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About The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 20, 1899)
T11K DAILY ASTUttlAlN, FRIDAY. MOKMNU. JANUARY 20, I8M JOHN T. LIGHTER. Kdltor. Telephone Ux V TERMS OF 8UBBCWPTI0N. DA1LT. Bent by mall. per year Sent by m It. per month Served by carrier, per mouth.. .KM .. M ... . 8EM1-WEEKLT. Sent by mall, per year. In advance., Postsgs free to ,uoscr,bera. Ail communications intended for pobll eatlon ahould b directed to th editor. Business communications ot all kind And remittances mum be addressed to "The. Astorlaa." The Astorlaa guarantees to in adver tiser tha largest circulation ot any fr-apaper published on tha Columbia river. Advertising rate cx aaa oa appsJ- aeuoe o the buelneat miMger. All of lh misrepresentation and mud slinging that a oertaln Aatoria pnper ha Indulged In aurlng tta frantic eftoria to Injur th food nam of the Columbia river, does not appear to be affecting the business of chartering hlpa for new crop loading at Portland. Shipowner who end their vessels wherever there Is water to float them, and business to b handled, ara perfectly familiar with the adraetarei of this port. The latent Uluiu tratloQ of rhU fact ta In the charter of tha German ahlp Columbia for September ' loading at Portland, at Us 3d. a lower rat than was paid for a smaller vessel at a corresponding period Ut year. The Columbia, which was formerly well known on this coast a th Rrltlsh ship Lord Wolsey, is a splendid &V-tn ship. and Is about the largest ship that has ever been chartered for this port for rVptember loading. Alleged "marine' , Item In yesterday'a Oregonlan. Has the Oregonlan no responsible head that th youths employed around Its ofllce ant allowed to print such stuff as this In that paper? Of course the "certain- paper her alluded to is the Astorlaa. but will the editor of the Orvgonlan explain In bis proper column when the Aitorlan ever published a word deroga tory to the Columbia river? On th other hand, can he deny that the Astorlaa Is today the only defender th Columbia river has against an unrighteous rail road combination that to fast building up two great cities on Puget sound at th expense of th Columbia river basin and through th transfer of business to thosa points which naturally belongs to Port land and Astoria? If such statements hs these ar not facts, or If their publica tion defamea th Columbia river and casta mud at Portland, let the editor of th Oregontaa dare attract public atten. (ion to them by answering and discus sing them In his editorial columns. So far as th statement about th char tering of th ship Columbia for Sept em. , bee loading in Portland at Puget sound charter prices is concerned, the Astorlaa Is not now prepared to disprove It. It may b true that this ship has been chartered for th Columbia river at the figures, but It Is a safe prediction that eh will load, if she loads here at all. at AM oris, and that neither her owners nor her charterers have any Intention to send her to Portland at these or any other charter figures. A LOSING GAME. The Oregonlan's annual for i'5s f jr. nishea some striking proofs that tying up with th Sound against Astoria Is a losing game. Under the operation of that "Jim" Hill combine. Portland Is holding th snipe bag. Let the collated facts speak out on the subject. Of wheat and flour In 1KA to Europe and Africa, Portand shipped llO.OdV'JO worth against J12.CWj,(W) from Puget sound despite Portland's down grade, an 1 nearly V'.) mllt-s distance nearer