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About The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899 | View Entire Issue (April 1, 1899)
I'll A DAILY AHTOltiAH. SATL'ItDAV MORNLNO. APUIL 1, IB'J'J. maw W iu I VaV.iV I 1 r.i All Kxtolh-nt Combination. Till ili'ltltfit nii'tlni uml belli llrllil I'ffi'cU (if ttlM well kltmvii mildly, Hriii'i nr I'ihh, iiiiiiiiifiii iiiriMl by Hm- Ai.iroiiNU I'm sviii'i i n., llliiMniiti llin vnliui nf ulilitmliitf iln liijiiiil 111 Kll tlvC. pl'lllf lll'H llf lllllllU ktlHlVII l III' liicillnltiiilly limit I n' uml tircoiit liiff tlii'in In t In form mi ( ri'lrrnlilnir hi I ln 1nnt uml ni'i't'iiintili tii llii a.vMf-in. It In l ho niiii perfect kfri'iig-tliriiliig- limit' tlvn, loulntr tliw Kvnti'iu i lti'i'iniillv, IUii'llliiir I'ulili, lii'Miliirlu'ii hihI frvciD Ifniitly ycl iriinilly nml ciiiilillnif one tu overcount Imliltiml ('(iiiMlpntlnii kt limiii'iitly It Hrfii't f ionium fiuui tivcry uliji'ulliiiinlilii iinilltv nml auli Munco, unit lU lU'tlntr mi Ilic klilncv. liver nml limvoU, w it limit weakening nr Irritating tlicm, muUu It the Meul limit I vc In tin' prori'HN of iniiiiiifiictiirliiK ere. iihimI, n tlii'V nic plcnntil to t lit taste. Init tlii iiii'illi'liml qiinlltliwof tlin remedy tire ulitaliioil from m'iiiiii nml olliiT NMiiinllu plant. Iiy it liiellnal known tit tlm ('Ai.iriHiKiA Km hviit i li. only, In (tfir t' iff t Its brnrflclnl rfTi'ct nml In Avoid Imitation, plcuao remember the full name of tlii't'oiupany printed on the from or every imk ubko. CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. ! AM rilAKCIH-O. CAL. 1 LOOIiVILI.B. KY. MW YOMK. IT V. I fur ! by ill imiiKin -I'm Hk: ptr Iiii, CUBAN MARINE IS ENCOURAGED President Directs Tb8t Registry Fees for Document of Foreign Vessels In Cuba Be Abolished. POLITICS IN PORTO PICO Republican Parly. Fiultlm In Amerl cinlsm ind Fivorlne the Cold St ndirJ, Orfanlztd. WAHIIINUTON, 'March 81.-I'roaldcnl Mi Is In l.'y by ail order mada puhlla today, iIiiiiiimIi AmIiuiiI H'i rxlury of War Mriki'ljiilin, haa takmi Ilia Aral Imporlat ; iti'llmi toward laying tho foundation for purely Cuban man hmt marine, I In linn directed Uml all yglalry fees imposed fur the. iliirllllirlil of foreign veaecls In 'iiha li nJi"llli'l, 'Itila will mil only allow C'lidana to iuri'lm alilin In inn ihm'l maikKla of Din win hi, till I Will elinliln ti-m i mill u a viirrylnv traln, wlilrh llii-y ' much iit anil whit ti y the uimrutu tux uiiilcr Iho Mimiil!i ruin whi almont tin - k naillln, llm II i a 'lii'll for Hid 'iilian v-i l I. a tilii rta wllh a whim rntlan. TOUR FAO. Hhowt lb atata or yajvr fltti) M lha alaia of your hoalth wall. Impur blood make lllf apiiarrnt In a pl ami alio comiilnlon, piniplra and akin rti llona. If you ara frollng waak and wort out and do nil hava a haajihy 'iar anca you ahould try ArkTa liluod Kllilr ( uraa all blood dl'raara whvr rh"np araaparlllaa and ho-miimJ nurinra fall, knawinf Itila wa acll vry bottla on txMltiva guaranta. Kr ala by Ka'aa Conn lm Co. IliUTO UK "AN l-ol.lTICAL PAItTV. j HAN Jl!AN. J'orto lllco, March E-'or. j rrMiin)i'iiri of lha AM'iclalwl l're ) j A new Mui!cal pnriy haa lw.n b'rti-"lh mmtillcnn parly or I'nri.i jiico. Thoiiah tba party w nrganUrd by ll" rmlli'Mlt. uniUr th hadrrlilp of Wmi'i'l Huaary. It tin a for lla ol'J'i I tha aaaoiid linn of all lha tilll'-al