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About The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899 | View Entire Issue (March 5, 1899)
TIIK HAILY ASTOHUN, SIN DAY MOKMMi, MARCH ft, MM. P. J. Meany-vcru QcFchant Tailor and Exporter of pars. Behest Ou Prios tM far Fur SUM. Tenth and Commercial f tn. Astoria, Or, TODAY'S WEATHER. AROUND TOWN. Monty to loan FtTu sob Bro. Fresh buttermilk received at th Parlor afly. Georr H. Georre U In Portland oa business. The British ship Blrkdale left up la tow for Portland yesterday. Tbt British ship Balmoral w'il fcsv up In tow for Portland today. Bent lUwt meal. Ruins Sua restaar jiC CU Commercial street. Judge Onborn has returned horn from short business trip to Portland. Editor Williams, of the Skamokawa Eagle, ni la ths city yesterday. Th usual mo ruin servle wll held Unlay at the Methodist church. be Dr. 3. A. Pulton Ins been reappointed health officer at this port by Governor Oeer. Th MenoeJ came up from Port 8tcv. ens yesterday and will remain here over Sunday. Dr. Alfred Kinney, accompanied bjr his son. returned last slight from visit to Corvoliia. The schooner Garfield, lumber laden, for Snn Francisco, was towed to sea yesterday. The "steamer State left out for San Francisco yesterday morning with good freight list. Best California) wins 10 ceuta per si. lon. Alex. Gilbert, sole agent for Astoria. Telephoi A County Cler Whertty yesterday Issued a marriage license to F. Cunningham and Rosett McGulre. The Oreron Telegrlph and Tflep'iine Company will open an office in this c!:y in a day cr two. Wallsend coal and cuke is the best for don-sstic purposes. For sals by ths A, torta Gas Light Co. Pleas not the reduction in fares be tween Astoria and Foreland mad by the O. R. 4. N. Company. The steamer Sunol arrived yesterday from San Francisco. She will load lum ber at the Knappton mills. Mr. and Mrs. F. P. Kendall, who have been In Portland for a few days, re turned to the city last evening. Wanted A girl for general housework. small family and firsUolaas wages paid. eAddresa M. Aitorlan office. . J. Daly, who has been In the city for a few dr.ys in the interests of the Cieve. land Baking Powder Company, return-d to Portland last night Mrs. Lemon, who has been 111 with la grippe for some time past, has entirely recovered, and will take charge of her school Monday. Hall's Juniper Kidney Cure has cured hundreds of lame backs in this country. It may you. Try it Charles Rosjers, druggist The O. R. ft N. Company haa made a till further reduction in rates between Astoria and Portland. Single fare, tl. round trip tLK. Omaha bams, finest ever brought to Astoria market for one week only, 12 cents per pound. The "Pat" market, 574 Commercial street The Parlor now manufactures all Its own chocolates. They are made only of the finest materials and are thi mos; de licious in the city. i At the Congregational church today j we usual services will be held. Preaching ; by Rev. F. C. Butler at XI a m. and 1:30 i p. m.; uunaay school at 12:15 p. m. Mayor Bergman yesterday signed the ordinance appropriating tSOO for the rent of fire hydrants and the ordinance regu. latinffthe construction of public sewers. Mrs. George Shields was a passenger on the State yesterday morning for San Francisco. Mrs. Shields will visit for several weeks in Los Angeles before re turning. R. X' Hawkins has been appointed superintendent of the Columbia River Packers Association for the district of Ilwaco, and has opened an office at the Washington town. The salaries of all the teachers in the llwaco public schools have been reduced HO. The district's financial condition made the cut necessary. The salary of the Janitor was likewise reduced. There were a great many country peo. pie In the city yesterday, and merchants reported a busy day. All the small steamers plying between Astoria and the towns In this vicinity carried big loads of provisions. The Till:: h ship Mlstley Hail li dshrd discharging 75 tons of salt for the Tres- CoU Packing Company yesterday at the foot of Nii.Jh str?et, and will leave for Portland today, where the remainder of h?r careo will be discharged. There will be rtic-etlngs Sunday morning and evening tn the hall at the corner of Seventeenth and Exchange streets. All Scandinavians are invited to attend' these meetings, which will be conducted by the missionary of the