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About The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 19, 1899)
.-f T ."V THK DAILY A8T0KIAN, THURSDAY MOKMKQ, JANUARY 19, 189tf JOHN T. LIGHTER. Editor. Telephone No. tk TERMS Or Sl'DSCJIlPTIOH. DAIL.T. Bent by ma.ll. per year Sent by mill, per month erred by carrier, per tnonta. .100 .. .SO 8EUk-W'KEKLT. 9nt by snail. Ir rear, la advanc...Sl() Postage free to suoscribera. All communlctfona intended tor puolt eatlon should b directed to tho editor. Bualnraa communications of til kinds nil remittance moat bo addressed to "The Aewrlan." The A-,tw:n guarantees to lit adver tlaera tho largest circulation of aay newspaper published on tho Colombia river. Advertising rate cat fco baa on appli cation to tho business) manager. Tb Pendleton East Oregoolsn tnakea tho assessment of Astoria property at y $l.Soo,000 tho occasion tor a roaat on tho city. It senna unable to comprehend the fact tbat thli low assessment of property value la the beat possible feature of Astoria's finances. Of course tl.50,0N 1 doea not repreaent tho vatu of the prop erty of Astoria, nor would rep- ' reaent It; but, a the city derive a vast amount of money from aourci other than taxation, a greater as sessment is unnecessary. The property on Commercial atreet In this city alona is worth more than SIMUMM. It It not assessed for ox re because the present assessment Is crest enough for all neces sary purpose. It ia an axiom that the lower the taxes of a community, the more prosperous It that community, but this Is a financial problem which the East Orcgonlan falls to rtsj" p Why, Astoria spent Dearly (30.000 on street Improvements alone last year! Ho much wa spent In Pendleton? Proba bly not nne.twentleth of that amount congress oas taten up tne raauer or bird protection, and has enlarged the powers of the nsh commission so tht birds may be propagated, distributed and protected. This Is an excellent mava. The commission hie done good srric In trarlous parU of the country by In- ereaslnr the supply of Bsh; the work of state aathontles has been supplemented, and made mora efficient and It will doubtless h4T equal succesa la this new ; 'field. ' It is tlgh tlmo that something waa don. to atop the slaughter of birds. ALtfiirl.,.ll,l.i1.i,,i Uim1..i fci 1 I - ' """" I ,-. oa uachecked.- Birds that were useful to farmer as Insect destroyers have been kllJed or driven away, and song birds have become scarce where they were plentiful. Tho dsn commission will have an opportunity to do the country a great service, and their efforts should be en. thustastically seconded by the suthori. ties of the states. An agent of a German steamship line was in California the other day. study ing conditions with a view of establish ing a trans-Paclflc line of German steam ships with which to share in the Increase of American commerce with the Orient. He casually remarked Just to Impress the people with whom he was In conver. satlon that Ihe tonnage of the ahlps In his line