i i .-ij.unint. . nit' in 1 1 i THE ASTORIAN hit till UrfCIt circulation of any papeil oo the Columbia Rivet r OAILY ASTORiAN Is tne felfiest and lest paper oa tbc ColurctU Rlvi FULL ASSOCIATKO PRESS REPORT, ABTOKIA. OKKtiON. SUNDAY JWKN1NG. JANUARY i'.K !!.. VOL XLIX. NO. im -ir Nil a3Pr IT .1 fXP TZ7A JI . - Y V 4 The Only ... IN ASTORIA ... Our Hpeclnlly: MTOVI2H AMD I1A1NCJI2H VsA Wo know the liiHimw. Twi-uty yeum cxH'nciui. If you want (i()Ol Stove, wo the Htwk at tlic Eclipse Hardware Co. r 1899 Pocket and Office Diaries Tide Tables Calendar Pads I Blank Books I World's Almanac IWniiiiis in Cloth toiinl JJonk. Griffin & Reed. vv uunvwu uiAfuvruu mn;wuvju ltuuiauuu tvvruvruvruinirutnt Reduction Sale Household Goods Hareware Foard S Stokes Co Pacific Sheet MANUFACTURERS OF Salmon Fruit . ! sy"p Lithographing on Tin a Specialty. San Francisco. Cal. Astoria, Ore. Fairnaven, Wasb. Wrlto U for Prlooia C. HEILBORN & SON. The OUlent House in Astorin. Tlio Largest and Only Carpet and Furniture House in Astoria. Tim largest and linest stock of Carpets aiHFurniture carried i i.j lmiM' iu ()reg( i) outside of Portland. Reduction Sale... To close out our overstock wo offer at Big Reductions Fancy Columbian Soups, eight or ten varieties. Fancy Sliced Peaches and Apri cots, in small cans. Fancy Evaporated Bartlett Pears. All the above strictly fancy goods. . ROSS, HIGGINS & CO COLUMBIA Blacksmiths BoilerMakers Machinists Foundrymen Logging EngtncM Heavy Forging Under Power Hammer a Specialty Sole Manufacturers of the Unsurpassed. ... " Harrison Sectional" Propellor Wheel ... Miiafoiturers for the I'aclflc Coast far the ROUBRTS WATBR-TCB1 BOILBI. Stove Store Metal Works spice IRON WORKS Loggers' Supplies Kept in Stock Built unci Repaired. FAIR WARNING! Our 25 per cent flEDUGTIOJ, SALE For cash Ends positively On the Last Day of this Month. Herman Wise The Reliable CLOTHIER & HATTER CUT PRICES W ar making a great cut In spoclal tines. Your opportunity la at hand. You ar bound to need shoed and should buy now while th advantage Is so obviously In your favor. The shoe ar not back number of uncertain age, s is and quality. They'r all standard stock and good value for twlc what w ask. Laird, Schober Co.' reduced from $4.60 and 15.00 to W W and UTS. Petersen & Brown. THE PROOF of th pudding M la th sating and th proof of liquor IS IN SAMPLING ihaf as argument that' ooa- clualv a d amo nitration. Ours will stand th tt HUGHES & CO. L. LEBECK Carpenter nrtd Builder General Contractor HOUSE RAISING AND HOVINQ A SPECIALTY H.F.PraelTransferCo. Telephos ti. DRAYING AND EXPRESSING All Goods Shipped to Oar Cart W41 Rsostv Bpasial Attaattoa. u. m j. coor. : aafAfl CLARK WINS IN MONTANA Republican Caucus Decides by a Large Majority to Vote for HIm4 REGARDED GOOD POLITICS ! CorninMinilw of the Aaodited Preta. Army Re -Organization Under! J"A DE 1'"f kjw. j. a ' i Th iwrotary of the Porto Rlcan f flnidf ration bV the Hnue I r"""ry Uma.t thin the Bianlh au- at Wflthinrtnn i" p"0 tfu"t fund th1 wer de " ""u"6""' !iilt In the treaaurr Ut. , ' TT!in funda cnalated of depjlt miwle """" m I by elicn life and fire Inaonnn ootn- 1 panic, by public contractora and offl- PHILIPPINES ALSO DEBATED I'"- PubBo an rniLirrn wtUH,tM;,her. The amount continues to awelL ' Bi-tvir Col ley TWte. the rrcaoot aecrctarr J of (1 mince, appointed by GcreraJ Brooke .'on Novcinbor It, mikea the following rnntiilir irrrfif Mat Inn Rill PuitA iB auument: " , the Senate After Spirited DlSCUSSiOD- . HKI.KNA, Jan. 2S-At caur-u of the republican momUm lat nltfht, by a Unr nmjorliy of tlioee