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About The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 20, 1899)
lilK IA1M AhTUMAlS. FJUOAY MORNING. JANUARY 2V, Itlfo. r - TDE acaLENCE OF SYRUP OF HGS l5un not rmly t tltl. originality nn.l liui'Hclty i,1 tint I.ltmtloii, Imt i.Imi Uict oom ,) ,vl,,h (l ( lllttltllfil.Mur.Ml by M-',, (MorrM... kmiwii to nut Caui'.iiima I'm Nviui. v. only, mi. I wn v. Mi to lmirv.N i,M1 all tho lii.jM.iiui,,.,, ,,f iMir. lmi.lMK Itir truo ttml ..rl,(lnul rnniuly, A Urn tfmitiinit Nyrtipof Kljrn I inuiiii.iicture.l vy tli ('ALirtrnxu Fm Kmvv Co. only, khowlo.lKa at ttmt fart will aUt one lu vuMlii(f l.o worthies Itnltnllims maiiufiictiirc.l ly other par tW Tim hltfli ktumliiiK f tlio Cam Kiu hrui i' t o. win, the n,r.ll. l riMfMl.Mi, uti.1 Urn MtlkfaiUin will, h tlio K"iiiiinn Hyruji of Fig bf flwn to millions i.f fmiilllrit. inakss llio tiaum of tint Company a ifunranly of the excellence, of lu remedy. Jt In far In advance, t oil other laxatives, m It scU mi tin., llvrr ami bnwol without Irritating or wrakm. Jfljf lliKin, ami It ,H.a nt grJH) nor nauaratii. ltior.liirlo(fntlU twiieflclal ffWta, pinna reiiictnbrr tlio Uam of tuo Company CAUr-ORNIA nc STRUP CO. KIM.KIt II V WOI.V1X MiMms. jan, i . itraifh t i Hi. ally Mull fr.i.i, llu. hirrl, Kountaiila. )a thai a park of W'.lvra, rmlMlitfli. hy liiinnor, rmviitly aim. k"l a inoii. aMnry at Utan. In I In. Moldavian mo.ihialiia, ami klllwl a friar. CRAZY WTCHING Coitnti on Hold. Cot Into tha Eyae. Doctor k Institute Could Not Curt. Cured In 2 Month, by CUTICUfU. I a,l acnia on ih W. uf my kaad etwf two ynia. It tKlwl, amuoUilua fiain. Uf doctor liMiad n fur all niuiiUia, W lib lalluiv, au I UU4 nwa 4Muta, ihI a K k UuUlula fu ail auniUu, kulauuUI But iwk any fuilbar than Ihm mi, I b it woia iliaa al lha aUit, a. U tManwnnMl lu t4lB my ), "! Mily f ma siMyalikllrblug. aoUont yuui admUaMimit la th ft. V. VU, and Uiwkl I would Uy I'ttMV aa lamotlaa. I fv aMa'Af' Hmt I dll .4 l-ai MjI k4 oay (nwM. al aI, awl tool Ilka a BaW man. Ai.nuu u mtKi,q.vy.ttk t.. n. y. oty. a Wana ath k Cfim aoir,n41i m4tl Utaak li !. ika anal akia a,a4 fmaf .iHiaa.taaaiil.l.CCfic... Maau4t..t,nal aal aa aW4aartaaj.aa4aaMttM,toffaaaw4 Umm Im tWhaiaaatMa kaaw m alaMal kir4 aaaawaaa. li ll h at all aa. liafiiaawlkMUl, aMa,aaaatnMaart4 tv.rr. n ( r.H 1. 1 aft IW at la Uaaaw.-naa. save your hands nrr 3.6 inches, vyide Fruit of of the Loom Muslin for our Great sale at 7 cts. per yrd Our Counters Ladies' Coats. Kvery coat or Jankat In tho house muat b closed out. $ 3.50 valu.-a for K .25 J.M valuoa for S0 values for S .60 vnluca for i"4 7.60 values for M 160 values for J8 10.00 values for 12.00 valuoa for 16.00 values for lg.00 values for Ti We want Every customer To know That we are selling goods HOUSE TOOK UP POSTAL BILL Appropriation of $171,000 for the Fast Southern Mall Ser vice Knocked Out. CANAL BILL IIS THE SENATE Mofjdn'i Amendment ProvMrs Th.t Not More Than Twenty Millions Yeir Shall Be Paid Out- WAHIIINOI'iiN. Jan. I'J.