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About The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899 | View Entire Issue (March 3, 1899)
Til K DAILY AST01UAN, FRIDAY MOKMNU, MAUC1I K, M P. J. Meany-wcsu (D:rchant Tailor and Exporter of Fops. tTight Cart Prlo Faid for rur Skin Tnth and Commercial Ptr. Astoria, Or. POY LEE (Formerly with Cha. Km Co.) Iflsnutactarer of Ladies' and Cents' UNOEKWEAK, FURNISHING GOODS ard HOSIEUYm... Ladles' Underwear to Order a Specialty. Jaw Bond Street, Cor. Seventh, TODr WEATHER Occasional tttu AROUND TOWN. Wooer to loan Ferguson. Bros. rreah buttermilk received at the Parlor duly. . Tho tug Tye left out yesterday for the aound. Best U-cent meal, Rising Baa rtor ant. (II Commercial street Th tug Sainton came In yetiday from Gray'i harbor with a rock barge tn tow. In tho police court yesterday John Nix on vras fined tt on a charge of drunken. Beam. Beat California wine cenis per gai loo, Alex. Gilbert, aole agent tor Astorta. Telepbon oX Walleend coal and coXe la tbe bet for domestic purpose!. For sale by the As. torta Gaa Light Co. Please not the reduction tn fart' a be tween Astoria and Portland mad by the aHLN. Company. At a meetlnf of the board of director of tho Aatorla Football Club last evening four new member were admitted. Those who were elected r R. C. Lee, M. F. Hardesty, Charlco Castner and Z. T- bell. Mr. Lee will bo In a manager of th club's bnseboll team, lie ti an old. time baseball enthusiast and la a valu. able addition to the team. It la understood that the failure of the council to take any action on the city lighting proposition last night wa due to the fact Nt copies of the new city charter have not been received from Sec. reiary of Slate Dunbar. It was doomed advlsahl. to postpone action until tho next regulnr meeting, owing' to the aholcsnle tampering with new lawn at Salem aince the last session. It appear that a new pilot has been added to the !lt of Columbia river bar pilot. Gus Snug. boat tender of. the rulitier. It the new acquisition and he piloted the Hrttlsh ship Itlikdule Into th harbor Tuesday last. From whu h milt Pilot Snug' branch wa Issued Is not known, but It Is swld thai he wear his new honors very modestly, One of the sailors of the,. his supplanted Pilot Snug on tho Pulitter. One of the sailors on board the ltnttsh ship Castor, which arrived from Hlogo yesterday, ha been sick for the last two weeks during the pnssare. Ills 111 ness. howevtr. Is not serious and his com. plcte recovery Is only a matter of a week or so. Captain MoMurty, of th Castor, .s an old pioneer ammig shiiplnK men on the Columbia river, having been here In command of a vessel U years ago. He has been around tho world m.uiy time since, and note many change In the way of Improvements to the harbor ard the mouth of the nver James Stewart, who has been etnployvd as foreman on i.e O. R. & X. dock, waa arrested yesterday on a charge of having stolen a quantity of twine which was stored on the wharf. The theft Is said to have been committed hist sumnvr. and Stewart Is said to have stolen 12 pound in all. The twine was 'th property of the KVard & Stokes company. and Its loss waa not discovered until y.iterday. The stolen twine was quite valuable. It seems Stewart sold it to a li'Cal can. ueryman for a ridiculously low price, and It was suspected at the time that the man must have stolen It. THR FTSHKRT LAWS ARK NOT SERIOUSLY IMPAIRKD. license on Sonets Will R tl. While the Close Season Hegln Thirteen Days Karller. The Associated I 'tens dispatch pub. Ithsed In the Astortan ysterday regaril. tug tho omission of the enacting clause In the Curtis tlsh bill, thereby rendering It null and voll. was mlslead.iig In Its cements, as Investigation yesterday proved. The bill which now stands as a law is the one passed at tho special sea. hm of tho Immature, and It evver nearly everything that Is deslnd, To nacertnln the exact atntus of the Ashing laws, the Astortan yesterday aired It corrorpondent at Salem. In. structlng him to examine the two laws and repon to what extent the failure of the senate committee to Include the enacting clause Impaired the law. Ill reply follows: S.VI.KM. M.uvh :.