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About The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899 | View Entire Issue (April 1, 1899)
TI1K DAILY A8T0S1AN, RATUltllAY MOKMNU. Al'KJ I I, 11WU Easter Millinery, Direct from Chicago. Her you will And th prettiest and clsverest creation of to milliners' art la th NEWEST BAILORS and TIUiDIE D HATS. W wilt toon hay thm on xhlbttlon In our window, but weanwhtl call and lnpct them. Compare our price with th Fancy Price you hav been paying for the goods. Sailors, 24c to $1.64. Trimmed Hats, $1.24 to $3.98 THE FAIR, The Place The BONBONNEIRE. P. J. Meanyvrra merchant Tailor and Exporter of pars. KWtft Caah Prlo TaU far Tut Skin. Tenth and Commercial Bt. Astoria, Or. TODAT8 WEATHER. Fair. AROUND TOWN. Monty to loan Ferguswa Bro. Best U-oent meal. Rising Sua restaur ut, Ol Commaroua aet. The Stats of California arrived In yes. Urd&y from San Francisco. The moat delicious ice cream and Ice cream aoda at the Parlor. The tag Samson crossed out yester day with rock barges for Gray's harbor. Beat California win JO cents per gai- km. Alex. Gilbert, sola agent far Astoria. Telephone 2- The schooner Prosper arrived in from San Francisco yesterday. She wiil load lumber at Portland. I Wallsend coal and cuke is (be best for domestic purposes. For sale by the As. tori Gaa Light Co. Sweet cream received twice a day and no charge made for whipping or deliver. Ins; cream at the Parlor. There will be evening prayer and an ad.' ministration of the holy baptism at Grace church today at 4 o'clock p. m. tr. Ball has removed his dental office Into the Mansell building, over the Eastern Tea Company's store. Contractor Lebeck yesterday sent a crew of men to Chinook beach to move two houses for ex-Judge Dalton. On Easter Sunday there will be a cele bration of Holy communion at Holy In. ooceuts' chapel. East Astoria, it 9 a. m. The 'crew of the revenue cutter Perry were paid their monin.y wages yesterday by Deputy Collector of Customs Parker. Advance styles of a new and choice selection of men's, boys, and children's spring clothing will be received by Her man Wise today. Grease spots, blood, oil, stains on dresses, coats and carpets are promp'.ly removed with Naptha Soap; three bars for 25 cents at Rogers' Drug Store. . Rambler and Ideal bicycles for sale or rent. Repairs and sundries at lowest rates. Call at cyclery, 533 Bond street. Columbia Electric and Repair Company. ttr 1" Gaines' nrlvate stock whiskv. ,,. ... . ,,, handled exclusively In Astoria by John L. Carlson, la one of the most popular! beverages sold. Its purity fnd quality are guaranteed, and It is especially rec- ommended for family use. It is sold In j any quantity at the corner of Twelfth j and Bond streets. mm v. , ; i . . i . y r 1 --fVe-c,, ;: 1 Sole Agent E3 frt,ri:i,.-"V- V . " iM"-'! y r ' j j k x mi' r THE FAIR. 50C3-508 Commercial Astoria's leading Confectionery Store. Finest in Oregon Lowney's Chocolates a Specialty. Page Block, ASTORIA I County Clerk Wberity yesterday Issued : a marriage license to Leander Leback and ! Minnie Mary Ford, both of Clatsop ' county. The British ship Irby, lumber laden for j the Orient, Is in tow on th way down the river and is expected to axnv this morning. Don't fail to attend the matinee at 1 o'clock today, 'The Gold King." Admis sion, children, 13 cents, adults S cents to any seat in the house. Columbia was the first county to pay Its state taxes this