was greater than that In the navy of the United States. The tonnage of that one line was more than one-quar. ter as large as the total tonnape under the American flag In the foreign trade. Ii It to be asoumed. for a morm-nt, that Individual or even corporate effort In the United Stales Is equal to the tack of wresting ih carrying of Am rli an commerce m,w ontrolied by su'h a cor. poratlon as ttvit a corporation by the way-receiving a ubs!dy from the Her man government (,xe-ed:n(r a million dollars a yar? A DEADLY PANACEA. 1Vh".i anything U wantd f.f . i u; -t. .I'l; to conn f iruaril nr.'l tu:-' n it., . ati'i f i Vj t'u" ;('.'oi, J., :ak- k th. !::, l In i., J. , ; .,(; a T'.k i ;:; artii-lv i.f : ! v..r':. : : S'W . ovi (.!!.; In;. r .;;! wi:h ;h'.' uiiu c! ir.-ik : , :, -Icadhiif .ii:t a." '"'. h-. '.v . with this UiiiVn.atlc hint: "It is pj !:,m -kI if nitis, ' r U r''! tl;! 1. .-a! of t)i... ;;Tv!;,.)i. in Hit r' ovi ; T.rne'it of 'in- 'ul:.:i hA cur :-liij.owi.t ra and pni; would C'i vi 11 to 'utar i.t n.ind 0 O'l : l I ,-ia'e-! uiif? r a' i',. .i i' ;" a! is j.rob.i Imminent ,'irnl r:.r:r:li. Jy Inevltablii In Ihe long run." It w:is for many -:.irs d-nl- 3 (hat British interim was fugsti-'tliis "fre' sliijis" to congress, alihoufh we Imd v ry gi:od jiroof on former occasion?. The Hiitl.-h now built! W per cent of nil the veBsels laiinihed aiound tho globe. Of all tliey build, SO per cent only are fur foreign nations. When they can monono. Hie shipbuilding, tbat day they will en gross navigation and do all the commerce of the world, If they please. The rule of i the world will go with the monopoly of y. I ' ... 1 The Kind You Have Always lu tiso (or over GO years Ai'mW All Counterfeits, Initiation and Sunit:tits n-e but Kx. IH'Hments that trlllo wilb ar. -tu!;ii;"r tV.o Itiulth of Infants ami ChiKlrvu-i:.perleuco iK.iMt-t V. rlment. What is CAS705 Castorta Is a substitute lr Cantor OA. V.mirorto, lrti ami. Soothing Syrups. It Is HarmVx tuul rintatt. It contains uelther Oniuni, Jlornhlno nor ot'.irr Xareotio Kttbstanco. Its ag Is its puarantoe. It lolroys Worms ml allays FevorUhness. It euros Diarrluoa l Wlud Collo, It relieves Teetlilnjr Tmubles. on res OmMlnntlon and Flatulency. It owhnllatos tho FkhI, regulates tho Stomach and Bowels, plvltijr bculthy and itatural sloom The Chlldreu'a lauaoea-Tlio Jlothor's Frk-ud. CENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS 1 Bears the Ttie Kind Tou Hare Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. Its commerce. To this end the first ft, p Is shipbuildlns;. No tlncla nation Is fit to rule mankind. Neither the British government, nor the French, nor the German, nor the Russian, should be id. trusted with the control of human pro gress. The simple question of who shall build our ships Is not alone an economic one. but a national l.sue In the hlhe.t sense. i The Times knows very well that tnere r many forms of ship protection; in f-t, every nation of consequence has Us -stra of iUb,idle. bounties. Insur. nc