prtawit, It wm dilll ti !, rjil iUtln to vut for Clurlt nml vttm-l hU rinctlun In r)u- be-ll-f that It would h-ipi-Uimly d!rujt the dciiiM'ratln imriy orifiin'.iiUloii of tho atate. Wllllum A. n.ik l " yi- old. a native of Cotm lnvlllf. Kayeilo county. Ph. Clnrk a our of lt flm; to rroth Una nok. Mitit.. on tliu dlamwry of plil tlirrfl lu 1!G driving un ox 1mm. Clark 1 t lurx'-nl lu-l,iduui orxr of o p nr mliM utul mxlt-r In the world, hi prituipAl pritrtlCTi being in liutt il.ml.. and J'-romo. Anions. He hn i-xiunidvo t t fmgar lrit'-n't In Cali fornia and Uuko ivptvr ir work at KI!xulM'thMrt, N. J. lie hms plantation of nrrnt In M'Xl'x drvotil to grow tii ivffw. t. tolwou. and rubber. Ill net Inivmic for K wan not Tar from $!,UU0.'M). IMKKIIUMS SIXV. WAjSMINOTON. Jn. Ttii- tww t duy contlnud the com.ldcratlun of the army rvritiuilxatiin bill until 3 o'clock. wh"i ths momlxTi jaid thoir tribute lt tlv, memory of the laic KrprwntaUv Hlmpklna. of MiuiKU'liusit. Link- pro gna aa nvulo with the army bill, the only amondmont adopted bwi that to give vetorlnnrlan In cavalry roglnKtits rank. !' ud allowanos of aocond Ueu totHint. Tin- time tiro the fuloglo be- m.n m it.ttv .!.iirtrl lo a mntlmuiUon of th, d.ato on the advisability of re- Maclas ordered the secretary of tt taining th Philippine nc Pub h c ' the OBoUl . tOuxette. notifying; all parties having DEBATE ON CONSULAR BILL. !cha- treasury to present . . th same by October 17, thus gtvtns; flve WASHINGTON'. Jan. &-A spirited de- fof disposition of this most lm- bat was precipitated In the sonMe.to- I nt day while the diplomatic and consular , Qf th companie had appropriation bill was under considers- , knowledxe of ,uch prooedingS. Af Oon. Th approprlalons comraKte .wa. j tw wlpUoo tbe flTe harply criticised for a note providing i whk.h Vu the ot Spanish for adequate lrie for some of the . ,n the llrfand8i xucs took oon.ular offlcers and the sewUrte. of I judKTnpnt and held that, as no lecMions of this government in foroUxn ; claJmftnti .pp, th, defK9lt, longed oountrte. and the parsimony of th gov- w mvm He carried the money rnment In thl. respect was denounced o g t(J a a dliHtrac. The bill was passed, carry- , . r ' M .J, . (hA Md ln nearly tl.C00.000. OREGON ROAD CLUB GAIN THE VICTORY. The Feldotiholmer Trophy Lost by A- toria After Winning the First , Game. PORTLAND, Jun. . Tlio conust for ' tho Foldonheimer trophy between the i Oregon Road Club and the Astoria Foot- . ball Club tonight resulted ln a W-tory for the home team, which took three of 1 the four sr.unc from the visitors, winning by "1 plna The Antorkuw put up an 1 excellent giune, but the Roitd Club mn bunched their strike In the right plaoe and won out. The first gtunc went to tho Astorlans , by 17 pine. Good oil rolling up 60 and I HigKlns, Wise and Sovey scoring ln the ! forties. After that the home players had , till ne pretty much twlr own way, al thoutrh In the last game th difference was but eight pins. -Th team average of the Road Club was slightly over . the visitors averaging nearly S3. The scores foilovf OREGON RUAU ll ilUVRHIPtll M.lOllll.lft't V, Solomon 1KS K. KosKlter l"2 B M.v. 193 Thomas Wlltmro Ui u. ilowte in i ASTORIA FOOTBALL CLUB. C. R. Hlggln J67 w. c laws i i F. H. Goodcll lrl C. H. Cooper J2S PBSovey The totals by games were: O. R. C 238 270 WJ-1.0U A. F. C 2ti 216 23 240- 929 The beet Individual score was 60, made by Goodell. He also scored 5t. Mays se cured tho best slnslo game for the Road Club, getting 65. Cooper and Wise were off, and, with numerous centers, their scores wcro cut down, ln tho first game HigKlns started off with flv atrikca, but fell and rolled a goose-egg. There was probnbly never greater rooting at any contest, the enthusiastic : aggregation being led by "Ole" Olson. A , Chinese band, numerous musical Instru ments and tin horns were constantly , used, making a fearful din. Mr. "pongee" ; Burcklmrdt. of tho Multnomah C'lUD, tl s referee. The Kvrers w. re J. D. McGowan and William Goldman. DEATH OF SENATOR SLATER. LA GRANDE, Jan. B.