year. On Monday last the state treasurer received a check for tT.SST.fii, the amount due. In the county clerk's office yesterday G. B. Tripcevich. a native of Austria, and Malt Koskela, a native of Russia, de clared their intention to become American cilixens. Superintendent Hansen, of the Chinook hatchery, states that 730.000 eggs were hatched there during the past season, and that onchalf of the young fish have been turned out. "Easter services in Norwegian will b? held at the Norwegian Evangelical Lu theran church tomorrow at 10:45 a. m.; Sunday school festival at 7:30 p. m. No Sunday school will be held In the morn ing George Nicholas was adjudged Insane before Courrty Judge Gray yesterday and ordered cor. fined in the state Insane asylum at Salem. He was taken up on last night's train In charge of Sheriff Linviile. The- M-;:hod..-t church Is making ex tensive preparations for the Easter serv ice. An especially attractive feature wU be the singing, wh'ch Is under the direc tion of Mr. Belcher. The decorations will also be very fine. The program will ap pear in fur. S-jnday morning. The A. & C. R. R. will run an excur sion to Stable on Sunday, April 2. The Noble's Dramatic Company's band will attend and furnish music for the occa sion. Trains leave depot at 8:30 a. m. and 12: !0 p. m.: returning, leave Seaside at S: p. m. Round trip tickets, fL Contractor Lebeck will finish the addi tions to the Schmidt Bros, cold-storage Monday next. Mr. Lebeck has the con. tract for driving several fish traps at New Astoria and the building of pet racks at Skipanon. He will commence on this contract as soon as the present job is finished. A Chines,; wedding party arrived on the midnight '.rain from Portland last night. The bride was a belle of the Chinese colony cf Portland, and the groom Is a liroinln-nt Chinese merchant on Ninth htr.f.. this city. The party was conveyed in carriages to the home of the bride groom and the event was celebrated by firing off Chinese bombs and firecrackers. The Easter services at Grace Protestant Episcopal church will be as follows: Early communion, 6:iW a. m.. morning prayer and sermon, with second celebra tion oi Holy communion, at It The of. ferinss wiil be for the parish Indebted.-, ness. Children's carols at :30 m. The mite box offerings will be for missions, The annua! parish meeting for the elec tion of vestryman and the transaction of other parieh Business will be held in the church on Monday evening, Immediately after the 7:50 services. NewSpringGoods Ladies Shirt Waists Nobby, Stvlish and Up - to - Mit.ufactured by tbe Famous TroJn ilaaiufacturlng Company, Troy, .N. T. These Wais:s are considered the flnest made In America for style, fit and work manshlp. Colors guaranteed. C. H. COOPER, for to Save Money Street, Services will be conducted at the Con grvgational church tomorrow by Rev. Kdw. Curran. The morning service will be held at 11 o'clock and the subject of the sermon will be "The Message of John the Baptist." Special Easier service will take place at 7:30 p. m. The sublect of the discourse will be. "The Vlctorl.a of an Easter Day." Sunday school will be held at IMS p. m. At the Swedish Lutheran church to. morrow confirmation and communion services will be held at 10 a. ni. The ser. mon only will be delivered In Swedish, the remainder of the service being con ducted In English. There will be no Sun day school. At 7:45 the pastor w ill preach In English to those whom