JW 8 ISS..7 (I I 1 04) S 1:1 id 11 ... l S5H1-'W41' SJI Il'l 4W 4 ... 7 10 S S J- 11 10 S $ ! 4 SS 1 S j ( 001 0 5 ... SU2SS4 UWli S.I IWI 041 S4&! 7 .. :.. ..1. .i uissi ! ii ooj js 10 ; ,..101 l!t 1 S K 7 - 5! I 7 ' 1 J 1 US 1 1 60 7 Si 7 &1M 1 4S1 1 1 ,.12 1 4S l' I S.V7 4: d 5 I i 1 J ..u ixssssu.e! 18'- II S lit 1 7 Boils and Pimples fc lifariiing. Pacific Sheet Metal Works AN UNFAILING SIGN THAT NATURE IS APPEALINB riTaS5riT5:r'c.cii tha nrvtotu it accuniuiiaUni impurities Inch When Nature is overtaxed, ah has her own war of giving notice that aust ame is needed. She doe not ask for vi mon Vegetable Fruit MANUFACTURERS OF ...CANS... Syrup Lithographing on Tin a Specialty. 0 on sMi ti 0 410 44: ss 1 li n hI 1 7 II 1 5 1 7'l 1 1 7 ,141 l(S4l 410 4 7 10 01 ..ui s 41 ;' 4m 44 i43 ..l t ( I C ( 3 11 I Mon ...II ! 7 01 4 4 I.. .. Tu ...W (KCS 0O5 11 Wed ..IS! 7 43 4 li tSOtS'l J li 14' IS) It Thu 8 W 4 I S . I J i 1 161 S 1 1 I 111 1 S Fri Sl' 49 S 6 10 147 I 4041 IJM 57; 10 Sat ....2! 10 So 7 0 10 MS 0.1 4 4Si 1 4 i 4 40) 1 0 6un ...e u ,"7 Mil 8 4 j S 2, 0 S I 5 19! 1 1 Mem ...Hi.. ..I. .1 1Ji74'I li Oil fll Tu. ...ST, 0 01 8 7CUS1'7 5 I 43'- IN 13 Wed ..Kl '! 1 367 CI 7;-0i 7 15 IS Thu ...J, 114SJ JJ17! S(K-Jf ! 14 Fri ....SS 1 M S J I I107S I 8 S3 JSl 8 41! 18 4Vtt ... I S l!i 4 00 7 1 ! S SSM) 7j! S K1 S 0 sun i ju s s 1 4 s; ; i :ia 4.10 mis Tiie question it the Asiorlan why, if vhtaz brings a doKar a tn mort at Taccur. than at Portland, a ibmn la the Ortsonian'a MM.tnent of Tues day, ao much more wheat is shipped to Portland than to Taoama? The explana tion (s amp.e: The railroads, tuirtg In combination, and charging the same com mon rate from Interior points to Port land and Tacoma rerardleaa orf distance, and dividini the total proceeds of the butdnms upon an atrreed pro rata basis, naturally prefer to have the wheat go over the down gradea of tha O. R. A N". to Portland for the rake of the saving in operating expnsea. Then, too. by drop, ping tha wheat at Portland, the railroad combination Is enabled to get two addi tional whacks out of ft: (1) in the larger quanoit that must be carried from the' Portland market to San Francisco ttuxn xofi ttt tie case if It were unloaded at Tucoma, and (2) In the operatfen by the O. R. & N. of the only s;imers between 1 Portland and San Francipco, whereas there are several Independent lines out of Taccmti. But even this Is no: all the profit to the pool In slip ping at Portland inctoad uf Tatoma. The lower price of wheat at Pordar.d-due to the higher charter rates demanded by shCp owners the wheat po -1 to moke a greater margin on trans, shipments to San Francisco thun Is pos sible at Taooinu. The next qufjjtion perhaps, that may arise In the min-J? of those interest! in studying these Abnormal romlitlone is: "Why du the people of Tacoma and Seattle submit . to thhi discrimination against thrm in the wheat trafflcT" The ajiswer to this quewtfon Is of most vital concern to every business man unconnected with the grentt wheat ocxA in Portland, but the Ore- gonan never makes the slightest ref?r- ence to it in any of its 3icusn:ons of the Poriland situation. At the lut sonsion of the Washington leg!s:aturft the farmers of the eastern s.