1 f , V NOTlOl-U , . , !.-.t- M-M-fllllf". V'""' Books, ('.rM)lH,-!.1r-.1,- , Arc iwn I Tn mi Iho will be lii.IM'pWr-",",p" TIE A3T0RIAN has tb Urgcst circulation of any papei on tbi Columbia Rlvti TIE DAILY ASTORLAM Is tt) tlffest ml best paper on tint Columbia rive FULL ASSOCIATED PRBSS REPORT. VOL. XLIX. AtiTOltlA, OKEOON, TUESDAY; IMNIfiG. MA KOI 7, I8!U. il;y The Only ... IN ASTORIA ... Our Hpoclolly: HTOVI2H AND RANCJI2S Wo know the lunimHH. Twenty yt-nrg experience If you want (iOOD Htove, aeo tlto slock ut the Eclipse Hardware Co. ..18QQ.. Pnclcct mid Tide Tnblen Cnlentlnr PikIh Minnie HooIcm World'. Almanac llMl'uuliin In Cloth IImiiikI ItntiUn Griffin ivfiruwnAi iaaaaaiu tnnrruji 13 1 PA INI ATA Best and Most Durable at Foard & Stokes Co Pacific Sheet MANUFACTURERS OF Salmon ri A TKTaTT spice Vegetable A Frnlt Lithographing on Tin a Specialty. San Francisco, Cal. Astoria, Ore. , Fairhaven, Wasn. Wrllo Uh for Prices Fancy Sugar-Cured Hams Krenh Ekk, Creamery! Butter Martins' Cream Cheese New SeaBon'B Codfish Spring Salmon Tips and Bellies Yarmouth Bloaters. ROSS, HIGGINS & CO Pacific NavigationCompany HTRAMRRH R. V. Elmoro W. H. HorrlHOU OAKinALDI DAY Oonnuotinjf at Astoria with the OroRon IliillroaJ Sc Navigation Oo. for Sua Franiildoo, Portland mid all points oast. For freight ami pniwen. ger rates apply to Samuel Elmore S Co. , General Agents, ASTORIA, ORE. COHN 4 CO., Agent, Oregon Railroad k Navigation Co., TILLAMOOK, Ore. ' PORTLAND, Ore. Stove Store 5 Office DlnrlCH '.;: & Reed. vvaru uvuu uvanuvan) vaau Metal Works I r... and Syrnp ASTORIA to TILLAMOOK CITY nonsoNViLLic THE MOTJAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY Of NEW YORK FIICHARD A. McCUROY PuisiMrfT TATt.ni!NT lor th. yt ending Ikumbr it 1199 Anofillittf to III mmxloi'l of the Inauranc lpailniriil til Hi. iul of New Yolk lt.r.li.4 far I'rawlum. . . Jff.HKUt al Iiiim .II ikr lwirr II.iiiJ.hm) w 44,WMi!li MMIt'UsmUH T rllr.huJm fur ( lain, ar f ii.m.Mii oo To lll..i..irr fr l.ndon. iiinl.d, . . . II.4H4.UI 8S Fur .11 uthar arcvaai . iu,u4,;i u 4ln t'elM hut.. hoa.a ..4 utk.r Wrarllle. . $100,064,111 1 Hri I.Ira l.uaaa oe Ha.4 md NnrUM 04,403,10 W) Loin liu.il. .ad i.r hr ..dir.. t.aix.ci oo iir K...rimiiilrlt at fM,IH,.kil llm.k Talu. S,0O4.H 1 (' L llmkl a4 1rl lam. !. ii,ii,i;;i ArriD.4 lal.r..l, ,1rt Ikr.rr.4 Cl. lull-., .If. . . . f.lll.tAJ llTi.M J JJ4 M LI4RIIUIIH I oatlackl lia.raal I'.a4 Jjlililulr fpl la.ui.Kr. t4 4aa.ltU. la 4.:H.aa4 It till Ml, Hi it io;i,;ii,i; ; I liav rr-fuly nnmiii"! ill. fff.nlrt RUIt in.til ami IiimI ih mil. lu I ml ; lulillllict calculalol :y lite In.nioi". iM-fainnirnl Cnai tea A. 1'ati.i.aa Aiwlllnr I'tnm lh. Idvl.il.l. Hurvlti Jlvi'lrnJ will tat a'K'ilUftic4l aa uaual. aODlHT A. ONAXKISt V4I W i it a K i. ii I .ha Iaai I', l.mvii I'aanrau t hduv ml I'.Muat MiMia.t ('rnrial MtnKr rl Vict Trr.ulmt TiraMirrr Atluarjr ' ghcrwxxl C;iil'iy, (leriTal Acn(. iSratil. Waahlnflon. 1 IVml k MoCamllraf. Biaia Manaxori. Turllaiul, Orcon. VAN Dl.'BEN CO.. niait Aoti. Aaiorlt, Orf un. SWISS WATCH REPAIR H0P Victor Rost Chronometers ; (Qatches and I flaatical Instruments i Promptly fixed aad repaired. Alarm Clocks Irom up. Wurniittoil. 110 Eleventh SL I Next to Foetal TelegraptV CUT PRICES W ar making a great cut In pcclaj Unas. Tour opportunity Is at band. Tou ar bound to need shoes and should buy now whll th advantage la so obviously In your favor. Tbes shoe, ar not back numbers of uncertain ag. ' and quality. They're .11 standard stock and good value, for twlo what ww aak. Lalrd. Bcbober Co.' reduced from 14.60 and to ttSO and H7S. Petersen & Brown. THE PROOF of th. pudding is in th. Mtlng tad tb. proof of liquor IS IN SAMPLING "lhaf. m argtiMtat that's cos elustrs . dtsaonstratloa. Ova wUl staad the Ust HUGHES & CO. L. LEBECK Carpotitcr and Builder Gcncrni Contractor HOUSE RAISlNd AND HOVINO A SPECIALTY HFPraelTransferCo. Telephone SL DRAYING AND EXPRESSING All Good. hlppd to Oar Oar WJ1 Rolr Bpeeial Attest. No m Duan 8t, Ajttria. Or. W. J. COOK. Mgr. Ba. Tat, lit OUR TROOPS IN A FIGHT Patrol of the Second Oregon Ambushed by the In surgents. THE BOYS FOUGHT NOBLY Held Ttelr Ground Under Heavy Fire Until tbe Arrival of Assistance. THIRTY NATIVES KILLED Two of Oar Men WoucJeJ-Ptttls Are retiring for ao Attack. Whlcb Will Soon Be Male- ilAMU, Mrh t 4 p. m.