NIK DAILY AH'iOHlAN. riATUKDA MOM1NG. JANUAUY 28, 18JJ. fD" the nccucNctoF syrlp of hgs I duo not only ut too tirlg limllly and Implicit y of tln riiillliiliiitiuii, IiiiLbIm) to the earn und l,l with ivhli-h It e ItflUWII tO I lit" ('AllfOHMA I'll! SVHI'f Co. only, mill wn u .h to Impie iiHri til thn liiiMirluii if un liiihiiiu tin, true, mill original remedy. An tlie gentium Ny, of Kljfn timnufinlureil by the Cai.ikumnu Fin hvnui' Co. only, i knmvleilgw i.f Hint, fuel will Mint oiiu lit nvtilillui; llia worthli-M imitation iiimiiifiietiircd by other par ties, Tim liltrh utiiii.lliiK of ii,o Cam Musia Km Hruvf Co. with (he medi cal proftKiil.iii, mill the. milUfiictlon which tin' genuine Kyi up of Fig hit Birni u miiiiuiiii or rniiiilln, make ; the nam i of th Company e guaranty of Dig excellence of lu remedy. It U I far la ndniiieo of nil other laxative, ! M It et nil the. kidney, )vrr Blld I bowels without IrrllaUnir or weaken, i Idjt thrm, mil It dm-a not gripe nor Dauwate. In order to get Ita btmrflelal ffeet, (! rrmrtiibrr tha name of tlio Company CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. a MaNCIaO, tat Ul UTIll.t Kf. nkw Teak. H. T. Mixlnnt tmlilnt it-m'l bava r ky lima a Ihiwo Ihimi In ihn cri. crmtlo itya. ThnfM un l an hwh of Imt In a ynl f TMinihn. TliK ir of truth ilrnl u"n tlm vyt limklo M II Tha Irnirnd man haa a f"rt uivr. that h ' ran' I 1m, bumiaal out Of. A SOLID SORE Wnce to Inatep. WllJ with Pain. Cli: MV CITICl'UA. I u Atli'lnl with iurh a IvrflbU aora Uf, It wn llxruilil It WmuI4 la tw amauuq. I C"Ul, haolly nj lh ,!n, ud bail lo rH a!"Ma IU) aeiulili. I Ull all kiixla uf Rl. cli viilmul auxw, illlt( uim null I II l rairttf a afiiitl aula fitim anro ta IimiU Atmual il l a ah l". I fax U In ilxll. I hait if Clin l at mna,liraMlt,Wt thrm. Tb Aral i 1. 1. ,i..ii uti iTin a liHninwm), lut oaaMnf lih a aim aaur aiul I'itii ra tor, aara ma o t. a tallat lliak I a aa abla ! alrtp etvl naif liic aiahi, and la k I aa nttad. T l '.lllllrtCOK.IW W llunui HI.,AltaJita,(la. I'r,,. , . Maaniraaf aa'laaa Ika Hal aa4 Miaa 11.. i$ aal at II, mn Otaaa, aa4 iltaa naia.a, tha mm ahl aana mum aaa Crf traa. ,r,aaa (aaUa a ,,lia aaa i vim a (a(alHMo.ffaaaat al aaaaV ltM,klaaana,alaaMaiaaaalaaa4 aaalyat ! aa4 aaaw, altaf Maaiaa, aaralaf, a4 laliianaaa. aa4 tx. talk, aa4 aaal tka aaa4 InHaOaf. aiaafartaa aa aaan a lha aia, asala. aa4 ataaa. allk taat at kail, akaa ail a aula. anil ihiwM Om vU rttian iiaO. Cair, t u r,vea .li ...a. -11 fc Can A UaaMn." Ina, BABY HUM0R8 r"ZZZ2 The most radical clearance sale of the ' Age Every Department in the whole House working with but one object in view the clearing out of every winter article, every broken lot, and every small lot caring nothing for cost, profit, loss or value. Just to get rid of it all. Wash Goods. l.'l plcca' ill licnilltl Flllllticlfltn worth H oia. yuril, j r ynl Atinwki'HU nppdi liiiiulinm woilli 7 o ynrtl Ileal nuiihty ciiIii'ih'h aortli fn' yrJ 5c 4c 3c 25c 7'c 5C Heavy twillril linvr hliio nil wnul lUiini't worlli 4.V ynl Ural unulily Ti'iunl iluwil illlllli lliiiiiicl win tli lik! yr,l Kvcry pici'ii of wliilo kohiIh hi Hill llllllall III lit' elllHI'll out at per yr.l Bedding and Blankets 11 Inn,,, iil Ill'llW Crni'lli't .VUiHeillin riittern llml Npri'inlN lii'inuii'il, worth 7f. . 