-cti"n of the state undertook to have a !aw pas."el requiring he railroads to ex'lr.inge cars on demand of the fhiper at any of th Junction points. The Jaw wu intended t ) enable wheat raiisers on the vartous feed ers and frranch lines of the O. R. & N and the other companies to transfer wheat at junction point from the O. R. & N. to the lines of Khe Sound railways for shipment to Tacoma. and Seattle. It would seem to the casual ob server thait suoh a bill ought to rtcx-ive the hearty support of all nhe Sound roods as well as the people of Tacoma and Se attle, but sue was not the case. Tne bcenda of trade of Seattle and T.icoma passed resolutions denouncing the Mil. Every railroad In the Northwest Joined forces to defeat It, and sent their strong, est attorneys and a hired lotby to Olym pla to defeat it. The Seattle Post-In. teMlgenper fought the bill from the start, and the Tuctma Ledger, while not hav ing the cue at first, was at a later and more critical tupe of the discussion of the bill forced tto suppress all comment on it, and after its defeat to come out and congratulate the merchants and business men on that xmsummatlon. At one of the hearings before the com. mlttee at Olyropla, the general counsel of lbs Great Northern road ridiculed for thdr lack of perception certain business men of Tacoona, (who bad ventured to rnn liri Q mut be gotten rid of : they axe an urgent pil for imwstAoos I Ull lilll 4 warnav tnai can no aajeir oe iftnorea. To neglect to purify th blood at thi tim means more than the annoyance of painful boils and unsigWtly pimple. U these impuriU are allowed to remain, the evstera mttvumbe to any ordinaxr illneee, and U unable to wttbKUnd the many ailments which are so prevalent durini sprin and summer. sin. L. Gentile, fiwt Second Avenue, Seattle, Waah., taya : " I was aiUirted for a long time with pimplea, which were very annoying. a they disfigured my fitoe fearfully. After using many other remedies in vain. S. 8. 8. promptly and thoroughly cleansed my blood, and now I rejoioe in a stood complexion, which I never had before," - - vapt. " . u. uuuuip, ot vh xl. vs. o. R. K., Chattantwtrv Tenn., wntea: " Several boils and carbuncle broke out upon me, causing great pain and annoyance. Jf y blood teemed to be in a riotous condition, and notuing I took teemed to do "4 any good. Six bottle of S. 8. S. cured mo completely is. 8. 0. FOR THE BLOOD is the beet blood remedy, because it It purely vegetable and in tiiC only one that is absolutely free front potash and mercury. It promptly pun hes the blood ana thoroughly cleanse the system, tmuja up the general health and strength. It cures Scrofula, Eczema, Cancer, Rheuma tism. Tetter. Boils, Sores, etc., by going direct to the cause of the trouble and forcing out all impure mood. Book free to any address by the Swift Specifio Co., Atlanta, 0. Astoria. Ore. Wrlto Ue for IVIocia Fairhaven, Wash. VV. F. SCHEIBE, aal 5shikrs' Artktm. 