-House Ivlll No. 2T, the n-dtry wet. which failed b Nvm a taw because it lacked the enacting clause, consisted of t sec. lions, and Its purpose was to ami nd sections 1 and 1 of the act of (VMher 1.1 Ks. The act will be found on page SS of the 1S8S session laws. the error In the bill simply leaves the law passed at the special seswlon as It was. Section 1 of the act of I" provl.led for a dose season extending from February IS to Ap-ll IS. The new act provided a close season from March I to April 15. Section is of tho old act prov'dod a schedule of license free, among which was the fee of tl ror each setnet. The new law provided a f- of CM, section of the old law re. main as they were. ll thus appear that the fishermen, thinking the law had been amended, have fished 13 days In violation cf tV "W. f 8xhsrnockau voting; to pa tha ordlnane over th -eto. Surveyor Raymond reported that the LORD HlCnSOIIKLtS SlhVNMSOR WASHINtmW. M'aroh t-It l ald Tenth street aewer was In need of ra. at the state department that th death palm, which would coal UT. There waa of Lord llerachell, who wni a mrmbnr some discussion a to whether th city of th arbitration coniniUslon on th or th taxixtyer wxnHd hav to bear thla Veneauelan boundary, wld not undo cost, and City Attorney Allen was akd what has been don toward a etllemenl for an opinion. H will present It at the of that Imporlanl question. Th general next meeting. J practbv In case of death ( one of th An ordinance w read llrsl and ace. ivmmlsslonert U tu appoint a successor ond time transferring tSTM out of the 'In exact accordance with th term un. g'tiernl fund to the bonded Interest fund der which (he original appointment wa to pav the lint six months' Interest on made, and the HrKlsli government will h city's lHnded Indebtedness. The follow Ins; ordinances were read the third time and passed: Authorising i ho auditor to Issue war. rant for the collection of assi-ssim nts remaining unpaid on rhe following Int. provvinenis: Kxchange street. Thirty. tlrt front Franklin to tlratid avenue, Franklin avenue from Twenty. ninth to Thirty. third, the Illeventh stieet s. wer. the Young's buy Improvement, the Com. nioivlul slifel exlvnslon. and Twenty, ninth strvei from Franklin avvinie to ilrand. An ordinance appropriating l-V'sX for Ph,. use of tire hnlrant during tvi' wrs passel. as was also the ordinance provld. ing fr the manner of making sewer CMnnevtlon. The properly owners who have not yet doubtless appoint early date. hi successor at an CAPTAIN SYMoNi-H 111 1 f:i .t. WASIIINMTON. March J The course pursued by the ountuaniler of the l'nlt,l Slate gutdHiat Marlotla ai IllutleliU u giving asylum to tloiieml Iteves. tlie leader of the defunct robelilon, Is fully approval lute It s said t!ni( I'aptalu S moiiils prolvalily eaved much blooil. shed and rioting ami lurldriitally Hie ilesirucilon of propeisy by adopting firm measure liirmlnallng the active resist. ttiti of tho rebel. 11.1.1111:1: ci.en pkfhatkiv piild their asisinenis for drain were granteil another IHRTUVNO. March S.-The Oivto.n the Adair i ""'d ' i"" tonigiK won iniee out or rour days In (rami s In the howling contest wlrii hn which to settle. All who make pay. J u". of Stilem. The scoi.. f l. nients withm that rime will be exempt hw: from the usual inaltles. Illlhe t'liitv-.tbilloway. MXi; lUteli At the conclusion of the mcllng i Mctlrow. l.J, tliiltlths. I.'J; lloyt, ,laor Hcrgumn said h rvaPaed that ! Habrlelson. UtL ba; ill ; Salmon Twines Doublo-knot Nettings. Cotton Soins, Twines, Linos, Etc. W hav no connection with combination, and bain, th only dlraot lmpriar of Salmon Twin and Nta on th coaat, w can Mpply lha vary beat at lowsat prle conlieni with quality. W bandl th only Bootch Twin on lb market, HONEYMAN & McBRIDE 1!:1 vv l!i: Tliinl Strtfl.t'or. ThvU, roUTI.ANI. OU. Send I cent stamp In