Tllb" DAILY AiSTOKlAN, SATlliUAY MOKMNCJ, JAMIAHY XM, arveloas DUNK D. LA L.ANNE A CO. Cotton and Woolen MIIU Philadelphia, , Deo. IS, ISM. Mesar. McAllen V McDonnell. Porttacd, Oregon. Gentlemen: W ar In receipt o' our favor ot 7tn Inst., and accept your offer for our bvkhU -one-third off. We trlnk you will be able to make none? out ot the lot at this figure, for It la a but iota to a, cut ta goods have been bandied elnc they loft our place. mJ we prefer to cell them cheap, rather than have them returned. Yours very traif' FRANK IX LA LANNK A CO. McAlleii & 479-471 Commercial Street. ASTORIA. Embroideries AT Albert Dunbar's CLEARANCE SflhE. P. J. Meany-vva (Dcrchant Tailor and Exporter of pars. Highest Cash Price Paid (or Fur Skina. Tenth and Commercial Sts. Astoria, Or. POY LEE (Formerly with Cha. Kan Co.) JCaaafaetQ'E? of Ladies' end Gents' UNDERWEAR, FURBISHING GOODS ard HOSiESY Ladita' Underwear to Order a Specialty. 351 Bend Street, Cor. Seventh. TODAT'8 WEATHER. Probably fair. AROUND TOWN. Money to loan Ferguson Bros. Candles 10 cents a poand at the Parlor. Chartee Stone, jr., left last night for fipeksne. Best lS-cent meal. Rising Bun restiur ant. (It Commercial street. H. C F. A burf will return to his Cannon beach ranch Monday. B. D. Slgler. the Portland lumberman. art red down yesterday. He will return tonight. . Fresh Bboalwater Bay oysters and dam at the "Pat" Market 674 Comtoer. cial, street. The at earn I shooner Fulton, with wheat ad lumber far San Francisco, put to sea yteterj-n . Best California wine JO cents per gal Ion. Alex. Gilbert, sole agent for Astoria. Telephone cl The Brttleh ship Norma and the Ger man ship Eucador left up in tow yester day for Portland. Wallsend coal and cuke Is the brst for domestic purposes. For sale by the As. torla Gas Light Co. H. S. Milliner, who baa Wn In the dty for several 'days yart. returned to Portland kutt night. Dr. Finch has removed his office to th, new Bptxarh building. Commercial j street, near Eleventh. Rev. W. 8. brake, of Salem, will occu py the pulpit of the Congregational church tomorrow. All aft most cordially invited. William Bock has been appointed ad. miniatrator of the estate of the late Charles Stoll, unJer the will o the de. oeased. OUR Commencing Tuesday, January 3rd, 1899. Every article in the House reduced. Thi3 will be the greatest onering in Fine Dry Goods, Fancy Goods, Glothing, Foraishing Goods, Etc. Ever placed before the people of the Lower Columbia River. DURING THIS SALE Owing to manufacturers' restrictions we are not allowed to place the following goods at reduced prices: Standard Patterns Si silk and Cotton, W. (J. C. Corsets E. & W. Collars and Cuffs, Oil Clothing and Kubber Goods. c. ,ia:. cooper: The Leading Diy Goods and Clothing House of Astoria, Oregon. '( , - Sale... Will be nWod to pxuls nlrvmly catalogued in our Clenrtinco Sale. A now lot of Jackets, the Intent creation of the tailors' art, mul will be sold at Less Thau lost. McDonnell 1C-JO Third 8lreet, rORTLAND. OR. at Cost Morning ser.