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About The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899 | View Entire Issue (April 1, 1899)
TUK DAILY ASTURIAN, SAIt'RDAs HOKMNG. APRIL 1, im JOHN T, LIGHTER, Editor. Telephone No. M. TERMS OF" 8UI1SCHIPTION. DAILY. font by tnall, per year UN 3emt br malt, par month .H enr4 by carrier, per month. SO 8EMI-WEEKLT. Ooiit by null, per year, n aavenc...t00 Postage free to tuoscribers. Alt communication intended tor publl oation should be directed to the editor. BuHneae communications of oil kinds and remittance must be addressed to The Astoria." The Astonan guarantees to ns advac Users the largest circulation of war newspaper published on the Columbia rtver. Advertising rate, cat aa o appli cation to the business manager. TIDE TABLE March 1801). iutk high watk a ll.lllft I,n. . . h r.aj. a.m. a. Wed TtlU . 1YI .. wt .. tsiwi . M0 . Tue . Wad Thu . r'rt .. Rat .. fun 1 t 64 t J; I U.0 i i v a a 4 .. .. . .1 1 1Ui, 14 C 2 Ti 1318 4 HO MS 8i u5 no;;: iv a pull ma , .. .i; Ill 3 04 i 1 4 1't.l14j ti 4 11 libbl.lUJu, J.aSoi II iuii lit.. ..I.. .1112 IX! f 3 RilAY. IE CAMCE Pacific Sheet Metal Works MANUFACTURERS OF Salmon Veg-etable Fruit ...CAN S spice and Syrup San Francisco. Cal. fi!0ST VIOLENT CASES HAVE Muie $"1 iX?! X how no disposition to hwl under ordiu innrinm IT riDPT 10 a7treatmuit. NoonacanU'llhowfcHmtheev ArrtAntU A I llnOl AO will develop Into Cancer of tho worst tyiw. So roany people dis from Cancer simply r- IJCDC DIMDI CUM lio not knovir iURt whllt ,n d'08 ! liiLliC nitlrLtui they naturally turn thenwlvw over to the doctors, and ar forooa to submit to a cruol and Uncerou finnmitrm the onlr treatment which the doctors know for Cancer. Tho disease promptly returns, however, and is even, mora violent and destructive than ; before. Cancer is a deadly poison in tho blood, and an operation, planter, or other external treatment can hav no effect whatever upon it. The cure must ! come from within the last vestig of pouoa must be eradicated. Mr. Wm. Walnole. of Walshtown. 8. D.. MTI1 ''A little blotch about the site of a pea came under my left Incitr nf p r4 MllfffnP' eye. pradually growing larjrer. froru which shootta pains 1 UI 4 UC 4lU "W'' at Interval ran In all di rections. i Decani Rreaur aianneu and consulted a good doctor, who pronounced ft Cancer, and advised that it Ks cut out. but this I couht not con sent to. I read in my local paper of a cure effected by Lithographing on Tin a Specialty. Astoria, Ore. Write Us for Price Falrhavcn, Wash. V ft , I A C. J. TRENCH APD, Commission. Brokerajre. Ci,",om ,,OM" npokor- Aol UnIA, UtttUUN, Agrul W, K, & IV., il I'avlfld Kiirta Co t, a a a, and decided to try it It acted like charm, the F Cancer becc "'TerT freelv St.. . v. ' Cancer becoming at first irritated, and then diwharRtng ThU gradually grew la aion ..10 1141 ! ..Ill MS 6 I iu a Tue ...14i limi; Thj ...ltij Fri ....17 et Sun ,..l rue ...II Wed JJ1 S7: 4 14 SI t 00,7 8. 11 SI 8 8 1 11 8 : io; si it. j 1SST0 I. ill 4It 11 1 14 4 K, IK 01 114 It 3 43 -4) 1 144, 10 4 44 -SI 4 &4 tl, l4 00 7 4 770i JT 4 13' t 2N 7 0: Thu ...2J 10 ?iT 1,11 ,...:4 u7 ucso Sitt ..l, U4i)7 . .1 tnn 13 81-lli!7 8l ivi vol v V 7 ai 4 ;ti SlOi 90; till 08 i m o 0 s 4 : 4 4U 01 113! 10 4?i 10JU. OlJlO II 814 .11 111 7,UMI II 8;5 8 !.. .. .. . iftXOl 10 .;. Till 7: W ( 7! 101171: Tu ... 1 14 8 8 W,h1 .. 140 Thu ...30 lilt! Kri ..U luulli 1i 14 4 451 S (3i ill1! 7 I i 1 11 I 46 7 T!( 7 47 1 T5II 815 IT! T!i 14 18 11 1 10 0 5 oi: -o: a i 7 1 1 1 -e s a 9n s s 4 8.1 1 i-t :.) si! i o 11 6 1 1 l :M 1 1 IS II 111 II IU 11 4M 11 53! 