The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899, March 05, 1899, Image 2

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Telephone No. .
Bent by mail, per year tt-00
Bent by mall, per month 10
fterwsl by carrier, per month .
Stent br mall, per year, in aavanc...tt00'
Postage free to subscribers.
il communications intenaed ror publi
cation thoulil be directed to tha editor.
Business rornmunlcatlona of all klndi
and remit tancea must bs addressed to
.Tha Astoria."
Tha Astonan guarantees to ua adver
tisers tha largest circulation of any
Hi -ripipar published on tba Columbia
'f '.
tdvactlalng rate cat v nan on epplt
aauon to tha bualneaa manager.
r. a.
a. a.
P. M.
h.m'ft h.miO.
h.m ft.
Wed .. I JMiOl $7I ! 04
St. If
mi ... t sa lit 4161 l
FTi .... S 4 11 0j S 16 C 1
gt .... 41 W.S8: J1;5 7;
Sat .... 4i.. ..I. . .. .. . .
10 14j 0 1 1 9 4j 1 1
1110, 01 10 ill
.. ..).. .12 111 OS
.. .. .. .jll41' St
Sun ... ' 1 01 k i I 7 S 5 8
I.. .1 1 2ii tt
Moo . II T 14 S 41 1 14 1 1 1 Oli S I 1 S; 0 1
VUe ... 71 8 SI S 4 .10 14 J ' S & 3 45 -0 1
Wed .. Si 4i85 '11027(11 S44' SO I 4 44 -S
i nu ... y to o s It ill 4a, a 2 IH, II I 5 34 -0 1
.101141 J
.1. .' U5tH 1 i 17.-0 I
,...11 016 8 4
12 SI SS ( 401 0 $ I SW 0 0
1 11 S (,, 7 Si, 0 4 i 7 Ji 0 S
I u7 S 1 1 810, 00 ! 6 13; OS
2 W 7 ii 551 0 0 S H 1 4
S 35 7 0 I I 41; 0 1 I 1 0
4 K j; 10 30' 0 3 10 o 2 1
124(0 11 11 07, 1054: IS
Sun ...IX I 04 $ 01
w o ...u; 1 42 r
Tue ...14! IUI1
Wed ..151 I 56 0
Thu ...IS' SSI S7
Fri ....171 4 14 SI
8 ....IS (0u,7S
Bat ....IS!.. .. . .
Sun ...1 (07 4i
Mart ...a Je7f
12 SOI 1 0
ii ta.
.. ..I.
T SI 5 7
S 5S 2
. ..I.. .; j a is
li'. 17;! 16; IS
2 4 S7; 3 211 11
3 Sol 3 4 I 4 11 11
4 451 181 4 Ml 11
5 l 1 2 S 29! 1 0
(021 14 (04 11
Tu ...Hi t 9 I ISO'S 7
Wad 2S70 10J171!
Thu ...2317 2.;ll7S
FVi ...Mil 0 7 4 U42,&0!
Sat ....SiU44!7!.. ..I. .1
'Sun 013 81 1JJS7SI
(K; 10 I (341 IS
iKn 0 42 a S 1 1 7 8,1 T Ui 0 5
Tvio ... 114 SSI 1 4( 7 7 1 7 47i 01
7 041 1 4
t Sf.l 1 T
Wd .. 140I S '7S i 25-0 J I 101 1 1
Thu ...JOi S a 2 ! S 1 7 2 I oS -0 3 I 8 50' 1 2
Fri ....Hi SOUS li 4 Ob 6 & t w-0SI 9 34: 2(
Astoria's bitterest enemy Is the O. R.
A N. Company. Its present rate-outtlrif
Is a scheme to hurt the A. ft C, because
It is Astoria's strongest friend.
The O. R. & N. Co, rarts to every
means to cripple this aeaport It hai
control of a hireling lot of newspapers
In tha basin which defames ua. They
danoe to the O. R. 4 X. Co."s time. They
were rampant in open defamation until
the Astorlan called a halt. Now they
fight our city covertly, or ty suppres
sion and silemce. It lias been stated that
tha O. R. & N. Co. offered free trans
portation to Schmidt Bros, for their coid
storage flh if they would not move to As.
toria. That public statement has never
been denied. Mr. Mohler refuses all kinds
of traffic arrangements with the A.4C.