-U? draco church will b hold at 11 o'clock tomorrow; evening . rvxvs at 7:; Sunday sxihool will be ht-.l at U:30. During Dr. Tuttle's absence in BHtlb Cjlumbia. Dr. J. A. Fulton i:t bo act ing assistant surgeon of the Vnlfd States marine service. A mirrl.itrd license was Issued n the county clerk's office yesterday to J. W. Johnstone, of Chinook, and l,eu Cole, iran. of Clatsop county. Fair weather la predicted for tvJ.iv by Farmer raynje. but thcTo was a slight f.ill of rain early this morning, Indicating that the day will be only porUulIy bright. Go!d medals to Harper whisky at New Orleans and World"s Fs.r. Chicago. Try It. you will endors the judge's verdict. Sold by the Foard & Stokes Company, Astoria, Ore. Mrs. ll ury Cribb. accompanied by her sr.iir. Miss Adelo Sovey. left hist night fcr Scuttle, aheiv she ai:i Jola her hus tond. They will soil from Seattle for Aluska on Monday. The popularity ot the merchant's lunch served by Mr. Ctoorge Bartley at the Na. tlonei Is growing dally, and many bust. nesa men can be found there every day for their midday meal The lunches set by Mr. Bartley are the finest In the city. The .Usual service w 'l b held at the Presbyterian church tomorrow. The theme of the morning sermon will be Education.' The evening; theme Is announced as "Cnrjst and Immortality," the second of the series on "Eternal life." Mr. Sam Cohen, the eminent hat sales, man of Sim Francisco, Is here under treatment for a complication of diseases. It Is hoped by his many friends that h? will recover. He la attended by "Hard Luck" Alex Cohen, the San Fmnclsco hypnotist. Captain KHUraard. of the steamer Lakme, arrived down from Portland yes terday. The Lakme has been hauud on th ways there for repai d. Considerable work will have to be done on her, but the estimated cost of $11 WO Wll be much less than the at earner is worth. At the Baptist cmjrcn Sunday Rev. S. TV. Heaven, of Burton. Wash., will oc cupy the pulpit in th morning and probably in the evening. Mr. Beaven rep resents the Homo for the Children of Missionaries and la an Interesting speak, er, presenting an Important work. Come and hear him. TV. A. Gaines' private stock whisky, ?n cIu"elJr n Astoria by John L Carlson, is one of the most popular beverages sold. Its purity and quality are guaranteed, and It Is especially rec ommended for family use. It Is sold In anr quantity at the corner of Twelfth and Bond street. Services as follows at the Swedish Lutheran church tomorrow: Swedish ser vices at 10:30 a.m; Sunday school at 12:15; Eng-lUih services at 7:43 p. m. Topic: "Jesus, the Ug'it of the World." All thoce that have ben confirmed In the comrregaxlon during the pant four years are Invited to tho parsonage Saturday, February 4, at 7 p. m. Positvely no goods will be charged for at sale prices. Orders from the country will receive the same benefit as if bought personally at the counter. But cash must accompany the order. The Haystack Club guve a surprise party to Mlsa Mny lwliirer, of Hast As. torta, last nUttit, The tint,, was plcssiuit. ly passed with gnmea and on her amusiv ments, and the party scpnrated nt mid night, aftvr spending; vry enjoyable ewttlng. Service a 111 bis held as rofhiws at the Norwvrtu Kvangvitcal l,uthern church i.morrow: r-2nHh Sunday school hi 9;M a, m.; Kngllsh services at W:ii a. m.; text. Matthew XX 1-R "The laborers In thn Vineyard." Norwegian service at : V in.; txl, HevoliUions