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About The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 20, 1899)
i a . , . " " 'i ... ..... . , ..,. .. ,-.. . ...... .... ..,. .. V ?' V v. Hi Lt. .;-, " !) V- 1 JXT'JM ' '.I' i ;t THE ASTORIAN tai the larfe.1 circulation of arty pipeit ' on the Columbia Rlvfi TIE DAILY ASTORjAN ts ttie fclMest and test taper on the ColumtLs Rlv FULL ASSQCIATKH PNKSS REPORT. VOL XIJX. ASTOKIA, OKKOON. KKIDAY MO KM NO, JANUAKT 20. 18M NO. 152 7" The Only ;V Stove Store ... IN ASTORIA ... Our Hpeclnliy; HTOVKH AND KANC2RH Win know th IniHini'HH. Twenty yearn experience. If you want (i(K)I) Stove, eo tlio htock nl tliu Eclipse Hardware Co. 18QQ S Pocket and Office Diaries Calendar Pads SS A World s Almanac $ Griffin thru truvinrmru u ivrw u mn uuvuuvuu tnnuvuuv; uvaoAAuv uu iru Keep Imilthy anil tm plenty of Dried Fruits, Canned Vegetables At tlU titnr of the vear. FOARD & STOKES GO. "WE SELL EVERYTHING." in Pacific Sheet Metal Wo rks - MANUFACTURERS OF a ...CANS...5 Frnlt Lithographing on San Francisco. Cal. Astoria. Ore. Writ U for PrleoM C. HEILBORN & SON. The Olclent Houhc in Awtorln. The I,itrpft ami Only Carpet and Furniture House in Astoria. The largest and-finest ntoek of (,'arju ts and Furniture enrried by any house iu Oregon outside of I'prtlnnuV Reduction Sale... To close out our overstock we offer at J?ig deductions Fancy Columbian Soups, eight or ten varieties. Fancy Sliced Peaches and Apri cots, in small cans. Fancy Evaporated Bartlett Pears. All tho uhovo strictly fancy goods. ROSS, HIGGINS & CO COLUMBIA Blacksmiths BoIlerMakers Machinists Foundrymen Logging Bi-ibIhom Heavy Forging Under Power Hammer 9 Specially Sole Manufacturers of the Unsurpassed . ... " Harrison Sectional" Propellor Wheel ... Manufacturers for the I'aclflc CQast for the KOBEKTS WATEK-TUBB BOILER. s Tide Tables Blank Books & Reed. Canned Fruits ; yfp Tin a Specialty. Kalrhavcn. Wasb. IRON WORKS Loggers' Supplies Kept in Stock llullt nnd Repaired. FAIR WARNING! Our 25 per cent REDUGTION SAIiE..... For cash Ends positively On the Last Day of this Month. Herman Wise 1 ; , nrZ?Tsrm CL01 IllhK k HATTER ; !Pa. CUT PRICES W r mnklnc a rrnt cut In upcclnl llnfi. Your opportunity Ih at hand. You are htumj to ncrj sti.nn and Bliuulil buy now whll thi nilvBiitnrc U o obvlouly In your favor. Thene ihof ar pot back numlrra of um-rtuln 10 and quality. Tli?y'r all utandard atook and Rood valuea for twice what we Rik. Lalnl. Schober Co.'i rrduced from Jf60 and fS.OO to JI M and H75. Petersen & Brown. THE PROOF of tht puddlnf m In tha Mtlnf and th proof of llquora IS IN SAMPLING Tbat'a an artumeot that'a con-oluilr- damonatrmtloa. Oura will ataad tha tt HUGHES & CO. L LEBECK Carpenter and BuUder General Contractor HOUSE RAI51NU AND nOVINU A SPECIALTY H.F.Prael Transfer Co. Telephone 11 DRAYING AND EXPRESSING All Goods Shipped to Our Oar Wdl Reoetve Bpeclal Attention. MaaaaM N1. Bl Dnaaa It, W. J. COOK. Mgr. Astoria. Ore. Baa. Tel 111. THE LEVY TO BE 10 MILLS City Will Require the Amount Derived From This Tax For 1899. RECEIPTS ARE IN EXCESS Expenditures Will Fall Short, Ac cording to the Estimate Made by t be Council. NEW WATER COMMISSIONER M. J. Klaney to Fill the' Vacancy Caused ty toe Death of W. W. Parker Interesting Meeting. The only quntlonublc fi-ature of lh rouix-tl mating limt nlnht van th.