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About The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899 | View Entire Issue (March 3, 1899)
MOTlOHf " Cooks, vr Irs ivr ) '.. r :W. - s L y w v . , fa ' . aw THE ASTORIA Dm tt UrfCIt clfculitloa of any paper oa tht Columbia Klvci TBE DAILY ASTORIAN 1) til Hfjcst snJ test f apf oa too CoIomtU R!ve KUUL ASSOCIATBDJ PRKSS RKPORT, VOL. XUW AriTOKIA, 0HKOX. KM DAY Jl'JUNlNG. MAJtCII 8, 8!tl. Ifid hi ii r i i . i .m imt n 11 w i fz i -m i im v , w The Only IN ASTORIA ... . Our Mpoclnlly; HTOVKM ANI RAINCJEH Wo know tin- liiifituHM. Twenty yvnrn exjurunco. If you want n (iUP Htovc, wo the e!wk itt the Eclipse Hardware Co. rvfnrvfirirrjnfvJrvfifM 1'oclcet mid Office DImHch TIIc Tnhlen Cnlciulnr PmHh HlmiU IioolcH World' Almanac I In run Inn In Clot 1 1 I IimiikI I Imilm Griffin Juuuuvnuuvui-aria;nRviuuvAAfun;uAjvuvfuvi uuvuvnvviivuv BOAT PAIN T Best and Most Durable at Foard 6k Stokes Co Pacific Sheet MANUFACTURERS OF ...CANS... Imon Vegetable Fruit Lithographing on Sao Francisco. Cat. Astoria. Ore. Write Um for Prleei Fancy Sugar-Cured Hams Freh Ekk. Creamery.1 Butter MrtrtintV Cream Cheese New Seaeon'B Codfish Spring Salmon Tlpa and Bellies Yarmouth Bloaters. ROSS, HIGGINS & CO Pacific NavigationCompany STHAMKRS R. r. Blmoro W. H. UnrrlHOH GARIBALDI DAY Oouuiiotin at Astoria, with tlm Oronoti Itiiilronaj k Navlgntlon Co. for Situ FrnnclHCo, rortlntul anJ all polnta cast. For freight ud pasHon got rutos npj)ly to Hnrtiuol Blmoro & Co. General Agents, ASTORIA, ORE. COHN CO., AgenU, Oregon Kallroad & Navigation Co., TILLAMOOK, Ore. PORTLAND, Ore. 04- e OIUVC OLUI 5 & Reed. Metal Works spice and Syrup Tin a Specialty. Fairnaven. Wasb. ASTORIA to TILLAMOOK CITY HOHHONVILLTC THE KUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COM PAN V Of NEW VO"K f.ICHAHr) A McCUKDV PiitttiuirtT MHfir:vr I or (Ii. cnJimf Dtmbf M tWH Aoiliii' lii tli hi.nfln;i of Dm liiMirHiH l'M)it.i.viil 11I llir- hicf c( Nrw Voik 1 "): JU'vlin) fr I'mnliiaia lr. ll III m V, l.,,i,rr, , I3,',NHI) ui t rii l'"!li-).juJri .,r ( laiui a, T I HI f, f .J;fc. m. m. ii... .;.,;,., u. . . ,4h.;.;si at Hit all ..Din i,n,i, l4 , . u,,tuA,a;it i,i I'iIImI Mnirt (tundt imi ttik- r ..ilii .... fl1,t03,tO M Utn. !. Ii. iJ lv4 nt br Nr. 1,11)1,(11 00 ..4ir Kfii .11 k, l.r t..-rllnrt.ul i, i.l.,1l.h.i..iii i,M,, vhm la liuuti .ml Irml l.a. , l"l' irrr..4 Ul,l. D,rrrr'il l'in l.ui,, c.e. . . . ?0,M) ),!) ai ti.iii,i; s I.UIlll.lIil Pullrf lUwroi, air. . . ll,l l,fti.lri ta4 UliliibU k.ila) . , .'33.oK,nn (it r.c.'ii.oiKi 00 Hi. la tui.i i(i;t,;ii,iv; : I lnvr tafrfully raig'nr. Ihr lorrifolnii lUale- lllrhl BIH III , i,r n.f Ii. Ire, 11. . . l!-,l.ll,i I ml.-iiLtn liy the liiM'tninr Irjr1mriil. I ViMai.i . A I kti.1.1 a Awtllor Vu.m D.r Huijilu. a ditiiltod will b 'tll"Ufl uaiul. none it a, musNiji v,fPuuMitr W nt K 1.11 1 , , , UM I', 1,1 i H Kai-l'l n a., tin r l L KmiiKV MlUlnu.t C.rnrrat MatMim fl Vnr ITrmlilrill Trraaurtrr Aiiuary I Iitik.i1 (Slilr.i.y, ClMirral Anl. HaUl. Waahlncloo. 1 IVnd A Mi'ni)l, dial. Maaarr, Por'.larul. Ortron. VAN H'HKN A CO., nldrnt Afnta. Aitorta, Or eg oa. SWISS WATCH REPAIR SHOP Victor Rost Chronometers matches and Nautical Instruments froaaptlr fii4 Md rptr4. j Alarm (in ks Irom $1 up. jWarraiitwI. 