1S1CIU.". I i:::L:C U2JIARY ASSOGULTIOn. Ciu VV iff Any ''- ' i.:!i,'f).c (J Tit DAILY ASTORIAN 15 tft tlgl est and test paper on tbe Colomtla Jtiva TIE ASTORIAN bit tni Urpit clrcolitloo of any paperf on tbe Columbia Rival - A ' ss ar-v. - s - WITI-I. ASSOCIATED KI!,?"5 KClUH 1 . ASTORIA. OltEOON, Tl'LSDAY M')KN1N0, JANUARY 24. Jtf'.)'., id. Our 25 per cent The Only CZ4 O-d- a--J T A III IN ASTORIA Our Hpcclnlly: MTOVI2H AINI HANCJI2H W know tln biiHiiwM. Twenty yearn fxuriit't. If you wunt (JOOD Stove, WD tlio tx k ut tlio Eclipse Hardware Co. s Pocket and Office Diaries Tide Tables Calendar Pads Blank Books World's Almanac MiirKiiim inClotli Itouinl rik. Griffin & Reed. uvrll WARNING I REDUCTION SAliE WHOLESALE UNSEATING West Virginia House Is Dem ocratic, While the Sen ate Is Republican. BOTH SIDES HARD AT IT Legislature Now Stands 50 to47 bat Democrats Will Do More Unseating. S ' lnultliy ami u' plenty of Dried Fruits, Canned Fruits Canned Vegetables At tlii tin"' of the veiir. For cash Ends positively On the Last Day of this Alontb. FOARD & STOKES GO. "Wl: SELL EVERYTHING." Pacific Sheet Metal Works Herman Wise The Reliable L0TI1IER k HATTER MANUFACTURERS OF Salmon Vegetable Frslt spice ...CANS... Lithographing on Tin a Specialty. and Syrup San Francisco. Cal. Astoria, Ore. Wrlto Uit for lrlocM Falrhaven. Wasb. C. HEILBORN & SON. The OldeHt Houhc In Antorin. Tlio LnifroM and Only Carpet and Furniture House in Astoria. The largi -A- ami finest utork of Cnrjicts and'Kunulure enrriod y any house iu Oregon outside of roitlnml Reduction Sale.,. To close out our overstock wo oiler ut Uig Iu-ductions Fanev Columbian Souus. eight or ten varieties. Fancy Sliced Peaches and Apri cots, in small cans. Fancy Evaporated Bartlett Pears. All tlio altovo strictly fancy goods. ROSS, HIGGINS & CO COLUMBIA IRON WORKS Blacksmiths BoilerMakers Machinists Louring Engine Built find Repaired Foundrymen Loggers Supplies Kept In Stock Heavy Forging Under Power Hammer a Specialty Sole Manufacturers of the Unsurpassed ... " Harrison Sectional" Propellor Wheel ... Manufacturers for the I'aclflc Coast for the ROBERTS WATER-TUBE BOILER. THE CALIFORNIA SCANDAL Grant Admits Having AJvanceJ Money to Speaker Wright- Nocture In Washington Fight. ( H,WU.i;SToN. W. Va.. Jan. S3.-Thl Iimh Imiii tin. nwwt x.-lliiiir tiny, p illti. cully, urn the kg.itlatiire nit mbl'd, iin.l On. senatortil contest b"gnn. The iI.iikk ral'C tiuijon.y In the Ivum- uu- n:.. two r-iulill.m m'-mlx-rn lust w k. This iitu-ni'Kjii. by a rty vote, the re- Imlillc.tn metnheni of the nate unseated Kldd, a democrat, and nauil In his plaie til repull,c;iii opponent at the lost elet. tion. 11. II. M'tn. In rollutlnii for thl .rowil!ii(; th ilfiii.MTutH in ilu. lnU'luix-J r-'lu" t!oiij !iklij t. th" uniitm( of thre imir.i r. 'iilllc.uiK. II l cxiicttiM thut Xhr miiHl.. will unmix two mure J.'mfKTKt. I'll l (-1 .i y tin l'fc'.l vir.' viitiHjitwl of 0 iv;iu!llciiiH in I 4 il.. iniK-nalM. The Ii.uik.- if iti. In thti in-niito tmlay nnOc Hi.. 1 KKt.t tr- Hl.ni.1 tMi Mm Imllot 5(p .iiI.ii:ih ami 4? ilmiwx r.ilH. Tli-rv ! n.i ( . 1 1 how ililui: will Hiuud w:i.i). the '.'iliotuvif ns n t"ni'rro. f.mlmi!inf. T)K-n It liiim a ran frr llfi, but tfw )UtiKKtT. ttniM wIM houi, finally rm h'vi th h're. It wan mi'n lUitn that all -xet hr? ixmuiu Usui rfulll pUiWi or mwjt. ();i) wiih rrmn not fur tmm th -w York l'l". ni otlx rn wre a man and a wttiiiin. wtw wri tUtir.K aroti thu in toward iho Tanalinn fU'lw. Th man ne-ir tti. New York ahcire kept bin twrnK wull. lliu kyt- wfv dlfi-'it'd towaH the t"4 arch uiwl -r whlrh he would paa If ihn tf conl'riiK-d to nwo down th rlvr. Onward It wnt and Jut a h pwluil thn 1rl-lK he lfacJ from the l and ciuifht the arch