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About The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899 | View Entire Issue (March 3, 1899)
I'lIK DAILY AS'JUKIAJI. HllDAV MlHtM. MARCH 8. JHW. I i TitBcaitscf of siiTwras Uuuniiut only Id tho n Igliiality ami Implicit y(1f ihf r.iiuMiihlloii, liiltnlnn totlin euro mi.) nltlll citli wlil.-li II W tiiUnufui-Uin-.l by w'rnlill" .rnciiM kimwii In ilm aiiiimivu Im Ny llt'l' l'. Mily, Mini wk u Mi to Impii M upon " tint Iiiihiiiii imri'littnliiif Hie Iruo ami original rttn..ily. A Hip jtmniiiin Syrup of Hk l umtiufHftiirril 'y tlm (,'Ai.ironsu l'i Sntui' Co. only, lin.vKMlif. of Hmt fuel will ull one In nviiiillnif Hut worthlrM Imllntlotm manufactured bvolhrr par tite. Tim Mgli kluiulliiK ,it Hia Call rtmxu Fio Hriti'i . wltli Hid mi-ill-cal irifcwloii, mul llix mitlkfuotlon Which tlm ,'fi'iiuliin hyrtijx.f J-'ltfa link Iflvrn to milium of foitilllca, limits tlm nainn of tli ('oiiipBiiy (ftmraiily of Hie Piiwiii'r of Ita rpiiinly, It U fur In lvmu- ol nil oilirr Uxntlvca, a It iU on tlm klilnrys, liver ami bowel without IrrlU'iiiir or weaken Inif llicni. mul It dmn not jfrlHi ur nauarain, liioiili r ..(f. t It beneficial ffot'U. lrMi IruirmlKT tho nnitio of the Coin pany -. CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. Ll MVILI.K. Ht. W 1TONK. N. f . A rii4ti Ktiu an" mm in an utn. ti;,U ovt it Holititti iitii-ln.t .1'irau't liil'.i. . l U-I klniln i.I .n.i I III Jk"u I.. 'il'i'tn Aiiu-ll alta la In' Imlit Itir a:iin in dm Ag,.ii.".l.u pui.pi I atiow ar n aiimlng lu fcl uiwoniforlalde. A Single Set of Culicura Remedies Costing only SI. 25 Consisting of ' Culicura Soap 25c. Cuticura mmu 50c. Culicura Resolvent 50c. U often tufflclcnt to cure the moil torturing, dlaflgurlnc, and humili ating akin, acalp, and blood humora, with loaaol hair, when all elMfalla. -l iki..H, rk. h.rti H a0 fir, : - ao ll m ie Ti M y THE RUSSELL a : : : Compoui.1 Automatic Engine ; Ll w I rv . i.-voy Nk. 1 r - .,,i ...i.-,..,,...- if ye-' y " . , I X......'.. ...lBi;( Mir f 7 7 7 Strong and Economical. Writo us for particulars, A. II. AEIUIX, Munngor. BIG COMPANY TO CAN SALMON The Pacific American Fisheries Company Capitalized for Five Millions. WILL OPERATE ON THE SOUND 111 Operations Will He Extended. Per haps, to the Columbia and to Alaskan Hlvers. NKW VKItK. Mir'-li .Tln l'i ill. I'lulirrlia 'oitiniiiy, jtn or 'in i nl in Nm Jitu) . -In)' miili-r iuillaliall"ti f I'.. ioiUiu, will nniiil "u xr ount of nil tin iiltiinii iiikIiI In I'liiii't aniiinl waicia, ami la uulli'rrl'il In ral. tl mid ran '! inmi or nilirr nii in Hid vinnij rlvir, l'ii.'t aiiiiixl, Ilia Krua-r rlvr, Alak4 anil nllh-r illairloi. 'I'lio illiiTlnta iif llm 'nl!i4iiy aro J 'tin I'uitnhy t'harka ( 'diiiini Imun. Jii'lue T A M'iMii. of M"iali, Krnua & Miiy. r, i.f Cli.Mf.i. II II Hi.