-Hon. James H. tiJe of the Pacino coast Slater. ex-Unlted States senator, died at latlon, with a capital stock of J1,000,000. 4 o'clock this morning. Deceased was I An attempt will be made to secure con born ln Illinois In 1824,' went to California j tracts' with 75 per cont of the prune In 18i and cam to Oregon ln 1850. lo- j growers of the ooaat to market their eating near Corvallla. He was appointed prune only .with th association. Two clerk of th district court ln 18H by Hon. ' weeks from today a maaa-meetlng of George H. William and admitted to th 1 oitusen will h held to arouse pubilo bar th same year. H wm postmaster ( interest ln th subject. nt Oorvallls from K& to iff, was elected ui ihe IvttHwIh kgisiatur la 1857, re lrtl In !, end at ihe aarne time lti-4 co tli imt x'uu legislature. In IW1 l I'M-Atnl In Ia'iriin'lf, and the same )r wtm liTtl prosecuting attorney of ; th Fifth Judicial district. In 1X70 he w H;yl to the Forty-second congress am j In w el-tcj to tti United Stales senate, whir hi served until IMS. He ' li-ttvin a wife, four daughter and five ; ikiiui. Mm. Nellie O. Noll, Oliver Slater, , linrthu Slater, Frank 8, John L., and jjaram D., of Lu Grande; Woodson F ;of Hultm, and Mm. A. B. Cherry, of Pendleton, and Robert Slater, of Athena. SPAIN MADE AWAY WITH PORTO RICAN FUNDS. Over Wi,Wi I'nooa of Trust Funde Min ing From the Treanury Depositor Muk lXruuuto on Wti)ngton. - "Vhn I took charjse of the Porto Rl- ,c troaury. i round that depott aa ! bond oonflgned In specie In the time of jtho HpanUh domination had been dettv- i rr4 ovisr to me. Of ttii fund that I ' received was 7S ccntavo In bronse coins and onj Vem-zuelan gold piece worth three pew end to a-ntavo. the balance of a Judicial d-poIt. "The Htianldh lymem of acoountlng al lows uch niomn to be m!ntr!e"l W.th otlii r fMnl and applied to. lhe payment of trni-riunmt exptiues, but the penal rode punlKhcd him who should dispose of such d'-p'nilta. I at once instituted prucrcdinca lo lnvrtlMt(( th matter. Furmvrly the trury of Porto Rico was liidt'peiMH'm of the Kpnlh treasury, but O neral .M.uias. uron takmg h' depart ure from here, earned with him to Ma drid l. x-ao and Genural Vallermo louk W.ofiu pi-sos from lhe fund, clalm- Uik th.-m improperly oy an overplus to Siiaiu. TliU money tx long'-d to tho Porto Hlian treasury. Tho war and navy dep,irlmui of Siwln drc-w wtUKWrt rt-n, upon the porto lUt-an treasury. Tliat money should return to Spain, as well as the money which the Island advanced to the tree- urv nf Siiiiln fur the exonae of the t u- ' bin wur ln order that all arrears might bo liquidated." tieuerul Maclas was Ingenious and the ollkials here aiper to have complacently r-vurded his spoliation of the loo.il treas ury, until the foreign - Insurance oom pnnies and other depositors btgan to deluge the lotil treasury with their de mands. Ttui foreten companies have imile thlr demands the subject of ne gotiations between Spain and Washing ton. Ily records of the treasury department It appears that on October U, 1898. Gen- thrift of his administration In Porto IUco. While the American companies are looking after their Interests throug-h dlptomntlc channels, the private people, hw funds are gone, are thrown Into constornntion at the prospect of their hwses. "Will America pay hese peopler' Is tne question askwl by those In authority. GENERAL GOMEZ WISHES TO VISIT M KINLEY. Anxious to Lay Before the President Ills Views Regarding Best Form of Cuban Government. NEW YORK. Jan. 2S.