a It f-te not fur out from the abutmnt. The man and womao made word time, nv-an- whli, aiKl Mifoly reavhod the Canadian rhore The Urn In plld in a rroat roan about the aUutnv-nui of the upper alecl arch i and It la rumorfd that Ihe atructure ban j l:n Injuwl but tM cannot be v err! DM i Th- m.am.T dixka on em-h aide of rhc j river have b'-en wr-:kd and the Ice hu pilJ up c l'i! to the lncl ned railway j bull'tiriK In the rot If: tltt It ll in d'iny.r I i BI'ANISH CAITAIS MADE j TO 8AI.LTE CUBAN FLAG Came Into Havana Harbor With the Yel low lUuc at Hit llintheaJ, But Wif Called Down. SCHLEY OR SAMPSON? Promotion of Naval Officers Brings Out Warm Debate In the Senate. THE HERO OF SANTIAGO Senators Want the RijnttoTlifc Title to Co to Schley and Not Sampson. WHITE AGAINST EXPANSION NEW YORK. Jan. B.-A dispatch to th 11'fuld from Havana says: Captain Eaton, of the auxiliary cru '-r Reolut, ! captured SO-foot 8tnl.h flaj In the j harbor and tncldetitlaily taushl the city j Bpanianla a lewmn In tnanuera. A Bpaiileh ictwotwr of about "0 torn sailed alonirilde the IVaolute, whre It hove to and. with a cher of d.-flance from the men on board, an Imm. nso j Bpanlah fluff was run up to the masthead, , llh th.. Cuban fl benth It. . Captain Eaton wa forced tc r -c;n:'! the iiiault aiwj mJ-rl Naval C-idet i arrant and Marino Officer Thorpe, with fllo of nuirlnee, Into a ateam launrfi. hlcA apwOlly ovrtixik th Binlard. The captain refused to obey the order lo lower the flag-, whereupon the marinta went aboard and took forcible poawssion f the bpanlnh tt.ie. lwivlnir the Cuban as flying at the masthead. The occupants of rho acliooner were nen cxwipniuu xo give i-u.o wns t,i It Cuban and Amorican tla. ar.ar wnitn Vessel was allowed to proceed. Tbe capturod flair will be hiJd as a prixe. I.AIti.E AMul'ST DI E KltoM 1 UK IjEWKXHKH' fOXTRAvT. Somite InvtutlmillnK Commlttw's RcpTt Shown an 1'iwwurwl Ualamf of IT.OtS Iue the Statf. UT PRICES ; are making a prcnt rut In p-clnl lines. Your opportunity 1 at hand, lou nro bound to lu-rj almcii and should buy now while the ndvantnee Ik so ebvlourty it your favor. Thise shoes arc rot back numbers of uncertain sue, ne and quality. They're all standnrd stock and food values for twice what we nk, iJilrd. Sihobcr Co.'s reduced from 11.60 and SS.00 to 12.60 and $2.75. Petersen & Brown. THE PROOF of the puddlni m In the eating and the proof of liquors IS IN SAMPLING That's an argument that's oon- eluslva a dsmomtratlon. Ours will itand the tast HUGHES & CO. THE I'.Vl.IlVUNiA 'AXDAL. MAt'H.VMEXTo. J.in. n.-TIi,- wntortal fltiiHiliin n nuiln uin huii;il. Hut ono allK wiia taken IimI.iv, which rtvultcd th,. h. un i a the laM uii tukiti S.iturd.iy Wh.ii the work of th- nrx-cliil tmmls. kU.ii vf Inviwtlirutlon Into the srnator.al imiiihIhIh wus iDUini'd today, lnn Cole, ciltuT of tltu 84 Kraiiclsoo mint, Uvti. tl that had ri cvwl u) from Milton Urt'n. Grant's polltlcvU manatr. which had bi-n turned oit to Assombly- nnin JUiuin ti Im tiil by Jiltwn In his IHilitlciU cunvaMt. Aiwemblyman Ik-lshaw tiKtllk-d eliat Assemblyman Dale had tild him that 13000 hiul bwn offered for see otid cholc votes for Bulla. Dale hiid aftcrwitnlit practtcnlly chunW this to a story thut tainO had bwn offerwt to win votes from Grsnt. E. E. I'tvskmi testified itva he hiul beMi tld by l'olliv tmmis. sluiiiir (liiiiMt, of San Francinco. that Pan M. Iturna hiul put tl.mx lixo ,i eenatorlal tltlit. Uurut t.Tlllil th.u he ha.l told I'retim that ltun.it h;ul plven tll.tnV or ll"i.i to the re'iil'li'1'in canipulKii cum- nuttee. V.Hirrln. aitorney for the South rn l'liciile. Mill the company had nothing to do with iho imtortnl tls'ht. Iajilel M. Ilurna Ftatvd that he had suliscrllied money to the