til Jrt, "ttcliold I Stand t th ivvr uiul KiKivk." Tlia thimtU Klttrl, and Iteiutlr Oomivmy ins vnitoiel itht" Installation of it tine electric I vlvt plutit at the Knainton mills. Tito plant conli ,f flV JJ llirhts And o oivicity Milllcient to nuOmahi 2.M ln-mltwcont lltrtits. It Is one of the nhwt ttMnplotv n.l rnvhlern plants so far built on the 1m1IIo ixut. Rev. J. M. Hughes yesteMay olllolatiM at thw mnrri:iK(i of J. V. Johnstone, of Chinook, and Miss lxtA O. tVeinan. of l'lat!M comity. Tho wrenxHiy as per. for mel in the parlors f t.he .tor Mouse, only u. few Intimate friends of the con. travulnjt couple hern ju-ewiit. Ttw newly married ioupl0 will rldc nt v'htnook. Yeetenlai' nurkiM tho end f the first tenn of the school -eir aiul the puNl.i livirned of their succvm In the t x.uoiiu tlons. Tta ireneral wk tf the puplla has b-n excelinit and a liuve poiventar "PushI." The exainiiutliotut this ir a ere very severe more sei-ere. In ftiot. than for many years put. The steanuship 1-nnox U dtw tomorrow fnn lVrtland -ith enrgo of g.-niTiil j mtrcii;uitliie for the Orient ami about a 1 dosen Chinese w.vii,-t rtunilng to Ithe Fhwr" Klinrdum. who were unable j to show reitlstrutton papers tu effvl .1 ; Luvllng at lnhuKl. Forty. live curs of j ixml will arrive MolHlay o- the A. & C wllrid for hiel for the sHinwr. She i will ixml at navel. Coroner IVtvl yest.nry hd an inquest to Inquire into the death of James IVblw, who wtis .acotdentlally killeil a f , w days . Biro while irkliur i ttie nillpiao grade ! rnur tit ft on. The Jur" retulonM u ver. diet of HtVidontiil Uth. In accord: i nee with the evideticv. Th., roliMlves of Pobhn f have tnt h'-anl frm nd the re. nuilns will jnbably be burled t.nluy In (liean Mew cemetery. Messrs C. It. KlKKins. lt.mmn Wise. V. C. Uiws. F. II. tVo.Hl.ll ami O. II. Coop-r left n5jiit for 1'ortlaml ..u the Ttb't hotie to iAiitt with the im-jnn Kojid Club's Nvwllng team for the K1. d. nh-im.-r trophy. The g-.ime t.ik.s p;ice tonlslit and has atrru'tei niuch attention anvng lVrtland howlers, who seem to think the Astorlan will giv the Road Club a hard rtib. The sixth member of the teiiin will go up this nxrn:ng. 'Hie PFXNT MAC A 5. I N i'. New V.-rk which is the h-west.prl e.1 nun-mine In iisrlm O) cents a yean and which Is -owned by H-n. Channeey M. IVpew. the mintnt American or.itor, v.ints a n-prewutatlve In this community. It is a gvod opportunity for one of Astoria's i ambltlcaui young m or om-n. AiU'llca- : ' cations should be nddressed to the 3ut. ; tK-ritkn Deparnaent, THE PENNY i MAGAZINE, Temple Curt, New Yory ' ; City. I i Mr. Williams, a prominent trapnaun ' from Cnlnook. was In the city a short time yesterday en route to Olympla. He stated that little Interest been so : far manlfe.oted by the Chinook trnpmen li the proponed cannery consolidation. They are much mure, concerned Just at this time. Mr. Williams says. ov-r the j proposed repeal of the Sundny close i XttJim, a bill for which Is pending b f-re the Washington legislature. The fisher men at Chinook do nut want to s. e any ; ch.irure made in the present law. , Since the sliiln oretirred on the nil 1 road U.. i.tiu C....UU lions arriving in As. ton iv lxu uiuinl fur severe , hours. They