7 Commercial 444. "La Belle Astoria" Cigar Sctielte's Opera Star Scheme's Special Ami Otliar llrniKta suggevt the adwntisjes of greater wheat shipments to Tacoma. and finally, oar. ried away by the obtusenvas of a mem. ber of the committee, blurted out the truj THAT THE MERCHANTS OF SEATTLE AND TAtXJMA HAD MORE THAN A COMPENSATION FOR THE WHEAT GOING TO PORTLAND IN CONCESSIONS RECEIVED FROM THE R.IIJlOAtS IN JOBBING TERRT. TORT AND TRADE PIRECTLT TRIB UTARY TO PORTLAND! TO CURE K COLD IN ONE DAT. Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablet. All rdugglsts refund toe money If It fulls to cure. Si cents. Tb genuine baa L. B. Q. on each tablet By the InventV-n of a clue ap a French chemist hne to make .islnUiy bluer th-.n ever. If you have a cough, throat Irritation, weak lungs, piln In the chest, difficult breathing, croup or noarseness. let us suggest One Minute Cough Cur. Al ways reliable and safe. Charles Rogers. I A New Obstacle. Every Cuban rems to have Ms r'lco. but In moat eases the price Is entirely j tee hish. ! Happy la the man or wonvin who can jeat a good hearty meal without suffering afterward. If you cannot do It. take jKodoi Dyspepsia Cure. It digests what ! you eat. and cures all forms of dyspepsia and Indigestion. Charles Rogers. i Before another week ha expired lien, 'eral Aguinaldo will be krvking on the i umpire. J Mokl Tea positively cures sic Btadaehe. ' Indigestion and constipation. A dallKhtful !herb drink. Removes-all eruptloas of jthe skin, producing a perfect complexion, ' or money refunded. IS and cents. For sale by Estes-Conn Drug Co. 'camping in the neighborhood. Btan tha SfV te H Wjlwrj B02?V Eignataie of Cultivate the "forty weeks" haMt If ycu wi.!i to kep xing. The old obstacles that sed to prevent the ooarriare of lovinv couple are out oi date. The blood snd-thunder villian is a Wlien farmer can wet PD to TO for a myth nowadays. The crotl finher is only steer. It win be difficult for Cotonet Bryan auamiion. yistance, absence and shtp- it( convince Mm that prospw lty Is not wicvk ia usts oj CQcap, sale anu swift transportation do not count The new obstacle is a common sense one. It is ill-health on one side or the other, and sometimes on both. Men nowadays hesitate to marry a wom an, no matter bow brantiful. no matter how attractive, or interesting, or witty, if she is a sufferer from ill-health. All men worth having desire happy, healthy children. Any woman who will, may fit herself for the duties of wifehood and the exalted func tion of motherhood. Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription banishes all hindrance in the nature of local ill-health. It gives health, power and capacity to the delicate and iu po riant organs concerned in wifehood an." maternity. It corrects all displacements, allays inflammation, heals ulceration, stop txhausting drains and ootbes pain. It Prepares for natural, healthy motherhood, t makes maternity easy and safe and al most painles. It insures a new-comer constitutionally stronir and able to with stand the usual ills of babyhood. It is the (rreatest of nerve tonics and restoratives. Medicine dealers sell it and an honest dealer will not urge a substitute upon yon. After suffering untold tortures.' writes Mrs. R. L. Boyle & Co Leading Real BHtotc Denier of ASTORIA, OREGON 'Yritf for Informntion ami I'limpliletf. Coninietcitil Strwt C. R D, Commission, Brokerage, Insurance and Shipping. Custtorts HoMsse Hrokor. ASTORIA, OREGON, Agent W. t. A l'o and racltlo KxpreM Co's. PHTKCIAN DR. ALFRED KINNKTrrfcB AT residence, Cominerrelal street, near Blith. offloe hourst Morning until lot all afttrnoon until I; vnlnss "Mil ,0'oUv-k, Dll X . K4TTE7B, FlltrllCI AN AND Burgeon, Bpeelal altenllon Id diseases of women and surgery.