discriminations, tariff and tonnage distinctions, etc.. and that all of thee frMema are. In the main, leveled at Br.t ,gB rupremacy at aea, and maintained for national defense. Nona of thes svs. tem of ship protection are recommended -not 4 word is dropped, eren. about the remedy still on oof statute took. and 0iy suspended while certain treaties ... snao run. jvone or fBesa do the British wish to se adopted or reapplied. They know that "frea ahlpa" would put our nation la vassalage; that H would rem. edy nothing, but destroy our shipbuilding and peril our political Independence. A man in the darkness of hopeless dls. ase is of all men most miserable. When doctors and medicines innumerable have been tried and found wanting, and loving friend vainlv nrge upon him the food be cannot eat and which bring him no nour ishment or strength, what is to be done ? Men and women who have sunken so far into weakness and disease that the whole body seems to be permeated and poisoned by it have found health, Mrentrth and vigor through the transform irig, electrifving power of that wonderful "Co!d-n Medical Discovery" which Dr R. V 1'ierce, of Buffalo, N. Y.. proffered, thirty years ago, to sick and suffering ltti manity. j During all the years since then this mar vt1ui " Discovery " has been buililing u- I we:iit and debilitated constitution!, by its extraordinary influence upon the human, j nutritive --ystem. It gives the digestive or j nism k-en power and capacity to appro ! ev ry life giving element from tin ' fiKj-i t.iken into the stom.vh anil trail ' fotiis it into rich, highly vitalized blood ani hr-i'.'r.v flesh, bone, sinew and nerve , 'ion in ail its earlier ht;i"-.s is M ' j-.iu'.era' ''! by the ti-!ie -h ii.,,..n i iii - '.roi!i:itiii.' o ,-.v " fi 'ii :i- i:i and tii'-f !:0 ' '. - rit o !rit it ;. ,' t:, ;i.i 'i-i ihe 'i-liK.f ttt '- ' t, cure coasti'iatiot. Ri.l's tin hour a i'.corno-"- ' I-uff". i.: i a -'i f ii.'fy some 'liu'rcii: : for ;m ho ir. YOLJ r. : I Shows 'lie SMI- of your filings ana tne! 'He of your h -lith as well, impure! i'i'."..; tiuka :::( ijipari nt In a jal ami I ' Xiori, i.implej :m-l akin erui- j 1: : . i f ellng weak aii'l worn, ii '.1 -: n have d hetiailiy aj' I im- . i.'.'M rry Aekr'. i;loel KilXT J c ' ''' l)i'"l Oi-i-ai-es wIh-'p cheap! ai.apar.l.,is ami j,o-cai,ed'r-1 full;! 1' n iv.- r,( t P'-.-i t.v- K'-' C...-ri D.iifc' ! we i"i-;i wery boiili- on i i.r'r.'..-i;. Kor .a:e by Ks'es- Tomatoes have be. n s-.-af t d upon po-tato-s by a Fr.nch experimi-nter who hybrid plant products tubers ur.di. ground and tomato's above. Tu CCKE A COLD IN OM? DA V. al;e Laxative Urorno Qnlnlne Tablets. A" ruVgSi refund the money If it fall to cure. 2j cen'a The genuine has L. IS. on aih tablet. -,' t ' v 1 V. r k ' ' T i;oug!:t, nml which lias boon luw xrn tho ?;:nutiiro f anl 1m Iwn iiv.ilt nmlcr lilt per tional Mip.'rvIsUm !uco It-i fnf:i:icy. no pun to tli t r'.t o j on hi thU. Signaturo of ni im cit. The feeling between England and Frarce may be epltiimii! in