10 04: 3I 7 04 7 IS 8 101 THE EXD WORKIXQ OCT. ped off. and now only a healthy nttie tear remains where what threatened to destroy my life onoe held full sway." Positively the only euro for Cancer is Swift's Specific G. S. 8. FOR THE BLOOD . U v. wMMit wtiink Ma hi iIm enonirh tA reacb the root of the disease and forcelt out ol the system permanently. A surgical operation does not reach tho blood the realweat of the disease because A NwJ can net bt cut airav. Insist upon 8. 8J ; nothing can take iu place. & & S. cures also any case of Scrofula, Keieuni, Kheuinatism. Untaetous Blood.roion, Ulcers, Sorea, or any other form of blJ diabase. Valuable booksa Cancer and Blood Diaeaaee will be mailed tree to any address by Swift 8peciflo Company, Atlanta, ueorgta. Kopp "Best Tlie proposl Kennewlck extension of the A. & C. R. R. has but one meaning. It foreshadows an alliance beiwevn the Astoria road and the Northern Pacinc. with Astoria as the deep water terminal jthe Oregon Improvement Company f for the wheat and trans-continental traffic of the latter. Such an outcome of having steamer lines established etween this port and the Hawaiian Islands. There seems to be Utile question but that the Great Northern Influence Is paramount In the afTairs of the Paciflc coast. There was a time when the Northern Pacific looked longingly at the Pacific Coast Company, with Its splendid term. Inal properties :n Seattle and It coal mines and railroad thereto, both of which are earning big dividends. On his visit to Seattle last spring- President Mellen !n- spt-oted the property of the Paclilc Coast Company here, took a run ovrr the Se attle Northern, owned by the company. and fi.uiiy returned to New York, where. it Is said, he made an onVr of purchase to the W'aterlury rfivsaniiation tee. which financed the Pacific Cc-ast Company. "At that time there was outstanding ac counts between the Northern Pacific and Some of the Londoners are stUI crttlcls. Ing the alleged tnutlllatlon and useless slaughter of dervishes sfter the battle of Orodurman, and General Lord Kit chener has Juet sent a reply to question askrd In Parllment about it. He says the only wounded dervishes who were killed were those who feigned dwith In order to k!K their conquerors when the opportunity offered! It Is suggested however, that some feigned death In or der tii escape It HERVITA the railroad situation Is Inevitable and has been expected. A down-grade bramh to the mouth of the Columbia seems in dispensable to the protection of Northern Paclflo Investments and interests. Through control of the O. R. 4 N.. the Great Northern has had its paralleling rival shut out of Portland for some time, and It must be but a little while when that road will .be forced also to vacate Tuget sound. No alternative is left the .Northern Pacific ut surrender as Independent organization, or combination with the Astoria road. It looks as if the disruption of the northwestern rail road moaopely has at last come, and that the policy of the future will be open competition for the growing commerce of the Paciflo coast wi:h Europe and :ie Orient , No prophetic eye is required to dis em tho tremendous importance to Astoria of this latest move on the railroad chess, board. With irs seaport terminal at the mouth of the Columbia river, the new Astoria-Northern transcontinental line will soive one of the greatest commercial and transportation problems of the nine teenth century. The Astoria outlet will make this transcontinental system the strongest i.nd most profitable In the northwest, and the producers of the great Columbian basin will be In a position to wrest the