- Offloe ever Denslngsr'a store, Astoria, Tel. No, 11 fit. JAT TUTTLK, I'll YHIOIAN AND Surgson. OflUe, room I and (.Pythian llulUllng. Ullt Coimnen-lsl street IivU dsnce same. Telcphon tM. Acting as siatant surgeon I'nlied Biatrs marine hospital ssrvlce, MAftONIO. lAllKltt NO. t. A. r. AND A. M. Regular communlcaitotis bold oo Ih firm and Ihlrd Tnssday rvcnln- of each month. O. W. LOUNH1IKRHY, W. M ; K. C. HOI.WCN, Hscreiary. attornryh. J, Q. A. nOWLHT. A1TOHNKT AND tMUN8RLlA)R AT IJiW. 0(lUa, Bond Hi root Astoria, Or. o Is. ffl- DKI'ARTl Mull p in. Hpokane rtiv S 10 p. mi A TIHI! aCHtllHtllA Cmiu l'ilml alt louver, ft Worth, Omnlia, Kan I'lty, i Uiuls.1 'ini(i. slid Kat Walla Walls. H-i.unJ ltlHlNHHI, Nl.lMIU Imluth I tiWiwu and Kaol, Aaaivs Mall i v 111 HHkan ii'A'r.V.W.VVl.rVWr.VlV.ViW.'ir NTHEOCCDEWT Astoria's .Leading Hotel I Alcglcr Wright, Props. Kopp's "Best" taaVa ... ..via, X A DELICIOUS DRINK.... AND ABSOLUELY PURE. Acker's Dyspepsia Tablets are sniil on txialtlv guarantee. Cure heartburn, rislner of food, distress sfter eating, any f -rm of dyspepsia. One lltt! tablet gives Immediate relief. 2S and SO cents. For ill - y Estea-Conn Drug Co. ' An Engl'fh fad is bHn ad p;el hre to wear no gloves to the theater. I. Fereuoo. of H it . Lre'.a Station. Selkirk Co.. ManitohA. " I thank I found relief and cure in Dr. Pierce's Fanirite Preicription." The profit side of life is health. Thebal. ance is written in the rich, red. pure blood of health. Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets cure constipation and make the bloodtricb and pure. They never gripe- By druggists. I i j For a quick remedy ana one that is perfectly safe for children let us recom mend One Minute Cough Cure. It Is n- ' cellent for croup, hoarseness, tickling In the throat and coughs. CHAS. ROGSRS. ' To be 111 and not be able to complain about nrak'-s tt double hard -to bir. The North Feifle. Brewery, of which BHled beer for family nee, or ki-g M r John Kopp ia proprietor, makes heir beer supplied at any time, diiiivry in 'or domee'io and export trad. I the city free. fjorth Pacific Brewery oruiuuvuuvruuuinuvtnu The IMPERIAL Hotel THOS. GI'INEAN, Proprietor Seventh nncl WtssthlriKton Htst. Portland, Or. fiuiu Aiturla 4XI1AN riiA.H.MIIP Ull HitlltllS late lib! ! .T li'lmn. I (For in Ktitnnn,.- "Wit April 3 S, IS, 33, JS i Ta met nu, uilaj 0 a, m. Tura Ttiui and .lal 7 a. pi, Tufajliii aixl Sl. trolr'abla Hirer Simnsrs To I'orlUnd and Way Inilln. Wlllai A. I.. ls and a Uitaliiga 1- ttmn Mo llday tnm C.rU.1. i, a) fc WllUawlte Ulver. lue.. 1 bui Um. Alkaay.CurSaJ ami .Sal TYMIaaw4l a4 Vaaa-4 s.wp m, MA Klvera, KliHi.,Wd. Oirw eitf, Harem. awl rn. 1 ' a. in. iJuiirnifa. trtvar. Itlroeislu 1wUUin. KrUwuta I. 