he has con. firmed In past years. A short aldren In English will also be ddlver.d. The steamship Monmouthshire arrived down from Portland yesterday with n miscellaneous cargo from the Orient. Sit was listed considerably to the starboard side, caused by W tons of coal in the bunkers which was taken on at Tor,. land. She docked at the Flavl cal bunkers to take on fuel. Fifty cars of coal arrived over the A. & C. y-sterdi) atnl will be put on board. This will 'amount to l' tons. j The finals In this week's K!:r.g con. . test were played off at the Football 'l'i! alleys Ia.t night. The mark w.ij AX made jby Sovey's team, but It was not .le-.iten. jWoodneld's and Strauss' teams finishing high with &!. Wise's team secured ') ' and Itosorth's men 1. Wiodtll l mad the best sintfe score. 51. while Wise sr. i cured the best flat total. 16. Hereafter the teams will bowl on Monday. Tues day and Wednesday night. Tomorrow Is Easter Sunday and ex. tensive preparations have been made by ail the churches to cvMiraie the day. For the past few days the m. mb. r of the different houses of worship haw been busy decorating the church, s for Easter. The floral offerings at the Cat ho lie and Episcopal churches are espec: illy rich. Special Easter music has t-en prepared and the attendance at the d;f- I ferent services promis's to b. very large. At the I'ri sbyt- r an . nurch -vl- ' will be hi id as u 1 tomorrow. The c!i"ir has prepared special music for bctli s-r. . vices. The theme of the morning mien i wiil b-, "Spices for the ll .-o n 'hr!-::" the evening th me, "Easier Thoughts " At the dose of the mormn? service t!o sacrament of h" Lord's uppnr will I" celebrated. There will be a pr- iurot ry .service this eviilng at 7:9'. The Endeivor society will hold an early E iter servl -nt 7:5 Sunday morning. D. C. Butler, formerly a rcs d-nt ' f Cathlamet. but now a member of oni pany A. Second Oregon volunteers, has had the extreme pleasure of diminishing the numb'-r of Filipinos by one. Butbr was on guard duty and the Filipino herd, less of th- orders promulgated by th- Americans for the peace and good order i of those portions of the Island under oc cupation, created a disturbance. With commendable promptness. P.utbr dis patched Mm, sending ;l b'lilet throush his head. j Burglars entered the pc'St.,fnce at Ciais : kanie Monday night, pry ng open a buck window. They secured a few cen's In ' mone and a number of stamp". Th y then went to tlx- stor" of liryant & S n, where they helped th'-ms'-ivs to sh's.s and other articles, but t'n.y did not tie. t cure any coin. The same night the A & ' C. depot was entered. An effort w is made to open the .safe with an ax. but In .this the men were unsuccessful. It Is thought the robberka wire cornmitt'd by tramps, several of whom have "hit" Clatskanie. of late. Fish Commissioner Mcluiro, who came down from Portland at noon yesterday, Iwas busy all afternoon Issuing liccnie-s I to fi.-thermen. In all over 'Ji licenses were ! granted, about one-half of them being to Iglllnet fishermen and the remainder being ' Individual licenses. Mr. M'.OuIre Is very well pleased with the way In which fish ermen are applying for permits and ex. 'pressed himself yesterday as being of the 'belief that the threatened rus.h at the j opening of the season would bo avert, d, Datc. aw Astoria ! ml The eltlienshlp qunlltlcatlon hsd consbler able to do with the delay when Mr. Mo. Gulre first opened the office here, but nearly all the foreign fishermen In the city have taken out first papers. Mr. Metlutre win be At the offlve today and will return homo tonight. It Is believed thai con I will be U.