The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899, March 05, 1899, Image 1

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    nrio p.-noon. ,
tS Hot 10 to Tata, fton
will be liable to prosecution.
At. f V lh.ijf . .! I iff
THE A3T0RUN Ml th Urff l
circulation of nay pipes
OR tni ColumfcU Rlvit
Mffest ind test tajs;
on tH Columbia RJvei
Sail. . . .rl..
(It t
y Stove Store
... IN ASTORIA ...
We know tlin Ijuhiih-hh. Twenty yvixn experience. If you wnnt
(K)OD Stove, nee tlio tock at tlic
Eclipse Hardware Co.
for th. yr ndlnf Owmhr it MVS
Acotdlni: In Ur hmmtaitl of tlx InauraiK
1I-iIiii-iiI i,l the Male of New Vix
Rerahnl fnr I'rtmlanit ,
I mm all aiarr fcusrr. .
l,llUI 41 irt
Poclcct iinri Office DlnHen
Tide TfihleH
Cnlcndnr Pndn
Hlnnlc HooIch
World' Almnnnc
I In runic in in Cl"tli IIimiikI liooUn
T. rollr.tioUrn fur ( lalal. kf
v , ip"iwrra fir i.nuun
'.!. III. Irt,fa.tfr, l.A.TA1 I
rof.ll vilur !)(. fu,4u,t;uM
l'lf4 Mate, till kill aail Mhar
gnrnr.ri.. .... Ru Lai Ian M
Lossa on llvaila mat .lhr k.
ratlilM V.ltW.flll 04)
.ar fct,i-rrllei.l,'ala al
' ii'i.S4.Hiia i n,.k r.iu. ;o,wi,e4n
(aa la 1 rati I an.
. Mi ii.osi,;? it
arrru'd lalrr'tf, -t tUf-rrol
I'rualaai,,,!--. . . . (MDI.VU
Pnllry BrwrrM, air. . . $.'3J..,ii,4fl
l.mraalta lfnl 41,3".;4 it
lliUIIl kiirtlaa ... t.:':9 M
Imaiaar tail laasllUi la
fuir. ....
.'W,il!,Hi M
lu;i,it,n; ji
I havt rarrfully rTitliir.l (lir fmrpofnif Waif
Utrtlt anil fill'l Ulrai.lilrliiUri.rml'; tuiilllllrt
cauuiair.i l.) tut Iti.umtur iMturlmrnt
tlUkl.l l A
I'ftmi Ihr UlvliiMr Sullu (llvliiro't
.'M.rliuicl aa u.iul.
i.ti a Aiidltot
AOdtflT . GR AhjNtSo V ti-Patutfar
Griffin & Reed.
ni '".ninrii
! I', l.lmi,
faanraic i n.iww i 1 1.
r.i-nrtnl kf.tuiircT
rl Vii-cJ'imdriil
Ad wary
rJlirrwxK) (illtapy, (lonrr.l Ag.nt,
ttrtlll. Wt.hlnctoo. V
Iunl A UrCatxlIni, 6tl. ManM".
Port!nd, Orrfcn.
VAN Dl'SEN k CO, Rcldent Afntt.
Artorta, Ortfon.
Victor Rost
Closing Hours of Fifty-Fifth
Congress Brought Oat
Dramatic Scenes.
Grizzled Old Veteran of Two
Wars Refused Rcccgnltion
by Speaker Feed.
Strict Formality Marked the Close
and Mo Sensational Features De
veloped During the Da;.
Best one! Most
Durable at
matches and
Hantical Instruments
PrompUr 8s4 tad rpaUr6.
! Alarm Clin ks trom up.
Wuminto.1. 110 Eleventh St. to P octal Tattcraph.
Foard St Stokes Co
Pacific Sheet Metal Works
Lithographing on Tin a Specialty.
San Francisco. Cal.
Astoria, Ore.
Write Um for Prlee
Fairbaven, Wash.
Fancy Sugar-Cured Hams
Frenh EggB, Creamery Butter
Martin' Cream Cheese
New Season's Codfish
Spring Salmon Tips and Bellies
Yarmouth Bloaters.