'in. daily ASTORIA AND COLUMBIA RIVER RAILROAD. feve' Al.lsUiM a.nvpm. 1i4t SIW p.m.p 11:40 1 "Asterla"Dally Arrtva , Porllaad and AorUp aT. Kiprma trains ... vlaJl vnaaipa, tinon, vei mmt, tiuiakanls, nobis; 'punasriimt i uopis nr lhe Hast and Pusl (Hound poinia 1:10 a.m. Aslona Hosalla nd Nsw Astoria raaarl trains, via warrsntaii ad snavH, p.m. a. at 4SS 114 let aiunday Huntsrs' spee- Astona 19 sismiiiisi J. O. MA TO. a r. r. a WHITE COLLAR LINE Columbia IUvr end Fuget Round NW ttiea Csnaaay. Tsjaphone leaves Astasia dally, siees dally oept luaoa ax I a. av Whit (Vtlar Una tickets liiletvluf' ea Tsietihona. T. J. I"tr " Mti(niuin ror Aslaria and all way "a. riaesl, Uwaoo, Bvlw, Lm , an rianrolta. u. a w-J lYesldeat. J. TATLOR, aaiuata aasat Taiauboo Ws, U. . Prm rurilaad a. "II fckXKITK HlVMlJ S , IH. , i 4 Jl I) t j Mleni A llai-laudV O. W. UOUHIMKIUtT. Aaaat Astoria W. H. HURLBURT. Oss, Paa. A St peruaaO, Or. GBCfL-ii . .aTMrjM' o" ' TICKICTS to Hit EAST trajstat slMPr x.ert. Sara. I Umietd Saatres Por.Uaow l S:M . . . No. I Msalksd arrives ronisno si i:v a. sa. ro, n.PK!XnRT, Mt (A ll. R. Astoria. or B. c VKtrmwroH. . C P. at H A-. perUasa. Or. Mm life The Rate Is Lower. Oo aul via and the Burlington IlouU and yws rai your doatlnallon IIOUKi ahaaui of the man who takes ANT other tins. Mere. Teu ssvs naoooy. Tb rats via Wlliui to Omaha. Kansas tlly, and ALL ebr uutkom oiurs Is front U te IS laM than via any other routa, Wrlla and I will tail you bow mu h Iras. A. 0. aillCLDON. (Ivn'l Agonl, 1'onland. lira. stssiimssssanMii Through Tickets -TO THsV HAST AM) SOUTHEAST 4runirurjnnnnrjrrvnnjrtf n i rut Acker's English Reraewy will stop i cour'f at any time, and will cure the I worst cold In twelve hours, or money re- " " ' i funded. S and 50 centa. For isle by The An ti Imperialist Leasrue of Boston Estes-Conn lirue Co. is trying to hatch a few while dovea to ! take the place of the English sparrows, j Which would you pre-ier. to Kok well ana reel 111. or ieei wen arm iouk ui. nervita: . . . I T.-.- ,. Klta Viiirn. InlA'Ant t .r.- I n.T UII.11K . ... - AN3 MANHOOD ecrema, skin disease, and especially piles. DeWltt's Witch Hazel Harve stands nrst Cures Impotenc-,:;ifLt Emissions ana and besL loo., out for dishon st reo. ffasting diseases, ail eflecU Cf Self- p)e who try to imitate and counterfeit LbubC, cr C.".ces3 and India- it. It's their endorsement of a good ar. tiiji Tttlnn. AncrVCtcnlCan:! tl-ie. Worthiess goods are not Imitated. ?fV blootl bull JtT. Brings the Get DeWltfr. Witch Hazel Salve. Charles f sv j ir.!: rjlovr Uizli . t By n5!C0c per ha::: 0 borc3 I In all pr ibility th rl 'Mar-a.p ati; rcrr;o:::t.'Ore3 hml,It.. 1n hcror of j.ff.-r..n will de. lor $1S.40; With a Witters traaran- mtnand the fr ai d unl.mlt.-d oolnau. tee to euro c? refund tbo money. ! of silver. dcniiii'e ti.e ho:iir of -h NZnViTA nZDlCAL CO. Clinton Jzzlxz ts CHICAGO, IU- doing. For Sale by Charles Rogers. Druggist. ! Philippines, anr! do a Kreal many Mhr ithln?s that JefferMon never thoutjht of PLAlED out. Lord Curzon Is small in .tati.r. hut his i fu" headache, pains In various part of Ameriran wif- rr.H, v,im r.t .,. I the body, sinking at the pit of tba atom biet men In th,- Hviii, ' ach loss of appetite, fevarlshnes, pimples er sores are all