1 1 extra lurnn iH ami very lienvy iN'Hiillfill MurHoillieH ft lent U'ltHpri'iiilH in w.iittt linniliii'il, worlli $1 IK) I.iiiKo al lienvy lleiwil Hiil llliuiketH in whilo or "ray, worth l i 48c 75c 09c timiil Hi nil wool wlilio ilonlili'jjjQ wr ItliiiikelH, worth f'i W), em U..9U. 4 U Full ai fancy oovitim! ('liiiilr, t'ouiforliT-. ' niltiin niliiiK, worth 81 00, enoli WJb Gowns. Lmllea' iit"'l iiilll" l'''"l'ir" Ktiwn, einliniiilnry triiimiinl, 1fp tnokeil yuko, value LihIIch' very line Ktnpirutitt'kpil ruvora, triniinotl in einhrold- QKp tiry iiml iiiHertiiiK.worlli Ml OKJj THE ARMY BILL IN TIIE HOUSE Friends of the Measure Wilt Of fer Amendments Moderating Its Provisions. TO INSURE ITS PASSAGE Opposition Contends a Greater Army Means a Colonial Policy Senator Piatt's first Speech. ' WAHIIINUTON, Jno. r.-TIm llmi tu ilui nriny rjrHiitilritton til 1 1 on Ihn ri'illilriui Klitn of lli limine lum li"- immihi ni iHrooir iniiui tuluy l liulnnun Hull, ufir HiimIiTimmi, of low, una of tha iin,r iutr f tlm inui-ri y, bul In vutn t rHtiuul1 llm till). l i1il It wiHilil Imi wlw, In ordr to i iiri, Hi. iniwwmii, to dUuulon ilia lilmi of iri,vlillmc i1lrniy for . nnulnr urmy ,f Iiw.iiii) mnti Ho iurw'ri'l on Urn lluor llwl llm iiKiuniUnn woulil ofTr mni'TwI innl to rnttn-n )u ihiiiiIm- t iiIIh,i tni o hUmii euuoi, but ulKa In rhn lrnl..nt' ttHu-rotloii Itm milhortiy (o iiiomuin tho unny a iiMtilinuin of n . i") nirn. j TtiiMi niMi'linoii huvn Imwii (rcpnr'al, lly llm tnrtim of ill, t,lll th,m mrn to jl.o 30 incimiry rvluo'iiu of u pomtnlN. tii'li with lroiifih of il man. ami i rKlii nl of mvntry of In irt,p, mrh j with mrnOKUh of mm, 1'lila imrr. Hon, If llm rmlil4il wvuUI irclif It, nilt rIU4 li tnniitM-r of riillitvl tnrn mIioiii 3I,hi nt inu'llrAly ,a-1n In u lli Maoliutil,n irovit" In h trill o fur ,i Ilia oltli Mn am ciiuriml. How ,fr tt.ta 1 will allay . Dm, ii"iiIoii rnnutliui to tit, arrli, ' an. of liMlhttn, ihn-lnml that tl on. f ItMltAian. JiTlnml that thi mr - I aa,n of ihn bill na lo hava an army of I'D no ,tiluT by illrtxt aulhortly or nrr. I'laa of tha pri-al'li tH' 1iaiTrtl,ai, ami ha lUrn lila inirpoan to I1a"ht In the hi I. ' lr rml llm niaohlnrry whli h wn twliia f'aifn1 for a oohmlnl yattn. llntMlfraon, illl lha laniran of thn ilnlmio tottny, i1 : I', .1 hla lx ll. f In thn unwlwlom of an. illrllinf Ihn l'hlllillllra. I ri.Arr kavihi.h hatikication. WAHIIINiiToN. Jan. ST.-TarUrulnr In- Inrml iia iimilf-ttl In thn atnt toouy In a Irtli'f ana'h il.'llvnriM by H natot I T r. Ilati, of Now Vork. on the B;ural ! atibl-l of exjiniiaton. Ttiia waa tho nrat amth I'loit hua il, -llvrrrd In Ihn acnata aliun hla trtuni to th., laaly. lln lk a j airona around for thn ritllDiation of ; tho -h.Hiia" trnnly irf !, I Thn Mavln ntiirnlla!l"li bill, Ihr w. I iwmI of III" K-ni-ul Birun-ta4lon iraaa. utiw. -u aral. HlTt'ATItiN AT HAVANA. NKW YiRK. Jau ?T. A dlnputch to I to thl city aome lime ao from Mil Ui H.tnld fnn Ilavauia any a: In the j wauknm. 