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About The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899 | View Entire Issue (March 5, 1899)
TIIK DAILY ASTOJUAJN. SUNDAY MORNING. MARCH 5, l THE EXCttLCN'Cr OF SVCLT OF FIGS Uiitia nut only to tin' iii ltrinuUly ami simplicity uf tint I'lniiliiiiiillitii, lint nImi totlin cure fin. I ultlil wltli which It U nmimfaoiiiri-il Uy .i.Viiti. prufrHai-a known to tlm 'i ihi,inu I'm nuiii Cm. only, mill tvo w lull ti iiiiii) Hii iihhi II tlin lniMii liiun uf iui liiialnj,' the truti ami i ilnul remedy. A tlm Trntniin SyniKf I'l, I, ttinnii fttfturi'il ly tlm ( Ai.irnMNU I'm Nviit'i Co. only. kiumliiiKn of tlml fad ealal nun In avoiding- tlin wnitlileMi Imitation iiiuiuifin'turi'il iy oilier par tie. Tim high Mainline of tlm Cai i roNiA Knt HriitT Co. wltlt tlm medi cal irofMinii, u ml i In- antlafuctlon which tha (fi iiiilim Hvrupnf Flg-a lia Vlvnn to inJlllo:i of fuitiUlt H. make tho llama uf tlin Company a g-tiuraiity of tho excellence, of t reined. It U far lu advance of nil other laxative. e It irb on tint LMiieya, Hvir ami bowel without Irrlla'liiif or weukrti loir llii'iu, ami It iliM-M not irrltx) nor tiauacat. InonliTtotfclIt lKtic(lcll I r-fTVcta, plce rriiiniiilMr the nam of ; tlin liimpatiy ! CAUrORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. ' Lt MTIU.K. k Mr Mr VOMK. NT. 1 NI1W "TIHKK REI-oll'tED HAN I'll. Win. ii. March I --Auvicra f c "in J'liicmi Alik4 nf K"lirurv R.I, ' that h oMHii in ihr I'otviipin. , tliairl. I lias nuM 1 1 1 ruah of inii. o In Hie 1'hllca.l illatrlct The dlid Waa Ii utile .Mi Tallalfl cr. which !)' Into Ilia 'luteal, about 11 mllo from llmsa '. mi Tli nilwiun U rapidly gruwing lino llvoly town, Tb whole country tik uf It, except beyond III divide. ) , In American torritory. In Alaaka pnir, i Mil claim ro ahtiut I&UO (vo aipKire, Ot ! imt W acre m are. ; 8ul.NI) nowi.uitu uianATicn. I'i'liri.AMi. Mar. h In Ihr liilrrcluli ottauiilunalil) Untune uliimaiiwiit (. iilvht iti nr.acuti H:a1 i'iuli imi (uiir airalflu (atnva fr-mi ttaltla ami lit Alultitiimah i 'hill tixik a llk hunilr from 4li Irani baa li" Ih.i Ullir l lir I tli.llna ir lllr i lllli fulliiwa rrMl K-iaUt'lub .. " rWailU J. .l ilt in until .. . uv 'I ii'Hliit . u TIIK rtllKUIKAN gl'AltANIINK.ti W A HI 1 1 Ni i'l'i i.V. Mar.h 4-ll I .ild at I he war ar llial Ihrrr no vailan f r i.rrinion on 'wuiii ot in troiiiloii uf Hi.- iian..orl rll. i 111 In 4Uraiii :nr al liihi.iliar Tlurp la nKh In ni.irr .rtiDiw than a mlhl lyp of lioal"a alamiil Ihn Ixiat Tho tiaran. I ii,- im)ar.l I alniply nrtauioniry againat runMtiunlonitiHI the dlwaan 10 th llrlllali garrUon at Ultirnltar. WAR fUNIT10N8 BHli'l'IClV I tha ariialti Wrtf not r.iiiflmi.'.l Ttn! In. HKAIMMI. I'a. ManJi 4-lmrln thUt pllllr ,,, ,,. 01imi,Hl fur gallant ao. .rk th '..riK.ntrr Htral rumiHtny. of ; ,, ln ,h. H.nlh war. Wa city. ailtl four carload of pro. i Th(, ., lo of t,rrrntullv jMlllii of vtrloua oallUro to 4h Nor. l1t, of M,M,.mUrli. ,0 uurarun folk navy yaw. mi f ara inipmiuo tor hoih the iirmv nml tuny, ami annie of I hum will ! tiard for i-iat anrvli-!. l.ntlro I Iced a Solid Scab. Had to Wear a Tar Cap. Doctors and All Other Kcmctllc Fall. CURED DY CUTICURA. Uy Huh. nrphrw, John Htauntna, fu afltlrtnl 1 1; laro ) i'ata with lb win. I KHra I er aaw all ii. i r hi! Ialy aial fa.