positive evidences of Inj. p.m,. .h. , pure blood. No matter bow It became so " -.w.c.j V .. . v- in. A l ... ... r Cough Cure, ministers were greatly dls- Am nlnnA , ha. Ne ft,A t0 cure scrofulous or syphilitic po. sons or any other blood diseases, it s certainly a wonderful remedy and we sell turbed by coughing congregations. excuse for It now. Charles Rogers, The anxious public is watching to see vot-y bottle on a positive guarantee. wliere David B. Hill will come In on the ! Vn. Ml h- -.,.B rirlu ,. oeniwiaiic uamjutn Dusiness. J. Sheer, Bedaiia.llo., conductor on elec- The emreror of Corea haa recently or. d.-red a complete outfit of American trie street car line, writes that his little clothing. In spite of oppnsi;ion and full:. daughter was very low wltn croup, and finding in Bosim and elsMWhre. U:.el,' her life saved after all physicians had Sam continues to set the pace in all failed, only by using One Minute Cough part if the world. Cure. Charles Rogers. ! . J "Give me a liver regulator and I can The great trouble with the Phiiiypine regulate the world," said a genius. The style of beheading Is that the process druggist handed him a bottle of rx-Witt's is not restricted to the mere act of de-; Little Early Risers, tha famous little priving a man of his official position. j pills. Charles Rogers. CABTOnXA. Bears the ) m lM !H fiignatars of lli8 kir.4 U Haw I'mn The eel skirt is undoubtedly the cut jcome of the fish scale vogue of laat win. ter. THE LOUVRE Seventh and Astor Street SHASTA MINERAL KATEK, t'EI'I'EK. X0BLK. HIL'KOKY AX!) SHAW'S MA IT WHISKIES. ALL 0THEK LIQtOKS, WINES, liEKU AND (. Ki Al(s Served Dny nntl Mjilit. AUGUST KKATZ. '0-. ,s PU U.MAN VALMJU BLKBPKRB. TOURIST BLEEPKRfl and PREB RECLININO CHAIR CAR! -Dally to Salt Lake Denver, Omaha. Chicago, Kansas City A FEW INTERESTING FACTS Whn ptU a nMHrtnj.lalln a trip, whwtiw on buaWHws or ptnuaura, thay aalimUly want the bfwt anrvSns so. Uinabld xi tut as as i. onmsiH and aarnty Is rmnn(. KntpHyss of ths WIMi'ONBIN (tKNTHAL LINK! are oaM to snrra ttia pubato ami ear trains as o a. -rated sa as lo niaks ohwa nntlun with divnrsiiiaT In at all jum-viliin iminia Pullman I'.laoe HI aria ng and Chair Car on Ihniugh trains. IHnxi ("nr aorvli-0 uni'JId. Mai or-d a la carts. In nl-r lo obtain this first rlaaa srrvtxa, ask the rirket asmt lo sWI you a tick ovi The Wisconsin Central Lines. and you will make illra-t ritnetions at Hi. Paul firt- ('lili-iiu, Milwaukee and ail fxxnia aat. Kor any further lnfriiintlin call on any tliknt asinl. or rnrrsatxinil witA JA. ('. POND. Urn. I'aas. AMnt. or JAM A I'MM'K. Mllwaukw. Wis Gonnml Airmit JM Htark Ht.. IVrtland Or. -'V r- r mm SE'JrarteTWrtaVa.iiBA.l ,'!.: . !f .ViJl;m-JVJ):'WM MOmiOII fciSfiOHl' t"n '" u" """ " f" ' ' "" " " "- M.ain O.Ufb 1 I' ' l !'....- j l .M I. if! .f.! . rt 1 4 ..I 1 r 1.1' T '!( CIICU ei iwaluw, i...,M!, i in, of cv tte.m- ;. Oil's Uot f4lnhOol. Irn potincv, Lvst Pnuet. Nj'M-Aosss, ars"nirrrtOa Snsomnm, nin Tnhnc.V.t. li f5o ,lr -x. r -I'ltOil y ml'-, ..-, sivi "sc., I.avnu Uar billlr, Slentlnotit Un'vn-its '.'.fnr,' cs '.I mm ennen, Vrir'cncai. or onj Ipailon, JJj.tkne or Ois- frill Fh'r,,i S'oiis War vou Twlttnlng; of (vellfll. C.!i--. m !..