1U wna the aiate manuanr for country evnr)thlt la qnlm. but tn lla. lha rVar WMa-H.lng r-tn atid held vi, M.fe,mnal ngiHr arn aprrnd- lug -it la of uprialnir with lh lutnn. Ladies' and Childrens' Mackintoshes. Lniliea' aiimlii tcxUlre. ilonlilo riie imw blue tuilUil worlli 'l 5; $1 50 4 1 ihi lailiiw' navy lilm or hruwil, Imiry aeave, iluuhle li xtnrn unit t" rape S-'i tkl Imlii'B' nil aim! aerito ilnlllile tiXtilie, hiiitflo r iluitlilo c iie,. I'oliir navy him k ninl ureen $f .VI In.lii'H' nil wmil Heme, nil Milk liiu'il, n ii v hlue mi'l hlnck CliililuW r.lli,'l( lexlure, nl lil.ln',1 fiipe, ri'Uilltir f.' Ml llliii'kilitiuill 3.00 3 85 5 00 1.50 1,75 .2 85 l''HH' f. ttO I'll I H' fid (liiuhletcxtiiro I'ulnr in vy hluo tmly CliiMreiia' nil wool ilonhle ciipe, ilmihli' texture ttiurkin timli, worlli :i .ri0 Boys' Clothing. I 00 value for .. Ho value for ,, Sim valuea for . 2 7T, valuea for., .1(111 vnlue for.. Still valuta for.., H.M) value (or.. .. (Ro Suit ,.. rc Suit ..$1.23 Suit 1.75 Hull 1.95 S 2f k 60 Suit Suit Suit Ladies' Underwear. I.iulicft' nil ttilk Hleovli'ds vest. Qfp RHAnrtoil color, worth iri WtL Linliea' 2.rn! low mrk, nleevlt'NH, p cotton veat JJ I.iulien' Jemey rihlieil vent or 1 Ckf piintH, regular pritw 2fw XCfK SHAN Uoii of aroualiar fenlnia; na-iilnal Uia Aim'rlwn. TIm l tut Uia al'llhtewt fliijrr of mimMii, rviutil Tim people are iiilnt awl fairly wiill wit'uflwl, Tl I only mnaaary to my hihI tUwrm Ilia ltwiiriM1, troop to mi C'iiIki m Joying more H.rfiH i piiMo Hum turn been w-i liera In forty yvnr. Of I'OUIM lll flWt (VMiri"t 'llf lIKklllWfl 1 tilml Dim tiMiiiwr to wlidli 1 Itiwuraiml artuy preaorve lla lite-r1ry warn Ann-r. IrlllM, ninl nulla HlMll.lflK ll Dnlw, f- for rulny nm,n In tln-rn will Ihui.I.i iilirouil. M'(i; HIIII'H KOH HAWAII. (hm. ml Sliionifir WiiIi-iIiiiiihii m lha Wiy 'in KuroiMi to (i.'f More Humn it for tlm TiX'otriii l.lla". 'IMmiiM lilunr: Ki.tnk WniHlmw, Krio'rnl nniiri'-r, iu.,1 K. W. MWIliiiila, K-n'1-Bl fi'-lKht Hint liiM,'iiH'r ii,iii ror in w'hwt . j riiiii-, of llm 'I'lironni-llawiilluii trn, j w,rn in Hi, I'kiiI Hi Hi wii'-k, KiipirdtiK j itn lr vMt, Hi,, rrto iT I'rvioi, of tlntt ' irlly, Miyn; "Mr. Witii'-rti'Muif l on H'n wiy to Ion. ' don o uir.niKn for nOiIIIIhiI iMjiiir. , IU will a'n iir Unin'4l.ilWy two iMricn unii frl IiIith h.miI mj.t t't tlm lln( mi Ihn llnwulliui bunlni'Mt Jin rmm. Ji thin lllio tluU tM'tuoa llm tilK Mn liur i im.'T (ioj-onnr, wild li ka pm lino . JIuwiUIihi aorvliw N'ivi-mln-r 1, IhfK. "Mr. Mt'OiiMl will tiwl il'-in rul 1'im. n'r Aif'iit Kim', of th, NocHiirn , 'till', ninl ikiH-ml I'uMxniKir Annt Wli.1 ni'y. of llm ihrnit Northern, thin wi-f-k. u'nl irfr t ni iin..,in nl for hmiillliui (aiiwoiiiir Imimim-w, for tha lliiwiillnri Vliiiiil Hifiuirh th., northi rn l'Way. "It In iinnrmWi how nuinv mH will bn ilml In wrvlc" hniiiclUMy. hut two frrtiClitiTl ara wrrttmry to hunilla tha ljinMMi offi't"!. AmKlwf jui:K'r trvmrr aivl prohuhly a ttilnl fniifht'ir will m nv-.ry rtn Ion." In several vaaa tha auJIora mn fr JtfMillKI llAlUtOAD HA LIC. j (un by tha oM women ami chlblpn of tlm trlb. Tti tyv of one wore goujid BAN KHANTIWO, Jim. r -Th rhnm. ou, tf(,na na-n wotrally watrhl I, In ay. 