Oregon Swedish Baptist conference, G. A. Osbrink. W. A. Gaines' private stock whisky, handled exclusively in Astoria by John L. Carlson, Is one of the most popular beverages sold. Its purity and quality are guaranteed, and it to especially rec ommended for family use. It Is sold In any quantity at the corner of Twtktb and Bond streets. A sailor namer Barron, on board the British ship Castor, was taken to St. Mary's hospital yesterday, suffering from malarial Itver. He had been 111 about two wxlti prior to the vessel's arrival an! Is bow convalescent The Castor Is on ths free Kst, hut has orders to re. main her Indefinitely. Professor Kpeneer, Instructor at th As torla Football Club gymnasium. Is mourning he low of one of his fox ter. rlers, the mHhcr of a Utter of pups. The dog attempted to cross In front of an A. ft C. It. train yesterday afternoon and was run over and killed. Nathan Kimball, of Seaside, one of the survivors of the Whitman massacre. Is compiling a complete history of ths early settlement of Otvgon, The work will be made up of Incidents In the personal ex perieneo of the writer and promises to be a most Interesting wark. The Oregon Red Cross Society and Kmenrcncy Corps will forward a rheek fr Jf t General Otis, at Manila, to. day. The hot season has set In there and the money will be used to purchase Ice or anything that General Otis deems bst for the comfort of the troop. The lumber for the Improvement of Astor street will be on the ground. It 1 expected, during the coming week and work will be commenced. The loss for the lumber, which must be yellow fir, according to the contract are not hand led by the loci! mills, which has caused the uVay In commencing the work. The roadbed from the south end of th Toung's bay bridge to the highland Is completed and has been accepted by ths local farmers. Yesterday the tlnal pay ment was made to the Columbia Dlrger Company. The roadbed Is about a mils in length and coet llfctl. Judge Rowrby and K. C. Jeffers represented the farmer In the contract. In the circuit court yesterday Ole A Haven, a native of Norway, was dmlt. rWI to citisenshlp. Ths court was occu pied during the day hearing testimony in th' case of the 1'nited State vs. James Bulger et al. The case went to th Jury In the evening and a verdict had not been arrived at up to a late hour Inst nlirht. Th annual school election will be he'd on Monday. March 11 There are thus far two candidate In th field F. P. Kendall and Thomas Dealy. Cnder ths new law governing such elections, only persons who have paid taxes on 110 worth of property for a ear prior to the election are entitled to vote. This will greatly reduce the number of vot-s This Is the age of adulterations, but Harper Whisky is guaranteed strictly pure, superlative wnisky. Cnemls:. an alysts and phystoiiin testify to this re. pe redly. The evidence is not only strong but conclusive. The people. to, And Harper can be trusted implicitly: hence the enormous sales of his royal whisky. Sold by The Foard & Stokes Company. Astrla. Ore. Herman Wise has a shoe advertisement in today's Astortan that should be rad by every nun who wears shoes. Mr. Wise Intends to discontinue his shoe de partment nd confine his Jfeotion to men's and boys' elothlrsr. hats and fur. nishlngs hereafter. The prices quoted on these shoes are lower than ever before placed on similar goods. The reductions are bona fide, but for cash only. i The Metcalf & Wad, shingle mills at Kelso, Wash., will turn out WO.OCO.OOO shingle the coming season. The company now has at its mills MOO cords of bolts, and lO.iM) cords have been cut and are ready to be driven to the mills at any time. Contract bar been made with cutters to furnish 11.004 cords, and an other ' cords will he cut before the season Is over. Foreman Talman has 100 men at work cutting bolts In the cedar belt of the Toutle river. Michell Teho. a half-breed about 60 years old and a squaw named Romeo, were rapsised In a skiff near the mouth of the Cowlltt last Monday, and Tebo was drowned. The squaw clung to the upturned boat and her cries soon brought help from men near by, and she was rescued. The drowned man has been a resident of Kelso for several years and Is quite well known among the fishermen. An effort is being made to recover the body, but so far without success. James Stewart, who was arrested a few days ago for stealing 130 pounds of twine from the O. R. ft N. dock, was up before Judge Hughes In the Justice's oonrt yes- ieijuji. oieumn xaivea examination B"1 . . . , i waa hound over n the sum of C0 to i default of ball Stawart Went to Jail, where he will remain until September. when the next grand Jury will te empan elled. The twine stolen by Stewart Is I valued at about f"0. Workmen wer busy at the Wolff & ; Zwickir works in Portland yesterday placing the torpedo tuljes on the Fog. When this work Is eompleted the boat will b ready to be turned over to the government at the M.iro Island nnwvard it has not vet been dwld.