-d tuiM In a short tlm on nil the etglns of the A. A O. road. The first experiment will be made on engine No. 17. now at Portland. The engine will be brought out In a few days and will be run on tlm ballast train down from tjulncy. If the experiment proves satisfactory th tire boxes on all the engines o the road will bo changed. This will occasion no In convenience, as th fireboxes are con. i rue ted to burn either wood or coal, with slight alterations, SiiiH-rlntendent Mc Gulre says wood s fuel has proved un satisfactory. There was always trouble In getting a suttlclent supply ahead, and the result was (ho wod was ! damp and unlit to hum. That old standby. "i-iat Lynn,'' was Ihe bill presented by the Noble Niupany at Fisher's last evetiiiw:. As an emotional play It stands, alone, If you can't shed a few loirs at a performance of "East Unn." either the performance Is very bad or you have a wry bad heart. I: Is needless to say tears were In evidence last evening. Tile leading role. Lady Isabel, was plucd by Miss t Ilia N dd in a masterly manner. MNs Carrie WP . man, as Miss Carney, an old maid nl h opinions of her own. made a ti t. Otlieis worthy of mention were George Nobie. W. It. lilreh and liarton Booth. The company will present "The Hold klttn" at the matinee today, and will end their engagement here tonight In "The Tucky lianch." The experience of lvputy Fish I'ouiiuis. stoner t'.ithe.irt. who was ilted upon by llslurmen near liainier Wednesday, has aroused the Ire of Commissioner Mc G'.iu-e, who has offered a reward of fUj for Information that wiil to their arrest and conviction. A sirng . (T -r: will be made to bruin the guilty parties to the Kir of justice, and they will be severely dealt with If caught. Mr. C.v.ti cart was unarmed when the shooting oc curred. It was never dmimcj bv . liliir Mr. McGuIre or .Mr. ('.uncart that ,uu of th,, fishermen wo-iM resort to th of tire inns. In pa-t nrs. wiilN Use l!le patrol Knits have carried arms on la! occasions, as u ruie the d puty ba gono iinartned. ll.n ifier, howev.r Mr 'atluar: will ; out en the river "n. :! h.e'e.l." b.- ilrst iMi rinan who Mies at the Jur.e.ui n:l!, if he u-. Mp d-a'.ii gi away with the Impress;. m hi- ei.. i-i-iinlered a battleship. Mr. I'aHv.trt Is i'ht-ccmplexiioi.-d and pr go.i, ei t tired, but Mr. M.siuire lias n.:ru t -.1 to r-setit ,ii. y further etT.u: on t J part of Illegal fishers to bring iib-n: h 'extermination. The lot of the tl h riu. n le did th s!i 'Ollng was s- l d an I brought to Astoria. It Is uew gear and f.r.h 'ms in length, and worth over l'-prefy steep price f'T ih pr.v.l. g of tv.j shots at a deputy llsh ctnmis. sinner. Mr. Cathcart also seed inoiier g.lln. t. Tj fathoms long, and two tieiiiets. Ail this geur ! sold at aue. tlon unl the funis used t fur'.h-r the work of prop.ig.t(ton. NoTliS iTt'M THK WKST Sil'i: NKW AST! Mtl A March 31-The ottb ers a rd l.idl s ef the revenue cutter l'errv pa--s.d a very pleas ml afternoon ut r t SteVet'S. M oi. lay They were royally en tertained and shown around the p. st by i aptain an I itrs. Smith and 1'r. and Mrs .Sk!-inr. Af:r s.eing the sigh's "f th" the guests repaired to the r -dd-tie ".' Sup-'riti!' tideiti I ei; wli.-r- t !i. y a.r etit. rta at lutu li. Th. y 'li-n r-t'irr.d . u board the l'erry and left up f'T As!"