'r -wrailon. rr an til to ! lh4I .i-brtrMte iaonrat(,ma for their fH for tlm tmiufT to a b - traiia. I I'.inuii'iiod mlly of Uu. Hun I Kraiwtmvi ami North v,-tn: JlRllro.i.l, wNrh rutia from I'klith haunt to IHiill ltf.i.1 fhmu tm fiWTV ! , .mv rlk.ak 1'fiM tit-a-aaaaa..!-! ll'M fllin tuiMl-rM MfV ! . ,. ' . ... ...'.. ... ,n. Hint th..y may a.ui iM-mlmil fi ll:th tr llMr ix.t iiipliitfl rxii-imlon to i hla laaurt.iar Hi,. t" I'a.nif. that It nmy aluit IT th" n,iilvo livivl from oti of Ihn In-al n-mntnlna ly t'Ttnlnol K.tiU for rojlroiiil. MUHliKIt ANI HOIll'lKlty. HAf'ItAMKNTu, Jan. 77.-11.. bu.t nliihl mi a two iiuu-k,.! mm mionai a hDiiao v.ntM raiwh iM of tlu, city , and hand over money ami vaiuaMc Onn of ,h- Ja,n.. Mataumam. nwidn mmm r.-HiataiKe and in- rouoer " ' him. They then made. thtr cecal"'. SfKII'KS TO FAI HIS TIUPi:t.E8. I l.H AN! Jan. r.-HaraiawM tiy i hualnena and dctillllatnl by alck. iwaai, P. F. Sax ton lommlttcd aulcldn by i ajfphyxlatlon. Haxton and hla wife came Mha uion unui na-rnuy. n at'vrti V atKaheT. Mens' Furnishing jGoods. Il tlnti' e.ililo fnt t tlint encll ,Uy wi.letm Hie oie of nur meii'a trmle, they have fuiitul Hint il i nvuiey aneil to hny here without aiici illriiiK style or (jimlit v, Mciih' hot n'liility Ci'lluloi I I'ollitin 5 cla cadi nt 0 lor 'JS U. Men' 4-plv I.inen Ctillil'H, hiti'Ht style !l lur '.'5 cts. Men' unliiiiii'lrieil White ShirtH. pure linen Ikihiiiii, mnl heavy linriilile tnii-lii. coinitiuiiiiH fiicinit anil n1 1 amnm Mat tilleil, ierfivt littini;, worth .MVIa.. 39cts Mens' nil wool Shiitn or ilrawem tmUtrnl color, valuea to ft r0...95 ,s llilil lulu of Mciih' Henry .lenu liml t'Hlliuunle Plants. HiroiiK h SimipMiti, rei;ii!iir pi ice a 81 'l't 45ct Muslin Underwear. I.alies' ffu'l front French cor net cover, einliroulery unit linen luce triinmeil, pearl QKn buttntiB, worth $1 i"i eueli.. aVUw I.mliea' t)t iihI i it flicniMi', roiiml "1 Qp neck, neatly liniall 'il AC7U Liiilies' line lawn extrn leiiKth, Mariilleiite chcniiHO triiimiod in eiiihroi lery iwul nnsertinK tucked rullle, hemliiiK ninl QQ- rthhoti, worth i ,rni CCU AH AN BROS. SAILORS EATEfl BY CANNIBALS Horrible Fate of Eleven of the Crew of tneMaubire in New Guinea. THEIR EYES GOUGED OUT j Af p..-,, Tnr1nr,fl Thu Were Killed end Their Bodies Boiled for the Gruesome Feast. I VANCOi;VKIt, U. C. Jim, 2T.-Aftr ciilitiiif (1,-u.uh by drownlfiK. 11 of th" i-ri'W of tho ahlp Muitlmr w, oioluri'il atul riilit) by rannllinla of Ni-w Oulnu. j Thn Usvnlatrw wn twunil for Hyln'y, ' Auntriilla, whm aim waa uht In th I torrlMn anlfl of I-niliT, Ne;ir :y Nnlwm atiq twin to lnk. Tlio ttrt-w, II , all tolil, l'-ft Oia vi-awl In two taiu anil ; aoon Iiktiiiw? ai-iiamt,"!. Oimi taxit, con. i iuliiln 12 mi-n, waa flnoJly thrrwn upon t1i ahoro 10 ni1t" from U mp'. Thi tutor w,-r ,lil ly na-tlwa from thi- lirKr.