pay p;g tnd ( a Tide Ttblt fur in. (lcncrnl 5upply Mouse for Pnmlly Groceries. Bailders' Heavy and Shelf Hardware, Ship Chandlery, Etc. Can Sav You Money on Kstlmslss of Malsrial of Kvsry DaertpHo. Roa.1 Clulv-Miller. I; Ht. Hlchahls. li'd; tlen. I S3; corsvu.MAN CODPARP ON I thk r.Y of i.i:-;isi.atoi;3 Thinks Sl a Pay Is $.1 Too Much for Su. h as Clatsop Has City L'srH'.ln: ; iViws Over. th,. couuellmoii were v"ry much dlhetrt. ened since they lost their salaries and 1 h reuiiesieJ ihat all remain, as he had ' Fertiau, IS. provided rorrv'shments, tvr the next j Ky amw; j half hour the council chamber hud the 1 IHIheo aiute.iran.v of a bonouet hall and the I Oregon Ibwd t'tuli ) crowd of lawmakers fe t much better afier partaking of the miyofs hospital, j tiy and champ.ittne. vtty Attorney Allen ! was tho toastnnker. This was the lonst: j "llontleinen, here' hoping that the led, j latare won't make any furih r reductions j In your salaries." Clair, Ck. IM; ISO, :.i 2M V, ISII 51 tU RICHF-ST HKiltlAU ON ICAHTII. F. P. KKNPAI.L 1MB RF.iToR. SC1HK1. PI. All the member of the w re I present last night ibtiplte the fact that they are working In their official .-apaol'y j for their health, but the meeting did not I prox'o to be th interesting one anil 1- 1 pated. City Attorney A. Ion. who usuallv Keeper Pouglas. of the Tongue Point appear in full dress, wore an overeat buoy statAon. yesterday saw an over. 1 last night. He nlleged fral he was cold, turned boat driftinfr In the river off ; but It was learned lat 'r that the N'som East Astoria and sent his assistant out 1 of hs d.vollate shirt was spoiled wl-h a ASTOUIA. Oregon. March ! Mr. F. I. Kendall: We, the under, signed taxpayers, request that you be. come a candidate for the office of si hoo director in school district No. 1 at th coming flection to bo held on Monday, March , ND. and we hereby atree that Th rlchewt beggar In the wo: li m In Russia He was born without fort or arms, and hi physical def.-cts have brought him great sympathy and much cash. Sympathy would be biter b stoweil if It were given to the army of Industrious men in Hi country who ovr work themselves and break down tlie I hoitlth. These men bw ttielr appetites, and their stomachs "go back on ihrtu Their nerve are shattered and they cannot sleep. Tlie quickest way tor iheso men to recover their heal h Is to lake llostrtter'a Stomach llittfrs, which Is Intended particularly f r those who FISHER BROS. C. HEILBORN & SON. The OMent Mouhc hi Antorli.. 'riu1 liiirp-st mill Only Carpet and Furniture House in .Wotiii. Tin- lurp-st uiul lliul lltk of I'nrj-ftM nml hirniliirt" crrifl by mi v liouw in Orfj;iui ttilsiiinif l'tirttaml. If you will allow your name to be used j "tter fr,,m "f h 'ompUIni mu lt candidate, th it we will rlve you 1 iunru- "mrujr i. u wr , min tnai it is rrcogmieu as onn oi me world's standard remedies. as su our votes and hearty support th.-refor. A favorable answer will be prc, lated: Wanted A girl for general housework, a amiii f limit v uid flrst-alas wacea Addraaa iL Astortan offlca. i IO PK" 11 "V- v llntr.nK to tne ooiwm oi mg iniv e,- tn ooat. and a:most ueaa trora cxnaus- paid. Mn.Houghton, on of the oldest women In Clataop county, la reported to he crit ically HI at her home near Clatsop. Th British bark au Mary' Bay ar. Hut two matters of any Interest came lion, were two fishermen. Rusi..n Finns, up last one just oeiore soj ii i whose names were not learned. The men mcnt and the oth- r Just after When the ,! thov ha,! hn In ih m-aii,r fnr two' .f.