the daily ahtouian. vvkunkhoav moiinlnu apuil. mu mm " , .V I far .7. mm An ICxcollnit Combination. 'I hn il'nmil iiii'IIhhI nml licni'lli'liil t-flccla of I In- wi'll liniiwii iiiiiiily, htriici or I'liiN, in u it u rt t iiri'il hv tl'ir ('Al.lfOliniA Km Htllt'1' 1 it,, llllmlrntc Dm viiliio uf iilitnliiliir tin- llijiilil lii ku tlvn iiliitlili uf iiluiila (.inmii In In tni-illi'lliully liimitlvr uin wcu ntlny t In-ill In I he fni'iii Hum! rc'rcliltif tii llin tttnlit ami nci'.Milnliln In tin- aydi'lii. It U llir unit pfifi'i l i,lrni(.'llii iilntf lu xn tlvn, I'li'ttiiwlnif tin- hvkIi'iii ir'i imillv. llMlllnjf culil,. Iii'iiiliii'lif ninl ft-ve'ra Ifi'tilly yt'l promptly mul i-nnlillng np to iivi-nnui Imliltiiul mrihi liiiinii per iimni'titl. lit kt furt (iiMilinii from rvi-ry tifijcclliiimliln iiin)ilv nml auli ulniioo. nml lu m-Unif mi tin- kldncya, Jivir mul Ihiwi'Ih, without ivfiilii'ii!iif or Irritating thi-ui, mulitt ll Uin lilcui laxative. In tlio priH i'M of iiimiiifnclurliig flga krtl UmhI, Ho tlirV hip plcnxuiil to till) Until, tint llm ini'illrliiul iimlltlikof tlm rvinnly are obtained from m-iiii mul ntliiT aromulli) plant, by a iiii-IIukI known to tlm t'Ai.irnHNiA I iu Kriirr Co. only. In ortlrr to frl IU lictiHIelul effect mul to it vi ild Imitations, pit-torn rvmtniilM'r the full ii it inn of llit-l'otiipaiiy prluUl on th front of every pat-knifo. CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. AM MAKOlacO. OAL LOUISVILI.N. IT. KKW TORK. If T. I'm sale ljr all Hiuajltl - I'lU Sk. pri laitilt. ' 1 1 I ' COMBINATION DID NOT WORK U JtKWAttn. The above reward will b paid f'r In. formation I hat will lead lu tlm arreti nt conviction of the man or men who tint it I iu I y rih riiiimiaetutir Cath. ran an Wednesday evening near Itainler, II. 1 M'Ut'lllK, Kith -iniiniiluiirr. luillngton 1'ootli, (ralu. k with I in Volunteers of America In t hit-ego !( Carter Harrison Defeats Carter andAltfdd in the Chicago Mayoralty Contest. HONEST GOVERNMENT WINS Harrison Polled Hearty as Many Votes as the Other Two Candidates -Denver Goes Democratic. cillcAOu. April f-Cari-r II, llatrl mill (democrat) waa re.i-lecl-tl mayor ut t'lilmgo .kiy t;y a (oUtl vol of 1W9U, iiil.iliwl fur iirn CBrtr, the r. I'Miuliiliu, and ii.M tut John I". AluHd, Ilia Independent d"imcra.dc iiIiiIiiIhId, JUfluli' il ur.t J 1 1 - Hut Xl.Oll). Tli () liuvg ulwic) tlivir ran. Oiilalra for tuwn ultlcm in llm norih mi wral iiii, . Hiuuifli lie niml muni MM)' tuk lhl fiMin Ihfin, 'J ho rrlliili tl lutiliiltilit, liuwvvi-r, IihJuh l llml (lny livt iu iimjoriiy, Tli vui from wurvli 1imwi, fir II Imi. 1fvii iiuiintiMt, Hint tlx totmlilUaiin man. nlim, The tuiili( In fvvi ward In vary ! ikI on o.iul cuuni will in.ili.ihly Ui tiMKWMry lu dii rrniiio the lull. Ti illy vuuiH'll Iw been rum ! ,! at ti uui'k.'iuiii miJ 1 r,i'UOll'-n, itiiu Ilia iloiii.j, ll mil, lh. nit 0 m.Ii r-ui!ii wurkliiK majority. 