- ami hurrM off o th village of tho hu?f. (no man. Jam Grm-n,-, . j (itml. Tho aallora wr atrlpicil anil , bouml anil kllM. onn each day. A wllJ DrKU waa rt1gi!Ma'l In by at lut l ' mvagut, who had fft0i?t4 for Oh- fiat. lh A hu pot mil with bolUruc f W1ll,.r mwl UK, liui f41lft wW,.h m (u, n, nny Into ih nlicht. In nvart tui tha tn-n w-re h.4MtaU"I. tti-tr hiatila txintr attuk on imhai anil ural-l l-ffra tho tnn who wa-n to auffi-r lha mvmn fate. Ornma waa ricuM by a at miner after ' fr!ur)tnf without food a ay and a nlicht , rm,n rh t. Thn an ria of horror (,, tuld wfinMi"l h- lialr anowy i ,(10. , . U. !'. BTIK'K KXCHANUKD. NEW YOltK, Jun. rf. It a-an atatnl ! Iat nliflil ltio.t lh. A-.talla of tha plan for ' fX. or i mon i-annc cimmim ; atook for tiTKon ffla-t I.lno at'-ck would o,, nuoui iiuoik; in an aiivriia'mnii. i no i ,i rnm f tlaat fnlon I'a.iflc have aft '"n "" V ' .T.! . .... . " f-H- ay. t wU be ahan, for ahar.. on I toliMl ot Boon Line ai a. n un j-atrtrus'1 to tha. di al. In lh ahnpe of a 'atnnll aiwuanMiit on th., Short Una! hol,t.T. Thl d.ul alwuld net the fn on I Purine alamt al.OOu.lM). LEFT UKHIND. SAN FRANCISCO. Jan. r.-Capuln J. F. Morrlaam of company I. and Lleuten. mi F. M. tfrrtftb, of the Twentieth l nlte.1 Btatea Infantry from Fort l.e-arena.-orth, with ev,-n noiKommlalond o'llcei and NoUntr can tuiike Jiiny!uuiy on iilk and Dress Goods ma exitit you tn'te Rlvintage of the inut HhrL'iutiH e oirer. (.treat price cut a'l thin wit k on the entiie atm-k, iiiilliinif reservetl. all gent to the h.triiiu .Miuiteis, the clioicest ami the U-nt. Colored otid Block Silks., nil hIhiiIi of iill-hke fact culms, imported Jap.. Iiave sold at 2'ic und 'iW-4 r. peryrd luw 15 pici hlnck and (Mlored Tir. is t ii'tt i I not cr.ict wtii tli, 50c "5e per )tl. Colored Dress Goods 25 piece of mixed Scotch Tweed, very at vliali C'.oiini.'- i.n.l HHX- turifi, have hiiM ut 115 ami li.V 'a" Id piecea mixed'wool guitini;, sood coloritw, have mild foe 411 mid 50c peryrd 17c 54 Inchon wid all wool navy 'blue or Murk En'liiili Btorm oeie, won Ii 75c per yrd . 50c Black Dress Goods 13 piecea t'mured l'.lack Mohuir dresM 8iiilin iitwiiys sold ut frtV per yrd ', 35c Yoiirchn'n'0 of 18 pid-es nil wool fancy floured black diess skirtiiiK worth 7ft to Sou per yrd, now (or Wo i The only a iw iirtvutnf, wrr Irft hthlnd whMi tha tr iXlirt I iindl.i aatlM (or Manila. Tha tifli vr.' Mirl idwira Imva and twill ri'purt 1 1 CtM'ttii fhcftrr at lh ITwHllo. Ttm jr1vata wrr ft ttWtn any irmla alon to ko aahora and ar In drmd of aurnmary puna1im'it.' ,.' , : , TO llt;iU f'APKft MILT. MAHINKTTK, WH Jan. 27.-A com. puny lh(U will aoon build a pnper mill at Whlla Itopt'la. V) mlb from hri. on tho Mi'iiomlfa rtvnr, will tw oriranlxi'd in a few diiya. fMkoah and Swwb pypli, lii' luillfitr Klmtwrly, Clark tt Co., ara in. lntwl, Tlm mill will roat IWi.Wxl and will rimniif o iurn i lotia a day. rnii.AiJKi.nuA iti;Air. HAN MI'JO. fa I.. Jan, 17-Th rruliw I'lillioU'lphla la tx-arly rail'l and It la f.rolrallo Hint aim will act way fir H. mon tomorrow mornlrav. Nervous Dyspepsia To fiiiln K,-ah. to Hli Well, to Know What Apr und O'Kid Ilif-t!im M-an. MAKK A TK8T V STUART'g I'KIWA TAULKTH. DY8- No trouhlo t mora commoti or more mlaiinil"raiofl ihun mTVOua dyatx.