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About The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 20, 1899)
. -.A- - j . - . .. f v y if''1" TM DAILY ASTOKIAN, Fl'lUAY MOHMNU, JAM! ANY W III Jit. Marvelous Sale FRANK D. IA UKNB CO. Cotton and Woolen Mills rbiuMphU. ft Meaers. MeAllen A McDonnell, P-trt'atid. Oregon. OenUatn! We ara In receipt o' 'ir favor ' 7tn tel., and accept your ffer ur a005 -aa.thlrd OR. Wa think you will able 19 make It M a but Iom to u. out the ftxS fcv hardled tnce tney lerc our piace. i wo wwfer to sell them cheap, rather than bav them returned. Tours very PRANK P. LA LAXNE Ca Mc Allen & 4ft-ia CoanaaralaJ ttraat. JLBTORU. 20 cts. AT Albert P. J. Meany-vvsu ffiarchant Tailor and Exporter of Fws. BlflMM Ch Prloa Pud for Fur Bltina. XentU nd Commercial 8tv Astoria, Or. TODAY'S WKATUrn. Bain. AROUND TOWN. Money to loan Fetruton Broa. CanJle 10 cent a pound at th Paxlor. 6herl(f LlnviUa returned from StanJe yterday evenlnf. Horar Tiinr left on brif visit to Portland jroterdiy. Beit 14-pmt meal. Rultif Bun reetiur- nt. fU Commercial unet eharlff Link C Burton, of CathUmet. TTaak, ia lying tick at St. Mary' hos pital Gaorf ( Dckmn. wto baa bees la thla dty on a rttt. ntaraod to Portland y- teritay. Presh f boalwater Bay oyateri and dams at the "Pat" Market, tTI Ounroor. clal atrett. County Judre Gray vtsittd tha Toucg" bay brtJge work yetvrdy. retornlnf in th evening. Best California wine 3f eents pr !' Ion. Alex. Gilbert. cen: for Ajtotia. Telejihon a i Mr. H. B. Parker will bv, for Port- land this morning, to remain a few day, on busine. . Dr. Finch has 'removed bit office to i the new. SptxarUi building. Coaiaiercial street, near Eleventh. Wallsend coal and cuke is the best for domestic purposes. For sale by tr. As. torla Cas Light Co. Stop that Uckllug ln the throat with Rogers' bronchial tablets, only 10 cents. Charles Borers, druggist Tha dance given by the Chrysanthemum Club hut nlgfct was most successful and tbe attendance waa quite large. During Dr. Tuttlt's- abser.c e in BrltL-b i VViUWII Ul. 4. A. r iillVb l l lJ IW I- I dg as. stent surgeon of tne l"ni:-d S:ates mar.n service. The work of disf-ha.-ging the lime from the British ship VTasda'.e was impended yesterday, owing to the rain In about a day tie work will be completed, after bica th vl w'.:l b pjwtnl to Port land u k.i4 iat Cr-cacCriito TVel-Vi tr'tie. tn or Ct.ait iut tr'.1. r-r-ss-rr bi yrii-s ln tit i-hy. Tt j-.-t.-.jct, yrrtT'.i that pvrvs.w tLtZ 03 tte 'A. UK Commencing Tuesday, January 3rd, 1899. Every article in the House reduced. This will be the greatest offcrhig in Fine Dry Goods, Fancy Goods, Glothing, Furnishing Goods, Etc. DURING THIS . Js ale Owing to manufacturers' restrictions we are not allowed to place Silk and Cotton, W. C, C. Corsets E. fc W. Collars and Cuffs, Oil Clothing and Kubber Good.