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About The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 19, 1899)
1 ' IIIK DAILY ANT0K1AN. THURSDAY MORNINU. JANUARY 111, JJKKf. THE EXCLLLUNCK CF SUIT OF FIGS U UUO Dot Ohlv In tlin t.rlirln.lllu H...I llilplll'ity iif.Uin imuiliiliiilliili, lint ntkO tilhd tarn un. pU II I with which It f liiilil.ili.'liir..i l.y a, 'mhiIU,, procr-an... kiltiwii killm I ai icujinu I in Nylin Co, only, ,n, ,Vrt win,, Id i.,.rc iihii II tho liiii(ii'luii (i uf I'ltrrlittnliiff Hip truo ncitl nrllnul iviiinly. A tin) jfeiitnim Syrup of Kl(f I nmiiiifiiturtij ly th CitiroHNu I'm Hrni'r Co. wuly, rt knovl...lKit of Mint act will wlt una In avoiding- tho worthies luiitntloiia liinnufnctiirr.l liy oilier pur Ur. Tin. high ktuiKlluir f th Cam FoHNI A I'm Hviil l Co. Willi tlin inrill Cl profi-nnluii, (will llio anll.fucUon which tho vfiiiiluu hyrup of l'jr lm Vlrni Ui inllllo.i of famlll,.., tnU tli litttun of tli Comptiny a tuiirBiity of tho exollrnc, of It remedy. It U far In a.lvnuco of all other laxatives, M It . U on Dm klUlit-ye. llvrr ttlld bowel without irrltMnir or weaken ing thriii, ami it dor not if rip nor aautratii. In order U. get It beneficial offwt, cmi rf inomlM-r tho iiamn of the Coin puny CAUFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. 44 MAkl'IM, f4L t4I UVii.LK.llr. k(Mr tmuu. n. T. Il.laal poaacaaea Ilia Urgent BUndlng army uu earth. Kvry year sim 11.000 eona.rlpte join Hi. itumlan force, with h In time ut iea number mijll'in mm. )tt war fooling Oil rlr to Jfiunon, and tail ng uul Hi pr.aotit inffvo Would linrrM II .t ilT,nnl wi-H trained ol.llor. Hliould nee-walty aria Ilia mil III would b called out, bringing til. sr' force up to nun. t' nana tinim with Ci tii t rVitr, f.aV kmxl .y lielil.lre.inl: ttnh I rtin , ftir el nf rnx.llinla ami groatnat ul akliirtima. Thtt treatment will tlear ttw a--l. and iir of uruaia, araloa, end lUmliur?, 1...1I1. Irri tated, Itching eurface, iiimuUla 111 tulr f.illMoa, tnipl'lr IIm fH iih hmi(- sn.l uf l.hnwnl, tn iHlur litiurUnl Itulruua pAir fllh rlvii, txMiviM rli. r " IU t N4m LvianMI IIm. t FALLING HAIR RESTORED 36 inches wide Fruit of of the Loom Muslin for our Great sale at 7 cts. per yrd Our Counters Ladies' Coats. Kvery emit or Jncket In the linus must ba cloaod ullt, t 3.W) value for 13.31 Jfiri vitluo for x' 4.rjfl vnlucs for .5 B.rin vnlur for 3-00 7.GU vnlucs for S-50 9.W) viiIuch for S.M ln.Ort value for IM value for 00 lB.Ot) values for 18,00 viilues fur We want Every customer To know That we are selling goods at Less than wholesale cost at This big Reduction Sale. DEBATED LONG BUT DID LITTLE House Took Up tbe Hawaiian Cable Company's Subsidy Measure. niCARACUAN CANAL BILL Serine Considered It. but Wistcd Its Time Votlnf Down AmeodrrNnls, ml Did Not Vote. VAHMINnit.s,1 j.m. Ji Tim cumuli. mi IiiI.tii 4 in unit fiirvlmi ioinin r. o liml llio rlulil "f way In lliu Iiuikii l..l,iy met Ui 'tvmlnl In (HiMlntr ill t r lillllib. r iif hill ui minor lmMir unn', tmitl nf wlilcli