commercial rights of their location from their enemies on Puget sound and the Willamette. The gigantic conspiracy which has existed so long for the elimination of the Astoria harbor a the dominating factor in Pacific com merce will be brought to a speedy and ignominious termination. That the op ponents of this consummation are not dead to the conditions which wiil soon confront them Is evidenced by an Inter. view with -President J. D. Farrell, of the Paclflo Coast Company, published In last Wednesday'a Post-Intelllngencer. Among other things, President Farrell said: "If my company is successful In nego. tiatlons that are now In progress on the Atlantic Coast, one if not two steamers will tie secured and sent around the Horn destined for Seattle, to be used In the carrying trade between this city and Honolulu. I cannot now give you the de tails of the enterprise. Manifestly, It will be Impossible to fix a schedule of sailing dates, etc.. until we have secured the requisite steamers. Tou can say, how. ever, that ft is believed that trade be. tween this city and the Hawaiian Islands will Increase from year to year and the Pacific Coast Steamship Company wishes to get Its share of that business. Facll ltles for the handling of the Tiew business ut Seattle will be supplied. An office will bs opened and maintained at Hono. lulu." gregating in volume something like 20.- 000. This was to be wiped out if the proposed purchase by the Northern Pa-i-iflc went through. Meantime J. J. Hl.l saw the budding greatness of Seattle and at the same time observed a chance to block the aggressions of his old enemy, the Northern Pacific- Tue result was the purchase outright of the Pacific Coast Company by Mr. Hill and his associates, and when Mr. Farrell went east not long since to stra'ghten out that tSO.OD ac count with the Northern Pacific ul hope of the acquisition of the Seattle terminal properties of the Pacific Coast Com pany by the Northern Pacific was de. stroyed." A Y-V I I ' rV(t i (' The drea til yy wh i a j invanatlv To this Interview, the Post-Intelligencer appends the following comment on the purposes and plans of the moving spirit In Mr. Farrell's operations: "71 U n.-.t difficult to sec In the expan. slon of the trade of the Pacific Coast Company, which owns the Pacific Coast 8tenmhlp Company, the Influence of the Oreat 'Northern railway. The interes's of the Great Northern as far as Pacific trade goes are centered In Seattle. To obinln a share In the business (between IJ iiiolulu and the east, the Great North ern would n-aiuraily be Interested Vn .X r" S"'. . a ''9 ead and fore- io:ir? whicn aimost invariably comes over . 1 . c . . c r j... i.ic auvrni oi inc uri ri''7VV. life doling who shall 5T "-v'X ca;l her mother, is one f fh. nnnqtrr.1 fnf. drns which civiluat-.on i : i . v. DA, privilege of mother- There ought not to be such an over whelming Mrnse of (kp.cs-ion and weak ness as a woman feel at this time and tin re would not be if she was in a perfectly strong and heaitby condition. In thousands of cases motherhood has been divested of all its dangers and a large proportion of its pain by the nte of l)r. Pierce's Favorite Prescription, w hich is the most marvelous remedy ever discovered for restoring com plete organic bealtH and strength to the delicate special structure involved in moth erhood. Taken early during the prospective time it makes the mother strong, energetic and cheerful and carries her through the period of trial wnh comparative comfort and eae. It increases the baby's natural. constitutional vigor and adds to the joyc of motherhood the supreinr satisfaction of a strong, robust, luty infant "Favorite Pre scription is aiso the bvA supportive tonic tor nursing mothers. sVtfcns VtT A L tTY, LOOT VIGOR an a (.'