-'Ik, V. II. D-inlnc. It..lrt A. Hmllli, J. i'. kcr of n.,n...r r..-. . ""', fo,M,. 1n r g h,tvy( ,,,,0 tr.y. "f KaMiavti, Wunli.; mid A l jM. fi-rrtiftila flho rtrat proera I i)uiiriu,.ii. of Ji-raey I'liy !f l"'ay ixilaoiilnr llm blood, making i l'rm.,..iil .Jlr.ta lll I- at a!" "" '"h nA Ur,", 1n M,r j,,,.,..,,, ... Im. I.M.I I,. iHi.o ;t.aM,..-hr. pain in m .y... ( Th li. ii.liin.-r ..f rt.o will ; lUt, iijit.,n rakrn llm heart. rua. i.r in I'M.ij.i. mi. I tin. Aim-ili-ati Ttoal j lnar pall'llallnn mid Dnally brtnglnf on I,.L-. i.,..,k ..r hi, m... ) thr imrt-r. ;diaa. of thla vrry ImporlaiK oran. Itllatia. . 'llm .M.iiiImiMiiii Tin"! '..iioiiy l !! iNVw Vr Iriiairv. The ork of ihe t .. i.... i. ,., i,,,,!,,..,, mpany tiaa ti-eii pilvalely udrwrit. ml lb,-. a.- lo be IUI other ofTel. lna It la tha Intpiilloii of Ihn company I eti'-mt II a buln.a and to ahor1i n'tur . on. ertia In ihr Minion i-annlng buaifir, in itiir-iwit liMxilltloa t'po'l Ijie prewin organlaail.m ll U Mil. mated 'Iml Ihe nl riiruliiKa i-f Ihe i-.m. p.tny tv. e:il or urr II! of tint loinmoii bio. k after paying k t" r rent illviil.'nila on ihe prowling a'o-k Th n.iniMiiy will engiige In forrlgn atil; ol ..a h...... ir-m ,Aiii. r..nn r, , , Ta,llp, .U rr, ,iy frI f ,tom,vCli i.inwny baa .iiilml un 'option fm th- , r,,,ililo eaeept rani-rr f the Kioma. h .11.. nf tW new i-Mnnrry al K ilrbaven. ; Th. y Im rmae fleah. Inaure pure blood, ... . . . . , in ,n . ,, m rvm. hriirhl ey.a nnd c'ar com. Wmli whl.h wtirn W I. Will b Ihr , ., .... , . plraiiin. becaiiae all llie reault only liy.l in tin- world In a.ldliln a I " 1 ; fri,m vholeaome fol well dlgraled. tteet .if .1. aineia, Ixiaia and ban ; .Nearly all dnigglala aril Hluarta Dya-Ik-. ii ee. urrj aa have l--n Ihe .riniea i pepala TabIHa at W cenla full ilaed pack. -. . ... , i age or by mall encloalnu price to Bluart and Plan, of .be tannin, i ..m. ( Mr bu, Mk your flru. ..any. rn.Wiy Harbor and tlir Ana. gM flri( A ,e M giomach dla. n.rle Talking C.imin, at Anaconea mailed free. Addreaa Btuart Co., Wmh. . iMarahall. Mian. Of Any Done with Neatness and Dispatch. Prices Reasonable. Call at The Daily Astorian. tk. -i 1 - - a i -i ia ti . l '; i I V... . , k -,..i... RUSSELL & CO., Portland, Oregon. MONEV I'IKCKM COINKU. nni.Ar.icU'iiiA, MhMi i,-during Mir. mould (if February Idrre wirre'oolned at Hit United 'Muihi mint In thladty lafrUto dmiblit miglea. The silver coined voiinlftlixl nf WHtl diiliam and KIN tmlf dolliira, Ttinfs wer ttt.M five runt pb a mill l,l.',7,wl iwniili mined. Th total number of pd'eva colm-d yuan mv, mul their lutiil value Hu.WMM. TIIK WICIIMtN AT I'KKIM. WAKIIINfl'loN. Muri'h 2-Tti. irniK. irl Kiel limn, dirtying lh int lv Tlilr'l Infinity of regulars hih1 one battalion of Hi Hi-vriili-.-iiili Infaitlrv, twa arrived nl I'.