-ik had been c eared or all the Misir es. i hours, their boat having cn;9:xe,l during ' Councilman t'n'xldard. the Thitd w- rl I the blow off the buoy station. They were I watchdog- ,f fN city trenstiry. addrese 1 m j . . n-.t.A .. aJmost comoletelv exhausted when ihev the council. He said: day She Is flour laden tor Durban. South ! were picked up. and stated that they! " our honor, tell me what you ta nk or Afrloa j could not have retained their hold on the me. Now. don't you regard me as tnor j boat 15 minute longer. Mr. Douglas ! of a philosopher than a politician? This Hall Juniper Kidney Core baa cured rendered every possible assistance to the1 Is no Josh. I want to know what you hundreds of lame backs tn this country, j men. who wero taken to the hom of a ' think of me." if mav ran. Trr It. Charles Rowers, friend i FVist Astoria. I "Yes." answered Mayor Hergrman. while dniEKlst i I the house roared at the comical attitude t 'of the gentleman from Kust Astoria; The O. R. 4 N. Company has mad a ! Fish Commissioner Mcfuire yesterday , .ou arfl prt(t. much of a phl,ph,.r. tin further reduction tn rate between j wired the Astortan from Portland that . Koud Miow. Ooddar I." Astoria and Portland, round trip SL80. - S.ngi fare, $LS0. be had engaged the steamer Juneau as I the regular patrol boat to be used on th? i Columbia from the present time until Omaha hams, finest ever brought to j tn close of the coming season, and that Astoria market, for one week only, li ( Deputy Commissioner Ca:hcart. who has cent per pound. The "Pat" market, 571 been in the metropolis for several days Commercial street past, would leave down the river In I charge of the Juneau this morning. The Juneau will go into service Immediately The Parlor now manufactures all its own chocolates. They are made only of the finest materials and are the most d -licious In the city. The British ship Castor. Captain Mi Murty, 33 day from Hiogo, In ballast. arrived In yesterday and anchored In 1 The Dalles, and the Juneau will cover ; the lower harbor. She Is chartered to . n ntlr district. The ;eamer will j load wheat. I Prjt,ably arrive here this evening. It Is ; i - reported that Fisn Commissioner Little In the county clerk's office yesterday J. W. Petersen, a native of Sweden, and , to act with the Oregon patrol In enforc. Christ Holten, a native of Norway, de- j log the laws. j dared their Intentions to become AmerU ' j can citizens. Thanks: that's what I wanted you tvi : ay. I'm looking for bouquets, you know. I "The other afternoon I was talking 1 with a newspaper man in the office of I Auditor Nelson. The reporter mud he thought the state should pay 10 a dfiy. Am I right?" he continued, addressing the reporter What are you trying to do?" ri-pi.d the reporter; "establish a reputation for me as a philosopher or as a politician?" "Naw l of course I ain't. Didn't y iu say what I said yon said? "Yes; I did." "Well, your honor, that's what I'm get. tin? at. We pay those fallows C a ilay of Washington, will engaga a patrol boat,"""' r-ie.n.r ,, .UKKeIlun asiwia, ..regon. Man-n z. ero Bi it-ii ju nuu ine pay ui ieKiia-; Jiessrn. u. . lounaoerry. I.. J. ITench. tors increased to 110 a day? What oc- aril. R. Carruthers and other cltlxens as! on If there for throwing aw.iy an. and taxpayers above named. other 17? I don't want that alary-ln. j Gentlemen: I feel highly comnllm-nted in charge of Deputy Cathmrt. and will be kept on the river throughout th present close season and during the thshlns season. The Sixth d.strict ex. tends from the mouth of the Columbia ' ?. W. l.o iiwN-rvy. J '. Trulllngfr. C. J. Trenchard Jno. II l"i in iniicr. ' It. 'amilln rs, II I'rohn (V S riirht. IV K. K. r hen. J t. Il.i!: li'U m. J r liimeiT. Ida J. HantlU'in. Ier SiIm li. lt.,,1. Jno K. Oratke. J. K Wirt. n S 'v.y It. Van I'usen Aui; lnni.Un. 'J. H 1 lir.iy. W, A. Sherman. Jno. N. ilrltlin. J K. Il.inii ion. A. S Ue.s .f ,hn v w.-lch. I". A. Stoke, C. (loddard. 1. I'atni'b.'il. K. Iluiike. A no row Asp. .. s S monsen. It. A. M .r. J V Man-n. J. U Carlson. J Hrukson. John Nordstrom, i!e J Soitem. Fred icknxin. Ansteusnii. Ij. I Johnson. VV. J. Cook H. K Stlte. A!.x Itr.nilltr. 1 Sherman. II. infills. Ch lirson. J II Hansen. ! P. T. lienles. V. Smith, ; I. H. YeUh. L. Pieiman. ' Oo H ,..,irgi. i. o. M.M-it II. (J. Van Pusen. J T. Lighter. Aug. I-arson. S Klmore. A. J. Alcgler. H. II. I'ark r. n. 11 vtron. i". II 0i-r, Frank J. Taylor. J. II Morris., n. C. It. Thomson, iliist. II (.tnrs. (). F Morton. M Kmifsen. . W. K. pemenl. f. I. I'pfenton C. S. Cunderson. J. Q A. llowiby, C. C. Ctxlnger. II. F. Trael, ! R. Mclean. J II West. I M. F. Hercnd. s. W. T. S.