'I'hp alcrllull i ultl)) ujmjii m4 i. uoe, li u IHIinnl o liall'inal J-Mlt cfl. lKtlll( Hll.l til, CUIIIIII, 'I'llD linn uml Isknii hy May llnrrtxiii usaliml I tin JruHMri Ul )iar rlrn) li of tt'ft mt fraiuiilen m the trm eliitKnt f tile 4iillur)l)', ami gullirtl ,,uil inuri) !. irun il:e ri"ii'lhMii wi(r. AT HI'ltlNUKIKI.D. Hflll.i;ni.l.i. III. A.rU 4 -Win E. klundiy, w hiiot.d and lilaard tir nim. i ii"-W inimhlii mil wan tmloy i-le ii.t tiera of Ilia Halvatlon Arm', from whl h nw)r by It! lunalt' uvrr Jhn M niennHail.'n Mr ll'Kith ami munjr fiil:o. i Mirlrtlnr iiU-mm-rsl), rt Md4 lomi year o to furm the i Vi.liin.rra MdtnUre of ll liil.r lllh J' I,I,M1IU. the ilniiii.iietiatiuii ilue la Jalun) Mitniilrtnl lif Hit turirii i f (he new nr. mi'.ialhin. tiii: m: Hr in tiii: wmti.ti. u hrttov t'liaitilirriaui'p I'nutli I ( r III . fi i. Hie licit la lh? Wiiriil. A tew Wrrke m i eurTrrr,! mI.ii a rvrti ro d m d a ti-'ulil. inn Kiiinh ami iavlt( f I Ihrlr It . r ! 1 m f u ( in utir uii and ulhrr pi-i' ri. to imriha.rd a Iu:ile lu iro If It woiiiil rn t ii It i-uird ua before the tiulile aa more than half urd It 4 !i hint iiiocIIi'Iimi nut fur coliU and ro,ih Thr lli'ia d Andi-raonvllle. nd. t. a by t'liartea It'tioie. IKNVKK. April 4 -ll.nry V. John. on, I'lrlll.. ra' I lnl y vim tn tlUl' ul . 'iiiV"i I )' alniut Mirivlit). kki'I Iimcan i:i,i:iti;i. i nU'ltAlii HI'llINi, Airll 4 - Ir. j, hll II ltotilii-n, Ihn lr.uliluMli ctndt. !lr for llill'ir. Wne plnMnl l.y liu. j nt l It i"iviik, iho fui"n ran. li.lalc today, t-Alt.i:i 'IU VIlKATi: AN V I'l' IMI'tllCHSInN. I iiihi your uwii Iwtilne If nu th t nj.ijf ih victory. TO CU It K A COUP IN ONE DAT Take l-aiatlva Itromo Qulnlna TaMeta All druitiiata refund the money If It faoa to cure. V c. The -nuln ha U It. Q. on earb labial, Kor aal by Cbarlea Kuera, The hi-we of the liliyelinl breakdown nt Captain liyor, at rrpirteil from M fcy Admiral lrwry. ta a aurtrlwi In the navy drtiarlmcnl, and II ai Ira.t of Oil rT, l.d thai he would I'p a Vlrtliu t nrroo pioatratlon, ae h la a man of !m!!i ttiyaiitie, me of the newly promoted raplalna will te aalin-it to the command of the linlttiiiore and '! tain ))er will rom h 'me. (Tiiicura REMEDIES THE SET $1.25 ConslsHnr of ttTiaHA SOAP, to clansc tbt iklii, ailCtRA Olnioicat. to to (he skin. u CUnCl'RA RESOLVE.NT, la cool tbc blood. U ones suflklcnt io core Ibc most lortnrlnf, dlw flfurtiir skin, salp, wi Mood humors, rashes, Itchlnp. ind Lntuuoos. wlta loss ol tulr, h Ihc best physicians, and all otter remedies talL aal4.nrrk IMm.Ttii ir. Il.i ei in i Ikup, t$ i llm te. at, an. i r li, rxrt.e Ham iki iiii lu.r. Me I'imi, llualua, mtT " Hue laCart lluuufvHei-t'Mc eet'l I' li.lll.l l'llt:iehr (H-n ln-r to tla rrhnd ni llm Itr'atlona W.ih the Aawrmlily. rum fxx'AfltoM vifx nn MATjHiA NOTAIII-B 'KVKNT, rrofiilnent I'ooHa In Inrtii;lpDl In Kr. tlvMHn In lioylnif of Cornor tHone of Clilc(i'''l Vew l''alofrti'i CIIICAfJO. Art 4,-l'ominriaier ir. don bin rwlurried frutn lh iaet and an. imuiiciMl th rewult of hl rfforta In b. lioJf of th eonmr atmit fiMilvul of I ho now nwtini: wlildi will ha bold on (,'lili iiKn (lay, Oitlohnr , 1M9. On lulmlf of Win liiiiiuln coniinli !., Ir. O'lnliin am untl tin, iiri.iiilwi of (jn. cml Wraley Merrill, to uel a KrumJ iiinmlHil mid of (Inii'mt Joi-fh Ulncir to K' l ua Ihn 'oiiiiiiiiMlcr of oiui d vlalofi of tho itnut parmle. (in ln-lmlf of lh laii(iil ouniiilili'ir, ha wurid HrHnry lon aa una of th eiM-okirx, a -id soi Jiutlra SVIilie ut thn anjiriin rourl lo uoiiaM'T nlmiliir In vllu ti"ii. Ho IimIiii'. I'ualiiiiiatrr (.oi,r,il Hmltli to vromlaii an iiildivaa lit the laying- f Ilia iwrin.r tn, It,, Invti,.) fhh-f Jim. Il Kuller lo IHIva- n unit luii on Dia-t im-wMoii ami ho will do o If t,n return In lluw frinn ilia YVimkuii commikaiiin' iloii In l'rta. Mr. Uordon'a lnvltatun In irr U K.