110 Eleventh St. I N.t to PoalaJ Tdacrmph. CUT PRICES W. are making a great cut In apectal Uu.a. Your opportunity Is at hand. You ara bound to need shoes and should buy now while the advantage la so obviously In your favor. These shoe art not back numbers of uncertain age, sise and quality. They're all standard stock and good values for twice what w aak. Laird. Schober Co. "a reduced from J4.M and to H(0 and tfX Petersen & Brown. THE PROOF of the padding la the eating and tha proof of liquor IS IN SAMPLING That's aa arguoMist that', coav el naive a datAonstratio. Our. win staad tte teat HUGHES & CO. L. LEBECK Corponter nncl Builder General Contractor HOUSE RAIS1NO AND nOVINQ A SPECIALTY H.FPraelTransferCo. DRAYING AND EXPRESSING Alt Goods Shipped to Ov Oar WJ1 Receive paeial AtteaUsak No OS Duaae St, Astoria, Ord W. 3. COOK. Mgr. Rea. Tel. Ul THE REBELS FIRED UPON Gunboat U Guna de Bayo Turned Her CatlHngs on Them. ALL IS QUIET AT MANILA Weather Is Very Hot, tut the Rebels Are M Active Near the City. SMALLER CRAFT ARE NEEDED Gallant Little Vixen Will Be Sent to Manila -Castlne and Prince- ton ootseWiy. NrW VOUC. Mur,-!, :A h to llm Ilrrulil from M inlln aaya: The for. n.r Hpanlaii unl"iit I uii de fnyo atrnmmt up l.y th rivr o;jxk Mamu tliiB PiiiniliiMt a n. I ntx'nnj flr on the In. urccnia on hr o.p.iie aid,, from (;ta U'hrai.m'a l,ri-,, Khr f!r-d her four Saiiln tma. 10 Nurdinf-lilia an, 0ne Mium!rr. At Drat ih" Inaurgrnia r-pln-4 with ruin lr.'. but ihry .ti,i nt ,tanj brfri! llif hail from ih (ialilnfii. The rnrace. mi-ill IhM'.I r..r ihiw.qu:iri.r of un hour, and Ihfn thn ImmnKHili anit.r.d. but aa awn a the T.n clad wlthdr. r Um, Miimm aj aRaln l"-n..d a aluw ml annoying nre tlH! nvrr. MmTLAND SAILED TODAY, 1-The trani,rt . . " . lo..i..k ,m 1 T t,r n'1 at; or 1 Raturd I hnV!t'1 ! sail '" out Jt la th,.ueh. at army hra.lquart.-r that the Valencia "c w await the arrival of ,,-, . , " " mcrrs no are dr ared In ih v..,!,., - , . " 11U! 'Uand s cargo Includes a riirge quantity of drain pljilng which win l uaed In improving sanitary condl. w 1 ii.uiii!ie capital. WHKKI.INtJ OR HE RED TO MANILA. VANCOUVER, n. C, Morch t-It Is reported rlrt the American gunboat Whirling, now In this port, has received rush instructions from Washington to proceed td Manila. The Wheeling has Juat returned from a long cruise to Alaska porta. AIX QUIET AT MANILA. MANILA. March 1-6:30 p. m.-Thls la the hottest day of the season, ut for. tunately all is quiet Inside tuid outside of our lima, and a majority of the men were kept In the shade. The transport Morgan City has arrived here. Th wive, of the officers and other women passengers were not allowed to land, the authority considering condl. linns ashore unsettled. DEWEY WANTS SMALLER CRAFT. WASHINGTON. March S-Admlrat Dewvy . ajfain pre-in,. on tlK, n;lv,. part me nt the urgi-nt neod of vessels of light drnuarht aa a ni.tin of cominunlca. tlon among the numerous amnll islands 1 of the llilllpplno group. To this ord t'ie I gunbont Vixen, whU h figured bravely for I a vessel of her light calibre nt the outset "f the Cutmn mmpAiKn. has been or. i dered to be Immediately ntte.1 out at tno Norfolk navyyar.1 for sailing for Manila. Tills will take about a month, and It probably will be three or four months befoiv she Joins Pewey fleet. 'Resides tho Concord, which Is perhaps too large to be claKslfled as one of the small craft, the only light vessels now hi tho Philippines available for running atontt the wafers are the Petrel and Helena. The CuaUna and Princeton, however, are speeding In that direction, hut the small craft equipment there will still be Inadequate. The department Is anxious to afford Admiral Dewey all the assistance pos sible. He has repeatedly called attention to the great Importance of this work, and hna emphasised the fact that It Is lajrht vessels fit to skirmish about In shallow water and to run 1n and out of harbors, where larger ones would be useless, that he wants, rather than heavi er ones. SENATOR GRAY RECEIVES APPOINTMENT FROM MCKINLEY. Has Accepted the New Judgeship of the Eastern and Western Pennsyl vania District. NEW YORK. Mnrch I.