- ami brad. Ilia hra.1 and Ii jallliuratrciraaollil arab. John a. a pill a'. I hainual bat auffrrril drraillully. I. . I illi. 1 naa.1 alllbe rrmcllca llial be braid uf, 1. I l K-l.or.1 wllh all Ihednrluia. Kti)ll.lm 111'i.iia (or til tn . lie wore alar oai,aUii, wbh'h 0 .1 110 (.aal, but Ibo Utile buy go " f"11''' Ul"" Ii . iiailm t'l'Tlit a (iilntiiirnl) aiull iTItl'lu t sx.: Hum be la a clran, hrallhy child. I". K. Kol.TZ, I'.mh'a linn, V. I..tit ttiuir tknartii" l'i Timai'T - A wane baw alia 1:1 Ti. eat B4ran.taaiU amaiilinc llti 11 iii-rat InHanliy tlu and aidil l IM rkmI I .rtiif.Dit ami dwflguitiif liuuiora cil ll.a .Liu. a.'4la, ai.U lil wl, allh Iuh . hall, eli'a all alar lala. a. M Iba "M. i'..tTia D. ('.Oar. Kuia I'ioua , lluaU-a, ll.iw lot lira luay llaoioia, (raa. SAVE YOUR HAIR by varm a.liaimna U kiiii vaa rr. C. J. TRENCH ARD, Commission, Brokerage, ,,OM-; TaZ'r ASTORIA, OREGON, Insurance and Shipping. Agent W. K. A On., and I'acltlo Kiprru Co . ob Printing Done with Neatness and Dispatch. Prices Reasonable. Call at The Daily Astorian. GREAT LOSSES TO LIVESTOCK Past Winter lias Been tbe Mos Severe Reported In tbe Coun try for Ten Years. 780,000 CATTLE DESTROYED Shetp Losses Heavy In Huh, Wyorn Irtf inJ Orcfon. tut rormcr Stales Suffered thi Most, March Churlfn K. Martin a.mrntary of the Niiiliiiml l.lvr Ht'iik Atanclallull, tuil.iy laail.wl it bulletin ion i ruling Uveal. a k lnaa mi Hie ran! linn win IT, It aayai Mili I tin ii'iiiluii or Moniuim, r porta lion hf-n reci-ived from I lie- r Inn aiiakm.n mil) are i-intdvrcd accural aa f ir im liny go. In Hah", Wyoming 'Colorado, northern Hint Wrattrn Twin iN'i'W Mexico. Oklahoma mnl Initial! Tcr rlinry ilm liilr linn l-n Ilia wuril .kimttii In lu )'! nr m"i' !' tutiiiiriy 1 1 ho Kriui Mild niu'lr Dm luiint ilry an ! I ti rn ttit 'iinuiiti ttlml uiid nun In k"-p it fair iriinrtluii "f rlir raii-a iin '.vncl i U.K. in. 'uliiii(i.n ami Arl. jl'itut urTii il wry llulr mnl hit vn niily iii'iniiiiil ii. 'CitllfciriiWt I t 1 1 1 ii nr-r inat frmn n ilrniuli, nii'l thr nuiluok lh-rr la l'l "In tmmr .! imta. nn a li"lr, U llir (ilrorlil llllir, tlm )' Kill aVtJKi' i nr nriii. With ilia ni'l favmablr i.n. illlluiia III. 1 1 .an Im- ririttrit, ii n nihil llnluil lna of J irr trnt limy Im- loc.k.ll fur iN-fine nrtl i'rina, uiil, DlmuM (lie a.'alhrr initlinir hail thr uh Munii Initv) lima will rrlallilv r'uil. '"nu i. .ilnirlit uf aurli uliurr rrmria Dial Hiiro In thr mlklllxif IhmiiI ll.ix.K.i n ail uf laltlo In llin r;il;o i .iuiiir) mi I. ivry Aumli lliat till la i iirrri I, t r ' Ul uf Dihi iniiiiliir amilil liuthMlr llir ilntnu Ih n ot :hmui hrmi of tiUu ilnrliiK thr iriVm wlnlrr "In t'inh, Wymnltia nml auiiw mrta of i in ii, in hmvy lo-.-t' I""" arc n i'irtri "Wyuiiiiiis a:iJ I lull i.f thr i 'niinvn u of any rrriril " TIIKHI-: om'K.HKKKKIUt ; wii.i, in: MSAiToiN rr.i Many lniMitliiiii .S'"in nnlloiMi. Anionic Tlirin Dm Hawaiian "ti un I n 1 " u r i Katlnl "f ' 'iiflrni.ill'ni I U ASIIINH I'ON M ir-li 4 -Aiming the in. ml iiiirl.iiil n 'Hiln.iii.ii dial Ulh'd uf runrtrmailun ura ihr f'olowinii ,1- n.iloi Mori; hi mn) fulhiin, ltrirr. niiailvr Hlii, H.infuril II !"lr unii W'al Irr V Krmr M Im- Hawaiian cinunla lolirn, Marlln J. C'artrr, if l'rnnayl vaiilit. tn Im miiatil nl Hi. Johli. N K. naval ail lilt rlln'lU for onat'.rtilloua 'n i,,,,, , , .alB,p m, n,r H, hl. y ami H.illiiaoit iioinlliallona. II. (1. Iwnrt, of North (artonla o ha t'nllr rttalea J la. Ill' I JimI' for lllr raalrrn illairlt-l of Nor ill t'arlniila, (Iwrar V. Oarrrit, nf Aikanu, to Iw coiiimlmlunrr to rxatnln ami rlaaalfy In 11. 