-iid Ida i.r.)la.a) waa nn. i-iiej hy no.' ore, of N'-w ll'UiiMhlre; Iiilcl, of Vktlnlu; Jon,- of Nevada: and Warmn, uf ViiiiIiik: AIJul4iil (Kticril (VirtiHi, I'(iliia(T Vaiilmrii, if Npw York; l1"lmi',-r KtiUiht. of Itli'limnnd, Va,; (vin.or rylr, Vlrtrinla; nim! Jlenry Waiter. n. Mr. Iw.nlon la nmkliiaT a vlaorou f. rt lo hv iiu) roiio-h rhl.Tii nilend the -eremotilrti In a tmdy. The matter will Iw laid tefora fioviuir Hooa.-velt when hn Vlalla ('lila:o lient Week 4o x-ult l. fro the lluiiUllon Ciiil). 1le alao Ihlnk of niakiiii; un rrrort to -ur th pre. ein of Jim -adt-t rij from W.! i'olnt. Hi indent 'm animiary, Mr. I'orter will i.wiil the fnrnioj Invltiuion ! Mr. Mi'Klnlay eurly In June. Tli Hml I. te ( itiiomieil Mr. (i-lin th it the ror. iK-r i' no ut tu now ui1) u a hliM'k of raiiM l: by 4 by 3 feet In ;, IiavUv a cavity In the c-turr 13 hy liuhea fur tt vjpr hoi to (iiatiflii wimtever Hi" uiiniilH. may cho'-ao to l..i.t in II. Th riirio-r atoiir i4 aX ready 4-ri cut' and lii In the M'nint H .do quinrl, In ' Mnlii.-. aiihjn, I to Iho onlrr of llw in. j mil In-. : 4a-e In Ilia imw t.llil.lliiK Hi 'I ! HI I lie aiiiithruat rorner in titi ! ke.ui Ivur.nvanl front, all frt foin I hnrtMirii atrrt. HARD KNOCKS FOR ARMY BEEF Physicians Say That Vlk Odors Rose From the Meat After It Was Entalmed. PROPOSITION FROM MILES PniZBKIriHTTNO t.K'ESHKTi. BAN FftANCiaOO, April f-Thn now liiw wlUi mnkoe p4!ceflirtyln leitnl In California hu heen lr.'.uifht to th atlen. Hon of th aiipcrvlaora tiy Or, ivrrault, who hi IntroducKl an or If t1itlr a H-t-eniio tit a year on jif'i fliihtlr or condiictlinf lelrx ymtnn, , In eitid.ineHlon of hi mMnur the mi. Prv1'r m.uttA IImiI ilv pwer rf Krarvt. ln i.rmlta for flKlitta re-e'! no lotucr In (lie 1ttv. and all that now reniHln-d Urt tho ij-rvleir wi to recu:nt th port hy llxinjj a IU hk a, pollc m;ieur. Th min.t.'C , r' frnl io the itiy ari l founiy attorney frr a Ri oj.lnlon. Wishes to Turnish the Court With Witnesses, tut His Offer Is hot Yet Acted Upon. IIKAVV TH1tiM Hl'SiNISW. HAN rilA.Wim o, Aiwll 4 -The Ki. atiilnor ; Iurtiitl thn NUt fw moiithe tln-rr hiul Ih-. ii un iinpioreih-iitxl inrreiuie In the vtiliiio.- uf eHa and tin. orta ot I't.iM iiuo Tin- b'i;ii- i f the i u.l.'ine h'Mir imw r-'iirlnd turh mak'- l-jilr thi' the toi. ivl foOeof i iniu)i- la Wholly lll,u!.HU.ltr. mot t ".!.. t.-r J ..k . .in hue H'iltiiiiii'il thn (r.niy il.tmrl- iio ut r, ,w! i.i.i',. aiiHiint rim. ma lim-Bi'titr. IhirtiiK the kiet mo iu h inuiiy vii-la fr m fon-lKi xrta we e I,i)ei1 In d; Imnjinn th. tr rarnoea In-. imiii, thr no!'ii'u h"iio lout not aullli'. nil niiii lo M-rfirtn the wt-k riilrrl 1.) Die I Hiittiw lniiort Inw. VVAHIIIMrON, April 4 -The army court irf lniu;ry aKiio hiwn) lr. Ijy In ri-a-iird u the hinu..ii..r of ih nf furnieh'il the army during the lata war. lla riUimtiy hi former ainicmont. alil Ilia rmpect to the wnr cmimieJ .n and declared Unit r;frtirnit'r teK atiudt Ilk a cuduver ft,-r It hiiI bn etiiljulinl. lr. Nlcelifnua, of , J'lillad'.phl. who an. In I'orto Itlco, rorroOorati'd thla lioiUiiwiti)-, coinw-liif the nll of !hw le ef to , t,der lleUt a dli-.-tlnf room. Ttie ly lirouht out a proposition fritn Ui-ri'-riM il.i u uni the wurt with a liUtfe number of wltnineia, and Hint he hud In KHiruary .ifferiij ofllikil rcporia (f 11" ollic.