-A dispatch to the Tribune from Washington says: The president has offered to Senator Grny, of Dolawore. and he haa accepted the new circuit judgeship created under the recent act of congress In the Third ju dicial circuit comprising eastern and western Pennsylvania, Now Jersey and Delaware. III. associates In the clroult will be Marcus A. Wedisnn, of Pittsburg, and George M. Dallas, of Philndelph'a. Justice Shires, of the supreme emirt. has for soma years been assigned to this circuit from the suprvtne court. Mr. Gray's term In the senate will ex pire on Saturday next. It has been known for some time that the president was desirous of showing In a practical and striking manner his appreciation of the service, rendered to the administra tion and the country by the senator a. one of the peace commissioners to Paris. Senator Gray accepted the post and undertook the discharge of Its ardu ous duties against his own Inclination and against the advloe of his political frk-nda. He knfw thai lfla'alur wa ir.iit to be elected In hla atate and that that i-Klatur would t ralU-d upin t twice hla aurjiiMi'r. Ilia prmen' Jn thj (Viiinlry mkxlit not, perbupn. have ..liiinir-.l tlie nwult. In v'ew of th fa-1 now known, yt th iltimtlon at the tlrn when he av Tt4 th p-ace rom mlaMori'rralilp wi cerlnlnly ouch a to call on hla part for a 3)j:ay of dl!n termtted pafrlotlam and the aa'Tin of political conaMuntflona wlrirh the pr-l dent now tak the irreatrat psur In reiYiKnlilriir. The offi-r, U la umleratiyKl, waa made bv the prealdent two day. ao, and the definitely decided to acoept on Wedneaday. WHISKEY DBALKKfl HAVE KEAOHEO AN AGREEMENT. Dl Cloaed by H'hU-U th Whlekey In. tererna of th Country Will Be Handled by One Company. CHICAGO, March t-Tb Chfonkle aaya: The wlilekey Interenta of the country, for a long limn under procet of conaolldation. have now reached fonua. The laat of the minor combine to hold aloof ha come Into the fold. Thla was the Ry Whl.key Aaaoclatlon. The deal waa practically completed yexu-rday In New Yk and a charter of Incorporation will tx aecuned under the lawa of the alnte of NVw Jeriey within a week. Then will follow rba aaalmlta. tlon of all the little whiskey truata Into one general company. The aggregate capital will be that of the combined capita', of the five euhor. dtnitta rorpomtlooe. amounting to tlH.. W.wn. The vatinua companlea forming tha truat are: American Bplrlta Mani.faoturtnr Com. pany, capita! t&MjCW; Kentucky Dt. tililng and Wari-houne Aaaoclatlon, rap. luU t32.W0.M0: the Standard Dialling Company, KSOliO.CiO; the flplrlt Dlatrib. urlng f'ompany, VMM AKfJITRAFtY ACTION BY THE CANADIAN OFFICIALS. I They Advanra Into American Territory Near Halnea1 Mlaslon and Raise) IlrtHah K.'ag IVatha From Cold. VKTTORIA. R. C. March t-Mlner who have Juat arrived here on the temer tee fnmi the north aay the Cmmlian on the Dalton trail have ecn nt to change Ine bound ary line to ault ihi-m!ve. They hae advanced a iiisUrrab:e dlatanre Inio Am.-rliin l.rrltory and to the tory which h:i reached here, have plnnted the Rrltieh flag within seven mil' .a of Haines- mi.eion. the entrepot the Porcupine dHtrlct. to The point to which the Canadians have ..ii ni .1 u, I """" " "n. on me recently dlacovered mines of the Porou. pine U;Mrlcl Into British tenrUory If the new boundary 1 allowed to stanJ. News is also brought by the Tets that . nmu... nf . . .. .. - u. iinnis .nc iruirn 10 aeatn nn .t, m- ...... ... ... -.. " uuiuiB mo lernoie ( cold snap on Sunday and Monday a week j ago. The mercury fWl to JS below and no 1 leas than eisht unfortunates are said to . HU(V, k uaiaa n 1 rj SttlVl KJ have succumbed to tbe