-piila. r"Ila hav.ruc It think th--lr m-rvaa or to blame and am aurpruwd that thy ara not cured by nerva m'dt'.'lnea. The real U of the rrCnMe.t la lot aiKht of. The at.wnuoh la the ormn o be looked after. NVrvoua dyapepUta ofton do not have any pain wlmlever In the atomach, ror perhapt any of h uaual tymptoma of ntomath wiknju. Nervouf dytppala how Itaelf not In the itomivh JO much aa la nearly every orltn. In aome cam.a the bwrt pajplutea and la Irreg ular; In otheri tha klneyi are affected; In othura he bowela are conatlpated, with hMidi-hen; atlll otheri ara troubled with loa of fl'h and apinnlte. with accumu. liitlons of iraa. tour rlaifK and heart burn. It U affl to any that Sluurt'a Dyapvpa'a Tablnia will cure any atomach wiikneaa or diieaao exi-otit mncer of the "tomach. TTey core aour aiorrach. naa. to? of fleah and apttlite, alo-pleaamaa, palpita tion, heartburn, conatlpailon and head, acha. Send for nluable Urtle txxik on atom. a, h dlatam a by lulilresaing K. A. Sluart Co.. Jl.irhall. Mich. All driiKKlats aell full alz-d puckuarea ax 50 cntx. Prof. Il.-nry W. liecker, A. 11. the well known rul-g-ioua worker and writer of St. Louis. S-j.Tftary of the Mlmton Hoard of the German Mvthodlit Church. Chief Clerk and KxiH-rt Accountant for tha Harbor aol Wharf CommlMlon. Public Secre tary of the St. Loula School Patrons' Aa. aoiauii. anu inn libiticl luu in? ca ui S-ewarda of tha M. K. Church: alao u-kea an .,Va Mri wurk of Epwh , ljeuf,uf anJ t0 Vlrtlt on edUjati0Bal top. , malnea. How he found :.... . I ' ,s t1t l01J ,n n wn wa,: j n ai, iui waum .,ai m,thlng about lnd!rftsti.j, and laaing a oox rrom ma pocaei aaia iTy , Riuart'a Tablet." I did, and wai ' prjniptly relieved. Then J Invet1irated the nature of the tablot and became aatlaned that they were made of juat the right thing and in just the r:ght proportion to aid In the aaalmilatlon ot food. I hear'.Uy endorse them in all re. ap-a-ta. jt.d I keep then constantly on 1 hand." Ladies' Coats Without exception our collection o( k'ood clyli.-h I.Hiliee' Coats will ecliiise nil previous Belling thin aeft'oti. I.ndi.s' ninckCiuisimere dutihle brcHated toat, regular pricetf O OT W 50 4)Z.ZU I.ndiea' S-" 00 black or nuvy 0 Cf bine lieaver jackets 0,UU I.di.a' S". 51 all wool Melton OQC Jacket 0.33 Ladies' $10 00 tao covert cloth J" fin inlaid, velvet collar, tiy front w.UU Ohildrens' Coats. $2 i" navy blue cr)je, full biuk, trimuied .with white aontucb braid $3 50 nil wool F.nolish broad cloth, laej;e collnra', three styl ish colors, jrreeu, brown nud ri 5 50 chiidreim' nil wool Astri enn cloth, lotoned etltrtu, silk liut'd revers, a very stylish garment Ohildreim' nil-wool eider down ooatH, brnid aud fur trimmed, worth 3 :0 1.50 250 3.50 95s Ladies' Wrappers at loss tlmu the cost of the material. 