-ra aa tewtttnony, twa thn; ihe court Imd not Imlli at-d It a ci-jitanK of Ih-in. Inirinit the alOTnocn the b'rd nt a rH!y lo irfieril Sltlm, anylnit II wiiiiO Hike the mattor of tile irup' to uit y more w itima umk r coimldi-r-at'.Kii. hut liill:n.i.:li Hut th,. b'rl did not ruiulre furth.-r teatimony r liitlnn to rannnl rout beeif. HIIAhTKIt 'PJ UIVK KViUr.NCK. HAN KHAM.'IHi'O. Apr. I 4.-(;iiml Hhat:ir h.ia tn t n eiiiiiiiioti, to app ar u a w.tii'H l-forv Ihr U'.-f Imjulry court, n w .ittinti In WumilriKt n. HLAMKH TIIK CONTIIACTOIIH, itiaiwtur (iir.iuul lire k:niidt;e' (ijiln. Ion o IPi.f J unilahrd 'the Army. NKW VullK. Aril 4. lnpcctor U,-n-era! J. C. lire, kliirhlitc. who h;ia Jut r-. lurniu Ir mi rorto Jtico, la quoted lu I the World In'j-rvii-w n ;i)Ihk: "ll U i i.NTirn:ii.nNATK hnt;;m;r law. I'KNVKU, Afrrt! I.-Th Oldrado nt. latum in !ta cI'mIhk h'lir fuMy) an In. dmernilnnie 'titen'e low, It provider nn a mui.miim and a rrcixrrnum fen, t'-rwe, and (flvia th (Mnlitnihiry com- mll'n.ra th r!Kht to parol prlaonera after -the niinlrnom term naa explrexl. r. 1 . u II Forlnfatili and Children. UKNKUAT. AND HEWS DEAD. fWKjKlASE. U:. Aprk 4-Georse Ixj.nartl Ari'!rwa, 1rvel major general l'nltl Htatea arnry, rwlred, torm-ly profeior of modern lanarixw at th et I'olnt Arudnmy, dt of rwart tronlle at hUi nonie In DrookHn today. He waa 79 yejir of ware. MIXI.VU WtMPASX ISCORPOtiATKB THBXTON, X. J., Ar11 i-Antdoa of Im-orporaxlon of th Am'rknn Refining Company, with a -.ip.tal of C, 000,001), wer tiled with tli aTeiary of atau to. day. The company la empowered to mine, melt and refine --re, mineral and motala. COIA'MUIA WILD UK REPAinED. AX ntAXCIHCO, April ,4-The tun er City of Columbia, which revently went on the riff at Hon iiu u and wna aubte. juenr.y a'.il for I! Ms, la to lie repaired land plHiid on Hie rJU.e between llawaU and China. D1I.DY l'OHT ItlX-f)MW VIOLEXT. KAN KrtANCIWO, April 4-IJIIy Poat. th (itxni atiijcer, hajt Un adjudged In. Mne and taken to he aaylum at A'iiea. Khr w.ia no vHent (hat the altendania were competed to tdnd h?r limb In or-ili-r to kei-p li-r from hamring hewlf. THE ODD WAY Of Treating; Dyapcpsla and Indlgeatlon by Dieting a Dan?crou and L'vle One. We aay the o'.d way, but really It it a very common one t the present time and many dyapvpticx and physician a well ronMlilrr (he first arn lo tulr In st illy opinion .thin the trovernm-nt In. ,,, inri.t(o. t. .o ai..- TO DKVKItl' o(li:TAI, TRADE . t'-a-hd to furnleh the army with food. llio- I ke of winch hud v.-r been cen by tlm ii rtn y of any ,iunir. I thlik lliiit th.- coirtrart'M-ii. to u- u vulvar term 'iiiiiic in a c;! ib-ck.' The canned ro.iM be,! w-ua ..irK.dy unlit for food. It hud no nuirl.hiii. I put .me of tin-canni-d In my aa)i:rb.iKa und car- rliil It over to (ietx-rul jitr head. iiHiiiniri. I (cave ll to on tf the muff lifllir and remarket! 'here la a livat XEW YHK. April 4 -A lUapat. h to Ihe Trlhnno fr-wn lli.vatm ay: tlen. ml e'lio-' open letter to hla wife und rrtuln Haii lAimlnlin friend pub'iahed yewirrdiiy liaa fulltl to make any Hp' lc iiU. tiW.' laoiirwMiuii, . mainly ne. iniuo ll waa a almplo rental of hi rela. tioiia with the na.ombly and t-ontaineil no tUltialon f any irt to lib. futute lrtigmmine. tlftieral O'liiin )! tinothot- o,ig in. li-rvti-w t.nluy with ilem-rnl irike. tr. auumbty aieitil the prupoard ulwtnbut on the $.l(.iiiti ftiniy fund without