It. I3. Elmore
W. H. HorrlHon
Commoting at Astoria with the Oregon Railroad A Navigntion Co. for
8nu Frnnuiioo, Fortlnud and all points cant. For freight and paanon-
ger rates apply to
COHN k CO., AgenU,
Bmnuel Elmore 6i Co.
Goneral Agents, ASTORIA, ORE.
Oregon Railroad A Navigation Co.,
W ara naklnr great cut In ipeclal
Unaa. Tour opportunity It at hand. You
ara bound to nMd ahora and ahould buy
now whlla th advantag U ao obrlouily
In your favor. Thaaa ahota art not back
Dumber, of uncertain age, a a and
quality. They'r. all atandard atock and
good valuta for twto what w aak.
Laird, Bchober Co. 'a reduced from (4.50
and tLOt to tn and ATI
Petersen & Brown.
of tha pudding la la the eating
and tha proof of liquor
Vhat'e aa t4uaM that' ooa
el naive a datmoaatraUos.
Ours will Ua4l tha tt
Cnrpenter nnd Builder
Qenornl Contractor
Telephone &
All Good. Shipped to Oar Oar
WJ1 Kaoelva Bpaial AtteaUaa.
Ko n Duah 0t,
Aatarla. Ore.
W. t. COOK, Ifgr.
Baa. Tel. ill
WA.HHINOToN-. March 4. -Wearily th
out a.n l)iruxh th.' illn' muh'l or
tln niahi. m-raaing trmn time to tlnw
hll a aiiltic I lie iTnfirni- rip-rt up.
n thu tniirl.ntlon fail la. The fttMl
m. luliu. nt on ihr rlwr ami hjr'.r h.r
ntainiiig tlio i'vminnil'. n ihv Nlc ,.
raxtlan cajiul .-currl ntjout 1) u.
in : ihr aurieirr rlvll WM. 'n -m-hipi, th
uw fnro-,1 the ai'niite to auirmili-r the
lrn'Wifi f .r the 1'iu-lllc cable about
6; th Mattlct of IVIumWtt Wll, with
Iho provlalun for .vrt.irliiti Institution.
ilii.lti,it'-., nhout ; o'clolt; the 1 -drlenry
hill m fc;i, h ti.1 tin- final ounf.-rencv riort
UiHin the naval Ulll at about 9:Sn . m.
Atxiiit 7 o'rloi'k Hcn.I.rxon around the
houm hy an olwirle i,eh. It a. one
of the niuxt rtmUfni of hl cotigre..
I'lahevi-irii intuitirni ujhI the wreckaa-
of ln MkIH w.r alwut him. It w.i on
th ciiicatlon of aiartan Inxtltuilona In
th Diatrirt of Coluub'a. provl.lop. for
which had been atrlckrn out of th ilia.
trlt appropriation bill. With fore and
ptho he Unnuncel th bljrotry of the
ronfrrere. ho, hp aald, Here willing at
th. H-hnt of a .rt ornanlaatlon to
turn the homrlraa and Into
the alrcpta. The acne wa dramatic In
th rtr.-mo when Hrnilt-ron rt-call.-d the
.lark iluya of the wur. when the while.
e.l alalem of mcn'y were a.imml-ter.
Inic on the biitleH,. to bk junl dylna;
The closing acenes In the house wore of
more than uaual Intere.t.
Th laat legislative act of the house was
th passage of a Joint resolution author,
iilng the acceptance by the I'niteO States
of the cession of a tract of hind from the
tale of Massachusetts, neejed to extend
tha line, of Boxton navyyard. It was
now 11:45 by the clock, but the assistant
doorkeeper with . long pole set bjick the
hands W minutes. This ralsvd; a loud
Inunedlntely afterward (here was a
nstmt drumallc episode. (General Wheeler.
who has carefully refrained from exer.
clsltig his privilege as a member of the
house) pending determination of the ques.
tioti as to his rfcht to his .exit In the
house, arose from his old scat down near
the front on the democratic "''le, and
loudly askcl for recognition.
"Mr. 9eftker." he called. The speaker'
face was Hushed sllchtly. but he looked
straight ahead as if he did not hear. "I
ask unanlmotia consent to .peak for live
minutes," shouted the general, but the
sivnker disregarded him. Every eye was
now rivlted upon the diminutive figure
of the grlMly old veteran of two wars.