- up. pninco of City Attorney Allen in full any. Ho wor the rtjulutlon cnt:ay, with mnirlini'oiit whltu vcat, and M Ntt-nt c ilhT hott ihnne like dlamoniSi. Ho had tbe ltr!ic of a p rin about to p.irtl Ipate In a akc walk, and all effort tu iuirrM blm or throw him out proved Inoffwtu.'il. (Jnldrd laid he atrrnuoiialy fljrc(ol to this uncalloO-f ir upiK ttritniti of the rtty attorney, who, be aid, oitioJ to think that ho wa the only mli-roun In th kla. and be movd that Allun be aitki'd to retire. In event of !ila failure to do U, Chief Hallock a to tliriw him out. OoddArd'a motion 1-rvniK'it forth an rti!anatloj frum the wit "rlily" t-lty attorney. h ai-k'd tho p.irdon ,.f the t'nunrll for i'IiiuikIok lila t'Ka without h rmllon. anl ex. Mi.iiii'i. by .il'i); that he wa K'lluK t" a tmll. whrre custom required full ir. llu a-iM ! wuuld m-Vrr do It aKitiii. an. I pr iii!hik1. If tho ooundl uld iill'iw him to remain, that be would inako nn furlhrr attnil to have lila alury imnai" d. Il auld aluo he had rut hi fliir'r, .ind In proof of hlx an-rtlon cxhlliltej tho Injured member. whl.'h wan raixil up In his rmmlker. rhirf. II" nald he aua aulTerltij; Rr. .it pliyl-ul pain. and. If thu rouniil tormtn- ted htm mentally, he e tu.e It wull b ni-eary for him to m4i;n. HI Utile leevh nrouaud tho aympamy of Mr. Oo.l. danl, who la very ttmder.hearted, and tho Third ward councilman withdrew ht motion, threateniiig, however, to kt p It on flln for future introduction ahould the orvaflon airaiQ artae. All rhe members were in their aeaU when Mayor Bergman railed time. Tho most Important mutter to come be fore the meet 1 11c wa the ettimate of receipt and expenditures for the com. Int year, as compiled by the ways and meana committee. The report of that oommlttve placed the eatlmata of receipts at HS.6u7. derlvMt from the following souroes: I.luuor litvnaes $13.50 ttundry licenmw J. 600 Hn ana forfeiture or tne poure court i H.m.i tax II mlllut 6 T3 City tax (10 mllla) 1B.M ToUl receipts Tlio itftKrrgatt1 exnso of tho city for iw, accorvllng to the estimate of the committoo, In and is divided as follows: Mayor aiul i-outi. llmen J layor uiilltor OllllV 1.4W Treasurer's olllcn City ultorney's olllci ... Street superintendent ... M0 100 Janitor, ruol aim ugnc INiutKinnistcr Police di'iHirtmcnt Siiovi ltulitltiir 4.2il Klro deiKinmont S.OV Mi 5mi rn soi l.;:o io.:i a 1M City cvtmtcry mono property Surveyor s oltloo Stationery ami printing Intercut, outstanding: warrants... lutenwl. bonded Indebtedness.... Public library Llllgutlon Total expenditures .J3S.1C7 The. conimlttofl recommended that the amount sut forth lu tho estimate of ex penditures bo appropriated, and an or dinance covering the mutter was Intro, diiit-d. The council decided to delay ac tion n rhe niHlter, however, In order to give tho members an opprt unity to ex amine the estimate and recommend any nectissary alterations. A special meet, lug will bo held next Tuesday evening, when tho appropriations will bo made. Councilman Schertuvkau. of the ways and mentis committee. Introduced an or dinance placing the levy for 1H0 t 10 mills on the real and personal 'laxalde property In tho city. The measure was read first and second time, and goes over till the net meeting. The levy rec ommended by the committee, which Is covered In Mr. 8cherneckau' ordinance, will doubtless be made, HEIKMANX OUT FOR GOOD. At the last meeting of the council ex Clty Burveyor Helkmann presented a communication setting forth that ho was Illegally removed from office by failure of the council In proceeding against him to comply with tho law. The city at. torjiey wa Instructed to make a report upon the matter, and he did so last night. The report seta forth that the council proceeded in a legal manner against Mr. Hcikmann, and that the re moved official would have to go to the courts with hi claim, unless tho coun ell saw fit to reinstate him. Mr. Allen was of the opinion that Helkmann's claim of llloiiallty of procedure was' a poor one and would not hold In a court of law. The report was unanlmous'y adopted. ' KINNEY SUCCEEDS PARKER. The death of W. W., Parker left a va cancy on th water commission, which