R. R- whereby Astoria's industries can be
bunt up. The key to all of his hostility
is found In his all-prevading purpose to
prerent Astoria from becoming the ex.
port place of the Columbian baxin, which
can only come about through 'the A. & C.
R. R.
It is time for loyal Astorians to take
action against the "bitterest enemy we
have on land or sea. It Is well known,
on the quiet, that a utror.g commer
cial organization here offered to Presi
dent Hammond, long ago, their united
aid in enforcing a boycott against this
powerful enemy of our city, In OTdV;r
to force a change of policy. President '
Hammond is magnanimous. He acts on
the highest business plane. He declined
to accept or to encourage the boycott
He made a mistake In favor of a too.
exalted business rule.
But the common enemy of our people
has now Inaugurated the attack. It is
making direct warfare upon our mer.
chants as well as upon the A. & C. It
has, like the Filipino Insurgents, srrown
Insolent with our forbearance. Itself
has waived all the business scruples that
have withheld the blow that loyal As
torians have long been willing to In
flict. The time has come for open war.
fare against this powerful foe ithat ear.
rupts the press and turns every agency
of wrong and Injury against Astoria in
order to defeat her Just claim to Uei-ome
the seaport of the Columbian basin.
The X & C. rates are already the low
est In the state. They are as low as any.
one should desire. Th law allows a
charge of S4 between Astoria and Port
land, or S8 for a round trip a. rate ex
acted by all otther roads. The A. & C.
charges only S3 to Portland, and but S3
for a round trip. Let aJl loyal Astorians
seize on this Filipino outbreak of the O.
R. & N. Company to administer the pun.
ishment It merits.
When Finland "became a part of Russia
in iwi9, Alexander I promised It 'the en
joyment of some of its old constitutional
liberties, t'nder Its charter It was en
titled to a national parliament, con
sisting of four estates, the nobles, the
clergy, tho burghers and the peasants,
who were to be convoked by the em
peror under the title of grand duke.
The emperor was to have the power of
veto upon their acts, fout as an offset to
this the consent of all four chambers
was to 4e considered necessary for maJc-
The Kind You Havo Alwnys
iu uso for over iU) yours,
AH C4utiorfoits, Iniltattous and Kuhtitutos aro lnt 1I
lorlin'iits tluit triilo lth and cndntifrtT tho hoalth of
lufants ami Children Kxpoilonoo against rxporlinont.
What is CASTOR i A
Castorlit Is ft STihsiltuto lor Castor O'.l, lirorlo. Drops
and So4thinjr Syri'ps. It Is llanulo.vs and Ploasnnt. It
ctntains nolthor Opium, Mornhlno nor othor Xarootio
Mihstatieo. Its ago Is Its guarantoo. It dostroys Worms
and allays lVvorishnoss. It otins li'.arrluva and AVIud
Colic. It relievos Toothing Troubles, euros Const Ipat Ion
and Flatulency. It assimilates the FtMwl, rgulat4s tho
Stomach and Hot els, giving healthy and nut lira 1 sloop.
The Children's Paniioea-The Mother's Friend.
1 Bears the
The Kind You Ha?e Always Bought
In Use For Over 30 Years.
twi CMMif, t MifRUr .T.irr, mrm vo tr.
Ing changes In the constitution and for
levying new taxes.
The law was silently moJIfl.-d in IStS.
and again In ISSi but the estates were
convoked with some sh'vs- of regularity
down to isss. and it wa not until more
recent year that tfiere his been a dis
position to ismore them. Of late. how.
ever, the affairs of the duchy have ben
administered by a governor gt-nenl and
senate nominated by the cuar, who h iv
had control of matters essentially pro
vincial, and by a state council and lm
perla officials at St. Petersburg, who
have attended to matters foreign an
Last year a determined assault was
made upon the liberties of the people.
The csar issued an imperial ukase. In
which he sanctioned a so-called reform
to brtnr the Finnish law of military ser.
vice in line with that of the rest of the
empire. Before that time the people had
enjoyed special mlHtary privileges, and
Finsish regiments were not called into
active service beyond the boundaries of
the duchy. This of course could never
have been agreeable to an aggressive
military power, which. In spite of its
disarmament proposals, Is ever making
the most exhausting demands In behalf
of Its army.