niiihnrliix) Ilia iwiiinirurllun ( IIkIiIIihiImii, fiK hIriikU. vU TIiii Ilia Mil in muni lliu I'ai irtn I'uliln l'uiiiiiiy ully of llio.uij a y.r for iwiniy yrt-i fur ihn r,iiiirvi,'i.n mill oM-rtUun uf n ralila Ufa rlln) iit unit vrry iiriti il.'iialp, Mrlili lt i'iiunii-l lllv re. Iimllnlrr nf Ilia ily. fnll.mi.l. Til a iiiHiniin wail ).i1m hy ( 'or Una ir"'"ilillinii of 1Ii.IiIbiii win lvu-ali lliu niiiiiiiu''liin uf a Kovi'miiu 11I rliln, N.i ruiirlinilon u rrm linl ut thr hour of itj'iurniunl, 11 Km pjin iul orlr illi-l. r wlilrli III" hnilan wan iiirrutili l.'.Uy riilrrit Willi 1)onrnninl. At iI)di'imi wt niaOn l. nun anoilmr itay fur II 1 oinl.lrrauoii, II huoii uv. r Itulrflnllrly until Ilia loniniltlra ran -t anoilirr ilay. or until a xrUI onlnr In a.lojilotl IS Till) BICNATK. WAHIIINUTd.S'. Jun. Ii.-Tli.. f.alur. if liMlay a aaaainn uf llm ariijl.- aa a n.iIi ilrllvrrtxl ty 1 1 mo 11 lilitniH'riil. uf 'orKlai In ailin-ort uf li la rraolullolia .Imlitrliia; Dial 1 Im l.'nltr.l Mlnl wmlM not aaaiima aovarlHiny ovt-r llic l'hllli. iliio lalumla. IU'll I nun uf III" oru. lor of tli nai.i am). 11 h liim. ffto r-ln. not conniiln' Mmaclf In mnra, lm ka aironiily and rfTrciuuliy. II a lo roraiioii, in whn it lio it turt.) tti lnr. of aouia of Knin) nillioit uf 1 ohlrollhaK lirr lolonlal iili). i. a i tH-auilful ami for.-rful lilt uf wuiit ini. Intf. K..!" III lliicoll' rr b. Ilia Nli' irnit. nan muni Mil takrn up an.) rvmaln..) umlrr iliaruaalun until I Ii k. Amrti.l. niciil afo-r anu nilmrnt ta vi"l i iwn an.l until alm.t Ilia In at minuip It arrmr.1 likoly that a vin on h itioaaur miiiiIJ im rrilir. lull, Jtiat tho Hlial Vola u alxiul to tw ill-. for. Alll-on rtlmr4 A Im'IIiIi UllJir llln Mil ly of- frMnt an anioiiclnirnl provl.llii thai a.irrlary of Itnaiiry ahotilil ImUo 1.1 ri monry with htrh t nniruct I ho i-anal. Ttin frlPtnla nf tho nniir- 1I1. 11 . on,, uicl la .l)ourniiirnl. It A 1 1 Jl A I J INiX DU'i MIATK) C il.t VI I'l A. Jan. tl Trip lnni lUvrf Vallrv llallr.ia.l ('uninany has flint dip. (Innmiarr artliha of Incorporation with groan with the astonishing Loads of Bargains piled crowded from morn till night. Leid lets' CnpeH. 1.100 cloth Cape, neatly trimmed Sain Prlc U K : tarn Plush Cape, fur trimmed, I Sale Price Ufa (.'.hi So Inches long Astrlcan Capes, Sal Prlo I3.M Kvery Cape lu the House a Big Reduction. Boys' Clothing. Il.tkl vnlucs for e g"'' I. Ml vnln.M. for J Jim values Mr $1.2? J J 2.7a values for l.o H" :i.ihi vnln. M Mr 1 J5 S Sil value- for g t.!,0 values for W Suit lh Mlwtn rriiarr, Thay wi-r l-nl l I'nrlland hy W, W, Totlnn, prvaidmit II, V. Onnor, awri'iary; llri'iur-J. ?. Ilavliy, W. II. Kunnrrty, Oirl nmt 0, W. iMiilh. THIN IH taUKl',1) MOI'ISMT. HAS JI'AN UK liiinu HI'-O. Jun. IH. -U.'MiTal (luy V, Jli-nry, govrinor uf l'url; Mini, hn rrflvml frum lh nwri lury uf nnuu uf tlm Inaiilar lahlnnt a. ri.Hrl irhuwIiiK Ihul th forrn'r Hi.mlti aiilhorlllra uiroiruiiit 4'.lrM imn 1ic. IoiiiiIiik in fiiriilxn InauiuiK '.'Jninnl', luiiilrai'iur ami JinlUUI troai"'", whlrh Mil uu ili.uoKll In vurluii Inatllullniia In Dm laluml. Tli" Inaiiruru'O lumixmlM iliiliu Unit llm I'nllnl Hiiili Kuvrinini'iit miml In.ikM nouit llit'lr Im. AI.IKNH 'A NNiyl' OWN CLAIMS. VH TolllA. Jan. ID.