81 00 flannelette wrnppora.lined 3Q waist JxJ 81 50llannelette wnippers.heavy mnteriiil, ai.t lined 95c store that - BOVEREION nnfllONS A8 EDITOR. WALLACE, Mil ho, Jan. 77. Jamoa D. Ckrverrtirn haa tamlrired hla realirnaUon aa editor of tha orwan of thq Wevtarn Fed. aravtlon of Minora. When Uio popullat atata lonoitors oornUnnd With th raptihll carai to ontnnUn tha at to aanata, 8oy. et'n conoi-inni4 tNa ad and he now (rlvea notice of Ma rnaliriuttlon. HOTEL AKRIVALS, OCCIDENT. Fnink Taylor, cnptaln Fourtet nth UnH e1 Hlatea liifaturv. J. O, Dwartx, Vancoiivar burrarki. Julliia U Hiova pin-tlaod. A. M. Mmtih, I'ortl.MwI. Jl. K. Htnlth, Portland. H. M. Ormit. Pmrtlaol. H. A. HiiOotk, Ifirtland. T. J. tWinnaii, Portland. J. A. Hold. Portland. '. It. Kiaowltoti, Portland. Ham Vr'n. Kin Krnnciwo, Alex Wn Vranclaoo. J. II. Yomuf. rltn Knim:ly, Jiirm-n t. Murray, H-a.n Pmndaco, K. Htlvwratorw. H.m Kranctaco. M. J-uoN, Han Krru.ioo. W. J. Reed, (MklnrKl. K. iJ. Nitwberry. Phlladot4lla. 4. HurW and wife. Ilwatw. Wlllkiim rltout. Jlwaco. P. J. M,'wan, Chinook. Oewtftj A. HklnnT, Fori Btevena, PARK Kit HOUSE. V.. L. Mny .n.l wife, f heha.lla. it. W'ulrtiiT. loo-am. ICnirland. M.ul;un Wiitther. Itvlon, KnKl.xnd. Mien U fMr-he.lmnn, Ioiulon, bofc-land. H. Hwnderaon. Hvenaen. M. H. (irtawold. Oyaterrllle, A. U Polltle, Bvnen. 'harlea II. Mnc.ui, tivenaen. P. II. lladden, ilanunond. Columbia Bevel Gear Ghainless Standard of the World. The Wheel that Satisfies, A few remarks from Astorinns who ride it. Ft'LTOX BROTHERS, Attorney a at Law, poiw, Manufacturing Company: Gentlemen I have ridden thl year a Columbia Chalnteaa. and believe it to be tha very beat bicycle made. To apprerlita It la only necraaary to ride It, then you will be (ontetit to ride no other. Respectfully youra, O. C FULTON. O. B. ESTES. Phyalclai) and Surgeon. Mr. ljutm Gordea, Ajretit for Columbia My Dear Sir I take thia occaeton to threa montha thl xummer by my three moat perfect mc-hantsm. and give the machinery thai I have ever had In my the Columbia Chalnlwa Bicycle, for my ip Riach, where It wa ubJeoted to foir and apray of the ocean, and there I to have Ave minute retail r made on It Again expreaHir.g my apiiredatlon, In poHneaolrar the wheel, I remain, most Prices for COLUMBIA CHAINLESS, MODEL COLUMBIA TANDEM. MODEL 47 and COLUMBIA. MODELS S7-5S COLUMBIA. MODEL 4S HARTF0RDS, PATTERN J VEDETTES, PATERN U . .. VEDETTES. PATTERN Pope Manufacturing Co. Portland, Or. Controlling Oregon, Washington, Montana and Idaho. Odds and Ends 9 dozerj Ladies' celebrated S C. cor se 8, vnliies to f 50, to be cloned 0Q , out at Infant' lot g dresses aud slipes, all nicely embroidered and lare trimmer; values to f! 50 each, to iQa close out at ' 43 li 500 yrds heavy lnoee, worth to 40c Hp ynl, to close them out quick.... lUu l(X) piiirs childrens' 25c all wool hose Cfn to he dosed out nt 3 pair for... JUu 20 dozen all pure lineti aplnshera, tray cloth, und nil kiuds of fancy ICp articles, to be closed nt euch.... IJli 50 pnira ixll kid uloves worth to OCa tl 50 per pair ujl Ladies' Drawers. Lndies' good