nvulur tvimiaiiKn fund, but had tuuttsted no ajuo-nibl) man or senator to nuike his carmutt. I', S. Grant, Jr., tixik the stand after Uurris. He! ml IuivIiik mlvajiivd money to Speukvr Wright. NO I'HAXGK IX VASHI.C.TOX. OI.YMI'IA. Jan. !. Th.. fus.oniw mem. Ik'Ih of the 1. ntslatiirv held another cau cus tonight nnil tor self-proieetlon iicovhI ti Hlatwl by iVnresiUiiaii J. II. IawIs Kour nuMiilit'rs of the imrty threatened to wiilk out If forced lo aupiHirt Governor Koera, Then followed an effort to have the fusion otlli-ein vwteU for at the last urate elwtlon nitide complimentary cnndl tint en. Tills fiilliHl aiul it was finally agreed to stand by Ivcwls. rrovltUxl the republican wmblnatliMis now un.kr ronaiiiittitKm are periectetl tlnre will be a republican caucus tomor. row lUKht. but us contemplated such caucus would brlntr no ohanw. Inasmuch as all senatorial lines would lie so drawn as to ptvwnt stampedinjr. GiHivlersoti, who left Foster for Humes today, has been arranging for this move for two days. Ho was expected to (ret away Saturday. His Inclinations are toward Wilson and ho would doubtless have arrived at his camp today had the balloting: not been cut tihort by adjourn- mmit. L. LEBECK Carpenter and Builder Qencnil Contractor HOUSE RAISING AND HOVINQ A SPECIALTY H.FPraelTransferCo. TalephoM a. DRAYING AND EXPRESSING All Goods Shipped to Our Oar WJ1 Baoatva Bpeetal AttanUoft. No. n Zhiaa St, astoria. Or. W. J. COOK. ltr. Res. TL 111 A TERRirtLE ACCIDENT WA9 NARROWLY AVERTED. Great Ice llrldse at Niagara Falls Broke Loose While 100 Tersons Were Sightseeing On It NIAGARA FALLS, Jan. B.-Whilo nearly 100 persons were on the great Ice bridge In th gnrge of the Nlagnra river the Ice mass was broken loose from thn banks at either end. There were thou sands of flund".y IsMwrs In the park' and upon the upper arch enjoying the beauty of the crystaJ.like structure. They heard the cracking of the lee and saw the great mass as It was moving by tbe swift current of the river and hundreds shouted warning to those on the bridge. Some of these venturesome persons had only gone a short distance from the river bank, while others -were out In the een ter of the bridge and were crossing tb river. Those near tbe end soon found safety but further out toward tbe center were a number of small boys. Before; they were fairly started for the shore the great bridge was loosened from its California Senator Oppose! to Ratifi cation of Peace Treaty-Alaska Bill Favorably Reported. WASHINGTON. Jan. 21-The entire executive session of the senate today was d-viti wholly to a discussing of th promotion of Admirals Sampson and Schley and othtr naval officers engaged In th, Santiago campaign over the brads of officers who were, their superiors in rank. The controversy was then poet, poned for 10 days after a vote bad been taken to call fur the record of the navy department tearing upon the conduct of all affected by the advancement. For three hours the senate engaged In a very animated verbal battle. The main contests were, first, over the general policy of promoting these officers over f the oilK-rs, who were characterised as ! quite a dtervlm though less fortunate. in that they were deprived of such active participation In the war. and. second, l us to the relative mer.ts of Samp&on.aiul i Schley. 