have arrived here only about an hour and a half late within the past two ikiys. The t'Tiporary track around j the edge of the slide Is completed, but ' ! may yet he necessary to n akn a -,ut , through the hill where the slide 6c. ! currod. The prim lpal del.iy has been 1 ; cai'sed heretofore' by the transfet of j ' fnight and passengers around the slide, j ! wliich is now avoided by the ompletlon ' ; of tho track. It s expected the night : j train will he run as usual Monday night. ! i Th"-e -vas cei sider.ihle anxiety uniting 1 some of tho German residents of Astoria ; ' for the safety of the British bark Gun. ! ford, now on her way from San Diego to I I this port, when the news of a wr-vk ut ; Cannon beach rixcheil this cf.v The! I Gunford is originally from lambtrg, wth a cargo of gvneral men-hatidls', and ! ; hta several articles on board purchua-d , j by Councilman 6 herneckuu on his visit j I to Germany last sprim?. The gyjils were i j ordered shipped by Mr. Scherneckau on 1 : board tho Gunfonl, thn l1ng at Ham. i ; burg. The gowls are cJnign-l to a ' ' niirnVT of Mr. Hohernockau's friemis In ' this city, and Include many articles ', : whirh will be prlzisl by ttieir owners as mementoes of the fatherland If they , safuly arrive. j 'Front ilalls of tho drowning vldeiit nt Fort Canhy, It aiwrw tlsil the tmmo of the linfortuiwte m4i wais F. A. IHUy, a nemUr tt Nititer' tl. of the heavy artillery stikitnnt nt lhat pliil. ttiMite tlmewfliT lUIW-h, lty, With several com. ntle, started to g up the beaoh. The tide was well up and . rH k sio-sl In tho w.i.v, Instoad of gwlug nver the bluff, Ivty senitl front his isiiiaiiUiim sud umhrtiH'li to mss on the wean side, When his friends gt oer the blutT tVly tti d:s-veivd Mlnuiglltig In lhe mil'f. Alt aliinu is given, but no itsslstontv wtis obtainable, ilie Ut'e-.-MvUig crew having gone to tho relief of III,, dlucMed ship nt Cjiimioii bench. Ihty soon gave up and It Is siipis-sot ho was lnjur,l by imii- tact will) souio of tho sinuili'i' and (sir ! tltilly stibmei-ge.1 etvk. The )oung tn.i it cnlitd fiMin t'hico, t'ul, where. It Is said, lie ban relative living. The Mlilioilliceaueiit the I "Alalsuna'' s to v pl.iyttl hero next Witnemlay even. lUK will te a si'iuvo of pl.nsiire to tha-ter-gh--, The entire piece Is is plote Willi I'eilllUful pUllll- of (he Minny south, no aptly drawn its gift..! author today piv-tiuiiintly uinong Aim's dniliMillstM. It .lepl. ts the rvul lir.. and S' that exis:sl tn (he old days Just after the war. the giaiul old ilu of chixw'.ry, when tho g-iilU n.-i of tliA old chHl llvwl and tlounidied, t)is of c4tamolr mid ilui ur fast fad. lug wway and iHvoiiUog meitoneo, like the old runeM ga!iHMis where the clap. ' bar hnvin imet ill the thlnl ail. This Is on of the prettiest sivm ever dcploted Ulsm th cam-aa .-f rhe stnge. The old plainer lias refused his iMiisnt to h niii's tiHirrl.ige to her itorlherii hver. ho takes h.-r awny wtih him. I.snltvg the lover by tlw gutep,wt alum-, but ttie girl steals away from the old man and re ( Joins her lover at the gate. Tlu- nrg-re mn ln h.iil singing poinuit on m. l..t. far away in the du-t iiicv. un the cur. tain upn the pu ture. of Srttts osns Tu.l.iy mormng at irttln A Rowl's, The work of nmsiertng out the troops ! ii4 I-'.wt t'aiiby was inmiueius .1 y.