-holfleld. 1 A. llrlx. J II. Mansill. Alb.-rt imnbar. K. A. Taylor, i J A. Devlin, A. Schem.-. kau. K. N. lPissing. J. it. W'y.nt ,E. A. ilenLfig. J V. ta IiIikIko. C. Holmes, Wm. tl. tiosslln, ' K. W. Tannant. A l.-n trlx , Jas. W. Welch. W. W. Rldehalgh. J. C. Unienl. F. M. ltewley. Aug. Nelson. rt. S. tiord'in. Ul'.AI. 1USTATK TUANSl'HltS Annl.. M Jones to May Abercr unbl , Wist half of southwest quarter, s. .. Hon 12. soutn half of utnent quar ter, section II; south half of north. Mm quarter of southeast quarter, section 11, northeast quarter of northeast quarter of south-ant qinr. ter section 11. township 7 north, rango to west IV C. IVrdltuT lo llernard Swensen. HOHE-riADE Taffies, Caramels, Chocolates and Bon Bons fresh every day, nt THE SPA. I ASTORIA MI: AT COMPANY I plcHorso No, ! east half of liN f 'i l,.n X. Hlilvr. ley's : II. I.'. Kindred to Isaac Davlwin '. al. lot 17 and It. block 9. Klndtvd I'ark 1 I.ltitla Kerf to M. Ryan, land In township x north, range. I west ... J 1 C. It. HiggUl to Jame Still, lot I blix k 17, Astoria addition to War. renlon 171 Si me to I Vivid and James Hull. Int 7. block 14, Astoria addition to War. ri-nton IX Same to Robert ll. Btlll. Ms 7 and to. il'H-k 11, Astoria addition to tVarri-nion SStf Same to Pavld Htlll. lot 1. block 11. A.torlu ndilltlon to Warr-niun 175 Same to Margaret A. RfU. t 13. b-ck 5. Astoria addition to Warrentoti... 131 Samo to Margnret A. SHU. lot 7. block 17. Astoria addition to Warrenton. ... Hi J. R. Ollstrap. trustee, to Jame Still, lots 7 and S. block 6, Astoria addi tion to Warrenton UK) Same to Margaret A. Still, 1"! 8, block 17. Astoria addition to Warrenton.. 171 Handles Only the Choicest Meats , ntil l'slr Ktsfi'kt, A. R. D Fluent, editor of the Journal, The funeral of Aaron Anderson was held yesterday afternoon from Pohl's undertaking pnrlors and the remains conveyed to Greenwood cemetery, whore the Interment took place. Four of the British ship tnat recently arrived left up yesterday in tow for Portland and are chartered to load irHmt Thv sr. thA Mflrfphnl Hilrh-t Ansmba. Bowman B. Law and the Brit. ! luml"f a ?ke "he ,B,rt th ish Princess i Drumbu'",nn. from Llverjod for a 'port In British Columbia. She ad ar-d B. S. Pague. Portland's weather man. 1 to be In ballast. The Mls-.'.ey H ul arrived has notified merchants of that city that I off the Columbia Sunday lust. The M. Th British ship Mistley Hall. Captain i ,.reas(, ,.a (0 ,pr,,not .hiu W(. ,,nd by the honor you have paid m. by th Doylestown. Ohio, .uffered for 1 1 number Logan. 1-T days from L'verpnol wrth aiuA yilnons , 8alem t0 mak(; tnT' iyTinK ,, whlch w of years with rheumatism In hi. right niran rf rransr'il mfmrm mil nt-Pi Vrt .V nttMoa a rA mKnm ITaa ' Vf mnirhf without my knowiwlg... While hesitating i "' .7 , ma,,e "Say. your honor; If the common coun. 1 1 assume the r-sponslblllty connected 1 arro tlmea wa entirely UIeM. I in ni ,f ,h.Mfvr i.inrh ma.t. r.f.-irh im,n.,., n,-i.. ,v.. i tried Chamberlain' Pain Balm, and wa '.0 theisuch men as Clarsop county sent to the 'school director. I feel that It Is my duty urnrtwl L rV r",ef n0;t P,a'n,la.t legislature, people would b- unable 1 to ai-c-pt th. nomination so handsomely - me11Wl3r' The ?in h" b"' oil thai .Mnmnlnn tt mlru, VA, mouth of the Columbia river. C T . . . 1 . .. . .. .. 