rlrtnriiia on tula U.ainl, and tby have ur ! Uni a pint, furm w .. .. la pruiioiinii-d to 1m faiilUr.a In Ma Anirrn anlaiii, Tha platform favora t jiili ian. I ml, 0lli;V Ilium. UANKltl IT, HAI.T I.AKi:. Munli 31 Wai ri-n W, Corvy. wnll known railway onntraotur Of OHln, fllnd ft palltlon III III Mural court untay aaklng that ha tin declared bankrupt. ,'ory' lluMlliira axifrrfiit lt:i6,W, of which only , aciirl, lla hu clioacn acll'in to tha amount of lm.UH, and clalma j(irit purHonal prop, rrty to mnoiifii of pir., Oorxya fullura la largoly attrlhutnlila 1o nionny luat ;n an Oregon railway aontnict, It Mug uiiOVraliiixl tliu.1 throimh tha nullupaa of llin c'oiiiMiny llicra )m loat tivrt V)S. Tha crcilllurB holillnif aocurlly la tha UKlru Hnvlniia bank. . T1IK AMKItlOANH WIU. HIIAUIJ 'DIM TAXATION. New Ontario- ftcvniin j Appllca Kx i'.nlv.;y to ,iiiimii rclni ti nil I'liiiimlil irKir.iilina. XKW VOJlK. Mnfch 31. A illaiath in tli Trlhiirm fnnii Tor niu, aayai Or lulu A incHm n Ihli ioliiK hunlnoi In l in I, i rlii wl, fi.. ih, oniirailnna of I ho lrivlnc gKvciiiinciil'a new ravanua law. It iii.l!ia i-X'.uaivrly lo (iinini'ri'ial mid IliMnclnl corii:iMtloiia. aiililnctlna tin n ha, truai, li.uii. InMirancc, railway, ta- i'i-ca and naluriil ana coinouiilca to viirlnua intra, which ara naa.-aard In aoma caaia on capltul, In ulliira on Income and In (lll othrra In a dlff-irent rlcmont, Thi. tin'uaiirr, Ha dm provincial Irani. urcr In lila a peach Introducing tt, la found on a at tidy tf Hi,, pracilpn In COMMISSION TO BE APPOINTED Course Decided Upon by America Germany and England to Set tle Samoan Difficulties. AUTHORITY IS UNLIMITED King OKir.of hoiway li; Sclcctel at Umpire In Cass the Commission Tails. WAHIIIN'ITON. Mnrch Jl. A Joint high loiiuiilaalori l act tin the efitlra H. inoiin irouhla hua been pra tlcally aitrrod Uon by the I'nltwl Hiatea, Oriat llrrtaln i! nd the Oerman government. Ka'h nation la to b rcpreacntrd by one inciiilicr of lh commlaalon. It la to hnv ,(MI'.HTK" Ft'Kfl Vll DAMAGES. K -V kit hi! V(rf's0- i!?-sM S H, (Kibe ) &&&& PliMi'a('iirvfiir'itiuiiitli'ii ' n prirt lcaa nirliclnr liirfiitiuha. I linvi' witliiii the mt lew wwha ilia rove rc nnotlicr tuiint In H Invor. nml tlmt la: It la n SI Hi: i t ItK fur I.A lillll'l'i:. if ! ln tlio llrat aymiitomaiin'niitliixl W. A. Him.KIiman. N". 4.1 HualiiK-11 Hulliliujf, biritiKllilil, I)., Jan. 1 1, 1KM. Tha Pl Company. Wafirn. IV tVIa bat ll IM Lul hrniul TMtcalkaaL t mm lu UIIWlI h.m ny JmHmwa. i,(ii ltlTLiaT.j I- . . .. '.n -T- in '.V.' -.. yrwv jTTk yto. CTO .V TX 1 THE OCC in aeveral ituiea of iho union. Il uuottd i,r ji-iicutlv unlimited authority, without l'f. Ulliniiu'a work on rorporailoii loxeg m. neceaahy of referring Ita derlalona aa hla mini-, but to any on acquainted '. tm,.u , everl rivernmenta for aP- wllh that aulliorlly l( la manlfeai at',,roval. Ih flrat glanca Into tha reveiiuo bill that I i. i. tPt that, by conferring aueh com- tha provincial ireaaurer entirely inlaacd !prl un, finnl authority on th high tha point f It. irominlaaloii. th danger will l obviated It la liner, atlna alao lo nola Dial lha I...... ...h.e (mIim ka and delaya. reaaon fur tho m w laica la not unrelated gnu another Important provlalon uniler to lha I'nlled Htalea, Tha trnaaurer apol- ',.,,i,ai.1.