This winter a diet was summoned to
discuss the threatened revolutionary
change, hut wlth!n a few days It has
stopped Its d'.-bates because of an all too
convincing proof that they were futile
The cxar would not even see a deputa
tion which was sent to him by the diet
and the governor general has forced the
senate to promulgate a decree which de-
Prlve9 parliament of the right to con.
clusive action upon measures which are
designed to bring the province Into con.
formlty with the country at large. The
menace of that official that he would pro.
claim a state of siege and overrun the
duchy with Russian troops was the ef
fective means of compelling submission.
The Finns number some 2.5oo.iO souls
The carriage of a
buzz saw doesn t
m'vr vi r f.i-t. but
if a man s ays on it
lonx etiounh he will
presently I sawn
a.iunler. The pro
cess of gradual
bodily decline and
bss of enetjry which leads finally to con.
sumption is nm always very rapid, but if
it isn t stopped it will presently begi.l tc
saw its way into the most vital part of th
body, the luntrs. There would be very
little coiisunption if every family would
keep Or Herce's Oil den Medical Discov
ery in the house, and use it whenever feel
ing "out of sorts." It keeps the entire
body in such a high condition of health
and forcefulness that wasting diseases have
no chance to get a foot hold. A teaspoon
ful or two before meals, in a little water,
gives the digestive organism power to as
similate the blood-making, nerve-toning,
strength -building properties of the food.
It enables the liver and excretory system
to clear the circulation of bilious poisons
and remove all waste matter from the body.
It replaces worn out !""" with hard uins
cular flesh, and changes weakness and
debility into active, power and nerve force.
The originator of this great " Discovery."
R. V. Pierce, M. D., is chief consulting
physician to the great Invalids' Hotel and
Surgical Institute of liuffalo, N. Y., at the
head of a staff of nearly a score of eminent
associate physicians and surgeons. He has
acquired, in his over thirty years of active
practice, a reputation second to no living
physician in the treatment of obstinate,
chronic diseases. His prescriptions must
not be confounded with the numerous
"boom" remedies, "extracts," "com
pounds," and "sarsaparillas," which a
profit-seeking druggist is often ready to
urge as a substitute. Dr. Pierce's medi
cines are the product of wide experience
and deep study. Any one may const'!,
him by mail free of charge.
I"!1', "!7 r?
ft '
ltoujrht, itu vhWh litis lioon
has Intnio I ho sl-ti:tun of
.and has loon inutlo under his j)i-r-tiotial
MiiHTvisiim slnoo t". Inl'itioy.
Allow no one to tlooolvo tti lit this
Signature of
Thv are an Intelligent people, who take
great pride In their fine educational sys.
tern, and are quick to seise urin such
modern Inventions as the telephone and
the bicycle. The?- have made a Ion
ftjrht agnlnst overwhelming cMs. and
Is a pity that they must succumb to th
Russitin glacier.
S.iothlng. healln. cleansing. De Witt's
Witch Haiel Salve Is the Implacable en
emy of sores, burns and wounds. It never
falls ta cure piles. You may rely up n
it. Charles Rogers.
The quarter loaned yestenlny Is more
certain to keep Lent than you are.
Bssrstos UA In Raw klmn Bottt
It is surprising how little you can live
on when you can't get hold of mut-h.
Liixartant nlr, or unrrorm color, la a
beautiful head covering for either sex,
and may be secured by using Hall's Vege
table Sicilian Hair Renewer.
It Is spiteful to observe that the mar
ried women always, do most of the cry.
ing at weddings.
When vou ask for De Witt's, Witch
Haxel Salve don't accept a counierfelt
or imitation. There are more cases of
plies being cured by this, than all oth' ri
combined. Charles Rogera.
There Is something; wrong with your
moral caliber If you can't feel rleh on
borrowed money.
Acker's English rem eery w:il stop a
cough at any time, and will cure the
worst cold In twelve hours, or money re
funded. 25 cents and SO cents. For sals
by Estes't'onn Drug Co.
Depend upon yourself If you do not
wLh to be disappointed.