the Oc'aa. Of flour to tha Orient. Puget sound shipped as muih as Portland, about one and a half million dollars worth. Portland's foreign exports aggregated $13,000,0(1(1 In value. Most of this, though, was grain grown in Portland's neighbor, hood that could not, without great lose, go elsewhere for export. Puget sound's foreign exports equaled 116,000.000. In cluded In the Puget sound exports was over t3.000.000 worth of merchandise by rail across the continent, while only about tlOO.urt) worth, or a thirtieth of like ex. ports, went out from Portland. Portland's Import only equaled one and a half million dollors, while those of Tacoma alone equaled 13.000,000, and those of Puget sound tVX,000. Of Portland's importatletui about $1,000,000 worth went east by rail as against $4,000,000 worth from Puget sound. Port In nil cuts tmt a puny figure In transcontinental business. She has no transcontinental road to look after her Interest She lets the Great Northern and Northern bottle up the Union Pacific, through th O. R. ft N. Company's sub. aervlency to "Jim" Hill's Interest end purposes. Portland seems nut to want transcontinental business, nor u want any other shipping business to b done on th 'Columbia "river' of in Oregon thin tuco aa Is forced through her ton gates in 'lieu, of a poeslb'l outlet elsewhere.'" The ar striking and tell-tal features of th Oregonlaa'a annual for 1898. jn face t 'tiixbKtoa''of Portland' i fFV! il illny l l J ill ll XNfcfic tabic Preparation for As SimiLillng rJtrooJ.itvlRcCuLl ting rta Stonuuis and Dowels of IYomotcs Dis;cstion.Chccrful nc?arriRret.ttntains ncittvr Opnim.Morphinc nor Mineral. Hot Namcotic. ' A perfect Remedy for Constipa tion. Sour Stotiuc!i.Dijnfooa, Warms jfonuilstons .Fewisl. nrss end LOSS OF SLEEP. Tc Simile Sijnalur cf NEW YORK. tXACT COPY OF WRAPPER. fallur aa ttve port of th Columbia basin, the O regard an seeks to bolster It up by claiming on Its map a "Si-foot channel at low tide;'" although S feet Is trm official rating, with! a rise In th tide of only tsno feet. At th same time th Oregonlan fails to mention th greatest fart of western commerce, vli: a SJ-foot channel at th mouth of th Columbia. with eight feet tidal rise, making a . foot entrance from the ocean Into th greatest fresh water harbor on this con tinent. Oregon ta Indeed a land of plenty. Her productions, aa shown in tb Oregonian'a annual, ar wonderful But she has not developed any shipping port for the hand. Ung of general commerce. Why? Simply because Portland seeks to hold our pro. ducts ta tha middle of tb country for export at a point wher th 'great ship r coo mere cannot and will not go. It Is plain that no transcontinental or gen eral shipment will rer b done from t&e Columbia river until Oregon (bail hare a transcontinental road, making Astoria its sole terminus, and bene Interested In se curing that business. So long aa Port land fights against such a dnlderatum she plays a losing game. She commits commercial felo de a. Thoroughly healthy girl hood means happy wife hood - and ca oiothTbd. A new fanglad. pradery p rsvst soasy fins- from 'earning things that they ought to know before they assume the d sties of mat-rimonv-aad maternity. Athletics alone will net a young woman taor- o scaly healthy. Tb counsels of a good motbei or some older woman an indispeoaabte. The beat and noblest mis sion of a woman is to beat and rear healthy, intelligent children. la order to do this, she most be healthy and anly way. Both the intel lectual and physical future