1 within llir grant limit if rho Nurtlirrn INu-jfli' mnipnny In th Mlaauiila, lonj UUtrlut In Molilalia. All uf tha army ni'inlnallona wn to f n,,lltrr fn,.j f cnflrnuitlon. jr. rauao lnh Mai'lui-ti aonalora op. Miari him ilANtl t'K BfCt-lVSn'I. KUIUIKIIH HKIIIND TIIK HAHfl !8ln.liM rborr of 4'lOra 'nirtnirhont j thr t'ountry uut of Varluua I Jtunia of Monry. NKW VdKK. Man-h 4-Thrco young tin-ii who innatltiite a part uf a gnng of li h-vi-r 1 lin k fnrKi'r, have l'rn err. al i-d j itt Nowiirk. N. J., ami the li-mh r uf the gang. Mlohnrl l.nhr, hu" nmili' a ronfra. 1 aliin. Tin. otliiT fwo arritol uro Jwi ph j Mlllnr atnl .MU'lutrl Kranka. Thry all H'lalm New York ua thrlr rrajilotuo, ! I.rhr la a marvr In hl linn nf forginw ! alirtiattin'. Ho ha Imrn at work for 'tlin pital f-nir vur. Ho cliiiina to liuw ilutir nil Ihn I'hi-i'k wrltliit!. ami tho gang . Ii.ia workitl aii'rm of I'llli-a throughout I.I ho oouniry. Tliny iM gun In Nnar York , mnl gut iiumiToua aninll aiima of money 1 from niirrhntit from the Naiionul I'urk t.ank. Ihn Klfth Niitliiiiiil iind thr Aator I'liiro hunk without iM-ing tllarovorrd. ! Tin y limn wnnt In t'nimlfn mnl Trnirt.m, ' ihi'iirn 10 Hiiltlimiro ami from there Ho Of Any Description llnaton and other New Knglnnd oltkn, APtar x lour through New York atiiHa, Uiklnir .In numlwr "t atnallar el lira, tlmy want out 111, liMn partlirularly iki'tMaafiil aA Cli.valant. Two tf h rnmnlinra a.avinlliig to lrhr ara now In prlanri, ixin Oiurla 'Mlllnr, aorvliwr term of four and a half ymr In Hlng Hing, nml Ilia olhnr, Hnmunl Millar, arv lug two ymira In tha Alli'ntirwn, I'a. penllviitlnry, they having !'n caiaxht paaaliiK forged ihmka. 'rho Hhrrn iiii'inlia of tha gnng who wor arri'lN today have burn followeil for a l"iig llimi 1iV dnlertlvrai, IJHTHAI.A I'AI.MA AfiVlnKS tvNrii'icNt'M i.v oomkz I'romla.a Miuln l.y Dim I'liHrd Miolea no long. r lioiihii'd hy thnKrli-txla uf tlin Otimral, NIJW YtHK. Miirih 4-T. Iir.idt I'ulm.i, fuitmrly hnid if llnr 'uh.n 'Junta, aiH-aklng of tha diangrnnniitnt In ilm i.'iilmn Baa.'intily imd tti aUKixle of Uiiinrol Iruini'g lual nlghl, an hi: "Tlmrn I no iiirlliurn-Mar y uaai tnl.Iy In tlm win Id In whh h I not i'.ni hh ki-rlnga, In wlih ll ai i uaiitloiia are nut l,iiiu-. tu k ami forth, In whlrli in tlf n. Hi-iiH rit of ili'hiitr. nrnmhrra do not any morn lliun trtry nirun. (111 Ihn oilier I111 lid, th frli'inla of Cuba, ahould Im rn. nnurugnl hy tha aiertai') uf inlinraU (lomi'l'a rntlre t onltdmii n tlml nil ihn lnimlK'a of lha I'lillid Hlat'H will lie nurrlnil mil. All tlw who may have tinallan they thought ha tl'Xlhted have now uiiiUriion.ilily anrrendnrrd ihe luiiht nml iihnr, If any tlinr are. will l iH.wi't fully liilluimrl hy hh ex nm. pin " 'lo you agrna wMh liniirral ti'inwi'a Hew lliot llir Ann-rliwn trnopa (hotild .n tm wlilultawnT" Yea; It aaema to 1110 uniietnaaary thai a., many ahould Im kepi In Culm, and I think a roiialilrratke reduction of the fori- elioiil.l Iw inmle hrfore tha hot wnithrr. llany Amrrlfun live. I fear. will ! aoi-rlflmil If the large hinll.-a of In.ove urn rmaJne.1 there during tint auiiim.-r. And. hy m-l autumn, atnpa hoiihl have been tuk.11 for the rvacun. Him of Ihn lain ml by the I'nlled Htitfra. T that nml. aonu-thliig ahould .e dune now tiTWnrd lalllng a, ronlltullrn:il iMivi'irtlofi n the iir.llmlnary atep to raiiihlleliiiiic a n gulnr and aluhie govern. miiit.'" Ml lll:iHM H I'UiT I NKAItTIIKn WAS Ql'KNTIN I'KIKON. Ptt.- iN.iuli ia ('oiwidrntt to Murder the liii.irde and Kffe.-t W'holeaiila Jn. Iivi-ry of the I'rlaon. HN OI KNTIN'. Till . Mnrrh 4 -A ra. plrn' y among the o,iivl-a in tha atate in muid.'r t h. Ir guar.W and effoi't wholraaln t1-lli-ry if prlaonera haa .it ri-venliil to Warden Hae Ihrough ilm f.titil hnarri'ihi.