Bars the a Tne K;r,d You Ha.e Alwrs Bccrtt
Senator. , SASjU.
A man who Is not In business N al
ways credited with getting into mischief.
Acker's Dyspepsia Tablets are sold on
a positive guarantee. Curea heart bum.
raising of food, distress ater eating, any
form of dyspepsia. One little tablet gives
Immediate relief. 25 and SO cents. For
sale by Kates-Conn Drug Co.
The thre R's In a man's name are not
as Important as the three It's In a
bread, bonnet and buttonhole making.
Sick headache absolutely and perma.
nntlv ltrpt r nulni. U-.UI HT... . Kl-,.
ant herb drink. Cures . onstlpailon and
Indigestion, makes you eat, sleep, work
and happy. Satisfaction guaranteed or girl who strums on the banjo or r,l;.no SUUCimg w,o exnumied illume or
money refunded. 25 and id cents. For might well envy Kans- It 1h th! l:iT4-st lilnOiVi-rwl riltfestf
sale bv Estes-Conn Drue- rn ant and ton If!. No (it tuT nri-pttMtlOD
Religious fervor never so completely!
conquers a woman In church that she
foreets to see and feel if her a-oun i,
all right in the back.
Late to bed and early to rise, prepares
a man for his home In the skies, nut
early to bed and a Little Early Riser,
the pill that makes life stronger and bet
ter and wiser. Charles Rogers.
We never realize how absolutely Ignor
ant we are until a small child bigln to
a-sk "why?"
That the blood should perrorm its vital
functions. It Is absolutely nocesssary !t
should not only be pure b'Jt rich In life-
giving elements. These results are best
effected by the use of that well-known
standard blood purifier, Ayert' gbrsapa-
No man or woman
who snores will
ever believe it.
A cough Is not line a fever. It does
not have to run a certain course. Cure
It quickly and effectually with One Mln-
ute Cough Cure, the best rcm-dy for ni;
ages and for the most severe cases. We
recommend It because It's cheap. Ch.-irles
Oh. for one straight week of sunshine!
For Infants and Children.
ha Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears tha
Signature of
4 nrlntoil
i BLlin, dlaKonally
i across the OUTS1DL: wrapper of every bottle of
The Original and Genuine VOKCl-3Ti1R5MtRt;, us a further pro
4 tcvtlon all imitations.
Aat. toe mV.lH4 t iohn
TU North Paflifio Brewery, of which
Mr..Tohn Kopp i propriolor. maltt- Iwr
'or donjosMe anil rxport trade.
JijMorth Pacific Brewery
THOS. Clt'OBAN, Proprietor
Hovcnlh nncl
Wnnhlngton Hts.
rKuruvvAAAoarinnAAAAnnAnxiAAAv irvrh
Qvti u.. I., a.i- l".u
I mi-ihiit, di.giw n, o
MatoM,itiM. Uiv.un w. Address,
potnncr, lost "", Nlnhe-loeeee, BrsrwtBTofrnos insomms, rains
Rose,' 5tl 6tir.. I.m,fli mle.ios,. 4 mm lae . ;r.o us De
bility, Hjilach On(Tnse to ' a rrr, ' oej oi II I, VsrlcoojJe,
or I one Tpsilon, Stnpa QuioKna-s nf Ole- Jnll ptiorse, topeer
guaranteed lo cu-e all nem.ui duruts, au
Btnj Power, Headache, WakeluloeM, U
atone, Nerrousorea, all drain a, loaa of pu
either ses. cauaed bv oeer earrlion. eou'i!
gusrsnleed lo cu-e all
iViV tobecco,optuni or stimulants, which lead to lnflrmity, Conmmstlui
lm.1 Inasaitv. Can be carried In vest porkrt. it so per brii, tot U, by t
f ' prepaid. ClrcuUr Hree. gold by all drtiff late A.k for ll.Ukenom
Manu'actiirecl be the
Sm. women may not have minds
above a new spring bonnet, but there are
many mn who hnvn't any minds under
their winter derbys.
Shows the state of your feelings and the
state of your health aa well. Impure)
blood makes Itself apparent In a pale and
sailow complexion, pimples and skin erup-
tlons. If yoii are feeling weak and wort
out and do not have a heajthy appear-
ance you should try Ackers Blood Elixir.
