T1IK DAILY ASTORIAN, TlESl-AY MOKMNU, JANUARY 24, im JOHN T. LIOHTER. Editor. Telephone No. M, TERMS Or SUBSCRIPTION. DAlLT. Bant by mail, per year .....HO 8nt by null, par month U Served by curler, per month........... .IP SEMt-VVKEKLT. Bent br mall, per year, in advance... !S.OO Postage free to uicribrs. Atl communication intended for publi cation should be directed to tha alitor. Business communications of all kind and remittances mini ba addressed to Tha Aawrlan." Tha Astorlan guarantees to tta adver tisers tha largest circulsuon of any towspaper published on tha Columbia Mm. AdTBrtlalnc rata etc Pa aaa oa appfl- satloa to tha bualnaaa manager. THE "MARITIME RECIPROCITY DEL.CSION. whn v art pruadMl K abandti: tha protection of our ahlpplnf upna tha eaa, our penpl -ra ahown by our taf t4an competitors tha thirftloal bctv cflcanao of "nkartclm rrefprocfty," brU' tlful m tlxurY. but utterly lacking in practice. TV Don our fumgn Hvala had by aubaidles end otlr aid and protec tion to (hair shipping, given a das ard ft ratio; to h-oa sailing shtpe and atam. rs not grunted to American woodea sailers, there was work enough to b bad for aM of the sailing snipe hi exist' rooe. But the difficulty was. not to com pete with eteamrrs. but to get work r vteetla under the American flag. A soon ad an idle American ship was sold foreign, she soon found a job. But, sup. pose the need of the time was metml screw propellers, we are perslt?utly told by our foreign friends that we ami J not build and run them moaning, of course. under ih contll'Juns of "maritime reel procKy" or free trade In carrying. !f true that we could not bulM. is H true that we could run, wkb profit, such vessels un der such condillons? Coating ooth.ng, oould we run them? We hud wooden screw propellers whose owners found It would oot pay to run them in the for. eigu unprotected trade. When such papers as the LooOoo Times begin to discuss the shipping sub. Ject and eapecinUy that of the Vntted Elates, their taik. as they bebeve It to b tint national tacerest. Is sM from the free trade point of rteir. Trom the pro. teetton oetkwk, ajjy kind of Tease could be feuitt ta the t'nhed States and run profitably to way mart of trade. What cannot be done under free trade can often be done under protection. For proof, study the Industrial history of the United 8t (" or of Great Britain her. elf. It must be presumed tltat Brftlnh newspaper writers wre not ignorant; that our undefended wooden sail ships were run out of business in the trans-Atlantic trefc, not by Iron steamers, or by iron sailing ships, but by the protection given to British shipping. How It was applied our Brflteh cousins could, if they would, inform Os; but some of our own people have been so far miplad as to adopt the foreign Idea that It was iron, and not the protection given by foreign natlorm to their ships, that accomplished our de feat. Protection of the kind our foreign rivals applied was the breath of life to Iron shipbuilding and to the running of tron vessels. What one kind of protec. tion did for BrH!h. German, French and Japanese shipping, another kind could have done for American shipping. Our ships rwyyj not h.ive been driven off the s. They should have been prut-ct.-d. Tho tale about the Inferiority of wood to Iron, and of sail to iteam. is told to mislead the inexpert, and to conceal the aagressive tactics under which Ameri. can shipping gave way to British and foreign competition, as every unpro tected industry Is bound to give way to protected. . One of the most exciting events of the present session of the Fifty.nfth congress will probably be the. fight that will be waged for the passage of the bill Intro duced In the senate by Senator Hanna for the upbuilding of our shipping In the foredfn trade through a graduated scale of government