-A. special to the Press from Washington says: General Maximo Gomes may come to Washlng- j The suggestion has been made that . "'"hs ip yrcsiuw. im Gmr1 woul,J 08 ot 6"ra bent suuaiion in vuoa. uenenu uomes wisura no wnio. nis uusirtj noa own i cxmnnumtaitxt no k tmiou siHtes senator I , . . , munlcatlon was mado to this senator ln the hope that there would be some way of bringing about the visit. While Gomes wishes to come to Wash- j Ington,. he hesitates to start without i bv tn. nreflMeinit und w-Ill he ner- . - ' . , . : nuweu o give nia views upon uie puuey to be pursued ln the Island. Senor Queaada' th8 head of the Cuban t viaiii.aiiuil ill , ufiimi, evil, Lioo b.w.iu for Havana. His destination, however, Is the Interior of the Island. Further than that Senor Querada goes on an im portant mission to Gomes, the Cubans here will not say, but It Is believed to be In connection with the visit. The work of reconstruction In Cuba Is progressing well in the Interior. The only hindrance Is, the disinclination of tn t.uoan troops to ulsutuiu wll..ouU some pay. With these soldiers tne worn of Gomes will go farther than that of anybody else, , PRUNE COMBINE FORMED. SAN JOSE, Cal., Jan. 2S. The effort to -form a Paclllc coast combine to eon- trol the prune output materialised today in a laree mcctlwr of orchardlsts hold ln I this city. It was resolved to incorpor ! ate and the urtlcles were filed under the OUR STOCKS IN ENGLAND America's Tremendous Com mercial Advancement At tracting Buyers. , i : Tlif rsr-u i UK ...rvr- . riiix I THE DEMAND INCREASING Eag an s Case to Co to the Pres ident Tomorrow (kmency Recommended. COUIT FINDS HIM GUILTY! I J Spanish Crape vine Rumors of Trouble Between Dewey ani Otis Bryan's Letter (Copyrighted. 16, by Associated Press.) ' LONDON, Jan. a-The attitude of British Investors totrard American busl-n-M underwent a notabie change during the past week. The mind of the British public 1s aJway slow to graap tha change, and people here are only juat U1nntnc; to rcalii what financier act politician have for month considered the most important fact of the year ! the tranerddunu commercial adrance i m-nt of the United Slat' , Evor in the Venezuelan affair the i only Idea of British holders of American ' kcurki ha brtin to sell whenever thCT muld do so with any Droflt or with. ! out too a ivs ln btv'nnlng the j m upward rush of American atock. j, speculators and conservative holders ot trans-Atlantic securities were eager lo advantage of the opportunity to j unload, the former selling for a profit (n vlew the Cruhlnr market which , rid of what they regarded as unsafe property, which they had been long hold- ing. Both British and American financiers who have talked with a representative of the Associated Prees on the subject, ; agrvu that the pendulum has now begun i to swing ln the other direction. In- vestors. sewing that the anticipated dls - am era ao nut maienauze, aim iiuu iuc United States is apparently In for a puriod of great prosperity, are coming to the conclusion that they wer over hasty In unloading their American hold ings. They are retracing their steps and are giving orders to their broker to re-buy the stocks they once