old. Their names could not be learned, others were badly frozen. Several NEW THEORY IS ROTATIONS OF PLANET JUPITER. Professor Hough, of the D'-nrbom Uni versity, Dlaoovers Ttat the Planet Rotate, on Ita Own Axis. CHICAGO. March t Professor George W. Hough, the astronomer at the Dear, born observatory In Evanston, has made publlo a new discovery In regard to the surface rotations of the planet Jupiter, which Is completely at variance with the existing belief. It la the general tenet of astronomers, and the statement, are embodied In the most re-ent text books on the svlence. that the surface rotation of the planet Junller la almtlar In thitt nf thA mn u I ing quickest near the equator and sl .w." i .-at In the high latitude near the poles, i In his conciuslons on a loisj record of observations, extending over 20 years. and which he has Just completed, Profes. sr Hough announces his belief that the surface of the planet Jupiter rotates on Its axis In the separate envelopes or strata. Professor Hough further discovered In the long series of observations that the spots shift In longtltude, as well as ha v. Ing a rotarymem, and this also supports the ring or strata theory and strengthen, ing Professor Hough's belief of many years that Jupiter Is in a gaseous or plnstlo state. HAS DISCOVERED A CURE FOR DREAD PNEUMONIA. Red Marrow Taken From a Human Corpse After Death From the Disease Effects the Cure. NEW YORK, Match I.-A dispatch to the World from Berlin says: Professor Wasserman, one of Professor Koch's ablest pupils, is believed to have discovered a new serum for the cure of pneumonia. He Inoculated rabbits with the pronounced bacillus, which Is gener. ally believed to cause pneumonia, and with the serum thus gained he Inoculated mice suffering from pneumonia. A subsequent series of experiment, showed that It was in the red marrow of the bone, that the anti-toxin 1. procured, and thait red marrow taken from a hu. man corpse after death from pneumonia and used as a serum will cure mic In. feoted with the disease. Accordingly, it Is hoped, that this serum will have the same satisfactory results In human beings; WANTS PROPERTY RESTORED. WASHINGTON, March 1-The Hong kong and Shanghai bank ha. been se lected a. the agent, of 'tho Cortes Broth, ers, the Philippine claimants for the re. storatlon of large property interest, on those islands. The former agent Jour nals, and his family, consisting of f:th. er, mother-in-law. daughter and two cousins, lost their lives In a recent en. gagemcmt at Santa Ana. The estate, in. volved have a value of about $1 000,000. being located In Manila, Cavlte and the districts of Blnondo, Tondo and Malabon. Through the West End National bank of thla city, the Hongkong ft Shanghai bank, as agents, will be called to demand that the property be placed at onoe In their hand.. The claimant, are confident of General Otis' compliance, in view of the attorney general', recent decision. REACHED NO AGREEMENT River and Harbor Conferees Fall Thus Far In Their Purpose. CANAL BILL AN OBSTACLE House Conferees Oppose Actios on tte Measure, the Senat ors Favoring It. THE DAY IN THE SENATE Tbe Foitlficitloas Appropriation Bill and the Alaskan Criminal Cole Were Passed. WASHINGTON, March J.-Tha rlvar and burbor conferee adjourned ahortly after 10: tonight until tomorrow at 10, having been unable to agree. Chairman Frye. of the senate conferees, gald: We have been unable to agree, so that la all there Is to say.' He wM asked: "U there any pro.pu, of an agrennentr' I cannot say." he replica. It lodu very dubious." Tbe conferee. dl-u.d th. different! propnaltlons and counter oroDoaitlnrw which have been made regarding the Nlearaguan canal, but upon adjournment tonight the house conferee, a. a whole refused to allow any declaration for the ii"crasuan c"' ' h"rt Burto. Ms .willing t have a declaration of oollov -i . nd lrbtral spproprtaUon for a com. mission to olei ih. ... " . . lne ent conrerees offered a propo.! sitkB hok'n o an Investigation as to j rou"' n(l leaving the sel.