Tho rlluatUm was Intensely draninlic, but
I'ayni. the floor leader of the majority,
hurried to tha rescue He moved n recos
for 10 minute.
"rending that I ask unanimous consent
to spcik for three minutes." ilnianded
Wheeler. The speaker then turned to.
word him for the first time. and. looking
straight Into the gray eyes of the general,
iguorod the request complctdy, putting
the motion of Tayno nnd declaring It
Aa the hands of the clock pointed to
seven minutes to 12. although It waa
really three mlnutea past the hour, the
committee appointed to wait upon Hie
president marched down the aisle. The
speaker had retired to his room and
Payne, speaker pro tern., was in the
chair. Dalxell. In the center, announced
that the committee had fulfilled Its duty,
and the president hud made reply that he
had no further communication to make.
"The president requested us to slate."
he continued, "that the 55th congress, had
performed Ita extraordinary duties man.
fully, and he requested mo to extend to
each and every member his best wishes
for a safe return home."
But five minutes remained. In It was
enacted' one of the most dramatic scenes
ever witnessed In the hall of represen
tatives. Payne summoned Doekory diem
ocrat, of Missouri), to the chair, and ho
In turn recognised Bailey, the minority
leader in this congress, to present a
resolution thanking the speaker for the
Impartial manner In which he had presld.
ed over the deliberations of the house.
Pockery. when the applause hHd sub.
sided, appointed Bailey. Bell (populist, of
Colorado) and Payne to escort tho speak,
er to tho chair.
A moment later as the speaker emerged
from tho lobby, escorted by the commit,
tee, tho cheers that rreeted his appear,
anoe mado tho rafters ring, Slowly the
speaker ascended the rostrum, gracefully
pockery informed him of the action of
the bouse, and then relinquished the
gavel to htm. As the speaker faced the
house, the stillness of death settled down
upon It. People In the galleries seemed
to have censed to breathe, o oppressive
waa the silence. The speaker fairly
towered over his surroundings. Slowly
and with great deliberation he returned ;
ihanka for th cnmrdlmtnt the house conferred upon him.
No Hrnaatlonnl Feature Marked
Close of the flesalon.
WAHIirxOTON. Maroh 4-VI(.rrsl
l-nt declared the senate of th
Klfty.flfth congrea adjourned without
day at eight minutes after 12 o'clock to.
day. It w .ftr , continuous ses.lon.
bglnnlr at 11 o'clock on Friday, with
th exception u( a one.hour recess dur.
Ing the forenoon.
President McKlnler and his entire cab,
ln-t had oome to the capltol and were
In the president's room back of tha sen.
aie chamber, where the various bills were
hurried for signature. Finally the last
big appropriation bill had received the
president' awroval and everything was
ready fir the close.
As daylight broke over the capltol
this morning a large majority of the
fiK-rnlK-ra of the senate still were In or
about the chamber wherein th last legia.
stive day of the'Kth congress was draw.
Ing rapidly to a close. All night the sen.
atom had been laboring under a terrific
nervou. strain to complete the necessary
eglalarion In order that congress mteht
aourn at coon today with Its desks
comparatively clear.
At t:3D Hale prevented the conference
report on the naval bill, and It was sub.
mined lo the senate.
Hale announced that ehe house had re.
fused absolutely to authorise th con.
structlon of a government armor-plate
ilxnf. 1 then explained that the report
of the conference committee fixed the
rice of armor plate for ships authorized
by the bill at Coo a ton. The number of
battleships, armored cruisers and pro.
ected cruisers remain as fixed ln the
houe bill. The secretary of the navy Is
authorised to contract for armor plate
ur the ships provided for In the naval
Impropriation bill of KS at WOO a ton.
The conference report was finally agreed
to without division.
At 11:43 o'clock the doors of the senate
were ojiened, and the senate began the
ast legislative se,.n of the present
"tigress. Hoar and Gorman were ap.
pointed a committee to Join a similar
committee of the house to Inform the
president that the senate was ready to
djourn. Hoar reported that the pres
ent hud
Interest In the Health of
Those Notables Occupies
England's Attention.
Anxiety for the Writer Another
Manifestation of Amerca's
Friendly Spirit.