- WJA i ' - . r " ve. lun.L'vu. I-.ul kffl i.L s ciif. U .1 h.ikk rJlTil HM". MnlM. tin-t,-rl,).d argaaa, Srhnulatea tha braa and Bar. ccnlcn. v-c a li, t I t f , uj y mtl. A t!.'i.n 'I'-in-... torur m mMj KitaOtO, ath un. Cireuioa iiaa. Ac'dreu, P'lwi nil Co., 8"n emneiaoo, Oak V Mia hv Cnarlaa Rtxrer. mid other Kaatern eltk IV I fill's Utr r lluick-uce chM-ked through to destination, i.iihin iJ'-iMiis, iuwi iinia, towoan ria, Plntrch light In all cars.. u i. it a ana other information call n or sddn-as J W. IX)UN8BERRT, Afoi, O. R. N. Co. Astoria, Oregon, or J H LOTHROP, 0n. Airmt. Mb Third St.. cor Alder. Portland. Or. CASTOniAi I Th, rtv- Kath.-r Thomiis V. M i.nnh. Bearsths Ttl8 Klf.d YOU flaveAtWay Boujrht ,ln- during the. h-.i rlnrf of the .iiienl , . rn:iiuig ri'ii street, which runs trnriiai , the heart of Now York's (lilniitr.wii. wild rhiit wealthy womi-n fn tii nily o Hliimmlng In that sip-et ami piy ,n,,r girls lo smoke oj.liim In onb-r to s-e h w It Is done. Father M I.niinhtln tin h In en piiHtor of the (liurcli of Trti iimIIkh ra t I'.n In 1ilmi,town for many yenrs. nml know-. wh.Tf-of he speaks. Signature . SSa-VT Some of the officials in Mailrld tak? ex. ceT't.!"nii to Admiral Dewey's style of condiK-sing a ainp:i'in. Kvidently th.; Madrid pt-ojAe have the false 'mpresslun that Lwvi-y is on the ftinUh pay roll. UH.r -Tl jO OfWH SHASTA - fklW SOUTH LKAVE PORTLAND Toledo, Lucas As the season ot the year when pneti- . monla, la grippe, sore throat, coughs, fltate of Ohio, oty oi colds, catarrh, bronchitis and lung troub. j County, ss. . - k. .1 n.ln. nAlhlnv I ... i. ... c are m ud suaiuuu ... i-raim j. cneney ma Him oiuh I- is a nne suDstuute, win awwer m tne senior partner of tho firm of V I purpose, or Is "Just as good" as One (;heney A Co mK ,)IJKlnf.HH ln ' milium vuuju w... oi 10 eoo. ra-illnlv nnil al;it.. .. e,...... i.i f.illhl tnr all Ilinff. throat or ... . ... . ' ............ .. . . - ""u "mi sma nrm win pay the sum of oroncniai nouuiea. n . rNK J UNDIIED IKir.T.Alia h upon having It If ""something else Is d eV(!ry WM q( Cltarnh t o offered you. Charles Rogers. be . n ..... ,.. A great many people would 1e g ad tc Cure. FRANK J. CHENEY. England has token another cue from the United States and Is enjoying an un. usually lone and severe winter. Luxuriant hair, or nnrrona color, Is a beautiful head covering for either sex, and may be secured by using Hall's Vege table Sicilian Hair Renewer. CASTOR I A , Fer Infants and Children. ; Tin Kiod You Have Always Bought Bears the Snatoreof w7 ee Tom Reed on the flor of th house i Bworn (o before me, and subscribe In atraln, Inatcfid of In the npeak.r's chair, imy presence, this 6th day of December, He used to make things very liilcresr. 