-Tho houai. to. tin y inu tli ully ilrt-il.l Ih 11 iroiiKwii. xiii iiiiilialnt rliH'ilon caa from the 1'inii Vlmlnla itlairlrt lii favor of Him -",," "i", ....',,, u, .I.x-lliiltia to ronal.lor tint rain. Twiily four ri-puhllrana Joliml with ,e il.-mo. ' i rni and aipiillata on Ihla vo, ' Thii poaiolllrai apiroprtatln hill wna up. Tlio rcta urprla tit thn day wit. thn udniou of two nmnilinntila ( atrlklna out of thn hill thn appropriation C ll'l.uii for tha faat aouihrrn mall and li.i.ju (or ap.'.lal mull faWMtlni from Kanaita t'lty to Nswlou, Kna. The op. ' proprluiion for thn aoiiihiru mull Itaa IoubIiI annually for el or m yr, but ha alwaye lir.n rotnlni'd. Tha In. imw In Ihv appropriation (or th pn. il mall.' arrvli'r from .r.iJ to l'i,o) Waa kii'H kml out hy lh allmlnallon of tho protlaloll. whh'h fell uinlrr a ixillll of i.r.lrr, (,,r tl r'-pmil of thp law aaalnat thn r!.iiloti of Ihla e.'rvti"r, Ttia houai. aljourii.iI with tool ion i rrt'ommlt It H'tiiintf Tim motion rnrrlnl In. true. Iloiia to aiilkn out thn wonl "iifwly ar. iim) Orrltory" In xniini ilon wlih thn nppMprlallon of Uu.i'U for mull fa. Illlln In I'nrto Itiio, Cutia and I'hlllpplnna. TIIK liAV IN TIIK HKNATK WAHIIINiiTtiN. Jan H.-Tlio mttiate ha l no, I toilay to a itla. uaalon of the poll, y of eiiHtiialon. Turner, of Walilti Ion ilHiverod a cerrfully prt-Mirrd aprh on tha Veal r alulln. Tlio ai-ot.ll waa for thn moat part a innatltutlonal aiu. I.Mnit. in Wlllt'll Tnriirr I'M.k laatln Willi Hrtiaior I'lail and ttiutr Kurakrr on tiinir r.x'.m ultnranre. 111 Mmraauan canal Mil waa und-r . ..iial.txratloll linort)' tlirro boura Aftrr . lllil. ll ilrlialit thn kllbatltuln ';:rr:'j: taa i Moiiian. of Alaliama, for tho muni liy AllUion It provtdn. that tint ao.rt.tary of Hia Ir.amiry ahall tuM pay out for work on thn i-aniU mrn than )i..ui law during any ymr. Kuriiat .fT'.rta wrm made lo n nu lid the m'aauro In other Mtrtli u lura. lull all falletl. IIANKH T tMNTlliil. CI'MAN j WHAHH I'ltOlifiTlH.V, i out out I Now In the Itanda of an Kn- ll.h Whl. h Will He Ab. - 1 , ...rhed l.y ihjjAmertcan NKW YultK. Jan. 1D.-A dlapnl.h to 1 thn Tribune from Havana any.: Iropo. groan with tb,e , astonishing Kodieo' Capew. (100 Cloth Cape, neatly trimmed Bain rrloa ttK 13 1 1'hish Cape, fur trimmed. Bain Price. HIS VM 90 Inrhea long Astrtcan Capea, Hals Prloe M Kvnry Cape In the Houao a Illg Reduction. Boys' Clothing. tl.OO values for JJo Suit l.f.O value for So Suit t oo valuoa for 175 valuea for., 3.00 values for. 3.60 values for.. 14.60 valuea for., tl.25 Suit 1.76 Bull 1.98 Suit 2 25 Suit 160 Suit altlona nt American capHalM lo con Irnl th Cuban lolmeio production and inatiiifni-ttirp urn taking ili-niilln lip, It la not anllled whnltirr Ihla will b In iHinJu ru'lton wild mi Kngllah synriL mlii or In iiiKmillnii In i, Tim plsn or. I Igliinted Willi sum New York banks, ml lln lude lunik In llowton, Wi.ahlng. J I'm Mild cvwal other cllln. hVveral prnmolnt Mid ii'iiiinor have bcn worMiaf on dm rlii,m, luit they mpra. acnted in, capital. Tlio prrwnt ayndleat I milil to l' roinj'HM'1 entirely of hank. I Tim iriniiiliii In In olrtulri control of I lolmcco InniU In Ilia Vu It Atajo