8AI.K.M. Jan. 21 -Tlio terinninr of the I Senators Gorraun and Wellington, of hlrd week of the legislative session linds Maryland, one a rvpublican and the other Alaska, ws favorably reported to the house today by Iimdericn, oi the house committee on tsrrltorles. It presorvea the general plan of the senate bill, but n.akin numerous changes. An Important anvnilnv-nt provides that, "whenever practicable, the secretary of th Interior shall rwqu're thr all children between the age of and 15 years ahull attend public or private schools, whrro the In struction shall be in Kngllsh, at least three months In each year." Another anvodnvnt gives a term of the Unit.4 States district court at fik.igway In eacb yir. Other changes give spnointments . of tiotnrfc-s to the governov; Increases the governor's salary from tViflO to 15000, and d-orw!8 the Judges' salary from 16000 to FjOO, and makes all testanwmtary and probate procedure under the luws or Orfgou. GRANTED AMERICAN BEOI9TBT. WASHINGTON, J.na 2I.-Thl was t)!s trict of Columbia day In the house and tlw major portion of the day was devoted to local legislation. The only action of public importance was the passage of a bill to extend the navigation laws of the United States to the Hawaiian Islands. The provisions of the bill grant American registry to all vessels flying the Hawaiian flag, and owned by Hawaiian citizens, July 7, im GENERAL EAOAN 10 BE TRIED UPON TWO CHABGE8. Based Upon Hl Language Before the Investigation Commission Army Beef Was Awful. WASHINGTON. Jan. 21 The charges and specifications upon which Commis sary General Eagan Is to be tried this week have been given to the press. Charge one is conduct unbecoming an officer and gentleman; charge two con. duct to the prejudice of good order and military discipline. The speclflcatlons are two In number and consist, of the language used In bis statement before the war investigation commission regarding General Miles. Mnniitt.es well at work and Nil coiiilrur from the. printer fast tnough i o k.---i hth houses busy. I Two Inviictlgating committees appointed ! at the sitecial session reorted In the sen. j ate this afternoon one. on the affairs of ; ho secretary of slate, which were found all rfctn. and the other on the Loewen- I berg contract at the penitentiary, wh.ch was found quit otherwise. Haines, of the special committee ap pointed to investigate the Loewenberg contract, submitted a ivport, showing ,& duw the state on contract, part of which wain no secured. The report re commended that K2.500 be accepted in ull settlement. The report was adopted. In the house Myers' resolution donat ing to members books worth S5u was rescinded and fcideflnstwly postponed. A number of bills were Introduced and many ikisko! ftirmal retuUngs. i a tiemovrat, united in a fierce attack FIGHTER TAKES BIG CHANCES. OHk'AGO. Jon. S3.-A special to the Chronicle from Louisville says: It Is tbable that no itmu't will be held to determine what caustd the death of Tom Ionising, the pugilist, who was knocked out a few weeks ago by John Root, of Chicago. Chief of Police Haagor advances a nowl nvisou for non-action: "I haw no pn."f that Lansing's death wis causM by a blow," he said, "and. sides, what would be the. use? lansing was a lighter. That was hjs business. He was hurr while working at his trade Many similar cases have teen trii'd and all those who were accuseil were acquitted. I do not think action Is necessary." upon the navy department for favoring Samiwon and Schley, while Senators Lindsay, Pettlgrew. I'erklns, and Money atuukfd the whole system of promotion as "a species of favoritism which was not warranted by the facts." Senator Wellington was especially zealous in his advocacy of the claims of Admiral Schley, and m his, presentation of the reasons why Admiral Sampson shuold not be preferred over Schley he and his colleague, Oorman, made a state ment that. If official papers were ordered, they would demonstrate beyond possible question the fact that Schley, and not Sampson, fought the battle of Santiago. Senators Hale and Chandler, both mem. hers of the naval committee, defended the action of the