-d m-hen the ' Fox will start on h-r southern trip, but it will probably be soon. Much will de. i pend uion the wea'her. It Is not intended that the Fox shall stop at Tillamook for a week, as was the case with the Davis. A company has be-n organised to con. struct the much talked of rjinnl tn di vert the waters of the N-canlcum and Ohanna creek Into the Sklpanon, says the Warrenton Tribune. The purpe of the canal Is to bring the logs of that sec. tlon down to tidewater on the Columbia. Assessor Carnahan, Judge Taylor, Jo. slah West, W. F. McGregor, P. Sorenson, Alex Gilbert and several other well known capitalists are the promoters of the scheme, and they have ample capital to carry It out. Three foreign bound Vessels, wheat and flour laden, cleat ' l at the customs house yetrday and are ready for sea. They are the Eaton Hail, with 95.02 busheis of wheat, valued at $08,333; the King David, with 134,7") bushels, valued at $82 200, and the St. Mary's Ray, with 20,205 barrels of flour and a quantity of oaits, canned salmon, empty gunny H-cks ' and dried fruits, the whole valued at $t2,C47. These native Oresan commodities , go to supply the wants of the Boers in I South Africa, the St Mary's Bay being ' bound for Durban. She Is the first vmsel , to clear from the Columbia river the i present month. In reply to- an inquiry addressed to Etifjinet-r Adams, who superintended the construction of the waterworks here, as to the cost of an electric light plant, the water commission has been Informed by Mr. Adams that his former estimate, now on file at the office of the commission, would be suitable now. When the coun cil and commission met to discuss '.h adviphhlllty of the city conducUnsr Its own lighting plant, there was soma dls. cuBsion as to whether or not Mr. Adams' estimate would apply at the present time, the aHsertlon being made that there was probably some difference In the cost of material. The commission will meet again next Tuesday, at which time the cost of lnstclllng the plant will be determined. TO CURE A COLD JN ONE DAT Take lAxatlre Bromo Quinine Tablets. All druggists refund the money If It fall to cure, 25 c The genuine has L. B. Q. on each tablet. For sale by Charles Kogers. Fish Commissioner Moduli says that It h his Intention to enforce th fisheries law, no matter which one is In force. In addition to putting a patrol. boot on the rlVer, he has notified all tioata, express companies and railroads that they will bs HabV to a fin If they carry fish taken during th closed season. He has also requested cold-storage plants to stv him a list of all goods stored with them. for either th trade or family Use, so that no one caught violating the law can plead that the fish In hi possession mine from cold-storage, tt has not been tin. common In the past for violators to either claim they got their goods from houses or from Washington To remedy the latter evil the railroad entering Portland from the sound will be requested to Inform the fish commis sioner of all fresh fish brought there from Washington. A low! hram h of the Aetna Having ft Trust Company was organised In the city last evening at the office of Harrison Allen. The follownur officers wer elect. ed: President, Harrison Allen; vice preal. dent. J. N. Grirtln; secretary, James Fin. alyson; treasurer, J. R. Higglns. Th board of director Is made up of the following: Harrison Allen, J. N. Griffin, C. O. PaJmberg, E. Z. Ferguson. George Urown, W. F. rVhlobe and W. J. Scully. Th company will open an otllc In th building occupied by J a me Flnlayson. The property of the Astoria Building ft Loan Association Is to be transferred to this company, but itegMt brlons are tl I pending. It Is expected that the deal will bo finally closed some time