or , I 'Inn r del Kin illalrli I, nll'J film of III" j j 1'itrtlilii illnirlil In 11ivnrtii iirovlino, j Thru,, illntili'ta iiMiiprUn tlilMn 'if ' I Imi rii'liii'llnii ut I In. lulu nil. It !ifi'Q , iirmltH liiK IiupIk run lm aritiirwl. Dm n-kt . lii will In miiiiiifiii-liirn tho li-nf mi. ! lln ly In Culm, i-mitilliia; Kin irli to 1o ' rniiir'illi'l, kihI diivliiir imUmlon lln- vana rlifura out of li rnnrki l. j Ni'K"Hfttl"ri Ikkiiii In (lilol.i.r ty thn i Ni'W York ImiikltiK hou, with th to. I tiii'ro InliTiala, whli h tir forianllilitlril I Inl'i Hi,, KukIIhIi ayiidli-air known n Dm ! Il'ivnnu I'lifiir and Tolr''i Kurt'irh-a I lllnillril). Thle ayndli Rlo waa rompoawl of fli-van farlorl.-a, lh"liidlna ll.'nry Clay and ll k It Conin.ny. Ita rupltitl la I I7.IXHMI HimiiiI.Ii aold. nd It control l.WW l ahlllll ro or Hff llO m-rn of Vuidla 'A'uja, H. vnn fa 'lorl.a rrfuaed lo Join lh eyndli-atn and havn k-pl an Ind-, ..I...,,... N'rirollallim. wtlh ll, ayn.lliata arn a,. Id t have .....! rnrnily ami now a pron.H.ton Ima Mfl made l.t In- Ian Co nnd to othi-r ouial.l.. fa. torl.-. whl. h am t on- ,,',"r1n r..lnai m..t 1,vn lrt lofora Wn .k..,,tl,-. .lui p,. f,,r rontrolllnx th production and mnnufarture of tha i uimiii ipiii, ixatiian i inn amount "t rapnai n-iiiiirwi. ror ini. n aaon in. I Olvlilual promoirra have r'l-lv.d little allnnllon Til Imnka, howrvar. hava in I 'I I ul etiouah to mmmand r.api-rt In trade ilnl-a and It I known that aoma' f.u-lr1-e have raridvH off'-r whlrh ar .MiialiiK th.-m to reiililfr former re. ' funali. ToInkn-o lnd are held t hh-ny by .mall farmera and it rn not nwnrd In 1i.iv arena hy thn fariorlra, thouah mm. of th. havn lr of tra.'ta varying from three lo Itva yonra Toburi-o huyrr have rlalmn.1 thut tha hHtin of i-ontrolllna pr.Hlu'tlon I" not fraalhle. hut capimtlala ar wlllliiff to allnmpl tho eia-rlmrnt. Tim value of th product of the Vunl.a Ahajo and ( KOH A OIIAIN COMM18SJON. I'artldiM dlalrt.'ta la rallmutnl ul front rti.() lo lit no i.i). n llm ) HAI.KM, Jan. lli the hou- the fea. hnm I not tak. n of th- Hrm- ' urw " ",1f W'h.tll.y hill lo pro Hlloa dlatrlm In Hunta Clara, or of Han. vld a atalo araln ln.,-tor and oomml. tlaao. ei.mprl.liia the . Mp pr.Hlu.l. J '"n- TT 1,111 provld- for ln-ttl.n f- Tli .umptlon I thai they would fol. j approprli.a for aeitlna; the low th ii.ura. of thn t In the . rommlaalon up In l.tulm... mid pn.vlda wral-rn of th Inland. SWISS WATCH REPAIR SHOP Victor Rost Chronometers (Hatches and flantical Instrumsnts Promptly Biad" and rapaJrad. mn CtH:ki frolil Si Up. WumiHttil. 1 10 Kl V0 ltll St. Neat to Postal T.lagraph. our Second al clearance . i r 1 . Now crowde.d Dress Goods Sic. mixed dreaa good to yd Sic, mixed drras UVtcyd STiC mlxril droiai good. l"o yd 60c. mixed dress goods.. SSo yd TSc black dress gootla 360 yd tot black drees good. 60c yd tl black dresa good Ha yd tilack dress goods tl yd Ribbons. Wlda Fancy Rlblions, per yard lo llnby Ribbon, per yard Vo No. i Satin Ribbon, per yard So No. 6 Sttln Ribbon, per yard 4c No. 7 S.itln HllilHin, per yard 6c No tl tf.uln Ribbon, per yard 