navy department. During the presentation of this side much was said In upholding the claims of ! Sampson tn preference to those of Schley ! and the friends of the latter officer were 1 warned that, If thev Insisted upon press I ins the investigation too closely some I facts would be developed that would not be agreeable to them. The charge wus niado that Schley had voluntarily left Santiaso after reaching the vicinity of ! that port after Cervvr.i had entered the harbor, and also a charge that, when the Spanish fleet Md sailed out through the narrow mouth of the channel. Admiral . (then commodore) Schley had made a re- verse movement with the Brooklyn and I gone In the direction opposite to that taken by the Spanish squadron instead I of boldly attacking the enemy in running. KAVOIW A TRADE AUJANCE. ! " . ! WHITE AGAINST EXPAXSIOX. WASHING!'!.'.. Jan. S3. A discu.s'on of the policy of expansion occupied nearly ull the t'.mo of the son-atp In open session today. White, of California, one of the democrats who has announced heretofore his opposition to the raitltlcatlon of the treaty of peace, addressed the senate in support of the .intl-expanslon resolu tion introduced by Vest (democrat of Missouri), and another resolution Intro, dueed by Bacon tdemocrat of Georgia), declaring tivit the Philippines ought to be country I fre,, independent. ! White is a brilliant speaker nnd he was ' cjmplimmted by his oolleagues and the DOMINION CREEK. PAYS BIG. .arpe audience in the galleries with eare- 1 ful attentkm. He did not enter into a TACOMA. Jan. 23.-P. H. Hebb, who Is j ranstmitlonaI argument, but confined pan owner oi VJ ivioiiuik claims, nu ai- i nmgeJf to a discussion ox expansion as a rived from Dawson. Ho brings news that Hcy 0 this government. He maintained that such policy was contrary BEEP WAS AWFUL. WASHINGTON. Jan. a-'lhe board of survey appointed by Secretary Alger to pass upon the question of the proper con dition of a large quantity of beef destined for troops tn Porto Rico nas rnw from Captain Barclay H. WarDurton. ot the Pennsylvania battalion of volunteer artillery, a sworn statement of the con dition of refrigerated beef on beard the transport Manitoba, wldch transport was at Ponca from August 10 to SL In the course of this statement Captain Warburton says: "I at of th beef wh en the transport Manitoba, brought to PoTto Rico. It was, served to the olhcers' mess on the United; States transport Mississippi, whioh brought my command batk to New Tort. When I say I ate the meat, I must quali fy my statement, by saying I tried to eat the meat. It was so bad thut It was impossible to swallow U. In my opinion it was not good, nor was It fit for Issue. All beef Issued by my battalion was bad and had to be buried Immediately upon delivery at our camp." YOKOHAMA. Jan. 3. Admiral Lord Charles Heresford, who hs spent some time in China on a special mission from the British Associated Chamber of Com merce, and who Is now en route home, speaking at Tokio on Saturday at a meet ing of thd Japanese association, repeated his prevtously expressed wish for an alliance between Japau, Germany, En gland and the United States to protect trade; Interests in China. Lord Beresford also condemnee! any policy based upon spheres of Influence that the might take. Dominion creek has Jumped Into promin ence as a gold producer of the first rank, excelling Bonanza and equalling Eldora do. Its claims ore not as rich as a lim ited number on Eldorado, but Its length la greater. Dominion and Eldorado to gether will produce from J10.0O0.0GO to 112.000,000 at the spr.ng cleanup. A con servative estimate places the winter out to the fundamental principles of this country, to its history and traditions. He declared his opposition to ratification of the pend ing treaty of peace, but broadly Inti mated that a declaration of definite policy on the part of the administration would very much simplify the situation. and as a matter of good faith not to be the output last winter. put of the Klondike at 30,000,000, doubling j antagonized by the advocates of tie treaty's ratification. ALASKA BILL IN THE HOUSE. WASHINGTON. Jan. 2S.