-wa ief n . of tlw- tia-i. apiiatura A it ri-ault elghl men dmounid allwcy ba cabled rlngh aileia Yn tlm movement 11 r ln the lutigr.iii one guard charged by the In. former with oimplh hy In the murdrroua lout f the Inmate. Im burn iH liiin;e.l and the a-uarda have been dmUid. A ha'cliet. eevernl kolvea nutde from tile 11 11. 1 a. iiitn ruibly faahloneil dmr key h Ix-en fiiund. and n evanh la bdng throughout the prtaon for the re. Iter, which It la an Id were smuggled in thfiioarh bn i-raniilhtty of the die - harge.f guard. Tbe convict now In ol. nary t onflnctnent or all itniert rrlm. Inula neVeral of them being In for Ufa. The mfonnrr la "Hlr Harry" WVatwood 'ooper, convhted in Han Krwnoiaro of forging drafta on the Anglo.CnMfornli and Han Kraiichn-o A Ixn1on lauik. tie clulmntt to be tmrone.t, and for a ahort ihiie llvn.1 In vtyle. I'rrKvulton have leen taken to prevent him from being killed by hi fellow con. vht. WAI.I. I'APKIl Wil'NI TO CONTAIN AltSKN I" ' I'OISOV hemlrnl Analyla by lr. Oiamel Re. veala l'iaon 1n Homo I'uper In Hunrllng (iiantltlc. ITIIAfA. N V.. M.mli 4.-Ur. E. M. Ch.imrl, of tho d.-piirtment of rnell unlvcmlty. hu announced that, a rceult of the chemical analywl of wmII inM-r which he ha been currying on for aevcrnl muntha, he I able to atate that n.'tirly all wall imper old t the priKctit time contain areenlcal poison, omr of them In urprtlng quiintltloti. Dr. t'liamcl' nvetlgatlon were in. the r.'illt of the aeveral ttue of orannlc polminliaj! whlih are aald li have been t-aued by contact Willi imper mivered Willi. One of three case wu In W. 8. lliincroft'a family ut 1'or- nell tinlvcreliy. which was caueed by red all pht. Or. v'hamel ay there 1 no ha.alH for the popular belief that green pillar contain the moat arciilc. HE l'HIIDKI.I'irU EXPOSITION. rilll.AlHOI.I'HIA, March 4 -In re. apuiiiM. to invitation tunned ny liu- mayor, nn enthmelaeltlc meeting of rep. rcseiitiitlvce. of every trade organlaatlon and buelne Inlcritit In the city was held for tho purpose of promoting: the Philadelphia, ctimmercliil expuelilon to 4e held neac fall. Tho hill pending In the IVnaylvnnla lcgllature nppropriutlng $:l).iiim In aid of the .expoaltlon, SO.tWO of which I to be imed rxi'ltiHlvely for nil exhibit of the In.lilMrie of the mate, waa liitloraetl and the legislature wa iiakctl to lutMH It. A reaolutlnn requeat. lug (lovemur Stone to nek tho governor of other iltea to oltlohilly nwi!iiii the exposition and to reipicKt niunufao- t in,iW .hf oimi. alat.ia lit make evhlhlla I waa pinoaeil ond another wua aihpted Inviting lltiaiicliil und trade organlautloti to hold their niinual fall meetings In this city nt tho ttmo of tho nuvtlng of tho Interna tlonnl vonimendtil wivgren. It wa luso resiiivtni to ii..Mriut voiiuiuiiees representing trado orgttnlsatliws and nil linen of business, to further tho Interest of 'the exposition. DRAMSHOPS Ml'ST CLOSE. ST. l.OriS. March 4. Tho police board has iidopted a resolution ordering the etiforcgnifiit of the law requlnng sa loon to bo cIowimI on Sunday. Caivtnln In tho different districts have received inslructloiis from Chief of Police Camp bell lu sco to It that no liquor la old next Sunday or ftny suiveetllng Sunday. It In expected that a determined, flght will lie mado by the dramshop keepers and tho ciinstllutloiiallty of the new llerry livw, under w-hlcli the order hns been Issued, may be tested In the court. 1'EOEllAL REGULATIONS FREV.UL. SAN riUNCISCO. March 4.