hls week. The -local branch of th company was organised under the direction of O. U MoGtbbon, general manager of the com. pany. The largest bill of big timbers that was ever turned out in ths Cowlltt valley by a sawmill Is now being cut at Filler's mill. Catlln. The timbers are to be med In the steamer Lakme. that was recently ilred by her cargc of lime, and now Ivlng at Portland for repairs. The largest tlm- her Is xI4 Inches and IIS feet long and will be used as the keelson. The log that rurtiLihe this piece of timber Is 1! feet long and 31 Inches at the small end and contains JSli) feet of luntlvr. Two other timbers measure W feet In leiir!h and are ISxit. There are quite a number of sinXler tlmtyrs. The logn were fumlshe.t by Taylor ft Iteeg. loggers on the Ostran. der. and the woods are full of Just such gs. but the expense of getting them to market Is considerable great.r th.m com. mon lergths. When extra, irdin.irv ngths are desired, however. Cowlltt punty can prexlucc them. Kels, Journal. The first regular nu-etlr; of the to be hel.l in thla city by Mr. Charles N. Criltenton will occur In the Methodist hurxh at 1 o'clock this aftern.xm. An other meeting will also be held In the sHtne churth at 7:31 tonight. Throughout he coming week night meetings will eon. tinue to be held a: the Methodist chur h, commencing at 7:30 each evening, liegln. ning on Tuesday afternoon, day meetings wM le held at the Baptist chun h, each lay. at S p. m. These meetings will be lnfr.denomlnatlonal. and will be ivirtKi. pated in by Presbyterian. Congregational. Uptlat and Methodist people. Mr. Crlt- tenton Is one of the leadirar evangelists of the country and his meetings will doubtless be largely attended. Mrs. Mof. fett, who accompanies him as a singer, Is reputed to be a very fine soloist. She will be heard at all the meetings and her singing will be a prominent and at tractive feature. The American bark Harry Morse ar rived In yesterday, 15 days from Hooo. 1 lu. In ballast. The Harry Morse Is In command of Captain Fullerton a"d n-d he trip from Honolulu in about the time ordinarily occupied between the Colunt- bia river and San Frar.iisco and her ar. rival was hot expected for at leas: a. week yet. Captain Fullerton says he had a fine passage, with favorable wind. The Morse Is cnartced by the Ala.-ka Fishermen's Packing Company of this city, to load cannery and fishermen's suites for Bristol boy, Alaska, where the company will erect and one-ate a cannery the coming season. The ma chinery and supplies are tct yet v il e ready for loading, and, as the equipment connected with the enterprise w"l be purchase ;n Astoria, 'he Morse will n'' ! ready to !-ave for the north before the latter part of the rrumth. The fishermen . ,. , . engaged for the season will also take ,h. . The City Teachers' yesterday morning at Association met McClure school. PaP rd by Prof.ssor Wright Miss Sayre and Miss Ruth Garner. An election of officers was held, resulting as folkrws: President, Miss Rayles; vice, president. Miss Sayre; secretary, Mls Holden; executive committee. Ml War. rn. high school; Mrs Kathleen Ross. Mc. Clure's school; Miss Mary Garner. Shiv. ley's school; Miss Ausmu. Adair's n00' Jllfl Andrews, Alderorook scnool. An '"f'1""' discussion regarding the Mothers' League developed considerable opposition to the plan. On of the teach, er oi-P'-'sed the forrra'.lcn of the league on the ground that muhy children came to school Improperly clad and unclean; that mothers of such children were not fit persons to iok out for the welfare of jpu1'"" tno publlfi """o'1'- This objec, j tlon "id not cTr much weight, how. : eVfcr' aB ,he it of the proposed league i t0 uar'1 affalrmt Just such conditions, 'Generally speaking the teachers are j PPsl to the league. Warrenton, recently Incorporated as a jolty, Is. putting on metropolitan airs. At ,a recent meeting of the council an or. dlnance regulating the sale of liquor wa I passed. The ordinance provides that the front aoor ot a" -drinking places shall ; he kept close1 on Sunday, and penalties i ranging from $25 to $200 are provided for j violation. The Tribune, of that place. Is very favorably Impressed with the or. dlnance, and declares that, If the law in rigidly enforced, it will "be difficult for un habitual drunkard to secure liquor, particularly if complaint be lodged with the