aide, similar in theJr amounts to those cow paid by foreign government to their merchant marine. It la snid that the bill will not tarn long In the house, but that the arena of hot and extended debate will be In the senate. If patriotism counts for more than rjartteanship. the bin will finally pass and be promptly signed by Preei. dent MoKialey. Tha development of the tin purte manufacturing will pale into Inslgniflcanoe alongside the accomplish, menu of such a bill as Senator Henna's. -iWtfffi REPORT 01 trie Cou'rfty Clerk? of ft atop County, titate of Oregon, showing tn number snd smount of claims allowed by the County Court, for what allowed amount of smrrant drirwn, arJtf amount of warrants outstanding and unpaid from the 1st day of July, WS. to the Hsr day of December,, imt QanaralPund. COVNTY COCRT. Balary county iudgs $ 450,(0 IVr illrra and mileage, commie. nilsetoi.er ,, SSJM rc ofuerr at Seaside .......... n).W Attorneys fcea case of ftabln vs. W. O. Howell ........,..,... w oo Legal advice. ss. Conveying biy tu reform school a oo Toti .,$'lo3S W CIRCUT COURT. Jurors' fee and milr-gre to Witness foe and mileage. n ai District attorney's fees SC m Reporter's fees o it) Ifv'tn's service w Aiicrnev fees, defending state case IS 00 Expense rlnif iMiwrs j7 I'rtittlnir and nilscclUneou n Tola! t J.1S4 ii .U S TI K COl RT. ' Justice fees $ tJ 40 Constable fee $4 Pisiitct attorney's f jij 50 Juror's fee nil mileage I? 00 itnos fees anil mileage IIS TO Total f U3 JO COURT HOl'SE EXPEXBli. Sulsrv Janitor ! 1J9 w Water 4 w ( Srt Ti Kurl JS M Supplies , ; id Repair ITS IS Total tuso COUNTY CLKRK'S OFFICE. Sularr room clerk I.frti ft) ft.U.iry deputies ( Total $ J.14S ST SHERIFF'S OFFICE. SMary tertff l.Ort CO Salary deputy fll gr Sundry expemsea fT 00 Total $ 1.(3 T RECORDER'S OFFICE. ftnary recorder t LOW 00 Drat.lng Total S 1.0U SO TREASURER'S OFFICE Salary treasurer S 9 S3 Total $ 4SJSJ SCHOOL SUPTS OFFICK SAlary school superintendent I It SO TSxwher's easmlnationa TS 00 Ottl.e rent and advertising u 50 Total $ SB TO CORONER'S OFFICE. Coroner's tWs f 1(5 SS Physician's fees WW Boat hire 19 V) V1tners i i Juror (3 40 Total 2H 05 JA1U S.ilary Jailor t 450 CO HiMM 01 prisoners k si Repairs and supplies it 1 Medical attendance and medicine. l si Total S 1.07 SS ASSESSMENT AND COLLECTION OF TAXES. Saiarv assessor 1 fiJl ia Ailary deputy 4i0 0ii Clerical attendance i-henifra office 72 Oil Crp-(nit and extending tax rolls.. W ) foeitng notioes J.JT1 s Advertising delirrauent roll ff 5o Tx roKs 1.0 w T.vx PA;d on tax purchiwee 4 in) ) n;i,imnu 35 Total 1 9.S ;o CHARITY. Board and atfendance at hosnliall 4s 40 Paupers bonrder Ij 0.) l"TON-in furnished Monthly allowances Burials Imns-ent soMiers Siihiry overseer poor 97 50 . 133 f 0 00 1.TS1 40 Total BRIDGES. Bridge No. 1 Bridrea built by contract Lumber and aoDuliea t 445 a 143 50 TS Ti 57 00 10 00 Saijry keepers of bridge , InSDerttn' roxta and brideea. Surreyins; Damages , Total I L10 ST IXSANH Exassi nation t 1400 Total i iToo ELtcnoxa Judges, clerks and wsesurers..S S27 SO Hauang t-ootns. rent polling plana, etc SI SS Total ..$ SS7 15 CURRENT EXPENSES. Printing and advertising 114 63 Books, statkmerr and Doalaxe .Y3 79 Furnitur tun 00 Telephone li 00 Total S 43 Total amount of warrants drawn on general fund C4.966 4 SPECIAL ROAD FUND. Labor and material expended from apportionment to road districts by supervisors I 1,479 03 Total amount of warrants drawn on all funds S2S.343 49 WARRANT ACCOUNT. 0 n : x : u c : US o YEAR. I ss... 4 Oil... 5 20... 36 V2 59 .... 3 20 4 01 6 30 33 a 59 90 3S4 41 6il.H 37 014 J7.152 78 PW.-91 I4-M 1-T-S 2 20, 417 Jll 5S i 4.W Kl S.-il fis, 35.970 00 , T 01 37.443 59! 