-rlin i-ii route in Manila with r. Inforiwiiiciria, Htm should rein h Manila about Jliiri h IV Him In niilf.illu (h Urulil. Ulll'-ll .r.'i'.if i irr liy iwo wrrk". wmm I'oisoxs. I CENEKATLD IN THE t UM AN BODY TIN Kciu!t of liurcifwct DlttVK- lloll of f ood Kry llvlnir Hiln. plant or anlmnl. roiiinlna wliliin Hiwlt th ffrma of er. nln (1"-oy and dealt), In ihf limiuin tuMly itira nrrma of 1- ' li liy icInnllKia I'lurrwIiiMi), art usually Oi rult of 1mpTf dl gmlli.ti f; Ih raull of IndlK al. n 'r 1 -Mil. j """' h. from nb.iiw. w.akmi. l'i'"" n"l .fiiiii'(t' an. I tliunMiglily ill(M'. r.M.r it ifintlnn iilnone ihe hii.Iiiu 1ir':vtil iIInjimbm a nit lllnhefM And thl. U ao iH-raua overr organ, i every n-tv. dr,-n.l. upon Ih, trnravh 'alon for and renewal, and iilirmilon atiowa Itwelf nul onlv In , (f (,M,r1,(. , , WMlk iiervea and muddy complexion. ' The grenl Kngllah ar1enl1l. Ilualry, aald the beat a'art In llf la a anund atomai'h Wank auimacha fall lo dlgcet , foil propKrly. Ireatle ihey ). k lh j t ..f r . hi m n of it. ttv,- a.-l-la (a-tl.' I and hydrorhlnrle) and pjilogenlr! pro. durla; Ihe nuiat aenalbla remidy In all raaea of Indlgeallon la to take after earn meal one or two of Btuarta Dyarx-pela T.ibleta Wi-aupn ihey aupply In a pl"a. am. hnrmlraa form all the element . " . , T..n..i. i inn t i ar li i n i ti w i inuai w i-- escription wkMHf 60 YEARS' - EXPERIENCE TRri: MARK DtaioNS CoavRiaHTt Ac. . .. . ..nrfi,,a vieh and dearrlKlInn mil ll a.... r cllreiViUliientia.. Jlanrtbiioaou I'alenM tt.Min Bt rid If rtnBint in. .... . ..i.l...a aaana f iir alM'tl rillH IULtlllll. l"ar.."i taken ihniuuh Munn A to. recalvf W BBt'lM'J in tkmtlLl nifcial nofkff. without clmrito, m iae Sclniific flmcrieait. A hai.daomely lllnarraterl weeVly. 1"n,tST MUNN &Co.38,BrMtfwt'' New York li am' ortloa; lt r BU W. hlnglon. D. U FATAtLY HURT , BY AN EXPLOSION Fearful Acc dent to Silas Braly, a Ranchen Living Near Sherwood. LITTLF. HOPE OF RECOVERY Dynamite Exploded lit Ills House Awful Fate uf Two Wyomin? Section Hznis. I'Olt'ri.A.N'O MuMi 2 lln lli'lyfh j Iiiui liwn llvln-n on furm nr H)ir. woo.1. WaatiHiKion founiy, mt wltti frarful niHd-nt thla nKirnliiir. (run ITwIji ui liK-h ll l onr y (iowIM. Im itoi rvr. Thla morning a nHKhW of llrady'n heard Inrrlflc iplol;n. ami on Kill UK I'l the timifc found the Interior of Him tnrltdliiK. i'v, dlhi', and tar. tilliirc all In una grtiirml wnrk. and lying a'iaH- itic flo'ir. Itridy had Wn blaatlng lumpa with!,,,,,, llv,r riMI,n. ardallrta. labor dynamtta .vldi nlly been prepar. log a mrlrldg.- for u. wlon In , m way It wa rxpNxled. Ilia b ft hand wwa blown off hi ttv wpih mid li" pari of It ititild be found. Ilia f.o and br.-a.l ete? nlle.l wllti jMrtlrlMi of lyiiamH and l.oth Iila ey.a wi-ra tmdly Injured. Knur h"ln i w-ri blown In the wnll of Hi.