-. CL HI. COOPER The Leading Dry Goods and Clothing House of Astoria, Oregon. t Will bo BiMoJ to ptitnls alroAily J caUloguctl in our Cloaranco Sale. . . I A MOW lot 01 Jarkol-S tllO liltOJ-t ( creation of the tailors' art. 1 will be .oM at Loss Tlian lt McDonnell lQ - lO Thirl StrMt. PORTLAND. OR. For ALL Linen Embroidered Handkerchiefs - Dunbar's while riillns down an. slopo In the city. ar.J ptvhiNta riJin on i!w.!kA A line, of not It-a thn tj nor mor thn Hi is pnivlJeJ. or Imprisonment for from t to flfteen Jy. The meoaur comet up for flaa! action at th next n:H t:rg Tv :e.m choner Fulton nrrlveJ In from San Franao yeaterday with a ffmral cariro. Ami hT freight was 7i'.i (ivt of redwood and KV orus f tan Uirk. Sh left up for Tortlaa,! a: O004V liK GOOD TO TOVR5EiP and gvod to your linen you treat a ir .r.a . to whuvkey. fit h m the belt. IIARPKU . Whiskey U the beverage for your frl.nds j ar.d for you. Sold by the Foard A S-.ok-a , Co.. Astor.a Oregon. i " i The popularity of the merchant'! lunch j aerred by Mr. George Bartley at the N. j tionai la rrowing; dally, and many bu:. ; neas men can be found there every ejy : for their midday meal. The lunches set by Mr. BarUey are th flneat in th cl'.y Tte public library wag granted the. Usual monthly allowance of tt by the council lat night. W. T. Goodln. the contractor who Improved Harrison avr. nue. asked the council for l-S S3 for extra work. The matter waa referred to the street committee. Call at dty ticket office of Astoria & Columbia River Railroad. S24 Commercial ' street. lor tnroturn tickets to ail point east, also Aberdeen, Olympla. Tjcotna. Seattle and all point on the Northern Pactflo railnad. Through ticket cannot be purchased to these point at the depot. W. A. Gaines' private stock whiaky. handled exclusively In Astoria by John L. Carlson, 1 one of the mon popular beverages sold. Its purity and quality j are ruarantex'd. and tt I especially rec. : ommended for family use. It I sold In j any quantity at the corner of Twelfth xnd Bond afreet Mr- m Aa- h0 frieJ ,fhe wm of ,h rnJoB Me" Compaiiy years, is now connected with the Cudahy Pack-r; :x.pnf, for which 2rn be U selling soap. His new position haa Wtjn for him the title of "Soapy BUI." Inktead of "Butcher Bill." as he formerly was i known to his friends In Astoria. Mr. Whelan visited Ilwaco and Chinook yes. terday. and will return to Portland to, I day. He report trade good In his line. ', Harrr W. Far. advance Igent and busl- ems manairer for the Bernhard Walther Concert Company, waa ln Astoria yes terday. Mr. Fay baa made arrangements fr th ,nMru of his cotnMIIV In a r.r oi in ,i.n at l I the M E. church. Friday, January 17. Among the Attractions of this first-class MiTu-fTt r-fjrr.rhanv la a celebrated Bebrfan -.' . ,h,..'. vkA.. rArminM .)... m jjJ to be worth the price charge-1 for admission. Ttie gale which has been prevailing for some day past continued with In- , crt.d severity yesterday. There were but few movement In nor out of the harbor, and It was only with difficulty i that the river craft maintained their sc-hedi.lwi arrivals and derjarturea. While the wlr.d Is e-xtremely high and the suc cession of squalls fairly howls over the , ... . .V.. I I O nna m r rr. m m t V, a u : ' i , . ' iiiltD uu incf. ivvn !;.., . vrt ,M,ineaa la carried on by A, torUna as usual. Physicians predict that, Kvcr placed before the people Positvely no goods will be charged Orders from the country will receive the same benefit as, if bought personally at the counter. But cash must accompany the order. th grwil norm will be beneficial to lh set In, after whleh he will vMt Ih In clly In tfrtvliaj ha.k, where they belong, tertor oountlea of the suie and asoeitd the microbe of fever and lagrlppe Just nm of th uiitln In must of now playing u'h hovoe In eastern pr!. j wid known lo him to nM there, Tho winter so far ha Wn extremely j The trip rannoi be made until biter mild, lull on slight full of now having j on, a maw lie at present on some iit.t the -ltv The preset high, winds l-v which will be visited, several f t jare invigorating and healthful, and are . invnouni-ed by stringer ltung tn olty n an lni(n ment on in mrn . ooM ami wintry wvnth.t rtiwrlenoeJ elsowhoi. I p. W. Yill. ho h Imvii l.