-ri.lliiri la that King Oarar. of N"r. (:ed fur them by aaylng that ihey hd i wy'UIJ e,en, (hall be umpir. In ra been rendered mcm.ary ov ti m l paaa. ', )hrH, j,gh commlaahmera hou'.d fall ed lt year, requiring that all pln rut .,.,, B determination, on irown lumla mux Iw m'iuufactiii.l, i mifx i ....... If maiitifaciiirrd at all In Chiih.Ii. Of eouran, Ihe iiieanlrg. Ilil''i.l.iii and rffect of ml ana to prohibit the eM.riuilon of aaw hta from the O'-org. Ian hay dlatrlct to llin fulled HtiUea. A a grm e aaa given to ennble thn Anierl-tiu '.Imit hotdera lo udapt Ihrti). a"lvea to It. iini4tienil-. tha exiriatlnn nf bga Mini on aa iinuul ihrotigluiut ( he laat (Ming aeuioii. Hut It i. m go no limner null . lhr law la reieuleil. ('onaiiueiilly. Trenaiircr llarrourt apprehenda thnt there (kill he a uuterinl alirlnkaife In iho recelpta fur llftibir dui-a rol'.ecied on i lie i ma n i.iihI. 1 her aeema no prlib!lllv the Muhiitan lumber. in in will Imim ilinlrly acrotmnixbiie. tlnrn elvea a far to tho reairliiluna on their ti'p.' of m.iterial aa to move their ruHIa to thl aide. The;r out of loga, therefore, la no buixer to be riilcuialrd on In the latltiiate of revenue fmr the roitiltw; year. 'I'll I nieiina that aome aubatliuie for 111" .iik iiCkT.K4le if alumiii;e duea ihey .nl l lo be fxiilnl. and tha nmrl provldea It In thla revenue bill which ylilil llm.ii! of fJtai.uon a ).ir, ll la the llr.t i.ui!iie of ihe province Into lire, i ta.'!tl"n. Heretofore ihe crown land particularly ihe llmtior turned Into nier-hninl;e on ih.e ,ninl. kept the t.rovlnce In neiirly nil the fumla It wanrd for current expeiullturea. The American ahnre !n Ihe new taxea will he mainly In rrlnMon to the c.iital 0I'10BITI0W COMblNK. KATTIyK, March 31.-NotlaUona are ponding; for tha purchaaa of tha port Townaend wlr nail work by partic who ara organlxlng a combination ' In oppoaltlon to th American Bte.el V Wlr fompany, who raeantljr purchd th Kvurett wlr nail work. VMi WTKVA. AND I HOW THtrBT. NKW VOKK. March Kl.-Tha Com. mcrr-lal Advertiaer aaya: Article of In-corp-ifiakn will be. filed In Trnton and Jeraey Mty tomorrow for th Ili-publlc H'ceJ n Iron ('ompiiny, of thla city, with .1 capita! of V,iO OWi. whhh may p'cathly be lucreiiaed to ttQ.iJUA. MKLMCN OK A 1'L.KARl'RB TU1P. HA.V KHANC'WO, iMnreh Sl.-C. . Mllen, pr.abjent of the Northern I'uclflc KaUrotid 'omf.nny, I In Ihl c!ly on a v lt which he declare la i,urt-l for (.(Hhiire. . PacificNavigatipnCompany HTKAMKHH It. r. Klinore W, II. IlarrlMon ONLY DIIiKCT UNli AHTORIA to TILLAMOOK OAKIHALDI HAY CITV IlOHHONVlLLiS ConnifClinaT at Atori wltb tha ()reon IUIiroa.1 i Suvlaiition Co, for Hun J-'riinelaco Portlarnl and nil ixiinli cukI, For frelnlit mid pgaMin iter rate apply lo Bnmucl Elmoro cVr Co. General Anta, ASTORIA, OKE. COIIX A CO,, Airenta, OrcRon lUilrol k Ngyljration Co., TILLAMOOK, Ore. VOUTLAND, 0r. MKItJtfAM'8 KIBM EXTENIjED, H'AHHINOTOX, March ai.-IJrlgadbr General Henry 0, Merrlam haa been an. aigned to temieirary command of 1ha de partment of th Mlaaourl In addition to hla duile a commander of tha depart, ment of Colorado, GERMAN FORCE LANDED. l'EKIN, M-irrh 31. .n comequenc of the recent atlu?k of thi native upon a German patrol, a amall German fore ha been lunded at I-Chou, a coaat town a abort dial ante from Ktao Chou. ANIEHSON rnOMOTED. WASHINGTON. March L -Colonel Tbomaa M. Anderaon haa teen appointed iirlgailler general In tha regular army to