Predicted Pope Leo's Death After Ttut
of President Finre-Eventsof
the Week lo London.
(Copyrighted, 1S. by Associated Pres.)
LONDON, March 4. Popular Interest
here la now divided between Rudvard
Kipling's struggle with death and the
sick man of the Vatican. Tha K' t.l nu-
bulletins are followed with intense In
terest, and the new of his probable re.
covcry Is received with profound relief.
which Is expressed throughout the press.
the Times, during the course of a long
clitorbij. saying:
The deep sympathy manifested In
America may be regarded as a. fitting
no further communle.tlon to I trlbuee, to the writer who baa1 la:ely
make. Cockrell prevented the usual done more than diplomacy, treaties. arW.
resolution of thanks to the vlce.presL
ent. and Mr. Vest to Senator Frye. pres.
blent pro tem. Hohart thc-n revkwed th
work of the session ajid thanked the
members and officer for their courteous
treatment. He then declared the sena'.e
tration and speech making to convince
two nations, sprung from the same a:ok.
that they are still in many ways one."
Il appear that the pope hinuelf was
responsible for the attack, as. after the
audience of Monday, when he tired, he
insisted upon driving in the garden to
Leo's tower. In spite of ai biting north
TKACB8 OF POISON FOUND wuid. He returned to hla apartments
IN HENRY BARNET'S BODY. ih'verlns" with cold, and, on feeling htm.
i self In pain, he said he recalled the
prophecy of Mile Coueder, wbust spiritu
alistic prophesies were the talk of Paria
some time ago, and who declared that the
Archangel Gabriel had announced to
her that the pope woul die immediately
after 'resident Faure.
"Perhaps." said the pope. "God's w.U
spoke through her mouth."
Copyrighted, ISM. by Associated Press.
lo.nlmj.n, March 4. Influenxa has
reached an epidemic form In London,
being responsible for one In eighteen
deaths during the past week, when the
deatha from the disease reached total
of ill But the Increase waa accompanied
by the least number of deaths from put.
monary affections recorded during the
present winter.
It Is Now Certain the Man Died From
Mercurial Pononlng. According
to a Chemical Analysis.
NEW YORK. March 4. -The Herald to.
it;iv ajiva Trace nf mnneia.l rvl.w,
in sufficient quantities to cause death
or Indicate at least a contributory
cause, have been found In the viscera
and organs of Henry Croesman Barnet's
This Informal report has been made
to District .Attorney Gardner by Profes.
r Rudolph A. Wltthaus. a chemist,
to whom certain parts of the body of
ilarnet were given when Bamet's body
waa disinterred a few weeks ago.
Prof. Wlothaus has practically com
plete,! his work and K is expected that
Dr. Henry Loomls. to whom other por.
lions of Burnet's body were delivered,
will be ready to make his import in a few
da vs. Prof. Wltthaus has not yet maIe
a formal written report.
der 1h rlrrnmstancn, therefore, ,r
visit hi an additional Insult and di-fl inc
of pubilo opinion. After this warning It
will only be her own fault If he meet
with a hostlla reception la Franc"
M. Casaagnac'a Autorlle soys: 'Th
qusen beonmes our guest at the moment
when th British government has mad
Itself more than vor our enemy. Her
Journey wm i, fu of ttt B(MM Hllhl
as the Maine Incurred in entering Cu
ban waters, and tha French government
la committing tha same foollaH
Senor Sagasr by not preventing Franca
irom oeing placed In such a position
that the smallest accident might preclpt.
tate both powers Into a terrible! eonni..
After soon Insinuations aa the foregoing,
It eeeme possible that the queen's visit
to Franu will not diss without .nm
chauving IncMeaif. A .necial nolle
taff has left prlt to watch over her
majesty at Clmnei, where her hav
baggage Is already arriving.
Queen Victoria pays tll.OOO naonthlv
for her own rooma. without counting th
.xpense of here suit, numbering to per.
sons, although her lltHw trio will cost he
about rim. Her chalae. favorite whit
donkey and numbers of pet dog md
oira nv been sent ahead. Her majesty
baa also a curloua whim about sleeping
In her own bed, which Is taken with he
wh r.ver she goes.