-,l In ; ,-h.irii of tho postal norvlo of th emir : Philippine .trvlup. lio, Known lit . ,v!orl.i, nl Ills lMoliiim.-nt to this hiijh i oltl, ,-sus.aI nii.-l iv.tivi.lii' iinon ; many frt.n.lf. Mr. Will a m.-inbvr of tho Oregon Muh lHwiliic team j n,l took Varl In soveral oom.-tiis .lnn i : the A. V. C. th nieinlvr of r.hU h en- I 1 ten a in for him l!i hwhest rntl. Mr. , Vailie m.iile an rnvisnie woim tor nun. , self in IVrdsti.l an.l th wvrmnent Iia ; lUtin:ly rewarvli-J him. The following claim a were allowed ty tho council last nljtht: Paclrtc fivtsl toinpay. J H, Mausill. 3; J IVUmser. 13. II. P. Prael & Co.. C; West snore Mills lv. 11.3'. Astoria Transfer iV.. tL'.S. Asinn. I'5-1; Urlttln t ItetM, tii Jms IVtiy. : H. 11. 8ch-el. JUSii. Astoria woil and CvHil mm. Clatsop Mill Company. HIM; P. Salt. H. V.; C. A. May. ." o.s; A. Itn niner.JlO.lC; .storu Sttwt Hallway Cminy, lo; Kcl'.paa lUrvlwar Company. C A. I. etn.-nwelw r, T At the mretlntr of th common council last n;fht th Astor atrcet orvlinauco came up for final pa; but was with drawn on motion of Councilman Ooddard. In Its place Is a resolution provldit-.w for the Improvement of th street by plank In It to a width of feet on each aide, and providing for sidewalk 1 (et In wld:h. except In front of the l ark, r h.'use. where th walk will b- but fit (ivt wi.lo f.-r the prsnl. Tho rvsolutlou was adopted and the lnipron:ent l,l ty made l!iitncli.ttcly. Sup'nntei!di nt Mcdulre. of the A. St C. K. niilroaj. was te pu-aoi rect p. , nislroad. lent yesterday of a neat case, of lacunar j ntAtertal und workmanship, containing j a )uan:i()' of genuine Manila cigars, sent j by hi friend Captaiu J. M. I'oornian. company M. Sewnd Oregon folunteers. ; now :a:lond at Manila, cupsaiu cot. I , . 1 man was fornierly a prominent banker In Vo..!burn. On-., but ns;ond'd uiuotig ,& ,irjt (J t., of hi, lVun:rv. ar.d w row JolCf nu;lt4rv .mc In Its mot Jllt,,nl .on. It Captain Poor man tfJliU ho Uh:v Slltw rm!,nJe, , M-Viuire uppre.-l ilea hi unia.i au, tai-y present, tt might be somo consolation to nlm ln b., UR.,V y.glH oa Mal,,;4 P4V. , At a meeting of the board of school ' directors yesterdiv It was decided to ho;d , the annual school meeting on Monday. j January 30. The board h.ut determined , 1 to ask for a lo-m!ll levy for s. hjol pur- 1 ! poses. I'ader the greatly reduced prop. 1 j erty valuation any smaller levy wvuld be ! j Insufficient for running rxp.nn. The 1 question ai to tho length of th t.h.x l ' j year will also come before the meeting ! i for final action. A majority of the I t.