7o Domestics. Meat entile callcoe. ncr vard So I Rest grades apron gingham, yd 4c Heat grades outing flannel, por yd.... 7ViC 10-4 gray or white blanket, palr....C9o Full slse bed comforts, each a 8.4 brown sheeting, per yd 140 I.neo curtains, pair 40c Full slso bod spreads, each 49a ltloached canton flannel, per yard,... So 4-4 unbleached muslin, per yard.... to Umbrellas. COc Umbrellas to be closed out at ea...26o 11.00. tl.25. I1.T5. and t3 W Ladles' Um. brellaa, your choice, while they last, fur NO RELIEF FOR SUPREME COURT Fulton Reports Adversly on tbs Measure to AdJ Justices to the Bench. I j gll I IC ; I j UNCONSTITUTIONAL M.ui l.ui r.niaralatf Adil ,lctiln- mv a.-.. ., , ivn tf ia., fi,i,ft. ., of lnane Asylum Cutscp Eeich J rSSe fl rUDIIC IliJflWjy. ! 1 SAI.KM. Jnn. I9.-A fatura of Ihi- iwn. I)r--illia th;a mri.lrH( w.ia thn r-l of Chairman V..IO... of rt,. l.oll i ,1liry r,fimn, iho bill to al. two . jw)K , ,h, ,u.,rnm cf,urt ,H.m n, .. conalatMl of about if) word anil la r. , ,,,,, , tt mUauTly aummlna up of (.onaiiMiiionnl olij.-rtlon. tonrludlnir wlih ; B(iv..nt rwornm.tid.uloii. Two hun. J (lr, tt,ld frty mrn nrd,.r.-,I print- ! fd. and thn bill w ipayl a h-. Iu onl.-r fr M,m,liy, a, , oc,.,. M.)lH, ,,. . (,1.(llwJ ,,, u tn,nry r,n ; j,,..,,!,!', Mil to reform flu. ii.lmlnlii.ra. ,( t,. riJtH n aaylum wa r.-ported frim Ih nitnnilitnA with atmrnlmenu to ; moke the governor a member of th any lum truatre. and huv three lntnd of nv apiwlntlve munWrn and dropping the salary of the rrury and ir.-ervlng t m to the governor as at present. Tti amendment wern udoptnl. Tho name la ' to tw t'hmiged 10 thei Oregon fliat Ho. , pltul for ih lnxane. Kuykotidall unauc. . ceatfully aought to amend by dropping thn wor.l limane from th name. Hmlth IntroducO an amendment 10 tlio . mining luw so ua to rrqulr the aasc. meiit of lacer clnima a well a quarts, and advancd It through the ae.iind r'k.ilng. aiary oi ina i .io i iiu- .or at tn J r year and epn-: tho ih.-f d.i.utl. a, ), mhrr deputlrat. W jut month, and I the oth. r two m-mb.Tii of the eommla- ; alon 'l mt year and nwwMry exprneo. . It alo provide for a clerk, at a saltry . of ll'fl. I Til meamire thai completed their i roure In houaea tolny tn am'Ttd. j ment U the Oregon City 1 harter, amend. 1 m.-nt a to the Orant's I'aaa ciliarter. the . bill to make Clatsop ll.-ach a public liUchWa)', ami I ho philomath charter. OIlEAT ACTIVITY IX THE IltON AND STEEL MARKET. Higher Quotation Mode In SoRle Lines In Order to Turn Aaay liuyt-ra Metal Market 'lloomlng. NEW YORK. Jan, ,1.-In It review of trade conditions th Iron. Age, an undls. Week of bis annu- 9th going on Loads of Bargains piled from morn till nil mm- ji ir i Viej,1 i 1 1 . V. :. Children.' Coats. 