-c ' ltion ,0 commission, but Insisting that' I DroviMlnn niaHa . i .L . 1 "sinning me hrart nm. k. . .v. . . 1 ,ira lucre is i tlu a wlde aifference and no member of we eonfeirence will predict adjournment i tomorrow. . 1 - Som of ,h bl' questions In the b!U have been settled. There is a sharp fight over reservoirs at the headwaters f ih Missouri river, the indications being that 1 BHve' During the afternoon he to the senate will yield. It was also as. 1 ,i9,e Pon lavmg his bed without as. aerted that the house conferees refused Mstanc' nd Js0 feau several telel to acoept the senate amendment for lnu ! (rranw- provements In Oregon known as the Yaqulna bay and Columbia river boot railway project, and that they wcu'd be compromised. THE DAY IX THE SENATE. WASHINGTON. March t-Durlng al. most the entire sees ton today the senate waa engaged tn routine business. Two measures of national Importance were passed, the ortiaeatlons impropriation bill and the bill providing a code of crim. tual raws for the district of Alaska, The provision for the high licensing of the liquor traffic In the latter measure ere. ated considerable discussion, and an ef. for' WM made t0 lncorPorate an absolute ,m!,ibltln an,6,,dmmt- ut 11 a decisive vote. The fortiflrailona hill' was passed practically as It came from 1 the house without amendment, and goes to the president. The conference reports : on the census and naval personnel bills j were agreed to. and these measures also go to the president. j 1 SALE OF LIQUOR PROHIBITED ! WASHINGTON, March t-The amend-! ment whlc . Senator HansborougT of- fered to the army reorganisation bill, and 1 which became part of the measure, pro-' tUbirtng officers and soldlerss from sell. ing intoxicating drinks ln any post or exchange, was more far-reaching than It first appeared. It goes further and prohibits any other person from selling such liquors in any encampment or any place used for military purposes. This will exclude liquors from all military reservations. , SIGNED BY THE PRESIDENT. , WASHINGTON, March t-President MaKlnley, t 11:15 p. m., signed the bill ! creating the rank of admiral ta the ' navy. . INCREASED N. P. SERVICE. C1NCINATTI, March 1-Chartes Fee, "Mr' KiPltn "" satisfactory general passenger agent of the Northern PrKre?8- K nas a slight fever, but I. Paclflo railroad, who waa here, ated to mfoable. though weak, and resolution tho Associated Pres. that on March it te ltaklnS P,a ln 0,8 aTeed portion of hla road would start double dally trans- lho lungs." continental trains irom St Paul and Minneapolis to North Pacific coast points. ' CHITOSE FORMALLY ACCEPTED. One train, the Puget sound limited, will leave St. Paul at 8:58 a .m.; the other. ! SAX FRANCISCO, March l-The new the Oregon limited, will leave St Paul cruiser Chitose, built by the Union Iron at 10:30 p. m. Both will make equal time Works for the Japanese government, has and will be equipped in first-class style been formally delivered to Captain Sa in every respect kural, who will be her future com. ' mander. The vessel now file, the Japan. INDIAN MURDERER REPRIEVED. ese flag and is considered the finest ship In the Mikado's navy. She haa devel. ST. LOUIS. March 1 A special to the oped a speed of 83.75 knots, while be. Republlo from South MoAlestcr, I. T., UOr ur Makes the food more sown aaioao : William Colngi,, an Indian eiu tonced to dnnth for murdr, w8 n0f ahot yeaienlay, cording to the a-n-tnr of the Indian court. Th htM corpua ,,rd l,y lU)ft Clayton, of tha United g,ata ,r,rt, waa aerve.1 on tt indlan aherlfT juat In time to save Go. mg' lire. Going, will be brought U. fore Judge riaytn on ar,.h d pro1,ably win b, rmata back o tha Indian court for a new trial, ha not hvln been tried according to law by - CWnga and Walla Toraka ara two dif ferent penona. IXKKOCT MOUNTAIN IN A VOLCANIC ERUPTION. !" Mating of" ha Snow or Minera Said to Be in Danger. tayAfrr'VE?