of her ebildrea deoend lareelv noon the mother. Dr. Pieren Favorite Prescription i the best of all medicines for maid, wives and moth ers It u intended to do but ooe thing and does that one thing thoroughly. It act dnrctly on the delicate and important or gans concerned in wifehood and mother hood and makes them strong, healthy, virile, vigorous and elastic. Taken dar ing the time of preparation, it banishes the thai' and dangers of maternity. It ins ares the well Ueing of the mot'rr and the robost health r,f the child. It is the greatest of nerve tunics and nerve builders. Thou sands of women have told the ttorj of its marvelous accomplishments. Good medi cine dealers sell it and will not advise a substitute in place of it Is a letter to rr. Pierce, Mr. C A. McDonald, of No. VT3 N commit Street. Lea Aagetcs. Cat. avi ' "At Junction City I became avu. laHd with W. C Lee. M. D.. sn old fmXilioaa. He said he us college cbaa of yoats. bat that yoa wem w europe to me oem upna, w tm commenced practice ; mat lor iunf wn were onuurrra ooe of ta naif in New York blue, lad be com edits bettrr than ill athna. sad daily in hu practice Oa the strength commeaii,tWHi I trmt totf S ti,n imlilu'WiiM' TW'lnnntt Pirn siin- tion ' hu acted like magW i" cases vcegalar and painful monthly periods, s sew doses oflty mag necesurv to restore tnc aaurrai nmcuoo. 7 be Pelleti have prorea sa ianUubt cars for aaa duvju beaOacbe.' In paper covers, 21 one-cent stamps; cloth Dinaing, ten cents estra. ui. rierce's Lorn mon Senie Medical Adviser. Address Dl IL V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. V. Queen Victoria invariably sleeps si tih h r bedroom window Mighlly open at the top, no natter what the season of the year. TODR Ya 7. Shows the state ot your feelings and tha state of your health as well. Impure blood makes Itself apparent In a pale and aailow complexion, pimples and skin erup tions. If you ar feeling weak and worn out and do not have a hesjttiy appear ance you should try Ackers Blood Elixir. It cure all blood disease wher cheap sarsaparllla and to-caued purifiers fail; knowing thla we U every bottl on a poaitiv guarantee. For aaJ by Estea Conn Drag Co. Adam probe bfy never forgot bis first Now Year eve. TO CURE A CuLO iWOtCB DAT. Taka kexatlV Brdrho Qui nine Taoleta. All druggists refund th money If ii fails to cm.-', p eenta.' She gefinlne bag L. B. Q. on each tablat u LlilT.Y- i -. - f If LU.I make For Infants and Children. Tho Kind You Have Always Bought Bears tho Signaturo The Kind You Have i Always Bought. There is still living In F.ngl.inl woman who danced at the famous lliclt mond ball given In Trussells on thi e of Waterloo. She Is Lady Catv vr. and Just entered her 1'lt year. At the time of th,. ball sh was prttty Xlls rtlfT and was drvsm d In pal plr-k. Pears' No other soap in the world is used so much ; or so little of it goes so far. Another Persian prince Is traveling In Europe, and hi presence In Paris is re calling all th many stories tola of the famous visit of the shslt a few years cgtl- He la Malik Xtnsonr Mlrsa, sec. ood son of the shah. ' He Is IS years olt" and delicate, and the Thief purpose of Bis (oar Is to consort with specialist. No healthy person need rear any dan. geroe tonaaqucrteea froea an attack ef I grlppa If properly treated, it la mach tha aaa as a sever cold and requires precisely tha same treatment Remain quietly at home and take Chamberlain's Cong Remedy as directed for a sever cold and complete recovery la sure to follow. For sal by Charles