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About The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 19, 1899)
THK DAILY ASTOKIAK, Tlll'I'SUAY MOUMNU, JAM'AHY ID, 1HM. Marvelous Sale rRANK D. LA tANNE CO. Oottoa 4 Woolen Mills JWephl. tMOb IS, Ifamr. MsAl!n A McDonnell, rorttatd, Oregon. Oentlenaai W an rolpt of our favor of Ttn lost n aoc-cpt your offer for our goods n.Uilr4 OIL W Ulnk you will t able to make (eooy out of th lot this figure, for It to a bur tota to ua, but tn goods hv , be bandied ainc they left our place, ad w prefer to aaU them cheap, rather than her tnam returned, lours vei FJUJCK a LA LJLNNE A CO. Will bo aiMoJ to goods nlrvtuly catalogued in our Clonraiiot isilo. A now lot of Jackets, (lie latest creation of the tailors' art. ntul will bo sold nt I .tw Than (.Vt. Mr. V. It Warren la In iwlpt of a kttor from her husband, .who la In Paw. son. Mr. Warren Intend coming out for a month In tha aprlnjr. but ha will re turn again. He l meeting with suncm In tha north and la well satisfied with condition there. Call at City Ticket Office of Astoria A Columbia R'.ver Railroad, 134 Cummetvlal tnret, for through ticket to all point aaai, a I a Aberdeen, Olynipla, Tacom. Seattle and all point on tha Northern Pacific railroad. Through tickets cannot h purchased to the point at th depot. by ecll rvt)tirt of people rhi oon. liter tha human raoo In need of milium of law. Th text if ho Mil protecting Jack nlp and opossum I not md known a yet, Inn diuihtlcs would be Interesting Mr. Yomi ha also prepared ami offered a measure making th salaiy of the assessor of CUtiop county I IV a year. Other of Ida hills require justice of th iec In precinct of V Itihahl. tnt and over to be licensed attorneys, anil protecting salmon and trout In the Kogun river. The Jn'k snipe bill l nearer a law than any of the other, hlng b en rvml the second time. The oossuin bill ha been killed. W. A. Galnw' private atoc whisky, handled exclusive In A.torl by John! v ,,.,. , , vtn p f U Car!on. la una of th moat pot.ulsr i i.n,. .,..,.,. ....h.u,.- ..t inaiik'iir.-uins a nnx'm. nt t. bulM a mon. McAllen & McDonnell m-Ct OouaardaJ BtmC ASTORIA. Id-M Third etMOt. rORTLAND. OR. Iwvrraxoa aoltl. Its purity anl uualliy ar (uaraniMsl, and It la rapactaHy rc ommoJrt for family u. It la aolil In any quantity at tha cornr of Twalfth and Hiwd atrrta. 'iiimltl. if th i $1.13 is the Clearance Sale price of our $1.50 Kid Gloves. AT Albert Dunbar's umi'ltt In IVriUmt t. Iho memory of liiiil tr'Kon voluiit'H ri. fa Tticn.lay'l IVIi'Kiam. Afii-r nom,. ,tirui.n, a mm mltlw J anitti'.l .' uke tile tn.nter In !-h.trvv., i-Mtilmltjr of tho fol.liia" rnirasvd yet'Mav i ,,,'"n v.. m,,... - r. 0 of the ex,. ! W,,r",n l M- ; l. w imttim and Juilno M . (orK. A ' vommltlivman from c i. li cont'ty In lha ' nlt:w 1 nlno to !v tamil t ro-upcrata ' with th l'i",liiiiil commlttc. Ttio oitl.a ; of ili, commute will ly at roem . i lUmllion bulMlnir. and it l eM' ted that Th lrh fair which will bo held In '"cry patriotic cltuen of Oregon alll lak IVrtland prnile to l on of the- mat ' r "',ul f"'1" o hra.Upirtr at lnipr !lnir afTalr. of th kind ever gtvn ' "iuh-. It I ho! to havr the monument on th coujit. Tha ladle, and gentlemen ! completed by the time the volunteer hvlnif tha matter In ch.iree have made rvturn frtn Manila extenalv preparation for the fair, and ; The ay and mean common council tti in making an estimate of the epena for the romlnif ear. and will rrrt to tha council tonight and recmnund a levy of 10 milt. Thl levy will produce I about ll.V. which will ivvy Intermi on the city Indobtednes. will entertain newspaper men on Krlday, Many Atorlar will attend the fair, which will extend owr a period of ulvut a month. P. J. Meany-vs-a tMchant Tailor and Exporter of F&rs. Blfkart Caah Prlo. Paid for rur Skins. Tenth ind Commercial Stt. Astoria, Or, I Anionic tha bill presented to the le-U-j lature by member from thl county U I on by Kulton provldlna; for an amend. 