aucceed Edaln V. Sumner, retired. Stop and Think! Are You Getting The Beet Meals, The Best Liquors, Or The Best Beda Ttut can be bad In the city? If not, It l BecauM you bava not visited Jeff's Restaurant. . For tho who requlra genuine feed. May get thera with economy all that they need, Thouaand who know It hav freely cont.aaed That of ail tha great caterer "JErf U ih BEST. Iik for the rn'irn of "JEFF'S" and take no other. Established twenty yeara. CIUKK MOJ4E3 DUD. ' HAN niASClWO. March 31 -:horle It(e. n wialthy ni.inufnr:urer of Chi ago. i...a been aiied for t-'J'i damag.a by !.!- lie lb'Vd. a hotel. Who c:nlllia that h aaaaUiteq h r and ehokc! her until he filmed becuuae aha locked hla room door after placing aome toavt Inalde. Hi w In the neim at the time, and thounh he had n key, he rang fr a teny to ien the rtr. NEW VOKK, March The totJl dead Tlun. It la alleged, he purued the girl of the Windaor hotel Are now number 41 nml attacked her In the hall. Vr. Kenyon. ;(f the,, 30 are unidentified bodle. Roe'a phyalclan. awaerta that he wa tern SEATTLE. Mirch 31. A Poat-lnieilL atencer aperlat from Cregton, Waab., gay tomeatlc at the pleaaanton tnut . nief loea, the well known Indian xhlef, died at hla home on the Colvllle reaervation laat B.iturday. THE WINDHOR DEAD. jHirarlly demented, having lin an valid for aome time. In- THE MCl'LIVlll NEEDED. In almoat every nolghborhood ther 1 aome one wboae life ha been caved by Chambei'.aln' Colic, Cholera and Diar. rhoea Remedy, or who ha been cured of chronlo dlurrohea by the uae of that VAl.I.EJO. Cel.. Mari'h 31. It 1 the medicine. Such peraon make a point generil believe amoiar navul olllcer that of tellinif of It whenever opportunity of the cutter M.Culluch. now at Mare 11. fer, hoping that it may be the mean of and, will be ordcr-d bacg to Manila, aavlng other live. For aale by Charle after tieing given a battery of four Inch 'Roger. gun. When the McCulloch van de- j . inched from the Aalatlc fleet and ordered Major I -a mar Fontaine, a civil engtn. to Han Frandaco, Admiral Dewey aald'eer of Lyon. Ml'., declar. he haa dls (o Ciiitn:n lloip'r. her commander, that ' covered in Arkansas. ajareading over three he ould better rr(ir,i , ,.t ,he Raleigh countle. the remain of what waa once go than the M'ulhK'h. The litter, owing the metropoll of the Mound Bulldera, to h-r light draught nnd handy o.uall::e. ' and undoubtedly the largeat cUy In the Napoleon was tho world's great est general. We are Astoria's leaders in Stoves - Hanges A carload just arrived, lower than ever. rrieos W.J. SCULLY, Sole Agent. 431 Bond Street, Astoria I ASTORIA MEAT COMPANY 1 Telephone) No. 32 .Mare. to Dewey ihe !( tyi of craft for ehoiil water work. LILLY It ST INriANSE. I Astoria's LcacUng Hotel Mcglcr 5i Wrllit, PropH. WiuHWmWu R. L. Boyle & Co .Lentil tin Real EHtntc Dealer of ASTORIA, OREGON Write fur Information mid Pamplik'tx. Inveated In Aii.vliaii lnaurane pom. -tunic doing biiaineaa In Ontario. The' BAX Fit A NCI. 