inuslio drawers 20 inches aide, embroidery 1 Q tlouui-e, a good 35c drawer... AtU Lndies' best quality cambric umbrella drawers, deep, double Hounce rullle, regular 1K- price 75c XtJO Umbrellas. Fnylish Gloria umbrellas, natural wood. Dresden A, bandies: worth Jl 25 j"t Childrena' fast blsck cotton gloria, 22 and 24 inches, worth 50c 35c Great reduction in our fiue umbrellas to close out quick. sells cheap. Astoria, Oregon ftnma woman ara afraid In th dark; and othera are afraid In the lliflvt. t, Tha disquieting mliiroba of 1uv ftlya ti old ba'hekor a wht brth. Tlia TeM charm in hot chooolata) ap. parantly Ilea In Ilia mountain of whlpptxl iTnam aorvad with ft. There are over 2X hranda of wlna nro. diMwl In France, but mora wlna la drunk tn r.nftiawi that In Franca, and London la the KrcoiteMt wine mark.K In ih world, Potfuipe tha reaaon why a many rotaifh dlumonda aro trenUtl aa they ara In 10- o'j-4y la that the pome world thinks ttiey reuire rutlmx. THROUGH TICKKT8 TO SAM FftAN- CISCO AND SACRAMENTO, ALL RAIL. Tha Aitoria. AV Ooiirmbla River RailroaA Company haa placed on aale at both tha city and depot tickot ofllrea throuah ticket a to San Frandaco and Sacra manto via Ita Una and tha Southern Paotflo from Portland. lutaa from Aatorta ara aa foltowt: F'rat-clajm, Including berth In Putl. man alceper trron SononU-olaae, includlnar berth ttl tourlat ileepor .117.00 At deetmatlon there will he made a refund of 18 on nmtclaaa and 14 on aae. ond'Claaa ticket, maktnir throurh net rata JJ9.00 flrat and tU.OO aeoondlaat from Aatorla to points named. ASTORIA. Oregon, Ootobar 11, lam. ASTORIA, Oregon, October U, ISOt Bicycle), Aatorla, Oregon: thank you for advising ma to purchase daaetotera, fix month ago. It la of (ha moat perfect aatiafaoUoo of any piece of poeweaaton. It waa ued oonatanUy for daughter at my lummor home on Clat. tb aandy road and beach and to th not a marred spot on .l; nor have I had since K haa been In my potweaarton. ail thanking you for my good fort una respectfully,' at your service, O. B. ESTES, M. D. 'qg Models. and 51 48 .175.00 . 75.00 M.M M V WW , Kit Linens, White Goods. Linens are are nt their best in thin. No matter what yon want in thia lino yon will find it in our linen department in generous varieties, nnd at prices sure to effect a sale. 1 yard wide fine soft finished Lousdale or fruit of the loom y,e muslin, worth 10c yrd I U 2 yards wide best quality un bleached sheeting, worth 18c -t Alir yard J.fc 0 2 yards wide standard quality bleached sheeting, worth 20c t ynrd IOC 18 inches wide heavy twilled Stevens brown crash, worth ir 6c yard OL 16x36 pure, white hnck towels, Kr, red border, worth 10c each.. iJj 20x10 hemmed, alt linen buck OH towel, worth 20c each t I 70-inch wide blenched Union table linen, dice ptittern, 1 Q worth 25o UVj 72-inch extra fine quality double damask, colored liorders "ytZn tablecloths worth $1 25 each I UL 3i)-iu;h plain white fancy checked and striped lawns and dimi'ies and jiluiii welts and fancv figures and ducks, fr worth 25c yard JKj t 580 Commercial Street, A"