The Prince of Wales went to Far! this
week and visited the exposition grounda.
He proceeds to Cannes o Sunday. The
prinoe'a wonderful scheme, known a Che
League of Mercy, ta connection with
which a new order has been established,
for those who collect and promote fh
collection of subscription for the Prlnoa
of Wale hospital fund, flv years work
oeing required for admission to the or.
der, la severely criticised In several
quarters. The Dally News thinks th
Prince has not been fortunsitely advised
In committing himself and In seeurlrur
the sanction of the queen In eueb a
scheme. The paper call it an "organlxa.
tlon of snobocracy by the aristocracy
which !s repugnant to the Idea of char.
Ity and not calculated to add to the
dignity of the. throne."
The annual report upon recruiting for
the army shows a .light Increase In th
physical development of the recruits, bat
35 per cent have still been rejected ow
ing to unsatisfactory physique. The an.
nounoement is mad that IS per 1.000 are
utterly Illiterate, and that only 49 per
1.0) are described as well educated.
There has been a revival of xha sensa
tion caused a fe weeks ago by the al
leged disappearance of Prince Ludwig
Von Lowensteln Werthelm, who married
Lady Anne SavIIle. a daughter of th
Ear: of Mexborough.' He moved a good
deal in English society and then dlsap.
peared suddenly. An advertisement in.
quiring after his whereabouts caused
j ne cneering announcement comes j
irom wenm mat Fror. waaaerman, one
of Prof. Koch's abh?st pupils, believes he
baa discovered a. serum for the cure of
pneumonia. Experiments with animals
have been successful, and he is now
operating' upon human beings.
considerable speculation ln th. t jin.h.n
press, and now -a telegram from Manila
has been published saying the prince Is
at Manila, has baen there for many
months, was preeent during the destruc
tion of the Spanish fleet and was a mem.
ber of the European club. But. it is
added, his behavior caused suspicion
and be was though to be acting as the
confidential agent of the German govern
ment Before Manila surrendered it Is
j further alleged the prince waa allowed;
to pass in and out of the Insurgent lines,
each party apparently regarding; him as
favorable to themselves. For a few
days, it la even asserted, he was a volun.
tary aide da camp of General Miller, ai.
though he was never connected with the
American army. The English papers are
wondering what Is the meaning of those
"mysterious movements."
Great Britain Will Hold Her to the
Terms of the Contract Friendly
Settlement Probable.
The two drawing rooms this week
brought the people to town. The Duchess
of Buccleugh presented Miss Astor. who
wore a white
LONDON. March 4. The Dally Graphic I broidery and
Sir Thomas Llpton has engaged a
crew for the cup challenger Shamrock,
numbering 30 men. Half of them are
picked Clyde yachtsmen, have long been
members of the Thistle's crew, and the
remainder are Enarlteh sailors.
announces that the British minister to ' with single pearls. She carried a bou
Chinu. Sir Claude MacDonald, acting on quet of white llllles. The United States
Lord Salisbury's Instructions, has noil-: ambassador, Mr. Joseph Choate, hi still
tied the Chinese foreign office that Great 'staying at Claridge's hotel and is busy-
Mr. Andrew Carnegie is expected to
return In May to Skibo castle, which Is
toilette, with silver em. ! being renovated and furnished during
a satin train, bordered ! his absence In America.
Itrlialn will holit t'hlnn tf the ternia ttt
llu contract In the recent ralUv&v ltvnn. !
and will also support her In resisting ai.y
aggression Intended to force her to re
pudiate her obligations under the con
tract. As tho result of British action, accord
ing to the Dally Graphic, Anglo-Russlan
negotiations have beon resumed, with the
prospect of an amicuble agreement.
(Copyrighted, 1S99. by Associated Press.)
BERLIN, March 4. The correspondent
of the Associated Press hears on good
house hunting. He has accepted an In
vitation to attend the annual dinner of j
the associated chambers of commerce
on March 15. The other guests will In
clude the lord high chancellor. Earl
Halsbury, the lord chief Juctlce. Baron
Russell of KUlowen. Rear Admiral
Lord Charles Beresford and the presl. j
ovnt or the board or trade. Mr. C. T.
A number of re'.Us of Sir Walter Soott
were sold at auction this week. Among
them were 83 letters which fetched 11,125.