It cures all blood dlseaaes where cheap
sarsaparlllaa and to-caned purifiers fail;
knowing this we sell every bottle on a
poaitive guarantee. For sale by Es'es
Conn Drug Co.
Plush Is aKitln making
for favor.
vlnorOiM ii d
OA8TO It I jfi. .
Bears tie m BCUJIP
She who is an exp.-rt nee.le.Wom.m
P"eses an areompilshment that the
The grip cure that does cure,
Laxative Uromo Quinine Talil.-ig re-
moves the cause that produces La Orlpne,
The genuine has L. II. Q. on each Tablet.
is cents. 1
Some soft gray hut a with a wealth of
vlolots for trimming nro belntr put for- I
ward as spring offerings.
Constipation prevents tne body from
ridding Itself of waste matter. De Witt's
Little Early Risers will remove the
trouble and cure sick headache, bullous
ness, Inactive liver and clear the com
plexion. Small, sugar-coated, don't gripe
or cause nausea. Charles Rogers.
Ono thousand dollars Isn't much to
the millionaire, but It Is a veritable
dream of opulence to the wage turner.
1100 RBWA RD-S100.
The readers of this paper will be
pleased to learn that there Is at leat one
dreaded disease that science has been
-i,ble to euro in all Its stages, and that is
catarrh. Hall s Cwttarh Cure Is thu only
positive cure known lo the medical fra.
ternlty. Catarrh being a
disease, requires a constitutional treat,
ment. Hall's C'attarh Cure taken In.
ternally, acting directly upon the blood
and mucous surfaces of the system,
fheroby destroying the foundation of the
disease, and giving the patient strength
by building up tho eonnthullon and
aHfflAtlng nature In doing Its work.
The proprietors have so much falih In
its curative powers, that they offer S100
for any case thait It falls to cure. Send
for list of testimonials. Address,
F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O.
Sold by Druggists, 75 cents.
Hall's Family Pills are the best.
1 m '
n AM 9
I PottM Iwrr for family us, or kg
br stippliinl at any tims, dolitsry n
j the city lrm
Portland, Or.
I n, III nUvM I. -1 11 I w Mlill( Ifal
; :. Cii'm Lost Msmhooa. tm
insomnis, raim
ii. 1 1 1 f,wi .i. sms a wti r". i
f'..hw r;meiv Co., Iss rrsnolsoo, Osl,
r i? sals hy Charles Rogern
I'ins nervs r III.
This wonderful rem! diaeaara, aueh as W eak Mrmory, Loa Jl
Dtain fuwtr, nnucnt, waseiuioraa, um Maaouw, MMhtlr limit.
atona, Nerronsnraa, all drain a, loaa of power iu General l r Utgasa o4
either sex, cauaed by oeer eserlion. youthful errors, nceaaivs use ol
on or
I r
Prau Ueiu-in. i p..,. u,.. t .... 1.1.
agenU, Third sol Yamhill bta.. rurtUnd in
-or Sale by ESTB8-CONN DRITO CO.
Kdmund I'lar.-nm Stedmnn Is a liter.
ary man only by iilk'ht. While alt' Tellng
to his liaiikinit bulii' ss h rv"id!y e.
eludes ail oth'-r matters, and wl I iio:
ev.-n uilk of anything else.
,ne c,'"'' Cu"r" c,r 10 a " , ur""
without narm to tne sunerer in d-ilt
'''"g""' '' are dangerous.' Ilack-
lnK rolln ' iilreHing. une minute
('ou-'h Cl" 'I'" kly -ur.s It. Why suffer
"l"!n ur'n c""Kh c,,r" l lthl" reach?
It Is pleasant to the taste. Charles
Rogers ,
Dyspepsia Cure.
Digests what you cat.
"runciuiiy uikpsi 1 1 lit- iixm ant iliaa
rl'uur 1,1 hli.hki in " ' "K , , K'Con-
c&o approach It in cnicii'iiry. it tn-
staritly relieve ana tHrmiaiH-ntly cures
I'yHpr'pHia, J il(llK''ti it'll, 1 IcariuurOi
laillit'nce, Will!, valines
.SIckHeadacllc.Gatt ralKlii.f 'ramps.and
an other reRiiitHfif iiniMTffii fiitfeHtion.