the el. peiience- of a Mr. J.v-kn. of Caen, who says: "As a boy. wsj first for some years at a school In'rirls. I was then ll.ked fr being an Kngllvhman. tter I ws transferred tu a oh ol In F.nR. land, wheri. I km licked f-r being a Frenchman." Pears' No other soap in the world is used so much; or so little of it goes so far. ."I see that Congressman Rotrt of rtah speaks of his three wives as 'moral obligations.' " "Tea." answered the Washington woman, "but so tar as' we-t are concerned they are not moral obli gations to be met." ' No healthy ceraoo'ekd fear any dan. f srboa' consequence ffotn'aa attack of la grippe If properly treated. It la much (h same si a severe cold and requires precisely toe same treatment. Remain quietly at home and take" Cbambcrlaiu's Cough Remedy aa directed for a sever cold and complete recovery la sure to I follow. For aala by Charles Rogers druggist 'More than W p-r ct-nt of the ships of the world are built In the Brltlh Isle. OABTOniA. Bears ti A 1 M ft H3W AJwan bctfi Bigaatani of A .acoma company will S'on hlp !. feet of fur decking to Hamburg. Ormany. LA GFUPPK SUCCr3FLXLY TREATED. "I have recovered from the second attark of la grippe this year." says Mr. James A. Jones, publisher of the Leader, Mexla, Texas. In the latter case I used (Viamberlaln's Cough Remedy, snd I think with considerable sureeHS, only being In bed a little over two days against ten days for the former attack. The second attack I am satisfied would have kx--n equally as bad as the first but for the ue of this remedy, as I had to go to b-d In about six hours after being fruk' with It. while in the first cas I was able to attend to business for about two days before g"!tinu 'down.'" For Kile by Charles !togrs, druggist. The b-t m.'in.ig-d li!r;, . In M nn sola hav rdu.--d t h- ;ot of m mufai t:ir:t.g ;i pound of butt-r to 1 reritH. TO THE PUBLIC. We are authorized to guarantee every bottle of Chamberlain's Cough Il'tinnly rto be as represented and If nt sa-li-.fac lory after two-thirds '-f tbn on:ns hav been used, will r' fund h money to tbn purehas'T. Tli"re ) no letter medicine made for la jrr.ti t.d j whoopil.g cough. I'i i C a: j bottle. Try it 'I :i i J I'.- HOV.' TO vhk: '.NIA. Toa ari) perhiir.a aware in t p: always result from a cji'l or Iv.m a'ti'k of -i B.-li;.-. b'ir.nif t-he demlc of lit jjrir.r.! a U ii ya; ; , so many caeea resiiii-l In i.n-u-.o it wan oliaerved that tlr- am.'! never foilov.e.i by th.-it li.e.-.u,- .. ( 'biin.b'ruiiri'.i f'o'ik'li Ifir.'-'iy '.v.i:-- ! it eo'iriteracl s ai;y I'.-r.'l- .,' j of a ,'. ur la grippe, to result n that 'la n' i -.u s d'..'-aKe. it is the b::.t rir:i-'Jy ,u trie world for bad cobin ami ii Clip-. Ev ry hot He warr;u.t,-d. For s.. 1 - by Charles J'.o'th, ditJK!t. IP'.au.",: of ;!:e v.-ry d-pr".