1 ment a to tha manner of collecting sta( . j and road poll taxa and provMmu a p. Mr. Will WheUn. th Vnion M- at I rvvi,,t Us v,f not ,rw ia v millM. Company- reprewntathT wai In th' j Thl 'w petltlonad for by 1.4 r clty ye.ttervlay In tha Interest of hi firm. . itnt pf !Ui '"ounty. Youiir has ditto. l ilmed a bill to incorporate t!i city of A hlp waa wporied off tha rtrtr yaeu i Warrvnion. terl.iy evening. With tha luU In the I'orm It la proUibt she mil be towed In today. Thrt Oreifonlan' wlal edition claim a depth of S feet nt low water In tha channel between Atorla and IVrilind, The Panloh tark ttlxlu drew 11 feet x Inche when he left Tonland and only reached A.torla by w.illlnif to tike ad. vantage of a, .foot l-lin h tide. She up- nt sis day waiting to crux one of the lar. In tha lower river aluve AUU. n l wtthstnnding that twice each da a: that particular place there .u a nonnai ii of tldrt nine feet. If. as Is of I (In- ll.le .'lllt r. -el I'T.Vi TODAT8 WEATHER. Occasional rain. AROUND TOWN. Money to loao Ftrfuaoo Bros. Caadta U eetua a poood at tha Parlor. Arthur Callaa waa a passenger down on lain night's train. Tta Chrysanthemum Club will give a osaca this crealag. W. I Reed, tha lumberman of Oakland, CaL. is la tfc. city. Mrs. T. L. Eliot, of Portland, Is a nest of Mr. and lira. Tmllant. Bast S-oeat maaJ, Rialng Boa reataor. at, CI CDaaartlai atreoc The Manaanlta will le.iv. out today for llghthip St to put on board prov-fsion't and pan of the crew who have been on a vacation. Owing to the acarv ity of log the As toria Box Company's mill I closed down. Several of tha employes of the mill arv Ul wilb tha grippe. The dancing pr'T given by th. Ivy Leaf SciciaJ club at FUher'a last nUh: was well attended, xnd th.s) preaent en. joyed a pleasant evenicg. The British ship Wasdale comnnnceJ unloading cement for the govtrnm. nt forts at the mou'.h of the river yester day. Councilman C. C. I'tsinger has con. traded th. prevailing ateknesa, but ex pects to be abla to attend to bis duties at the council meeting tonight Th W. C. T. V. meets this afternoon at Rescue hall. A cordial Invitation la extended to all to vlait tha bail between 1 and 1 o'clock. the Orot: itilan says. l!u re waler In thu channel ui wlih the ordlnarv rio at of the flxtus' .'Hk-.t .!.(.!!. ii munt have Iwn t'i rtv f..i:r of water, vet the -I'.lo failed ! over on II feet lx Inch.- drnu,;h: Tad tin-gnnlan Is either mistaken to 'lie state of the river channel, or the i !:! who brouichi th Sivtu. iion ii- ti : undvrund his bunMni The f c: l the deepest ship thit ever c.i:r.e ,l v;i from IVrttalid iliew .:i! V f t of 't. r and that was a!Mt f--:r v, .t: a is St-. then the Port his cxp. n li d ni of rr'.l i::.t eortirnl-'M n .trlv half a mi::: n 1 -' irt el ; ari k:; and th government. much an Immense mi to deepen the s a'er than f.'is;' g-'s shallower with ea.h e.r. taxpayers of Toriiai.! knew -.h cuticerning tha l"rt of I' -r la id Hons In the river, th- y wo-ild r; mnlte that '.ns'liutlon "ff the fa. e earth. w . .'te : I .t I f I 1 Dan 8ullar. During Dr. TutUa'a abeence la Brttbh Columbia, Dr. J. A. Fulton will be act. . business man of Caih- to assistant surgeon of th United ' Bute, marina eervlcw. Teaterday was Master Delbert Griffin binhday and It was celebrated In royal style by a large party of hi young friends, who gathered from S to I o'clock, at his father residence, on Grand ave nue. , ' Fresh Sboalwatar Bay oyster and j The steamer Columbia crossed out yes dams at the "Pat" Market. 