was filled by Mayor Bergman last night. He named for the plae Mr.' M. J. Kinney, and ths council unanimously approved the appointment The appointment ot Mr. Kinney will met with general ant Infliction, as ho Is a careful, cons- li n!l"ua rrifi n and well fltt'd to asulst In the ad. nilnlxtniilon of this branch of the city :v rnnn-nt. w;i TttJ Ur-:oKM::rnATio.NH, At thi special meeting of the coundl a fw days ago Jatnua W. Wel'-b pr'ent d what he conaldrred two nded changes In tho charter. On, referring to the Improvement of streets, wna sent to the tr;it commit toe, and th other, pro viding for the exemption of manufac torl from taxes, went to the way and means commute. The latter committee r i ported favorably on the suggestion hut tilgbt, and the report tu unuilmounly adopted. The city attorney was Instructed to prepare the oeressary amendment and forward It to the Clatsop county deb-gi-tlon at Hilem. This amendment will ex. empt from city taxation for a period of five years all now manufactories or other Industrie employing or more whit persons. Tlio Idta Is to encourage, out. nldn capital to Invest here. Mr. Wei' h's other recommendation was i hut tho trt superintendent be auth uritt'd to'-h mreots, tlie work to be paid fur by the city. The street com mittiMi rertel adversely on tbe matter. Klvlng uk a reason that futum stmt cummlttei might take the law In a brosdi-r sme than Intended, and that the d.-legatlon. of u h power to commit. '.. au a, bad prucedent to establish. Tlio council com urred In th committee's sukgtloo. JUDOB OR AY CENSURED. The following self-explanatory rro".u. tlon was Introduced by Councilman Welch and unanimously adopted: "Vhert. There ha been forwarded by Hon. J. II. V.; iray. county Judge, to n prentatalvea of this county at Salem a petition to the effect that one-half of the property road tax within the city limit of AstortA and one-half the rond t.ll tax b o!lctid should be given to the lounty. to be expended on county road outside the city; and "Where, At the sugg'-atlon of the Astoria Progressive Commercial Asso ciation and numerous ta-xpayers. the council has already aiwented to and caused to be drafted an amendment to the charter giving all the road po!l tax collected within th city to the county, deeming that the best powlble course; and. "Wherea. Said Gray is miking an ef. fort to dictate charter amendments, for. g-tful of the fact that he Is not a. ooun. i ilm.iii. but only county Judge of Clatsop county, and thai he norhlng to do with charter amendments; now, there. fore. b It "Kesolveil. That the council condemns any rffort. or communication, or petition, tetiiili! to se. ure the passage of smh a nuiimire a wlil deprive the city ot any of -the profKTty ra4 ui collected within the city, and that the Astoria Progressive Commercial Association be requested to also mlopt thi reeolution. and that copies of the name be sent to the r?pre- sintatlve at sulem. ana mai a.iiu As toria Progressive Commercial Association oe requesned to also forward copies to the rcpro.icntatlves." NO CHANGE IN THE LJM1TS. The effort to secure a change in the city limits was killed by th council last night for two years, at least. The matter came up In a resolution by Coun. cllman larker recommending that the limit be reduced about one-half. Mr. Welch moved that action on this resolu tion be Indefinitely postponed and the motion carried, but two member Ut xlnger and Parker voting In the nega tive. The present legislative delegation ha announced ft Intention, to not In troduce any measure for charter amend, mcnts unless the council favored the changes. The advocates of reduced 11m. Its may succeed In making the matter an Issue In the next election and electing rhelr candidates, but this Is not at all likely, and tho agitation for smnlicr lim its will doubtless die out. visits tup: STUDIO OF SCULPTOR MAONUSSKX. Tho Kaisvr and Empress Victoria Ex amine the Lattst Model of Bismarck and Pronounce It Remarkable. 