mayor, auditor and police Judge, or marshal." In applying for a liquor U. cense a person must present a petition signed by 20 persons. Should a remon, strance be filed signed by 20 persons, then the applicant must secure a greater num wt of numes to his petition. An ordln. ance licensing dogs is also In forty; there. An ordinance restricting certain animals from running at large Is In the course of preparation. The council seems die posed to allow each family to keep two mlleh cows, and to Impose a tax on all other cattle which runs at large. Horses will be subject to the tender mercies of the poundmnster if they are found running at large. This ordinance will come up at the meeting tomorrow night. We have saved many doctor bills since re began using Chambr-r'aln'B Cough Remedy In our home. We keep a bottle open all the time and whenever any of my family or myself begin to catch cold we begin to use the Cough Remedy, and as a result we never have to send away for a doctor and Incur a large doctor bill, for Chamberlain's Cough Remedy never falls to cure. It Is cer tainly a medicine of great merit and worth. D. 8. Mearkle, General Merchant and Farmer, Mattie, Bedford county, Fa. For tale by Charles Rogers. 1 The cannery combine acquired some two and on halt mlMon square feet of Astoria water front by lis cannery purchases. And thcr sr those who think this was the chief Incentive to llsmmotul's move In this direction. Of course, the combine Insured all ths salmon tratllo on The Oregon side to th A. ft O. R. R Hut iMt would, haxe eume anyway, perhaps. If the A. ft C, H. it. la to be absorbed by the V, 1 along wiih the O, It. ft N. Co, The A. torla water front acqiilnllltin, however, will be worth more than the cost of all 'the canneries many time over a soon jas Astoria become the shipping point of the Columbian basin. It looks llku : a .i'el way for Investing In Astoria water front at td rock price without "giving the snap away." It certainly 1 a big fvature of the cannery combine trade. Its Importance wa not noticed until yesterday, when It was polnt.d out by a visiting real estate man. Ir 1 a pretty good real estate pointer, and th real estate men have their ear down next to the ground to catch the first IWllm.M I.. ft. t...n..l ... I.... I C. C. Masien. who operates a logging camp near Bear creek. wa In the city yesterday. Mr. Alasten haa kept his camp running during the winter and hn X men employed. He states that he It now putting In the creek to.ooa feet a day, and will Increase hi force of men when summer work begins. A donkey engine la used In hauling the logs from the wood. These engine have now sup. planted ox team for this purpose to a large extent In the north wet, and cr. dally on the Columbia river. All up-to. date loggers use engines anil horse and the one lucrative position of bull. punch, er ha almost become a thing of the past. Mr. Master ay he Is located1 In a tlmler bell containing between JS.iWiW and awuxw feet, which will t.ike him about five year to log off. It ! the only considerable body of timer In the vuimty close to tidewater. Mr Mmtcn u;i:ei some of the hval nit.l with log but sells larc le to the Portland mil's The prl.v has advanced since lost con. ! gs now being worth T5 and fii a thousand. The demand. Mr.'.en s.iya, Is yet as brisk a at any time within the past two years. ONLY GiVl FILIPINO I.S TIIK PK.W FILIPINO. Montana Volunteer No Low f r the Philippine Insurgent-I'ridn t More Trouble at Mint;. Mr. O. I. Monroe, of Lmg lien.n. re. cemly received a letter from h.s brother, N.ipnleiti 'Monroe h Is now wiih the army of occupation at Manila as a iti in. her of company L, First Mont na volun. leers, which glv-. a very mter.-stlng account of condition there at the I me of rltmg. Speaking of a threatened atta k the writer h.iys: "Th instirgetus intended to attack us during the hol.dajs. thlnging tile American soldiers would t eating and drinking and merry. . as to tie caught off their g.iurd. The day b. fore Christmas the natives moved troops up to our Urns, Intending to come through early In the mornl:. You can In ugme surprise un waking In the morning a daybreak to find U" American soldiers within half a mile of tiiem. all waiting for the order to move or commence firing, but they never gave u the iluice us they retreated preopi. lately." Of their character generally he h.i ni a