174 Cotnmer. ' terday morning for San Francisco. She dxl street. i bad a fair passenger list, and. although 1 ,; the bar and the weather outside were ex. Beat California, wine, m cents per gal. I tremely rough. sh pat to sea without lamet. Is la tha city oa a visit. Henry Fleckenstein. tha wholesale 1 liquor dealer of Portland.' Is In th. dry. Wanted Girl for general .housework; good cook preferred. Call at 461 Exchange street km. Alex GKoert sol agent for Astoria. Tstepbon. XL unnecessary delay. Th BfwTmllln rhfnrjok wind, nt th t wanted-Glrl to do cooking and general ; past week have had th effect of putting housework. Apply to Mrs. G. Zlea-ler. Ill Seventeenth street Fresh Columbia river smelt at the Pat Market Fifteen cents a pound, two pounds for S cents. Dr. Finch baa removed bis offlc to a (top to lagiippe, and many who were III are now convalescent With another week of the present weather many suf ferers will be well. BE GOOD TO TOIRSELF and good to your friends. When yuu treat a friend to whiskey, give b m the best. HARPER th. sew Bpexarth building. Commercial j whiskey Is the beverage for your friends street sear Eleventh, tri t0T yalL gold by ,ne Foanl 4 a,okrl .. . 'Co., Astoria Oregon, walisend coal uid coke ts tn. best j tor domestic purposes. For sal by th Astoria Gas Light Co. The Ladies' Aid Society of the M. E. Stop that tickling In the throat with Rogers' bronchial tablets, only 10 cents. Charles Rogers, druggist Herman Wise, who has been ill with agrlppe. Is recovering, and wli be out In a few days. The council meets In regular s'sion hta .vanln TO,- m-.i .v.,.B. .,us u.c-r.mi; prumsses to oe or more than ordinary lmrest. church will give a tea this afternoon at ; the residence of Mrs. Mary Ross, on Franklin avenue, between the hours of ! t and t o'clock. A cordial Invitation Is extended to all to attend. I Business In all the publio offices ai a sianasuu yesterday so far as new matters wer concerned, and each offiVU of the city punsued the usual routine work of his office undisturbed. The popularity of the merchant's lunch nerved by Mr. George Bartley at the Na. tlonai la growing daily, and many busi ness men can be found there every rta for their midday meal. The lunches aet by Mr. Hartley are the finest In the city. Mr. J. B. Wyatt received word In a was ; letter from his son yesttrday cf the deaih of th9 mother of Captain B. F. Packard, formerly of this city. Mrs. 1'a -kar. died last Monday, at the resi dence of t;r son, near Vancouver, Wash. ! A firip specimen of Chinook salmon w .is ;. dlp!a d in front of the l'at Mai net )i . 1 trrday.' It wa caught by an uprhcr rth. erman in a stcelhead net and wclis'icl Ti pounds. Th t'-ih was not giilot but foulest itsiif by the tet!t. It ii consid end unu.-ma; for I'htnook to tv fk n In the Ccluii'.tn.i at this .ion of the ear, i'Ut this on,, api ard U be'j.:si fnim salt water and probably s.raovl away from the fold outside. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Cribb and Ml Adeie Avey rxpivt to leave Paiurdiy morning for I Mason. Thiy will go t Seatlie and from there to I'yea. fr-m ! which place they will make tho Journ y , over the ice. using a team of live d ; and a horse. Mr. Crlbb has succeeded in training hi does o that they be have almost as well as horses, and they . will e.