-The Carter bill, relating to the government of TELEGRAPH LINE TO DAWSON, j OTTAWA, Jan. 23.-Immedltely on the ! return of the premier from Washington, the cabinet will consider the advisability ; of asking parliament for an appropriation to build a telegraph line to Dnwsort City, N. W. T as a federal work. At present the government telegraph system ex tends to Quosnelle. In the Cariboo dis trict. From Quesclle to Telegraph creek and- thence to Dawson the distance Is about 1300 miles. Competent electricians have Jusdt reported to the government that the line would cost $750,000 to con struct and equip. A very Frenchy gown Is made of pale heliotrope, accord eon plaited chiffon, and studded with silver spangles. Blue and white flowers adorn tbe neck. THE KID COMING WEST. CHICAGO, Jan. S3. Kid McCoy, who canie in from Westbaden, Ind., Sunday, will leave for San Francisco tomorrow.. He says he will stay In California for about two months to recuperate. He will not make any more matches until he re tarns east. LIQUOR DEALERS THINK LICENSE BILL WON'T PASS. Generally Regarded in Astoria as Scheme to Graft a Few Thousands From Saloon Men. Representative Hawson has Introduced a bill in the lower house of the legisla ture providing for a retail liquor license of J100O a jvar. The present license Is H00, and. if the bill presented by Hawson should pass, saloon men would be re quired to pay a license of nearly $3 a day. The opinion seems to be genet al -imong saloon men that the purpose of the bill is to force the saloon men to put up a few thousand dollars to secure Us de feat, and It Is generally regarded In As toria as a grafting scheme, pure and slmpre. This belief Is strengthened by tho action of B. S. Worsley, of this city, sergeartuat-armn of the house, who In terviewed several saloon men Saturday night and Informed them that th defeat of the bill could be secured with a small fund. Only small amounts were asked from the saloon men, but, so far as can be learned, none of the liquor deal ers took advantage of th's opportunity to kill the measure. 'Local saloon men are of the opinion that the bill will not have half a dosen votes, and they are probably correct In. this surmise. The license tiiey are now compelled to pay Is considered extortion. ata and they Hud it difficult to secure the necessary o every year. However, should the bill pass and receive the sig nature of the governor, the city of As toria would not lose, any of Its revenue. There are now 33 saloons here, which pay annlTlly $13,200. The revenue thus derived exceeds by over $aXH) that from any other source. If the license were in creased to Siooo, 15 saloons would proba bly remain in business. The saloon men are not at all concerned over the bill, and those seen yesterday stated that they would not put up one cent to secure Its defeat. The Liquor Dealers' Association, at its meet.ng Sunday night, passed a' resolu tion condemning the proposed law, and urging the members of the Clatsop county delegation in the legislature to work against It Tbe secretary was In. struoted to correspond with other similar associations in Oregon and acquaint them with the necessity of requesting their representatives to work against the biU. nvVVA n i X- a w EM Makes the food more delicious end whofesoma mom, suma kmwi eo . mow.