12.60 values at 11.75 100 values at 11.95 160 values at 160 4.00 values at , 17S 5.00 values at 196 All Wool Eiderdown Child's Coats 12.75 and 13.00 valuea, to be closed out at, each 95o puid uihiHiy tin tha Iron trida will oaf tmUy, Tha Irnn mafkrti ir In i- trorillniiry (onilltlnn. A drnnuntljr Mrowlnr minii.T ut mk'T In many llncg hfltre lihnr withdrawn prize allnrihr r minia hlifh ((uotuil'in In urrr t turn away tiuyurx. flilll, thiiH fur thrrn ha lm n in tin i,Tiiiiitio0, nij tha in luiry l k-it wnll In hnil.' Thua It Ik virtually dm MkI thiit irlcc for lik Ilfunrniiir urf will not tm adranr:d .i c-rta a ton, If, liirtVef), ai laraK an ailvanc Im mmlfl, In J'ltc Iron Wn note aal. a of utiout r. fl) ln of II. arii. r In tha I'lttnhurfr diatrl. t Ml full pri? ami mn tranaactlona In bimlc plK In tha n, tut a foundry lrn tlirouttioui Dm country la cinwrnrd. he buy.ira are pl kin up what th'ry tan, Korlgi lii(ul;y la h'rnvy and aoma farly iMIn-rira cannot ha mada. Ocaan fr.lKlita have r-.utrA up conalder. Hbly. The fcnllng- thul thra l datigfir of a pronounu-d arr liy 0f pla Iroa la italn. Ina; hut It ahould he und-rlood cle'irly V" " mat it la likHy li m only ti-mporury unlnaa the demand K'a far biryoiid th prea..nt of outp,. Tlio i-oriaolldalton of the Norfolk It Weetrni furnace plenta In Virginia un dor tho Virginia Iron, Coal ft Coke Com. peny, now prartli-alty aeaured, will put life Into capacity there Ion Idle. A few furnaura are g'ttlna ready In eaatern I'ennaylvnnlit. In Alabama and Tennr. e there la aome thanx of extenalon. There are a few available, rurnae In the HhiTianao valley and one nt Iluffulo, Finally, toward aummer, we may expect the lnr plant at Ixraln and at Young, town to fall In Una. Home bualnc-aa boa been done In atvel billet In the central weat and In the eaat at blither prlc.a. It la announced thiit rh Ameri.-an Wire Comiaitiy ha contracted with tha Ktdcral Bteel Company for large quan. titl.g of billet and wire roda. though the or licit 1 not yet available. Although relatively quiet, the Heel rail murk)-! la atronger rant and wmt. Tb .Jnn.and for car material inntlnuei un. abated and large block of ban and .h.. for thi purpoae have been plated. In no department la the scarcity more pronouncrd than In pl-ue. Our Chtcaco correapondent rioria that the local mill haa taken order agKrRatlrig 10.000 ton, of whlrh Ti' tone waa for shipbuilding. The demand tor structural material la developtnK. Very large bridge ordera have txfcfj pluoxi and now, too, the re qultcmenls for building are coming In. (iood sized amounts have been taken In Chicago t.nj New Vork and some liberal j j anon mntracts have closed in beams I with arcnliectural Iron works. One of : the few Industrie which are still In the ; ilumjm U the coat Iron pipe trade. Only ' a lot of about f" tons for Philadelphia wo plated at a very lo figure and current small lots are being taken at i unreniuncmlVf prlct. We understand i that the conaolldalion In this branch, , which Is to bo financed by Poor It Green, ough, of thia city, la making satisfactory progress. large banking house Is working In the stcH pipe consolidation (o take In the great mills at Pittsburg : and elsewhere. The boom In the metal markot con tinues, copper, lead and spelter all hav ing scored a notable advance. TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY. Take Laxative Bromo Quinine T.thleta. ' All druKtrisia refund the money If It falls to cure, !fc The genuine ha L. B. Q. on each tablet For sale by Catrlts Rogers. ! When a man can't tell whether he Is In love or not. ha Is; when a woman cannot tell whether she la In lov. or not, sha Is not. Ladies' Capes tl.OO values at .'