2X9 SI I I S 78.221 09 IKU-d July 1 to Iec. 31. ' I 20.343 49j 5.738 93 05 IW4.50 58 S W.8 53 1 T. m 05 Wben we read of an elephant hunter who has been trampled to death in the wilds of India, we wonder at the foolbardiness of a man who will travel round the world and endnre all manner of hardships, in order to court death in a far sway j angle. A man does not have to make a journey to India in order to court death in a manner equally foolhardy Thousands of hard worxfng men are daily courting death in a mncb more certain form, without erer leaving their native vil lage or cities. They sre the mea who neg. lect their health. They are the men who court death from consumption, or some other deadly disease due to improper pr insufficient nourishment The man who suffers from bilious or nervons disorders, who ha a weak stomach and an Impaired digestion, who has lost the power to eat, rest or sleep, and who fail to take prompt tep to remedy these Conditions, ii Court ing death in the guise of some fatal malady. Dr, Pierce' Golden Medical . Discovery cures 98 per cent, of all case of bronchial, throat and Uryhgial affection that lead up to consumption. It soothes the cough, facilitates expectoration and restore the lost appetite. If corrects air disorders of the digestion, make the assimilation of the lift giving element of the food perfect It invigorates the liver and purines and en nche the blood. It is the great blood nukef, nesa.builder. nerve tonic and re atoratJve. It is the best of all known med iciiie for nervous disorders. Dealer sell ".nd have nothing else "lust as froA." I hd s tad coujfh snd got SO low with il that 1 couia not sit up,'1 write Mrs. sfitti Oray. ot fir Uttdon. Union Co., Ark. "Our family KTf '?ld mV husband that had cotisump. ; . V SA P0 throng air chest and spit up' Maud. X took your ' Gulden Medical UlsCoecry' sad it oared ou. It aaved my life." fll'MM ARY. Warrant a outstanding July lot. IS. K rs.ci i Warrant Issued Jtilv 1st to le. rust. m,.,. KJti 49 104 W4 Wnrmnta Paid ceneral fund I KM 4S Wnrmrrt paid ieoial mad fund I.? 04 V W W 5J Total mntnt of warranta out Rtunlln lv. Mat. 1 S .RS OS ttTATK OK OU1-MOX. I . corsTY tH oi..T!tr,i I. It. .1 Whi-rltv. tttitntv vlirk of Olnt. ih:.l ho forrmvii In a truo iuvl rrvt nit-nnni of tlv .'un. 'inn of oultn al. o.l ly ih kiiiity itntrt rr tw n of tn mouiu of -.ur;nt out- KtnilittllK "1II Ml tll, Jlt llilV of lvivmlvr, .V. IV K"'v i ih''' frim th iNv.v.ls in lov mtuv anU cumv.ly. Vtima niy p.i-i.l .til tho ,m1 of aAld coiimv oouh uitixi.l. thla Jrl Jay of January. A. IV l. ISI-;.L U. J. WHKlttTY. tvunty Olrrk. S K MI-. X SUA I, STATE M K XT Of tho tvunty Murr of lt"'P tVimty. State of Oregon. T'r the X month rndtng mi lio tlst day of He. cvnilH-r, A. IV. 1 of motley received n.t Hi.t out. rrom nnom rt'iv.t ami frvwi what sourw and on what tic- couik mlJ: OEXKRAIj FUND. To balttnoe as twr kist mn- iwrt li.4S 4 To amount thi ed front county clerk Fees of ofnoe tx Twmths.. l.l;t Vt Tax puix-hnae redemption 1.SJ SO Reporter's too .., SO 00 TO amounts received ftvm tvortff Levy and coen on deltn. quont tux. IS"T J14 $S f'ltnuuent tax. !T I.tVi 41 Fe.a of office six montha. J7) IS ttuvda of J Davis, com mitted to insane asylum. since deoensed 5 55 Tux on property bid In by county judire 4.M TO To am.unts received fnm r-corvlr Fees of office six nHmtb. 1114 00 TV amounts reiyis-ed from Ituuor licenses 4oJ 00 To s mounts recet-ed from all other sources Wm. Pohl. funds diecov. ered upon the body of P. Vesterberw 4 JO Body of unkiMiwn de. aeceaaed J SO Transferred from state fund SI U S1S.SS" Rv amounts mid- County waj-nuits S5.W3 IS Intxeet on same M f Current expense tax tstt.. tiM) 13. Sit S? Bnlanos on hand S 3.040 13 STATE FUND. To amount receive.1 from sheriff. dellnauent tax. K' t M T.i Atiufttint rn.tve-1 fritm clerk. tax purchajk. rodempikon 59 ; Total S 51 rr 1' To amount transferred to gomrol f jt. 3l r