-!. i at 5 p m. Th- party was com. p.--, (.f ip iln and Mrs Kllgore an I tb. ir ! iiighti r. Mrs. Harr; I.i-uteiian', Mrs. .Sid and th. .r little s-n. Chl-f l.tig,i;-er M"tiroi. ar.d Mrs. Monroe. Mr. fS.d I'arnpb ii has r"tunod to bli !i ri..- m 'Varreitton ufter a year's ub. s ri( e in Alaska. Me was eng.ig.-d In tlo cloth. ng business at Skagway. but. owliw to po'-r beaith, was forci d to sell out and r-lurn to the states. A b.ii y b -y of It pounds bright, n- d th" home of Mr. and Mrs. I.ars.-n, at .N.-w Astoria. Tuesday ncrning. Mr. Kiiioa im has received his nun. lliK-iutl ,e p-.S'tn i.-t.-r of the tl'-w pvt. lib e at For' rft-v-ns. Mrs. i.'aptaln Htiiith and Mrs. ije irge A. Sk. n tier w.r- in town Tburs. day. Moj-.r lb - i. of Kort Canby, .p nt )' t'ro.iy v.":t:r.g at Fort Stevens. Mr. II. II. I .'.Balis was a visitor at FV-rt .S'.'-V'-Tis To- 'Jav, AT TIIK I.OUVP.E. Man..;, r Kratz, of the Iuvre, will give a grand i,(e this even, rig, th t occtu s,on bcini.' the first iifipearance of ttio Amin- Family leidl.-s' Orchestra. Th" ujip-r fbjor of the building w ll be thrown op.-n to the public. The Arnme Kamlly Orchestra has been engaged for th sea son of "ii The orchestra has play-d in ail tho b-adiiig cities of the. country. They are se.k. n of us being highly talented arils.-s and have received the highest praUe from the press and peri, pbj wherever th"y have appeared. The citizens of Astoria are Invited to attend tho opening conc-rt tonight. Seats und tables have been arranged lor tho com fort of KUetits. The program for the first week follows; PART I. 1. March, "The Charlatan" Houa I. Waltz. "Viaions of a iieautlfiil Woman" l-'afirbach II. Selection. "Mikado" Hulilvan 4. Polka, ' To Wlilt" Ilolllnwui 6. ;avotto llcrzlo bchen liuruld C. Medley .Selection, "bouthefn Pas times " cuilin 7. Waltz. ".See Haw" Crowe 8. ftelei-tlon. '.Murtlia ' I' . tow 'J. Poika, "Nitilche" Fuhrbicli PAIlT II. 10. March, "Under the Mouble Kairle Wagner II. Overture. "Mght Cavalry" Huiipe 12. Waltz, "Tree .loile" wapueiiici 1.'! Kelei tlon. "iioheminn Oirl" Halfe II. Polka. "Tbo Jolly Chinaman". .MoH'S l.'i .M.-dl.-y. "ropular I'ousso caie-.. l!oet';;P; 10. c,-,votte. "La- Toulurele",,..I'.lleiiiierg 17. Waltz, "J'apa.Mamii" i;ay r IV Fiaaie FUTi-Hi: of tiik iiicycM;. It Is agrctd by all bicycle manufactur ers that the 1S1)3 models represent the perfect wheel. Improvements seems to b ImposDlble. Precisely the same thing is true of Hosteller's Btomach lilttci-s. It represents the limits of science In overcoming disease, and It Is Impossible to make a better medicine for the stom. ach, liver, kidneys, and blood. A few doses ot the titters will start weak, ner vous and bloodless people on the road to strength. A regular course of treatemnt will brinff b'. 'k the pink to the cheeks and sparkle to the eye. Sleep will come naturally, and It will be refreshing and healthful. Dyspepsia, indigestion and con stipation will be completely banished, and the blessings of true health bestowed. Never take substitute for this perfect remedy 1 l'KUSONAL MKNTION. Judge lu-uiitbach, uf llwai-o, was In lh city yesterday. Mrs. I. Hurke, of Seaside, spent yrster. day In the city. II. M. Ogdrn and J. U Punlap returned to Portland yeatenlay, Mr. and Mrs, Asior Seaborg, of llwaco, a iv visiting lit the city, Peter Grant was n pasaenger from Port, laud on Inst ti'cht'a train, S. Norinllo rei iirned