- alelum-n. ! two of Ibelii l-ar tlirouifh. A hole wtt blown through one fom ant fragmtnia1 of Ihc aloVr wi re found drlvrn Inlo va'1- OUJ" '"" IU . tak.-n lo tl... Hood M imartui,, lnmiHUl. In thla rlty wliete h a left arm ana jtmpiMa'.eil and Ilia other luj irh a at. tunlMl 1o, J Ilia ihanr.a for rvovery atr rely allm. KATI-: 1'" TWO SI TIO.V HANDrf. CIIKVENNK. M tr h 2.-To i..i-tt .n lli.-n wrre f.oin.1 klllt-l a "In! tin- rallrool niwr Utokout at!l.n. uhoiil I'J imlea ! of in-irnli', tolay. Itoth wir- uii.1ku1.1i illy kil '.l by tt H.wpl.w. (me wie l.l.nitl..l a. I !uKl.r..e. of Virginia. CI lite body Wan txidly iruehed. Tlir irtlo r tMly wi torn to pteca the r.-malna Ix-lng atruug iiKmii for thrrr mllta. fie truk TUB IRON AM STKKI. makk:;t iti; Mi.vij excited. Not a ytlriatlor. of I'rbf. Ihi! Ihe Ahjjlty lo Drllvcr-EgrMirt IHirlnKa , f f NEW VURK.. Man-h t-The Irn VgaJ will ey today: Tlir Iron and .atwl riar. kela nrv - b.Homlng txeltliig und gtum now r-mlrrly out- f Ihe control of the aidlrra. J'rtcra have l cn d.ill.ira nr ton und the exrllcmeiii I rpri uJIng. Aa for Ihe llrat half of Ihe current )ear. II baa cciiard to U- a iii,etln of pilcia and ban become a matter of ulil.l:y to deliver at all. ll la not o long almr the majority of the trade poolioml the that thcru would be n marclly of pig Iron. Tlie fact la udmlltvd now. and Ihe only iii-it on I w hen ridlcf may be cxiwted. That may be broiifc-hl about cither by ;!u. lili.wlng In of ii.l.lltlnnal funi.K-e or ,. the checking f xport ahliunctiti. or i y the falling oft of the home demand t'..r the 11 rat half of the current year i. it a alng.e one of ihene fac-.nriee nor nl oinblneil will make any Imptvsfloti. u CI It come isiiiy In the accond half? ,'i. belk-ve that In thin rcsptvt the h ii. a n( man) will be doomed to illa P ilntmenl. It l true rhat a mimlH-r of large- now or newly nnnnlclid plants In i lie West are to full lu after July, ai.d furnace now Idle are exp.vtiil lo nnrt In noon. It i true that a number .f email eustcrii al.uks are trying t Kct riMily and Ihe same is tru- In Y;r. Klula mid Ihe aouih. Hut with many enterprises ll i. .not a matter of putting the plant Into s.uipe hut of gelling raw material. In the con. it.i1 west. In the ensi and In Virginia, the ore nnabVm Is the .biggest one. nl 'I hough relief limy come to some through Imported ores. In tho South ll Is a mat. in largely of fuel. The csport business, of course, will le checked. The tonnage of all kinds foots up t about NXi.OiiO or MM) tons. Kor the Hint six months and for n rart of the second half much has been contracted for. In some cases even now It has been Impossible lo delay deliveries and Ihua get room 10 Hike on domestic work In some lines, llko In southern pte Iron, contracts provide that the mewl muM jro abroad, and switching may not ho possi ble. Vndcr the circumstances It docs not look much ns though relief