- B"' tr front Lao La ho. . , Carftwo cold country, aaya that a flood! cawed by volc.nW, action of Lout mountain which melted h. L. cauaed much damage. Th. miner', a" flln to higher ground, aa tha water 'L'Tk 10 mountn: covered by mow ten fMt i wtrn " lued from Ifa aide and tha .k ,7 ,n traro water Inta the valley, causing ail th. ov.-rflow. Tha letter adds: "The rumbling from Lookout .mountain Increase hourly to volume Vlln..l. action, which undoubtedly ha already commenced, la momentarily expected t becom, 5,, t0 toe terw baihant. 0f the Thouaand. of douar. worth of property and number of va are said to bt m danger." THE CRIME OF A YOUNO MAN NEAR EVAN3VILLE. Murder. HI. Wife and HotberJn-Iaw Seta Fira to tha House and ' Then Suiddea. EVANS V1LLE. Ind.. vk . . ' doufcl murder and suicide took place at j Poeeyville yeaterday. Mrs. Vnr4iW . .., . " ' counV. lived ZLTu L ICIower and wife. Th- v'li.,' I .w.ivi.war own. , " discovered In flamea and neighbors j """"s an enirance found the doors When th. flame, were .im,.k ... the house entwed. eh. KenchI. Clower and hla wife, were Un? room b'dly burnd I . .....,MUie, cesia vtower lay a shot gun. From all Indications Clower first killed hf. wife and mothar. I Is i I m the houae. lay " f btd and ,hot just . T" A . !", " WM ,tan ,-a a-oa "is wire 17. THE POLE'S CONDITION. ROiIE. March S. 1 a. m. The latent D.WS from thf V.rtiWn U K- . . " "o popes temperature &f mMiMi i-.... , , sev. 1 eraJ Polnt- H appears that hU disindln. arion t0 osberve be recommendatlona of , hu physicians forms an obstacle in the I ' II i war ot PP' recovery. He has full i cmndenc ' bis own strength and does : not. TdiIir acquiesce In their advice not PHILIPPIXE COMMISSIONERS. NEW YORK March' 1-A speclai to the Herald from Washington aaya: The tata department haa received word that the civilian members of the Philippine mmlsslon have arrived al Hong Kong u BnuT immediately for Manila, wnere ftey will arrive on Saturday. It I ta untertood that they will immediately i sk t0 communicate with the native '"w1" fr tbe purpose of Impressing them wlt0 tne friendly purpose of this Sve,rnment and Inducing them to lay do'n their arms. FACTORIES ADVANCE WAGES. 11 LEBANON. Pa.. March t-The man. aement of tbe Pennsylvairt bolt and nut WOTks announced a 10 per cent in. creuS9 ln wages in the puddling and ro"insT departments, to tuke effect April l- T" kebainbn rcKIng mitfa also gave notice of a similar increuse in the wages tne employes. The employes of the Swd fuf. Moreystown, fcave M adVam- SAILOR FALLS FROM ALOFT. S"4X FRANCISCO, March S.-iErnest MatIen :nc! mate of the three masted ??hi0Dr J1"1' Warren, fell from the forema8' truck tothe deck, a distance at 40 fet' and was 80 verely injured that he d,ed ln few mlnutea The Ac. cldent ourred as the vessel was pass. Ing out ot the Golden Gate. The sel was Immediately put about and re. turned to port. KIPLING MUCH IMPROVED. r, , NEW YORK, March i-Rudyard Kip. ling's condition has Improved very great. ly dsriiag the past 24 hours. A bulletin issued at ( o'olock this afternoon was: Ing manned by her own firemen. , i;yEK:. delicious andwholesoma aoawa no . w,