-uiiy draw a ton and a h.i f ov r the tee. He expect to b In Pawson about March 1, and has nearly !) letteis for Astorlans In the Interior. Many per sons have requested him to take pro visions In for relatives and friends, but It is utterly Impossible for him to do so. Th fire departments were called out : yesterday afternoon to extinguish a Sre i In a house occupied by Joseph Johnson, ! a locater living In East Astoria. The house was situated nearly half a mil back of engine house No. I. and It was Impossible fur the engine to reach the place. The building and a hd In the "rear, together with th contents of the' dwelling, burned to the ground, there being no means of fighting lh tire. The lus 1 probably not more than VM. The Ore was caused by the Igniting of some s clothes which were placed too near th : atove. and the flume rapidly deetr-.y-d the building. It was formerly ued as a dwelling for men in tho employ of the Tmllingers. Chief Stovk'.n went in th. hill, but waa unable to render any a. , sistance. There I a large Increase reported In I the run of steelheads In the river since Monday, and fishermen are doing hotter than at any time since the season com- i mtnetd. Fishermen on the middle river . are making good money, boat averaging 3) pounds each for the past two nights. ' There are few. If any. boat fishing from Astoria, owing to the itormy weather , and the light run up to the present and ' the men have put away their gear for the ! season. Six and V cents & pound" Is j paid. Trescott & Co. buy the bulk of . the fish caught for the cold storage at : Grble. ThH teamer Volga makes the . run down from Goble to thl city, re. , turning on the opposite aide of the river the following day, and receives the flh ' from the fishermen. Almost the entire fishing la done between these two polnls. Representative Johan Toung, of this city. Is making a reputation for himself at Salem by the Introduction of freak measure. He has Introduced a bill to protect opossum for a period of five years. Another bill of Young's I one pro- vldlr.g for the protection of Jack snipe, j He has also presented a measure requir. 1 constructed over any course. How ver, Ing the study of physiology and hytflene If the people are desirous of building In the public schools, with rpe lal ref- ; rotids and can pay for them, It will n.,t erence to alcoholic effects. Doubtless bo necessary to follow street lines, is these measures were Introduced by the no sensible person would object to the good-natured representative from Clat- 1 construction of highways over any course The orditianc,, f r the Improvement ( j Astor trct will come up for thir l read ing at the council meeting tomg'it. Tho j requirement for the improvement ,.f that , tre't to It full width, a j ii!led In l i . ordinance, ha delajed It pas-a fr. m . the fact that th Parker house extend. I i Ave feet on tho street. Mr. I'arki-r lias ' consented to cut five feet off the building I I In order that the stre-t may b- Unproved according to law. trne of tho council, men are now In favor of Improving the tret with crushed rock, which tiny . claim would last for an Indefinite prrlml. ' besides being more substantia. The r ck can be hud In abundance and is wl .' ln easy distance of the city. Th pi in is to haul the rock on the street and have '.t ' crushed by the prisoner confined In the v l;y Jail. Tills tyln of iinpr venn nt would wm higher to the property own.r at first than ordinary plank ng. but it pointed out that the durability of a r . k or macadam street would be ro much : greater without Niraf rejvilr.d. ;: x' I: would be cheaper In the ml. The iret under the planking Is uto ven n places and filled with all -or's ( riitp. blsh. and the cuuncllnien w ho oi in' !t. Improvement with rjck do so i hi tly f t this reason. The city miy lmpruv the street crossings with rock If It wishes tu demonstrst Its superiority over plank ing without consulting the propory own ers, but It Is unlikely It will be done in this Instance, as there Is no mom y In th road and crossings fund with which to do the work. neoM.ary, Then, again, th property to th mat I sultahl for mamifoctcirlK, and inch In.tlttillon will