-.no reifl have b-n ronreii t rat 1 raj In the vl In ly of tho rmrvr. Today the p.itr! of uomtuny U. rV-coiKl OnvJii voluntera. waa nki-n In ambuali. To m-n were wounilol. tut tho ortranlinioji hfH lul ground utiJi-r a havy llro until th r. Inmlnd-r of the Cniipany. iU'd by two I wtiitnli- of tbe Klrat Ni'lir.inkj irtl. !m-nl. rinnkt-d the tii-no. kill ni; X an J woui)llng .cvrral nnire. I Two Wttnllona of the TwmUth r. gu. Uar infantry havo rinfr'-,'l Onita! Hub1 a brigade. 11 thei native hut hv,. Ix-n i!e atroyJ" at Mannuliia and the ioun:ry tb pretty wt-ll c! n-l but th r4. ola nr- returning In aituill lU-fi ut laumlownN Appurvmly tey bav '- ur-d 'aupply of anrnk"! ammunluuii rtn-vn-.Iy, !aa th.To Ima tx--n a nntUttlo d'.fft r- ontv during the lost few 1b'. The n-lKla. antUlpatlt.g an Aim-ri. an t alvance, are buay thr-lrig up Uefenaes In evry tllrc llon, and it la rnwrtrd Hint tbey are lovyiag niao and euppura In every quarter of the province. A. a rveutt gn-at dtaaatlafactlon prevails amrui the trllK-a orJiiiartly unfriendly 'to Tauol.. iiru.-uiarly umong H" - canon, who aasert tneir o.aire m- slst in conquering Twnlos If furnlntved with arms. Tlx civil members of the United States Philippine commission, who ar. rlvod here Haturday afternoon frim Hongkong on the cruiser Haltlmore. land, ed today and are now Installed In quar. ters enpeciaHy provided for them on the MaJato waterfront. While awaiting the arrival of Colonel CharVes lienby. lorm erly United Btates minister to China, and the other member of the commbu lion, they will devote their time to sUrht. eelng and getting familiar with local cwndl tlona. Until Colonel Denby arrives the com- mission will be incomplete and can oo nothing officially. Th troop whk-h arrived on Saturday on the transport Senator and those that arrived yesterday on the transport Oho are disembarking, and all preparation uro tx'lng made to prxeed with an ag gressive campaign oeiore mo n m- son set in. Tho SpunlKh commissioner who are en- dwivorlng to secure the release ot 'h Spanish prison is m the hands of Aru. InaWo have returned to M.ilolos to oltor J2.tVO.0iK) for their release. As AguinnliiO has been demanding I7.ixm.0in, It I not Ukoly that tholr miwlon will be sue. cvasful. The following order has been Issued re garding the movement of transports: The Anion win au ir llonKKOisr. wun an i" ". " 2; tho Newport, via Nagasaki, japan, with all returning officer and thiir wives, on March 10; the Soandla. v.a Xairnaakl. with discharged Soldiers, on Mar-h 11. and the Morgan City, via Nag. aaakt, on March 12. DECISIVE BLOW TO BE STRUCK. WASHINGTON, March 6,-Ther is reasou to txpeel imporrant news from Manila within the next fortnight It hns developed that General Otl fcA practl. cally completed his plar.s ir a grand onshiuchi on the Insurgents wm" .s expected to deprlv them of often ! e power at least. It Is probuble that he will torro a large part of his force into column a soon as hi reinforcements arrive. u will push these In parallel lines straight through the Jungles, clearing out tne in- surgent In every direction ns the troop move forward. The American troops are becoming restless and nervous under the petty but annoying shurpshootlng ot tne ruipnius, and ar so anxious to put a stop to this that General Otl has yielded to their desire. TROOPS mH THE PHILIPPINES. WASHINGTON, March ll.