high opinion, according to the follow. Ing: "There has been a good deal .iid on the subject of Spanish brutuity in the mvernmcnt of these people, but ac. loriting to what I have learned from eg. pnlenew to tako an Iron hiunl tu rule them. The war with Spain will sink Into Insignificance In comparison -wltn th trouble th.e savages will cau- the Americans. There, is i.j I on-.r, nun h.o.l or prln-iplo about them ami n.n aio twe Pued ami treucherous to the hlgheat degree. They ure Idle ir jr. Vic'uii and fond of display and wiil com-mi- any crime for a few dollars. They are Intensely superstitious and gambling I a i raze with them. To get a gambling .fake tl..y will un their iiotln- and their chirtren' Mere Is a characteristic Incident: "tmj the night of January 10 two nativ s r.ime , up to one of our sentries on an outpost, j saying, 'Mucho amlgol' igocsl frb nil). I Just as they pushed the sentry ono of Cum whlind oui a long knife and op-n the .nil el i cnerk to the hone. ' The sentinel promptly drove hh bayonet j though the miscreant and th-n slioi d.ti his companion, who had siarlej t run." THE Cl'KTIS FISH III LI- DKAH. Cathlamet (i;ixette. A dispatch from Salem. Or., states the Curtis fish bill is null and void nn account of an omission In the bill a re. ported by the Senate committee on fish- erles. The omission was the failure of th "" ticm, "lieu me mil wna.alan hoovh. . K.H- n.t -..mK..l.ln.. amondt-d, to retain the enacting clauw of the bill. This was a vital oeiect, nni me celebrated Curtis fish bill Is conse quently ns Inoperative and dead us an edict of Agulnaldo. How this fatal omission ever escaped the observation of the committee on fisheries In the house and senate is as tonishing. In the senate, Reed of Doug, las, a canner, was chairman of the com. mlttce. He Is an experienced legislator, and regarded as one of the sharpest men In Oregon and more than usually vigilant In legislation. Johan Young of Clatsop was chairman of the house committee. He la energetic, but culd be fooled at any stage In legislation. But Curtis of Clatsop, the author of the bill, was Its watchdog and all-round champion, They were all fookd as easily as blind men, and the opponents of the bill un doubtedly put up the jmb. ine ueau nsn mil was tne measure that carried the appropriation of HS.doo for fish havheries and provisions raising revenue from the salmon Industry, and was the result of a Joint oorKi-rence h'-ld by thu Oregon and Washington legisl tors, naving in vktv uniform concurrent legislation In both states, ft was at ml. lar In revenue provisions to that prlntel In The Gazette this week. In view of the failure of the Curtis bill tho legislature of this state should abandon the scheme for revenue which discriminates against and places an un. fair tax on tho fishermen and cannery. men of this dtate. Oregon has failed to do her duly In protecting nnd advancing the salmon industry, Washington should not dnch her fishermen for the benefit of the delinquents In Oregon, The stllUborn delivery of the Curtis fish bill Is due to the folly and rapacity of the major portion of the Oregon Islature. With a buffoon, a freak, na leader of the house, whose time whs token up protecting and perpwtilatlng "grafts" of all descriptions, 'to the utter neglect of urgent local and general legls. latlon, It Is not to be wondered at that tho legislature was what the "grafters" made It a monumental, tocnomlnloua failure. The portions of the old fish and game laws which the Curtis Mil aJmf-d to amend and repeal are still In force in Oregon. The way some women yank children along toy the arm mnkea everyone who sees them long to give them a taste of the same treatment. Do You Wear Then Glance Over These Prices. I.ncemui CotitfreHH Shoen, worth ,51.75, elowlni: nut 5i.o J.J5, " 1.40 .(K), " J.M) Slipper " 1.2s to 1.50, " 75 You'll miss it if HERMAN WISE, The Reliable Clothier, Hatter IIOTKL Allltl VAIJI. HVJDKNT. A M. Armer. H.m Francisco V I' h.iiiiico, Mrs K J K'rd. San Franelseo Julius Kims Chlcao. i It. Hush. I'ortlund. K J I'aly. I'orllaiul. J M Moore. vrtUnd II A Smith Portland. K tloughmout. IJvmgHion. Mont, t'.orgr W. Illcks. Fort Mteven C. K. Warxl, Fort Htcvena. I'AltKKIl IIOCSK. It J Thompson lVrtland. K. TurncV. rortland. M lli'.le Fort rileven. John J O Connell. Fort Bte-ens. A H It.inkln Fort Mteven. J. Kaylor. Ilwaixv Frank haup. Oak Point. STILL . .Il CofNTKUFFITINO The vrel servh has Unearthed an. nihtT band of rountrrfeltrra and secured a large quantity of bogus bill, Which are tn cleverly eie.ut.,1 ihat the average ,ron would never upe. them of being jspurlou. Things of grvat faille ars al. j way, ,cv.l te counterfeiter for 1ml. ,.,, notably the .