-hool dim-tors are In favor of extending j bera of the association before th c.o--the term, but aome are opposed to such I of the present month, re parations are a course, and the matter will be left to j the tax payers. There has been some , talk of closing the John Day school, but tho board ha decided to continue It. for the present, at least. It may be of Interest to the creamery committee of th Push Club to know that the best regulated dairies In Minnesota have reduce-' the cost of making butter to tl.a per KK) pounds, fnder the lnstruc tion of Professor Bhaw, who attended the Parmer's congress here. the. dairy, men of Minnesota establish co-operutlv creameries and work In s b-ntule harm. uny fur their tuanui. The result I that an immense quantity of butter and cbtrese I produced at a ridiculously low ! figure. The same Ulir.g can be d-me ln ' Astoria. By all m.aooi, this city ah lull j have a co.opirative creimery, and doubtless It will have one. If the efforts j uf he Puih Club's creamery committea ' are of avail. j Mr. A. J. Johrwon. who was superln. tendent of the Oregon forestry exhibit at ; j the OtMha ex;slUon. Is at pres. ni ... gageo ir. cunipnu.g i.iu iv.e..., . orenon The work will bn Very com- prrhenslve and will be published by the interior department in lls, and the cen - sus will go to InclUOe uregon among me othtr states of the union. Mr. J"hnon ommentwl In Ciatsop rountv a f-w dayt ago, and has nearly finished his work In this section. He will visit every county in the state. The report will include the different species of trees In Oregon, the amount of lumber cut by the a.Tvui.lls, and w hat specialty. If any. the mills m k -in cu'.tlr; th.. different kinds of timber. ) The lotting camps will be visit-d and ; the same iniormation ootaineo. i a on i W won native to 'jrtgon. such as ma. j h"gany, cedar, excelsior, etc., will bo j gaih red, with the location of ea h i sptclts and the extent to wnicn it (fr-ws. The same data will be obtained on the output of pulp, charroal ar.d barks U'l for tanning and medicinal purpose. Mf- , ' , , i Johnson will work In the counties aionj; the coast until more favorable weather of the Lower Columbia Kiver. the following tood.s at reduced deep. The- eensu will b vry vntuihl" au.i nwre cvntpiciv man any nuiienn puniisniM, rii win ivniitm ii.u in r rj tv the fotvuiry of ivuvmi tvr Is ii known. Mr. JoIiiimmi y th" i rvnort tll lx t'oniKli ltsl tsrlv next mm. m,,r wln (omarvLnl (,, tii- hiMK ,,,ls,rum'iit. iforti III ork Is llnlh.l n0 rminmti tlijit ln will !o oomn. IIM i0 ,n,v,. ovor .AV mil. iul mul tivoHnrtly ni.ike onii il.tnu'inm n,l .u.unLV trip. Mr Johiwoil will nwv nj.iy (or Viirl, wh.iv he will iv ..njjrj (,,r ,!, or tw. !! wl.l nrx, vlll Tllhtnt'Hik vuit). lrv'lltiK i,0wn tho mm to the ImuiuLti') line of California. Mother ilenerwl Oliver, of .he Sltrs ol lh0 Holy Name of Jesus un l Mnr, I In th city visiting tho convent school of which the resident sisters have chaige. Th mother general has supervtslen -'( the order In tit I'nlted sUsies and l nc ixotiimtiled by her secretary, Ulster M u . tin, A program was prepared by the school children yesterday In honor of tl distinguished visitor and a Hoot address of welcome wa .Ul vrreU by Mint Kllta. beth Kopp. The visit of the mother gen eral Is in connection with tho nmnoge. nieiit of the content scIuh.I. like suit being Invariably mad to all th schools within hr Jurisdiction. The mother gen. eral Is much pleused with the work of th atslers in Astoria, tho succs of (be school line Its establishment aiul t'u steady increase In attendance at i-ic!i successive term being a source of mu,!i satisfaction. Mother Oliver !! rom.nn In Aslrla about a week when she will lettvo for Coilfcrma on a l-lt I' different sections of that state. Ther at several ve.teln now- lyltui in the harbor weather b-.und. Some of them hav be n In the lew-r harlKir for wa.ting f,T th, presoiit storm to su'.