Prepared by E. C. DeWitt a Co., Chicago.
for A Nf; M I A .POOBNFiM of t he HI .OOl), I
wnaiiiuniiiAI. V;AKPil;53
SClOI'DI.A. flic
None genuine ii iiIcm nlgned "lii.ANCAitfi"
. E. POUQEKA & CO, , N. Y. An is. for L'. S. i
kl)r. Williams' Indian Pig
lllltllmilt Will CM'tl HIlHd
'iilieclim And Iiehlns
split h. It uliNoriis the tumors
allays the lUiUlniutoiui ,
asu poultlrc, gives Instant f
lief. Dr. VVIIilams'Iiidlun I'ileOlnt.
Ilient 1m nrermreil fnr l lea anil lieh
a) Intr of the private parts. Every box is
warrunieo. iiy uriligiiia, ny nmll on re
selpt of prlee. M rents and fl.lHi. UILlllS'S
Hilf ACTUR1NB CO.. i'rooa., Jevela!:i. u'"
They ovdrffimi Veku, .rrefrtj.
lurltv and (nlKstiiiM,tru.ii.MMii vitc.jr
fciid hstnUri "prilim ut m4-ntrti-tl-n
" llicjr am $M Hnv1
tiitflrltbt wmiarili'xxl. uliiHiK tlty
Tfloimnnl of orfNiiN tsfi't bin, ho
bnowD Pi'tnffy fr wonwn '''itinli
tln-m Cannot do bnrm -llf) !
I 'j -V, ftjniira a uif a-tirr. Ml r hum
Vi.Wsi.1 hv mnll. lal by rtrnairtip,
Vl ,f 11 Bar
tnALriiwn KiNNTrrirw at
realiincs Commsrrvlal tirset, near
BlKih. oitlos hoursi Morning until 10 1
all afomnon until Si ovonlnaa until I
DU. a II, IMTIOfl, riltfllCIAN AND
Burgeon. Special attention to dlssaaM
of women and surgery. , Offles over
Psnilngvr'a store, Astoria, Tul. No. II
iill. JAY TUTTl.K. I'll Yiitt-'I AN AND
Surgeon, unit t, rooms I and ll'ythtitn
Uullitlng. UlVj Comniorclal strset. IUsl.
denes sams. Telephone; W, Acting as.
islnlit surgeon t'nllrd Blslrs marine
hnapltiil service,
MAflnNtC. "
Tic.Mri.ic i.onoic n. ;, a v. and a,
M -Itritiilur ciutimunlrailon held on
the Drat and third Tuesday rvniliitf of
ech month. II. TV'. l.iU'NWIIKUUY, W.
M.l K. C. IIOI.PKN. Becreiary.
J. q. A. HOW 1,11 Y.
oitlce, llnmt HtrtH-l, Astoria, tire,
TIM .'UlMlllH'l.l!!
From Portland
lt lake, lrnr. n
Worth, Omali. ken
Ciiy, M I on I,
I'll leas i and Kal.
Walla WalU, Hi-Uane
MllllleHila, Nl.l'mil
Imlulli, MlUnuker
rhieAso ami aal,
Cioin Ailoiia
a p. in
0 o ! ni
1 lo i. m
a .to a. m.
1 A It Sallllli Patea mil
ieel lo i-liNlifti.
; lor ran O'raiieiM'" - Mull
r..., j ;, ii 17, as:,
a met ou,
t'olriibla Itlver .names Mo
Hlramvrs tiday
To Portland and
Way landings.
Vnm I'oriUiid. , . m
W'MUmelts Ulter. In,.., Thiir
S a m
Tue, Tliliq
ami ,sl
Salem. Albany, I'urval I and Sal
tlaaiiu ear lanillnKs I
Wlllsmetle aad Yataj S m) n tn.
hill Hltfrs. Hon Vr.l.