Insist upn having atrvete, light and water, and protmhty Would n ivom hero tinleay tnoa racllltlea were convenient, Alto gether th iHindlllun are against a re. ductlon or tha Until, and th council will probably vote aitnln.C u ordinance for such action. Them seem to be omc objoolloii to Jaiue. V, Welch' aiuigostid chnitKv lit thn clutiier giving III street superintendent authority to patch tret and providing a fund for thl purpose, Huch work. It 1 oontetided, .hnuld b paid for by property owner holding land along thn liwl In need of rvpali. and not by tho city. HUl'T.M. TUKATMKNT iN TiiK hiiii m itii i(i:ni Sailor Allegii That Captain Itasih He. peatedly Htruck Thent and Have Filed Complaint Against lllm Thn .eflinrn of the tlerman hlp Mar. garvtha, which arrived a few day ago. have tiled chnrite with th tlerman con. sul In I'ortl.iud against Captain Itaseh. who la accused of cruelly to hi men, Th Mllor aver that he repeatedly came on dock In an Inlovloaied condition and that he slruik and abused tlieiu and threatened to hool I hem. Whllo rounding tho Horn. It Is alleged, th ship encountered a lerirtle gr ,! th mlisen lower lopal yard gave away while tha men weio aloft taking In can. va. tin of th men wa mi the brok.n ywiM and hung over th lde. lie clung to a r"e, but with everv lurch of the vese tha wave washed oxer him and It eeme, that hn would be lost. The nietl on deck called the onpt.ilii ntlenilon to tli serious predicament of th man. and started to re lie hini from hi. peril, ous position They were ordered back by Ha h. who .aid; "Never lulnd tha man, .axe the all " lie alor paid no attention to thn ord. r, but saved lher lilpinato. afterward. Ittullug the a I on ilnll. Another Instance f iVipialii'. utiju.t treatment of th Mien occurred when three sailors wr aloft on the main gallant van! Tho second mate. In coiupllaii with thn command of ihe master. I. I go th nt .it U .iri g iilant brace, allowing the rd to suike and pound Motrrtly ns iln.t thn Hl.t Th" ship was rolling fearfully, and Hi,, nien w. re III dangi-r of bi-lng thrown to the deck or overboard Into tho . Thl. Rem,-,! to pbMio the captain. With cip.r.nici of tin. kind aim st dally the ship Hnilly r, a i e.l Santa It . a!la. i'hefn the third tn itr, Junp,'l over luard. a-dior,, and d' nericd line da, while the ship was .11.. 'hittglflg i.k p.vrt t!i crew w-re l:i the lioll filling i tho basket The w uk .1.1 nt i rocrnl I rapidly ,.iiouisli tu suit the ca; to In and ii w i not slow In app.)ii,w unnt laiuuie I ! i the men at work John Hc!iroe,er.oi ; itbl,, s.atn in, .tepp.-.l up t ttm explain on. I in. pur.. I whit hi no-uii bv thin I treating them r k Oog. Th answer hn received waa a blow nvrr th hi ad i eu him unoons.iou tn the .le. k The I woapnti iis'-l was a hrivy le,-e nf punier I seVnral fi-t In length, which l still in possession of thn crew. Tlio blow wa. truck so qub-kly and with audi force that rVhroedcr'a tongue wa caught bn. twevn hi teeth and a pteoa bitten off Osmoti Krlckson cimipl Uns of having been treret.-d cruelly while l, k t'.iptalu llas.ii asked him to come Into hi cabin for treatment. There ho wa told to dl rotie, and after doliat so. beat Mm unmercifully ovr the lro .klu-a Much musaiigii. Th crew. 5 men all told, have U.d their complaint before tlerman Vbo I'onsul Wlntiiiigerode, and a ho.rln will probably b held next Krlday. HuTEI ARItlVAIJt. Parker Hnso It. w. Patterson. K Hehlng. J J Fowli-r. I'ortlaii: Ii j" Sti-lliir, Cathlame'. J is yulnn g ilm , It. I.. Kb. r man. A Ik i' It It; W, Itrunim.r. Seattle. Occident-fl. Hiiimldt. U It Spr.iuer. J. (I. Kelley, II S McCmneK. I' M. t". I'elteya, I to. he.ter; M i M.yen. St. Joe; Mrs '. I J. Whalen and daughter. Wi-tport; K. Mudge. N. t". Kof .e,. J. It