-Tlm '-t tn n hllilt lli'ii from uwnliiw mine In Jlilllah 'uninli!a filially puaaiil tlin lirovlrirliil iHlalnturn Hi la nftiriiooii aii'l rrtTlvnl tint foriliul arnt nf tlin II' uu-n. am Kovrrmir, Thu act gnu Into a fT-t at inn. TIM) ATIVW fVKUI)t'K. VANCOUVKIl. Jn. 1-Anily I felt In rnarliio l r l. In r-r.l to lla-rtinu' mill lii A'Mlv. It u rumormt l4.iy that all hail Wn ut near gurtn hnr lull nunit. Hlia la ! jy uver'lun. a lot rarrh a rrw uf lKht BM, Th Orei-ha havn iln-tijiil to fclii'ln all Imihrlor from ilirlr imriiuniKiit. Tiny rfuaun that an umnarrlnl man hua no a! nk.i In Ilia 1 ointnoti wi-allh, ami that If ha I r-.ri'ililid ho ahnul'l ir( iioihlii furlimr. A riir"niailv-. him. arlf, lliry aay, h cannot Im, Ixcjiuimi h haanniinn t rfproa' nl. t'l-rhaiw llio truth nf 1 In. maiirr la Hut wht Hi "Vrn ninl want I In put a rhr. k upon th Ipnili'iuy luwanl ci-IHiary. which la ri. uualy ilirrulmlna; aa nf yr I ho wv. far uf tlin nnllro alai. To a modern On-rk a 'l In Ihn purlWmrnt I almt niial lu llm (lory uf an Hyniilc victory. BI'AIN H BL'NKKN HIIITH K1)ATKD Trrhapa lha greatrat mrrhanlcal fnat of tho mnlury ha bwti th ralainn "l um uf lh Span all w arthlp whl- h wrr apri renily ahoi 10 plrrta at Bn. IIjmo. It ti'eiiil ul'crly Inipo.aililo to float Ihnm hrcaua of Hi terrible ilama( inflli iril hy our Kuna, hut llm taak ha hern aivompllahrd. lJlara of th lilno.l. atoinnrh am liver frrquontly wreck tho hralth wt that there api-ar lu 1m. no chant of ri-covery. Hut wlmn lloatottar'a Stomach HlllTa la lakrn, tbe llaottlrrmj ayalem la apeedlly rlored t li oM-tlmo vigor and ton. Th flitter will regulate the liver, buwrla and dige live (unction and purify the blno.l. You run buy thl remedy In any drtic atorr, and under no cirrumaianc ahou)d you accept anything aald to be "Juat a good." Tim ratlmatrd value .f the aultnn' Ji wela la .l.'.a ). If hi unaprakalile niaj'niiy hna any lint-liy at all It may t aald lo the purcliualiig of Jrwila ami wlt ni in prlvaln Ihrnlrlcal. N ,.n. profraaiutial of mile. I w hn a:(r. ain.rar of I'onluror, paw. through t'oiunanilno plr wlihuul an Invitation from th lullan. And hn alwaya ay for three prform ancra In Hatik uf Knghind niti a. Cnlonrl Thendur Kooarvelt. It an. nl-. aclrd aa Haiila (tau at Oyalrr Hay. and klear; a number of Oyalrr bnbtr. all, hiiwver, under the no. lurlciy age. Now Dress Goods 3c. mixed dress good .. Xi m'xeel dress g-oods. Sic. mlxeel dreew goods toe. mixed dress goods.. 7te Mack dress giKHls.... Hoo black dress goods.... tl blnc4c dross goods II. SO black dress goods.. to yd 12VyJ 17o yd 850 yd S5o yd GOo yd 65c yd II yJ Ribbons. Will Funcy Itlbtmns, per yard. Utiby Rlhbiin, per yard , lc Ho So 4o 6c 7o No. 3 Sntln Ilibbon, per yard No. 5 Sal In HIIiIkhi, per yard No. Satin ltililion, per yard No I) Satin Kll'lum. per yard Domestics. licet (im.U'S ceillcocjf, per yard Ucst iirudes npron K'nKhiini. yd..., Hint grndes outing tlaiinel, per yd. ln-4 Kiuy or whlti Iilaiikot, pair., Kull iilxa bed comforts, vnch S.4 'brown shoetitiK. Pr yd l.nco cnrtnliis, pair Kull s-Uo lied sprcnilH, each llliiohed canton llannol, per yard. 4-t uiiblciiciicd mindln, per yard. ,. 