can be expected before October. As mi offset. It must he considered that In many lines the consumers have been bare of stocks for many years without feeling any inconvenience. Tlicy .ire having rather novel experiences now nnd are endeavoring to guard against them by ncvumulatlng some reserve. In Ihe aggregate this means a big tonnage. The shortage of material lias ibeen emirhaslxid during Iho week by some happening. A leading wire merchant has purchased nnd Is about to close for several blocks of billets, aggregating about 5(.PW tons for eastern delivery. Two eastern steel works have purchased a stock of about M.OnO tons of Vssemer pig in tho yards of a. plant which Is now limiting Ita operations to special qua'lty. What the second balf will bring In bes. semer pig In the central west will develop in a few dnya. For earlier shipments the furnaces have sold as high a $12.50, and are new out of the market. Tint hv lrt hcavy aalwi of mill Iron aat and wealj Th war'l and li'ifh !'')('' "t blll'la. which hava jumji! lo ml'Wtatnirg. r aliirllng nvrry nil", dllnir rBJ In aril fton'tl'lnn atv( lb fl'v mand tar mill Inia th"'fr vry heavy.' 1 1 ' ' ' " J ' ;; In 1M;Mry Iron tn'ft hnv Wit' large' I.iirihnn'n In lhi i-aal. hll In 1h ChU o dlalrl'-t larg nir company h;ia tub' n ivu tota of nurltxrn Iron and a like iiliirillly of noiiihrn pig for tin- 'wni half. Adviimea tiav tiiln-n pl; c.l'lig lh wtioln llni. of nnlnh d l--l and Iron. maii'inl la up K V't ton md bur" are 1 lilghi-r. Ilnlra. alieeta anl nki.lp an- very dllll'-ii f to buy t a aliarp advnni-, .M'rihuni - ni(ik-f Ii.ivii Im'K'il lo w iinlf.irm dla'oiirna. Cut nulla art. hiKli'-r and Inl'reat n ni. ra on llm propoaltlon to K'llh.r the Miaiern worka Into n iiolMailon. A tihurp advin" liaa tnken pla-e In Mlr jirMlmU, and In (hi- tin plain a furlli'T upwind inv la I"""1""!!. N'ATIONAI. KKKflltM PA MTV. flNCINNATI, Mnr.h 2 -'In g-neni 'fiifi-r-iKi of th nuilofial r-tTn p.iriy ixiiii'linl'd It work I'xln)'. Ila organize. Hon preimriiiory io nominating an In. 'l.-l-rnMil .rm).li.fitlnl II. k.H nxl yar will li oinil'tl wtw-n Ita national x". rutin' (orimilu. nn'ia at Jun Si. Th i ff 'na to anmlnao t(i pojiu. nH1.onul lib.-riv nanv and oll.r ' m.M,Mf fWm,Mn W1.r, not auceftil Tb,y wrf( ()tUj. ,,;,, pr . nt. r-p. . iM.Ttlfiar 15 atut. I . . . i AI)NZ0 8 KdKCKS DKKKATKO. NW YORK. Man 2 -A dlxi-ich to Mm Ili-ruliJ from Lima aayi new from Ilollvla announce lhat Prraldent Akn. xo'a for. hav axaln txt-n defeated by Ihoae of tJenrral Pando. l'unlc ndgna In the department of f lU vr,,yiu(, ot , h.iK rlen and JoIikI th? rcvoiutionU'a HONOR rXJll IIACLEY'S BIl'TIIER j WAHIIIN'JTON. Man t-DavId Bag. i h y, of lUleigh, N. C, a brothi-r of c.n- Kk:n Worth Itagloy. who waa k!l tcl In ; the batlln of Ckrdcnaa tar.y In the Cu. -. ban campaign, will be appointed In a day . rr two a cadet In the naval a ademy al i AnnaHjlla. ; PNOWSTultM IN llAll.lJ. j LK.VDVlM.K. Co'... Slarrh 2 'i he enow. : atorm whk-h beran her at midnight iSumhiy ahowa no algna of abudng. The i ruiiruitdia aiv complet.dy tied up win; of l thla ifty and are running but few tr.lna r:il. The outlook hen-la moit illwour- aging (r 'bul:Hmen and labr.ra. TIN PLATE FACTORY KMPUiYES. MARTINH KERRY. U., March 2-The ( tied the eTOtlo)eii Of the 1mi1 pitmia Ol voluntary lmreaoe In wage ot from S lo ll pt-r ''t. over I'W mem are anciru. fCS BIU0D3 A5D SEBV0U3 iHSORDEM n-h a Tlnd" ami IS'n la the Stomach, c.ilJlueM. ruluesa after- meals. Head t he. lllKlnoaa, Drowsiness. Flushings . f Heat. of Appotitrt. Oetivenes !;:otche on Urn Skin. Odd Chills. Dls urbed Bltep. Frightful Dieams and all Nervoua ami Tremhllug Sensations. T3B FIEST DOSE WILL 6I7B SELIEI IN TU"tSTT MI5UTE3, Ew.ry uffaref ill acknowledge tltcm to t-e A WONDERFUL MEDICINE. BMtXUAJI si FILLS, taken asdiren ii!, will quickly r'stora Females to eom i ...-to health. They promptly remove ..iistroctionaor Irregularities of tha rr ..a and cure adrk Meadacuo. for a vVeak Stomach Impaired Digestion Disordered Liver IN MEN, WOMEN 0 CHILDREN Deecham's Pills are Without a Rival And tut th LARCEST S-ALE I n) rale vt Medicine In the Worbt ""ic. It rll Dr u Shoes. Beware of Imitations orccsftwlurc(0 jqhn buNa toaa, Mum, kiw voag, THE NEW "North-Western Limited" (20th Century Train.) ( between Minneapolis, St. Pad and Chicago, is entertainingly described in an i'.lutrated bot'likt, which will be fur nished frfi on application to W. 11 AEAD, Gen. Agt., 18 Vt aiOiiUKtou Street, PORTLAND. ORE. F. W. PARKER, t dm. Agent, SCO Flrat Avenue, SEATTLE, WASH Columbia Bevel Gear Ohainless Standard of tha World The WKeel that Satisfies, a ; ; rt'lit'iiM! . ' S ' "' A'iow Irtiiiiftrks from Astorians wlio rilo it.! , -.1 (r ', '.,,:. .... , '.txTOM TiRfynirjcrt Attorneya at Law, f'op Manufactur ng Company: Gentlemen 1 hav ridden thla yar a ColumWa Chalnleaa, and batlera it to b th vary beat blcycla mala. To appradila It If only nacaaaarir to rtda It, tkaal you will bt Mntnt to rvt no other, Raptfully yotira, O. C. FULTOM. O. . EST KB, ABTOIIIA, Oregon. Ootff U. VOt Phyalrlan and Burgeon. Mr. Lou a Oordi. Agnt for Colombia ftt'-yele. Aatorta, Oregon: My I)ir fllr I tak thla ocaafon to thank you for advlalng ma to purohaao th l.olumWa Chalnleaa llkyclc. for my dauhtri, alt montha ago. It la of tn moat perfect merhanlam. and gtvea th moat parfect aatlafactlon of any plaoa ot marhlnnry that I hava ever bad In my poaaeaalon. It waa aaed constantly for three monttia thla lummw by my thraa daughtrrt at my nrnmer boma on ClaU aop H'-aih, whera It waa aubjecfed to the aandy roada and baach and to tha) foga and a pray of the ocean, and there la not a marred apt on nor bare I ka4 lo