--, In V-. t '.f tri'- co'irt iooi.thi,:; upon bo -in. hi Vi'i.ria. Kmi'iT'T Fra f,g J"S'-f or. b-r"l that f:i-r January IT. wh'-n i!e dered that ufter January III. when t! e 'mpr-.'S is ill i.'nl. all ihe unal puii ean.inil amu: shall be out. ar;bl That hi hiood should perrorm lis vital function. Ii. I.t Hbxnlutely rie.esnn.iry It .' -noiild not only be pure but rich In life, eP inentH. These results are test cffceied by the use of that wel. -known standnid blood purifier, Ayers' riirsnpa-rllla THE RUSSELL Compound Automatic Engine wtAi 'in' i l "i'V ' r.C-.;.t.j.wiii i 1 i mi iiinjimiil iST lSlrviij: mill KtHnioinioivl. Write us for jmrtintltu-s, A. 11. ANKUU.L, Milliliter. Kopp's The North Taoiflo Brewery, of which Mr.Jobn Kopp is proiiriolor, make he r 'or domea'ic anJ ixport trail. wl;l,:4......ft . vr r m - - am v w Horth Pacific Brewerg Commission, Brokerage, nsurance and Shipping. uvn uvvwuvu uwuvwu uv i. viAAAnuriAruvuvvaruuvruAAuiAnjArtp I The IMPERIAL note j THOM. (lUINBAN. Proprietor 3 3 Hovcnth onil KnuHlngton Htst. fiiiMiniiiun .Tin, m 'hrirnfxrwvxnrinnrinnfx r&causxzsiasssronsturs dl. A. sPntri He t-irK 5 General Contractor and Builder Estimator Given on .'Al! Kinds of 'Work. p;st)ffl;iBt Si. 491, THE aSeventh and SHASTA MIXEKAL WATEK. rEI'I'CK. X0IJLE. HICKORY AND SHAW'S MALT VHISKIES. . ALL 0THEK LI010KS, WINES, KEEK AND CIGAKS Served Day nndNlutit. AUGUST KRATZ, - - Mnnajrer MANHOOD tthr srx,cmaae4 by prepal. a Circular Krea Hug Co.. douibutioi I- w,U,r.a u in. WV. ,:wi-A.i,i Mvmlii 11' ft.., h ..f i.. WW '-'' '" ' . iiinro.rJ, lm pote w, loa? ' - '. i'i-.-'" -l '.t . ' ' ' t .inu. tain in Bat, i. It O:- ,,, . t' m. ' . " ' r , ' r ros Or hlllty, ea:i'l,-.rna U il tr.en" "'nrry, net 1 " ,' -i ' "' iii Viif icooala, Of On ,p'i :!., ;, t,uiKt"l '.; ,. t ':,'' ' ,; Hiopa f vouo laiif.l Im c''tt. i ' 1 e"r firtnnlrrV-; t' . ',r. , fc i-JI'-'ii," oi lueurff '-" UX -ni a ty,i. It Is In f.,v -i Hi ii ,i y "t.,r!' s ' ;ir.i oMi-n lo.'.J. HI' Ic he'lni.he a', .Inlelv anil oi-rmu- ii' .-Miy ' ur l hy iiilm; .f .k i T, n. A pli ns .iiit lierh drink. '' ir,lr.:i!..n jikI lrl'ill;i--I.on, iiiiIm yMi : O' fp. vio'k .'if,'! h'.pli. H V !v f ' ! i' :, ;"l ir.,'ii' ,,T ;r,o;.i y r J ' J r ,- Fur : -.'ile I,' !'. --' 'o n lirii" ' ' I 1,1 s , r. t hair. r um-"(m .oii o! Iii-iI "' ro.' l'i, , v i." or. .1 I, i; -in-: Hull s ;:. lilan IP.Ir i: r.. r. (OX, Ver. iio-'tor, ',.'. Hi,, i h ' f r.- i; inarket. Acker's KhKii;. r mi dy will Mop 8 'oiikh at any llim., unl v.1.1 core the :-i:-.: coi'l In 'v'-lt h'-'u oi u.ori'-y T- .'ui.ded. 'i' rents and 'm ciiiIh. For sale by i:ntea-.'onii brtir Co. Florida's pincafipli! ' rup In worth A'.ker's Dyspepsia Tablets are sold on a positive guiran'.'-e. Cures heart bum, ral.flriir of food, dietreits nter .atim? -..nv form of dyspepsia. One 111 tie tablet gives tminedlau relief. 25 and SO cents, for sale by Hates-Conn Drug Co. inraaa. ; I: Ii i.'i !.;- i-.: w.-r,ii., r !, i ' , . j .-hue !h"lr i xpai.i' on. 1. 1 g j. -i 1: :-n. r. si. . n Bes.-t!.1 y'!-"'; . i fjifjr..irs I . ZrA'-i"-'l. I ' j '. I'l.'l I -VI !"