-sl.le. No cai.iltis i. ,Vo oe.-urrvd ,uid tli. v have nil r. li ul t!u, ltrm SArcly The., in Hie IcAir (mrlvr ar ttio s . hivtier darlb .J lutu r iAjon; tt,,, ,,t Poel.lon. Akr-.!-.u a ul Morveii. Tticj,, auction d above S.n!:!. jV!t lhtt luijiaoro. .Sivii.s l:i.r;-c -j )4nj Ailerlon. The'ir .ire a.l wheat la.Kn and without en.'p i n go to y.ieeiiatown or Plani.'U'.ii f'T op'.ers. T'-. only other Viw-sl lit the h.,r!,r 1 ill'' litf.lsh ship Varans.. Tl'e Yaruia canp front San Kraneijco to m.i pwi a two months J;o, un,li irt' r -.1 "i:i'i'.i af u r her arrival It a.i r'p'-ri.d s''.e wua offered 3. W. to gJ to but hold out for a higher pr it M ,iu of the uin barten d vs-e s univiiiK- !'.'--e this .s.n Wen- engag'd at i s .in ! and ln on or two a! I s f r I. Midi ttg In Portland. It 1 reported on reliable auih.rl:y th t the deal Involving the ,-onolulation "f the Columbia river cantu-rie has been finally closed. Certificate of stock r now In course of circulation and will i delivered, together with the tush ii.mld. eraUon to be paid, lo the Individual mem- aio golha; on apace fur tho opening of tha fishlnr season, aim a" arrang-menn for th organutatlon and oporatlon of the company will be complete before that lima It I the Intention to employ nem- dui practical iiit-u in mo uartmenl ot the company. Instead of curtailing the force of men employed, as waa anticipated under the combination. If the various de enterprises in whl h It Is the purpose of the company to en. gage are started this year, an increased force wilt be necessary. ILaldes Its pack ing operations, it Is d.sigrad by the com. pany to rootage In the co.d.storiigc and freeing of salmon and other Jopni Hah uii a oilo never before attempted on th.- I'im-IOc cooat. A IW-t f sell .or. r. will ! b chartered, and the hunni-s ,.f at h- . tng and preserving tlsd will g -n 1h t ctaiion durlter the entlr- Kv;- ri. j eiiced men will be ne.d.-.l In all th. branche of the Induntry. and u l '.'c purpose of the company to employ, .u far us possible, the men who nave ben--tofore beso connected with th" various canntrle comHslng the consolidation. I apA,N.8 sl:SKES g,n,.a PIATKP I perhaps the greatest mechanical feat 0f the e.-ntury haa been the raising ! i g,jmB of the Spanish warship whl. h I wer-j apri r ntly shot to pieces at San. '. tlngo. It leemed ut'erly Impo's ld" to i flout them brcuum) of the frrlble damage lnflli.ted by our guns, but the tusk ha been aecompllsh'-d. Illscis-S of th , bloo,). stomach and liver fr.-pnntiy wreck th healtlrso that there appears to be no th lines of recovery. Hut when 1 HoHte'ter'a Stomach Hitters Is taken, th" disordered system Is speedily n ston d to its old-time vigor and tope. The Hitters , will regulatii the liver, bowels and d.get. ; t!v; funrtions and purify the blood. You ' can buy this remedy In any drug store. ! and under no circumstance thouid you 1 accept anything said to be "Just tti : good." A woman says that Immediately after , marriage a man Is different. Yes, and a I year after hi Is apt to bo Indlffi rent. for at sale prices. jiriees: Sluiiflard 1'atteniH, Hjiool SALE worm, ahhivaij). lVeldenl-a, A. Merlnf Hubert Mcln. tosh, Henry Klei kensteln, A, V. Hinlth, William Whelan, Portland: J. II ilil.T, Oregon City; H H. Miilownn. Chinook; (1 V, Kicks. Port aievolis; Pmllt Hlnli. chard. Ilnlnler. 