-Forty-one thousand officers and men of the com bined army and navy force comprise th approximate total of tho American trongth now at and enroute under oraers for ervlc in the Philippines. Th force, of the two ervtcs already stationed In and about the arrhlpchigo consist of DO regiment of Infantry, one engineer bat talion, seven troops of cavalry ana n batteries of artillery, an agprtnte or about 21.500 men. Nineteen vessels, wl'h an aegregat of 297 officer 2.990 men and niarliivs, niako up the naval con tingent LIGHT DRAFT VESSELS NEEDED. NEW YORK. March 1 A dispatch to the Herald from Washington says: The necessity of suppressing filibustering- ex pedition. I th cause of Admiral Dewey asking that th department send him more vessels of light draught On account of the number of Philippine Islands, th natives ar able to transport from th Asiatic coast a large quantity nf tniinlilona of war In imall achooner. A'lmlra! i rjty wanl. a Inrtro numb' r of w.iralilpa at hia dlaoo.nl whkh can fol. low iir-h v; Into hallw witsr. Th. Whi-illn h.ia already lrll for Manila :i r.l thw Vlcn will fo by Uia last of the month, Tlio dcjturririrnl tn-1 alco aend othera. The aiithor!tt-a wt-re rlad lo har that Oi-ncrnl fiwton wouM arrive at Mmlln x.itoot M.trvh 10, aa b wilt then le put In control of lh military operation, tliun Klvlnic Ornrral Ot la an opportunity to aid In lh rhlllpiln rommlwilon, aa w-ll na to tak car of tht many que, tlona ronalamly arlilnc. Afir (4-nrraJ Iwton'a arrival, one of th brteadler a-anorala at Manila will protaMy l f-nt to llo IIo to rHv 0tvral j4llkr, who will go on th rtlrd Hat March IT. TflANHPORT BHBRIDAN 8A1L. NEW yoUK, March t-A dUpatch to th World from Gibraltar aayi: Tho Unit"! tranaport Bhrdan, whlcb arrtitd h.r. Friday and waa put Into atrlct quar. ajitlne on account of contagion, Itft liiat nlKht for Port tiuid without quarantine boing ralaed. Bha may hav. to to It. to quarantine again at tb Sues canal. It 1 admitted that two of the men were down with mooalei, and It waa reported that there waa one caae of mallpos aboard, though tbe United Btatea aurgeon denl.d the exlatvnce of atnallpoz. Tne oRlial Hat ahowed 28 alk wMnt, but It kt aalil that only three of the cases were aerloua. The tranaport earrtet' the Twelfth L'niti-d State. r-ru!r and a battalion of tbe Stventeentb. AMEMCAX OCCUPATION OK THE I3LE OF NEGR08. Troop Were Warmly Welcomed by the I'eoiaV of tbe Island Lucaon'a Congratulation. u-.an.vr!W.v u.a h,.,.m . . , , froin (ienera Otl. at Manila, received In ... .... Wawh ngtun nl rate, a natlatactory and ,7 .. , , ' ,k agrwable recei)tlon accorded to tbe Am.rlian trop whl'h recently Uinit'd at Die iclun.l of N.'Kron. They were sent ilnTi. by Cmeral Mllb-r at Ilo Ilo, in rommand of Colon.'! 8mlth. to take form. . , , ,. .... ' , , i . , - . . .t. i U..., k mander In gold or Wlla, He will leave .1 lHa.aea.loi. fur the nltrd 41lu wlik-h N yofk 0De of tt- Kovtrnm,w be did without trouW. Jtramtporta. to which tb. money will be I'rev,u. o the time the troo,a landed tran8ferrtd fr(CT lub.trrturT ,nd a coimn , on from the Island vU ted , he ..-nentl Otl, am said they were wili ng 0enenil Brooke. to urrrndtT. and aked that he take .be A Gome, d inh.Mt.nt. under hi. protection. The I offlce ,han handlr the m0u ciiKraiuiaiory aaurtma io ueiierai jumer embolt-d In General tnln' dlai-a'.ch ! particularly gratifying to the offlcl.l. ,f Ak- administration, aa th-y be.lcve that wling among the Inhabitant of the l.iand of Negro Is such that there will be no trouble in (Waling with them here, after. (lineral oils' dispatch is aa follow: "The following was received from l'o Met An th ifh Iruttanf? 