.Ara.uoo Cures Inipotcncy.iriTlitEauife-.on.-tand wasting ccoics, a.l escsu oi sc- abuse, or excess and Ir.u.s- l',lJ cretion. Ancrvetouk'iunl i- rTv i .... , ....- r . .. . . i, . F? rink r!o'jrt5ra!cf r.c:S if restores t'-e fre c v:'.tl!. i si v Iv r.s'.l HCc per Ihis: l-oxc ict ?'J-VJ; r.:tli a rr.::v:i c'.:ur.::i tee to cara cr rclt-ai tto incsor NZr.VlTA UC!0AL CO. For Sal by Charles Rocers. Druggist. Ex-Secretary Sherman has sccomp lished the difficult feat of dlstancliu his obituary writers. OASTOXIZA. Bain tli 1 rK Hlfl linn Bou!4 If the world at large Is obltrlon and Indifferent to any one thing more thin another It is to the proceedings of the Cuban Asembly. "GIv me a liver regu:ator and I ran regulate the world." said a genius. The druggist handed him a bottle of D-WlU's Llttie Early ltlsers, thi ram out little pills. Charles Hogers. 'Miss Helen Gould Is accumulating a fine collection of med;i:. horar b,un, merit cards and resolutions of thanks; and she is doing it without ostentations, too. Before the discovery of One M.nute Cough Cure, ministers were greatly dis turbed by coughing congregations. No excuse for It now. Charles Rogers. An experiment with a new kind of gun. powder resulted In wrecking a labra t"ry belonging to the French (lovern ment. Of course the i.ew explosive is a success. Acker's Er!lsh remefly will stop cough at sny time, aad will cur the worst cold In twelve hours, or money re funded. S cents and 50 cents. For sale- by Eites-Conn Drug- Co. The Canadian police In the Alaskan country will soon, realise the strength of American arms If they undertake to drive the miners across an alleged boundary line. A DELICIOUS DRINK.... AND ABS0LUELY PURE. The North Paeiflo Brewery, of wbleh Bottlel lieer for family na, or keg Mr.John Kopp ia proprietor, makea beer beer supplied at any time, delivery in for domestic and export trade. the city free. jNtarth Pacific Brewery unpufvviAAAnivnjuvjuiruiAAA ,t-II 1 T g The HVilttILr Hotel Seventh tnncl WnMhington Htr THOS. Cil'INEAN, Proprlctor- Portlatid, Or. ntYSICIAN Dii AiiriuBD" iu 'mmxrrK at rssldsnce, Conimsrrvlal street, nar eixlh. Offlo hoursi Morning until 10j all afternoon until I; evenings until I o'oleck. Dlt a rl! IDoTlca. PIUBICIAN AND Burgeon. Speolal altsntlun to disease of women and surgory, Oitlos over t)cnslner's store, A'.torl. Tel. No. U. Dlt JAT TtTTLIC, PHYtllCUN AND Hurgeon. OrtUa, rooms I and IPythUn llulldlng, ism Coimnerclal street HvU dene same. Telephone H Acling tlatnnt surgeon United States marine hospital service, MASONIC. TKMPI.V IAJ1M1K N T. A. F. AMD A. M. Itegulnr pommunlcatlone hsld on the list snd third Tus1y ewnlnff of each month. O, TV. l.OUNHIUCUHY, W. M.i IB. C. IIOU'RN. BiH-retary. ATTOIINKYB. J. Q. A. nowi.iiY. ATTOHNKY AND COUN8KI.IOH AT IJtW. Office, llond Blrvvl. Astoria, Ore. (7Ti 17 riTTT LoJJUow mid ASTORIA AND COLUMBIA RIVER RAILROAD. Astoria IDally) Arrive Hound iHimta Astoria. Bssll and ris, riwnpwi Warreiituii liMV .ui p ni. p.m. p.m. II .10 1:001 l:K a.m. I S IMS w Astoria raanr rains, via warrenu Humlav Hunters' spec ial Asiona to naJrti I C. UAXO. a. r. r. a WHITE COLLAR LINE Columbia ntvr and 1ul Bound Na gatloo Company. Telephon leave Atorl dally, sossw ttWrTitia sUF .CPI Buads, t( f tta n WMt Cllr line lehts Inter. 6sbI or Telei-hone. T. J. l'l.iier and M. SV. 1 hoim-on for Aslorla ind all "J Vf"?'