3c . 4c . TH-o .fo .690 HHO .400 .4!c . Bo 5o Un-abrcllas. 50o Umbrellas to ba ehmed out at cn... 25c tl.U0, U.K. $1.75. nnd fc!.00 Ladles' I'm. brullna, your choice, whllo they Inst, for Second Week our 9th bis al clearance DETAIL TO TRY GENERAL EAGAN Thirteen Officers to Sit at tbe Commlsary General's Court-Martial. MEHRITT JUDGE ADVOCATE Court Comprised of Twelve FeruUr Army Officers ini One Volunteer nd Will Meet January 25. WAHIIINO'niN, J'in. U.-Tho d-tull for lh lourtmartlul which la to try Conmla. aury O.nrrul Kagan uu ihargra growing will uf hi aliitnmenla befurn lh war In vratlgatlun rnmmlaalon lut W'rk, In which h uttHJ'ke'l Ornr-ral Mll. an m'lu puUIn at Hi war department t . night. Tho court la mu.ln up uf 13 army ofrii'i'r, of whom Major (imeral Wrali-y Mnrrltl la at tlm head, and Jin! advo. rate, and It I lu tmc.-t In thla city r.n Wwlnradity. January ',. or a un there aflrr aa pra tl(lli All th officer cum. lliig lhr court, aavu one, are from th ru!r army, a nunilr nf whom, how. ver, durlna; th war. accepted a volun teer rank and atlll hold thoaa, tuminla. alotia. .U lor (ieurral Holler la the only una who la not cvnnrrti-d with lh regu. lar army. Th detail fur the court followa: Major flen. ral Weal.y Mernti, L. 8. A.; Major 0. nral Jami Y. Wad.-. V. H. V.; MaJ -r (l.-nrral Matthew Uullor, U. 8. V.; Maj r 'irnrral ftimml Tl. Yuung. I". rt .: Ilrlgudlcr Orneral Ituyal T. Kiaiik. V. H. V.; Ilrlgudlcr (irtieral Alexander McW. I'riinlnglun. t. S. A ; Ilrlgadlrr On'ikl UMirge M. Itanlnll. t. S. V.; Ilrlgadbr (i.-m ral Juc.-ti Kllim. V. 8. V-: ItrigaJier (irnrral Itlchard Cwnln, V. S, V.; Col onel Tetrr lUlnca, crp of engineer; Colonrl li.-urge U ('.lll'-apie. (orpa of englnerra; Colonel (. n.irl. It. Suter, corjia of rnglnrrra: l-Vuntla T. (iu'-mher. Fnurlh artillery I-lrulrnant Cjjloml I. It. Uiivl. lh d.puiy Jmlga advocat gen. era!, and tha Judgo advocttt of tho court. Kll-II'INOH AUK NOT AS HAD AS PAINTED. Gen. Whlttur It Simple Mttr to Ilrlnar Th. m t'nder Control The Native Kually Divided. NKW Yo!lK. Jan. lH.-Oeneral Charle A. Whltlhr. who returned recently from M.inlla. aaya: Nothing In the world 1 eaeli-r nf aettlement than tha aliuatlon In ihn Philippine. It ciuld be aetilcl In three dnya. In In Omt place, there I a wide Ig-noranc of tha wraith of thn Philippine) and tha character of the Fil ipino. Tha native are not Ignorant; they are not aavage. They are adept at manufacture and a arcountanta, mar Iner and railroad operative. They ar quiet, moat temperate and bave thown treat ability In their military affair. With flrmneaa, accompanied by dlplo. going Child reus' Coats. I. U!0 values ,1.00 vitlues 3.M) vfiluen at 150 4.00 values at 3.75 6 00 values