-Thr,e superior jinlgea. sitting In banc, have decided that the quarantine regulations of Hie federal government if thl port take precedence over regulations of the local board of he.ilt'h. The authority of M. J. Kosonau, 'the federal quarantine officer,, wna sustained as against the au thority of Dr. Chalmers, quarantine offl oor of the board of health. Considerable trouble haa been roused to master of Incoming vessels by frequent clashes be, tween these two officers. THE I ATIVES v LOST HEAVILY Attempt ii Rclnforament Near Guadalobpe Fi ustrated ty One of the Gunboats. TOWN OF SAN JOSE SHELLED flcbels Flrtd on the Bennington, the Vessel Ktturnlnt the I Ire Admircl Dewey Kaises His fhg. MANILA, March 4,-11 :HJ a. m.-At day. light l..rii-ral WlmalKii a ouleiFt illarov. rwl a large !Kly of rebel alii-rriitlr g to nroaa the rlvr fur the purieiai- of rein! forvlng the rtinniy ut Cuadaloupo, nnd a guulemt adtanied under a heavy lire and Miurd ahot Into the Jungtn on both ahba of tlin river, and ahel.Ml the eminy'i poattlon at (iuadal'iuiM: nfficllvely, tern. MrarUy atattermg the rib.-l. The ene. mya' loaa waa he.ivy. I'rlvale John T. (lie", of biiltary C, Third artillery, wa killed on b-Kird the gutilamt. I'rlvnKa Wlllium Wln-.lcr and iula Harrlrn, of the c'uilfornhi regl. merit Wnre Wiunde.1, tub p. m. The r'U-.a In the village! of Han Joan fired 011 tne I'nlti-d Ktiitna gun- Unit lleiinlngton t Uy. ami the w.irahlp ahew1 that p.,i' and othi-ra auburb of Mulnimn t tit it afierniH.n Tho I'nlted Btitlea trannorta Hnnl,r und (itilo hitvo arrtvid hi re rein, fiirrenieiita of tro(la. The l'nlte.1 Htatea cruli-er loltimfre r. rived bre at 4 p. in. from Ifcongkotig. having nn board the rlvll nv-mlHTa f Ihn rnit.-d Btatu rh3lppru- oommin. Ion. 4omn of the wlvi of the olfliera have been allowrd to l.ind from th I'nlted Slat.a iruiiapiirt Morgan "". but they hav been ordered to return on ?aanj that atoitmer by i o'elo k thl nfiernoon. Tho rruli-r Clwrleaton tm arrived from Aarra. PBWKY ItAIHKH HIS KI.AU. MANILA, Mar.h 4 Admiral 'iw.rge linw.y riilmij hi lUg a admiral on board tho (llympla thi monilng, and waa Miluted by' the guna of the lliitiah crularr N;!tvtmi. the lrmnn i-rulaer Kniwrlti Augusta, and the Amirlcin IItl'' tn Jerri. WASHINGTON. March 4 Admiral rt'cret.iry long a follows: "Maiilin. Mar- h 4 - Tle.ian a-c- pt fi r yotireclf. the preal.h nt. oongreaa. and my I ii.iiiitrym.-n my heartfelt thank for the great honor which ha been conferred upon me. I'KAVEY." GKXKHAl. OTIS l(KltHT. WASHINGTON. March 4. -The war dftoirtment ha recelvnl the following ; cablegram from tMli: "Manila. March 4.-001 tic near Cal ocan, In the Klmt Monlaaa, were aa fol low: f ".March 2, band. lrl vata Alfred Cah. more, thigh, alight. "Ncwr ttttn IVIro, Manitl, Third artil lery. March 1. B.-rgvant Ikwinl Ivhae. "Juat reported M nling. Grant Cul. lam. Tenth J"ennylvanla. aent outalde tho line fur Information January Zl: not en lnce. OTIS." MONEY FORi THE TKOtH'S. SAN KKANCISi-O. March 4 -When the traniKirt Valencia nail fiT Manila to. ! morrow he will carry away ll.50.MH" In. ! tended for the payment of the troop I now In the Philippine. j AMBlUt'AN HONOltS I-YIR THE HEAD ENGLISHMAN. The Hotly of Lord ll. riu h 'll to He Home to England by he t'rulner Hro"k. lyn I'nder Onnmand of Schley. NEW YORK. March 4 A pecll t the Journal and Advertiser from Wah. l:'gton any: Hear Admiral Schley ha ln-en directed hy the president to ao. 1 oniiany the Innly of lArd Hcrsche'l to Lngland. Thl fact haa not been given t ut oltlclully by the government, but It I oiltclully announced tha4 the nrooklyn will bear the body of the dead English, man back tn hi native country, and the vessel hit been detached from ithe Ha- x.tnn station anil oroereu 10 iiiuiuhuii I liottd to prepare for the trip. 