'Th Mtrnmfnt cor art inhabttante of N-mw tr,4 SANTIAGO DB CUBA. March fc-To-General Miller. Mo Ilo: We affeotlonaiely order, w,re received from Havana salute you and congratulate ourselves 1dlrtln Pya of tbe provincial .k k., .-ui . fM, o,i.k officials, but tbeee oijder do not affect BnJ ,h(. troopB uns hto order,, and fh,ir vou to send this salute ami rontfratu. latlons to Gtneral Otis, at Manila, as a representative of the government of the United State In the Philippines. - 'LUCSON.' "OTIS." TWO OREGON CHINESE W ILL BE DEPORTED. Entered tbe Country Under the "Stu dent" Permit Important Rullnsr at 8an Francisco. SAN FRANCISCO, March .-n Im portant derision bearing on tbe Chine? immigration question was handed down by Judge Morrow, of the United 8tates circuit court of appeals today. Judge Morrow holds that Chinese entering this country under the "student" permit can. not do so if they were not students In ' 'the mihPr country before embarking for thia country. ; The case In question was that of two young Chinese, sons of a lftundryman of Kucene. Ore., who secured admission through the presentation of a certifU-ate froIn ttl( tnltid States consul at Hong- kong. stating th.it they were born in china, but that their father was bringing , WASHINGTON. March S.-The trans them to America for educational pur. Rl)umnnU reached Santiago poses. Those boys were arrested after frora 6an Juan n1th tne of itS0 two years' residence, and the I tilted , JUir9 who dled m port( Rlc0 Thu States district court of Oregon decided irecords of the war depanment shew that that tne boys oeiorarea io tne exempt .class. The ju.igmem oi tne aisirict couri .being reverses, tne dojs win oe aeporieu. nen tne ooys reaen cn.na mey can, ii Is understood. Immediately return, as they are now of the student class, and therefore exempt. THE UNITED STATES WILL REMAIN PASSIVE. No Action to-Be Taken ln tbs Italian Project for an Open Door on the Chines Coast. WASHINGTON, March .-The United States government has remained luted passive throughout the execution of the Italian project to secure en pen a. .... - i L tt- I r Ihnnn nil . n door" on the Chinese eonsn through the acquisition of 8n Mun bay and the; OUliying lSltillU. WiiU V4 Kim uiguirot . . ,.,. . ,k. kt.t.nf ... thorltie said: "The government of the United States will not take any steps In regard to the Italian demand for Chinese territory." In other words, our government has de. termlned definitely to keep H hands off. But one motive could Induce the gov ernment to change this policy and that would be a desire to protect our enorm. ously valuable commerce with China from the danger of being completely cut off through the gradual extensions ff the lease-holders of Europe. CITED FOR CONTEMPT. SEATTLE, March 1 Another chapter In the sensational Van Alstine divorce case was openeu luu.y r'' ' Mrs. Lou Van Alstine and her aister, Emma Norton, for contempt of court They refused td pay Into the court the . ; $30,000 which Judge Moore decided thoy j ' bad fradulently obtained through mar. ! ring from Con Van Alstine, a Klon- I dlker. They were released on bonds. NEW WASHINGTON LAWS. J nr.vMPIA. March ft The house toflhrht ! passed the bill relating to the stealing of j rides on ranroaa train, ana maung . trainmen peac officer. The bill relating j ir. nonaltv and Interest on taxes to and i Including the year 1897 ha passed both houses, also th bill repealing tbe act of 1897 irrovldln; a uniform system of public blanks. MONEY FOR THE CUBANS Three Millions to Be Dis bursed Among: Troops on the Island. LABOURS ARE UNPAID Two Tboosand Men Out of Work at Santiago and a Disturb ance May Occur. BODIES OF FALLEN TROOPS Transport Roumaola Will Bring-Them Home-Will Scramble Among tbe Cubans for Rations. NEW YORK. March t-A dUpatth to the Herald from Washington aaya Pay- . . ... . . ,' . ' master General Carey baa perfecfed ar. i , , ' ; rangemenu for, going to Cuba next weeh k 5. v to pay off tbe Cuban army. Central Carey will take the entire ap. iproprlatkm of $3,000 900 to Cuba, fU0O.s I at m-hlr-H wll h. In sllvr nA Ik. -y, the disburs?mei)t will be made by ,of vho wll, b, furBUhed ' Ith . .... . ,htt ftmmM . m.n prising tbe Cuban army and the amount Of money which should bo paid to each. ( It ie not Intended: by this government to furnish more that 13,000,000. LABORERS UNPAID. the 9W0 laborer out of work, nor meet ! ract liiai me puduo aurss aireaay in- ;iaiea 8re unering a-iousiy irom buk ;ot prosecution. Civil Governor Diwietrius Castillo, as . I precaution against possible disturbance, has sent word to tbe working gangs that ithey should stay where they are for the 'present, aa. In ail probability, they will I have orders to return to work In the course of two or three days. He further explains that the delay wa merely th result of "red tape" in the relations be tween Santiago and Havana. SCRAMBLE FOR RATIONS. HAVANA, March 6. For the month of March the various province, except. Ing the province of Santiago, have .made requisitions for 2.000,000 rations. Thus, instead of diminishing, the re quisition has doubled since that of Janu ary 1. This is due partly to the fact that ithe Cubans use every possible opportun. Ity of getting rations under false, pre. tenses and partly to the fact that the American distributors .re unable to dis. criminate nroperiy oetween Importers and j the really necessitous. , BODIES OF FALLEN TROOl'S. j &bout jg, WiTe burloJ , Ule neighborhood f 0, and the work 0f uncovering . - k .0 ( rhtm mav taku two or three weeks. j Most of ,ne AmerU5in(1 seeping In .gmvtj at Santiago are regulars. Quar. :term(MteP Ludington has the work in nanJi and reports satisfactory progress j ln made' The f ves ot American 'heroes were carefully marked at the ,lme of burla, and tne offlcrs ln Cuba and Porto Rico had Instructions to make It possible to locate and Identify the bodies. The odIes will be forwarded to the relatives if desired. The government nlu nffena lo nrovhto nermanent burial I places with the 1S.0OO other heroic dead nannftl PMn.t(PV Arlington. l ,he KltMvea have ,ccpted i - the offer to have their dead laid to rest Mrit at Arllnirton 1 " - - and It Is probable that nearly. 1.000 of the bodies will be Interred ln the national cemetery within sajtht of the White House. No arrangements have yet been made for ceremonies In connection with the burial, but It is probable that mill, tary honors will 'be paid the dead. TERMS OF REORGANIZATION. NEW YORK, March 6. The reorganis ation committee of the Taooma Land COmpany notifies the bondholders, stock, holders and creditors of that company that If they desire to avail themselves of the benefits of th plan of reorganisa tion, promulgated July 29, 1S98, under which there has been deposited over 94 l of tn6 gtock o( th pany tnat they must deposit tn.tr se. - fhAlP im with the itu"" mm SSClUTEIYaJnC Makes the food more aovai rakiwi Atlantla Trunt Company on or bfor Mnrrh 1J. After that date no deposit will bo received except upo such term a th committee Imposes). SAILOng RESUftE DUTY AND ARE BHOT DOW.V. Captain Torrance, of th BrtUah Staamer Tancarvill. Bhoot Three Mutln. ou Bailor on the High Sea, PHILADELPHIA. March a-.,.i.in Torrance commanding tbe British learn er Tantarviiie, now in this port, ,bot three mutinous sailors on the taat out ward panaare for Belfast. I r.n ary 10 last, while weathering a terrlrto hurrk-ane. Ill veasel waa dlvjng Into a tremen. dou Sea and a anar nmrwlln th.t laahed below got adrift and threatened to knotk out tbe sides of the ship. Cap. tuin Torrenc. ordered the crew to seurt the propel lor and ther mutinied Hmi aotloo was neceasary to quell tht disturb, ance and Captain Torrance was com pelled to