St-IUXM. Fl'XD. T-. v..., ... , w, tfitw ,0 ,uinD , - 1 J -1 . . . , j ... . - 10 anh.ur.ts n-ce.vi mmi jmit treiisurer. .U'p.iti Tmi.'iits irre- ducable fund 4.i4l W Sheriff. d.'lumu':it taxes 11'T T") 3 Clerk, tax purchase redemptions 3m 11 Total By Murrants pasl. SN4 Ikilanco on hand S Rtri'UI. ROAD FfN'n. tW SO To bol-inca as p. last report. S 113S ' ffi.f&J'1 nr.. ......i f .K..He , i.wtltuie ruini To nnsHint received from sheriff, delinquent tax. ISTi Clerk, tax purchase red-mptlon M T , S 34 I T....I lt?H'l.lr"' 1'W By warrants paid 1.T24 04 Balance on band S PUBLIC ROAD FL'XD. To balance as per last report. ...S INSTITUTE FUND. To balanoe as per last report.... S To amount received from school superintendent ty, .t -13 u 49 SS I 3 5 I 00 t 93 S M Total S By warrants paid Balance on hand S too CITY OF ASTORIA. To balance as per last report....! 14 34 To amounts received from she riff. denrraoent taxes. l.W i3 is Clerk, tax purchuse redemptions. 24 54 Total S ! AO 'Jl By amount paid city treasurer l.ixM 34 Balance on hand k5 14 CITY OF ASTORIA. ROAD. To baiiirwe as per last report.... S 75 To amounts recetved from sheriff. delinauent rax lsK 5n 94 Clerk. tax purchase redempUons. 5 90 Total S SeTT 59 By amount paid city trea-rur.-r.... 75 - Balanca on hand I 7 M T,Mi-v , ic- ft iTail 1U"A "r lUAisur. To balance as yer last report. ...S 3 27 DRiDGH FUND To balance as per last report ....S 3 851 431 To amounts rece v-d from sheriff, delinquent tax Ki7 iril 29 L'lertt. tax purcnase reaemptions. uu I U.l.n, . ,.n hnn.l I S 'erf! Kt SCHOOL DI9TRICT NO. 1. To butane, as per last report... ! BU 'fl To amounts reelved from sheriff. delinquent tax. WSl Clerk, tax purchase redemptions 317 si 210 45 I Total I 1,141 34 By amount paid district clerk.... hub w Balance on hand S 341 34 SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. t To lulunce a per lat report.... I 1 SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. . To balance as per last report... S C7 84 To amounts rec-lved from sheriff, linquent tax 17 1 97 Clerk, tax purchase redemptions. , 70 r,2 Total S By amount pa:d district clerk Balance on hand SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 7. To balance as per last report....! To amounts received from sheriff. .lelino,uem tax l.'U-rk. tax purchase redemptions. Total ! By amount paid distrVt clerk SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 8. To amount received from sheriff. .lelinquont tax 17 S hi T. 72 43 I 45 45 73 39 73 23 5 gx SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 10. To balaiv-e as per lat report....! To amounts received from clerk, tax purchase rulemptton Total J By amount paid district clerk.... SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 11. To balance as per last report....! To amounts received from sheriff, delinquent tax 17 CKirk, tax purchase rejdemp lions. 2 94 2 H 28 4 54 Total ... By amount pal'd'ditrY?rcleVlt".ll ! rt vt 1 33 M j Balance on hund 5) SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 13. To balance, as p-r lat report....! C4 SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 14. To balunro as p-r laift report....! 54 78 To amounts received from shoriff, dellnquunt tax, IW7 n 1 Clerk, lax purchase relemptim! 3 j Total 1 By amount paid district clerk'.'.'.'. Balanco on hand j" SCHOOL DISTRICT NO, 1. To baTSarue as per last report... ! To amounts received from clerk, tax purchase redemptions 5C 44 ' 65 SO ! 89 Balance im hand BCHOOL, DIbTRICT NO. 20, To amount rcoelvevl from clerk, tax purchase redemptions Sheriff, cUtllrKjucjit taxes, 1XS7 1 U 3 80 8 I8 Tofal , By amount paid district clerk. 12 29 8 48 Balance on hand 3 80 , HCIiUOLi UlBiHICT ISO. 21. To balanoo as per last report....! 4 g j 4 18 " , By amount puia aimnci ciers:.... SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 2S. To balance as" pf last report....! 