from a business i iip to Portland Inst night. Charles It. Trvsvott, the Portland cold storage man. la In the rlty. Thomas II. Koss, a prominent farmer of vliay's river, Is In Ihe city. S Schmidt was p.ieiigcr m, m Tel ephone for Portland Iumi nig It I. Sergeant Hendricks and son, of Foil vanby, were In the city ctorday. F. Ilenslll, of Morrison station, was In the city yeaterday, making purchases, Mr. A. It, Hammond was a passenger on the Telephone pr Portland last nlfc'ht A. W, Blackford, of Clntukattle, slain organiser of the Woodmen, Is In the city. t Bishop, the I .owls and x'larke farmer, was a visitor In the city yesler. day. B. P. Slgler mad.1 a trip to Hkamoktwa yes-tetday. He win rnurn to I'ortlunil tonight. Judge YVIutoii and daughter were pas. sehgers on the mliliilght express from IVrtlan.t larft night. Mr. otto a well known Port, iaid It.neiing man, arrived In (he cliy yesterlay. He will return tonight. Ijeiiienant Iturke and Engineer Hs, of the revenue culler Perry roiurnrd on the Stat yesterday from a vll( In Cal. Ifornia. Mrs J. T. Boss returned on (he Stat yesterday frm a two months' visit In California. Mrs. Koa was ncoomp tilled v her daughter. Maud, whose health has te en inn, h Improved by the visit. Ill !l A UK A t. hi ITHK TI.HM. OF It I IE I'M A. Krmin, Jackson Co, W. Va. Ab.uit thive years aito my wife h id an at ta.'k cf rheumatism which oontlued her to her h.d for over a month and r"iid r"sl her uit.ibie to walk n step without as. sistame. tor limbs being swollen to ! ",;,!.. t)i,ir normal sise. Mr. S. Ma ld"x l:.os'e, on my using ('h.iiitber'.alii's Pain lia in. I purclins-d a :.ccnt bottle and us. , It a-cnliiig to the d recllons. and tie- toxt nuirnltig she walked to breik-fa-! wi'.hnit assistance In any manner and she has not had a slmliar attack .;n e A It. Parsons. IVr aie bv Charles Rogers. lillAI. lCSTATK THANSI'HItsI M Kelly to livmla Tatt-n. lots VY : and 1. 1 Abb-rbrook t l ,i M l',. p.. to M. K. and Ida Pope. ..tie. l.trd ..f lots i:. 1J and 14. Uo k and b'ts 1. 2 nn.l 5. tract 1 Hu b r Aik.-n s: also flvet acre In northwest corner of northwest .pairt r "t norUieast iiiarlor. see 1 1 ..ii . township ? north, rang.. 9 Wist WllliS TltAVr.I.IN'i trt Whether on pleasure bent or business take on ,-very trip a bottle of iK'.gs, as It ,i. ts pleasantly ' fecttiali y on the kidneys, liver, and I jeis. preventing fevers headaches arid I other forms of si' kio'ss. Kr sale In trt. c.-tit b.oti.-s bv all leading druggists. Man. jufactiir. l bv the Cailforniu Klg fvrup ! t'ompativ only. ro nr.wAitn. The above r-ward will be paid for In. ? .rma-li n that will b ad to the arrest a rid . ..ini.-tloii of the man or men who dn.t at lieputy Fish Commissioner Cath cart on Wednesday evening n.-nr Itainb-r. II. I M'lit'lltK, Pish Commissioner. LACE) CURTAINS. Mrs K. Itasmussen is prepared to do 'up curtains In satisfactory style. Oood !wnrk guaranteed. Iae orders at Ore gon IJaksry. oiigrem:in Charles 8. Ilartman. of Mote ami, says that the new Henatnr from that State, W .A. Clark, concerning wh"e elect. on there where so many i barit' S of bribery. Is easily worth more i 'b in J.i Ksi.issi, and will be able lo buy i and sell every one of his associates. It s sincerely lo be hoped that nil the as. fce-ialeK are Pot for sale. Tl-.e "Death Knell' has been sounded to Apothecaries' !rugs, and a sign "TO I.F.T" will be In many windows of doc tor offices lnce the Aunt Jane Home Remedy