! navel, llwwoo, Seavl.w, Un . A. 1 TATWMt . Nam-olta, U. 11. BCOTT, lYMldenl. Aiinrta Teiwhaae Ho. U lKI'AHTi Mall s p. iu. Np"ne . fvrr I lo . m 7a lues Mi ttday ia Tuea ll us ami .Sat Ta. di Tuea Jlilld situ HI. leave dly !tv a in. ; tih 54:Mi:i)tu.ii Krnm rortlaiid asll Uke. Ilenvrr, Ft Worth, Omaha, Kan Ma City. Ml. Unila, I Iflcwm. and Kal. walla m-nane,, MlnueaKlU. Hl.l'niilj IMIlulll, Mimalltra I tilcasu ami Ki, Ciein Ailorla OCUAN TUAM.MIII All HaJlltUi I a lea sub jcl In piano, Kiif mh fraiai-MeJ! Vjrclm, 14, IS, 11, tt Colenbla Hlver Htramere To Portland aad Way UaUlne. frm rurilaiid. WllUawtu Hlver. Asaua ., I fa. I Mall I Op IU Mmkaue Klrer 1 .10 a. ni. ,6aari Mo 'ly I i . . . . 14 i a. in. M ud, Tbut and .sal l4alnm. Alb.tur, l orval J III .ml M v Utid Itmm I ""'" " itaM is) ii m. lun Klt.rm. MiH.,Wd. !eere C4l, Mytiin, JH sihI rrl. Way UuiUlltja, ' l.r UwUtu I.' ni, i dal'.y I Iflvar. ItltMttlalo lwlalull. IHIIIMinilllllllHS Mm The Rate Is Lower. THE LOUVRE Seventh and Astor Streets SHASTA MINERAL U'ATEK, fEtTEK. N0KLE. HICKOKY AXl) SHAW'S MALT WHISKIES. ALL 0THEK LI01OKS, KIXES, lU'.EU AND CIGAKS Served Dny rind INItjrht. AUGUST KRATZ. - - Mnnnjvrer IC3IQ 'mmsevjauusiuweaajmeta3tetsssvv IMormon Cf hr.p Pill !w n la tr v r",r !. u Mmsmi Okrr A.-i U .i i ins.f .res tm w .ar I . n-l f asJ( ft- teWtl at K.f d..Jjti.'f, rus t, o tf tv.e-' -if. Rut LOtt M inhOOw. m potency, tfTt rr.wr, flfiht.ov, c'r"-"0! lnomnltt, iiin in Back I il Ovair im.rriT l-m'tt'ota, inm Jic. Hrvou O- blllty, Ninda?t Unrn to Urty, oa; of I V'l fUm. CPinti i wit WOUfJ TwltCMUaC C crf fi'niti.Eru t -il i 1 ki ll ar&Bsl. fHUI Ui btii anl V-e ce-nfsH, m mmf BwiMaMtstta, mtm uaic. ts.uMii v or f oni ipntlon, vu, itcnirw of ivyfj'jo. Cuff) It U I" i tl. f la in ( t..l VrlCUClUt. I aj . t- -m (VI !(? t r-ti-ew smsII, i(i'leel'fB A firf en'ifw. In rii F it aal hr Cbtvtftfl !lori CASTOR I A For Infasti and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature For a quica remeay ana one inai ' velopcI that th, y were talking about the perfectly safe for children let us retom- weathfr mend One Minute Cough Cure. It is x- California's nw law requiring n--ws- ' papers communications to be signed by the writer is a good thing. At last Old Bubsi-ribr" Is to be unmasked, and Pro Hono Pubilco" made to disclose is real name. For frost bites, burns, Indolent sores. ecxema, skin disease, and especially plies. 1 DeWitt's Witch Hasel Salve stands first ! and best Loo out for dlshorn-st peo. ' pie who try to Imitate and counterfeit It. It's their endorsement of a good ar. All fears thai Hmlyiird Kipling m y tide. Worthless goods are not Imitated. sulTt-r a r-liise. as Is frequently thu " Get DeWitt's Witch Haiel Balve. Charlea with i-onval.-sei-.nia from pneumoiiWi. Rogers. ought to lie dl-sljuiti .1 by tin; nnlioimc i-. nient that he Is now Htmiix iiuUnh to Speaker Heed and Si-nator llanna also read the jsn iry whli h lias been wrltf'-n ad a conference at J-kyl Island, and "IkiiiI him ' and hIihv his lliii' parted with the agreement that "the ... I A U. ..II,.,. I It. 1 .1,. Cmitity. ss. ' "Prw I'.uiiaii.l w li Ltvi.ri r i, tit a, in. 4 'V it in rwlriM A svliiil ' O. W. LOUNSIIICKRT, Agent Astoria V. It. HURLBUHT, Oea. Pea. Act rrtiaa4. Or. Kebh ... ... " PAILPOINTS EAST Through psvn and wmrtat aleaper dlrln and fbPq aMr8itton ears Ki.rxjAkfr VKtrnBturrs rnnNB No. Limned leave Portland at tils p. an. No. I Limited arrives Portland st l: rrat eto eal. K-f Asrasst a k Astoria. a! a C DKJfUlBTOM. . C P. A X A.. PorUa4. Or. Through Tickets -TO THaV f:AST AND SOUTH EAS1 171 A m -j4.