at 3.95 All Wool Eiderdown Child's Coats 12.75 and 13.00 values, to bo closed out at. each 05c f ' f;yL-- . ',i,,i -,. H Av W many and (ant, I think It I the almpleat matter poealbl to bring them under con. j trot. TV may aiva them omoea of minor Importune, ti-ith military and civil, and try lh experiment fr whatever numiier of year may be neceaxary until they , develop ,thlr eapaelfy for governing, and we fan Iben m ajul'led by that. "I aaw Agulnaldo October 27, thr duya before leaving Manila. If a I'l h people wrr aUiut equally divided, on half favoring abaolute Lndependeni , th other half favoring an American protect, orate, f nld lo him In reply t'i tho favoring Independence. " The fact la that It mut be tha wlah uf all you to develop the country. To do llila, road moat b built on nimtlflr prim Iplea; ml I road a muat bo cunatruntid and aanllMtlon will le neoary. You have no money or credit, you have no navy, Thn laluml ar o rich a. prize that, apart from quarrel and achiarof brtwerii the different tribe, foreigner are moat llkaly to taki from your portion of your poaaeaalon from time to time. Agulnaldo replied: The civ.llzed world would never permit ueh a thlrf ' to whbh I returned: "'Mow ha It bun In China, where Knglnnd, KuaalH, Kranc and Germany urn i riving at all time to take porta of I ho country? He had no anawer for thl. "A conndcntlal friend of Affuinaldi, llun Gumlno, Joined th conference at thla point and after talking awhile with Agulnaldo expreeaed very atroraxly hi opinion that th two could nov th'lr pioplo to accepting a protectorate. "Agulnaldo and Iluen Cumino added expreaalon of, pleaaure at my vlall, a they frit that they had been neglected 1 and rather given the cold ihoulder xtnee. the day after th full of Manila, when they were aaaured of our friendship. "My view Is that after the algnjng of the treaty In Pari, communication ahould have been eaUblliMied with them ami 1 bave no doubt that an understand. Ing could have Wen arrived at with no Impairment of ur dignity and with no suggestion that we were going to (five up the lalsnda, at least for the present." Ankcd bis opinion of the appointment by President McKlnley of the commission to Investigate the conditions in the Philip pine. General Whitller replied: "I think It a most excellent thing. In a letter to the secretary of state written last September, I recommended that auch a rommlaalon be ent there to study and report upon the condition politically mx-lal and material of all the Islands and later In my testimony before th peace commission In Paris, I made a Imllsr recommendation. "I then sUKKeated that a bureau of science with the ablest chief and staff 10 be obtained, should at once be established to comprehend the department of geol. ngy, zooolgy, botany and ethnology, and also & land and forestry commission or a department of land survey and works. The present commission seems to ful. fill theae requirements. "It might readily bo adapted to the Hrlt!nh colonial system, and It would be easy to determine which of