'O. March 31. Lilly hi. I provldea that every I fu Inatirance 1'"'. who ha achieved considerable company which iranaacta biiaineaa In th" lll-'ce na an opera alnger. la locked up province ahal! pay a tax of two thlrda ln B Padded cell In the tnnane ward at of one per cent on lla groaa premluma receiving hoepltnl. ll,r friend rea on Ha Ontario liualiiena of the prtvlou 'la'ng tlmt her mind waa falling, con. year, but In ratr of tire limiirnncf eom. eluded to have her taken Into cualody patilea, which receive premium In cnah. pending an r xamlnation aa to hi In die lax ahall be collected on the groa anlt". pii-mliiiiia n-reivtsl by aueh cominy In ' 1'he unfortunate woman Imagine that cnah In reaped to the biiaineaa trammeled h:,' ' leliig puraued by a relent bat ene. on n caah I'aala my, who la determined to kill her. It la It further provldea that where the re. hoped that with proper cure her mental celpta from premluma of a life -e baiam-e wl.l be retorl. , e. -iipany whoao head ottli la elaewheie J than In Ontario. re leaa than fc.ftJ. and i GRADCATION CEREMONIES. lure auch company loan money on c. i - urlty and hua Inveated In the province' NEW YORK. March 31. The cl.iaa of llniuai or more, auch comiMiny ahn.l pay ,,f ,hr Wlman law courae in the New ik tax of one per cent calculated on the 'York tinlveralty, in rap and gowns, gath groaa premluma and nm .fourth ' one ''r'-4' In Madiai n Sipmre garden concert p..r inn on th income fr.-m Inveatmenta r",il ,'"'t night for graduation ceremonle. ncelvcd by alien tonipany in to The hub n crowdid with Irienda of the world. Major Founialne eatimate that It riiuat have had a population of 11. 000.000 in the urban aection alone. He haa traced the Mound Builder from China and has looked for them ln Bmih Amer- he bu.iie trauaacied h re in tic cedii'g year pre. fi.'I.I I'oinnicifiiil fStri'Ot i l Ti ! ill illniS I P l&li mm AVfRcliililc Prcpardlion for Ar -siiuiUilinf the; Fooil nndltctf ul.i ting ilic Siomai tis ciwl Ikwcu cf mm Promolcs Ditfcslion.Clxcr. .il ticss flnd Rcst.Cor.tali.5 ndtlur Smmt.Morplune nor Hinc."ul. otNAhcotic. JVmAin SttJ' Alx Smn '.. SJtf JntH Sfmyi ipffrrruji -lhOnimmStJ ftmrmStrtt -fmM Miff . lliijiW thirf Aprrfrcl ncmrdv T' rr"ip-.lip.v lion, Sour Sto'i;.c!t.! t'iirriwca Worms .Cnnvulsirs.l-Vvcnsli-ncss and LOSS OF SLEr. FacSiir.'.'a Sijnulwc of KEVV" YOIIK. 1 IT. t.j.'tj . . . . , ;vvi..j: z.z-rrt i z i EXACT COPY Or WRAPPER. j . .. For Infanf'S nnd Children. flTiio Kisd Yen Have Alwap Bciight T) AiL Signature S ) aV jT IP M 1 w The Kind Yon Have Mimys Bought. IP lill tmi oiNTua Niwvoaa errv. KIRMT uniCIAI, DCTIE8. NEW YORK . March 31. Chap ulna Johiimin ii nd Sni'lli. of the fire d p.iri. iiienl have performed ther tlrat t l'i lill dull, ant a Wane In n Harlem etiUilv They drove to the lire logrtlnr In Chap'.uln Hmlih'a cRirlngc. which haa be"tl aupplled by (lie fire depart ii -i t. They found, however, that their nervier wore not needitl. They wntuhed the pr grcaa of the flame for an hour, and then drove to another lire at Mad ami avenue nnd One Hundred and Twen .eth atreet. It wna getting cloae lo dav'.ght when they tlnnlly returned to their hmiiea. "It wa n novel exprrlcncc." auld Chip (alii Hinlih. " nnd I wna greatly Intereat. ed. In uplte f the fnd tint we found m need of our acrvlcea. 