- K Mial via Hill and the llurllnglon llouu and TM rnaih your destination IIOU1UI ahnul of the man who takn ANY other line. Mora You ve money. The rate via Millings to Omaha, Karma City, and AU. or southern tiltwa la frum H is ft loaai than via any other rtrta Write and I will loll you bow IIIUi n lea. A. O. BHKMtON. lien'l Agent. I'onlanJ. (Ira. T'deJo I, urns Frank J. C'hen. y makes oath that l.e ! he senior partner of I he firm of F. J mfn,.iii ...... !...: ...a U. vf cellent Tor croup. n Jarsenesa. uckiiiik in ir you nave a cougn, mroai irruaiion Fannie M. Harry, of Gaiesburg, Ills.. (545 j the throat and coughs. CHA3. ROGERS, weak lungs, piln In the chest, difficult Cheney Ar i'o., doing business In the city Churchill Ave.) In a letter to Dr. Pierce ' breathing, croup or noarseness. let us of Toledo, county and state nfnnomM, she writes: I As Minister from china to bo'h Spain suggest One Minute Cough Cure. Al- and that said firm will pay the sum of 1 nave 11-eo your meoianes in rny lamny lors 1 . t-,,,,.,1 ir Tl'11 onirht In ..uv.i ,t ..f. urin. Pm.ri OSI-: If f V I .IM.-.1 1 liol.l Aim r,r ,.,h ,UI1U lilt: UUlli'i 'i"i'. .i ..... o n a . O iCll.vic au,... " "O '-. - .......... .... ....... longtime, and find them to oca)! that is claimed. 1 1 cannot recommend them too hiRhly. Mycon-6nt-nieut was n: .de easy. &. i rjcjxrriencctl' none of the pains such as others have at that period, and the fi :t n-nr hr one that mothers fear so much. Besides, the medicine has helped me in many othe r ways. I wooid recommend all af flicted women to try I)r Pierce valuable medi cines, and thus become well and fetruu,. be able to get at the true Inwardness of all the questions growing out of the war. and every case of Catnrruli thai cannot Gen. Agulnal'ki boasts that he will be cured l.y the use of Mall's Catarrh march Into the City of Manila within the Cure. FRANK J. CHUNKY. t'-. ... X Bears tb. jfotoin BLrastnr. V , JIM- I next twenty days and tuke forcible pos- Adit's EOlljtll 'session of '.he shooting-match. He ne. KleClH IO nune, uowevci, tuak IL win MR a dead march. It does seem too bad that Robert Claus. sen. one of the enlisted men who went i President McKlnley and Mr. Reed en into Santiago harbor with HCbson on joy their little Joke Just as other people the Merrlmac, had failed to pass the re- do. It Is probable that they had a clear quired examination for advancement to understanding of the situation before the grade of boatswain, which had been. either of them left Washington. conferred on him for his gallant conduct, i subject to mental, professional and physl- Acker's Dyspepsia Tablets are sold on cal qualifications. a positive guarantee. Cures heart bum. raising of food, distress ater eating, any Happy Is the man or woman who can ! form of dyspepsia. One little tablet gives eat a good hearty meal without suffering Immediate relief. 25 and M cents. For afterward. If you cannot do It. take ale by Kates-Conn Drug Co. Kodoi Dyspepsia Cure. It digest what j you eat, and cures all forms of dyspepsia Ex-Corgresftman Jerry Simpson be and Indigestion. Charles Rogers. lieves tl-at the democratic platform of 1M0 will open witn an anti-expansion In the Minnesota legislature a bill has n.ank. If this be true, arrangements been Introduced appropriating 11,500 for gnould be made to close with the doxo use by the governor In paying cable tolls ingy In getting Information about Minnesota soldiers now in the Philippines. The In- That the blood should peirorm Us vital formation will relate to the health and functions, It Is abolulely nectsasary n well being of 'the soldiers and will be should rot only be pure but rich In life- for the benefit of relatives and friends, iglv'ng elements. These reaults are beat effected by the use ot mat weu-anown Luxuriant hair, or unirorm color. Is a standard blood purifier. Ayers Sarsapa- beautlful head covering for either sex, I rlll an! may be secured by using Hall's Vege- table Sicilian Hair Renewer. Sick headache absolutely and perma nently cured by using Mokl Tea, A pleas ant herb drink. Cures constipation and Indigestion, makes you eat, sleep, work and happy. Satisfaction guaranteed or money refunded. 