Coulter. Ilwao, Samuel Greene. .... a tile. The council meets In regular s.M m tonight, when the proposition to reduce the limits of the city will be acted uimn. A committee was appointed at tho la-t meeting to report upon thl matter and give the exact proposed limits. It i now Is-Ueved the limits will .not bo changed, as the people generally are op. posed to such action. The agitation wns brought up by a resident of the en"Tri portion of th" city, who sa.d It would be Impossible to build roads there, us the law required that, within thn limits of thn city. HUtb road must follow the lines of streets. He argued that, were the Urn 1' a reduced, the rnad desired could to CATARRH UK THE MTo.MAi II A Pleasant. Simple, but Sif. un Cure Kor It. and Hffecl Commencing Tuesday, January 3rd, 1899. Every article in the House reduced. This will le the er:nU:t oifi-rin" in Fine Dry Goods, Faney Goods, Clothing, Famishing Goods, Etc Ever jilaced before the jioojile of the Low-r Columbia Itiver. DURING THIS SALE Positvely no goods will be charged for at sale prices, Orders from the country will receive the same benefit as if bought personally at the counter. But cash must accompany the order. -n re" restrictions we are not allowed to place the following goods nt reduced nrkes:'. Standard Patterns, .Spool bilk and Cotton, W. C. C. Corsets E. & W. Collars and Cufls, Oil Clothing and liubk-r Gowln. C. H. COOPER The L,eadlng Dry Goods and Clothing House of Astoria, Oregon. niarrn 01 me sioiiiacn nas long been unsldurcd the net thing ! in. urable I The ussial symptom are a full or bloat. Ing sensation after eating, acentoputiled .mi tlrnrs with sour or w .itery rlKli.KS a formation of gases, cutisim; pr. .,ur on the heart and un(s and d lllcult hreuthlng; hi a. Inch. s. fickle npiietlt nervousness ana a general played out, languid feeling. There Is often o foul t.uto In the mouth, cooted tongue and If th,. Interior nf the stomach could be wen u w-uiiid show a slimy, Inflamed condition. The cure for this common and obstinate trouble 1s found In a treatment which causes tho food to In readily, thoroughly digested before It ha limn to ferment and Irritate thn d'ilcato mucous surfaces of tho stomach. To secure a prompt and healthy digestion I the orio neces sary thing to do, and when normal dl gee: Ion Is secured the catarrhal condition will have disappeared. According tu I)r. Harlanson, the afet and best treatment Is to use after each meal a tablet, comrioHed of I'lasuse, Aseptlo I'cpsln, a little mix. Golden Heiil rind fruit acids. These tuM. in can now ho fohnd at all drug store under the name of Stuart's liysp.-pnl.-i Tablets, hni not being a patent luedlclno can be used with perfect safety and assurance that healthy appetlto and thorough digestion will follow their regular ua after meuls, Mr. N. J. Hooher, of 2710 Dearborn Bl Chicago, III., writes: "Catarrh Is a local condition resulting from a neglected cold In the head, whereby tho lining morn, brane of tho noso become Inflamed and tho poisonous dlschurgo therefrom pass ing therefrom backward Into the throat roaches the stomach, thus producing ca tarrh of the stomach. Medical nulhorl. tie prescribed for me for three years for cutarrh of the stomach without cure, but today I am tho happiest of men after uslnf only one box of Htuarl's Dyspepsia Tabluli. I cannot find appropriate word to express my good feeling. I have found llesh, appetite and sound rtt from th.