1 1 ,... t LJudii rrwriB a yiriiu.u wpoi: ui i'n ; leave way and met with unusual nne weatner j coming around the Horn. Ahout a week before reaching the mouth of the Co. : : tendered, und if elei-ted to the position, I It will be my earnest i ndeavor to give It that attention whb'h the Important , of tho office demands. Very respect fully, F. P. K K.N DA LI., lowing day th: pilot boat Pullizer w.t sighted, but the weather being thick and should be moved before stormy she was lost sight of again nnd a pilot could not be secured. Yesterd-iy I a pilot was put on board from one of the lues and the vi sel was towed the Willamette Is rapidly rising, and that Front street cellars will be flooded Goods, be says. Friday noon. the harbor. Thr Mistley Hall will ills, chargo tons of salt at Astoria, the re. ma.nder of tht cn'go being consigned to Portland. Captain Logan and his ship A pure whisky agrees with any food. In fact aids digestion. It tones tbe rtom acb, increases the flow of the gastric Juices and so promotes strength and flesh. A pure whisky like Harper Whisky. Sid by tbe Foard & Stokes Co., Astoria, Ore. The most recent rumor In regard :o the council last nlgbt: Evening News, 42 cents; H. F. Prael & Co., 13.75; West Shore Mills Company, 1375.60; city sur. veyor's payroll, JS; payroll of the super intendent of streets, $35.60; J. M. Ells, worth, $5. In the circuit court yesterday the ca& of Dean Bros.' steam pump works vs the Astoria iron works, plaintiffs were allowed 30 days in which to file motion for av new trial. The case of the United Slate vs. James !M. Bulger ea a! Was on trial before a jury. Coroner Pohl has decided not to hold an Inquest on the body of Henry Light, which was Dicked ud at l'Quns's Lav Tuesday last. The facts in connection 1 county ana oy Vancouver ana tnence .o with the drowning of the two milkmen Ith9 momh ,,f :,'& Astoria, are so well known that no suspicion of P9 Part moflt !lkelr t0 bullt 18 that foul play rests on any one. Portion from Wallula to Portland. This would give the Northern Pacific railway w A ftuinp.' nrivst. tnrv wht.Wv ' a dlwt through line to Portland without handled exclusively In Astoria by John coming over a shirt on the clothI!n.' nver night! I "When I was a kid I us-d to watch the jilll.l, n O. Ul III, Jill, J Ill 11,11 . i keys would fool around like a lot of j ; chumps for a while, and then they would i Jump around in frantic fashion. Appar. I enrly there would he r.o ocraslr.n foe their ! Ic ' ver?r "Bra to B,"n'1 l!;y PV nl 'fool antics, but thfy kept at It, Junt the'"'9 our 'J'ar "J"" uffcr while awaiting fme. ' ,he arrlval of the doctor. An Albany "Io you know, those monkeys remind : "' Y- Jalryman called at a drug tore I mo or our legislative del.fratlon?" ; ,u w o..u -o ui i And Mr. Goddard tof,k his seat. 1,ildi then very sick with croup. Not flndlnif tho doctor in. he loft word for into . . . . , i !h'm tn ritnn at nnpA nn Ma rMiirn Ma n a constant companion of mine ever ilnoe and It never falls." For sal by Charle Roger. W should not be cheerful with p-op who don't llk I'heerfuliieHs. the matter. h explained afterwards, i Whether th loss of his lucrative salary aI bought a bottle of Chamberlain' und-r the provisions of the new charter , Cough Remedy, which he hoped would was the occasion for his scornful ref-r-''ve some relief until the doctor should . ih (lotunr, -nuniw ,.! otm 1 1 I arrive. In a few hours he returned, .y. are both familiar to shipping roeti o whthl.r fom(. ttl,.r n ,aw added w nif the dx:tor need not come, a th the Columbia river, having only left here June last with a cargo of wheat for yueensiown for orders. From Queens, town the Mistley Hall was onler-d to Liverpool, wnere the present cargo was loaded for the Columbia river. The Mistley Hall will probably commence discharging today. The most recent rumor in rgard to the purposes of the proposed Columbia Valley railroad, says the Portland Tele, gram, comes from the Tacoma News: "It Is reported that the Northern Pa cific railroad is pushing the construction of the Columbia P.lver Valley railroad which is ostensibly an Independent line from the main line of the Northern Pa. ciflc at Wallula down through Klickitat L. Carlnon, is one of the most popular beverages sold. Its purity and quality are guaranteed, and it is especially rec ommended for family use. It Is gold In any quantity at the corner of Twelfth and Bond streets. A number of volunteer soldiers attached to battery M, stationed at Fort Stevens, were mustered out a few days ao. After belnf jnustered