-ster. day byt'aptiuii Frank Ti.vlor. I'l'iir'n nili I'nltsd States Inf.i'iirx, of Vacnuv' r !r. racks, who left Hits er.y for th,, foris i-terkiy ntonilnc I'd. men otn;ns, luiury It. 'iil! a volunt.-rs ,-uul enli-4id at the brenklng -ut f lie war with S Th,, mi ii ivivoii.l at th. time of their enln'tnetit to u- -,-nt wl'h tile firyt rvgillients f.r s-rv.c. ut the s.-iit of ur ami . r,. much -h'tii .ni,. when ul'-rsl t ilo g.irr.s.ei ilmy at Fort tnhv. The Kitr.-i s tlm,..! wholly i-oniHB,sl of fi-il- iiii .-f Sa. tono nto, t.ktand and SUn i'r i:-, I-... .tn,l m.ury of them left pnrii'.e i-.i:. iti th-. cities to v..:mi:.i- th. ir s. rl.'-s to their country, Inir.rg tn. ir .t.iy n Tor: fun. by the meitilx rs ,.f th,. tvif. haw often visitisl Astor .i .mil tu. ill.- mala frbfals In the city. Th -y w. re . 'l t.. h ived, never on ,, l-'.vn hi to-uMc .aid wTe rivurileil us ti i r 4nl. rly lot of nieit, Tile members of the battery hue oftoit glvm , to .ll.-l.k.. Tt gar rison duty and comi-lajm-d of Ulng tin fairly by the guvurtun. nt mid, of course, expect-sl bl S. r.- mlt thle yrs, the term of th-ir eiulsitn-tit. until the news of their miiHt.-nng out was re. : colved ahum a wi"-k g'. Captain Taylor I will complete the tmuittriug out of tho men February 3. when they ex-et to ' leave for their hom.i. In Oihf.inila. j The Hrlttsh Uirk Ivenui arrived In yesteday afteriKsui after a tift mlrtu-u. lous e.ain- from going ijihore on I'urvion bemh. Hie Iverna Is In Uiliast and la out 31 days from Slianghai the ontirn psssage Uirig gil with light winds all the way. t'uptain Webster was seen yew. terdny and said lhat on rebelling Uio t'acilic t-uuMt Morxlay 1 1st the wusiiT be limit, very foggy. Tip fcday the lig-htshlp was slk'htl aNnit u mll.-s orT nml the vessel was hmdisl f r the riv.-r. hut she waa ulunt IniuIhimI ami Uitli- hnulway was mail.-. Captain Webster stood off to sen, the f.ig lieing like a pall on the M.jin anil there wiu a lonvy instmre swe. Weitnewlay morning th- lookntit slioiitiil "laml ahead." The bank of fmr s.n iktrtlally llfteil ami the ii.i tig" roils sxitJon of th Ivermi wne aiiiirnt. It was lmiswslblB to work off shore owing fr th- llgtit wiiul and Inehore swell. The Iverna dropixM anchor and signals of were hoUtnl. Ilie vessel nt. malms! In this P'Tllus isslilon over night, hte llfetxits li-lng liiiinrhed and ready inmant m-rvli In i-as of enirr. gemy. Hoi ketn wi llnsl at Intervul during the night to lutrurt atbiitloii. anl the wliip was thought to be in Imminent IK.rll of drifting on the hnsik.s Fortu. nately the anchor held mid towanla morning a light hrfv sprung up off shorn. Captnin Welntep h11iim-.I his anchor chain and th,- v-ss.4 gradu.illy Biilh-I out of danger. 