shoot three men. One, It is unaersxooa, na since died and a aeoond baa gone Insane. Captain Torrance's aotlnna we- tair. tlgated by the board of trada ajul !h ru upheld by that body. He is reticent con. oeming in arxair and feels keenly th. fact that such meaatirea kt ia K- adopted by him to save Lb ship. CONDITIONS AT DAWSON C1TT. BAN FRAXdaCO, March 1-A letter from Dawson Chy aays: The first In stallment of the United Bute relief ex pedition reindeer arrived her January I In charge of th Lapland herders. The last day's run was (0 mile. Large num ber of tbe reindeer are aaid to have been slaughtered by Indiana, who mis. took them for wild game. Tbe remnant will be driven to Circle City. Tb business outlook for Dawson dur. ing tbe year Is most unpromising. Hun dreds of people are migrating to more congenial climes, and th retail traders complain that they have more outfits offered for tale than purchases sought. Even the saloons and gambling bouses are reported to be maid raj no rroflta. No new gold discoveries of importance are reported. ; APPOINTMENT OP OFFTCER3. WASHINGTON. March l Tbe war de partment has made announcement of tbe appointment of 101 second lieutenant, created by the army reorganization bill, among the various states and territories. In addition there are JO appointments at large. Tbe apportionment Is on the bast, of population. Oregon and Washington receive one each. Secretary Long today cabled to Admiral De-wey, at Manua. and to Rear Admiral thinptton, at Havana, announcing the en. actment of the naval personnel bill, and instructing them to have tbe officers at tached to their respective fleets examined In order to make ready for their re arrangement and promotion. ' QUEEN V ICTORIA'S THANKS. WASHINGTON, March t-The follow ing message from Queen Victoria to tbe president has been received at th exe cutive mansion: "Windsor. March I To th. president of the United States: I tbank you sin cerely, and the American nation, for the honor paid to the memory ot Lord Hers, chell, and for the friendly sympathies shown to my country in Its bereavement. "VICTORIA, R. J." ! WARM SPELL IN CALIFORNIA. ; SAN FRANCISCO, March l-Callfornla Is in the throe of another warm spen, and this March day was more like a day In July than anything else. The ther. mometer In many places went past th. Si-degree mark, and in one' or two places almost touched 90. Should this warm wewther be very extended, crop will suffer considerably. STOCK DEPOSITED. NEW YORK, March . It is announced that more than 75 per cent of the entire capital stock of the Oregon Short Line Railroad Company has been deposited for exchange under the offer of the Union Pacific Railroad Company, previously published. Notice Is given' that after March 15 the privilege of exchange will be withdrawn. V JOSEPHINE KIPLINQ DEAD. NEW YORK. March t-Josephlne Klp iinp the 6-vear old daughter of Rudyard Kipling, and the oldest of his three ohil- iiren. died this morning from pneumonia. The Improvement of Kipling's condition continue. ' ANOTHER ADVANCE- BETHLEHEM, Pa., March l-Th Reihiehem Iron Comrjany today an. ' nounced a raise of wages of 10 per cent I.M 1 .. . K 1 aiieciing corainun wwtwa, vi nmvu more than 500 are on tho payroll. " SAILS FROM LA GUIRA. NEW YORK, March J. A dispatch to the Herald from La Oulra, Venesuela, 'announces that the United States gun boats Annapolis and Vloksburg have sailed from La Gura for Jamaica. FAR-REACHING DECISION. SEATTLE, March 1 United States; nistrlet Judge Hanford decided today 'that a sailor boarding-house keeper oould retain tne cioinmg m a icjwhbu io occur, payment of board and lodging. JUDGE BRONAUGH DEAD, PORTLAND, March . Judge B. C. Bronaugh, a -well known lawyer, died tonight after an illness of three months. r7n SASinrj delicious and wholesome aowpf. ao twac