11ERL1N. Jan. . Ycsterdny Emperor William and Empress Augusta Victoria visited the studio of Sculptor Herr M ig- ' ttti., i., t. ili, Hiiitue of Prderiek I h, f.e..... wht.-h th.. nainter. A-lolPh Mcnsel, had recently highly praised to j the emperor, advising him to see It. On entering the studio the kaiser laughingly reminded tho sculptor that, he himself sut as a model for him when the dw. tiger Empress Frederick took her two eldest children to the studio of Magnus sen's father, who was also an artlit. After a long time In silence the emperor said: "That must go Into the death cham ber at Suns Souch A moment later ha remarked: "The mastery over the soul of the falling body Is very striking. He looks ns though ha wanted to lift .himself, up again and speak." After studying the bust of tho late Prince Bismarck, mod eled Just before his death, he pronounced the likeness remarkable, saying: "Hun dreds will stand before it and say Bis marck never looked llke that; and yet well, 'tis only for connolseurs." In the course of the conversation he told the sculptor that he might well b proud of Herr Mensel's opinion, adding: "I trust entirely to his Judgment." He also promised Magnussen an order for a statue in the Sleges-Allee. or avenue of victory, one of the most fashionable promenades In Berlin, saying: "I shall choose a very hard theme, as I see you can easily overcome dimculMos." MURDER AND SUICIDE. SEATTLE, Jan. 19.-Davld Williams, ex-surveyor of Kitsap 'county, shot and killed his wife and then committed suicide this afternoon at his home near Sllvcrdale. The only cause that can be assigned Is Insanity. In taking his own life he shot himself three times' with a shotgun.- Two hours elapsed between tlio first and third shots. CAPTAIN ERICKSON EXONERATED. SAN FRANCISCO, Jan. 19.-The United States Inspectors of hulls and boilers to day exonerated Captain Erlckson, of the steam schooner Protection, from any blame In connection wttb the foundering of his vessel in th heavy storm on De cember 29 off the Columbia river. BIG PRICES FOR VOTES Burns Said to Be Paying: $6000 at the Califor nia Capital. MANY CHARGES ARE MADE Chairman of tbe Committee Ap pointed to Investigate tbe Scandal Implicated. THE SITUATION UNCHANGED Democrats Are Voting- for White, the Grant and Burns Man Standing Firm- In Other States- 8ACRAME.NTO, Jan. 19.-The commit tee Investigating the scandals resulting from the senatorial situation Is meeting with surprising results. The last man to be dragged into the circle of suspicion I Chairman Casper, of the committee. himself. L. L. Levlngs, of the San Fran. Cisco Call, took the stand todav and swere that a person, to the witnc un known, had told him that Milton J.Green. Grant' manager, had said that Casper had been to Green with a statement that 1 Bums had offered him (Ccper) 0M for hi vote. Cosper, according to the t"ry. told Green that he would like to vote for Grant, but thought that Grant should pay him a much a Burn had offered. Chairman Cosper followed Levlngs on ! the stand and denied the statement. Walter Bacon. Grant' attorney before the committee, stated that he had been t 111 1 rh .1 . . mmlu, rtf I. I . . V r. t said to a friend that Burn. Tad off .d t ' N0HT" DAKOTA- iM for a member's voto. The friend ' BISMARCK. Jan. 19.-Of 1 votes cast was described as a Grant man, and an ' '"r United State senator Johnson re assemblyman had ald to him: . 