'Ilie lvTni idcked up a tur y.ntirilay mrrning ami wraa towid mto tlm harbjr and nru-hornl aliove Smith's FolnL flh" Is chartered to rxtd wheat nnd will probably leave up In tow for Portland toduy. Mr. Hammond In Portland yes tenlay, whtre. It is utwlerituisl, he was nrag'-. during the day In nmivrenre relating to the canrwry noiisilldiitton. M.KKrs. fjosslln, Hnlsrg and llanth'rrn canm down on ys4teray tnornlng's steamer, but It was retried later In the day that tho plan of holding the meet 1 rig SALE for th preliminary onmtiltatliMi had leen ttliamrnl and thw gentlemen wixild return iVwflaml, wiiers th nuwtlug would li held, Instead of at Astoria. W II later, however, a report galneil currency ttwt thisi nrrainromeuts Nut again Ikkii altered, and Mr. Hnnuinual, with suWt niHiilvra tf the combine as wi In Oro. gon, wud tHMim lo Astoria for tho inoet. lug. Whloii would Hike place Imim-illalely on 1,ha rot urn of Mr. (Liuve from New York. Them was a rumor also lhat the Cutting- 1'ackliig Couusitiy as well ws thw A, lhth people, would lio g( iuo lh luwocUiilon. a was Imikissibl,, lo lltwl Mr. IVIIanl, of Iho Curling Com. isiny. but another hiiiii.m-miimii who was on the suh)m st,nl positively thai thn Cutting tiiii.uiy was In the i-om-llmv and that he had seen the option on their piMpertlt slgn.d mul delivered, and knew that it had Uvit duly .-. pi, As to rho Itooth t'oiiii-uiiy, the Minn .aiiiu-iy. man also sialyl that, while dellnllo nr ruhtiomwila Iwtd not been imule "i them, they Imd under i-onsuh ration a ss-. end iwoimaiil submittal by Hie promoters of live combine, which there wua reioi tu Iwdlevn would m aHvpnl. In any case, this i-amirymaii said, urr-iiigemeiiis would go on ,r sllih pi-oix.rtlea iis wele already In and the orgwiilmuton would md Iw funher d-l.iyiH. F, M. Warren Is now kiH-wn nul o lune gotie In Mr. Uunvti's aeiion. howewr. tiwAntd if Ix-lnit by hna . iii iur) nun, Is rather a souiv0 of ttlfa' tlon. m- one of the cotwluhsis UkslMit'd up.n by Mr. Warren for thn inumfor of his !m, rests was lhat (he main lustdqikteteiit of the isnimy shmil.t be lu Portland, a ;lpu. latlon which tlm local men sny they wtiuld never lu iMlis.sit ml lo. TIIK t'CIIAN C.tMP.MtlN tF TIIK Itol tlll lttl'Klt.S Private deorg,. t King Tells of th Fx plolta of th,. .tmericuu Troop lb. fore ttaniMigi, d Culm. Private tbsvvo t'. King, who fought wllh Ibs-sevelt's rough rulers In-fore tl.igo, etitertaliml a very sel nu.liemv at Fisher's lost ti!Kht with a thrilling aceoilllt of his .-Xt'lletHe. In the tietn of the Antilles. Ttie eiiiertalnmi-iit w of mstrly two lllurs .lunitlo,, n, u thoroughly enjoyetl. After desi-ilbinu the formal!. .11 ,if he rough rulers by Hoosrvelt. Mr, King told of the trip to Tamp mul then to t'ubi whore the iim-ii w.-ro niiiong the tit.; t. land. His dee.ripMon of the bottle of HtlsMicy w .nut,, liit,-restliig in, his story of the roiimrkiible biiiv.ry of the AiiMshiin tr .ps, in. I iu..iv parti, ul n u tli,, ro ikh nd.-rs, ,r.sit.. gi.vii . ihIumI. bmii Afor th lllsl ,if the hilt. li.vir "'iMiey the wounded w-re brought bok to the biwp.tal. but matiy p.M.r f. Hows ho Bind, r,, nt at i ll and wito 1-oitijM H,., ,i i i, t, M 4, , Ihroughoiii the night, suffering t.rr riot only (heir wounds bui from tin' ravag-vt (f ihe u..xts which summed about thorn. The tutl of Sun Juan h it h.r.- s many tho Anieriniii soldiers their lives, wax ilwvlt iisin at length by King Suffering during the day fr.n lut.iiso heal and during the night from cohl the men w. re -irnm-lll lo unj-rg af privations, but they um-omplsluiiigly bar up umter It nisi fought like ih iitons wh.