the ..i.oprretliiti of the nmembly. Word hi 11,-eii uisod nrnmul Ilia lulnnd that Ihe ewn mlliwry tli-tmrtment are .Kin to i-oiieolldnted Into four: the tve idental, iilriii-lii I'lntir till IHii and th pity mid provlmw t,f Havana; the ceniral, inlirm Ini; M'ltuniaa and Hnnt nam; ill,. CumaKuey, conelatlng of Puerto I'riniHiie. and th oriental. conauMlna; ot H.mtUtt.1 Urn h reorvunliatlon h lieen liidli-atrd f"r .tome lime Kat by Hie ut-ille.l" f 'he lejtnd ntid the heavy rii! mad,, 1n the military iablleJuiient here. The Iim.iiI ni-HKHU'w" revive the ru iii.T that tl.nml Dudlow- l noon to be imnwferrr.1 from II ivat a .o 'io Phll:p. dne, itnd thai (leneral I,re la lo b- nude the head f Ihe ihvliieniiu ne. Piirtnnent, tl.-ii.'tal le aifdnlmiit wlu'. be nil eKi'i'd'-nt olio from u polltli ttl ldnt of i-l.-w, lor lie hn the cordial friendship of neiirly all the rlitn.-nia In ihe iiopulotkiu here und h a cliiinrr lo guilt a v.iiua. I.'e tnelnht Into Ihe working of the Cu. tmn iliantiler DAC1S CURTAINS. Mr K. namuen I preparad to do up curtain In atlfctory aiyl. Good aork guaranteed. Ixav orden at Ora. un Ilakery. HAN KKANCIAX). Apr 4 -Ho Y-ew the fhln.-oe cunaul gTuril In thla iHy, j auiio-eaia the fommilon of an Inti rnatlon. I al trading conajMiny lirtween thla eoun. try and China lu rake advantage of the preit fav.'rntjle tviids'.on for the d.-vel. upmetii of Am.fl.-cin tntile In the orn-nt. Ho nil-mlil'il tlv Vlt'i to lhi Hun Priincloi-o Chiinil-r of tVxiuinvce. It I llo tow'a pl.m lo fun a iniipany which handle niiHif,u tiint. and nil oral prilii,ttii of nil kliiitf. t-Mhihllnh il'ti'le and 4(eis-lrs In ihn trttt,:y tH,rla and other 1-iIiiIk In i'h. mi. w4th a oaplttt of from ti im!.i".i lu Hi.ii.ti ant) :rnK enough to compi le with thr a mllc iti-w ,mT Knicliin-I and (litmaiiy, Ither by (electing certain food and re jecting other or to greatly dlmlnUh the quantity uoually taken. In olber word, the starvation plan I by many cupposed to be the first essential The almost certain failure of the star, v alum cure for uvspepula bis been provea time and ag-.Un, but still the moment U)'pt-pla makes us appearance a course of dieting Is al once advised. All this l radically wrong. It I fool. for vu.' He ut once .Hen.J one of the h,u and unscientific to recommend dieting tana and the appt-afunce uf in food and 'or starvation AVcgclatlcPrcpardtionforAs- slmluitin Hi food arvj Hculii tug iiu: 5 kjicuhs and Ltotb cl Promotes Di$e5t,on,Chccrful rtCSsarvinKtonuiinsridifiir Chiniii.Morphinc iwr Mineral. lOT Naiicotic. KmfttfOUtlrSMaUmCBZ.1 W Smi Alx.Jwnm llCwtmttUf i mrw A perfect Remedy hr"r.z''s- tion , Sour Stomac h. b mi husa . Worms Xrmilsions.Fo'srioh ncssandLoss or Sixer. lacIin-Je Signalurti of KEVV- YORK. Tha Kind " Yon H; lUtu Alway Bear3 tho Signaturo cf Boughl A A ,4 m . r AM The Kind You Have Always Bought. 1 U U M til V M li H H ii ti 3 mm 1 IsiM eomArw, cw err. BUFFUM & PENDLETON Hatters and Furnishers. the ("lor rinlltid dujki.;mI him. "cur men, bolh tu l'"rto KUo and i Ctiliu, sei-mr.1 to he in i xrellrlit s;lrus, and the re'rK' of the rKimenia had an ratvllrnl elTix-t on iho native, i "1 do not allow that it Is ihciwary (or 'me to ea anything about Ihe campaign , In Cutis. That l nut only uikm-ii: hi-, bry. but uixirdtng to tl.ncral Hhaftor's reporta, I ik no piiri lu the i jminin. Still I have it very deeded lnii.rr.