1 ahuFl not mind th,. Inconvenience und the lute horn II I tlisd that my effort are rewarded by practical rcauita." will r.umcii'ATi:. NEW YORK. March 31. -A dlapatrh tJ the Herald from llucnoa Ayrea any: The Aritentlne iiovcrnmenl h charged the linlUKtrlal union to prepare the partl- citlng element necessary to pnrtnklng In the commercial rxpoaltlon lit 1'hlladcl. phla. Minister Ituchnnan will accompany Son- or ('.initio t ivn. me mimaicr oi puo.ic works, on nn excursion tnrough the southern tcrrltorle. i "ekirted connsellora." The clasa In. dud, Mrs. Virginia Itrooks McKelway. jwlie of Dr. 8;. Cliilr McKelway. editor of the Hr xik.yn Kjigle; Miss Nora Leslie Monroe, daughter of the publlaher; Mrs. Robert K. Homier, wife nf the publisher; Mary tillroy Mulijuecn. dnughter of for nu r MnMr (ii.roy; and Mrs. Washington A. KocKlng. THE REST IN THE WORLD. We believe Chamier!ain' Cough Rem edy I the beat In tho world. A few week ago we auffered aim a severe cold and a troublesome cough and having read their advertisement In our own and other pa. per we purchaaed a boitle to see if it would effect us. It cured u before the bottle waa more than half used. It Is the beat medicine out for cold and coughs. The HeraCd. Andersonvllle. Ind. For sale by Charles Rogers. I Handles Only the Choicest Meats I 4s Comaaarcial St., aczt Palaee Rtajra.t. The Palace Cafe W. W. Whipple, Prop. Finest Heals in the City Special Attention Given to the Preparation of Banquets. WANTED FARM HAND. Wanted, a man to go to Tillamook: and take charge of a ranch. Muit 4m a first. class farmer: beat of referencea required. Inquire at this office. ! LEO & PEWS 1 SAUCE THE ORIGINAL WORCESTERSHIRO t f-7 ; : jfi nnwARn op 5 ; J j IMITATIONS J $ 1 This (Ignalnra la J Jl I a avorjr botllo: jr T John Duncan' Sons, Agents, New York jr 4 John Duncan' Sons, Agents, New York CANDY FOR THE SOLDIERS. NEW YORK. March 31. Heforo the de purtiire cf Secretary Alger from Wash, ington he approved a circular author's lug candles in half-pound packages to be kept on hand for ante as atauCes lo oil) ccr and enlisted men of the army. This Is similar to action tuken In European armies, based on recent dlscovrrles a to th,.' food va'.ue of sugar. TO CTRE A COLD IN ONE DAT Take laxative Ilromo Quinine Tablets. All drugglit refund the money It It fads to cure. 25 r. Tho genuine has L. R. Q. on each tab'.et. For sale by Charles Rogers. If the Investigations continue much liini;ir It can never be mild that the roast of beef was not well done. I '1V i These tiny Capsules are superior to Balsam ot Lopaioa. Cubebs or Injections ano. CURE IN 48 hUUKa the same diseases with out Inconvenience. .V,-iiS'iiPecfTV.e. MINISTER TOLD HER TO USE CimCUM FOB BABfS BUKCH Uy little baby broke out with a akin disease. Our family doctor attended the baby eooUou. ally, but did ber no rood, lalau tried a specialist, but be only Unuporaxily relieved her, and acxema o.Tercd th cbild'a (ara aud body soopletely. Wblie the child' euff. linga were moat toleose, Ui Rev. Mr, t)locklirlJu toU me about Ctrl, rt'na. I eomiueDord trcutir.g the child, with tho result that our liiu daughter is djw well of the diacnaa. CUTicinu Ukmsdiz cured her. lioptU.'W. Mio.lC. it. BI.YfllB, Dallas, Tex. (nTUTDCl Toke.owthalaw.rm bath with fl'J I II LllO I rCTlCCI! A SO P. and a allude aimlnllng wllh Cl'TKTHA. purral or emolUeat a.ln cures, will alfiird lu:aui r licT In the most ilbtreaalng ot .P'Mrg, hurnh't, and scale Infantile tinmor of t'i aklu unit wain, wtiti lo. of hair, and pot to use them l to fail lu your duiy. Tbh) Uetlment means cmiilort aud rest tor parent as well a gnt' nil M ( e-l r(nMng sleep for C'llld, and is pun, ante, stwe Ij, and noBoaiical. Sl i ibeaiVo' P. i .a. ri t .is D. f. roar-Sol PlVi,Uiaaua. "Uwae-i i-elMiyiSiui Uaumn," lica niTinj TO N.'fc!,rn-h.olly4k