Dtegou i lly, liaylon, ,1 and Crt.
nay I -ti it 1 1 1 at 1
7 a. m
ml ML
I y lllrlaj
7 a. lit.
tall eie'l
' s iiurilay
Snaka Itlter.
ltlarlato l.ri.tuti.
lai etc I
I 4ft a tn
I Krom roll Inlet
l! I,MM IK l(i I II
fl a in. " " in. ,
K .Similar re"" I''. Net-f. n,-,,,., '
i riuli-ni tV a; -Land t. (
Agent Astoria i
Osav kaa. Asa. resoavad. Or.
rafff TICUKTs!
VBothebh -"
WjvjiWA points east:
Through palacs and tourtat alespsrs.
dining and library observation ssrs.
No. 4 Limited leaves Portland at 1:10
b. m.
Nu S Llmtled arrives t'oniana at I SP
rorrals rsU. drjs hr
Agent O. k N.. Astoria,
C P. T. A.. PorUasal. Or.
PltklHB. fur Salem,
ltoetilir' lakl.nit
t .VO P. It Sacramento, Oeden. It. SI a. u
nan r ranclaco. Mo.
tave, Ixis Angeles,
:i Faao. New Or
leans and tha East.
l a A. Mi Roseburg passenger 4 SO P. at
Via Wnaulhnrn tr
Dally Mount Angel. HII- Dalle
exceui verton. West He u. eiretit
Sunday llrownvtlle npiing- ( Bandar
u.i j anu r.aiiun.(
'7 SO A. Ml Corvallla passenger ftliU A. M
4:W P. M Independence pees' Its. a A.k
bally. tDiilly except Hunday.
Connecting at Ban Knuicleix) with Occi
dental Oriental. I'aeirli: Mali and c
nnlc aieuiimhlp lines for
Ret. nle tleketa on sale dally tietweotl
I'urtl ind. Hacniinetito, and Hnn Pranols
i'ii Net rutist II? fl rat -elans, and 111 mme
otiil-elaaa, Inclisllng sleeper,
Itatne and tleketa to Knaiarn Kilnle ano
Kur'iy. Also Jnpnn, China. Honolulu
I nnd Auslritlia. I'nl be oIhaIiosI from j. 11
i K lltlv I A NO. Ticket Ag-ni. 11H Third at
Mansiret (I V A P. A
Through tickets East for lowest rates
Call on r. J. Trenehard local agent.
Wells Kargo Company's office, Astoria.
1 PlCTC"
-Dally to
Salt Lake, Denver, Omaha,
Chicago, Kansas City
and other Eastern cities
agrafe ohecked through to tWtlnatlrm,
Union Depots, fast time, lowest rates.
jimscn ngni in an cars..
For rates and other information call m
or aaareae
O. R. ft N. Co.
Astoria, Oregon,
or J. H. IyniROF, On. Agent,
us iniro su. oor. Aider, fori
Hand, Or.
Bin ta is a nnn-rnraonnna
remedy for (liitiurrlima,
v.'.'?1- Bparniaiorrliwa,
Whim, ii n net oral dla.
cfmriii.i, nr aiif Inflamma
lien. Irritation or uln.r.
Pmmu aaauslaa, tln of uiuoona ni'm
ritiiEvANSCHf at'nit fit. "'"" Non-aatrlnswil
.aimiiMTi,o.rTl "'"aa' aU,
f-nr aeni in plain wrapper
A A by eipraaa. prepahl, fui
rm T "r ' ""'""i sz.7.1.
Circular aenl ua reuHnat,
W swi
LsavV I Aslorla iDally) lArriva"
a,m p m lrorlland and Aaiorlalp.m,
T:4S iaWIKxitreae traina . vU IS atiJief
Knappa, Cllflon, Weal-
pori, i laiaaaine, .fFuii
iMiniieellun al tk)b for
tha Kast and l'Ufl
Hound polnla, ,
n.m a.m.
p mass.
11 40 I1W
Reaalla and
:) list
New Astoria Passenger
iralns, via Warrsnlon
land rMaveT.
I:S0I llunlere' apeo-
list Aslorlt
rw to
J. C. MA TO,
is, r. p. i
Columbia Rtrsr and Puget aud NarV
gallon Coutpanr.
Telephone leaves Astoria dally, siosaw
"LeaJeaPorTiand dally ssoept uuda)
al T a. m.