-n th SaJiiiirds uttm Ih.nn. Fins) was si-are ami the no-n wer. hungry most m the time. Ian nut one miinnursl ut any time. Mr. King statist tlo-re were absdutrly iio pro-t hoMpital .s ommu titlons, am he said It was an aw ful trim to see gnw tl.s ks i.f bujianls wuli-hlbsr the w-uinle, and waiting fur th.-ni to die, tlon to Ibs-k alsnit tho corp ami ttur wn hn j Itesh. lie I'lli'll several Installer of I In Inability i IUillsssition on the part of army pn l. Mils lo pron-rly atli-rid Ih Ill diet or which a surg'Oll who i nnin iisi a woiimbd so Idler In King's presnH-w refused mlinluisi whisky to tho iinfortuiuito man to rn:i,-va his suffering from th,, ruld f the night shortly before . on tlu tsire ground saying that tho wouiubsl man wti too for gun., lo waiste nusllcliw. on him. Afti-rwiinls the nnin was lakni t Hb. omy i, tu I now In u New York ttowpKnl, from whli-h fie will be discharged as oupsI In n few weeks. The sskir niferretl ut the ('ras tsety In the highest terms, ,(ing that luul Its workers ma ln on the field, hutslr.ils of oilier isH.fcers would have iMkI for wunt of atleiiibm. These noble ladbs. ho said, dhl everything In their power to relievo the dlsm-issrd nwi, and too mtnh pridau could not be given them. The story of the ciiinpalgii In Culsi was lllustratid by nuuiy title views, token on the M by lmilon in-wspuper rvrre soomlentH, whi.-ii frispieritly isiujomI the iiuillHu a to hurst out In applause. There was mrirtderaJil,, chis-rlng wla-n lctun-s if McKlrdey, ilha.fler, Wood. Itnosevalt, llobson, Hnjnpsoii, ami lighting Joe Wheeler were shown, but when l'Wey' llkiows iipstirisl n tho canvass the house went wild wllh entliuskism mid th" clMs.rliig for whim nilnut Astorlans are wurm-lnsirted. anil tlm warmest plnce In their louirt Is n-servisl for Ui hero of Manila. This afternoon Mr. Kin; will give bs-tiiro at 4 o'clock iN-cttly fi.r the women ami i hllilren. Tho price of ad nilselon for children will I' lfi rotits and adults 25 ceiils, tli k"l entitling pur chiuters to s'-nt In any iirt of Iho house HONEV HEF.3 FftOM I'HIMl'l'INKH The department of agriculture will In. troduce Into th United States the great honey beea found In the Philippines, These bees are twice as large is those of this country, and produce five or six times us much honey. They have extra long tongues, and can reach the nectar In many (lowers that our own variety cannot. While this move will be of ma terial benefit. It will not be any mora so than I lo tetter's Stomach Hitters, which reaches and cutis many ailmonts that other remedies fall short of. Among them may be mentioned dyspepsia. Indigestion, biliousness, constipation, malaria, wast Ing diseases, and affections of the kid neys and blood. We especially recom mend the bitters to men and women whose nervous systems are shattered. MAHHIAUK VS. IIAI'PINRBS. If a gn-iit. many mnrrlisl women would only take, wit for an anchor, and scram, bio less woefully hard to koep step with Dl'Tif writ very large, they would be hiii)er, find, yes, to be sure, their hus bands would bo happier. Women who I rune, away till the branches of fominliio ctK.rm In order lhat iho inink of stern duty mny bo perpetually In view are very likely to find lovo wlntor killed fr'.sten