1 It had Ix-en previously announced that Hear Admiral Schley waa to leave the ' Turin Hlinn commission and would re. ' cclve a new sen commnna. It waa n'.so known that the vessel he was to com. mand wn the cruiser Prnoklyn, but until tonight the nature of the service, he was 4o rentier had not become apparent. After he hns taken the body of tho lord aboard the rear admiral' will, It Is' asserted, take command of tho European squadron, a most agreeable detail. Th squadron will b.'gln niakltiK up this month, nnd It Is thought that the Hrook. lyn will have returned from her mis. slon to England In time to be placed at the head of the by the end or the month. THE OKKER TAME TOO LATE. LONDON. March 4,-The oinci.iis 01 me Hritlsh foreign oltlco say her majesty a government Is deeply sensible of the courtesy and cunstueraimn "" ,vern'lm1 t,,ncla!s of the TnlitM States )n o(T.,.K u warship for the conveyance nf the remains of the late 1'rd llerscheu to England, but. they add. tho prior ac ceptance of a Hritlsh warship for that purpose precludes the possibility of tin family accepting the kind offer of the United Slates. EXTENSION OK THE LACKAWANNA. NEW YORK, March 4 Rumors of far reaching plutis of Improvement of the Lnckuwnnna system are allont in flnan. .In I and railroad circles, plans which nre said Ho Include the extension or tne road westward ns a trunk line, anil lis entrance Into New York City as me sole owner and user of the Hudson river tun- nel. There Is owing on tho tunnel. II- Owi.OM, nnd the property t to - '- tised for snle within one month. It is rumored that the Delaware, Uickawanna & Western Railroad limy outbid the tunne'. reorganization company and se cure the tunnel for Us own use. STRIKES A SUNKEN RlVlC. SAN FRANCISCO, March 4-The big collier Wyolleld, now on the dry dock, had a narrow escape from destruction on her last trip from Nanalmo. She struck when out from the sound, and la evident that she found a rock not down on the chart. That she was mak ing water waa eoon discovered, but the source of it-he leak was not located until 1i wn docked, when' a tint JO by It tru-hoa waa dlwveTj In rmr tiot. lorn away aatern war her keel, llr keel plinta Waa p4i-roed and a new una wl I have 40 be put in, If It wera irwt -for tha fart that lha Wyelleld ha -water tight compartment h never could bav rewhnd port. ' , I .A flXJK fil'ERA AL'DIES'CB. BT, !'!, Man 4-An audlenca that nurntiered over IM) HIM Muale llalj Inat r.lghf an1 h-ard Mme. Me. ha In Kauai a rendered by tha K:ll Opera Company. Thi I the la r if eat audience (hut ha attended grand opera In Bt Irfiiila for aeveral aon. r,lKKI rlTAIXION KIM.KH. N.XHHVIM.K, Tenn., Manh 4-Tre moot, the thoroughbred atadion. the properly of fieneral W, H. Jackanii, wait found In the atuhle with hi atlfte joint broken. Nothing could be done and the amnion waa killed. He x General J.o kaori $17,'X0 om year ago at 8wl. girt ale. nillMiliBNH- TKItltll'.I.K KATK. XKATTI.K, Man 4.-A ToaUIntellln. g'-ni'i-r aiwiiliil from B-i!rii.Wol!ey any that rhe three amall ch.'ldren of Mr. and Mr. Illiliiehitrt, of Wa,k-r Valley, were burne.1 10 death yeau-rday. The ehldren had been loi kill up In the houae while the parent were ul work In the wooda. THE VAI.KNCIA'8 CARGO. aaaaaajraaha BAN KRANCIWO, March 4.