- art 'Imi1 I was there. "Tile people of Porto Itb-o are much I ( niiv cuntenled than in Cub.i. In PtIo : It co they art- tllvdid into three pro-SNiiii.-di, ainonom.fts and annt-xa. i tloiiiitiH. The autonomiatw riiresml dyepsla. to a man aufferog from because Indigestion Itself starves every organ and every nerve and every fibre In the bady. What ihe dpeptlc wants is abundant nutrition, which ipeap plenty of good, wholesome food and Stuart's Dyttpepila thing to assist the weak stomach to di gest It. This Is exactly the purpose for which Stuart's Dyspepsia Tab.eis are adapted and this I the method by which they cure the worst cases of dypepsli. In other words, the patient eats plenty of wholesome food and Siuart'sDyspepala Tablets dlg-sts tt for him. In this way the ytem 1 nourished and the over, worked stomach rested, because the tab. lets will digest the food, whether the Columbia Electric and Repair Co. Sitceensor to COLUMBIA IRON WORKS Blacksmiths BoilerMakers Machinists Foundrymen j Loggers Supplies Kept in Stock LoutflMK -:nulncM Unlit ii nt! l-tcpnlretl. Heavy Forging Under Power Hammer a Specially Soli- Mil tin fiirt ii rcrs of the I'nstirpHSscil ... "Harrison Sectional" Propeller Wheel... C'oiiti'nctor.H lor Kloctric flits anil l'owor l'lniits. ' West Shore Mills Co. WOOD- 7 Slab Wood $2. Cut and Delivered. CAXI'IDATI-St IXKD THE MAMA. Clllt'Atlii, Arll 4 -The prt nt mar or.tlty itimiiit'Kii hn lM-.-n n record breuk-r In the volume mall sent Ihrotijih the .iitt 1 Hire. More 11 an 2- 1 t) iili-KK b.ive bn-n went out. The only other coni.-Hla thttt attpruai-hitl hl lu th.- Use of the mat wuh a: th. tln.e f the fiMirtniu ntl tinit. at In w.i.cli Mi'tliiei ad Wnohbilrtie, Kinlrr i i:i burnt'. I'. C. It. "kit and tV.rtir 11 l',tr. niii wi'iv einr i--!! ! r inc may, rtiity. II . about 15 per cent of :he iHi.u;a.tion, but "tomach work or not. One of these tab. The Dtilk "f l he prm.-nt imiiiila;ii was tiutmt-'d .iilo the i at ort't e the laet f -ir .lata, and the clerk oirtii-i were itliinwl btirhtl by ,th--lum he. h,n md ,va. IOWA TO ItEMKYE TIIK tHtl-;i N. HAN MtANCISCO, April 4,-Thi Iner oiiya : Tho b itUi l)1t Iwii, at pr. a. I ut nl tin- I'n un Iron wutka uiidt-rK uK rtMitra, hn been ord.Trtl to pimic d to ' Moulin to reil-'Vf the Or;iii. The Ore. j Koii ha.t iH-eii onlensl to proceed to Sill I l'r.iinieo a soon un the lima iK.uit. j Ri'iMlr In pnurri-KS o:i Iho wmi take j Hun- week or more lo nci-onip lh. h'lu--will the nbe fen! lo Port lrt-h.u I to be I docked. It Im ftiUl that aho eprtint; it I si i;li i lisik by tiuiniiliiK Into a ! r in Now York harbor, und tha! otic ot her ctei-l pinto will need lo bo repulrc 1. Wlld.lAM 1'IIII.I.UVS 1NSANK. SAN 1'ltAXCISCO. Apr.l 3-WI,llum A. I'lnlllp. an itrtii'JUhr d ecliolnr, nd the win f J. X. Phillip, h litiuou mlsioii- iu-y of liiilliiim, hn bene plncvd a warJ of the rotvlvintf, ho)dial to be held un- til tho ti ne lion of hbi randy liaa been Inqtilnil Into. Ho whs taken In charxe In the Oakland 1'uln.k- Ubrury ro-iins by Hoi-Knint Ciiecn, who found thn de mented Htmlciit united w-ltli a Oo'.t'n ds t, i ami hi pocki-ttt fllletl with cm trlilum. Over mudy Ih bi-iitv,l to hive affuviHl the yuuiw 'm-tn'a nilnd. AI-'i-'AUtS IN A1UIKXT1NE. NKW YORK, April 4. A dleputch to th.' Herald fiin ValparnlHo says, Thr Piinn tie Attlcnmn comnil-Kloiier iiiilved wi lalo hint n:ht thU the thmitt-ned liotll tlenionittrrt'tlon did not tak p ;,co. PriKldent liRiaiir! will start In n few day on a (rip through the nor;hern inovlili-f. The feeling iticnJilKt the award of Mr. Wllllnm I. nurhnnan. I'nlted Htnte tnlnliiler to Argenllne, Pnni de Atariima district, I tnilwItHng. Counter, felling of Jl.OOO.tiOO notes has be.