04 ! fiCHOOL DISTRICT NO1. 24. To balance as per' last report....! 1 23 aCHOOTV IDI3TRICT NO. . To amounts rolvid frvun ahlff, di4Ui4iivnt lxa..,, T0 .. lly anunt Ud illattiot oIith.... SOllOOt, niSTRtCT NO. . TV bAlaiuv a Hr report.... To aimmnt iwtvivmt fitm cWik, tax ptirvluiaa mlniilia 1ST SIS Tvwl Hy amomit pttM iilttrU't olrrk.... Sv'UHl. UISTUUT SO. S. T twlatuK a tM-r laat rvHrt... $ l iimoiinlR r,vlvl rtm rl'ik. plllvlUttt IMllIMlll 4 4 4 til 1 M 4 14 "ft? 3 M Tvtnl !i atiuuint piutl tllttr.rt oh'rk. I Il.ii.ititv ,m l in I I 1 srHool, I'lSTKli'T Ni J,1'. Uii" r U o port . . . 14 1 it 3 til M JT 4 M 4 is !t X t', n ii m mum i ? 1 1 iv 1 it'i.,,. .sv-iiiioi. lusri'.i.'T no. iii. To bal.titiv an ir .it tviti I 1 aiiiouiiu ri -i iM j fvom lirlff. Jtllhlu.H t I'lrrk. i.n iiinl.i.i riMoniuon, Total I'y iimount imM .iwtru-t lork ulmv on ttr. $ o,.u..i mitiii.t vn HI ! "OOl, 1ISIUIC1 NO. 31, ; To tmUtue iu vr last reMrt. ...I I SJ 03 37 31 14 M) JT ; MCIKHM. lISTItliT NO M. T tvalainv as per taut nnn-rt....! Ity aiiHiunt I1 d.strlct clerk.., ; Si'lUHn, DISTRICT NO. 31. 1 To oAtuflCn a per Iti-f rei'ort.. I 1 To Amounts i'vin'd from Khertff, ! vlelV)o,uiMit MX Total I lly amount ld JlNitici civrK ... I SCHOOL DISTRUT NO. . I To tvlnn a per Ul report . I To Miiwuint !, vul from horiff. ; itellnquont tax 19 S3 4 TS t U I Total illy amount paid district clerk.. I 31 111 13 TS 1 IS SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. J. ; T tmUtnco a lT la-4 report I ' To amounts reivrdf rout herlff, I .1. riiigifc'iu lax I Tvtl illy amount paid il'etrt.n clerk ... 14 M U TS llalancn on hand I 1 IS f) 31 S3 ii 1 SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. r. 1 To balance a ler last report... t ; To amount received from sheriff. ' Joljiquont tax j Clerk, tax putvha nvlomptsu. Total i sa X U 13 SI 01 3 M 00 1 "y amount iM ilistrlct clerk I SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 3S. I To balani-e n per lnt report . I ! To aiinHint reci lx-eil frm sliertff. dlinieiit tux Clerk, tnx purcluiae redemptions. lOtltl By amount J.I dwn. t clerk 13 td ll.iUnoj on h.in.1 3 54 STATEMENT. Showing tho total amount of money re ceived l.y and pa d out hy II. C. Thomp. in. County trenHUPT. from (lie 3rd day of Juiv. 1. to the Jltt day of leeell!t-r. A. I'. Kv To tHiiam e n t r I.i.t n-iHirt... ll'Vttl l To NiJance n ! T i'ah rvoeived fro m ail source. . v mi 15 Total ' IT n"l T . Cali thil.l. aiirrant. Interrst. nl . l.-rks .VsTl st T"tal amount of rah on hand m cemliT Jlst. 1m W .SUMMARY OF HAI.AM'1-Jt IN MliV. 1 , Kit A I. KINDS 1 ionoral fund I J.ma 43 i'uhlic rtsul fund sH J noni run.1 53 4.'. 10 itty of Astoria 1 'Ity of Astoria, road Town of Clatsop ... V-s 14 a; S4 1 27 1HU School dintrlct No. 1 ... School dlstru-t No. 3 341 M ) 71 S M H ; S hool district No. ( .. 1 School district No. . School dlstrtrt No, il Scht-ol d.istrict No. 13 (4 Schrmt OlietrVl No. 14 . School dlstrtot No. 1 . M.tionl district No. 30 1 School dtstrtrt No. a . School dlstrlci No. 24 . i School district No. . i Sch district No. Jo . 54 1 11 3 W 404 1 23 4 14 IU id 1 is S54 S-n., llrrtrl-t No. 31 School district No. 31 . School itoslrtrt No. 3s . Total amount on hand Decem ber 31st. US S10.159 13 8TATE OF OREOON, la COUNTY OF CLATSOP. I. H. C. Thompson, county treasurer nf I ' I f 1 t, ...MM.. n,.it.ji ,1,. K.ku loertlflv that the n.reiroinir la tru. sn.l j correct stotement of trw amounts re. I""?'. """ oui unu money remaining on ?.'. 1 - ' . y ,r"fur)' '" ,'""'."' V. . ., ,r. 1 ,m'"l''' i' t . ' M . ' . htitp amvu.v 1 , ' i'ai'Vtv tic kisiitu , , . ,. ' ' ""."7. "inn). 1. o-ra "l 1 lai- I sou Countv. State of (nv,m do hen.hv certify tluit the fup-golng stutement of 1 " ' 1 ""mpson. county tnvisun-r. or ,, ,ei,h the Words and nies in my .nd v ...,,., Uffn.