for feinnle trouble has been placed on the market. Every man or woman, married or single, should send a two-cent stamp to our office for a beau, tlfitl Illustrated circular, free. Address The Aunt June Medicine Co., rooms 11 14 I.ewls Hulldlng, Portland, Oregon. FISHER'S OPERA HOUSE U E. BKUO, Lessee and Manager. Week Commencing Monrlny, Mo roll 27 and Saturday Matinee. Nobles' Dramatic Company. (iraml Orchestra ml Cornet liaml FOLLOWINO 18 THE REPERTOIRE: Honday "Oiir Strategists." Tuesday-"(;oll Klnf,'." Wed nesday " Kneben til hp." Thursday --"Train Wreckers." Friday "Aline." Saturday--" Lucky Ranch." The Sa'urdny Matinee bill be announced later. 'r i Hear the Ornnd Orchestra and Bllter Coronet Hand. Reserved Bents, S3 cents; Gallery H cents; Children In gallery IS cents. Seat sale at Orlllln & Reed's opens Mon day. Positions Secured We aid thosa who want c oveniment po sitions, 15.000 place under Civil Service rules: 1,000 yearly appointments. War create a demand for 7,000 employes with in ( months. Bureau of Civil Service Instruction, Ut Fifth tret. WaahlMtofl, D. 47 BUFFUM & PENDLETON Ilnttern ruul KurnlHlicm. Gloves, ., 4 . Sole Amenta for II I Third Stm t, (nuor SUik, Send t-oent stamp lo pay poalaf FISHER BROS. Builders' Heavy and Shelf Hardware, Ship Chandlery, Etc. Can Bava Tou Money oa Estimates of Material of vry Deaorlptksi. West Shore Mills Co. WOOD Slab Wood $2.7 Cut and Delivered. W. F. SCHEIBE, A tull line ol Pliwt, Tobstc, and simoktr.' A'lHlc. T- CorliMlcrllnl SSI. Columbia Electric and Repair Co. Successor, to COLUMBIA Blacksmiths BoilerMakers Machinists Foundrymen l-oaKlnit liiittlitcs Hull! iul Repaired. Heavy Forging Under Power Hammer a Specialty Sole Mnnii.iidurers of the I'nsiirpiisscil ... " Harrison Sectional" Propelior Wheel ... Coiitnictuisl'or Klcctrif Milit-s ami Power I'lunU Portland Trad ing Stamp Co. Store 345 Washington St. Waa ylslter durlnit tha last few daya by a large number of Astoria people fc Inspected th elegant ood which at given away for Fre Trading Btamp. Tha publlo seem to appreciate tha advantage offored to them by to Tradlsg Btamp Company. lb merohanU In Astoria which fir them to thsdr petro report an Increase In their trad. Ask your morchants for Oreen Trading Stamps when purchasing goods. Bampl display at B. F. Allen & Co., 365 Commercial St. Merchants of Astoria who will ilve Green Truding Stfunpn. PETERflON & DROWN, IlooU and Shoes, No stamps on Rubber Goods. HERMAN- WI8B. Clothing and Oents' Furnishings. ECLIPSE HARDWARE CO. Store, Tinware, and Plumbing. MRB. M. McKENZIB, MUHnery. GRIFFIN A REED, Book and Btatlonery. Portland Trading Stamp Co ISAAC STERN, Mgr., 345 Washington St., Portland You need not take your book with you when whopping! Ask for Green Trading Stamp, Neckwear, Hosiery, .. t4l 4 . 44 j unoeruiear, umoreuas, tec. HIilrtH Alittlo to Order. KNOX MATS. 1'OKTI-ANH, OliKCONT. and t a Tide Tabla for 1M. General Supply Mouse for Family Groceries. Large Invoice Baby Carriages Just deceived. .M) (lillV-lclit ntylr.M; I'ricnt f'riii $,V!MI ii p. C. Heilborn 5: Son mnnutacturee ot tlits Alxsya UHatlo "La Belle AstorU" Clfir Schelte'sOpen Star Scheme's Special Ami I llir I Irnivri IRON WORKS Loggers' Supplies Kept In Stock MoALLEN A McDONALD, Dry Goods, Etc, Bte. II, ECK8TROM, Jeweler. THE RONHONNIERB, Confectionery and Ic Cream. WILL MADISON, Cigars and Tohro, B. F. ALLEN A CO., Wall Paper, Palat u ou THE WONDER DAZAR, Fancy Notions. Toy.