,. ... .... a.MtfabU
V nite llilinr line uranie unai -7
n Talai.hona T J. puller and H. H.
tii,.ii.i.on tor Asiiirla and all way Pn'a.
ylavel. liwsoo, fcsavtew, Un Heaoh, sxl
Nahoollk. . . .,.,
U. a SKTOTT, m
ABKHia AgeaV
Telanbooe No. U.
Royal Blue Trains
iu;rvi:i N nu:
tnly Una aiwral'ng Ua own
(lirotigh irnl'ia Hmn Hi. IxmjIs.
Uiulavtlle, HlHinsneUI
('.nrinmill and New Viwk,
via Waeh'jurnm. Jialttmors
arid Philadelphia.
The lrv..r over the II. A O.
la permitted lo oaich
gMmiaars of the
grewleet ainery In Anieri..
font Coast AgoDt. "-en rranoisos.
llotm SS. Mills llulklUif
The Rate
Is Lower.
Oo east Via Mlll-iiga and Ibe
lurllngtn Routs and you
reaisi yttur drstltistlon HOl'IU
ahcaul of the man who takes
ANT other line.
More. Y"U save money. The
rats via mature to Omaha.
Kansas City, and ALL other
southern cJties Is from SS lo H
Ires than via any other routs.
W'rlle and I Drill tall you bow
niurh Ires.
Dm' I Agfnl, Portland. Ore.
When people ara cmceniplatltut a trip,
shuibrT on hueiiiesa or plenasira, ihey
nattirnlly waul tli lieet eefylca oh.
talmible so far as eerHt. mfort and
aufoty la i tmivniwl. Employes of the
imld lo nvva die inibllo am) our trains
srn oi-rotr,t so ns lo make does con
niHitlisi with dlvnrglng .nes at all
J oik-vi Ion put it is.
Pullman Palace rlle,'pg and Chair Cra
on through trains.
lln'4ig (W arvlrn uneicelled, Steals
enrvisl a la carle.
In order to olituin this flret cluea e-rvloa,
ask Iho ticket uumit lo sell you a tick'
The Wisconsin Central Lines.
nnd ynti will iiuike dlroot (unnecllone at
St. l'ittil for Chlcitgo. Mlltaauken and
all pointe oust,
For any furrlier Information cull on any
tlcknt agent, or rorrr einitid with
JA8. C. POND, Gen. Puss. Agent,
or JAH A CMH'K. Mllwuukne, Wis.
(jenoml Agmit
210 Htark St.. Portland Ore.
1'ail M.ill for Aberdeen.
H mi Pi Ii lleiid, iiieiuiia,
Mpoksne Welmn, Itiilin
amieiiiiitii. hi I'mil I l.l.
cbko New Vi.rk, ItiiHtiiii i h' Vl a. in.
and mi pulum east and,
nn I Hoiillieiiai,
No. .
HI . tn,
Pnrtlutiil, Neatlle and
No, o.
6 p in.
Taemiiii Kxprena: lor
Hcimic, Taroinn, t lym
plii and Inleriiiediiile
Three days to fit. Paul. Uinnhn K.
sas City and other Mlssnurt river points
Three and one half days to Ht, Louis
Milwaukee and I'hlragn
Four and ons-half ditya to WHshlntrton,
Phllndiiliihla and olher far eastern iioinse
pBsse'igers taking the, A. A C. It, It jt.
t o'clock morning- trnln will make rinse
connection at Gobla with the sunt bound
fBBt mall.
Union depot connections at all principal
Baggage checked through to desllna
tlrm of tlrksts.
sTne laonlner oar reservations ttekaia
rsvps of routes and other information
all on or address
e. kj. bia 114 Agent,
D4 Cosnmerctar St.. Astoria.
Assistant General PaasnntTsr Agent, SU
Morrlsori Street Portland. Or.
t r 'a,- J
L,,w V4aT 1 -d
ST0MB SaV ,,,,he
i'akk 2232S3i Ki",t
jjy"v"ic 1 -K ' I ARIi'lVH.
Tail M.i I for Aberdeen.
H mi Pi Ii lleiid, iiieiuiia,
Mpoksne Welmn, Itulie
A iillfiiliitll. HI I'i.iiI I l.l.
llll" 'II 111