-elMlirate,! Hosteller's Stomach Hitters, which baa many Imlta. tors but no equal for Indigestion, dys. pipsia, i-onstlHiton, nervousness and gen. ntl debility. The Hitter set thing rittht in the atofi.m-h mid when the .torn, a.-h Is In good order II make good blood and plenty of II. In this mAnner tha Hitters get at the vest of airength ami vitality, and restore vigor to the weak and debilitated. lerar of counterfeits h"n buying R HA L BHTATE TIlANHFEIlS. I'nited Htaten to Nicholas Pavh-h, northwest quarter section M, township 6 north, range 10 west patent M I. Call.-n.h r to Julia CallendVr lot t. block 9); lis: 4, block M. Adair's, also southeast quarter of northwest quarter, and east half of sooth ens t quarter, section 14: also southwest quarter and southwene of southwest quarter of ..-.tlon 2T1. township 8 north. range t west; M0 cu res l.l'WJ o eiy naru u nuui lu.jr oj ana see our dear ones suffer while awaiting ine arrival or the doctor. An Albany (N. Y.) dairyman called al a drug stor there for a doctor to com and sr his child, then very sick with croup. Not finding the doctor In, hs left word for him to ooms at once on his return. Hs t.0UKn iiemtAy eh hoped would ! '.,. ,.m.. ...wii k. A,- .i ... arrive. In a few hours ha returned, say. Ing the doctor need not corns, as ths child was much better. The druggist, Mr. Otto Bcholi, says the family has since recommended Chamberlain's Coofh Remedy to their neighbor and friends until he haa a constant demand for tt from that part of tho oountry. For sal by Charles Rogers. Positions Secured We aid those who want forsrnmsnt po sitions, H.0O0 place under Civil Service rules; 1.000 yearly appointments. War creates a demand for 7.000 employ with in t month. Bureau of Civil Service Instruction, m Fifth Btroot Washington. D. C. The Quaker MRS. r. BARKER. I hav tried th vapor hath and think It 1 especially good to hav In a famlly-artlculrlir for breaking up a oold. MRS. MART MACKB, ' Midwife-After a full trial, I consider th Quakr Cabinet on of th bt Invention svsr mad for hath. No family thould b without on. HENRY SHERMAN I hav had rheu matism every winter for several years, but thl winter, since usln t rapor bath, have had no rheumatism. My wife also recommend It very highly, MRS. R. E. BlflTH Having- used th cabinet I consider It excellent, pedal! y for bad ease of th a-rlpp, which wa effectually cured by It. DR. DUVALL, 1 HOE you don't get a these prices. Salmon Twines Double-knot Nettings, Cotton Seins, Twines, Lines, Etc. Wa have no connection with combinations, and tastnsj th only dtrol Unparlar of Salmon Twin and Net oa ths coast, w can supply ths wry bct at lows prices con latent with quality. Wa handle ths only sjootoh Twlnss on the asarhM, HONEYMAN & it 1W Tliir.1 Strtfl, Cor. TuvU, s)-nd l stamp lo pay po;acs FISHER BROS. i Builders' Heavy and Shelf Hardware, Ship Chandlery, Etc. Can Have Tou Mony on Estimates of Material of Every DsacrlpttosX C. HEILBORN & SON. The Oklent Houhc hi Antorlti. The Lnrgpst mitl Only Carpet and Furniture House in Astoria. Tlio lwrgt'st niiil fincst nto i l h)' ftn) ,10"w 111 Ortoil tilltHldc HOHE-nADE Taffies, Caramels, Chocolates and Bon Bons fresh every day, at THE SPA. I ASTORIA MEAT COMPANY 1 Telephone No. 03 Handles Only the L4.S Commsrclsl It., Cabinet Testimonials of Its F. W. NEWEL! One using of ths vapor bath practically cured a foraal member of my family of la grippe con dition. REV. W. D. HOLMN09HEAD.-W hav used th Vapor Bath In our horns for some tlm and freely recommend It to th public .OEOROE RICHMoWl-W hav Ued th Q. V. bath and cheerfully rcmaa4 a, ,tv". BMITH-l ilk th rapor bath very snuch. MRS. JOSEPH PIIiCHER-I am greatly oleaaed with th Quaker Vapor bath aad freely recommend it, to my sex esnedally, Agent ASTOR HOUSE pair of our shoes at and Furnisher McBRIDE h)UTI.ANI. OU. and (t a lid Table for 1M General Supply House for Family Groceries. k of Ciirju tH mid Fiiriiitiirp carrioil r i . i of I'lirlllllltl. Choicest Meats 1 asit Pslae Hsslsarai.t. C Vapor Bath. Value.