oait they were given the privilege of reenlisting In the regular service, and some of them did so for three years. Those who did not reenlist left at once for thoir homes In different parts of th country. The news that the entire fish bill has the Ca.stades and around by way of Tacoma as at present and put them on an even footing with the Great Northern, which has practically dfrect lines to both the sound and Portland reaching the latter city over the O. R. & N. That negotiations have been pond ing for the control of the O. R. & N. by th N. P. for some time past there seems little doubt. The recent action in the promotion of the Wallula-Portland line Is the next move In the program. As one well posted in railway matters on the co'ifit puts it; 'The Northern Pa cific Is taking up the Columbia River Valley proposition for the purpose of brimming the O. R. & N. to terms, and falling in that to build a parallel line, giving the Northern Pacific a direct line not been rendered null end void by the: from the grwt wheat country In Eastern carelessness of the senate nsnerles com- Washington." President Mohbr. of the mlttee will he gratifying to the people of O. R. & N., and Mr. Gerllnger, of the Astoria. It now appear that but two ' proposed Columbia River Valley railroad, feature of th law are affected. The dose season begin February 15. Instead of 41 arch L and Mtnets are required to pay but n a year. Instead of S2.S0. as provided In th last tlsh law. The ap. proprlatloo for propagation and all the other feature remain th mum. were shown the article. They only smiled and replied that they had nothing to say. It is clalme'here by persons very close to th promoters that the line ns stated will be entirely Independent and built by capital outside of railroad ohan. nels." the. white man's burden, h did not state. After the meeting he remarked that the feature of th new charter bill which abolishes the salaries of the mayor and members of the council was a very bad one. He said the coundlmen were placed on a salary so that. lh-y might be consistently fined for non-attendance, a member being taxed 15 every rime he missed a meeting without first having been excused from attendance by the mayor. Hereafter, said Mr. Oiddnrd. a man wlil suit his own convenience about attending meetings, and the business of the city would suffer accordingly. The ways and means committee, to which had been referred the matter of the city maintaining Its own eJectric lrht plant, reported that it had conferred with the water commission, but that an other conference was desired. Further time was asked for a report, and It was granted. The matter will probably come up in Shape at the meeting two weeks hence. A communication was read from the manorer nf the public howling rll-ys stating that business In his line whs fall ing off. as bowlers were all enjoying themselves at club alle-ys. He wanted the council to Insist upon clubs paying a license on their alleys, or else that the license be reduced. The matter cim" before the council once before and was laid on the table, and the same fate was meted out to the communication read last night. Frank L. Parker asked permission of the council to extend his dock at the foot of Second street to the harbor line Chairman Clinton, of the wharves and walerfrontnge committee, Introduced an ordinance covering (he matter nnd It was passed. Mr. Parker states thnt the extension of the whnrf will be com menced Immediately. Mayor Bergman returned without his approval an ordinance passed at the Inst meeting appropriating a sum of money for Jurors' and Interpreter's fee In a case In the police court. He ald the city was not liable for such fees and saw no reason why the taxpayers' money should be thrown away. The veto' was sustained, Urlx, Clinton, Goddard and child was much better. The druggist, Mr. Otto Bchoiz. says the family has sine recommended Chamberlain's Cough Remedy to their neighbors and friend until he has a constant demand for It from that part of the country. For