!.. f Jul,,!,'. l.'l..M'li nt'SKl.h ifc CO., l'orllmitl, (rogon, "Best" A DELICIOUS DRINK.... AND ABSOLUELY PURE. BoIIIihI Wr tor family use, or log br snrptirtl at any ims dolirtry In lb city frrei. Ctisttom 1 1 011 iao llrokor. ASTORIA, OREGON. Aeul W. f. A Co.. in J rue 1 no Kipre.i IV a Portland, Or, J a v p iAAAanvnvrtAAAAn n vnro House-Moving ' W I 0 . -JV-. iwis tor uciu j Atnrfn . ' Orecrnn m aw v y "v a w Astor Streets RESTORED Bf waliir Or. kawa JiULI - Thla an U.I,. I . a "i.s mvrim rills. LOUVRE tuannlretl locu-e ill asmus dissascs. nuek as Wesk Memory Luaa.5 tain Power. If ea darns, Wakefulness, lust Maahowl, NighUy iimla. aloos, Nervousnraa. all drama. Im of bower In -.-- '. ovsrscrtrm, youlhful errors, neeaajr Uae ot UAaopuimor stilsnta which lead to Infirmity, Coast mat Ion or InaanilT, Can bcearrlarl In m narkx f, m . . aai ha 1nti,m1. l per ho a, 6 ter by mall Aak fortti Iska ao other. sgeata. Toua aad Yambm BuTpurtiao J or s-nr Bala by K8TKH-CONN DIU O en VMM HMMM I . U . . .. . .t.A I . v -4 t4.W,UUJ i . .". ..i t.. vi.,,nyia i. . . i .' t 1, 0. f!,ia ! , 1 ' . i'-i. A '",, , mi. f rua i(ifiC--' ' " - r,,ol,co, Oal. F"' sala 'iv C.iarles Uoaer" D3LANCARDC$ ' IODIDE OP IRON 1: for ANi:.viA,l'0ib,i....Sf,f iiie hi. (Mil). CONS 1 1 H I IONAI. W liAKNI.bS SCUM I I.A, lite. '.imeenililit unless hl;Mei "III.A.s'CAkl, ' A I.J. JI!U I. LISTS , I?. FOI 'iil.U A 4 CO., N. V. Agta. for I) CASTORIA For Infants and Children. 1 i The Kind You Have Always Bought j Boars the Blgnaturo of Astcda Public Library READINO ROOM Fit RE TO ALL. Optn averjr uny from t 0 clock to 6 :M ' P- Subscription rates 13 per annum. w.Bt oor. Eleventh and Duana BtreaU cv aaaiE-: . . affl't I 1 : f. I 1 I'llYHtnAN). i'VirAi.FUKIt KINNICr-Ol'TU'M AT realdeiun, t'nmmerrvUI street, nr Hi (m liiiurs; Morning until 1"; nil nfti'ri'ii.iii 1111III A; evenlnaa iltilll o'llii. k. Ilt. O. 11. rlHTMH, I'll YHK'IAN ANI Hurgi'on. Hneml altiiitlnii to itlneasea of women and surgry, Ottli-s over luiilniT' dlorp, A.lorla, Tel. N. M. I'll, JAV It'lTI.K. I'HVHIi'lAN AM' rtmm'ou. uniio. rooms J nml 0. t ttit.nt 1 1 111 Ul I iter. Mll ('oimitetiiiil nirr.-i, lt'l ileiieii asme, Tili'iOione ft Ailing uiiint inui'"i I'nliiil Hiile murine lioiiini tervlie, MANo.Mi', TKMI'l.tC I .til Mll-l Ni. ?. A !'. WO A M --It. iiuliir cMiuiinii.i mlnin Iu ld on tlm (list and llilr! Tiieu'lny iinf o' eeh Itionih. II V. l.lU'NrtllllllltV, V, M.i K. V. I IOI J 'ION, Hecrotary. AmmNKVll. 1. y. a. nowi.itr. AlTi'ltNKY AND tMI'NHKl.U'lt AT LAW. orhV llond Htre.'t. Astoria. I're. NPOIHTS EAST Through palara and tourist slsspara dining and library obssrvallon ear. Kt.ROANT VR8TIIIUM0 TRAIN No. 4 Limited Isavsa lorllaad at I S No. I Limited arrtvs Portland at ! U a. m For ralsa, ete call or address Agent O. H. A N.. Asorta. A. B. C. DKNNimvj. A.. iWaad. Or. I. K.4VK I liiilll.K lAHUIV'g. Taut MM fer AI"TllreB.' . , .MMillh lrl,.. 1llll, v . 