-The tnnaport Valencia, which aalled for Ma. 11 1,0. thi afternoon, carrlea In addition to I.Vi aohllera, aiorea and aupplle. floQ.oQO to pay the tneij In the I'h!Upplne. PECULIAR rOISONS. GENERATED IN THE I t'MAN BODY I Ik Kcstilt of linrerfi.i:t lfc- tioii of I'ooJ Kvtry living thing, plant or animal, contain within htelf tha germ of eer. tain dc-ay and death. In the human body theae germ of death (called by ctent:t Ptomaine), ara uaually tha reiult of Imperfect dl gwtlon of food; the reau'.t of lndlsestlon or dyspepelA. The tomach, from abuse, weaken, doe not promptly and thoroughly dlgeat tha food. The reiult la a heavy, aoddtn uati which ferment (the flrat procea of decay) poisoning the blood, making it thin, weak and lacking In red cor. puaclea; poisoning the brain causing heard ache, pain In the eyes. Had digestion weakens tha heart, caus ing palpitation and finally bringing; on dlseaae of this very Important organ. I'oor digi-tln polsona tha kldn.ya. rausliiK br gkt disease and diabetes. And this Is so because every organ, every nerve depends upon the stomach !on for nouiiihment and renewal, 'and weak digestion ahowa Itself not only ln loss of appetite and flesh, hut In weak nerves and, muddy complexion. The great . English scientist. Huxley, said the best start In life Is a sound toraach. Weak stomachs fall to digest food properly, because tbey lack the proier quantity of digestive aclJs (lactic 'and hydrochloric) and peptogenlo pro. ducts; the most sensible remedy tn all caaea of Indigestion Is to take after each meal one or two of Btuarta Dyspepsia Tableta. because they supply In a pleas, ant, harmless form all the elements mat weak stomachs lack. The regular use of Sluarta Dyspepsia Tablets will cur any form of stomach trouble except cancer of the stomach. They Increase flesh. Insure pure blood, strong; nervea. bright eyes and cleat1 com plexion, because all these result only from wholesome food well digested. Nearly all druggists sell Stuarts Dys pepsia Tablets at SO centa full sized pack. age or by mall enclosing price to Stuart Co.. Marshall, Mich., but ask your drug. gist first. A little book on stomach dis eases mailed tree. Address Stuart Co Marshall. Mlch The season Is truly remarkable, for no paragrapher haa come forward with the 1M style for hat ancient )et alwut the borrowed umbreila keeping Lent. BEST OF Ala. To cleanse the system ln a gentle and truly beneficial manner, when the spring, time come, ua the true and perfect remedy. Syrup of Flga. Buy the fenu- In. Manufactured by the California Pig Syrup Co. only, and for sale by all druggists, at 60 centa per botue. "Oh, would.' cried the earth to the Sim. "vour face waa on my cold, cold breast. Then I'd tell them that you thaw me, and they wvuld know the rest." A. R. De Fluent, editor of the Journal, rwiestown. Ohio, suffered ror a number of years with rheumatism in his right shoulder and side. He says: "My right arm at times waa entirety useless. 1 trlod Chamberlain's Pain Balm, and was surprised to receive relief almost lm mediately. The Pain Balm has been a constant companion of mine ever since and it never fails." For sale by Rogers. AGENTS WANTED, flood live men In every locality to rep resent a large inanuiaciur:::. "-v". and Introduce their gooas. oieauy em ployment and large Income In good le- altlmaie business ssurtKi 10 meu mat are honest and willing to attend to busi ness. References required, send sen- addressed atamped nvelope for reply t The Rex Manufacturing Company, Cs Chartres street. New Orleans. La. PROPOSALS FOR LIGHTHOUSE SUP PLIES. Sealed proposals will be received at the office of the Lighthouse Inspector, Mar ouam Building. Portland, Oregon, until 1! o'clock m., March 1. lSW. for furnishing provisions for vessels and stations tn the Uth L. II. District for the fiscal year ending June, 1900, ln accordance with speclflcationa, copies of which, with blank proposals, and other Information, may be had upon application to commander Goorgo C. Reiter, U. S. N. THROUGH TICKETS TO SAN FRAN CISCO AND SACRAMENTO. ALL RAIL. The Aatoria Columbia River Railroad Company has placed on sale at both the city and depot ticket olllces through tickets to San Francisco and Sacramento. via Ha lino and the Southern Pacific from Portland. Rates from Astoria are aa follow: First-class, Including berth In Pull. man sleeper .'