the many forms might be advantageously adopted. Tho Ilrltlah colonial empire has forty dis tinct and Independent governments. Of these eleven have elective assemblies and responsible government. The remain, ing twentyjilne aro divided Into many classes. "In any form of government under a protectorate It would be of advantage, probably, to mak one of the native leader a commissary of native. In thl or any event the governor general alone or with the commission should hare ab. solute power." of annu- Ladies' Capes' 11.00 values at J1.50 -alues at 5o (2.00 values at 11.35 The Greatest Bargain Ever Offered In LADIES' WRAPPERS will be found at this GREAT SALE. MfJ !Miwi ttiV mm I Muslin Underwear. You Should See the BARGAINS In Fine Muslin Underwear at this GREAT RE- PUCTION SALE. 1 sale on. jTOJ&trrO mm (Gift, w p :'m m THE mm Quality and price... Th ran combination of quality and. prlc which w aro offrlr,f In Golumbia, Hartford and Vedette BICYCLES tot '99, baa eeer been apiotiched by any other blcyc'o hnum. Tho quill oi 9ur wbeela baa been admitted for years, (Ten ty onr competitor, to bo onaarpmaaad. Our t model show marked adrancment tn mechanlcsU conatructlon; th bt machine wo hav over turned out, that means their equal do not turlat. By running; our great factor! e to their fullest capacity, they aro abi to offer our bicycles at price Impossible to menu factum with smaller output, without actifldnf quaJlty. Prices for 'q9 Models. COLUMBIA CHAINLESS COLUMBIA, TANDEMS mi.iTwnti wnnsTJl fi7X , .... U.M COLUMBIA. MODEL 4 HARTFORDS. PATTERN U- VEDETTES. PATT.RN H-22 .. VEDETTES. PATTERN H-B Pope Manufacturing. Co. Portland, Or. Controlling Oregon, Washington, Montana and Idaho. Special j s aie Commercial Street near upon ;thrii. Hens' Goods '. : I 50o Natural Wool Shtru or Drawers, each 559 Heavy fleeced lined Shirts or Drawers, each 5o I1.S5 all wool Shirts or Drawers each o 11.00 Working Pants, Sale Price, pair 5c 50c Heavy Cotton Sweaters, each 1.S Men's Fedora Hats Sale Price Wo Odd Lots 11.55. $1.50 and $1.75 S. C. Corsets Sola Price S9c 25o and 83c Children's Underwear, Sale Prico 15o Ladles' all wool scarlet Vest or Pants, each - 45o Boys' all wool drawers, worth 73c, pair Sale Price, pa'r 0 25c Children's all wool Btockings Sale Price, three pairs for 50o Remnants. Dnrlnff last week a big selling In dress goods nnd domestics left an endless lot of Remnants; we have marked them at less than half price. 36 inches, wide . .'.sr.-' dale Muslin per.yd f i, ' I -- ,r UrtaV fc,2t ti 40.09 aTklW KM Oriental CwrlosjUIe and Toys. We muni rtduce ajtocketrid SeU Regfrdlei of Cot-- Cooper's Dry Goods Store. Jill - J tt ft -Jsrift'f - .: T.,:rTt Louns- V for pur Wingiee&Go Great. Sale at '7 c. Our Store is , ' Ladies' Mackintoshes. 13.00 values for 11.50 4.00 values for 1.00 4.50 values for 8.S5 5.50 values for 4.00 6.50 values for COO Chll'drens' Mackintoshes $2.25 values for ....11.50 2.50 values for 175 3.50 values for 185 J'-;:::jf i f i , 4"! : i : i i t TT A NT A UT A TT Y J JlJL ;V JlX IjL XI -1