1 (.kiie. Welma. Ilulie.i '0- II . i iii'i''." .I'koI.i til-; ,.,. II. a hi fX)f Nr y.Aji.,,!,,,, I" a. m od all iinu e.l mill, n I MvuUet, No. lo , m. IVrtUiid. Krililr and Tteutii l irr. Iiifi No. a. p III. l.tll,'. Tsrna. I'lr' )li and luleimrdUle IHiliila. Thr days to flt Paul. Omaha. Kn is aty and othw Mu-ourl rtvrr nolnu Ttir and on half dsrs lo Bt. U'Uls J!llwuk and Chl.ago nl ona-nsai aajs io w.., .M. ami nlher Imt ( 11 tiOintS. ef tar ra. the A. l'aMiira taking C It. It. H. meks cli' I oYlock murnlng train will ronnsotlnns at Oubl wMn the sul son4 fast maul. . I nloo aauoi eonnsciions at an inn rtl!-- . . . ....... Ilaggage rnsrasu inrvuan 10 urni- llnn or ttcasta. roc aies(ins! car rwrTaunra, .i , aua ar routes ana otner uuuiana call oo or eddreja . . j. M, Miu, asm, IM CoamarrM sit.. Astoria, or il U CltAItLTOIil. Asatatant Ocnaral Pasesxigar Agnnl. I Mammon Mtraal. i-oriwnu. ur. hTh rough Tickets -TO THkV EAST AND SOUTHEAST -VIA- a ....nais PULLMAN PALACB ILKEPEIIB, TOURlaT LCEPaUUI aaa FRKB RCCUNINO CHAIR CARS -Dally to- Salt Lake, Denver, 0mah3, Chicago Kansas City and othar Raatarn etUaa . taggaga ohaekod through to daattnatlntt, Union IDuta. fjt tiina. low sat ratsa, . f much llarht In all cars. . fintson iiaht in all ram tor rilaa and othsr Information eaJI Tor rilaa ai or ail'lrsaa Q. W. LOUNBBERRT, Agti. O. R. 4 N. (,o. Astoria, Orag in, J M IXJTIinOP. On. Aawnt. I. Third si. cor A War. iVtland. Or I.UIIHICATINO OILS A ArcCIALTV Fisher Brothers ASTOKIA... SIC LI. HHri CMAN'IiMIRT MAItriWAItli lltON ANli 8TKKL COAL liltdi KillKS ANI PllfiVIKKiNM Fl.ol lt AND Mil. I, ! I'i K I J'AINTH. UII.H AMi VAIINIHIII.H l.'','il'.lt fi I'l'l.ll-.H KAIIM'A .I.' H Hl'AI.FS PMilt.H AMI WIM'i'WH A'iltK I'l.i rn.M. I Ml'I.KMKN'TS WailW.NH AM) V : 1 1 1 ( I ,SJ. 1 'I ii" H " 1 -n, i.VH. i S (filir V.'lllhll',!,' II,,,,.,!, 'IIIIIII'M.l. .VIII l,l'C I'.',, 'l III':' illluf I li'l Ilri, i,u I'll'. . It 1.1, I V Zi a albUM ti e. ki-, l:,. ai . ... I i ' I" "''l I'''', ,'!.'., ll.'.t.Mt r- i (A ijj l.ef. Ir. V. I! Ml'.' Iilil' Hi I'll,- I .,, ,. loctit I- 'i'i'i,in"l ror i iii- iii Ihif of lliu ur'np, p;,rti!. iivrv inn! I' la ':irriint",l. i, ilnn it-m. l.y it nil m, i , V lit. ,,( price .Ml e,.i i,, hi ; l.flm. uU.i i i't For sale by KHTF.H-CONN LiflUd CO. rtlf la a nen-rmi-'irinm '"' mil i Im a. Jil'.i, Hpiirmaiiirrln. il, Wlilpa, unnatural ,ia. rliRmi t, ur aiir lolluoioii.. ""'ii, it rltatl'iii nr ul. . r tii, II 'it m it r it ,. . .. I rHcEVAHS CHlMioai Do. I"ali' . Noil aatrliiK' iil l,0lNOII(SII,O.f"J W enBil.(a, lif ripTPM. impalil. fi Jl.w, ur s M., :.,',, Circular aniit ou rMJUaat. OUT f&JJti " lixc I ( j ) ' -9 f JlB 1 la fjrJiTI.J a i -Jf Ontranti4 B , f f Boi m trisiutr. ' ' ' ASTORIA AND COLUMBIA RIVER RAILROAD. Astoria (Dally) Arriva I.aavs -a a-iuiKsnrssa trains ... Via II. Willi ' :. . -tis..aa k riifion. West ,.n, i'lalskaiila. .iliai eiiniisi'tiun al tjoli a nf ,1,. kasl and l'tii Hound iMiinta. 11 Mlini. inula. JWJ.ui1 Astoria, ns"ii- snii ins-mi .. ... .' Hslla i a. as I M A I ! 