Rogers, dragghrt. The every-uay Christian has sevt-n chances to the other fellow's one. OABTOIIIA. Baanths 'A 1B ' HawAJwjv BcsjU Blgaatvs of It Isn't holiday charity to give awiy what you don't wane younclf, but it's economy. L.A GRIPPE 8rCCKSSFCLLT TREATED. "I have recovered from the second attack of la grippe this year." says Mr. James A. Jones, publisher of the Leader, Mr 1 la. Texas. In th latter case I used Cnamtwrlaln's Cough Remedy, and I think with considerable success, only being In bed a little ovr two days against ten days for the former attack. The second attack I am satisfied would have been equally as bad as th first but for the use of this remedy, as I had to ro to bd In about six hours after being 'struck' with It, while in the first case I was able to attend to business for about two days before getting 'down.'" For sale by Charles Rogers, druggist. f'onstantin f'hrlntomnos. ihf ami. nr. who was rcailt-r to the muMero! .mi'P-i'S f Austria, has publlrhwl a book of r-ni. Inlscences of his lif; at the court, much of which Is M'Sfraphical of the cmpres.. TO THE PUBLIC. We ar authorised to guarantee every bottl of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy to b aa represented and If not satisfac tory after two-third of th contents hav been used, will refund the money to th purchaser. There I no batter medicine made for la grippe, colds and w hooping cough. Price 25 and CO cents per bottl. Try it Better fluh remain In the sea than ever were caught. Th bride n-ver weds th "best man." HOW TO PREVENT PNEUMONIA. Ton ar perhaps aware that pneumonia always results from a cold or from an attack of la grippe. During the enl. detnlc of la grippe a few years ago, when ao many case resulted In pneumonia, It was observed that the attack was never followed by that disease when Chamberlain's Cough Remedy was used. It counteracts any tendency of a cold or la grippe to result In that dangerous disease. It Is th best remedy In the world for bad colds and la grippe. Every bottl warranted. For sale by Charles Rogers, druggist The late Senator Morrill always made a speech early in the session, mm a copy bound in R'imila huther to every sennor and a paper bound copy to i-very voti r In Vermont. That tb Mood shorn a perronn its vital funottoa. R Is eisolutey. necussary it should not only be purs tut rteh'la Uf- advljig elements.. Tbea result' ar' beat effeded by tn use Of that weel-keewn standard blood purifier,' Ayersr BtMasm. r Ml THE RUSSELL Con? pound Automatic Engine SliMng urn! Ktoiioinu'til. Writo us for I'tirticulais, A. II. A KK1I.L, Hl'SSKl.L A CO., Miiiiugt'r. iVitlau.l, Uivgon, Kopp's S-K 3k j The North Paoiflo Prewery. of whioh I Bottlex! ber fur family use, or kt Mrjobn Kopp is proprietor, make beer ber snpplirxl al any lim. delivery to for ilomes'ie ami export trail. J 'ha ftly freev. Hortb Pacific Breucry Commission, Brokerage, osurance and Shipping. 3 The HViitiKlVJU Pci 2 THO!. OUINKAN, Proprietor 5:,0 Portland, Or. a a w-a General GoHTRRCTOH m Builder j Estimates Given od All Kind of Work. r. . , . y rtn jiiicsois no. 491, - THE 5eventh and SHASTA MINERAL WATEK, ITITER. XOBLK. KIIKOKY AND SHAW'S MALT WHISKIES. ALL OTHER LigiOKS, WISES, HEEK AXI) CIGARS Served Dny nnd Nltflit. AUGUST KRAT2. MiNHnnn HUlltilUUU -..'...',.,n, uj ine frugUfc.distntatiof fy.u'X -, , .. . . uf.:,i , , :. . . .. v.- 191 (ft potr.cvi .-5"t fovft-f, ;!kI-c-L-wj., 111 Pack, b il raj,m. irrii ,1 f ml'M'os, Vi i or i ons ion mi, men Qmctni a of C'.r ?;"! 1 ; f '"''' Ctops er vousVwIfthlnK trt telial. 