-n dltt. eoverid. The (?oJ(l premium Is 29 per cent. 1-WTATE (OKS TO MRS. 1 HWK i.K Y. SAN KRANCIWrO, April l.-A tlUli.ilrh reielvwl from "Washington ta:e. Hut the Mivrt'iiitf court of iho United State dlanilosed -the nppeal of tho Kentucky or "ilypsy" Ulyihe'e In Ihf-lr suit r-ir pnn of 'tho esmte Wt to Florence Blythe Hinckley hy her father, the late Thomas H. niythe. This dt-cllon c-onilrm tho HUo of Mrs. Hinckley ti the ette, which ouivlnt rhlefly of property In this city, valued nt tibout $5,000,000. they are prem lili: the do-trine that the 1 Inlander have only ch:tnt;tHl one utk- master for another, und the Am Ti. cans are fully us tyrr.tnlcal u tilt- Spin. , lanl. " The prolixin h lectitnlie the Im portance of Ihe sovt relgnty of a we.l tttitlnlehiil government and the annex. atlou'.Nt' naturally favor American ru.e. Neverthi'liT,, there 1. tnoiiirh tllixin. l -i-.t to warrant th- l-iief of trouble a: any time. C.otiui I-. tt vt;ly old m;m tin! hiu It come ;o dlpiotmii-y he can nive the aveiMge American plenty of biWiy and cxtuc out ah'-ad. "The rot of Cubnim who have Spinish or Aug 11-S.ixon Idoisl an- very arrogant. 1 hey coneider themselves superior to all und tire ll.ib'e to reluso lo ree. CKiii'c our law. "1 me that In Now York you have bvn burying mine of the poor fellows who died on CuImii Mil. IH) you think the reiiKiva: uf the bodies wiut a great sen. s.itliin? ' "We ought lo eattibl'sh n.ition,i': c m. eti-r'.r. both in Ciilr.i and Porto Rico, for niiiny more Amer ci'i.s wl.1 tlu-ie. Th,, exhiliniOK of the bodies s,-vnted to lack d.-.-oriim. Th- cirpcs were pric tlcalh' tthovi'btl Into the cotllns. They had not been hurled long ennutfh to be come coeleions. They had been Interred t,:o low t warrant their atl-f.ictory removal from one eottln to anotlier." lets will digest J-.oO grains of meat or egv's. Your druggist will tell you that Stuart's Dyspepsia Tab.ets is the purest and safest remedy for stomach troubles an! every trial makes one more friend for this excellent preparation. Sold at SO cents for full sized package at all drug stores. A little book on stomach diseases mailed free by addressing F. A. Stuart Co., Marshall, Mich. The only representative of the VitnJei' bilt family, affording to the New York World, who offered his services as a soldier in ihe recent war, Is William Howard Vanderliilt, a resident of Ta coma. Washington, who en..sted us a private !n -ihe First Washington Volun. leers. He 1 a grandson -of Commodorj Vanderblit, and was made a corporal soon after his enlistment. W4.w KNOX Gloves, fleekmear, Hosiery, Underwear, Umbrellas, He. ShlrtH Mode to Order. Sole Agents for KNOX HATS. 94 Third Street, Comer Stark, PORTLAND, OREGON. Send S-Ceat stamp to par posiag aad r a TV1 Tahla for lsM. FISHER BROS. Qeneral Supply mm 'am. nousetor . Family Groceries. Builders' Heavy and Shelf iardaiare,Ship Chandlery, Etc.