-ss my huml and oiticlul seal this jn nny f ,ln,ur, . r, ! I8,-'AI1 II. J. WHKRITY. County Clerk. STATEMENT. Showln ng the financial cnxlltlon r.f Cln.t. nop County. Stain of Oregon, im thn 31st day of Icember, A. D. lWn. LIAII1LITII-H. ' tnunty warrantts oi. stamtlrur as oer rewrt of July 1st. is!) I 09 Warrants drawn sltic. Si.llj 49 Sli4.5 5 ,Dslui-t warrants paid. l'j.tWs U S m.W , Add estimated accrued I lntep-Mt :i !Amt. claimed by stato I taxes, 11 92 IJ.lssj () ', I113.3M 0; RESOURCES. iT.ix pure has.. (Ix'tni ' I Istlimce of tax.n nin 'fsts Wd by county JuIk(. at lax s.i.- and taxe-t tsii.l : Y.ar ! ! 2'1 3 1 S ir l!"i k., in Year 11 C.2;i2 77 ' Year Js'.fi 'I. .'Mi C) I Yir 1V. I 4 722 W I I'sir Wi .7'7 1". I Yeur I .'.' T.7.74 ti2 Year I l.'.'iiSi rw , Y".ir IM lii,14 57 1 I 87.301 IJ3 ;D.dii:t 50 for county school, romt, school I districts and city tax- ex, lricluil-. alxive and 1 erromsus assessmentsl 4.1,730 31 Balance tax-saln fund..! 43.750 52 Penalty and intf?rt, est'mutetl 13,500 00 fash in n-eneral fund. ! 3,11143 Cash In hands of comrty elerk, tax purchase redeinptlorui 4S7 10 -1 W.TfiS 0!) Excess of llablMtVs.... ! 54.C0 00 Rex;ctfiilly submllte.1. ; H. J. WHERITY. ! County Clerk. 1 vai O ; Soap not only for toil et and rath but fof shaving. . Pears was the inventor of shav ing stick soap. Marubou tufts Upped with Jet, pearls and rhineatone are pretty ornaments for the hair. ... 1 ... . . u- ; , VAD'i.-v-inxAi. Baarstluf !yy IM MlO its Haw kinun BOilBl Saatr It la w-nera Igtiomnoe Is blU that ther la bllsntul lgnomiuH I.uittrtant hair, ot utiltorm color, ta beautiful head covering for sillier sex, and may be secured by uitng Hall's Vege table Sicilian lUIr Keur, llajidsoitm Ih-Kk of TuikUh coins with tmt)iiolia make a very slrlklng out lino for a slondor wull. OAOTOniA. Bfan tli ? lho Ht.i1 i i'U Him kM BomiW Blgnatura 0' Small itillarotlea vi velvet, having col lur nd ixln'iiiK of f nr. for tloo not elhiig the cmiooxo of un nil fur oim Acker's ICngllsh Itemedy will stop cour at any tltn. and will curs tn worst cold In taelv hours, or money re funded, tfl and 10 rent. For sal F:t-Conn Drug to. 1 Iron in aniM. poifcctly li '--. with txw iret kIas kIoIhw; tint their price Isn't In proportion to iror sue. That the Mihid should ..rfonn Its vital functions, It la absolutely nocesssstry II should not only be pur but rich In llfs glvlng elements Thesa result are best effected by the use of that well-known standard blond ptiriner, A)r HoraaW rllla Tim London Ttin.w . thai "the city of t oik ha a l irno rtoattng ppuatlon. Ami tluit U not a l.i,l uttoitipt for a Jok for ait English tiewpaer. Mokl Tea po:tlvety cure sick ndaelia Indigestion and conntli4in. A delightful herb drink. Removes all eruption of the skin, producing a porfavt complexion. or money refunded. 35 and 50 cents. sals by Estrs-CVnn Drug Co, Just think tkow wiy It seem hn ytm l(o to bd to not up early III the morning. " "lis ditaiwe lends endi im- nienl to the vww." Acktr'i DyspeptU Tibtet r sold on a positive guarantee. Cur heartburn, rtslntr of food, distress after sating, any form of dyppt. On little ltii give Immediate relief. and SO cnte. For 1 by Eatas-conn Drug Co. Tho lilHa. of inulm shipped from S.in Fmnclacn f r the PhlUip;iis may rvlp the ft.rniatiiCi thoiy. of a (table lEowrnmmt. No healthy person need fear any dsn gtrou coniequsncea from an attack of la grippe If properly treated. 