discarded with a feeling of Joy at getting rid of th dead-wood, though the newspapers are still croaking dismally over the panic Cardenas and other towns ask Ins; Its oo which Wall street is destined to wit- operation In measure, to secure the nee In the near future, according to their payment of th Insurgent troops. Gen propheeies. Business men. who have been Inter viewed agree that, so far as all Ikies of legitimate industry are concerned, the United State has every reason to be optimistic REPORTS RELATIONS STRAINED. BARCELONA. Jan. !8.-The Manila correspondent of the Diarlo says he has discovered that relations between Major General Otis and Rear Admiral Dewey are most strained, owing to the profound rivalry which exists between the land and sea forces of the United States tn the islands. The "administrative mor- , spondem. "is below par. The gambling hells of Manila are taxed lUMO each and the police are highwaymen who make arbitrary arrests and then demand from J10 to W for the release of their pris oners." SAG AN FOUND GUILTY ' BY THE COURT-MARTIAL. , , . Sentenced to Dismissal From the Army. But Recommendation Is Made for Executive Clemency. WASHINGTON. Jan. 2S. - General Eagan, conanlssary general of subsis tence, has been found guilty of charges of conduct unbecoming an officer and gentleman, and of conduct to the preju dice of good order and discipline, and of the specifications thereto, and has been sentenced to dismissal from the United State army, but with a recom mendation from the court for the exer cise of executive clemency. Under the regulations the court, hav Ing reached a conclusion that the ac- , cused was guilty, had no choice ln so- I looting the pomUty, the regulations pre scribing absolutely that one punishmotvt dismissal for the offense. Therefore the j only hope for General Eagan is in the direction-of commutation, mitigation or j disapproval. Colonel Davis, judge advo- cate of the court-martial, finished his rnvlxtnn of tha ncord of the court's pro- ,uin af monn and at orce, placed the papers in 'the hands of Secrc- tory Alger. This action settled at once any doubt that may have existed as to tho routine to be pursued ln the treatment of the case. As for Socrvtary A brer, as soon as he has read the record he will placa it at once with the president who, undt-r tho law, IS the final reviewing authority. jjcx MfvH Makes the food more aovH It la hi privilege to aH to or Uka trrm the ntn.-nflth of the court' rcommnlu Uon thiit clemency , hwn. The IndU oallonn are thnt the paper will be In the pr-Mnt'e hdrwln early next weok. xvur unrx did not ACCEPT CHOKER'S INVITATION. Pld Kfjt Willi to Be Queet Where 1 the Chlcngo Platform Would Be Denied a Hearing. NEW TOftK, Jan. 28.-A letter from William J. Bryan to Willi J. Abbott, written tai March. was glvsn out by Mr. Abbott today. Abbott explains tho circumstance ln connection with it a follows: "ln Mrch' lm- om a Mr. Bryan'! dmlrw ork teamed that h expected to be in the east in th follow ing month and would pas through Nw York. They cam to me, saying that a reception should be tendered him and that he should be asked to apeak. I re po ruled that In my opinion the regular democratic organisation should be th one to give th reception, and that Mr. Bryan ought not to be asked to speak under Its aturpioes. I was referred to Mr. Croker. Mr. Croker asked m to writ to Mr. Bryan and find out whether h. wnlitit h wll Hnv tft aneak tn Vr York, but refrain from discus n th money qtwstion. I wrote to Mr. Bryan accordingly and received an answer, which aaya:" "Pleas say to Mr. Croker