- Can Bar Ton Money oa Estimates of Materia! of Brery Daxrtptloa. ' Stop and Think! Are You Getting Best Meals, The Best Liquors, Or The Best The That can be had In the city? If not, It la Because you have not visited Beds Jeff's Restaurant. For those who require a genuine feed. May get there with economy all that they need. Thousands who know it bars freely confessed That ot all the great caterers "JEFF Is the BEST. l ook for the sign ot "JEFF'S" and take no other. Established twenty years. REMARKABLE CURE TISM. OF RHEUMA- How To Gain Flesh Persons have been known to ain a pound a day by taking an ounce of SCOTT'S EMUL SION. It is strange, but it often happens. Somehow the ounce produces the pound 5 it seems to start the digestive machinery going prop erly, so that the patient is able to digest and absorb his ordinary food, which he could not do be fore, and that is the way the gain is made. A certain amount of flesh is necessary for health; if you have not got it you can get it by taking C0li'S EBDUlslon You will find it just as useful In summer as in winter, and if you art thriving upon it don't stop because the weather is warm. toe. and fi.oof all draggfeu. SCOTT 4 BOWNB, ChemUtt, New York. Kt-nna. Jackson Co., W. Va. About three year ago my wife had an at. tick of rheumatism which confined her to her bed for over a month and tendered her unuble to walk & step without as. slstance. her limbs being swollen to double their normal sic. Mr, 8. MadJox Insisted on my using Chamberlain' Pain liaim. I purchased a sO-cent bottle and ustd it according to the directions, and the next morning ehe walked to break- j fast without assistance In any manner, j and Ehe has not had a similar attack since. A. B. Parsons. For sale by Charles Rogers. Large Invoice Baby Carriages Just Received. . 50 different styles; Prices from $5.90 up. C. Heilborn & Son Seattle has the news that a rarty of i Ave Flnlandent clulm to have dl.-eovered evidence. In a series of old mounds, of the original boundary line of Alaska as establU-tiietl by the Russian government, which places the Klondike region wK.rn the territory ceded to the Vnlu-d States. United States Consul McCook, tit Daw. son, will communicate. It Is Slid, with the authorities nt Washington concerning the matter. The "Death Knell" has been ound--d to Apothecaries' Drugs, nnd a sign "TO LET" will be In many windows of doc. tor offices since the Aunt Jane Home Remedy for female troubles has been placed on the market. Every man or woman, married or single, should send a two-cent stamp to our office for t beau, tlful illustrated circular, free. Address The Aunt Jane Medicine Co., rooms 13-14 Lewis Halldlng, Portland. Oregon. The American and llritish represents, lives at Samoa worked together Just as effectively as If a formal alliance ex. sled between the two countries. In almost every neighborhood thrre Is some one whose life has becn,s.iv.'d hy Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diar. rhoea Remedy, or who has been cured of chronic diarrohea by the use of that medicine. Such persons make a point of telling of It whenever opportunity of fers, hoping- that It may be the means of saving other lives. For sale by Charles Rogers. i si si ssjs. asst ja, aa a " rtai m yr! 3 "kr I bit ii ir. arm. n irvs k i 1 Astoria's .Leading Hotel Megler & Wright, Props. Napoleon was the world's great est general. We are Astoria's leaders in Stoves - Ranges A carload , just arrived, i ! lower than ever.' Trie; W.J. SCULLY, Sole Agent. 431 Eoni Street, Astcria