.1 ........!.. o 11.50 valuea at JiOO valuea at US The Greatest Rargain Ever Offered in LADIES" WRAPPERS will be found at thla GREAT SALE. Muslin Underwear. You Should See the BARGAINS In Fine MuBlin Underwear at thla GREAT RE- DUCTION SALE. sale . a,Vw .... .HI VM -f ''l k K Crimy finger mark ' S' ' jilj' ecra to jfrtw on the woodwork - M f -.J 1 m??t about the house, They come easily and J V they stick, too unless you get rid of them with AM Mall Fbwder- 5: It makes all cleaning tasy. 'ttv TUB 1. K. PAIRBAJIIC COMPAST, f U? " 3V Chlawo. HtLmil. X York, aW Ss)w Hoatoa. 1-tuladalpt.l. Quality and.Price... Tb ran. eomblnaUon of quality aad prloo which -wa ar offering la Colombia, Hartford and; Vedette. BICYCLES - s . , , for "89. baa never been appreacbed by any otbar btcye'. Hons. Tho quail'. ot oar wheels baa been admitted for yrs, area by our competitor, to be unsarpaiaad. Our to models lhow marked1 advancement fat mechanical couatructlon; tha beat machines wa taave aver turned otrt, that moan their equals do not zktt By running our great factoriaa to thatx fuileat capacity, they ara atria to offar oar Mcyoles at price lmpoaalbla to manu faetoro wfth amaUer output, wtthoot' aaertfldDg quality. Prices for '09 Models. COLUMBIA CHAINLES8 COLUMBIA, TANDEMS COLUMBIA. MODELS SUI COLUMBIA. MODEL HARTFORDS, PATTERN U-t VEDETTES. PATERN HJX ...... VEDETTES. PATTERN E-2 .... Pope Manufacturing Go. Controlling Oregon, Washington, Montana and Idaho, (Special J'S Commercial Street near male 36 inches wide. Lounsr dale Muslin for our r i.,1lt t : ..-. Great Sale at 7 c. n c t upon them. Hens' Goods .-. r - v 50o Natural Wool Shirts or Drawers, each , 35o Heavy fleeced lined Shirts or . Drawers, each 11.25 all wool Shirts or Drawers each 45o Ko 11.00 Working Pants, Sale Price, pair 45o 50c Heavy Cotton Sweaters, each 2Sc 11.25 Men's Fedora Hats Sale Prloe c Odd Lots 11.25, 1150 and L75 & C. Corsets) Sale Price 0 25o and $5o Chlldren'a Underwear, Sale Price ISo Ladles' all wool ocaxlet Veet or Pants, each 45o Boys' all wool drawers, worth 75c, pair 8ale Price, pair 26o 25e Children's all wool stockings Sale Price, three pairs for 60o Remnants. ... j . During last week a big selling In dress goods and domestics left an endless lot of Remnants; we have marked them at less than half price. si nm .. aXOI .... ................ .. . .... ..... . I Portland, Or. Oriental CuHoasItlea - ... and Toy. - - ... &r - ' m 1 . -M rv3 rnui s-caww biovk cariv Self Regard! of Costajoa 'i 'T f. .iV V ..'tat " rtt 'i. t.V j-4.ju.oi ja - j rt Cooper's Dry Goods Store. Our Store is ji k n v . Ladles' Mackintoshes. 13.00 valuea for $160 4.00 valuea for IN 4.50 valuea for 184 150 values for 4 W 160 vaiues for... IW Childrens' Mackintoshes tZ25 valuea for tLM 150 valuea for L7l 150 values for IS Witiff I aa Pa if um at Less than wholesale cost at big Reduction Said This SHANAHAN BROS