1 1 I Irs na. via ii arrvnluii .h.i r'lavel. . .1 HI Huii.lsy lluntsrs- sic- U Astoria lo sldaj J, C. MAYO. a r, i. a. WHITE COLLAR LINL tuium.)i Ktvsr and rug! aVun Navt. istliin Compaay. Tlt'hons lava Astoria dally, saaaas) i'i'irfla dallr uada, Aua c"llar Una lirkets Inter- ""I' riavsl, Hai. Ma. winaj !, aad Nebcolta. a. TATifn. Asiurla Agsat. Tal-obans No. U. 0 Tinrt .oii:t!'l :. i ffoiii 1'iirllaiid , litl'Utl Asaivi 'an Uk, rl rui W ith. iimalia liait J,, I t.l.a... .1.4 al Ma t U. Ill . Wella Walla, 'ai H.-.kaua Sloans .,..ii. il l-.ul, y" I'lilalli. Mlii-uee. l07"' ( l.lrAoal j WU fiiiin A.liH IKiliAN trIMtlHA All "alllnj lalc ul i.i l t.i , lians J fill all Mai'" Nli Jan i, V IV l. ts . a in e I e-u ii 'la) Columbia Itlvor MlMtmaia Tu I'urtland and War Landinaa iia rwtUnd WillaaMlla Ifl is an Mo U'Uf i a i, m. U..U. w.4 J ai4 r a a m Tur. 1 lair aed.sal Sa'cm. :Vji. j , I al li. ami a f Ilf a WillaaMlla aaa eaas I ) r, m hill Ultara. Mon W .4 l !rs li II), laltu. a and m, n ) laullii. I t a m riiM.llioe ami sal i i KliaMa ir r - 1, Hi m . I laM tally fl( I I H'U; 5aaa Klr ltlriatt lcai.Ull t i, on -..rt.a,.i ll .Vt t ( ll.V 'II I l hi g, ,:,.,d4, 1 I". V.a.,.,. ..H.,h4.r Pal, , .v w ii I ai. 4 11. a liit n .laiir aiiii rriday. O. W LOCNtHEKHT, agsot AsHorVa, W. H. HURUlUMT. Oas. ra. Agt. raruaa4. Or. LEAVE POHTLAND AHRIVI oyrntuND ex- Itoawburg, aaj.ln3. Marram. nH, Oadao, Haa franc iseo, Ut lfa. Lo) Angalaa, El Paso. Naw or laana and (ha Kami. Rosa burg pasaangar Via Woodbnrn, fr Mount Anial, nib sarion, Waat fclo, P. at V A at N 10 t, at Dally Ssrapt unday Dally as-vt anday ..'"iTinr ppnna Ball and liatloo.T. la.... P A. M Corrallls rstsaangsr (I lo A. M Indayandaiwa pus' tt S A. at m m p. at ,!l,,r mm,P M"fcr. t.onnw tlng at Han Franclai with On. ditaJ a oriant.i, ,.,r,nt, MyVnd c anto sieamahin Unea fi Japan, -"'awa'-j'.hama and lortland, Harramasiin, am) Han Francis, ro Nat r.lo. 7 fliwS-riaisIind IU as. oridlaaw. Jnel-aiin, aip,,.' "na EiVm.7 Bd.,r;l Ka.l.rn points aiM Manaawr y, v A . .V,',', 1? ' i Trn.-har-l local ant Wells V-arsn T'ompany, omrV Astorll? ' WHEN GOING EAST Use a Oral . Inn II,, i (rVellng be tween Mliitianpolla. Bt. pU and Chicago, ami the principal .n, , cmral w,. cunsln. Pullman IMInrs Hleemii. .,,,1 In service. ' -"m Tlio dining nt, rn ,,.,,, . ... Intereat f tia p.itron,. th0 ...! .i..... service rv.r limiigiiratnl. .om.i served ii In carte. To obtain llmt ,-iuan .rrvt,- .i. l.. should rem) via The Wisconsin Central Lines. Hire, t roi,n.. t, ,1( rhicnu i v... wtiiikcn f,,r nil e,irtt,.rn polnia For full inroi,.,M .-an y,lllr rut th ket fii,'i.iii or wtlto JAH, (', I'liND, lletl'-rnl lMi.K.r Ag-flt. or JAH. A CI..ICK. -..U.iuk-a, Wis. 1'Ii'T.ll Ag'-lll, i!H Mtrei-t 1'oitliind, Uro. h."-i,.r., ' '.r 'k'w" fe,-.. Atu. a, '.'., .. Qo East... vH rillllnra and lirlngtn route and you reach Omaha. Kim,,., , ,ty H, j and nil olh-r aoil.r ,, ..'.,.."' eltlea hnir n . ' . " "eiTBj 1p)&Fi oilUo mm ... sjaasa mm "," ,:. mmwr man tmvelara who take any other line earth-the ,turnKt0,, B, Oo east via Ogden ,, Dnver . d rm d",?r,1"r1 BC,"'erjr of h" "" famed the world over a. the moat mag. nlflcent on the continent Tickets at ofn. ei 0f connecting Unas. - C. BIlhlLDON.