25 and iO cents. For sale bv Estes-Conn Drug Co. I The act of the Emperor of Corea and his attendants Is cutting off their queues Gen. Coxey's tent ehow will be the "?ay ?erhiM be taen "n Indication fteat one lo take itha road (bt. ..., ai ior me pre-eni. ai easi i..e per- ... u. - .. .... , and therefore the first one to come to I grief. The peculiar training to which the Fill, plnos have been accustomed Is shown by the fat that they make a bold stand when under fire, but retreat preclpltatoly when one of the American officers is sues a proclamation. J. Sheer, Sedalla.Mo., conductor on elec tric street car line, writes that his little daughter was very low Willi croup, and i her life saved after all physicians had failed, only by using One Minute Cough Cure. Charles Rogers. The attention of the peacemakers re spectfully called to the desirability of patching up some kind of a truce between the discordant members of the U.Hith family and the rival factions of the sev eral battalions of religious militia. Hworn to before me and subscribed In my presence, this ith day of December, A. , IW A. XV. IjLKAHoN. (Seal. Notary I' Hall's Cattarh Cure Is taken Internally and acts directly on the Wood and mil tons surfaces of the system. Send for testimonials, free. V. 3. CHENBY A CO., Toledo, O. Hold by druggists. 75 cents. Hall's Family I'llls are the best. BALTIMORE and OHIO RAILROAD Royal Blue Trains I'.ETWEKN THE EAST AND WEST PULLMAN PALACR BLEEPERB. TOURIST BLEEPERB aa FREE RECLIN1NO CHAJB CAR! -Dally to Sl Lake. Denver, Omaha. Chicago, Kansas City and other Eastern cltlea Baggage checked through 10 destlnstlon. I'niiih li.ioia fast tune, lowest rates, Ptnisch light In all oar.. 1 i.e. .no other Information call -n or address U W. LOUN8DERRT. Agent. 0. It A N. Co. Astoria. Oregon, or I H lOTHROP, 0n. Agent, lis Third st. oor Aldr. Portland, or. ! formances there are about concluded. OASTOniA. Bsaistie IM Mim TOO Haw hmit bfliigfl Signature of ;The Kind Yt g&SfV- TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAT. Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablet. AU rduggists refund the money if it fails to cure. 25 cants. Ttt genuine has L. B. 43. on each tablet As the sea soa ot the year when pneu monia, la srrlppe, sore throat, coughs. colds, catarrh, bronchitis and lung trout), j les ere to be guarded against, nothing "la a fine substitute," will "answer the purpose, or 1s "just as good" as One Minute Cough Cure. That Is the one Ins tallable remedy for all lung, throat or bronchial troublea. Insist vigorously upon having It If ""something else" la offered you. Charles Rogers. Only line operating Its own through trains between St. Louis, Louisville, Springfield, Cincinnati end New York, via Washington, Baltimore and Philadelphia. The traveler over the B. eV O. is permitted to catch glim pa of the greatest scenery In America, PETER HARVBT, PassA Coaat Acent, Baa Francisco. Room U, Hill BulkUnc. 