bdv, five mlntitea repalra made on It alma It baa bean In my poeaeaaioa. Again txpreaalrig my apprdat.m, and thanklnr you for my jood fort una In poaaeaelnaj the wheel, J remain, moat reapectfully. at your awvlce, O. B. ESTE8. It l Prices for 'qg Models. COLUMBIA CHAINLESB. MODEL and 61 17tl COLU1IBIA TANDEM, MODEL 47 and Hat COLUMBIA. MODELS 17-tt COLUMBIA. MODEL 41 HAnTFOHDS, PATTERN -20 ... VKWrm-JJ. PATER.N 21 VEDETTEU. PATTERN 22 Pope Manufacturing Co. Portland, Or. Controlling Oregon, Washington, Montana and Idaho. (VnVrWiVMiVfViA'rV Astoria's Leading Hotel Meglcr & Wright, Props. C. J. TRENCHARD, ommission. Brokerage, CMSto- HOM. "rSnii . ASTORIA, OREGON. Insurance and Shipping:. Agent W. F. 4Co, and faclfle Expreu Co'a. avnuuiruuvuirtiiivr g THeIMPERIALrotel C THOS. OI'INEAN, Proprietor Seventh and Washington Sta. 5 The Palace Gafe W. W. Whipple, Prop. Finest Heals in the City Special Attention Given to the Preparation of Banquets. Kopp's The North Paciflo Brewery, of which Mr Ichn Kopp is proprietor, make lxvr or d imestie and ejport trado. s,Tvp-td t-Mhi hi-?? ;. . 'X Vfv ' w Horth Pacific Brewery i LOUVRE Seventh and Astor Streets SHASTA MIXEKAL WATEK, I'En'EK. XOliLE, HICKORY AND SHAWS MALT WHISKIES. ALL OTHER LIQUORS, KIXES, BEER AND CIGARS Served Doy nnd NlgHt. AUGUST KRATZ. - - Manager PROPOSALS FOR LIGHTHOUSE SUP PLIES. Sealed proposals will be received at the office of the Lighthouse Inspector, Mar-r-uam Building, Portland. Oregon, until 12 o'clock m., March 1. 1S99, for furnishing provisions for vessels and atationa In the lStn L. H. District for the fiscal year ending June, 1900, In accordance with specifications, copies of which, with blank proposals- and other Information, may ba had upon application to Commander George C. Reiter. U. 8. N. ' THROUGH TICKETS TO SAN FRAN CISCO AND SACRAMENTO. ALL RAIL. The Astoria Ooiumbla River Railroad Company haa placed on aale at both the cHy and depot ticket offices through tickets to 6an Francisco and Sacramento, via Ita Una and the Southern Paciflo from ASTORIA,. Ortgon, Octobar U. IK.' mru Portland, Or. "Best" A DELICIOUS DRINK.... AMD ABSOLUELY PURE. Bottled beer for family use, or kfg beer anpplieJ at any time, delivery to the city free. Portland. Rates from Astoria are aa follows: First-class. Including berth In Pull. man sleeper I3T.0O Second-class, Including berth In tourist sleeper W.OO At destination there will be road a refund of 18 on first-class and U on aec ond-class ticketa, making through net rate flrat nd ,13-w econd-elMa from Aatorla to polnta named. When a woman knows she Is wrong slid may "ot admit It, but a man never believes he isn't right. Astoria Public Library READING ROOM FREE TO ALL. Orfc every -ay from I o flock to i Vr ana 1:10 to l:M p. m. Subscription rate 8 oer annum. . . West Cor. Eleventh ard Ouane 8 treat. i