1 ' -"- k'Xi I.", "' '" J'.'JS a.-,, fciau.,. .4'., .1. a . Il al f.TtJ 1 "-'"'Had taiiauat. bi.'jui l iiiiiru. Ireland has 4",W mud ralilnM. Sick headache absolutely and'perma-l nently cured by using Mokl Tta. A pleaa-, ant herb drink. Cure constipation and Indigestion, make you eat, sleep, work r and happy, fiotlsfactlon guaranteed or ' money refunded. S and CO cents. For, sale by Estes-Conn Drug Co. ! Oerrnan announces zlno wall paixr. CABTOIIIA. BearitU f m mi r' "m k,m BOOglft 8ignatm of The man who has enough m'ini-y to en. alii him to live In Idleness won't and the poor man who would can't. I Luxuriant hair, or uniform color, Is a j beautiful head covering for either sex, . nd may be secured by using Hall's Yege- , table Sicilian Hair Renewsr. ; Canada mport apple. 1 Acker' English remedy wnl stop a cough at any tlbw, and will cur lb ; worst cold In twlv hours, or mony re- I funded, a cents and M centa. For sal-! by Estss-Corm Drug Co. j It la In cloven breath that spicy stories ar often told. Acker's Pyspepeta Tablet are add o ! a poaitive gnarante. Cure heart buio. ralatnfar foefl dlstrea sUS ssMar; any form sfQuiiWk, Onw-lUtl rasVat gtra tistneeVlea rtA-S Mt4 W . Foy aaie -tT ataaiaalaj Pnag Cot' ( ' ' 1 v v V "Best A DELICIOUS DRINK.... AMD ABS0LUELY PURE. Caisslom lloiiase Hrokcr. ASTORIA, OREGON. Asenl W. f. A(., anl I'mlflc Hiprr.i IVs g a Housp-Moving 7oAi for Kent A c4r fin C f rrr r .11111 I X . Ill V ' 1 1 1 I . - - - 7 - o Astor Streets - - M a natter ppsmorn my a star or. ra' seuaw Jre t-llia. 11L.U1U11U1. 1 This ..Wlul LOUVRE tusrsDteed to care all aervoas disrates, sank Wash aloroory lZ rata Powev, HewUrbe, Wakaolaaas, lost ataahuod, alightly Umls soai,Nesvoasiess,ail drams, loss ( power la Uaacativ Orgssa of e"hrr sea. caowd by overrrtiu, youthful enora, nreMis asp ol toUcro, opium or stinnlsau, which lesd to Inarnuty, CoaeaaaUoa or l! !r,ViCn.h?rrtd P"- h aoaerbos. 4 fce K ay mH tjepald' Clrrular Free. Sold by alMrafr&s, Aik Ibr.h; Ukiioother. resa steoiciii t rsru, rrnncr Ltuelmi sgcala, Tblnlaail Ysastaillat. fortiaoXor 3.-..'-.':.U' I : v 1 - ,..(.,,. 1 , 1 ." ' i if aiiwa ;. f Ml ' 1' ir,''o J, lm- i, foTrn'"' I v .inia,aliia ! ? , I timius D f 1 r .ni" si"""" t a ""uncHoo. Oala Ko sal by Charles Roaeri BLANCARD'f liBlii! or IODIDE OF IRON for A NMM I A .POORNESS of t lie HU K)D, CONSTITUTIONAL WKAKNbsA ICROIl'I.A.Iitc None genuine nnleaaaigned "Rr.ANCASn" ai.l iKi.'.i.inin. , B. FOUOIiKA 4 CO., N. V. Agt.. for L. S. CASTOR I A For Infant and Children. Tha Kind .You Have Always Bought Bears tha Signature I il AStOU PttPlIC LJCrary BEADINO ROOM FREE TO ALU Open evafy '-ay from t o clock to IM iff and (Jt to M p. m. abaoriptloa rata O per annum. -..llttlt fil' ; I. West Cor. BevoBth and Duaa Itmta, 't . 1 .w . 1 t i -xi riiYttrriANH. l'lt.Al.l'MtlCI KINNICYtWCW AT ri'nlilmti'n, ronimni rviiil strent, near 8ltt. .i(t1o hura: Mnriiliig until 1: nil uft.i minn until 1; evrninn until II oVdvk. 1I1. O. ' II. IWi'lOH, 1'IIVHH'IAN ANU HiirMlit, Hl'ivisl attfitllnii to illmnssKS f wnttton iiiiil surgory. OITW over Psnsltigrr's slots, Astoria. Tsl, No, tX llt J.W TUTTI.K. I'HVHIfUN AM Hihic.iii. titliiK, rnoiti mill .l') llil in Uiiililiuir, ki t'oiiMiiKirlnl strnft. It'l. tli'iK'O Mini', T 'Irptitma W Ai ting rlntillit itH'll 1'hltrd Ht:iti' tmirlltr ltllit irvli'C MAi.VK TICMI'I.K l.tllHlr! NiV , A T. M - ll.-uulur I'i'iiiiiiuiiii ailiiii lirlil oil tliu first and llilr.l Turily jv itlitaf of molt HHMilli il, t'.'N.Mm'llUY, W, M.i K. l'. IIOIJUCN, Hwriry. A'mUM0VH. j q. A. IIUWI.IIY, ATAUtNKY ANU tMl'N8ICl,t.tU AT I .AW. t rtl.