. $27.00 Second-class, Including berth in tourist aleeper $17.00 At destination there will be made a refund of $8 on first-class and 4 on sec ond-clasa tickets, making through net rate tlt.00 first and SHOO second-elaa from Aatoria. to points named. Columbia Bevel Gear of the World. Tho , A fow remark fron, fCLTOSf UROTIIEM, ' j : , Attorneys at Law, , .., 1 Pop Manufacturing Company! t latftl !ma,nf haaa rMr1ai iKIa faal a the vVy beat blcycl made. To appreciate It la only neceoaary to lid It, thaai you will be content to Hd, no other. Respectfully yours, O. C. TVVtOS. O. B. E8TES, ASTORIA. Oregon, October IS, 18! Physician and Burgeon. Mr. I)u 0rde, Agent for Colntnbla Ulcyolea, Astoria, Oregon: My bear Blr I take thla occasion to thank you for advlalng me ti parch th Columbia Chalnlea fllrycl. for mv dauhlers. tig month ago. It l of (ba most ptrfect mechanism, and givea the moat perfect satisfaction of any plo of machlrery that I hav ever had In my possession. It waa used conatamly for three months thl aummer by my three daughters at my summer home on Cat op Heach, where It was subjected to the sandy road and beach and to th fogs and spray of tha ocean, and there la not a marred spot on .1; nor bar I na4 to have Ave minute repairs mad on It since It hna been In my poaatajatoa. Again expfesaliig my appreciation, and thanking you for my food fort una In posslrx the wheal, I remain, moat respectfully, at your eervtoe, O. B. EBTE8, M. XX Prices for 'qg Models. COLL'MHrA CHAINLB88. MODEL SO and il , m.M COU.'MHIA TANDEM, MODEL 41 and it 71c COLUMBIA. MODELS S7-M KM COLT.'MniA. MODEL 49 40 009 HARTE0RD8. PATTERN l- Boa VEDETTEfl. PATERN O. B.H VEDETTES, PATTERN S .M Pope Manufacturing Co. Portland, Or. Controlling Oregon, Washington, Montana and Idaho. THE OC Astoria's Leading Hotel Megler 6c Wright, Props. R. L. Boyle & Co I an aca r4 lava rr art I I J aa c - rs ontoei araf UVUUiii aatxui uaawav a-- w aa a w a ui ASTORIA, OREGON Write for Information and Pamphlet.. 535 Conimeicial Street Larrovve's Pure H. O. elf-Rising Best N. O. Molasses, Honey and Maple Syrup, Etc.... A. V. ALLEN'S Grocery Store. W. F. SCHEIBE, aa 5aoker' Artidts. 74 Commercial Bt. The Palace Cafe VV. W. Whipple, Prop. Finest Heals in the City Special Attention Given to the Preparation of Banquets. f THE .Seventh and SHASTA MINERAL WATER. I'EtTER, XOBLE, ' KICK0RY AXD SHAW'S MALT WHISKIES. ALL OTHER LIQUORS, WIXES, BEER AND CIGARS Served Day and INIgHt. AUGUST KRATZ. THE RUSSELL. Compound Automatic Engine iV'iV' 7 Strong and Economical. Write us for particulars. A. H. A ERILL, RUSSELL & CO., Manager. ' Portland,, Oregon. Chainlesa Standard Wheel that Satisfies, Astoriiios who ride it . 1, ASTORIA. Oregon, October ii, lei'" ' I'.itiimKia ali. IntMa mmA Iuiimm ia a k. CIDEWT pimiwuc: at Manufacture) ot the Alwaya Reliable "La Belle Astoria" Cifir Scheibe's Opera Star Scbeibe's Special And Other Brand Napoleon was the world's great est general. We are Astoria's leaders in Stoves - Ranges A carload just arrived, lower than ever. Prices W.J. SCULLY, Sole Agent. 431 Bond Street Astoria LOUVRE Astor Streets - - Manager tZ(.mri( ia-l.afa 1 r v i v