that I shall not be abu to oom east until about April 13. At that thn I shall be pleased to meet Dim and talk over the political situation. "I appreciate hi Invitation to speak there, but he -will, upon reflection, rails that I could not afford to make a speech upon the line suggested. Th national platform declares the money question to be the paramount Issue and I fully en dorse that question. So believing, I could rot directly or Indirectly encourage any state to a-lauulon th national plat form. While the democrats of th west and south -have no right to fore th national platform upon the people of New . York, yet the democracy of th nation does have a right to expect th democrats of New York to stand by ths platform or announce their hostility. Wr ought to know whether the New York democracy means peace or wnr. 'To Umore the national platfowrfin th state convention will bo notice that th democrats of New York are hostile to that platform, but lack the courage to declare it openly. ; 'Th platform of 189 will be reaffirmed in 11m) and I for one would Uke to know as soon as possvble whether we are to regard New York democrats as allies or .--.k. If the democrats of New York Int'tte me to speak while In the east I shall accept th Invitation wtth pleasure. but It must be with the nndersiainoing that I shall not be restricted, as to th subject of discussion. I do not care to be a guest where the Chicago platform i denied a hearing. i. 1 ci;bxN TOWN COUNCIL ASK FOR CO-OPERATION, Will Memorialise General Ludlow for Prompt Payment of Insurgent Su ' gar Plantations to Start Up. NEW YORK. Jan. 8.-A dispatch to ths Tribun saya: The Ayuntamiento, or council, has received i message from eral Ludlow was also memorialised to favor of payment, and was asked to mak representation to Washington. General Brooke's Cuban cabinet I likewise sub. ject to pressure to secure some definite action on this question before entering upon Its administration. . The dutle agitation has become ys- tematic and persistent. The radical Cu bans are also working against the grant ing of franchises for railroad and other purposes, but as the American military authorltle are opposed to the policy not much ground for agitation exists. Some French capitalists who had a sur vey for a backbone railroad made from Santiago to Santa Clara some years ago. 4re reported to be reviving that project . ' The sugar plantation ln Havana pro vince will begin grinding next week. QUAY'S TRIAL SET. PHILADELPHIA. Jan, 28. The district, attorney today notified counsel for Sena tor Quay, his son Richard nnd ex-State Treasurer Haywood, that he had fixed Monday. February 20, as (the date for endantB on a ' ch,irge of conspiracy In the misuse of money of the state in deposit In th Peoples bank. RAILROAD EXTENSION. SAN FRANCISCO, Jan. 2S.-The Chron lcle will say tomorrow: "The evidence showing that tho Vanderbllts are about to take step to entend their railroad system to California from the present terminus Of the Union Pacific at Ogden lias awakened a keen interest tn buslner circles. TO SUCCEED DINOLEY. WAS1UNGTON, Jan. 28. Representa tive Payne, of New York, has been ap pointed member of the Canadian com mission to fill the vacancy caused by th death of Dlngley. ENORMOUS SEAT SALE. I NEW YORK. Jan. 28. The seat sale in the stock exchange ror o4,tMi was to- ported In Wall street todhy. This beats the record. SKATING RECORD BROKEN. MONTREAL, Jan. 28. John S. Johnson broke tho world's skating record for a mile today. Time. 2:35 2-5. in . . delicious and wholesome mmtm uo wm wwa. 1 ue learnings