1'aiker l!nt!"!i-K, tlundorson, It I'iillls, V. M. Watson, J J, Kowler, IVrlland; I.. Harris. M. Cowers, Warn-nton; H W". Kay, Harnhn Walker Concert Com. p,my; t l, Hooe Han Pranclsen. CATAHUII OP TIIK 8TO.M.VCH, A Pleasant, (tltupl. but f .ifo und Effect, ual Cure Por It. Calami of ilie stomach has long lueil considered the in it thing lo Incurable. Tho u mi a I sHiiptoms are a full or bloat, lug sensation after rating, accompanied sometime with sour or watery risings, a formation of gases, causing presmir.i on th heart and lung and diltlciilt breathing; headache, fickle appollls, nervousness and a general played out. languid feeling. There I often a foul taste in the mouth, coated tongue and If the Intstlor of the stomach could be rn It would show a slimy, Inflamed condition. Th cure for this common and obstlnatn trouble la Pound In a treatment which causes the food to bo readily, thoroughly digested before It ha tint lo ferment and Irritate th delicate mucous surface of th stomach. To secure a prompt and healthy digoatltm I th one necre sary thing to do. and when normal di gestion I secured the catarrhal condition will have disappeared. Aci-onllne to lr. Ilarlanson. th safest and best treatment la to use after each meal a tablet, composed of llasaae. Aseptic I'epsln. a little mil. liolilen Heal and fruit acids. Ths tablets can now be found at all drug slons under (he name of Stuart s 1 i px.i Tableia, and not being a patent medicluu can be used with perfect safety and assurance that healthy appetite and thorough digestion will follow their regular usr after meals. Mr. N. J. Hooher. of 2.10 Dearborn 8t Chlcaffo. HI , writes: "Catarrh Is a local condition resulting from a m-gb . led cold In tho head, whereby the lining mem. branc pf the tn.'c Ikcoups Inllauiil and th poisonous discharge thrrefrom pss l:ig therefrom backward Into the throat reaches the stoma' h. thus producing ia. tarrh of the tlomach Mel i al author!. tie prraeribed for me for tbie )eiir for catarrh of the stomach without cure, but today I am the happiest of men afier mlrtt imlv one b of Stuart's Pyspep a T.i! I I cannot iln I swroptlate word '. i rprers ny goo, f'-ellng. I hsvo found rt. h. a;ip:lt nd sound rest fr -m th ir uee. Siu-trt l')i" pia Tablet Is th ifst proparation a well as tlio sinipli t an t -oiiv-nlnl remedy for any farm of Indigestion, cattrth of tho tomach. lull "iimrii, s. ur stom.vh, beaiiburn and ; . i'.:: g af'.rr treats. S- nd for little bo,, mailed free. co stomach trKUUies, by addressing P A Stuart Co . Marshall. Mich The tablet can bo found at all drug stor KINANCi: tMiMMlSStl'N Ul'SHINi) THKIlt WollK Flrl Mortgage In l.-blcdnea of Havana Pound to ll to. Mnlhil of Tax Collecting Changed NP.W YOHK. Jan. 19 A dispatch to the Tribune from Havana says: Th" tlnanco commission which 1 riatnintng into the financial conditio!! of the city, discovered what a.