1 1 Is much In same as a aevir cold and requires precisely the same treatment. Remain quietly at horn and (slot Cliainbcrtaur Cough Remedy aa directed for a severe cold and complete recovery is sure to follow. For sal by CliarU Rogers, druggist. Heavy gilt l.u. M. r.i u.s f..r mil. Ilmvy. Ctos4na t'ie i-ol'ir-d velvet of t Iw, soft draNI lo.pies i.'ioy aru ery effei-tliiTf. TO CURE A 'X-l.ti IN ONIS DAY. Tak Lsxatlve Mromo ytnntne Taoieis. All druggial refund the money If It fall to cur. 35 cents Tli genuine ha L li. g. on sai.n tablet The faahiorulila color amorg thn new cloth r'Tv la brown, with mauve auk lining ami a touch of mauve velvet with gold and crenni lov In the trimming. TO THB PUBLIC. ff in iathorlsed to gursjite every bbttla of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy to be as represented and If not satlsfac tory after two-thirds of th content hav been used, will refund th money to tha purchaser. Ther Is no better medloJn made fur la grippe, colds and Wboopttrg eoogh. Prlc 39 and 50 cents per bottla Try It For tho, who do not rrry muffs gauntlel nf fur am w rn to mo ton the boa or svt trlmmtng. Thu 1 a Ijwid.tn faahaon. which will n douht mutertarlxe hern Inter on. PLAilO OUT. Pull headache, pain In various part of the body, (Inking at th pit of th stom ach los ot appatlt. feverlshne. pimple or sores art all posltlv ivldence of im pure blood. No metier how It Ucam ae It must be panned In oroer to obtain good health, Acksr- Blood F.llxer haa oevr fat'- to cur scrofulous or syphilitic pol sons or any other blood dlsea. It Is certainly wonderful remedy and w ton ever bottle, on a posltlv gaarants. For sal by Estes-Conn Drug t.'o. Cyrnno, Iho new shail.- of rul.y r".J with a ting of pink In u. has nin. h to rvc.mmnd It. as It Is s.UI tJ lie one of tho new srsufe-4 of fVil equally t- comlng to lilonnx and In-unntte. HOW TO pnilVENT PNEUMONIA. Ton tr perhaps tiware Hut pneumonia always results from a cold or from an attack of la grippe. During thn enl. demlo of la grippe a few yars ago, th'n 1 so many case resulted in pneumonia, It was observed that the. aiinck was . never followed by that disease wliun Chamberlain' Cough Remedy was used 1 It counteract any tendency of a cold I or la grippe to result in that dangerous disease. It Is the best remedy In th world for bad colds and la grippe. ! Every bottle warranted. For sale by Charles Rogers, druggist. Trlcallops. so much u. a a finish a re I trimming for iln.-ss.-s, nr.. lllitBiPiHed nicaan tn ni cljth irown with a sk'rt In Ihreo Hrculir dlvl.sline. . a -tt ( n. .lir -.i 1h a Imnd of volvnr i-over.-d with rows of s-lllchlng. IA GRIPPE HUCCESHKULKV TREATED. "I bare recovered from the second attack of la grippe this year," says Mr. James A. Junes, publisher of the Lender, Mexla, Texas. In the latter case I uh-d Cnamberlaln'i Cough Remedy, and I think wllh considerable success, only being In bed a little ov.-r two days ug.ilnst ten day for the former attack. The second attack I am satisfied would hac been equally a bad as the first but for 'he use of this remedy, ss I had to o to bed in about six hours after being 'struck' with It, tvhllo In thu first o.'.se. I was able to attend ta business for about two day before getting 'down.' " Kor sale by Charles Rogers, druggist. Thin most econim1U evening cloak, which Is at the same time elegant, Is mad of black siuttn lined with wnlto, flnWieil with a lusxl of white, l-ioo, fast ened at eillcr cmd with a rosotto of 00L nrxl velvet and a high color of any fur which may be at hand. C ASTOR I A Thtr K!mt Yon KaY$ Always Bought 3tu th &LnVCaoX THE RUSSELL Coiiipoiuul Autoiiuitlc KiiLjIne sot Si.v i-"v-'v t'Tjr v v. - 7 r - do. Strong iiiul rVniiniiiit'iil. Writtv us fur purl Iir. A. II. A MUI 1. 1,, Kl'SSKU, it I'd, Muiiiip'r. iVi'llmul, Ort'K"". by Kopp's For 1 , V 1 'it s. j The North Tafllflo firewert. of wblfil' f Boltltvl Iwt for family tise, ur kc MrJoho Kopp in proprietor, tuakea Iwer beer anppliisl at any lime, dVllriry Id for ilomeio anj eiir1 tra.U j the rity free. Horth Pacific Brewery C. J. TRENCH ARD, rnrninfcclnn Rrnlftf-ifA VVI4lllllkrVIVU Ml vnvi HV nsurance and Shipping. llAAAAAUUt AnilAAAJ tTU UVUXAmVTU UVIlTUtAlA; UJ UVUVI O lAAj OA The IMPERIAL Hotel 2 TIIOM. 