'celved 30 and Thomson (democrat). It i' i j for Grant. ynU people should T18 other were eattrl. ,.,.,... do as well by me a Burn has offered to " ' ' , do." IX MONTANA. The witness demanded that the man to HELENA Jan. 19. The vote for United whom Cosper had. he. alleged, made the State senator today resulted: statement be brought before tho conunlt- Conrad (democrat) 3) tee. and named C. C. Lammerson, of Vis- f)ld,mL!r't, alia. When pressed as to whom the as- MciinnemocrV";'.'.'.'.;'.'.r.'.l".".!"!'.! t scmblyman Is, he replied. "Mr. Cooper." , Toole (democrat) : 4 A subpoena ha been Issued for Lam- Malone (republican) n merson. Subpoena will, tomorrow, be ' Issued for M. H. De Toung. proprietor of SHORT LINE TRANSFER DELATED, the San Francisco Chronicle; W. F. Her. 1 rln, of the Southern Pacific law depart- I NEW YORK. Jan. 19. Tha fact de ment, and John D. Sprecklea, proprietor veioped today that the transfer of the of tbe San Francisco Call. THE DEADLOCK CONTINUES. SACRAMENTO. Jan."i-Tno frt break In the senatorial deadlock wa made on the 22d ballot, when Bulla gained four votes and iBarne one. Tbe force of Grant and Burns stand firmly by their respective candidates, rhe gain that went to Bulla and Barnes coming from the lesser light of the senatorial contest. th. ,i ,h n.i vno,. fiia... urant ... IT Burn '.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'.!!25' Bulla 13 Scot" iTi;""""!!"".!"!""""!""""1! Hani '.V.V.V.'.'.V.'.V.V.' 2 Esteo 1 Feiton 1 Kosenfeld 1 S. M. Whlto 31 UTTLE CHANGE AT OLYMPIA. OLYMPIA. Jan. W.-In toilay's ballot ing the dropping of Daniela from An. keny to Foster was significant, because Daniels resides in Ankeny's territory. Beiles left Humes for Wilson. Hammer and Barlow, who have been on the sick . "I'twired today and voted for Foster. Three ballots failed to shake the respec- v standing of the candidate, as follows: j v on 77"'7."'.'.'.'.".'."'.""".2; Hume .'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.-.'.....'.'..!.'.7.'.7.'.'.'.7.'.'.!5l 'Ankeny 7 After the first ballot, in forcing a con. tlnuation of the balloting from one to three votes, all but one each of the Foster and Wilson men united In eon. tlnuing the balloting while tha fusion Ists. 13 Humes and 4 Ankeny men and tho one John B. Allen man supported ad- Journment The Humes men voted for ad- Journniem almost solidly until It was ap- . parent the opposition to continuing was I defeated. Wilson's managers continued to demand a caucus, because the opposl- tlon say they know they cannot got It until they (the Wilson men) cannot pre. vent It. A break In Wilson's forces now would go far toward ditching him, but to con tinue t,t ,Hmh higher would ejihanee his chances materially. One fuslonlst. Van Tatton, the aged senator from Columbia . -- . . t , U'IIoati hv Itftalra t.t ' county, voted for Wilson by mistake to day. He corrected the error at the con clusion of the rollcall. All the fustonlsts present support Congressman Lewis. Lagrlppa continues to grow more prev alent among members and visitors. BITTER CONTEST IN NEVADA. CARSON, Jan. 19. Increased bitterness has been Injected into the senatorial con- i test bv the action of the state central -committee of the silver party, which this I WASHINGTON, Jan. lfl.-The senate afternoon deposed from the chairman- 1 today confirmed Joseph H. Choato as ship W. E. Sharon, who Is managing ' ambmsador to Great Britain. Makes the food more ovh Oak in Frank NewUnd'i fight for senator, and then read out of the allver party both New-lands and Hhnron. The chief charge against both the deposed member was trra h"ry to the pttform adopted, si Reno, hharon was xpellcd from tba committee by a vote of 2 to U and Now. land was read out of the party by a vote of 29 to 15. A resolution wan then offered reading William M. Stewart out of the silver party, but It wa voted down. Sharon then left the committee room, followed by 11 members, and announced tfcat h would form a new committee. The re publicans tsr, elated over the coramltbie's action, believing, with a division of tha silver force, they would Infuse new Ufa Into the contest. Th committee proton to be pleased wttb what they term ioe "weeding out of rh renegades," and Congressman Newland assert that his position I strengthened by his enforced retirement by tbe silver party manage ment. WOMAN RECEIVES A VOTE, HALT LAKE, Jan. U.