-lr use. Btuart's Dyspepsia Tablets, Is the safest proparntljii as well a the simplest and most convenient remedy for any form r,f indigestion, catarrh of the Hiomuch, biliousness, sour stomach, heartburn and bloating after meals. Bond for little book, mailed free, on stomach troubles, by addressing K. A. Htuurt Co., Marshall, Mich. Tho tablets can be found at all drug stores. Omen Vlatorla has conferred on Hie Twenty-tlrfft lancers, who made the fa. mous chargo at omnurman, the acHlgnn. lion nf "The EmDress of India's" lan. cit. Incidentally, this com nan y ha Al ways been unofficially known as the 'Dumptles TO CURB A COLD IK ONE DAT. Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. AH druggist refund th money if h fall to curs, so. Th genuine has L. B. Q. on each tabUst For sal by Charles Eogar, Save Half Your Money Th actual rel of hni I nut dolortnlnad by th prlo you pay fur thorn, but by the length of ilm they wear, and by the satis, faction lhy give. We have ih right lio fur the right prlc. John Hahn, Tito l!ellit1o Hhoo Donlor. HOflE-HADE Taffies, Caramels, Chocolates and Bon Bons fresh every day, at THE SPA. ASTORIA MEAT COMPANY f Telcihon Mo. ,IJ Handles Only the Choicest Aleats X JJ Cai.risl t., nest l'lw Kila)re.l. WWWW.WA'MMcMWWMVAW I: ; I : W. F. SCHEIBE, Mamdsilurer t ll Al Wellrtlito IMS d 5mar' Aillcles. 71 Coiiiuieevlnl Ml "La Belle Astorld" Clfar Schcltcs0priSi.r Scheltc's Spcclil Ami I litter R. L. Boyle & Co LLcudltiK Icnl IlHtntc Dcnlcr of ASTORIA, OREGON Writi' fir Iiifiirinutitiit tttnl l'ainiihUi.s .'i.'l.'i Ctiiiiiitrrt iiil Sini-t A. V. ALLEN ...Fancy and Staple Groceries... Fruit Jar mid Jelly (SIilvsph, g I'rlcCH lOWCr With tin-Fruit tugo in tln-iu ig Tluill 1C VCT WwritVriVsvsVWtVMii h THE OCCIDENT I Astoria's LcadliiK Hotel I Metier 5c Wright., Iropn. rw,wwwrv.W,WMw The Palace Cafe VV. W. Whipple, Prop. Finest Heals in the City iccial Attention (iivun tu tho l'rcaratitii of IlniKjticU. Hurd to bent ' Our line of airtight Stoves and their Prices -- Something New W.J. SCULLY 431 Bond Street. SWISS WATCH REPAIR SHOP Victor Rost Chronometers (Hatches and Nautical Instruments Promptly fixed and repalrsd. Alarm ('locks from ii. Wn iraii tel. nOICl.vcnthSt. Next to Postal Telegraph. K glass manufacturing firm nf Port A I. Inghsny, Pa., Is preparing to moke gin tube that can bo used (or sending oil or gas across tha country, for oarrylng off sewage, supplying cities with water, etc. The gloas pipe does not oorrodc, Is Impervious to the electrolysis In under ground conduits, and It Is claimed Is Iism likely to leak than Iron pipes. An Ohio company I now putting In such a pips line, and a practical test of the system will soon bn possible for a distance of 100 rrilles.-Karnas City Btar. IK OLDEN T1MK8. Pople overlooked tha Importance of per. manently beneficial effects and were satis fled with transient action; but now that It la generally known that Syrup of rigs will permanently overcome habltunl con. tlpatlon, well Informed people will not buy other lnxltlvea. Which aot for a time, but finally Injure th system. Buy the genuine, made by the California Fig Syrup Co. Don't say," said the savage copy read, or, "th man wa held up at the pistol' point A pistol has) no point." Not even Grand Masquerade Ball. GIVEN BT Sons of Herman Saturday, Feb. 1199 Tlimilsomo prises will he aiven tnr th. bust suntalned chnracliir, most artlstlo coHtume nnd for th() bt wallxcr. IjAdlp' nrlse filP fllJ, 1- - a ' ""! "imminou character, a flno rocking chair. Clnntl. man's prljip, an elegant cuckoo clock. Ladlss' prize fur the most artlatlc mm. tume. a valuable tnllnt ant nnmi........ prlxo, a gold double watch chain. Prize for the boat xsli " , rug each to lady and gentleman. All nrlKn era m rinriuniij . .. 4 ... exhibition In Chailts Hollhorn & Son' ORCHUSTRA Under the lendnnihlp of A. W. UtBln' "u vwnninuiiii ni nino 01 trie oest musicians In th state. after a man point ltr reporter, lnnooently. aaked th oub ADMISSIONS Oen MasviueTa, Iady Mnsquurs Bpeotators Cbiidran ll.M so (0 at .