I Uti. L.L J i itvvauil tf C"tit:ciu t UN Astoria Public Library READING ROOM FREE TO ALL. Osxu every . ay from I o Clock to i:St and 80 to : 0- m. Bubecrtptloa rates O per annum. Weat Cor. Eleventh and Duans Btrweta, Columbia Bevel Gear Chainless Standard of the World. The Wheel that Satisfies. A few remarks from Astorians who ride it. FULTON BROTHERS, Attorneys at Law, ASTORIA. Oregon, October U, lm. Pope, Manufacturing Company: Gentlemen I bar riddun this year a Columbia Chainlet and believe it to he the very best blcycl. made. To appreciate it la only necessary to ride it. tbett you will be content to ride no other. Respectfully yours, a C. FCLT0M. O. a ESTES, ASTORIA. Oregon, October U, 1331. Physician and Burgeon. Mr. Loom Gordea. Agent for Colombia Bicycles, Attorta, Oregon: My Dear Sir I take this occasion to thank yon for advising me to purchase) the Columbia Chainless Bicycle, for my dawtitert. six months ago. It is of th most perfect mechanism, and gives the most perfect satisfaction of any pteo ot machltery that I bare erer had ln my possession. It was used constantly for three months this summer by my three daughters at my summer home on Clat sop Beach, where It was subjected to the sandy roads and beach and to the togs and spray of the ocean, and ther Is not a marred spot on nor have I bad to have five minutes repairs made on It alnce it has been in my possession. Again expressing my appreciation, and thanking you for my good fortune) In possessing the wheel. I remain, most respectfully, st your service, a a ESTES. M. D, Prices for 'qg Models. COLUMBIA CHAINLESS. MODEL W and a 7S.0 COLUMBIA TANDEM. MODEL 47 and 18 7S.M COLUMBIA. MODELS J7-58 M.W COLUMBIA. MODEL tS 40.000 HARTFORDS, PATTERN l- .09 VEDETTES, PATERN 11 S-01 VEDETTES. PATTERN S3 .0 Pope Manufacturing Co. Portland, Or. Controlling Oregou, Washington, Montana and Idaho. The Quaker Cabinet Vapor Bath. 0 THE NEW "North-Western Limited" (20TH CEMTllRY TRAIN.) between Minneapolis, St. Pain and Chicago, Is entertainingly described" in an iilustrated booklet, which wi'.l be fur nished rRt!- on application to VV. II. MEAD, Gen. Agt., 218 Washington Street, PORTLAND, ORE. F. W. PARKER, r Com. Agent, 006 First Avenue, SEATTLE, WASH Testimonials of Its Value. MR3. F. BARKER. I have tried the vapor bath and think It Is especially good to have In a famlly-pertlculariy for breaking up a cold. MRS. MART MACKE. Mldwlfe-At-ter a full trial. I consider the Quaker Cabinet one of the best Inventions ever made for baths. No family should be without one. HENRT SHERMAN I have bad rheu matism every winter for several years, but this winter, slnoe using the rapor bath, have had no rheumstlsm. My wife also recommends It very highly. MRS. R. E. SMITH Having ued the cabinet I consider It excellent, especially for bad casus of the grlpp. which was effectually cured by IL F. W. NEWELL. One using of the vapor bath practically cured a female member of my family ot la grippe con dition. REV. W. B. HOLLINGSHKAD. We have used the Vapor Bath in sur home for some time and freely recommend it to the public, OEOROE RICHMOND W have used the Q. T. bath and cheerfully recommend It O. YV. 8M1TH-I like the vapor bath very much. MRS. JOSEPH FILCITi:TtI an cr?:t!r ol eased with the Quaker Vapor bath and freely recommend It, to my sex especially. DR. DUVALL, Agent ASTOR HOUSE i ) i i