-Tha legislature took five ballot for senator tbl after, noon.' The last ballot was a follows: King If MoOine li Goodwin , .,.,.14 Powers 1 Cannon 7 Nubecker 1 Republicans absent I On the seventh ballot for senator to. day Senator Peely, of Salt Lake, voted for Martha Hughe Cannon, being, It la said, tbe first vote ever cast for a woman, for the United States senate. ATKINSON TURNED DOWN, CHAKL,ESTON. W. Va., Jan. 18 Th republican senatorial caucus tonight on th fifth ballot stood: Scott, 24; At kinnoD, 13; scattering, I. Scott needed then but on more vote to nominate and the nomination wa con. ceded to him. Three republican member refused to enter tbe caucus or abide by the caucus decree. IN NEBRASKA. LINCOLN. Jan. 1.-The last vote for United States senator today resulted a fohowc Allen, M; Hayward, 38; Web. ter, ; Thompson, 7; Lamberton, 4; scattering, 14; necessary to choice, Ci. IN DELAWARE. DOVER. Jan. 13. Tbe vote for United Suite senator follows: Gray (democrat) IS Addicks (republican) 11 John U. Oruy (democrat) I Ulle (republican) I Necessary to choice X Oregon Short Line to the Union Pacific, which the directors of the latter road have been empowered to make. Is likely to be delayed by a suit brought by C. H. Venner, of Boston, as a Union Pacific shareholder against the road. In which h is in a small way Identified. A meeting of the stockholders of the Union Paclflo was held at Salt Lake City January 10. ' when authority was given the Union Pa t ciflc board to Increase the common stock to 138.000.000 In order to take over the Short Line. This matter will be conald- ered in the early part of next month. A director of the Union Pacillo said today that,tha Venner suit 1 likely to delay the transfer, but the argument which he pre- gents will cause no permanent trouble, ) j REBELS AGAINST 16 TO 1. ! MILWAUKEE. Jan. W.-The Journal today print a letter, written by Edward C. Wall, a Wisconsin member of the dem ocratic national committee, in which he says: "It Is my belief that the doctrine of 16 to 1 Is neither democratic nor & soun1 business proposition, but I. in fact, entirely opposed to potn. i. wun many others, accepted the platform In 1S96. not because of that declaration, but notwithstanding it, and at this time It seems proper for me to enter, as I now do, my protest, ad a democrat, against a repetition of that mistake. I make no protest against the rest of the platform of 1S96 and for Mr. Bryan, the nomine for president at that time, I have the very highest respect, knowing he Is a sincere, honest and fearless man." NEWARK ORDERED HERE. WASHINGTON, Jan. 19. Orders have been sent from the navy department to hav ,he "uiser Newark prepured to start with dispatch from the New York navy yard for the Pacific station, vis, the straits of Magellan. The Newark is a powerful protected cruiser of about the same sise and power as the Philadelphia, whose place she will take on the station. Philadelphia going to Samoa, MERRIAM RELINQUISHES ' SAN FRANCISCO, Jan. 19. Today Ma. ' Jor General Merriam relinquished com ! mand of the departmetit of California and Immediately thereafter Major Gener al Shatter Issued an order announcing his accession to the command. General Merriam will go to Denver. CONFIRMED BY SENATE. delicious end wholesome poom eo. , at mm.