-m.i to be an Increase In tho bonded Indebtedness Th.. debts have been thought to consist of first mortgage bonds to the amount of tr.uo 00, and municipal mortgagn Uxuls t the amount of $3 Th figure to. lay m.ikn apj-'irciit first in in.uge iinlet.t.dni is IJ'i.'M'.'Mi. An Itniulr'. wl l b pursued further In llett-rllllllr wb'ther b: Is 'bo actual lndebieilnes Vltn '-s , will ! summoned under mith and mui h light 1 expecteu to b.' thrown on nui. I n.c piil tranxai llonx under tlo- Spanish i auihorltle The vigor with which tne ' in-rilry Is Ixlng rear. the i form, r officials. ! Th lo w council has ,l. i ub d that It will not enforce eoli-. tl..ns fur rnunl ljial tan s prior In January I. mid that It wlil not employ the Hiianlsh bank to i-oll-ci tai.a which w.-ro evle. under th.- old r.iflin. The munlilpallty iill"W-d the bank to roller! city taxes and wl'hhul'l live per cent In the same way as Dm government tale A deirrmitied effort is being made to have the Hpuni! bank privilege, of collectlnst for tho I'tilted Htatesj revoked. Th.i for.U'ii men h.inls have announced that Ho y will not pay bark taxea, though thev will ,uv for the prent a rlod to what, y.-r agency tho Anioru-an military authorities direct. Tlie tiubuns are encouraged in their opposition by th report that Collector lillss tind tho military governor have protested to Washington tigilni-t the bank bring designated aa a tax ioI lector. Hhares of the bank were lower on th,; stock cxchutig') today, due ty imita tion. Th sanitary Inspei-tlon of Havana be. gins-tomorrow. The olty I divided Into l'w duitrlcta mid Cuban doctor are as. Igned to each district. The people will be forced to clean their houe and after that a corps of plumber will vbilt inch district. It the first time In the history of Havana that plumbers have b-n acquainted with the Inhabitant. The plan of gathering up vagrnnOi and unfortunates from tho strewls at nlstht hua lllled all Institution provided for them und additional quarters must be found. Navy officers are Impressing upon As. slstant Secretary Allen the Importance of the United Htates obtaining a floating dock which lie In the harbor, now tho property of Spain. Oiptaln I'cral Is ln command until the Madrid uiithurllle dm.-ldo what shall be done. I!ds which were sjubmltted under the condition ml vortlsed by the flpimlsh authorities tiro said to be unsatisfactory and another advertlanment was ordered. Tho do k Is new and cost lt,00W,S). Homo of thu firms bidding are reported to do so with the expectation of selling the dock tu the United Hlatcs. Captain Jjurfree, of the engineer corps, ha gonn to Hancll Hplrllus, wlih Iho rcporud purposo of arranging for a sur. vey of Bantlago. The plan Ik opposed by many army officer. It lias Im, n learned that the price paid to contract, ora for lixcavatlons at iuaiitunaino for Colonel He' ker's Hlx-mlle military road Is $l.7( a liubl'i yard, and Unit the total excavutlon w'H ho nbout M,W) cubic yardg. Private llayden of thn Hecond 8outh Carolina died ln camp toIay from yellow fevor. Smallpox In the ono Hundred and Rlxty-first Indiana does not d'reese. Tim troops In camp are rejoicing over tho unauthorized report that the regi ments are to be called homo. IN OLDEN T1ME8. I'Mnle overlooked the tmprirtance of per. manentl beneficial effect and were satis fied with transient acUon; but now mat it 1 renerally known that Byrup of Figs will permanently overcome natmuai con. stlpation, well Informed people will not bur other laxltlves, which act for a time, but finally Injur tha system. Buy the genuine, mad by tha California Fig Byrup Co. Save Half Your Honey Tha actual coil of shoes la not determined by tha price you pajf for them, but by Hi length of time they wear, and by the Ha facllon they give, W have the right shoea for lha right prices. John HOHE-riADE Taffies, Caramels, Chocolates and Bon Bons fresh every day, ot THE SPA. ! ACTA ) A MRAT rt II A rVV Tlihun Handles Only the 4 1) Caoimsrclal !., W.W'AW.MAV.W.W.M.M.MAW.W W. F. SCHEIBE, IIP. aa .liwuksrs' AitUlts. ? Coiiimervliil 13 T T " . 