His walking stick, a stout piece of ash
cut In Che woods of.Abbotsford. was sold
fcr 1205, and two locks of his hair went
for two guineas each. A guinea Is 15.25.
REDDING. Pa., March 4.-lhe con.
structlon crews on the Nevada. Callfor.
nia and Oregon Railroad have reached
a point twelve miles north of Amade,
Lassen county, and are rapidly extending
the road bed across the Madeline plains
toward Ahuras and southeastern Oregon.
The haste of the narrow gauge people
In throwing their road forward la said to
The arrangements for Queen Victoria's
doparture for Rivera next Thursday
have been completed. Tr majesty will
travel to the south of France by way
of Boulogne-Sur.Mer. Instead of via
i .-.V, V 1 .V.. Ji . . I . ., . ..... -
authority that negotiations thus far . im '" win ;oe oocaaioneo oy tne approacn or a road
tacitly assume that the entire change In
the personnel at Apia of the representa
tives of the three powers will be the basis
of an understanding to be arrived at,
and that this will include the recall of
the American Chief Justice Chambers.
United States Consul Osborne, British
Consul Maxse, Dr. Raffel, Raymond.
president of the municipal council, and
Herr Rose, the German consul. It Is
understood that their removal Is ae-
- . , 1 ., Vl 1 .. u
" , nZ m7r JTTyl I- indignation fn England , which officer, receive offers of loan, from
have visited Boulogne since the Crimean south eastward from Grant's Paas, Ore.
j war. some interest la taken In the fact gon. which Is making for the rich stock
that the queen's yacht will be convoyed ! regions of Klamath and Lake counties,
I by eight of the fastest torpedo boat de-1 Oregon.
I stroyers In the British navy, five of them j 11
, being SO-knot boats. Cruisers have pre. WILLIAM ISSUES AN EDICT.
! vlously been employed for this duty, j
i and the use of destroyers, It Is hinted
in some of the papers, is Intended to set inet order has been Issued, which, after
' off the French papers' talk about sub. referring to "certain regrettable affairs
1 marine torpedo boats. . in which officers have been recently I a.
volved, and to the "frequency with
BERLIN. March i.A-D. Imperial cab.
at the scandalous and coarse attacks , processional money lenders at usurious
made upon Queen Vlotoria by ome of interest," directs that hereafter every
INFERNAL MACHINE'S FINE TIME. ! newspapers of Paris this week. The officer shall Immediately communicate
; Libre Parole, In an Insulting article, said: any and all offers to his superiors.
.... . . .ITT. l.l . V .Ill V H n A ..1 m A I
SAN jose March 4 Henri Foumier. at i swr 4un ". " uy
the cwle meet in this citv todav rode a I' "he does not come to France
w.riii'. mii recne,! for anv utvie nf spring. The constitutional Action that
bicycle, unpaoed, going the distance on ,
hla "Infernal" tandem, with Tom Bara
by, of Boston, steering, in 1:35, breaking
the motor cycle record of France by two i
OLYMPIA, March 4. The report of the '
house committee appointed to Investi
gate the) affairs at the Eastern Washing- '
ton hospital for the Insane Is a severe '
arraignment of the administration syid 1
nxyiium employes, detailing Instances of I
neglect and abuse of Inmates. The report '
further recommends the abolition of the !
board of audit nnd control. !
NEW YORK, March 1-Cornella Jef.
ferson. whose name by marriage became
Mrs. Jackson, died at her home In this
city at the age of 62. She was the only
it was Lord Salisbury and not the queen
who Inflicted the outrage of Fashoda
and the humiliation of muscat on France
will not suffice. It U well known that
the queon has directed England's policy sister of Joseph Jefferson, the actor,
throughout her long reign, and she has In childhood she went on the stage, and
never missed an opportunity of display, during her life she was more less closely
Ing her antipathy toward France. Un. connected with the dramatic profession.
riTTSBTTRQ, March 4.-The Sohoen
Pressed Steel Company, of Allegany, ad
vanced wages In all departments today
from S to 10 per cent. The Increase will
benefit more than 3000 men.
n mm&
Makes the food more delicious find whotesoma
orai .AKitai aownsa co . ww wan.