'iff ft'JHtiT -ril O OCCfNiVSHAfJ-OU l LEAVE PORTLAND AKRIVH 6:00 T. M t:H A. M Dallv except Sunday 47:10 A. M t4:W P. Ml : A. OVKRLAND EX l'KKHH, for Salem, Koncburg, Ashland, Sacramento, Ogden, Hen Francisco, Mo- iave. Ios Angeles, CI Paso. New Or leans and the East Roseburg passenger I:W P. M Via Woodhura, for Mount Angel. Bll- verton, West Solo, Ilrownvllle, Spring Held and Nation.... Corvallla oassenaer Independence pas' ?njniiuiiinmitti,ttMtimtiMiMiiJ ,. . i . A FEW INTERESTING FACTS When people era r.ntrm.!atlng a trip, whnthi on liua.llia or plea aura, they luKumny want the Ix-ot e-e-vloa ob. lAbmble so Car aa aaersl, pmrX and afmy la loiiivnml. Kinphyaa of the WIHi'ONWN CK.vriUL I .IN KB ar uald to errva the pubHo and our Irwtn are ops-ralesl so a to make ckia o. noolloria wtih diirerging lee at all Jum-vilun ania 1 Pullman I'alaue Hln4ng and Chair Cars on throiuih trains. lni IW avrvlia Unncoil.d M'als served a la cor I a. in orb-r li iJ'tnin this flrat i-laaa enfvlea, aak the ticket sgotti te ll you s ticket ovisr TheWlsconstn Central Lines. and you will make direct rnnnctlin at H punt for Cblrngti, Milwaukee and all c al. For any furrtir Information rail in any llcknt agent, or eon-f atxuid wlta JA. C. POND. Oen. Paaa. Ag'nl, or JAM A CIM'K. Milwaukee. Wis Uen.a-nl Awl 1(1 Hitrk St.. Port Und Or. Dyspepsia Cure. Digests what you cat. It artificially dlKt h the frxwl aDfaldl Nature In stroiigilii'iilnif uml reoon structlnd tho cxliinisti'il dlnstlvo o iraim. It Ik t ho littest (llscovrri'd dlstV aotand tonic. No other preparation can approach It In cnidi'iiry. It lo atatitly rullcvesand periuuiifittly cures IiTsprpMlu, IndiKt'eilon, Ilvarthurn, Flatiilrnre, Sour Stotnfirh, Nauscs, Sick llfjidiii'lic.tiiixtnillii.Crntiips, ana oil other rpHiiliM(ifltiiM rfiTtdlKiHi loo. Prepared by E. C. DeWitt A Co., Chicago. For Bole by CHARLES ROGERS, I' 1 I. a son i i.i,r,mH r mi ir tft 1. niioa, Jo !, Hrermaiiiri ln , I Iiiiihi, unnaiur.l I flisisn, or aiir liifl.inm. lion. Iirllalluu nr ui,.,.. PmiMi muiIm, II. n i.f in ue 11 11 . B,r, (HSSCilimeiiCn. braiw. tin irlntrnl 0 . f"f ""'a r llrngf Uu, . j I or asm III plain wrniiper II III, i.r 3 ltllia, ilA I'lroulsr aebl uu rmiuaai. ia 1 ui4.M.Va vv-oiiciri V "V U.S.I BLANCARDS; 11 rrisTOWiTi 111 - M Dally except Banday tt:M A. M lt:a A.M OK IODIDE OF IRON 1 for A NA M I A .POOIfNRM of I hr HI (K)l), 1 (IIWUTITI l'l ...k. """ii "'I ."n!. wnainuss SCUlll'lll A. IK-. Noue genuine inilrsa slKne'il "Hi.a ncau n" At. I. llUllf'.f'.lu'eu 1 E. PU(HA4C0..N. V. Agis. fori). 8. 3W. A -a Dally, tnally except Sunday. Connecting at Han Franoisno with Oool cntal tk Oriental, Paclflo Mall and Oce anic steamship line for JAPAN, CHINAAUHiRALIA AND Rebate tickets on sale dally between Portland, Sacramento, and Wan Francis co. Net ratee 117 first-class, and IU sec ond-class, Including sleeper. Kate amo ticjtms to Kantern points ana m .t v..m . u i . 1 r l-'Uruoa, Ii I ml na.ll, i.linis. fiuuuiuiu, and Australia. Can be obtained from J. B KIRKIAND, Ticket Agent lift Third st, ft KOKHLER. C. H. MARKHAM Mansger t. r. ft P A Through tickets East for lowest ratee S.t. - SS T IPhIuIi. oil , iii .. , unii,. Wells Fargo Company's office, Astoria. V Willlam'8 Kklnev Pills 4 W TTn I.. -II. ..... - a. . - i7l.l .fsii V urinary uriuna. lluvo k you lieiflccU'd your rklnuvii? llnvoT T VOU OVf.rWnrLurl hiiih niiistnn. ... fUvn and ciuiscd trotiblo with Jourl iKidnoys and UUuMrr? Jlavo youf pulus In tho lolim, (.Hi,,, i,tt,.i trrolnsl un'l "IllddiT? Ihivnvruiii fffil.l.n nn.T neiiriine f under tho n of tins fiif. Cf,rH?ciallyr ho cynaV Too frequent do-A w urlnoV WUIIum's Kidney! ainnu iisnur nay vviniiitn-a Kiiiiw.u I'llls will import now llfo to tho (Ha- ir-iuwa orina, tono up W.a ayaU'inl tina maUoantw man of yon. JIv . mull 60 cc-nts per b.-;x. t Wittuiia Mm. Co., Props,, Cleveland. 0. A V. a7 For sal by EfJTES-CONN VKV9 (XX,