1 V. lv. OO a. lctullnK lcnl IHtntc Hcnlcr of ASTORIA, OREGON Writi fur In fi riiiitt ioti utnl I "atupliltat.-. A. V. ALLEN ..Fancy and Staple Groceries.. Fruit Jar ami Jlly (ilii-). With the Fruit tin in them 'vWrVWVWTtvW oatsVertTrVf THE OCCIDENT Astoria's Leading Hotel ysWWIMi,l The Palace Cafe W. W. Whipple. Prop. Finest Heals in the City Special Attention Given to tho rrepnratitm of ltiiujiieU. A monument Is to be erected In mem. ory of Charles Floyd, member of the tewl and Clark expedition, who died near th present site of Sioux City, Au. gust 20, WH, whllo on his wny with the party to the headwater of tho Missouri river. Floyd was tho first Unltod Btstog soldier who died on tha "new Louisiana purchase," and was one of tho foremost haructers In the history of tha North west. Ills grave IS lh only visiui inarg of thn Lewis and Clark expedition. Con. gross Is to be asked for 110,000 for the monument Cuba has 1.200 suur plantations. FOR BILIOUS AND HEBVOUS i)IB0KDE8 Hu-h as Vln.l ami Tnln In tho Btoniach, (ilddlliess. fiilnesa afler nintil. Iloa'U. iie.lie. DIzzliiHtw, DrowslneaK. FliishlngB ..f llnat, JIm of Appflllt". Owtlvoiies. Hlotilie on tho Hkln. Cold Chills. 1h. orbed Bleep, frightful Urooma and nil Nervous and Trembling; Hmiftatlon. 1KB FIRST DOSE WILL GIVE BELIEF IS TWEHTY MIHUTE8. Ew.ry auffuror will acknowledge thoui to bo A WONDERFUL MEDICINE. illlCHAM'a) P1I.M, tnken agnlrocT. t d, will quickly r-stora Female to com. r4" to h"ftlUi. Thor promptlf rasaove ilbstrootlohsorlrregoliirUlii of the wyr. ua and cure nick Headache, for Weak. Stomach Impaired Digestion Disordered Liver IN MIN, WOMEN OR CHILDRRN Oeocham'a Pills are Without a Rival Anil hss tbs LARCE8T SALE oranyPnteitnedfrlne In the World. 28a, ai all Dnur Stores, R8 Hcihn, Tito llellnblu Hlioo lc?olcr. Kin il4 Choicest Meats nsl Palais lfssiarai.l. Msniilaltui'er til tto Alw1 l4tlMlc "LiBrllcAMorld"Clfr Sihclt' Open Stir Schcltc's Special Ami I Ulivr llrnnils 1,. C) VIC oc vu .':t"i Cotuiiu rcial Strwt ..I'rlceH Lower Thau Kver Hard to befit Our line of airtight Stoves and their Prices j Something INcw W.J.SCULLY 431 Bond Street. Grand Masquerade Ball. GIVEN DT Sons of Herman w WW Saturday, Feb. 1199 Handsome prlieg will be given for tha boat sustained character, most artlstln coatumo nnd for th() heat waltier, I,adlcs prlr.e for the best sustained ' character, a fine roeklnic ehalr. Gentle, man's prlxo, an elegant cuckoo clock. Ladles' prize for the most arlltlc cos tume, a valuable toilet set. Onllarnan'a prise, a gold doubln watch i luiln. Prlaa for the best waltxera, a handsomo rug gach to lady and g entlenian. i All prlxes are as represented and art on exhibition In Charles Hellborn ft Bon'a window. ORCHESTRA Under the leadership of A. W. Htalnese and consisting of nine of the best musicians In tha slate, ADMISSION: Hen's Masquers Ladv Maanuora 11.00 JHtieotator U wuiiurea si ii i f i