-r ll.iinl Htriml. Astiirlrt, uro. PorAT TICKETS W PAILWAYP0IHTS EAST dining and library observation aara. KI.KOANT VKBTIUl'I.R TRAINS. No. 4 Umlted leave Porllaad at I M No.' I Limits arrive Portland at H a. m ror ratea, to.. rail or adi1re i. W. ivinousiriii sal U. il. N. Astorl Agsnl 0. II. N. Astoria. or a C. DENNIITON. C P. T. A.. PorUand. Or. Ka.l Mill ti.r AtN-rlt-a. j Ko. I 1 II. 'A a a nihil iiit. icim.j t-,k aif, Vienna, liutin, So. t. o '.I a. u Aim, ii'l. m J sul.i III- n l 'l i"iini ami a I SouiIipuI. N.i. lu ( in, v - iurilHl, Hratilo sil rriii if. iri Hralllt'. Tniius, ulyn. " "' i la iil li l.nir.l!l 'H,Ull.. i hi iaul Omaha. Ksn i-ii n.l other MUMourt rlvrr f'tnti. TtiM and nn ttall day to U U)ul, Milwaukee and Chliairo ... rour and one-naif ya I Walacai. Philadelphia nl othr far eairn l'Wf l-9hara laklna A. ' 1- L , I o'rlork m.KTiUur train WIU make cl.iJ mnn.Hiona al Uuhla wMh the t bound 'Vnlon'iietiot eonneciion at ell principal lugg- chrkd through to destina tion or tlekaa. . Mm jfijr iImiIis car roservatlona. lira!. Bran of mil an4 oUiat inlonnaiUi), caJl on or eddres . . J Co merraai a. Ast.ia. A. Asalntant Oeewraj Jafrj Morrlao) Hlrset Portland. Or, PsaawMsr Agval. BM Through Tickets -TO THaV EAST AND SOUTHEAST -VIA PULLMAN PALACM ILSCPStlS. TOOTUiT IU1RM a4 rni bscunwo cuajb cam -Daily to Salt Lake. Denver, Omahj, Chicago, Kansas City' and other Eaatern el Ilea ' llassag raiarked through to daatlnatlnn, I'nuin lepota fast.uma, lowest ratas, Ptmara llaht l all care., for rues and other Information call n or 1drra (J W. LOUNBDERRT. Af-NM. O. R. N. Co. Aatoria. Orscnn. i irriin(jr, un. Agent, Third at. 1 rr Alder, Portland. (Jr. ia LUHKICATINO Fislier OILS A SPECIALTY Brothers ASTORIA. HHIP CIIANDLERT HARDWARE IRON AND STEEL COAL OROCERIEfl ANIj PHOVIRtOva KLOirit AND MILL KKBD PAfNTH OILS AND VARNlSlirfl MJUUKitn niJi'i'i.iKH KA I It II aNK'H BCALKfl DOORfl AND WINDOWS AORICULTURAI, IMPLBMKNT8 WAUOINB ANU V ICLtB. flotfs Nerverine lis The grcji rcmcay jt ntrvoui proa (ration and ah nervous dueasM of tlx generative or eana rt allliaa AKaaBaawMsaV 'U.' UunK AND A KIWI IrtlMi. W. tufU aa rT..A... D 1 T? '1, S Mm nwraunii; ratling c. Wit Manhood,' Impotency, Nightiy Emii. iioni, Youthlu! Errors, Mental Worry, eg. ttttive u ol I obtcco or Opium, which kid lo Coninmption and Insanity. $1.00 r ' vy main o boxes tor 55.00. Jl!:TTSCItMICfllC()..Proci, CWnOhl For sal by BflTKi-CXJNN DRUQ CO, fills Is s aon-finnnfimia raSIMlV flfP llilw.rrl.,u 'tlauis I (ieat. arm.torrliU'si a I iala.ra.l Wlillrs. linliri 4i Oaaraauat H ehsrSm, or anr Inllaniliia. IM ia aalaMra. lion. IrrltAtlnn r.r !.... Irnnaia aaaudaa. tlon ( nilaona mam imtiHSIUHiainiinfl, www. ooe-aatrii o.a a. . iror m is niais wrai or aunt la nlaia wrappw. fl P." speaaa. iiraiwiit, paid, fit fi.7B. 11.00, or S bolilaa, r at iiraui. M. ... mom: SO"S ,0,b' rR libMiiss V LKaVR " ilolll.K IAKKIVI. r- - ta ilV'" .