'A. D, 1880. A. W. tiLKABON, Ing on the floor Seal. Notary Public, '' . . ... Hall's Cattarh Cure Is taken Internally That the Wood rtonw porrorm ani , dnsctl on th, lood nJm functions It s ?"l"le,l "cou surface, of the system. Send for should not only be pure but rich in life- , . . . dvlng elements. These results are best '""'nionlals. effected by the use of that well-known 1 FY J, CHENEY A CO., Toledo, O. standard blood purifier, Aysrs' Strsapa- Sold by druggists, 76 cents. riiia Hall's Family Pills are the best. 4.00 r. U s v a. M Dally except Sunday fl:V) A. M 4:W P. M OVERLAND EX I'RKHH, for fliilein, ItosKbiirir. Ashland. Banramento, Ogdun, Han Kr'inclsco, Mo lave, Los Angeles, KI Paso. New Or leans and tb East Roseburg passenger Via Woodburn, for Mount Angel, Hll verton, West 8i;lo, Urownvllle, Spring, dell and Nation.... Corvsllls passenger Independence pass' ARR1VI S SO A. II 4:S0 P. II Dslly except Sunday f5-.50 A M .111:25 A.M Dyspepsia Cure. Digests what you cat. It artificially dltfpHt t he food noaid Nature. In ntrniiKttieiilti(f und rccoD strucilnii tlm cnlmiiHti'il (lluiitlve or ! (rans. It llhcl;iieHt( am and tonic. No other prrnaniUoa can approach It in rniclency. It lo Atanlly relieves nnd M'mianrnt1y euro Iyp-i)slit, IiHlik'i'Ntloii, Jlcnrtburn, Flattilenro, Kmir Stoinnrh, Nausea, .Slckllcii(1;icli(',(iiis( rnllii,('ranips,anrj all other ri'Htilisof ImpiTfirt digest loo. Prepared by E. C. OeWitt A Co., Chicago. Kor Hula by CHARLEH ROGERS, , i'c- ia a nnn.rrtf.i.'.'ia f.-i.i, ,.r iimiiii i in,- ' I UK.-k-J i .- spermaiiiniiira, o l b, n l.'i.t "I ". mi natural .lie On.rair4 rl..i i,.-, r any lnttiuiiuia. a i. .i.i.t. Ihii, iirllalluu nr ul.-rr. I..U .WlaO. I.CIl .-f II. UI-OM4 ft.rm Em CHIMWif!'). I"iie- ton salrliitvul eiM0lHN4 n. 0 -m "M b' atragglsla. ' wnmxniiv.r Si tin-alar sent uu rmwat. BLANCARD'S OK IODIDE OP IRON for ANMIA,PO(lttNI!5..iflhr 111.001), torus 1 1 1 111 IIIIMAI- Wl; AKNIiSA SCKOI'lil.A, lite. NollCgrnilllieillllraiK!lri"l.ANCARIi" Al.l. I IK 1 .1 .1 . IS TH . POUIllikA 4 CO., N. Y. Aula, for II. St. - 34. a. Dally, tDally except Sunday, rvmnnctlnr at Ran Francisco with Occi dental ft Oriental, Pacific Mai and One- up I o steamenip lines ror inlc i IAP AND mh n l AeN. CHINA. Af'H.HALIA ha n aii. Rebnfs tickets on sale dally between Portliind, Sncromonto. nnd Ban Francis co. Net rato I7 flrst-claas, and (11 sec ond-clans, Incliwllng sleeper. . Kates and tlcKts to Knmem point ana Europe. Also japnn, inm, Honolulu Australia, t'nn do om-ainen rri MilTT'C DCMMVDnvil OHIO inui i o i UilllllUIHL rlLLO i- er a. M VS i . -v- .1- nirj nTnrenmn Irregu. lurll v nntl iiiii1ii.i,iii.,iii, raa.t. ,kr nnil IhiiiMi --im.iii, , .t,,,,,. 'I' ll " Hi. v am " I. lit. Mnvcea" '.' a.iin,nli...'l. iiI-iIim H. i-l.'lniM-iit hi ii. inui. ninl Im..,) . N,i HIM. II. ..I. li.r Hnltirll i-.iK..i ti.. n. r.u.n..i tin t,.iftii -hi-.' I.. ""' . mt ,.rr l..i !W',"!,'.r.;'..:".Vv;. "?!;",' and Australia. Pan be obtAlri fom J. R, KIRKIAND. Ticket 131 Third at.. R. KOkHLER, C. H. MARKHAM, Managor. O. F. P A Through tickets Bast for lowest mtes. Call on C. J. Trenchsrd local agent, Wells Fargo Company's office, Astoria, Dr. Wlillnms' Indian l-lti iiliitiii.intwlllri.'e IlilHrt, IlldUllllltf Hllll lli.lilnit Piles, it IllMOrllK I he uiluys the Itching at once.acti as u nollllleii. ilvea li.ufii re lief. Dr. wlliliimu'liiillsiipileoint. niflllt Ik fnr 111,.- n...l .... Ini? of the prlviiiii purl: Kvery bu t larniiiiou.. nv iirutfgit.s, t.y mull op rn. !'"JI!t'.J,!.pr"'" 60 and '". WILLIS Vt For sale by ESTErl-CONN DRUG CA m fs I I is n b