lo death soma iln-iry morning. Dinah Hmrgls In Hie Oonllewoman for January. Unless the mind Is at eaae, all tho emul sions and tonics In tho world will fall to build up tho body. IN OLDEN TIMES. People o. oi looked the Importance of per. manentlv beneficial effects and were satis fied with transient action; but now that It Is generally known that Byrup of Figs will permanently overcome habitual con stipation, well Informed people will not buy other laxttlvea, which act for a time, bat Anally Injur tha system. Buy th genuine, made by th California Fig Byrup Co, I Save Half Your Money Th actual coat of shoes Is not dsisntilnad by the prloa you pay fur them, but by th long I h of Hum thy r. and by Ih gall fsmtun thy give, V hav Hi rtsght shoM for Ih right prlcsa John Hahn, Tito W.V.V.iWm.VrtVV...WiVb.'iV.Vrt.ViWrV.V 1 ADIUKIA sHi:l cv;iTirii TvlcptiUM) Mo, .11 Handles Only the Choicest Meats 4U Cmrtul ., nl I'slws k.ta s.t. .ajyWW.awrV jt'irwK BUCKWHEAT Hcwt N.O. MoIiihhch. Honey ntI Miiplc Syrup, Ktc. .. A. V. ALLEN'S Grocery Store. HOriE-riADE Taffies, Caramels, Chocolates and Bon Bons fresh every day, at THE SPA. W . F . S C H E I A tall Us t 11m, Tsts.. ad .'moluii' A.Ul. i7a Comi.iort. lnl Mi i VtVi'iWiVri Vm i'i V. iVi V iVn'u THE OCCIDENT Astoria's Leading Hotel Mcglcr rv Wright, PropH. S'rWiW'iWAWiW, R. L. Bovle & Co Lending Rcul BHtntc Dcnlcr of ASTORIA, OREGON Writ" fur Iiifuriimtieiii and I'uinplilot-. .I.l.'i 'tiiiutrtiat Street MBsasaBaaMaBSHaaMHaaaauaMMBMMMiaanisai I I. A PnfnhrMrl. 0 m se OEflERALUOflTR ACTOR AfID BUILDER Etrtimoten (iivon on All Kinds of Work. PjttOfflcUo No. 491, FISHER'S OPERA HOUSE L, B. BELIO. Is and Uanagtr. ONE NIOUT ONLY Wednesday, Feb. 1st AiigiiHtiiciTlioiiinH'Cfk'bruletl I'luy .ALABAMA. Ono of tho most b-autlful plays over pTommUsl In Ban lTran.-1io-ttn DVunols. co Examiner. Nona of tho plays produced the past season equals "Alabttimiu" Now York Mirror, Prices Risvirved fleat, 75 cents; Oallery-tO ocnts. Bou-t Sale Opens Tuindny Morning Net at Orlllln & Ilot-d'a. SWISS WATCH REPAIR SHOP Victor Rost Chronometers (Hatches and Nautical Instruments Promptly fixed and repaired. Alarm Clocks from f 1 up. Warranted. 110 Eleventh St. Hut to FortU Nimtfc. Kvllnlilo Mlno lwitlor. B F , zrzxrrxiUu "It Belle AslorU" Clear Schcltc'sOcfnSur Schr Itc'a Special Ami I illier I l...i.l V W PVT - J Tools for Itoitf Astoria, Oregon. Hard to beit Our line of airtight Stoves and their v Prices Something New W.J.SCULLY 431 Bond Street. Grand Masquerade Ball. GIVEN DT Sons of Herman Saturday, Feb. 11, '99 Handsome prises will be e-tvan foe h best sustained character, most arttstlo costume and for th best waltier. Indies' price for the beat sustained character, a tin rocking chair. Gentle, man's prise, an elegant cuckoo clock. Ladles' price for the most artlstlo noa. turns, a valuable toilet seL flenll.m.n'. prise, a gold double watoh chain. Ptla for th beat wall sera, a bandsom rug each to lady and geatleman. All Drtse are aa rnrent1 .nil ara nn exhibition In Charles Hellborn A Bon's window. ORCHESTRA Under the leadership of A, W, tftstog er vnu uuiuniiing 01 nine ot in osi musician in th stat. ADMISSION: Oea'a Masouer. tLW Lady Wssquer I pnowtor hildran S . i m