-rr ...a. ASTORIA AND COLUMBIA RIVER RAILROAD. Iav r"" Astoria '(Dally) ArHv" a.m rordand and Aslrlali,iii tiM t:iiUrcpr.s Iralns vlll,nU:H Kliapim, l litmn, ww purl, i'latsliniils, llii I'linnsoiion al tlolilf nr His Kt and rugsi H.iiiiul iMilnla. n.m.a.m.i p.m a.m. II. W ;M Astoria, Heill ami Nw Astoria I'asssiiMer trains, via Warrsiiion and rlavrt. HiiiuUr llutilsrs' spo- Hal Astoria to MmsIiIsI ;. C. MAYO, (i. r. i'. a. WHIFE COLLAR LINE Columbia Htvsr and IMgst iound Nasi, gailun Couipany. TrUnhons lavs Astoria dally, ttvi unttay, at t l. m. . ly-i,orllami dally npi luaday at t a. m. Whits fnllsr Una (lellls hilar hsna-avla on Tlihn, T. J. I"lisr Jfc n tuMiitMH.n (or Astoria and all wy tmh yUv.l. Ilwaoo. Hvlw, Unfl io. aaa Nahcolia. A j TAYIIH. U. II. StTrTT. m aatona AgsaJ. IYmKIml Tibon Ho. U 0 i TIU .vlli:i)ll.l!. j tiKI'AKI" r-fum I'nrtl.iul Asam ! ,'ll jtKe. I't-iirrf rt i Mall M 111 r-itt Mll ll'ini W111II1, iliuatis ksn ' : rity, hi l.ii.. I hls, "4 ' ' y. k ... Wl Walla. Hlikalir a..,..,.. !; : MiMiieHill.,fii.l'.iil i.lZm J1-' Wla m. .!.. 1 lit, and r.t, 1 ', flulll A.tnlM OvIlAN Ktl:AM.MIII'5 I All Hailing l'l iiit Jtrt l.i rltaiisd. 1 yur ran r ii fVII jail. J. . 11, In, l J ;m el mi I'iiIumiIiI lllver I11U1 HiMiiiivr tiael Mo j 1 -urtianti aaa , Way laaillaaa a.m rr- -" , , T ileal hue 'lllaatls lf. Unit .d amlKal .SaI-hi libjiij. I un l j aud m In 4imI a. Uii'tlni sad Vsw- a al r M. Ta m. kni M'M. Wad. luri !", , ,, ,m..ii. A: and XI. slid sal- Bj( Umlu,!. I 1 ltllla, ilftt't rl'- t rai'lra I t l.wl.ia . 1 1 s III. dallf .lr aak lllMlat I rl.ln. I ft, Irt rtifliai'-l Wll l.iVH lr H, I II I i III Ki Mlu.U "I'f'll l. Nrl-l Salrib l " a) I ai.J . , yiiuudar lve twalnn dally airotH rTlday, O. W. LOUNIIIKRRT. ajaat Arerla, W. H. HURUIORT. Oesv paa, Agt. Pee-liaad. Or. LCAVI PORTLAND ARJUVI OVICniaND EX PRicMal. far mC. nasturg. AshisnJ. Merasaente, Ogdaa, Han r ran disco. Mo lave. lxi Angela. 1CI Paao, Nsw or laans an) the East Roaeburg paaaengsr Via Wo5hurn. for Mount Ani.l, sin. varton, Wast B.-U1. Ilrownvllla, rlprlna &sM and Nstloo. :0 P. M N. A. M n-.m a. m P. M Dally sevt I unday Dally escetit aodag rr A. M M:M P. Ml Corvarils paatenger f:an A. M Its A M tnavpvaatoce Dally, trally eioept Kun.tky. - , ,w,vwu Willi , oerilal tirtental. pariru: Mail and Oce anic steamship lna tm JAPAN, CI,'NAA',7'AI.tA AND Rebata ttrketa on sals dally tKw Portland, HanremesiUi, and Han Prannia. OO. Nat ra I M I17 rlnal-laa . . a,. ond-claa. inrliallne aleener' Rata anil tloliaita to Kaala rn ftnlniA a.iwi r.urvii. Also Japan, China, Honolulu. l".'L'f.,.mlr"ll- (n h nMalnsd" fnnn J H K1RKIAND, Tirksl Anl, M Th",! R. KOKIII.ltlt. h. It MAUK(a.: Manaasr (1. P. A P Thro II h tlrkata Paal us on fop IfiVMI Trenihar'l. local asanf. IOWM( I I.W.. I - ail nn . J Well Karao (' omtany a ornc, Astoria. WHEN GOING EAST I Use a first ilnas litis In traveling l- twean Minneapolis. Bt. Paul and CNrag. and th prlnclia towns in Central wuv Consln. Pullmun Palara Hlerping and Chair Car In servlre, Ths dining cars ara operated In tha Interest nf Its patrons, thn ni"t elegant service aver Inauguratnd. Meal ar served a I carts. To obtain first class service your ticket should read via The Wisconsin Central Lines. Direct connTtliins a I Chicago and Mil. waukne for all eastern poliita, Por full Information call on your near est ticket aa-stil, or writs JAB. C. POND, (ieneral Paasanaer or JAB. A CLOCK. M.lwauke. ttu Oensral Agent, M fltnrk Btrset Portland. Ora via Rilling and Ilurllngton route, ana you reach Omaha. Kansas tit v. m, i.. and all other southern and outheaaUra. crtla. half a day aooaer than m..i who Uka any other Una Oo oeat via BU Paul and tha nnei.-.. rout,, and you ride th finest train en ann-ui uuningtotua wt. PauWa,loaaa Limited. Oo east via Ogden and Dsnvar ... see tb wondarfu, aoensry of tb Rockies famed the world over aa th moat m..' nlfloaot on the continent. oiflio lilo llllliii Iawaanwaaiaiail;.gia7ayj Go East... Ticket at offlcea of oonneetlng Una. ' A. a jHiJLOOil. iii. -a jc-,a.rii 1 ;!. a -i