sale by Charles Rogers. HOTEL ARRIVALS. OCCIDENT. J. G. Pope, Portland. W. H. Resentree. Portland. Charles C. Woodcock, Portland. H. J. Gorman, Portland. T. Wegman, Portland. M. Ifirsrhlsaum, San Francisco. Mrs. McMlilan and son, Hoqulam. F. Thihault, Sunshine. Mrs. Thlbault, Sunshine. G. -orge. A. .'ease, U. 8 d redder Ladd, Iwls Montgomery, Stella, Mrs. NvHJtnuii. Hkamokawa. ri. H. Maddoi.k, Seaside. PARKER HOUSE. James Anderson, Portland. II. 8. Lowe, Portland. L"wls K. Wilson, I-wis nnd Clarke. P. H. Haddan, Fort Stevens, J. Jackson, 'Pillar Rock. TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY Take Laxative P.romo Quinine Tablet, All druggists refund the money If It fail to cure, 25 C. The genuine has L. B. Q. on each tablet. For sale by Charle Roger. AGENTS WANTED. Good live men in every locality to rep. resent a large manufacturing company and Introduce their goods. Steady em ployment and large Income In good le gitimate business assured to mn Ihat are honest and willing to attend to busi ness. References required. Send self nddressed stamped nvelope for reply to The Rex Manufacturing Company, 228 Chartres street. New Orleans, La. BEST OF ALL To cleanse the system In a gentle and truly beneficial manner, when the spring, tlm cornea, use the true and perfect remedy, Syrup of Figs. Buy th genu, ine. 1 Manufactured by the California Fig Syrup Co. only, and for sal by all druggists, at 60 cent per bottle. We have saved many doctor bill since we began using Chamberlain's dugli Remedy in our home. We keep a bottl open all th time and whenever any of my family or mynelf begin to catch oold we begin to use tho Cough Remedy, and as a result we never have to send away for a doctor and incur a large doctor bill, for Chamberlnln's Cough Remedy never falls to cure. It I cr. talnly a medicine of great merit and worth. D. S. Mearkle, General Merchant and Farmer, Mattle, Bedford county, Pa, For sale by Charle Roger. Money talks; but It doesn't necessarily say the wise thing. Positions Secured We aid those who want government po sition, 85,000 place under Civil Service rules; 1,000 yearly appointment. War creates a demand for 7,000 employe with in I month. Bareaa of Civil Service Instruction, in Fifth Street Washington. D, C. 4 1 CsmmercUl l VrrWArMWAWW Lnrrowe'H Pure H.O. Sclf-mH.i.K BUCKWHEAT Best N.O. MoIiihhch. Honey and Maple Syrup, Kto.. .. A. V. A-L-LEIN'S Grocery Store. W. F. SCHEIBE, nulsclurer ot lis Alv l4llrlo liw, 5mofcr' Aitklet. 47 Comtnri;lsl Ml. "La Belle AstorU" Clfir Scheme's Open Star Schelbe'i Special And )ltr Urn net R. L. Boyle & Co LeadhiK Rcnl BHtutc Dealer of ASTORIA, OREGON Writn fop Iiifnriiiiition ami I'anipliloK M Ct'iniiion'iul Strct't NntHlioii wan tho woild'n uri'iit- f.Ht gClHTIll. Wo lire AritoriiiH lenilora in Stoves - Ranges a v .-if -'.la I A carloml junt nrriveil. lower thin) cvur. Trices W.J. SCULLY, Sole Agent. 431 Bond Street, Astoria The Quaker Cabinet Vapor Bath. Testimonials of Its Value. MHB. F. DARKER.-! hava triad tha vapor bath and think It la specially good to hav in a famlly-partlcularly for breaking up a cold. MItH. MART MACKB, Midwife-After a full trial, I consider th Quaker Cabinet on of th bt Invention vr mado for bath. No family bouM ba without one. HENRY SHERMANI bar had rheu matism every winter for Tml 7art. but thl winter, lnc using th rspor balh. have had no rheumatism. MX wire also recommend It trery hlaWy. MRS. R. E. SMrTH-Havinr th cabinet I consider It ,1'?Tp!e1!.; for bad cases of the frtPP. rhlon wM effectually cured bT It f. W. NEWELl-On using of th vapor bath praotloally curtl a femal mmbr of mf fltmlly of la gr'PP con dition. REV. W. B. H0L.MNO8HBAD.-W0 hav usd th Vapor Bath In our fcvma for soma tlm and freely recommend It to th public OEOROn RICHMOND-W hav uoed tho Q. V. bath ana obrfully recommend It d. W. BMITII-T like ho vapor bath vory much. MRS, JOSEPH PIIXniER-I am greatly pleased with tho Quaker Vapor bath and freely recommend It, to my ex especially, DR. DUVALL, Agent ASTOR HOUSE