1UINI'.AN. lroprlclor e ? Hcvcntlt niul 2 vVnultlMKton Ml. tvrtnAruvrvAnjtivnriAAruAn rssti sri'iiu9a?3st!ia?s rasfiMnasratTsgiiirt rarTsurrunii"ix3 3 w a r 2 j. a., rostaocna. 9 ssa. . m. sU UEfiERfiliUOflTR tyrtimatis (riven on All fCliujs of Work. ELssj iiaMiitraarasTBaia THE venth and SHASTA MISEKAL WATCK. I'CITCK. X0HLC. KICK0KY ASI) SHAW'S MALT KHISKlCS. ALL OTHER LIQ10RS. WINES, DEER AXD CKJARS Served Dny unci Nlulit. AUGUST KRATZ. QHUSli.atses, BCPORK o AmB 'i ''""'";. er.ia.s. ...-.k... ..T." fs-esss2Ml lill-iirit I J T. ;"L"WT"" 'w'l wiia.aviuiis.r.iii.BfrsiUp. flfffffjsT 7 luB 0' n-ncb surri. uo,, wm qua sir eui vwi J all i,.r. lA . "ii or tfueasns ul Hie (sin rants ,.rsi.s. psb as Ul s.,li..l (IS tV V 4i l7''a..rii.sU.llill.H,ii,i,,ai tmlsalMn.. Neremi. PrNiliv; II I fiuil'les. Vnnmess la slarrr. (.(I.auoii.s Isso,,.. VarieL7 .. i II W Va7 . - v. mi ...ii,u..ii,.itii ipHiin.iH.ii wrmu ".na1 1 nm r b reaaun sufTrrers ara hot nitwl lie Ixc-tors is Ihs-sus. ninety per rev I are laillla. t'l.'I'l I'KN K Is Uienniv snosrn rrniedr loeiireliiinui an raikni. rrwala ale A wrlllen susr "nifieen and monef reiume.1 If sis Ixiira nol sdmi a IX I' 00 a hoi, .li ..r f. UJ. I,, moll. Ksrut I, if SHsaiiri'iilsr aicl l.uini.i4l. .tdJrvsa li Tot, MEDlrlXK O.,l'.0. MANHnnn sjisttjbi. mil euner sex, eausel by a . I sim .li,ni Inssnlir, Can berarrled nre, a ri...!.. o m. ,:m::::aZlvj7 1S7J 1099 LUKKICATINO OILS A SPECIALTY Fisher Brotht ASTORIA.... SE1 SHIP CHANDLERT HARDWARhl IRON AND STEEL COAL . . OROCBftlRfl AND PROVISIONS t-LOIIR AND MILL KKBI) i-syutiiuur BUPiM.lKi . IKnANIv H flCALF.n ' )HH A Nil WINIMIWH AORICULTURAL IMPLKMENTS WAOON8 AND VEHICLES. tflott's ktyit'm 1-Hls 'itfJt-i. I A lw Itlllnnini V .Lay V, Ji-ir.' Etnergtlvg or- UtiOKg AND A"ibl( I ami. oans 0f (th vx, lucb aa NtrvtxtX Prontration. Failine a. tort Manhood, IrapoUncy, Nightly Eaikv lion, Youthful Efroh, Mgniral Worry, uiv use ol Tobacco or Opium, which lead to Coraumpuon and Inianlty. '' fSX) - ' 1 a... r?vwmj ..... jii L - - - -X" "Best A DELICIOUS DRINK.... AND ABS0LICLY PURE. w. . Cimiont llono iirokcr. ASTORIA, OREGON. Aleut W. Y A Co., and I'a. ttlr tiipress l o t HAN, Proprietor Portland, Or. a . ACTOR AflD bUlbDER HotiMiv Moving Tool for Rent Astoria, Oregon. LOUVRE Astor Streets - - Maiintrcr Jtsi;r ail(ssieshyiLjy.r-i-kL P.eeenu qua ! 1 nipoienee, i riir.ir.cisuMUisu.s, u I'.'. 'J"''y?r r"v r ImnhIM wllh 9ooi.ilm..n. pei uuit ul our Ilul 2U7I, Man I rairiasro. fal. fr l,y CIMRI.KH ROOKKH. Ct Commercial St. ppsmpp - n ify tarrtatr Dr. fean'. aV sf. stats . a w- -; nfriti tt 1 luirsnteed .cmeallntm-u. diseam, such ai Weak MemoryXXj : "'"-firr' Unit''j w""0.l.t M.hoo.l"NlghMy Kmlaf over eierilon .,.ol.f,.f I i"T "I -L..L' .':. . o In , ..... .1. . - . .. "b,u t v ?'"jtw- f n. ukn.. other :, ',' V7.'"" sieiiinn i n . Psris. Frnnre, l.sue tisvla ftugto..airtnbuUugigenUi TUItdMdV.iPblllliu.rOTtUBd or ror Bale by BUTHH-CONN DRUO CO. BLANCARDlS . -or- IODIDE OF IROci for AN 4! Ml A ,POORM!5A of t lie BLOOD 1 CONbTITHTIONAI. WliAKNliSA ' scKiit 111.A, I'te. None genul ne 11 11 less algne, iilsnc aa n'' r.POUOeKAico::N:vAjtfc.rlJ.g.; Astbrli Mile Library READINO ROOM rnEO TO ALL, Open arery uay from I 0 clock to t. . . n l: to 9:M p, m. Bubaorlptlon rates IS per sr.rurn. Wast Cop. El v with and Ouana Hueata, HI M Is a ann-pntsnbnn teiiiwljr for O.morrhiea. l""l. Spsrmatorrho-s, Jlill). on natural dls ?. .nr InBamma- Hull lrrlt.,1.. OUUKa S1UI4.I1 - Osarssws . ss is enow 1 rnfsais wuftsa, lion nf m u e o a s ai..n HUrkJI QHtHiesy fns Hfiis. , ilon-aslrlsjirni. MglTsj tvm. Nan-astrlsMil I j i r.,uu, j inr ssnl la . uismsstn.g.i 17. 8. A. To balantie as per last report rot sals by E6TKB-OONN DRTJQ CO. 1 n CtrcuUr mus on rtuusstisW